
Defines functions feature_selection

Documented in feature_selection

                         "predict"))         # Keep 'predict' as a global variable. It appears both in 'stats' and 'glmnet' however I can not specify 'predict.cv.glmnet' because the function does not appear in the >= 3.0.0 version of the package (I receive an error otherwise)

#' Feature selection
#' This function uses three different methods (glmnet, xgboost, ranger) in order to select important features.
#' @param X a sparse Matrix, a matrix or a data frame
#' @param y a vector of length representing the response variable
#' @param method one of 'glmnet-lasso', 'xgboost', 'ranger'
#' @param params_glmnet a list of parameters for the glmnet model
#' @param params_xgboost a list of parameters for the xgboost model
#' @param params_ranger a list of parameters for the ranger model
#' @param xgb_sort sort the xgboost features by "Gain", "Cover" or "Frequency" ( defaults to "Frequency")
#' @param CV_folds a number specifying the number of folds for cross validation
#' @param stratified_regr a boolean determining if the folds in regression should be stratified
#' @param scale_coefs_glmnet if TRUE, less important coefficients will be smaller than the more important ones (ranking/plotting by magnitude possible)
#' @param cores_glmnet an integer determining the number of cores to register in glmnet
#' @param verbose outputs info
#' @return a data frame with the most important features
#' @author Lampros Mouselimis
#' @details
#' This function returns the important features using one of the glmnet, xgboost or ranger algorithms. The glmnet algorithm can take either a sparse matrix, a matrix or a data frame
#' and returns a data frame with non zero coefficients. The xgboost algorithm can take either a sparse matrix, a matrix or a data frame and returns the importance of the features in form
#' of a data frame, furthermore it is possible to sort the features using one of the "Gain", "Cover" or "Frequency" methods. The ranger algorithm can take either a matrix or a data frame
#' and returns the important features using one of the 'impurity' or 'permutation' methods.
#' @export
#' @importFrom glmnet cv.glmnet
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarize summarize_each funs n
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom xgboost xgb.DMatrix xgb.train xgb.importance
#' @importFrom ranger ranger
#' @importFrom stats as.formula
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums Matrix
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #...........
#' # regression
#' #...........
#' data(iris)
#' X = iris[, -5]
#' y = X[, 1]
#' X = X[, -1]
#' params_glmnet = list(alpha = 1,
#'                      family = 'gaussian',
#'                      nfolds = 3,
#'                      parallel = TRUE)
#' res = feature_selection(X,
#'                         y,
#'                         method = 'glmnet-lasso',
#'                         params_glmnet = params_glmnet,
#'                         CV_folds = 5,
#'                         cores_glmnet = 5)
#' #......................
#' # binary classification
#' #......................
#' y = iris[, 5]
#' y = as.character(y)
#' y[y == 'setosa'] = 'virginica'
#' X = iris[, -5]
#' params_ranger = list(write.forest = TRUE,
#'                      probability = TRUE,
#'                      num.threads = 6,
#'                      num.trees = 50,
#'                      verbose = FALSE,
#'                      classification = TRUE,
#'                      mtry = 2,
#'                      min.node.size = 5,
#'                      importance = 'impurity')
#' res = feature_selection(X,
#'                         y,
#'                         method = 'ranger',
#'                         params_ranger = params_ranger,
#'                          CV_folds = 5)
#' #..........................
#' # multiclass classification
#' #..........................
#' y = iris[, 5]
#' multiclass_xgboost = ifelse(y == 'setosa', 0, ifelse(y == 'virginica', 1, 2))
#' X = iris[, -5]
#' params_xgboost = list(params = list("objective" = "multi:softprob",
#'                                     "bst:eta" = 0.35,
#'                                     "subsample" = 0.65,
#'                                      "num_class" = 3,
#'                                      "max_depth" = 6,
#'                                      "colsample_bytree" = 0.65,
#'                                      "nthread" = 2),
#'                         nrounds = 50,
#'                          print.every.n = 50,
#'                          verbose = 0,
#'                          maximize = FALSE)
#' res = feature_selection(X,
#'                         multiclass_xgboost,
#'                         method = 'xgboost',
#'                         params_xgboost = params_xgboost,
#'                         CV_folds = 5)
#' }

feature_selection = function(X, y, method = NULL, params_glmnet = NULL, params_xgboost = NULL, params_ranger = NULL, xgb_sort = NULL, CV_folds = 5, stratified_regr = FALSE,

                             scale_coefs_glmnet = FALSE, cores_glmnet = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {

  if (is.null(method)) stop("use method = .. to select one of the available methods : xgboost, glmnet-lasso, ranger")
  if (CV_folds < 1) stop("CV_folds should be >= 1")

  if (method == 'glmnet-lasso' && CV_folds == 1) {

    if (verbose) {
      cat('=====================================================================', '\n')
      cat('glmnet feature selection, starts...', '\n')
      cat('=====================================================================', '\n')

    if (params_glmnet$family == 'binomial' || params_glmnet$family == 'multinomial') {

      y = as.factor(y)

    isna = as.vector(Matrix::colSums(is.na(X)))                                                                                # replace the NA-values of each column with the median

    if (sum(isna) > 0) {

      if (verbose) {
        cat('Missing values present in glmnet-lasso. They will be replaced with the median.', '\n')

      X = func_replace_NAs(X, which(isna > 0))

    Feature = colnames(X)

    if (is.data.frame(X)) {

      X <- as.matrix(X)

    else if (is.matrix(X) || (inherits(X, 'dgCMatrix'))) {

      X = X

    else {

      stop(simpleError("X must be either a data.frame or a (sparse-) matrix"))

    # scale the explanatory variables as explained here : http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/14853/variable-importance-from-glmnet
    # [ exclude from scaling those predictors that have less than 2 unique values, OTHERWISE error ]
    if (scale_coefs_glmnet) X[, -which(as.vector(apply(X, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)))) < 2)] = scale(X[, -which(as.vector(apply(X, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)))) < 2)])

    params_glmnet[['x']] = X
    params_glmnet[['y']] = y
    if (scale_coefs_glmnet) params_glmnet[['standardize']] = FALSE    # after using scale() ensure that the variables won't be standardized prior to fitting the model

    cv = do.call(glmnet::cv.glmnet, params_glmnet)

    pr = predict(cv, type = 'coefficients', s = cv$lambda.min)

    if (is.factor(y)) {                    # in case of classification glmnet returns importance in form of a sparse matrix

      if (length(unique(y)) == 2) {        # in case of binary-classification it returns a single column

        df1 = as.matrix(pr)[-1, ]
        df1 = data.frame(features = names(df1), importance = as.vector(df1))

        if (scale_coefs_glmnet) {
          df1[, 2] = abs(df1[, 2])
          df1 = df1[order(df1[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]

      if (length(unique(y)) > 2) {                                                                   # in case of multiclass classification it returns a sparse matrix for each class separately

        df1 = do.call(rbind, lapply(pr, function(x) as.matrix(x)[-1, ]))
        df1 = colMeans(df1)

        if (any(df1 == 0.0)) {

          df1 = df1[-which(df1 == 0L)]                                                               # remove zero-coefficient predictors

        df1 = data.frame(features = names(df1), importance = as.vector(df1))
        if (scale_coefs_glmnet) {
          df1[, 2] = abs(df1[, 2])                                                                   # after scaling, I take the absolute value in order to plot the important features [ this because many of them have high negative values -- meaning high impact on the response ]
          df1 = df1[order(df1[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]

    else {

      df = data.frame(Feature, coefficients = pr[2:length(pr)], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

      df1 = subset(df, df[,2] != 0)
      if (scale_coefs_glmnet) {
        df1[, 2] = abs(df1[, 2])
        df1 = df1[order(df1[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]


  else if (method == 'glmnet-lasso' && CV_folds > 1) {

    if (params_glmnet$parallel && !is.null(cores_glmnet)) {

      if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
        doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = cores_glmnet)

      if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
        cl = parallel::makePSOCKcluster(cores_glmnet)
        doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl = cl)            # compared to unix, ".. if not specified, on Windows a three worker cluster is created and used .." [ see also: https://stackoverflow.com/a/45122448/8302386 ]

    if (verbose) {
      cat('=====================================================================', '\n')
      cat('glmnet feature selection, starts...', '\n')
      cat('=====================================================================', '\n')

    if (params_glmnet$family == 'binomial' || params_glmnet$family == 'multinomial') {

      y = as.factor(y)

    if (is.factor(y)) {

      folds = class_folds(CV_folds, y, shuffle = TRUE)

    else {

      folds = regr_folds(CV_folds, y, stratified = stratified_regr)

    get_all_feat = list()

    for (i in 1:CV_folds) {

      if (verbose) {
        cat('--------------------------------------------------------------------', '\n')
        cat('Fold ', i, '\n')
        cat('--------------------------------------------------------------------', '\n')

      X_folds = X[unlist(folds[-i]), ]
      y_folds = y[unlist(folds[-i])]

      isna = as.vector(Matrix::colSums(is.na(X_folds)))                                                # replace the NA-values of each column with the median

      if (sum(isna) > 0) {

        if (verbose) {
          cat('Missing values present in glmnet-lasso. They will be replaced with the median.', '\n')

        X_folds = func_replace_NAs(X_folds, which(isna > 0))

      Feature = colnames(X_folds)

      if (is.data.frame(X_folds)) {

        X_folds <- as.matrix(X_folds)

      else if (is.matrix(X_folds) || (inherits(X, 'dgCMatrix'))) {

        X_folds = X_folds

      else {

        stop(simpleError("X must be either a data.frame or a (sparse-) matrix"))

      # scale the explanatory variables as explained here : http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/14853/variable-importance-from-glmnet
      # [ exclude from scaling those predictors that have less than 2 unique values, OTHERWISE error ]
      if (scale_coefs_glmnet) X_folds[, -which(as.vector(apply(X_folds, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)))) < 2)] = scale(X_folds[, -which(as.vector(apply(X_folds, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)))) < 2)])

      params_glmnet[['x']] = X_folds
      params_glmnet[['y']] = y_folds
      if (scale_coefs_glmnet) params_glmnet[['standardize']] = FALSE       # after using scale() ensure that the variables won't be standardized prior to fitting the model

      cv = do.call(glmnet::cv.glmnet, params_glmnet)

      pr = predict(cv, type = 'coefficients', s = cv$lambda.min)

      if (is.factor(y)) {                                                  # in case of classification glmnet returns importance in form of a sparse matrix

        if (length(unique(y)) == 2) {                                      # in case of binary-classification it returns a single column

          get_all_feat[[i]] = as.matrix(pr)[-1, ]

        if (length(unique(y)) > 2) {                                       # in case of multiclass classification it returns a sparse matrix for each class separately

          get_all_feat[[i]] = do.call(rbind, lapply(pr, function(x) as.matrix(x)[-1, ]))


      else {

        df = data.frame(Feature, coefficients = pr[2:length(pr)], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

        df1 = subset(df, df[,2] != 0)

        get_all_feat[[i]] = df1


    if (is.factor(y)) {

      if (length(unique(y)) == 2) {

        tbl_x = colMeans(data.frame(do.call(rbind, get_all_feat)))
        tbl_x = data.frame(features = names(tbl_x), importance = as.vector(tbl_x))
        if (scale_coefs_glmnet) {
          tbl_x[, 2] = abs(tbl_x[, 2])
          tbl_x = tbl_x[order(tbl_x[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]

      if (length(unique(y)) > 2) {

        df1 = data.frame(add_probs_dfs(get_all_feat), row.names = rownames(get_all_feat[[1]]))
        df1 = colMeans(df1)

        if (any(df1 == 0.0)) {

          df1 = df1[-which(df1 == 0L)]                      # remove zero-coefficient predictors

        tbl_x = data.frame(features = names(df1), importance = as.vector(df1))
        if (scale_coefs_glmnet) {
          tbl_x[, 2] = abs(tbl_x[, 2])                          # after scaling, I take the absolute value in order to plot the important features [ this because many of them have high negative values -- meaning high impact on the response ]
          tbl_x = tbl_x[order(tbl_x[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]

    else {

      all_feat = data.frame(do.call('rbind', get_all_feat))

      tbl_x = data.frame(all_feat %>% dplyr::group_by(.data$Feature) %>% dplyr::summarize(coefficients = mean(.data$coefficients, na.rm = TRUE), Frequency = dplyr::n()))       # for ".data" see: https://community.rstudio.com/t/how-to-solve-no-visible-binding-for-global-variable-note/28887/3
      if (scale_coefs_glmnet) tbl_x[, 2] = abs(tbl_x[, 2])
      tbl_x = tbl_x[order(tbl_x$Frequency, tbl_x$coefficients, decreasing = TRUE),]          # the data.frame in 'glmnet-lasso' is sorted by Frequency (default)

    if (params_glmnet$parallel && !is.null(cores_glmnet)) {

      if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
        parallel::stopCluster(cl = cl)


  else if (method == 'xgboost' && CV_folds == 1) {

    if (verbose) {
      cat('=====================================================================', '\n')
      cat('xgboost feature selection, starts...', '\n')
      cat('=====================================================================', '\n')

    if (is.data.frame(X)) {

      dtrain <- xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(data = as.matrix(X), label = y, missing = NA)

    else if (is.matrix(X) || (inherits(X, 'dgCMatrix'))) {

      dtrain <- xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(data = X, label = y, missing = NA)

    else {

      stop(simpleError("X must be either a data.frame or a (sparse-) matrix"))

    params_xgboost[['watchlist']] = list(train = dtrain)
    params_xgboost[['data']] = dtrain

    bst = suppressWarnings(do.call(xgboost::xgb.train, params_xgboost))

    tbl1 <- data.frame(xgboost::xgb.importance(colnames(X), model = bst))

    if (is.null(xgb_sort) || (xgb_sort == 'Frequency')) {

      tbl1 = tbl1[order(tbl1$Frequency, decreasing = TRUE),]

    else if (xgb_sort == 'Gain') {

      tbl1 = tbl1[order(tbl1$Gain, decreasing = TRUE),]

    else if (xgb_sort == 'Cover') {

      tbl1 = tbl1[order(tbl1$Cover, decreasing = TRUE),]


  else if (method == 'xgboost' && CV_folds > 1) {

    if (verbose) {
      cat('=====================================================================', '\n')
      cat('xgboost feature selection, starts...', '\n')
      cat('=====================================================================', '\n')

    if (length(unique(y)) == 2 || ("num_class" %in% names(params_xgboost$params))) {

      folds = class_folds(CV_folds, as.factor(y), shuffle = TRUE)

    else {

      folds = regr_folds(CV_folds, y, stratified = stratified_regr)

    get_all_feat = list()

    for (i in 1:CV_folds) {

      if (verbose) {
        cat('--------------------------------------------------------------------', '\n')
        cat('Fold ', i, '\n')
        cat('--------------------------------------------------------------------', '\n')

      X_folds = X[unlist(folds[-i]), ]

      y_folds = y[unlist(folds[-i])]

      if (is.data.frame(X_folds)) {

        dtrain <- xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(data = as.matrix(X_folds), label = y_folds, missing = NA)

      else if (is.matrix(X_folds) || (inherits(X_folds, 'dgCMatrix'))) {

        dtrain <- xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(data = X_folds, label = y_folds, missing = NA)

      else {

        stop(simpleError("X must be either a data.frame or a (sparse-) matrix"))

      params_xgboost[['watchlist']] = list(train = dtrain)
      params_xgboost[['data']] = dtrain

      bst = suppressWarnings(do.call(xgboost::xgb.train, params_xgboost))

      get_all_feat[[i]] <- data.frame(xgboost::xgb.importance(colnames(X_folds), model = bst))


    tbl_x = data.frame(do.call('rbind', get_all_feat))

    tbl1 = data.frame(tbl_x %>% dplyr::group_by(.data$Feature) %>% dplyr::summarize_each(dplyr::funs(mean(., na.rm = TRUE))))       # for ".data" see: https://community.rstudio.com/t/how-to-solve-no-visible-binding-for-global-variable-note/28887/3

    if (is.null(xgb_sort) || (xgb_sort == 'Frequency')) {

      tbl1 = tbl1[order(tbl1$Frequency, decreasing = TRUE),]

    else if (xgb_sort == 'Gain') {

      tbl1 = tbl1[order(tbl1$Gain, decreasing = TRUE),]

    else if (xgb_sort == 'Cover') {

      tbl1 = tbl1[order(tbl1$Cover, decreasing = TRUE),]


  else if (method == 'ranger' && CV_folds == 1) {

    if (!(is.matrix(X) || is.data.frame(X))) {

      stop(simpleError("X must be either a data.frame or a matrix"))

    if (params_ranger$classification) {

      y = as.factor(y)

    if (verbose) {
      cat('=====================================================================', '\n')
      cat('ranger feature selection, starts...', '\n')
      cat('=====================================================================', '\n')

    if (!"dependent.variable.name" %in% names(params_ranger)) {

      form = stats::as.formula(paste0(paste0('y ~ '), paste(colnames(X), collapse = '+')))

      params_ranger[['formula']] = form

      #dat = data.frame(y = y, X)}

    dat = cbind(y = y, X)                    # include y in the data so that it works with or without the 'dependent.variable.name'

    # else {
    #   dat = X
    # }

    params_ranger[['data']] = dat

    fit = do.call(ranger::ranger, params_ranger)

    tbl_x = data.frame(names(fit$variable.importance), as.vector(fit$variable.importance))
    colnames(tbl_x) = c('Feature', params_ranger$importance)

    tbl1 = tbl_x[order(tbl_x[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]


  else if (method == 'ranger' && CV_folds > 1) {

    if (verbose) {
      cat('=====================================================================', '\n')
      cat('ranger feature selection, starts...', '\n')
      cat('=====================================================================', '\n')

    if (params_ranger$classification) {

      y = as.factor(y)

    if (is.factor(y)) {

      folds = class_folds(CV_folds, y, shuffle = TRUE)

    else {

      folds = regr_folds(CV_folds, y, stratified = stratified_regr)

    get_all_feat = list()

    for (i in 1:CV_folds) {

      if (!(is.matrix(X) || is.data.frame(X))) {

        stop(simpleError("X must be either a data.frame or a matrix"))

      if (verbose) {
        cat('--------------------------------------------------------------------', '\n')
        cat('Fold ', i, '\n')
        cat('--------------------------------------------------------------------', '\n')

      X_folds = X[unlist(folds[-i]), ]

      y_folds = y[unlist(folds[-i])]

      if (!"dependent.variable.name" %in% names(params_ranger)) {

        form = stats::as.formula(paste0(paste0('y ~ '), paste(colnames(X_folds), collapse = '+')))

        params_ranger[['formula']] = form

        #dat = data.frame(y = y_folds, X_folds)}

      dat = cbind(y = y_folds, X_folds)                  # include y in the data so that it works with or without the 'dependent.variable.name'

      # else {
      #   dat = X_folds
      # }

      params_ranger[['data']] = dat

      fit = do.call(ranger::ranger, params_ranger)

      tbl_x = data.frame(names(fit$variable.importance), as.vector(fit$variable.importance))
      colnames(tbl_x) = c('Feature', params_ranger$importance)

      get_all_feat[[i]] <- tbl_x


    tbl_x = data.frame(do.call('rbind', get_all_feat))

    tbl1 = data.frame(tbl_x %>% dplyr::group_by(.data$Feature) %>% dplyr::summarize_each(dplyr::funs(mean(., na.rm = TRUE))))       # for ".data" see: https://community.rstudio.com/t/how-to-solve-no-visible-binding-for-global-variable-note/28887/3

    tbl1 = tbl1[order(tbl1[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]

mlampros/FeatureSelection documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 4:40 a.m.