#' Identify miRNAs for which both genes have miRNA binding sites aka miRNA
#' response elements in the competing endogeneous RNA hypothesis
#' @param geneA The first gene
#' @param geneB The second gene
#' @param mir_interactions A named list of genes, where for each gene all miRNA
#' interacting partners are listed
#' @return A vector with shared RNAs of the two genes.
fn_get_shared_miRNAs <- function(geneA, geneB, mir_interactions){
source_sign_mirs <- mir_interactions[[geneA]]
source_sign_mirs <- as.character(source_sign_mirs$mirna)
target_sign_mirs <- mir_interactions[[geneB]]
target_sign_mirs <- as.character(target_sign_mirs$mirna)
mir_intersect <- intersect(source_sign_mirs, target_sign_mirs)
#' Compute all pairwise interactions for a number of genes as indices
#' @param number.of.genes Number of genes for which all pairwise interactions
#' are needed
#' @importFrom gRbase combn_prim
#' @return data frame with one row per unique pairwise combination. To be used
#' as input for the sponge method.
genes_pairwise_combinations <- function(number.of.genes){
#t(combnPrim(number.of.genes, 2))
t(combn_prim(number.of.genes, 2))
#' Compute competing endogeneous RNA interactions using
#' Sparse Partial correlations ON Gene Expression (SPONGE)
#' @import foreach
#' @import logging
#' @import doRNG
#' @importFrom ppcor pcor pcor.test
#' @importFrom iterators iter
#' @importFrom iterators icount
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom gRbase combn_prim
#' @importFrom stats coef cor cov2cor df lm p.adjust pf predict reorder rnorm runif sd setNames xtabs var
#' @param gene_expr A gene expression matrix with samples in rows and featurs
#' in columns. Alternatively an object of class ExpressionSet.
#' @param mir_expr A miRNA expression matrix with samples in rows and features
#' in columns. Alternatively an object of class ExpressionSet.
#' @param mir_interactions A named list of genes, where for each gene we list
#' all miRNA interaction partners that should be considered.
#' @param log.level The log level, can be one of "info", "debug", "error"
#' @param log.every.n write to the log after every n steps
#' @param log.file write log to a file, particularly useful for paralleliyzation
#' @param selected.genes Operate only on a subset of genes, particularly
#' useful for bootstrapping
#' @param gene.combinations A data frame of combinations of genes to be tested.
#' Gene names are taken from the first two columns and have to match the names
#' used for gene_expr
#' @param random_seed A random seed to be used for reproducible results
#' @param result_as_dt whether to return results as data table or data frame
#' @param parallel.chunks Split into this number of tasks if parallel processing
#' is set up. The number should be high enough to guarantee equal distribution
#' of the work load in parallel execution. However, if the number is too large,
#' e.g. in the worst case one chunk per computation, the overhead causes more
#' computing time than can be saved by parallel execution. Register a parallel
#' backend that is compatible with foreach to use this feature. More information
#' can be found in the documentation of the foreach / doParallel packages.
#' @param each.miRNA Whether to consider individual miRNAs or pooling
#' them.
#' @param min.cor Consider only gene pairs with a minimum correlation specified
#' here.
#' @return A data frame with significant gene-gene competetive endogenous RNA
#' or 'sponge' interactions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #First, extract miRNA candidates for each of the genes
#' #using sponge_gene_miRNA_interaction_filter. Here we use a prepared
#' #dataset mir_interactions.
#' #Second we compute ceRNA interactions for all pairwise combinations of genes
#' #using all miRNAs remaining after filtering through elasticnet.
#' ceRNA_interactions <- sponge(
#' gene_expr = gene_expr,
#' mir_expr = mir_expr,
#' mir_interactions = mir_interactions)
sponge <- function(gene_expr,
mir_interactions = NULL,
log.level = "ERROR",
log.every.n = 1e5,
log.file = NULL,
selected.genes = NULL,
gene.combinations = NULL,
each.miRNA = FALSE,
min.cor = 0.1,
parallel.chunks = 1e3,
random_seed = NULL,
result_as_dt = FALSE){
addHandler(writeToFile, file=log.file, level=log.level)
basicConfig(level = log.level)
#handle bigmemory objects and check expression matrices
foreach_packages <- c("logging", "ppcor", "foreach",
"iterators", "data.table")
if(is(gene_expr, "big.matrix.descriptor") && requireNamespace("bigmemory"))
loginfo("Detected gene expression big matrix descriptor")
gene_expr_big_memory <- TRUE
gene_expr_description <- gene_expr
gene_expr <- check_and_convert_expression_data(gene_expr)
foreach_packages <- union(foreach_packages, "bigmemory")
gene_expr_big_memory <- FALSE
gene_expr <- check_and_convert_expression_data(gene_expr)
if(is(mir_expr, "big.matrix.descriptor") && requireNamespace("bigmemory"))
loginfo("Detected miRNA expression big matrix descriptor")
mir_expr_big_memory <- TRUE
mir_expr_description <- mir_expr
mir_expr <- check_and_convert_expression_data(mir_expr)
foreach_packages <- union(foreach_packages, "bigmemory")
mir_expr_big_memory <- FALSE
mir_expr <- check_and_convert_expression_data(mir_expr)
logwarn("No information on miRNA gene interactions was provided,
all miRNAs will be considered and runtime will likely explode.")
genes <- colnames(gene_expr)
#filter out genes without miR interactions
mir_interactions <- Filter(Negate(is.null), mir_interactions)
#names of genes for which we have expr and miRNA data
genes <- intersect(colnames(gene_expr), names(mir_interactions))
#now only compute for selected genes
sel.genes <- genes
available.selected.genes <- intersect(selected.genes, genes)
if(length(available.selected.genes) == 0){
stop("None of the selected genes is found in the data")
else if(length(available.selected.genes) < length(selected.genes)){
warning(paste("Some genes are not found in the data:",
paste(setdiff(selected.genes, genes), collapse=","), sep=""))
sel.genes <- available.selected.genes
#use indices for faster access
genes.as.indices <- FALSE
#make sure sel.genes order is used
gene_expr <- gene_expr[,sel.genes]
#for getting indices of things
all_mirs <- colnames(mir_expr)
all_genes <- colnames(gene_expr)
#all pairwise combinations of selected genes
loginfo("Computing all pairwise combinations of genes")
#consider only genes that have miRNA interactions
gene.combinations <-
gene.combinations <- data.frame(gene.combinations,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else{
if(ncol(gene.combinations) > 2)
stop("gene.combinations is expected to have two columns with gene identifiers")
colnames(gene.combinations) <- c("geneA", "geneB")
gene.combinations$geneA <- as.character(gene.combinations$geneA)
gene.combinations$geneB <- as.character(gene.combinations$geneB)
valid_genes_A <- which(gene.combinations$geneA %in% all_genes)
valid_genes_B <- which(gene.combinations$geneB %in% all_genes)
valid_genes <- intersect(valid_genes_A, valid_genes_B)
if(length(valid_genes) > 0){
gene.combinations <- gene.combinations[valid_genes,]
gene.combinations <- data.frame(
which(all_genes %in% gene.combinations$geneA),
which(all_genes %in% gene.combinations$geneB),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else stop("No valid gene combinations selected")
colnames(gene.combinations) <- c("geneA_idx", "geneB_idx", "geneA", "geneB")
loginfo("Beginning SPONGE run...")
if(!gene_expr_big_memory) gene_expr_description <- gene_expr
if(!mir_expr_big_memory) mir_expr_description <- mir_expr
num_of_samples <- nrow(gene_expr)
num_of_tasks <- min(max(1, ceiling(nrow(gene.combinations) / 1000)),
SPONGE_result <- foreach(
gene_combis =
chunks = num_of_tasks),
i = iterators::icount(),
.combine = function(...)
.multicombine = TRUE,
.packages = foreach_packages,
.export = c("fn_get_shared_miRNAs", "processChunk", "compute_pcor"),
.options.RNG = random_seed
) %dorng% {
if (!is.null(log.file))
addHandler(writeToFile, file = log.file, level = log.level)
basicConfig(level = log.level)
loginfo(paste("SPONGE: worker is processing chunk: ", i, sep = ""))
#attach bigmemory objects if necessary. avoid using names of actual
#matrix objects because they would then be exported to the workers
if (gene_expr_big_memory)
attached_gene_expr <- attach.big.matrix(gene_expr_description)
attached_gene_expr <- gene_expr_description
if (mir_expr_big_memory)
attached_mir_expr <- attach.big.matrix(mir_expr_description)
attached_mir_expr <- mir_expr_description
#if(require(pryr)) logdebug(paste("current memory used by worker:", pryr::mem_used()))
result <-
loginfo(paste("SPONGE finished chunk:", i, "of", num_of_tasks))
if(is.null(result)) return(list())
else return(result)
loginfo("SPONGE completed successfully. Returning results.")
if(result_as_dt) return(SPONGE_result)
else return(as.data.frame(SPONGE_result))
#internal function
processChunk <- function(gene_combis, attached_gene_expr, attached_mir_expr, mir_interactions,
all_mirs, each.miRNA, min.cor){
mir_intersect <- all_mirs
foreach(geneA_idx = gene_combis$geneA_idx,
geneB_idx = gene_combis$geneB_idx,
geneA = gene_combis$geneA,
geneB = gene_combis$geneB,
.export = c("compute_pcor", "fn_get_shared_miRNAs"),
.combine=function(...) rbindlist(list(...))) %do% {
source_expr <- attached_gene_expr[,geneA_idx]
target_expr <- attached_gene_expr[,geneB_idx]
#check correlation
dcor <- cor(source_expr, target_expr)
if(is.na(dcor)) return(NULL)
if(dcor < min.cor)
#check if miRNA interaction information is provided, otherwise we
#consider ALL miRNAs in each comparison
mir_intersect <- fn_get_shared_miRNAs(geneA, geneB,
#check if shared miRNAs are in expression matrix
if(length(setdiff(mir_intersect, all_mirs)) > 0){
mir_intersect <- intersect(mir_intersect, all_mirs)
#check if there are actually any shared mirnas
if(length(mir_intersect) == 0){
result <- foreach(mirna = mir_intersect,
.export = c("compute_pcor"),
.combine = function(...) rbindlist(list(...)),
.inorder = TRUE) %do%{
m_expr <- attached_mir_expr[,which(all_mirs == mirna)]
compute_pcor(source_expr, target_expr, m_expr,
geneA, geneB, dcor)
result$miRNA <- mir_intersect
m_expr <- attached_mir_expr[,which(all_mirs %in% mir_intersect)]
compute_pcor(source_expr, target_expr, m_expr,
geneA, geneB, dcor)
#iterate over chunks of rows for efficient parallel computation
split_rows <- function(x, ...)
it <- idiv(nrow(x), ...)
i <- 1L
nextEl <- function() {
n <- as.integer(nextElem(it))
j <- i
i <<- i + n
x[seq(j, length = n), , drop = FALSE]
object <- list(nextElem = nextEl)
class(object) <- c("abstractiter", "iter")
#compute partial correlation
compute_pcor <- function(source_expr, target_expr, m_expr,
geneA, geneB, dcor){
pcor <- tryCatch({
pcor.test(source_expr, target_expr, m_expr)
}, warning = function(w) {
suppressWarnings(pcor.test(source_expr, target_expr, m_expr))
}, error = function(e) {
if(is.null(pcor)) return(NULL)
list(geneA = geneA,
geneB = geneB,
df = pcor$gp,
cor = dcor,
pcor = pcor$estimate,
mscor = dcor - pcor$estimate
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