
#' Split a fasta formatted file.
#' The function splits a fasta formatted file to a defined number of smaller .fasta files for further processing.
#' @param path_in A path to the .FASTA formatted file that is to be processed
#' @param path_out A path where the resulting .FASTA formatted files should be stored. The path should also contain the prefix name of the fasta files on which _n (integer from 1 to number of fasta files generated) will be appended along with the extension ".fa"
#' @param num_seq Integer defining the number of sequences to be in each resulting .fasta file. Defaults to 20000.
#' @param trim Logical, should the sequences be trimmed to 4000 amino acids to bypass the CBS server restrictions. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param trunc Integer, truncate the sequences to this length. First 1:trunc amino acids will be kept.
#' @param id Logical, should the protein id's be returned. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return if id = FALSE, A Character vector of the paths to the resulting .FASTA formatted files.
#' if id = TRUE, A list with two elements:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{id}{Character, protein identifiers.}
#'   \item{file_list}{Character, paths to the resulting .FASTA formatted files.}
#'   }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(ragp)
#' #create a fasta file to be processed, not needed if the input file is already present
#' data(at_nsp)
#' library(seqinr)
#' write.fasta(sequence = strsplit(at_nsp$sequence, ""),
#'             name = at_nsp$Transcript.id,
#'             file = "at_nsp.fasta")
#' #assumes input/output file are in working directory:
#' file_paths <- split_fasta(path_in = "at_nsp.fasta",
#'                           path_out = "at_nsp_split",
#'                           num_seq = 500)
#' }
#' @import seqinr
#' @export

split_fasta <- function (path_in,
                         num_seq = 20000,
                         trim = FALSE,
                         trunc = NULL,
                         id = FALSE){
  if (!file.exists(path_in)) {
    stop("cannot find file in the specified path_in")
  if (missing(num_seq)) {
    num_seq <- 20000
  if (length(num_seq) > 1) {
    num_seq <- 20000
    warning("num_seq should be of length 1, setting to default: num_seq = 20000")
  if (!is.numeric(num_seq)) {
    num_seq <- as.numeric(num_seq)
    warning("num_seq is not numeric, converting using 'as.numeric'")
  if (is.na(num_seq)) {
    num_seq <- 20000
    warning("num_seq was set to NA, setting to default: num_seq = 20000")
  if (is.numeric(num_seq)) {
    num_seq <- floor(num_seq)
  if (!missing(trunc)) {
    if (length(trunc) > 1) {
      stop("trunc should be of length 1.")
    if (!is.numeric(trunc)) {
      stop("trunc is not numeric.")
    if (is.na(trunc)) {
      stop("trunc was set to NA.")
    if (is.numeric(trunc)) {
      trunc <- floor(trunc)
    if (trunc < 0) {
      stop("trunc was set to a negative number.")
    if (trunc == 0) {
      trunc <- 1000000L
  if (missing(trim)) {
    trim <- FALSE
  if (length(trim) > 1) {
    trim <- FALSE
    warning("trim should be of length 1, setting to default: trim = FALSE")
  if (!is.logical(trim)) {
    trim <- as.logical(trim)
    warning("trim is not logical, converting using 'as.logical'")
  if (is.na(trim)) {
    trim <- FALSE
    warning("trim was set to NA, setting to default: trim = FALSE")
  if (missing(id)) {
    id <- FALSE
  if (length(id) > 1) {
    id <- FALSE
    warning("id should be of length 1, setting to default: id = FALSE")
  if (!is.logical(id)) {
    id <- as.logical(id)
    warning("id is not logical, converting using 'as.logical'")
  if (is.na(id)) {
    id <- FALSE
    warning("id was set to NA, setting to default: id = FALSE")
  temp_file <- seqinr::read.fasta(file = path_in, seqtype = "AA")
  name <- names(temp_file)
  if(length(name) != length(unique(name))){
    stop("There are duplicated sequence names. Please change them so all are unique")
  if(!all(name == make.names(name))){
    warning("Sequence names contain special characters, this can cause problems in downstream functions.")
  if (!missing(trunc)) {
    temp_file <- lapply(temp_file, function(x) {
      len <- length(x)
      if (len > trunc) {
        out <- x[1:trunc]
      else {
        out <- x
  if (trim == TRUE && missing(trunc)) {
    temp_file <- lapply(temp_file, function(x) {
      len <- length(x)
      if (len > 4000) {
        out <- x[1:4000]
      else {
        out <- x
  len <- length(temp_file)
  splt <- num_seq
  pam <- ((seq(len) - 1)%/%splt) + 1
  m_split <- split(temp_file, pam)
  file_list <- vector("character", length(m_split))
  for (i in 1:length(m_split)) {
    seqinr::write.fasta(sequences = m_split[[i]], names = names(m_split[[i]]),
                        file.out = paste(path_out, i, ".fa", sep = ""))
    file_list[i] <- paste(path_out, i, ".fa", sep = "")
    return(list(id = name,
                file_list = file_list))
  } else {
missuse/ragp documentation built on Jan. 4, 2022, 10:49 a.m.