
Defines functions cameraWrapper savetable writeStatus

Documented in cameraWrapper savetable writeStatus

#' writeStatus
#' Write or update a status dataframe with custom messages, time stamp and 
#' time elapsed since last status. Useful to document time consumed by analysis 
#' steps.
#' @param previous a \code{writeStatus} object to be updated (must have same 
#' column names):  new object generated if NULL.
#' @param message named list of columns with elements \code{Status} 
#' and \code{Details}, specifying the progress message for thsi step
#' @param wd directory where the status.csv file should be written and 
#' updated. If NULL, no status.csv is written.
#' @return returns a \code{writeStatus} object, see \code{Details} and writes to 
#' a \code{status.csv} file in \code{wd}
#' @details A \code{writeStatus} object is a named list with two elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{pt}{current \code{\link[base]{proc.time}()}},
#' \item{status}{A data.frame with progress messages in rows, and these columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{Time} time stamp of analysis step
#' \item \code{Status} status message/ analysis step
#' \item \code{Details} details on analysis step
#' \item \code{elapsed_time} total elapsed time
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' @examples 
#' status <- writeStatus(previous = NULL,
#'             message = list(Status = "Starting analysis",
#'                            Details = "loading files"
#'                           ),
#'            wd = getwd())
#' status <- writeStatus(previous = status,
#'             message = list(Status = "Running analysis",
#'                            Details = "detecting features"
#'                           ),
#'            wd = getwd())
#' @export
writeStatus <- function(previous = NULL,
                        message = list(Status = "Starting analysis",
                                       Details = "loading files"
                        wd = getwd()
    history <- data.frame(Time = strftime(Sys.time(),"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"),
                          Status = message$Status,
                          Details = message$Details,
                          elapsed_time = 0,
                          stringsAsFactors = F
    for(i in names(message)){
      history[[i]] <- as.character(message[[i]])
    pt1 <- proc.time()
    write.csv(history,file = file.path(wd,"status.csv"))}
    res <- list(pt = pt1,
              status = history)
    class(res) <- "writeStatus"
  #If there is a previous input, update the status
  pt1 <- proc.time() - previous$pt
  previous$status[1,"elapsed_time"] <- pt1[3]
  pt1 <- proc.time()
  history <- rbind(data.frame(Time = strftime(Sys.time(),"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"),
                             Status = message$Status,
                             Details = message$Details,
                             elapsed_time = 0,
                             stringsAsFactors = F
  write.csv(history,file = file.path(wd,"status.csv"))
  res <- list(pt = pt1,
              status = history)
  class(res) <- "writeStatus"

#' savetable
#' Save a peakTable from an xcms::XCMSnExp, xcms::xcmsSet or xcms::xsAnnotate
#'  object, and also keep track of analysis status via internal calls to 
#'  \code{\link{writeStatus}()}.
#' @return Returns a \code{writeStatus} object, writes to \code{status.csv} 
#'  file as well as other .csv files (with processed or unprocessed peakTables) 
#'  in current working directory.
#' @param xset an xcms::XCMSnExp, xcms::xcmsSet or xcms::xsAnnotate object from 
#' which to extract the peaklist
#' @param importResultsFrom if an MseekFT object is supplied here, will import Mseek intensities
#' and other post-processing results if appropriate (same feature definitions,
#'  same files, same intensities)
#' @param filename filename to use when writing the csv file (including file 
#' extension). "_filled" will be added for filled data.
#' @param bparams BBPARAMs (BiocParallel::BiocParallelParam object with 
#' parameters for parallel computing used in fill peaks)
#' @param intensities list of parameters for Mseek EIC intensity extraction 
#' (for each feature in the peaklist). ppm: mz window, rtw: rt window 
#' (+/- seconds), rtrange: if TRUE, rtw extends from rtmin and rtmax, 
#' if FALSE rtw centers around value in column rt, areaMode: if TRUE, get peak areas instead of mean intensities
#'  Not performed if intensities = NULL.
#' @param rawdata named list of xcmsRaw objects (as returned by
#'  Mseek::loadRawM), required for Mseek EIC intensity extraction which 
#'  is not performed if NULL.
#' @param saveR save the xset object as .Rds file
#' @param postProc list of SOME arguments passed to \code{\link{analyzeTable}()}
#'  for post processing, or NULL to skip processing. 
#'  TODO: transisiton to do.call solution for postProc and document
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam
#' @export
savetable <- function(xset,
                      importResultsFrom = NULL,
                      filename = "tableoutxx",
                      bparams = SerialParam(),
                      intensities = list(ppm = 5,
                                         rtw = 5,
                                         rtrange = TRUE,
                                         areaMode = FALSE),
                      rawdata = NULL,
                      saveR = T,
                      postProc = NULL){

    grouptable <- NULL
        if(is.null(intensities) || is.null(rawdata)){
            #remove the __XIC in column names if no MseekIntensiy requested
            postProc$fileGrouping <- lapply(postProc$fileGrouping,gsub, pattern = "__XIC",replacement = "")
            #additional handling to make sure xcms column names are correct
            #add an X to the beginning of  the column name if it begins with a number
            postProc$fileGrouping <- lapply(postProc$fileGrouping,function(x){
                                            sel <- grepl(x, pattern = "^[0:9]")
                                                x[sel] <- paste0("X", x[sel])
            #replace dashes by dots
            postProc$fileGrouping <- lapply(postProc$fileGrouping,gsub, pattern = "-",replacement = ".")
            grouptable <- data.frame(Column = unlist(postProc$fileGrouping),
                                     Group = unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(postProc$fileGrouping)),
                                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    tb_mskFT <- buildMseekFT(object = xset,
                             anagrouptable = grouptable,
                             tablename = paste0(filename,"_unprocessed"),
                             editable = F,
                             processHistory = NULL)
    if(!is.null(intensities) & !is.null(rawdata)){
       tb_mskFT <- getMseekIntensities(tb_mskFT, rawdata, importFrom = importResultsFrom,
                                        adjustedRT = hasAdjustedRtime(tb_mskFT),
                                        ppm = intensities$ppm, 
                                        rtrange = intensities$rtrange, 
                                        rtw = intensities$rtw,
                                       areaMode = intensities$areaMode)
            tb_mskFT <- getMseekIntensities(tb_mskFT, rawdata, importFrom = importResultsFrom,
                                            adjustedRT = FALSE, ppm = intensities$ppm, 
                                            rtrange = intensities$rtrange, 
                                            rtw = intensities$rtw,
                                            areaMode = intensities$areaMode)
    #set NAs to 0 (mostly important if !fill)
    tb_mskFT <- removeNAs(tb_mskFT)
        saveMseekFT(tb_mskFT, file = tb_mskFT$tablename, 
                    writeCSV = TRUE, writeRDS = TRUE)

        if(saveR){saveRDS(xset,file = paste0(filename,"_xset.Rds"))}
            tb_mskFT <- analyzeFT(object = tb_mskFT,
                                  MSData = rawdata,
                                  param = FTAnalysisParam(
                                      intensities = unname(unlist(postProc$fileGrouping)),
                                      groups = postProc$fileGrouping,
                                      analyze = c(postProc$analysesSelected,postProc$analysesSelected2), 
                                      normalize = postProc$normalize,
                                      useNormalized = postProc$useNormalized,
                                      normalizationFactors = postProc$normalizationFactors,
                                      zeroReplacement = postProc$zeroReplacement,
                                      replaceNAs = postProc$replaceNAs,
                                      logNormalized = postProc$logNormalized,
                                      ppm = if(!is.null(postProc$ppm)){postProc$ppm}else{5},
                                      controlGroup = postProc$controlGroups,
                                      numClusters = postProc$numClusters,
                                      mzMatchParam = list(db = postProc$dbselected,
                                                          ppm = if(!is.null(postProc$ppm)){postProc$ppm}else{5},
                                                          mzdiff = if(!is.null(postProc$ppm)){postProc$ppm*1e-6*200}else{5*1e-6*200}),
                                      workers = bparams$workers))

            #reflect in filename that this is now processed...
            tb_mskFT <- rename(tb_mskFT, filename)
            # write.csv(tb, file = filename)
            saveMseekFT(tb_mskFT, file = paste0(filename), 
                        writeCSV = TRUE, writeRDS = TRUE)

#' cameraWrapper
#' converts a \code{XCMSnExp} object to \code{xcmsSet}, then consecutively calls
#' \code{xsAnnotate}, \code{groupFWHM}, \code{groupCorr}, \code{findIsotopes} and 
#' \code{findAdducts} from the \code{CAMERA} package, and finally adds an entry to
#' its \code{.processHistory} slot.
#' @param xset a \code{XCMSnExp} object 
#' @param workers number of workers, passed on to \code{\link[CAMERA]{xsAnnotate}()}
#' (as \code{nSlaves})
#' @param polarity passed on to \code{\link[CAMERA]{xsAnnotate}()} and 
#' \code{\link[CAMERA]{findAdducts}()}
#' @param sigma passed on to \code{\link[CAMERA]{groupFWHM}()}
#' @param perfwhm passed on to \code{\link[CAMERA]{groupFWHM}()}
#' @param cor_eic_th passed on to \code{\link[CAMERA]{groupCorr}()}
#' @param pval passed on to \code{\link[CAMERA]{groupCorr}()}
#' @param maxcharge passed on to \code{\link[CAMERA]{findIsotopes}()}
#' @param maxiso passed on to \code{\link[CAMERA]{findIsotopes}()}
#' @param ppm passed on to \code{\link[CAMERA]{findIsotopes}()} and 
#' \code{\link[CAMERA]{findAdducts}()}
#' @param mzabs passed on to \code{\link[CAMERA]{findIsotopes}()} and 
#' \code{\link[CAMERA]{findAdducts}()}
#' @param minfrac passed on to \code{\link[CAMERA]{findIsotopes}()}
#' @param filter passed on to \code{\link[CAMERA]{findIsotopes}()}
#' @return an \code{xsAnnotate} object
#' @export
cameraWrapper <- function(xset,
                          polarity = NULL,
                          sigma = 6, perfwhm = 0.6,
                          cor_eic_th = 0.75, pval = 0.05,
                          maxcharge = 3, maxiso = 4,
                          ppm = 5, mzabs = 0.01,
                          minfrac = 0.5, filter = TRUE,
                          workers = 1){
    allargs <- as.list(environment())
    params <- xcms::GenericParam(fun = "cameraWrapper",
                                 args = allargs[names(allargs) != "xset"])

an   <- CAMERA::xsAnnotate(as(xset, "xcmsSet"),
                   nSlaves = workers,
                   polarity = polarity)###CHANGE POLARITY

an <- CAMERA::groupFWHM(an,
                sigma = sigma,
                perfwhm = perfwhm ) # peakwidth at FWHM is about 2.335*sigma, sigma factor should correspond to what max rt difference can be for features to be grouped.
#verify grouping
an <- CAMERA::groupCorr(an,
                cor_eic_th = cor_eic_th,
                pval = pval)

an <- CAMERA::findIsotopes(an,
                   maxcharge = maxcharge,
                   maxiso = maxiso,
                   ppm = ppm,
                   mzabs = mzabs,
                   minfrac = max(0.001,minfrac), #minFrac of 0 throws error otherwise
                   filter = filter)
an <- CAMERA::findAdducts(an,
                  ppm = ppm,
                  mzabs = mzabs,
                  polarity= polarity)


an <- addProcessHistory(an, xcms:::XProcessHistory(info = "Converted to CAMERA::xsAnnotate, analyzed with Metaboseek::cameraWrapper",
                                            param = params))


mjhelf/Mosaic documentation built on April 28, 2022, 11:32 a.m.