
Defines functions wrap.it barplot_ueb

Documented in barplot_ueb

#' A barplot_ueb Function
#' Barplot univariante o bivariante mostrando frecuencias relativas. En el caso
#' del univariante es posible añadir las frecuencias absolutas. Para el análisis
#' bivariante es posible realizar test Chi cuadrado.
#' @param y name factor vector of data values.
#' @param group name factor vector. Default value is NULL.
#' @param frml Right side of ~ must have the terms in an additive way, and left side of ~ must contain the name of the grouping variable or can be left in blank (in this latter case descriptives for whole sample are calculated and no test is performed).
#' @param dat matrix or data frame containing the variables in the formula.
#' @param title.plot a main title for the plot
#' @param sub.plot a sub title for the plot
#' @param cex.lab expansion factor for axis names (bar labels). (size x labels)
#' @param cex.lg expansion factor for legend names (size legend)
#' @param cex.main expansion factor for main names (size main)
#' @param cex.n expansion factor for size n
#' @param show.lg TRUE o FALSE indica si se muestra la leyenda. Por defecto FALSE.
#' @param title.leg TRUE o FALSE indica si se muestra el titulo de la leyenda. Por defecto FALSE.
#' @param show.freq TRUE o FALSE indica si se muestran las frecuencias. Por defecto TRUE
#' @param do.test logical value si se quiere realizar test Chi cuadrado SIN corrección de yates.
#' @param las numeric in {0,1,2,3}; the style of axis labels. 0: always parallel to the axis [default],
#' 1: always horizontal, 2:always perpendicular to the axis, 3: always vertical.
#' @param ylab a title for the y axis
#' @export barplot_ueb
#' @author Miriam Mota \email{mmota.foix@@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(sex = factor(c(sample(c('Male Male', 'Female Female'), 500, replace = TRUE, prob = c(.2,.8) ),
#' sample(c('Male Male', 'Female Female'), 500, replace = TRUE, prob = c(.4,.6) ))),
#' grup =  factor(c( rep('Casos', 500),rep('Control', 500)  )))
#' barplot_ueb(y = "grup", dat = df)
#' barplot_ueb(y = "sex",group = "grup", dat = df, cex.lab = 0.8, do.test = TRUE)
#' # El mateix cridant la funció amb formula
#' barplot_ueb(frml = ~ sex, dat = df)
#' barplot_ueb(frml =  grup ~ sex, dat = df, cex.lab = 0.8, do.test = TRUE)

#' @keywords plots descriptive barplot

barplot_ueb <- function(y, group = NULL,
                        frml =NULL,
                        las = 0,
                        title.plot = NULL,
                        sub.plot = NULL,
                        cex.lab = 1,
                        cex.main = 1,
                        cex.lg = 1,
                        cex.n = 0.8,
                        ylab = "",
                        title.lg = FALSE,
                        do.test = FALSE,
                        show.lg = FALSE,
                        show.freq = TRUE,
                        max.levs = 10)  {
  ## en el cas de que hi hagi formula seleccionem el grup i la y
  if (!is.null(frml)) {
    y <- rhs.vars(frml)
    if (!is.null(lhs.vars(frml))) {group <- lhs.vars(frml)}

  if (is.null(title.plot))     title.plot <- ifelse(Hmisc::label(dat[,y]) == "", y, Hmisc::label(dat[,y]))

  ## descriptiu univariat
  if (is.null(group)) {
    parmar <- c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)
  } else {
    parmar <- c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 7.1)
    label_group <- Hmisc::label(dat[,group])
    if (!is.factor(dat[, group]))  dat[, group] <- as.factor(as.character(dat[, group]))
    if (any(table(dat[,group]) == 0 ) ) {
      lbg <- Hmisc::label(dat[,group])
      if (is.factor(dat[,group])) dat[,group] <- droplevels(dat[,group])
      message("Some levels of ", group, " are removed since no observation in that/those levels")
      Hmisc::label(dat[,group]) <- lbg

  if (length(levels(dat[,y])) > max.levs) {
    warning(paste("Revisar niveles de la variable", y))

  if (is.null(group)) {
    if (show.lg) {
      parmar <- c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 7.1)

    op <- par(mar = parmar, xpd = TRUE)
    col.lev <- gg_color(length(levels(dat[, y])))
    tab2bar <- prop.table(table(dat[, y])) * 100
    aa <- barplot(tab2bar, xlab = "", ylab = "%",
                  main = strwrap(title.plot,width = 40) ,
                  sub = ifelse(is.null(sub.plot), "", sub.plot),
                  col = col.lev, ylim = c(0, max(tab2bar) + 6.5),
                  las = las, cex.names = cex.lab,
                  cex.main = cex.main,
                  names.arg = wrap.it(levels(dat[,y]),10)  )
    mtext(paste0("n = ", sum(complete.cases(dat[,y]))),side = 3, adj = 1,
          cex = cex.n)
    if (show.freq)
      try(text(aa, tab2bar + 4, labels = table(dat[, y]), cex = 0.8))
    if (show.lg) {
      legend(length(levels(dat[, y])) + 0.7, (max(tab2bar, na.rm = T) * 0.4),
             inset = c(-0.25, 0),
             legend = levels(dat[, y]),
             bg = "white",
             fill = col.lev, cex = cex.lg,
             yjust = 0, title = wrap.it(y,10) )

    ## descriptiu bivariat
  } else {
    if (any(table(dat[,y]) == 0 ) ) {
      lb <- Hmisc::label(dat[,y])
      if (is.factor(dat[,y])) dat[,y] <- droplevels(dat[,y])
      message("Some levels of ", y, " are removed since no observation in that/those levels")
      Hmisc::label(dat[,y]) <- lb

    op <- par(mar = parmar, xpd = TRUE)

    col.lev <- gg_color(length(levels(dat[, y])))
    tab2bar <- prop.table(table(dat[, y], dat[, group]), 2) * 100
    aa <- barplot(tab2bar,
                  xlab = ifelse(label_group == "", group, label_group),
                  ylab = "%", main = strwrap(title.plot,width = 40),
                  sub = ifelse(is.null(sub.plot), "", sub.plot),
                  col = col.lev, las = las,
                  cex.names = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main,
                  names = wrap.it(levels(dat[,group]),10))

    legend(length(levels(dat[, group])) + 0.7, 50, inset = c(-0.25, 0),
           # legend = wrap.it(levels(dat[, y]),10),
           legend = levels(dat[, y]),
           bg = "white",
           fill = col.lev,
           cex = cex.lg, yjust = 0.5,
           # title = ifelse(title.lg, wrap.it(title.plot,7), ""))  ## ajustar llegenda y
            title = ifelse(title.lg, title.plot, ""))  ## ajustar llegenda y
    mtext(paste0("n = ",nrow(na.omit(dat[,c(group,y)]))),side = 3, adj = 1,
          cex = cex.n)
    if (do.test) {
      if (any(table(dat[, y], dat[, group]) < 5)) {
        fishpval <- fisher.test(dat[, y], dat[, group])$p.val
        mtext(paste("Fisher p-value: ", ifelse( round(fishpval,3) < 0.001, "<0.001", round(fishpval,3) ) ) ,
              adj = 0, side = 3,cex = 0.6)
        Chipval <- chisq.test(dat[, y], dat[, group], correct = F)$p.val
        mtext(paste("Chi p-value: ", ifelse( round(Chipval,3) < 0.001, "<0.001", round(Chipval,3) ) ) ,
              adj = 0, side = 3,cex = 0.6)



wrap.it <- function(x, len)
  sapply(x, function(y) paste(strwrap(y, len),
                              collapse = "\n"),
         USE.NAMES = FALSE)
miriamMota/mmotaF documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 4 a.m.