#' Simulate mapping population (one parent)
#' This function simulates a polyploid mapping population
#' under random chromosome segregation
#' with one informative parent. This function is not to be
#' directly called by the user
#' @keywords internal
sim_cross_one_informative_parent <- function(ploidy,
seed = NULL,
prob = NULL){
if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
if(length(rf.vec) == 1) rf.vec <- rep(rf.vec, n.mrk-1)
res <- matrix(NA,n.ind,n.mrk)
rf.res <- numeric(n.mrk-1)
## Listing all possible bivalent configurations
a <- perm_tot(1:ploidy)
bv.conf <- vector("list", nrow(a))
for(i in 1:nrow(a))
temp <- apply(matrix(a[i,], 2, ploidy/2), 2, sort)
bv.conf[[i]] <- temp[,order(temp[1,]), drop = FALSE]
bv.conf <- unique(bv.conf)
names(bv.conf) <- sapply(bv.conf, function(x) paste(apply(x, 2,
paste0("[", paste0(x, collapse = ""), "]", collapse = "")),
collapse = ""))
prob <- rep(1/length(bv.conf), length(bv.conf))
for(k in 1:n.ind){ #for each individual
gen.1 <- matrix(1:ploidy,ploidy,n.mrk) #simulates the chromosomes multiallelic markers in 'n.mrk' positions
id <- sample(x = 1:length(bv.conf), size = 1, prob = prob) #sampling one bivalent configuration based on given probabilities
choosed_biv <- bv.conf[[id]]
choosed_biv <- choosed_biv[,sample(1:(ploidy/2)), drop = FALSE]
for(i in 1:ncol(choosed_biv))
choosed_biv[,i] <- sample(choosed_biv[,i])
pole.1 <- choosed_biv[1,, drop = FALSE]
pole.2 <- choosed_biv[2,, drop = FALSE]
set.2 <- gen.1[pole.1,, drop = FALSE] #allocating the chromosomes on the variables set.1 and set.2, thus (set.1[i], set.2[i]) represents a bivalent
set.1 <- gen.1[pole.2,, drop = FALSE]
for(i in 1:(ploidy/2)){ #for each one of the ploidy/2 chromosome pair (bivalents)
a <- set.1[i,, drop = FALSE]
b <- set.2[i,, drop = FALSE]
for(j in 1:(n.mrk-1)){ #for each adjacent interval between.mrkkers
if(runif(1) < rf.vec[j]){ #if a random number drawn from the interval [0,1] (according a uniform distribution)
#is less than the recombination fraction for that interval
which.swap <- c((j+1):n.mrk) #the alleles for that interval and bivalent are swapped
temp <- a[which.swap]
a[which.swap] <- b[which.swap]
b[which.swap] <- temp
} #this completes the whole bivalent
set.1[i,] <- a #attributing the resulting vector to the initial variables
set.2[i,] <- b
} #for all bivalents
if(sample(0:1,1)) gam <- set.1 #sample one of the meiotic products
else gam <- set.2
for(i in 1:(ploidy/2)){ #counting the recombinant chromosomes in their multiallelic form
for(j in 2:ncol(gam)){
if(!gam[i,j] == gam[i,j-1])
rf.res[j-1] <- rf.res[j-1]+1
for(i in 1:n.mrk)
gam[,i] <- as.numeric(!is.na(match(gam[,i], hom.allele[[i]])))
res[k,] <- apply(gam, 2, sum)
rf.calc <- rf.res/(n.ind*ploidy/2) #computing the recombination fraction
dimnames(res) <- list(paste("Ind",1:n.ind, sep = "_"), paste("M",1:n.mrk, sep = "_"))
list(data.sim.one.parent = res, cross.count.one.parent = rf.res, rf.calc.one.parent = rf.calc)
#' Simulate mapping population (tow parents)
#' @keywords internal
sim_cross_two_informative_parents <- function(ploidy,
prob.P = NULL,
prob.Q = NULL,
seed = NULL){
if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
dose.p <- unlist(lapply(hom.allele.p, function(x) sum(as.logical(x))))
dose.q <- unlist(lapply(hom.allele.q, function(x) sum(as.logical(x))))
if(any(apply(rbind(dose.p,dose.q),2,sum) == 0)) stop("Found zero doses in both parents at the same marker")
if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
##Parent 1
data.P <- sim_cross_one_informative_parent(ploidy = ploidy, n.mrk = n.mrk, rf.vec = rf.vec,
hom.allele = hom.allele.p, n.ind = n.ind, prob = prob.P)
##Parent 2
data.Q <- sim_cross_one_informative_parent(ploidy = ploidy, n.mrk = n.mrk, rf.vec = rf.vec,
hom.allele = hom.allele.q, n.ind = n.ind, prob = prob.Q)
rf.calc <- (data.P$cross.count.one.parent + data.Q$cross.count.one.parent)/(n.ind*ploidy)
data.sim.two.parents <- data.P$data.sim.one.parent + data.Q$data.sim.one.parent
list(data.sim.two.parents = data.sim.two.parents, rf.calc = rf.calc)
#' Draw simple parental linkage phase configurations
#' This function draws the parental map (including the linkage
#' phase configuration) in a pdf output. This function is not to
#' be directly called by the user
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf dev.off
#' @keywords internal
draw_cross <- function(ploidy,
dist.vec = NULL,
file = NULL,
width = 12,
height = 6){
pdf(file, width = width, height = height)
oldpar <- par(xaxt = "n")
plot(c(0,22), c(0,-(ploidy+12)), type = "n",
axes = FALSE, xlab = "Partental homology groups",
main = paste("Ploidy: ", ploidy), ylab = "")
for(i in -(1:ploidy)){
lines(c(0,10), c(i,i))
lines(c(12,22), c(i,i))
pos.p <- dist.vec/max(dist.vec)*10
for(i in 1:length(hom.allele.p)){
abline(v = pos.p[i], lty = 2, lwd = .5)
text(pos.p[i], 0, i, cex = .7)
if(any(hom.allele.p[[i]] != 0))
points(x = rep(pos.p[i],length(hom.allele.p[[i]])), y = -hom.allele.p[[i]], col = 2, pch = 20, cex = 2)
points(pos.p[i] , -(ploidy+10), pch = "|")
text(pos.p[i], -(ploidy+10)-.8, labels = round(dist.vec,1)[i], srt = 90)
pos.q <- pos.p+12
for(i in 1:length(hom.allele.q)){
abline(v = pos.q[i], lty = 2, lwd = .5)
text(pos.q[i], 0, i, cex = .7)
if(any(hom.allele.q[[i]] != 0))
points(x = rep(pos.q[i],length(hom.allele.q[[i]])), y = -hom.allele.q[[i]], col = 2, pch = 20, cex = 2)
points(pos.q[i] , -(ploidy+10), pch = "|")
text(pos.q[i], -(ploidy+10)-.8, labels = round(dist.vec,1)[i], srt = 90)
text(x = 11,y = -(ploidy+1)/2,labels = "X", cex = 2)
lines(c(0,10), c(-(ploidy+10),-(ploidy+10)))
lines(c(12,22), c(-(ploidy+10),-(ploidy+10)))
if(!is.null(file)) dev.off()
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