
#--- test mclust ---------------------------------------------------------------


# simulate random vector(s) from dirichlet distribution
rDirichlet <- function(n, alpha) {
  p <- length(alpha)
  X <- matrix(rgamma(n*p, shape = alpha), p, n)

# generate an n x p matrix of iid N(0,1)
rMnorm <- function(n, p) {
  if(missing(p)) p <- n
  matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)

# convert back and forth between "flattened" parameter representation,
# i.e., theta = c(pro[-G], mean, upper.tri(variance))
par2theta <- function(parameters) {
    apply(parameters$variance$cholsigma, 3,
          function(cs) cs[upper.tri(cs, diag = TRUE)]))

theta2par <- function(theta, d, G) {
  pro <- theta[1:(G-1)]
  pro <- c(pro, 1 - sum(pro))
  nchol <- d*(d+1)/2
  cholsigma <- matrix(theta[(G-1)+d*G + 1:(G*nchol)], nchol, G)
  cholsigma <- apply(cholsigma, 2, function(cs) {
    CS <- matrix(0, d, d)
    CS[upper.tri(CS, diag = TRUE)] <- cs
  cholsigma <- array(cholsigma, dim = c(d,d,G))
  list(pro = pro,
       mean = matrix(theta[(G-1) + 1:(d*G)], d, G),
       variance = list(modelName = "VVV", d = d, G = G,
                       cholsigma = cholsigma))

G <- 5 # number of components
d <- 3 # number of dimensions
n <- 200 # number of observations

# model parameters
parameters <- list(pro = rDirichlet(1, rep(1, G)),
                   mean = rMnorm(d, G),
                   variance = list(modelName = "VVV", d = d, G = G,
                                   cholsigma = replicate(G, {

all.equal(parameters, theta2par(par2theta(parameters), d, G))
## parameters2 <- theta2par(par2theta(parameters), d, G)
## identical(parameters$pro, parameters2$pro)
## range(parameters$mean - parameters2$mean)
## range(parameters$variance$cholsigma - parameters2$variance$cholsigma)

# simulate data
y <- simVVV(parameters, n = n)
# fit model
fit <- emVVV(data = y[,-1], parameters = parameters)
# convert parameters to MLE
par.mle <- fit$parameters
par.mle$variance$cholsigma <- array(apply(par.mle$variance$sigma, 3, chol),
                                    dim = c(d, d, G))

loglik <- function(theta) {
  parameters <- theta2par(theta, d, G)
  # simplex-valued probabilities
  if(any(parameters$pro < 0)) return(-Inf) # always sums to 1
  ## # positive-definite variance matrices
  if(any(apply(parameters$variance$cholsigma, 3, diag) <= 0)) return(-Inf)
  sum(dens("VVV", data = y[,-1],
           parameters = parameters, logarithm = TRUE))

theta.mle <- par2theta(par.mle)

theta.names <- function(d, G) {
  rho <- paste0("rho[", 1:(G-1), "]")
  ind <- as.matrix(expand.grid(d = 1:d, G = 1:G))
  mu <- paste0("mu[", ind[,"d"], "]^(", ind[,"G"], ")")
  idd <- as.matrix(expand.grid(d1 = 1:d, d2 = 1:d))
  ind2 <- as.matrix(expand.grid(dd = which(upper.tri(diag(d), diag = TRUE)),
                                G = 1:G))
  Sigma <- paste0("Sigma[",
                  idd[ind2[,"dd"],"d2"], "]^(", ind2[,"G"], ")")
  c(rho, mu, Sigma)

  ocheck <- optim_proj(fun = loglik, xsol = theta.mle, npts = 100)

plot(ocheck, xnames = parse(text = theta.names(d, G)), equalize = TRUE)

  ocheck2 <- optim_refit(xsol = theta.mle, fun = loglik, reltol = 5e-8)

# ok what about just optim run on solution?
ocheck2 <- optim(par = theta.mle, fn = loglik,
                 control = list(fnscale = -1, maxit = 1e4))

plot(ocheck, xnames = parse(text = theta.names(d, G)),
     xind = (G-1) + 1:(G*d))

# absolute error
aerr <- ocheck$value - apply(ocheck$y, 2, max)

#--- ok a summary function -----------------------------------------------------

# 1.  for each param, the value at which projection max/min is reached
# 2.  the value of projection max/min
# 3.  abs/rel err?

# ok what about:
# 1.  theta, value
# 2.  opt: theta,value (optimal value)
# 3.  diff: theta,value (difference from potential solution)

summary.opt_proj <- function(object, theta.names) {
  theta <- object$theta
  value <- object$value
  ntheta <- length(theta)
  maximum <- object$maximize
  opt.fun <- if(maximum) max else min
  which.opt <- if(maximum) which.max else which.min
  if(missing(theta.names)) {
    theta.names <- paste0("theta",1:ntheta)
    # converts to expression so symbol "theta_i" is plotted
    ## theta.names <- parse(text = theta.names)
  opt.res <- matrix(NA, 2, ntheta)
  for(ii in 1:ntheta) {
    iopt <- which.opt(object$y[,ii])
    opt.res[,ii] <- c(object$x[iopt,ii], object$y[iopt,ii])
  diff.res <- rbind(theta = opt.res[1,] - theta,
                    value = opt.res[2,] - value)
  rel.res <- rbind(theta = diff.res[1,]/abs(theta),
                   value = diff.res[2,]/abs(value))
  # name things
  names(theta) <- theta.names
  rnames <- c("theta", "value")
  rownames(opt.res) <- rnames
  rownames(diff.res) <- rnames
  rownames(rel.res) <- rnames
  colnames(opt.res) <- theta.names
  colnames(diff.res) <- theta.names
  colnames(rel.res) <- theta.names
  ans <- list(theta = theta, value = value,
              opt = opt.res, diff = diff.res, reldiff = rel.res)
  class(ans) <- "summary.optimCheck"

print.summary.opt_proj <- function(x,
                                   digits = max(3L, getOption("digits")-3L)) {
  res <- cbind(x$theta, x$diff["theta",], x$reldiff["theta",])
  colnames(res) <- c("sol", "D=opt-sol", "R=D/|sol|")
  print(signif(res, digits = digits))

printCoefmat(tmp, digits = 3L, cs.ind = 3, tst.ind = 1:2, has.Pvalue = FALSE)
mlysy/optimCheck documentation built on May 25, 2019, 10:31 p.m.