
Defines functions naomi_output_frame

Documented in naomi_output_frame

#' Model Frame and Linear Transform for Aggregated Model Outputs
#' @param mf_model Model frame
#' @param area_aggregation data.frame with columns `area_id` and `model_area_id`.
#' @param age_groups Age groups to include in aggregated outputs.
#' @param sexes Sexes to include in aggregated outputs.
#' @return A list consisting of a data.frame `mf` and a sparse matrix `A`. The
#'   data frame `mf` provides a model matrix defining the stratifications for
#'   the outputs. The sparse matrix `A` defines a linear transform to aggregate
#'   the rows of mf_model to the rows of the output `mf`
#' @export
naomi_output_frame <- function(mf_model,
                               age_groups = unique(mf_model[["age_group"]]),
                               sexes = unique(mf_model[["sex"]])) {

  stopifnot(age_groups %in% mf_model[["age_group"]])
  stopifnot(sexes %in% mf_model[["sex"]])

  model_area_ids <- unique(mf_model[["area_id"]])
  sex_out <- get_sex_out(sexes)

  sex_join <- data.frame(sex_out = c("male", "female", "both", "both", "both"),
                         sex = c("male", "female", "male", "female", "both"),
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
    dplyr::filter(sex %in% sexes, sex_out %in% !!sex_out)

  age_group_out <- get_age_group_out(age_groups)

  age_group_join <- get_age_groups() %>%
    dplyr::filter(age_group %in% age_group_out) %>%
    stats::setNames(paste0(names(.), "_out")) %>%
    tidyr::crossing(get_age_groups() %>%
                    dplyr::filter(age_group %in% age_groups)) %>%
    dplyr::filter(age_group_start_out <= age_group_start,
                  age_group_span_out == Inf |
                  (age_group_start + age_group_span) <=
                  (age_group_start_out + age_group_span_out)) %>%
    dplyr::select(age_group_out, age_group)

  stopifnot(age_groups %in% age_group_join[["age_group"]])

  mf_out <- tidyr::crossing(
                     area_id = area_aggregation[["area_id"]],
                     sex = sex_out,
                     age_group = age_group_out

  df_join <- tidyr::crossing(area_aggregation, sex_join, age_group_join) %>%
             mf_model %>%
             dplyr::select("area_id", "sex", "age_group", "idx"),
      by = c("model_area_id" = "area_id",
             "sex", "age_group"),
      multiple = "all") %>%
             mf_out %>%
             dplyr::mutate(out_idx = dplyr::row_number())
             by = c("area_id" = "area_id",
                    "sex_out" = "sex",
                    "age_group_out" = "age_group")
           ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(x = 1)

  A <- Matrix::spMatrix(nrow(mf_out),

  list(mf = mf_out, A = A)

#' Construct Model Frames and Adjacency Structures
#' @param area_merged Merged version of area hierarchy
#' @param population_agesex Population by age group and sex
#' @param spec Spec
#' @param scope The collection of area IDs to be modelled. Defaults to all area
#' ids.
#' @param level Admin level
#' @param calendar_quarter1 Calendar quarter at time 1 ("CYyyyyQq")
#' @param calendar_quarter2 Calendar quarter at time 2 ("CYyyyyQq")
#' @param calendar_quarter3 Calendar quarter at time 3 ("CYyyyyQq")
#' @param calendar_quarter4 Calendar quarter at time 4 ("CYyyyyQq")
#' @param calendar_quarter5 Calendar quarter at time 5 ("CYyyyyQq")
#' @param age_groups Age groups to include in model frame
#' @param sexes Sexes
#' @param omega Omega
#' @param rita_param rita_param
#' @param sigma_u_sd sigma_u_sd
#' @param artattend logical; whether to estimate neighboring district ART attendance
#' @param artattend_t2 logical; whether to allow time-varying neighboring district ART attendance
#' @param artattend_log_gamma_offset logit offset for neighboring district ART attendance
#' @param anchor_home_district logical; whether to include home district random in ART attendance specification
#' @param rho_paed_15to49f_ratio logical; to model paediatric prevalence as ratio of 15-49 female prevalence
#' @param rho_paed_x_term logical; to include area interaction for paediatric prevalence
#' @param alpha_xst_term logical; to include district-sex-time interaction for ART coverage. Default `FALSE`.
#' @param logit_nu_mean mean of logit viral load suppression.
#' @param logit_nu_sd standard deviation of logit viral load suppression.
#' @param spectrum_population_calibration character string values "national", "subnational", "none"
#' @param adjust_area_growth TRUE/FALSE: adjust PLHIV population for net change in cohort size
#' @param psnu_level Level at which to output PEPFAR Data Pack outputs for planning. This doesn't have anything to do with
#'   calibration, but this is a convenient place to allow user to edit this in model workflow. Default value `NULL` indicates
#'   to read PSNU level from internal database.
#' @return Naomi model frame
#' @details
#' Argument `spectrum_population_calibration` determines whether to calibrate population
#' inputs to match Spectrum population by age and sex. If the Spectrum file is a single
#' national Spectrum file, then options "national" and "subnational" return the same results.
#' @export
naomi_model_frame <- function(area_merged,
                              scope = area_merged$area_id[area_merged$area_level == min(area_merged$area_level)],
                              level = max(area_merged$area_level),
                              calendar_quarter4 = "CY2024Q3",
                              calendar_quarter5 = "CY2025Q3",
                              age_groups = get_five_year_age_groups(),
                              sexes = c("male", "female"),
                              omega = 0.7,
                              rita_param = list(OmegaT0      = 130 / 365,
                                                sigma_OmegaT = ((142-118) / 365) / (2 * stats::qnorm(0.975)),
                                                betaT0       = 0.0,
                                                sigma_betaT  = 0.00001,
                                                ritaT        = 1.0),
                              sigma_u_sd = 1.0,
                              artattend = TRUE,
                              artattend_t2 = FALSE,
                              artattend_log_gamma_offset = -4,
                              anchor_home_district = TRUE,
                              rho_paed_15to49f_ratio = TRUE,
                              rho_paed_x_term = FALSE,
                              alpha_xst_term = FALSE,
                              logit_nu_mean = 2.0,
                              logit_nu_sd = 0.3,
                              spectrum_population_calibration = "national",
                              output_aware_plhiv = TRUE,
                              adjust_area_growth = FALSE,
                              psnu_level = NULL) {

  ## Create a list of options to save out
  model_options <- list(area_scope = scope,
                        area_level = level,
                        calendar_quarter_t1 = calendar_quarter1,
                        calendar_quarter_t2 = calendar_quarter2,
                        calendar_quarter_t3 = calendar_quarter3,
                        calendar_quarter_t4 = calendar_quarter4,
                        calendar_quarter_t5 = calendar_quarter5,
                        artattend = artattend,
                        artattend_t2 = artattend_t2,
                        anchor_home_district = anchor_home_district,
                        psnu_level = psnu_level)

  ## Create area tree
  ## TODO: Get rid of reliance on data.tree
  areas <- create_areas(area_merged = area_merged)

  ## Prune areas below model level
  data.tree::Prune(areas$tree, function(x) x$area_level <= level)

  ## Get leaves that are children of scope
  area_id_leaves <- areas$tree$Get("leaves", traversal = "level", simplify = FALSE)

  if (length(setdiff(scope, names(area_id_leaves)))) {
    missing_areas = setdiff(scope, names(area_id_leaves))
            list(missing_areas = paste(missing_areas, collapse = ", ")),
            count = length(missing_areas)))

  area_id <- area_id_leaves[scope] %>%
    lapply(data.tree::Get, "area_id") %>%
    unlist() %>%

  spectrum_region_code <- area_id_leaves[scope] %>%
    lapply(data.tree::Get, "spectrum_region_code") %>%

  ## Keep

  mf_areas <- data.frame(area_id,
                         area_idx = seq_along(area_id),
                         spectrum_region_code = spectrum_region_code,
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(area_idf = factor(area_id, area_id))

  ## Model frame
  mf_model <- tidyr::crossing(
                       sex = sexes,
                       age_group = age_groups
                     ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(idx = dplyr::row_number()) %>%
             get_age_groups() %>%
             dplyr::filter(age_group %in% age_groups) %>%
                      age_below15 = as.integer(!age_group_start >= 15),
                      age15plus = as.integer(age_group_start >= 15),
                      age15to49 = as.integer(age_group_start >= 15 &
                                             (age_group_start + age_group_span) <= 50)
                    ) %>%
             dplyr::select(age_group, age_below15, age15plus, age15to49),
             by = "age_group"
           ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(area_idf = forcats::as_factor(area_id),
                  age_group_idf = forcats::as_factor(age_group),
                  female_15plus = as.integer((sex == "female") * age15plus))

  ## Spectrum aggregation and calibration population

  quarter_id1 <- calendar_quarter_to_quarter_id(calendar_quarter1)
  quarter_id2 <- calendar_quarter_to_quarter_id(calendar_quarter2)
  quarter_id3 <- calendar_quarter_to_quarter_id(calendar_quarter3)
  quarter_id4 <- calendar_quarter_to_quarter_id(calendar_quarter4)
  quarter_id5 <- calendar_quarter_to_quarter_id(calendar_quarter5)

  stopifnot(quarter_id2 > quarter_id1)
  stopifnot(quarter_id3 > quarter_id2)
  stopifnot(quarter_id4 > quarter_id3)
  stopifnot(quarter_id5 > quarter_id4)

  spec_aggr <- spec %>%
    dplyr::filter(dplyr::between(year, year_labels(quarter_id1) - 2, year_labels(quarter_id5) + 2)) %>%
             age_group = cut_naomi_age_group(age),
             births = dplyr::if_else(is.na(asfr), 0, asfr * totpop),
             births_hivpop = dplyr::if_else(is.na(asfr), 0, pregprev * births),
             births_artpop = dplyr::if_else(is.na(asfr), 0, pregartcov * births_hivpop)
           ) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(spectrum_region_code, spectrum_region_name, sex, age_group, year, quarter) %>%
        c(totpop, hivpop, artpop, artpop_dec31, infections, unaware,
          births, births_hivpop, births_artpop),
      .groups = "drop"
    ) %>%

  spectrum_calibration <- dplyr::bind_rows(
                                   get_spec_aggr_interpolation(spec_aggr, calendar_quarter1) %>%
                                     dplyr::mutate(time_step = "quarter1"),
                                   get_spec_aggr_interpolation(spec_aggr, calendar_quarter2) %>%
                                     dplyr::mutate(time_step = "quarter2"),
                                   get_spec_aggr_interpolation(spec_aggr, calendar_quarter3) %>%
                                     dplyr::mutate(time_step = "quarter3"),
                                   get_spec_aggr_interpolation(spec_aggr, calendar_quarter4) %>%
                                     dplyr::mutate(time_step = "quarter4"),
                                   get_spec_aggr_interpolation(spec_aggr, calendar_quarter5) %>%
                                     dplyr::mutate(time_step = "quarter5")

  ## Spectrum age <1 / 1-4 distribution

  spec_0to4strat <- spec %>%
    dplyr::filter(dplyr::between(year, year_labels(quarter_id1) - 2, year_labels(quarter_id5) + 2),
                  age %in% 0:4) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(age_group = dplyr::if_else(age == 0, "Y000_000", "Y001_004"),
                  sex = "both") %>%
    dplyr::group_by(spectrum_region_code, spectrum_region_name, sex, age_group, year, quarter) %>%
      dplyr::across(c(totpop, hivpop, artpop, artpop_dec31, infections, unaware), sum),
      .groups = "drop"
    ) %>%
             births = 0,
             births_hivpop= 0,
             births_artpop = 0
           ) %>%

  spectrum_0to4distribution <- dplyr::bind_rows(
                                        get_spec_aggr_interpolation(spec_0to4strat, calendar_quarter1),
                                        get_spec_aggr_interpolation(spec_0to4strat, calendar_quarter2),
                                        get_spec_aggr_interpolation(spec_0to4strat, calendar_quarter3),
                                        get_spec_aggr_interpolation(spec_0to4strat, calendar_quarter4),
                                        get_spec_aggr_interpolation(spec_0to4strat, calendar_quarter5)
                                      ) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(spectrum_region_code, calendar_quarter) %>%
                     population = population_spectrum / sum(population_spectrum),
                     plhiv = plhiv_spectrum / sum(plhiv_spectrum),
                     plhiv_attend = plhiv,
                     art_current = art_current_spectrum / sum(art_current_spectrum),
                     art_current_residents = art_current,
                     untreated_plhiv_num = (plhiv_spectrum - art_current_spectrum) /
                       sum(plhiv_spectrum - art_current_spectrum),
                     untreated_plhiv_attend = untreated_plhiv_num,
                     unaware_plhiv_num = unaware_spectrum / sum(unaware_spectrum),
                     aware_plhiv_num = (plhiv_spectrum - unaware_spectrum) / sum(plhiv_spectrum - unaware_spectrum),
                     unaware_plhiv_attend = unaware_plhiv_num,
                     aware_plhiv_attend = aware_plhiv_num,
                     infections = infections_spectrum / sum(infections_spectrum)) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c(population,
                        names_to = "indicator", values_to = "distribution") %>%

  ## # Add population estimates

  ## !!! TODO: There's an opportunity for real mess here if areas are subset to part
  ##           of a Spectrum file and then calibrated. Currently no way to know if areas
  ##           comparise only part of a Spectrum file, so can't address.

  pop_subset <- dplyr::filter(population_agesex, area_id %in% mf_areas[["area_id"]])
  pop_t1 <- interpolate_population_agesex(pop_subset, calendar_quarter1)
  pop_t2 <- interpolate_population_agesex(pop_subset, calendar_quarter2)
  pop_t3 <- interpolate_population_agesex(pop_subset, calendar_quarter3)
  pop_t4 <- interpolate_population_agesex(pop_subset, calendar_quarter4)
  pop_t5 <- interpolate_population_agesex(pop_subset, calendar_quarter5)
  population_est <- dplyr::bind_rows(
                             dplyr::mutate(pop_t1, time_step = "quarter1"),
                             dplyr::mutate(pop_t2, time_step = "quarter2"),
                             dplyr::mutate(pop_t3, time_step = "quarter3"),
                             dplyr::mutate(pop_t4, time_step = "quarter4"),
                             dplyr::mutate(pop_t5, time_step = "quarter5")

  population_est <- population_est %>%
             dplyr::select(mf_areas, area_id, spectrum_region_code),
             by = "area_id"

  ## Calibrate population to Spectrum populations

  group_vars <- c("spectrum_region_code", "time_step", "calendar_quarter", "sex", "age_group")

  spectrum_calibration <- spectrum_calibration %>%
                          spectrum_region_code, time_step, calendar_quarter, sex, age_group,
                          wt = population, name = "population_raw"),
             by = group_vars

  if(spectrum_population_calibration %in% c("national", "subnational")) {

    if(spectrum_population_calibration == "national") {
      aggr_vars <- setdiff(group_vars, "spectrum_region_code")
    } else {
      aggr_vars <- group_vars

    spectrum_calibration <- spectrum_calibration %>%
      dplyr::group_by_at(aggr_vars) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(population_calibration_ratio = sum(population_spectrum) / sum(population_raw),
                    population_calibrated = population_raw * population_calibration_ratio) %>%

    population_est <- population_est %>%
               by = group_vars
             ) %>%
               population = population * population_calibration_ratio
    spectrum_calibration[["population_calibration_ratio"]] <- NULL

  } else if(spectrum_population_calibration == "none") {
    spectrum_calibration[["population_calibrated"]] <- spectrum_calibration[["population_raw"]]
  } else {
    stop(paste0("spectrum_calibration_option \"", spectrum_population_calibration, "\" not found."))

  mf_model <- mf_model %>%
             population_est %>%
             dplyr::filter(time_step == "quarter1") %>%
             dplyr::select(area_id, sex, age_group, population_t1 = population),
             by = c("area_id", "sex", "age_group")
           ) %>%
             population_est %>%
             dplyr::filter(time_step == "quarter2") %>%
             dplyr::select(area_id, sex, age_group, population_t2 = population),
             by = c("area_id", "sex", "age_group")
           ) %>%
             population_est %>%
             dplyr::filter(time_step == "quarter3") %>%
             dplyr::select(area_id, sex, age_group, population_t3 = population),
             by = c("area_id", "sex", "age_group")
           ) %>%
             population_est %>%
             dplyr::filter(time_step == "quarter4") %>%
             dplyr::select(area_id, sex, age_group, population_t4 = population),
             by = c("area_id", "sex", "age_group")
           ) %>%
             population_est %>%
             dplyr::filter(time_step == "quarter5") %>%
             dplyr::select(area_id, sex, age_group, population_t5 = population),
             by = c("area_id", "sex", "age_group")


  zeropop1 <- mf_model[["population_t1"]] == 0
  zeropop2 <- mf_model[["population_t2"]] == 0
  zeropop3 <- mf_model[["population_t3"]] == 0
  zeropop4 <- mf_model[["population_t4"]] == 0
  zeropop5 <- mf_model[["population_t5"]] == 0

  if(any(zeropop1) || any(zeropop2) || any(zeropop3) || any(zeropop4) || any(zeropop5)) {
    warning(paste("Zero population input for",
                  sum(zeropop1) + sum(zeropop2) + sum(zeropop3) + sum(zeropop4) + sum(zeropop5),
                  "area/age/sex groups.",
                  "Replaced with population 0.1."))
    mf_model[["population_t1"]][zeropop1] <- 0.1
    mf_model[["population_t2"]][zeropop2] <- 0.1
    mf_model[["population_t3"]][zeropop3] <- 0.1
    mf_model[["population_t4"]][zeropop4] <- 0.1
    mf_model[["population_t5"]][zeropop5] <- 0.1

  ## Add Spectrum inputs

  ## Note: Any proportions calculated here evaluate to exactly 0.0 or 1.0, will
  ##   probably result in numerical problems in later modelling stages. Also
  ##   make sure to check for edge cases where a deminator evaluates to NaN
  ## TODO::insert flag to aggregate national or regional

  cap_prop <- function(x, min = 0.00001, max = 0.99999) {
      x <- pmax(x, min)
      x <- pmin(x, max)

  spec_indicators <- spectrum_calibration %>%
             prevalence = cap_prop(plhiv_spectrum / population_spectrum),
             art_coverage = cap_prop(art_current_spectrum / plhiv_spectrum),
             ## Note: Incidence calculation uses **current year** HIV negative population
             ##   as denominator for incidence calculation because this is what is applied
             ##   when doing Naomi model projection. (Unlike Spectrum output incidence
             ##   which uses previous year HIV negative population.)
             incidence = infections_spectrum / (population_spectrum - plhiv_spectrum),
             unaware_untreated_prop = unaware_spectrum / pmax(plhiv_spectrum - art_current_spectrum, 0.0),
             unaware_untreated_prop = tidyr::replace_na(unaware_untreated_prop, 1.0),
             asfr = births_spectrum / population_spectrum,
             frr_plhiv = (births_hivpop_spectrum / plhiv_spectrum) /
               ((births_spectrum - births_hivpop_spectrum) / (population_spectrum - plhiv_spectrum)),
             frr_plhiv = tidyr::replace_na(frr_plhiv, 1.0),
             ## Note: in these calculations, using art_current_internal_spectrum which is the
             ##   interpolation of the mid-year number on ART to avoid cases
             ##   where this is inconsistent with the PLHIV estimate.
             frr_already_art = (births_artpop_spectrum / art_current_internal_spectrum) /
               ((births_hivpop_spectrum - births_artpop_spectrum) / (plhiv_spectrum - art_current_internal_spectrum)),
             frr_already_art = tidyr::replace_na(frr_already_art, 1.0)

  if (any(spec_indicators$frr_already_art <= 0)) {
    stop("Invalid fertility rate ratio for women on ART calculated from Spectrum inputs. Please contact troubleshooting.")
  if (any(spec_indicators$frr_plhiv <= 0)) {
    stop("Invalid fertility rate ratio for women on ART calculated from Spectrum inputs. Please contact troubleshooting.")

  mf_model <- mf_model %>%
             spec_indicators %>%
             dplyr::filter(time_step == "quarter1") %>%
                      spec_prev_t1 = prevalence,
                      spec_incid_t1 = incidence,
                      spec_artcov_t1 = art_coverage,
                      spec_unaware_untreated_prop_t1 = unaware_untreated_prop,
                      asfr_t1 = asfr,
                      frr_plhiv_t1 = frr_plhiv,
                      frr_already_art_t1 = frr_already_art
             by = c("spectrum_region_code", "sex", "age_group")
           ) %>%
             spec_indicators %>%
             dplyr::filter(time_step == "quarter2") %>%
                      spec_prev_t2 = prevalence,
                      spec_incid_t2 = incidence,
                      spec_artcov_t2 = art_coverage,
                      spec_unaware_untreated_prop_t2 = unaware_untreated_prop,
                      asfr_t2 = asfr,
                      frr_plhiv_t2 = frr_plhiv,
                      frr_already_art_t2 = frr_already_art
             by = c("spectrum_region_code", "sex", "age_group")
           ) %>%
             spec_indicators %>%
             dplyr::filter(time_step == "quarter3") %>%
                      spec_prev_t3 = prevalence,
                      spec_incid_t3 = incidence,
                      spec_artcov_t3 = art_coverage,
                      spec_unaware_untreated_prop_t3 = unaware_untreated_prop,
                      asfr_t3 = asfr,
                      frr_plhiv_t3 = frr_plhiv,
                      frr_already_art_t3 = frr_already_art
             by = c("spectrum_region_code", "sex", "age_group")
           ) %>%
             spec_indicators %>%
             dplyr::filter(time_step == "quarter4") %>%
                      spec_prev_t4 = prevalence,
                      spec_incid_t4 = incidence,
                      spec_artcov_t4 = art_coverage,
             by = c("spectrum_region_code", "sex", "age_group")
           ) %>%
             spec_indicators %>%
             dplyr::filter(time_step == "quarter5") %>%
                      spec_prev_t5 = prevalence,
                      spec_incid_t5 = incidence,
                      spec_artcov_t5 = art_coverage,
             by = c("spectrum_region_code", "sex", "age_group")

  ## Projection matrices

  Lproj_t1t2 <- create_Lproj(spec = spec,
                             mf_model = mf_model,
                             quarter_id1 = quarter_id1,
                             quarter_id2 = quarter_id2,
                             population_colname1 = "population_t1",
                             population_colname2 = "population_t2",
                             adjust_area_growth = adjust_area_growth)

  Lproj_t2t3 <- create_Lproj(spec = spec,
                             mf_model = mf_model,
                             quarter_id1 = quarter_id2,
                             quarter_id2 = quarter_id3,
                             population_colname1 = "population_t2",
                             population_colname2 = "population_t3",
                             adjust_area_growth = adjust_area_growth)

  Lproj_t3t4 <- create_Lproj(spec = spec,
                             mf_model = mf_model,
                             quarter_id1 = quarter_id3,
                             quarter_id2 = quarter_id4,
                             population_colname1 = "population_t3",
                             population_colname2 = "population_t4",
                             adjust_area_growth = adjust_area_growth)

  Lproj_t4t5 <- create_Lproj(spec = spec,
                             mf_model = mf_model,
                             quarter_id1 = quarter_id4,
                             quarter_id2 = quarter_id5,
                             population_colname1 = "population_t4",
                             population_colname2 = "population_t5",
                             adjust_area_growth = adjust_area_growth)

  ## Adjacency matrix
  mf_areas_sf <- mf_areas
  mf_areas_sf$geometry <- areas$boundaries[area_id]
  mf_areas_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(mf_areas_sf)
  M <- create_adj_matrix(mf_areas_sf)

  ## Scaled  precision matrix for 'BYM2' model.
  Q  <- scale_gmrf_precision(diag(rowSums(M), nrow = nrow(M), ncol = ncol(M)) - M)

  ## Model output

  area_aggregation <- create_area_aggregation(model_area_ids = mf_model$area_id,
                                              areas = areas,
                                              drop_partial_areas = TRUE)
  outf <- naomi_output_frame(mf_model, area_aggregation)

  anc_age_groups <- get_age_groups() %>%
    dplyr::filter(age_group %in% get_five_year_age_groups(),
                  age_group_start >= 15,
                  age_group_start + age_group_span <= 50)
  anc_age_groups <- anc_age_groups[["age_group"]]

  anc_outf <- naomi_output_frame(mf_model, area_aggregation, anc_age_groups, "female")

  ## ART attendance model

  artattendM <- if(artattend) M else matrix(0, nrow(M), ncol(M))

  mf_areas <- mf_areas %>%
             data.frame(area_idx = seq_len(nrow(artattendM)),
                        n_neighbors = colSums(artattendM)),
             by = "area_idx"

  mf_artattend <- (artattendM + diag(nrow(artattendM))) %>%
    methods::as("dgCMatrix") %>%
    Matrix::summary() %>%
    dplyr::rename(reside_area_idx = i,
                  attend_area_idx = j,) %>%
             dplyr::select(mf_areas, reside_area_id = area_id, reside_area_idx = area_idx),
             by = "reside_area_idx"
           ) %>%
             dplyr::select(mf_areas, attend_area_id = area_id, attend_area_idx = area_idx),
             by = "attend_area_idx"
           ) %>%
                     istar = as.integer(reside_area_idx == attend_area_idx),
                     jstar = as.integer(reside_area_idx == attend_area_idx)) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(reside_area_idx, istar, attend_area_idx, jstar) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(attend_idx = dplyr::row_number(),
                  attend_area_idf = forcats::as_factor(attend_area_idx),
                  log_gamma_offset = dplyr::if_else(jstar == 1, 0, as.numeric(artattend_log_gamma_offset)))

  ## Incidence model

  mf_model <- mf_model %>%
    dplyr::group_by(area_id) %>%
             spec_prev15to49_t1 = sum(population_t1 * spec_prev_t1 * age15to49) / sum(population_t1 * age15to49),
             spec_artcov15to49_t1 =
               sum(population_t1 * spec_prev_t1 * spec_artcov_t1 * age15to49) /
               sum(population_t1 * spec_prev_t1 * age15to49),
             spec_prev15to49_t2 = sum(population_t2 * spec_prev_t2 * age15to49) / sum(population_t2 * age15to49),
             spec_artcov15to49_t2 =
               sum(population_t2 * spec_prev_t2 * spec_artcov_t2 * age15to49) /
               sum(population_t2 * spec_prev_t2 * age15to49),
             spec_prev15to49_t3 = sum(population_t3 * spec_prev_t3 * age15to49) / sum(population_t3 * age15to49),
             spec_artcov15to49_t3 =
               sum(population_t3 * spec_prev_t3 * spec_artcov_t3 * age15to49) /
               sum(population_t3 * spec_prev_t3 * age15to49),
             spec_prev15to49_t4 = sum(population_t4 * spec_prev_t4 * age15to49) / sum(population_t4 * age15to49),
             spec_artcov15to49_t4 =
               sum(population_t4 * spec_prev_t4 * spec_artcov_t4 * age15to49) /
               sum(population_t4 * spec_prev_t4 * age15to49),
             spec_prev15to49_t5 = sum(population_t5 * spec_prev_t5 * age15to49) / sum(population_t5 * age15to49),
             spec_artcov15to49_t5 =
               sum(population_t5 * spec_prev_t5 * spec_artcov_t5 * age15to49) /
               sum(population_t5 * spec_prev_t5 * age15to49),
             logit_rho_offset = 0,
             logit_alpha_offset = 0,
             logit_alpha_t1t2_offset = qlogis(spec_artcov_t2) - qlogis(spec_artcov_t1),
             logit_alpha_t2t3_offset = qlogis(spec_artcov_t3) - qlogis(spec_artcov_t2),
             logit_alpha_t3t4_offset = qlogis(spec_artcov_t4) - qlogis(spec_artcov_t3),
             logit_alpha_t4t5_offset = qlogis(spec_artcov_t5) - qlogis(spec_artcov_t4),
             log_lambda_t1_offset = log(spec_incid_t1) - log(spec_prev15to49_t1) - log(1 - omega * spec_artcov15to49_t1),
             log_lambda_t2_offset = log(spec_incid_t2) - log(spec_prev15to49_t2) - log(1 - omega * spec_artcov15to49_t2),
             log_lambda_t3_offset = log(spec_incid_t3) - log(spec_prev15to49_t3) - log(1 - omega * spec_artcov15to49_t3),
             log_lambda_t4_offset = log(spec_incid_t4) - log(spec_prev15to49_t4) - log(1 - omega * spec_artcov15to49_t4),
             log_lambda_t5_offset = log(spec_incid_t5) - log(spec_prev15to49_t5) - log(1 - omega * spec_artcov15to49_t5),
             log_lambda_t1_offset = dplyr::if_else(age_group == "Y000_004", -Inf, log_lambda_t1_offset),
             log_lambda_t2_offset = dplyr::if_else(age_group == "Y000_004", -Inf, log_lambda_t2_offset),
             log_lambda_t3_offset = dplyr::if_else(age_group == "Y000_004", -Inf, log_lambda_t3_offset),
             log_lambda_t4_offset = dplyr::if_else(age_group == "Y000_004", -Inf, log_lambda_t4_offset),
             log_lambda_t5_offset = dplyr::if_else(age_group == "Y000_004", -Inf, log_lambda_t5_offset)
           ) %>%

  ## Paediatric prevalence and incidence ratio model
  mf_model <- mf_model %>%
    dplyr::group_by(area_id) %>%
             is_paed = as.integer(age_group %in% c("Y000_004", "Y005_009", "Y010_014")),
             spec_prev15to49f_t1 = sum(population_t1 * spec_prev_t1 * age15to49 * female_15plus) / sum(population_t1 * age15to49 * female_15plus),
             spec_prev15to49f_t2 = sum(population_t2 * spec_prev_t2 * age15to49 * female_15plus) / sum(population_t2 * age15to49 * female_15plus),
             spec_prev15to49f_t3 = sum(population_t3 * spec_prev_t3 * age15to49 * female_15plus) / sum(population_t3 * age15to49 * female_15plus),
             spec_prev15to49f_t4 = sum(population_t4 * spec_prev_t4 * age15to49 * female_15plus) / sum(population_t4 * age15to49 * female_15plus),
             spec_prev15to49f_t5 = sum(population_t5 * spec_prev_t5 * age15to49 * female_15plus) / sum(population_t5 * age15to49 * female_15plus),
             paed_rho_ratio = is_paed * spec_prev_t1 / spec_prev15to49f_t1,
             bin_rho_model = if(rho_paed_15to49f_ratio) as.integer(!age_group %in% c("Y000_004", "Y005_009", "Y010_014")) else 1.0,
             ## Ratio of paediatric incidence to adult 15-49 female prevalence
             paed_lambda_ratio_t1 = is_paed * spec_incid_t1 / spec_prev15to49f_t1,
             paed_lambda_ratio_t2 = is_paed * spec_incid_t2 / spec_prev15to49f_t2,
             paed_lambda_ratio_t3 = is_paed * spec_incid_t3 / spec_prev15to49f_t3,
             paed_lambda_ratio_t4 = is_paed * spec_incid_t4 / spec_prev15to49f_t4,
             paed_lambda_ratio_t5 = is_paed * spec_incid_t5 / spec_prev15to49f_t5,
             ## Remove interim calculations
             is_paed = NULL,
             spec_prev15to49f_t1 = NULL,
             spec_prev15to49f_t2 = NULL,
             spec_prev15to49f_t3 = NULL,
             spec_prev15to49f_t4 = NULL,
             spec_prev15to49f_t5 = NULL
           ) %>%

  ## Remove unneeded columns from spectrum_calibration
  spectrum_calibration[["births_spectrum"]] <- NULL
  spectrum_calibration[["art_current_internal_spectrum"]] <- NULL

  v <- list(mf_model = mf_model,
            mf_out = outf$mf,
            mf_anc_out = anc_outf$mf,
            mf_areas = mf_areas,
            mf_artattend = mf_artattend,
            artattend_t2 = artattend_t2,
            rho_paed_x_term = rho_paed_x_term,
            alpha_xst_term = alpha_xst_term,
            area_aggregation = area_aggregation,
            A_out = outf$A,
            A_anc_out = anc_outf$A,
            Lproj_t1t2 = Lproj_t1t2,
            Lproj_t2t3 = Lproj_t2t3,
            Lproj_t3t4 = Lproj_t3t4,
            Lproj_t4t5 = Lproj_t4t5,
            areas = area_merged,
            age_groups = age_groups,
            sexes = sexes,
            calendar_quarter1 = calendar_quarter1,
            calendar_quarter2 = calendar_quarter2,
            calendar_quarter3 = calendar_quarter3,
            calendar_quarter4 = calendar_quarter4,
            calendar_quarter5 = calendar_quarter5,
            spectrum_calibration = spectrum_calibration,
            calibration_options = list(spectrum_population_calibration = spectrum_population_calibration),
            model_options = model_options,
            spectrum_0to4distribution = spectrum_0to4distribution,
            output_aware_plhiv = output_aware_plhiv,
            omega = omega,
            rita_param = rita_param,
            logit_nu_mean = logit_nu_mean,
            logit_nu_sd = logit_nu_sd,
            M = M,
            Q = Q)

  class(v) <- "naomi_mf"

#' Select data for model fitting
#' @param naomi_mf A Naomi model frame object.
#' @param survey_hiv_indicators Data frame of survey estimates, or NULL to exclude any survey data.
#' @param anc_testing Data frame of ANC routine testing outcomes, or NULL to exclude any ANC data.
#' @param art_number Data frame of number currently receiving ART, or NULL to exclude any ART data.
#' @param prev_survey_ids A character vector of `survey_id`s for prevalence data.
#' @param artcov_survey_ids A character vector of `survey_id`s for ART coverage data.
#' @param recent_survey_ids A character vector of `survey_id`s for recent HIV infection status.
#' @param vls_survey_ids A character vector of `survey_id`s for survey VLS among all HIV+ persons.
#' @param artnum_calendar_quarter_t1 Calendar quarter for first time point for number on ART.
#' @param artnum_calendar_quarter_t2 Calendar quarter for second time point for number on ART.
#' @param anc_clients_year_t2 Calendar year (possibly multiple) for number of ANC clients at year 2.
#' @param anc_clients_year_t2_num_monhts Number of months of reporting reflected in the year(s) recorded in `anc_clients_year_t2`.
#' @param anc_prev_year_t1 Calendar year (possibly multiple) for first time point for ANC prevalence.
#' @param anc_prev_year_t2 Calendar year (possibly multiple) for second time point for ANC prevalence.
#' @param anc_artcov_year_t1 Calendar year (possibly multiple) for first time point for ANC ART coverage.
#' @param anc_artcov_year_t2 Calendar year (possibly multiple) for second time point for ANC ART coverage.
#' @param deff_prev Approximate design effect for survey prevalence.
#' @param deff_artcov Approximate design effect for survey ART coverage.
#' @param deff_recent Approximate design effect for survey proportion recently infected.
#' @param deff_vls Approximate design effect for survey viral load suppression.
#' @param spec_program_data Object of class `"spec_program_data"` consisting of aggregated program data inputs to Spectrum. Provided for checking against Naomi inputs. If `NULL` then checks are not conducted.
#' @details
#' See example datasets for examples of required template for data sets. *`_survey_ids` must be reflected
#' in `survey_hiv_indicators`.
#' ART coverage and VLS survey data should not be included from the same survey. This is checked
#' by the function call and will throw an error.
#' The `deff_*` arguments are approximate design effects used to scale the effective sample size for survey
#' observations. Stratified design effects are will not be the same as full survey DEFF and there is not
#' a straightforward way to approximate these.
#' The option `use_aggregate_survey = TRUE` allows for aggregate versions of survey data to be used in model
#' fitting, for example age 15-49 prevalence instead of five-year age group prevalence or province-level
#' survey data instead of district level data. This maybe useful if cluster coordinates or survey microdata
#' are not available. This option assumes that the `survey_hiv_indicators` is alreaddy subsetted to exactly
#' the data to be used. All stratifications must also appear in the `naomi_data$mf_out` stratifications.
#' @seealso [demo_survey_hiv_indicators], [demo_anc_testing], [demo_art_number], [convert_quarter_id]
#' @export
select_naomi_data <- function(
  vls_survey_ids = NULL,
  artnum_calendar_quarter_t1 = naomi_mf[["calendar_quarter1"]],
  artnum_calendar_quarter_t2 = naomi_mf[["calendar_quarter2"]],
  anc_clients_year_t2 = year_labels(calendar_quarter_to_quarter_id(
  anc_clients_year_t2_num_months = 12,
  anc_prev_year_t1 = year_labels(calendar_quarter_to_quarter_id(
  anc_prev_year_t2 = year_labels(calendar_quarter_to_quarter_id(
  anc_artcov_year_t1 = anc_prev_year_t1,
  anc_artcov_year_t2 = anc_prev_year_t2,
  use_kish_prev = TRUE,
  deff_prev = 1.0,
  use_kish_artcov = TRUE,
  deff_artcov = 1.0,
  use_kish_recent = TRUE,
  deff_recent = 1.0,
  use_kish_vls = TRUE,
  deff_vls = 1.0,
  use_survey_aggregate = FALSE,
  spec_program_data = NULL) {

  stopifnot(methods::is(naomi_mf, "naomi_mf"))

  ## Check anc_testing and art_number against Spectrum inputs.
  ## Return NA if spec_program_data not provided
  anc_testing_spectrum_aligned <- NA
  art_number_spectrum_aligned <- NA

  if (!is.null(spec_program_data)) {
    stopifnot(methods::is(spec_program_data, "spec_program_data"))

    if (!is.null(anc_testing)) {

      anc_merged <- anc_testing %>%
          dplyr::select(naomi_mf$mf_areas, area_id, spectrum_region_code),
          by = "area_id"
        ) %>%
                            names_to = "indicator",
                            values_to = "value_naomi") %>%
        dplyr::count(spectrum_region_code, year, indicator,
                     wt = value_naomi, name = "value_naomi") %>%
          spec_program_data$anc_testing %>%
          dplyr::rename("value_spectrum" = "value"),
          by = c("spectrum_region_code", "indicator", "year")

      anc_testing_spectrum_aligned <- all(anc_merged$value_naomi == anc_merged$value_spectrum)

    } else {
      ## If no ANC testing data, return TRUE
      anc_testing_spectrum_aligned <- TRUE

    if (!is.null(art_number)) {

      art_merged <- art_number %>%
          dplyr::select(naomi_mf$mf_areas, area_id, spectrum_region_code),
          by = "area_id"
        ) %>%
        dplyr::count(spectrum_region_code, sex, age_group, calendar_quarter,
                     wt = art_current, name = "art_current_naomi") %>%
          spec_program_data$art_dec31 %>%
            calendar_quarter = paste0("CY", year, "Q4"),
            year = NULL
          by = c("spectrum_region_code", "sex", "age_group", "calendar_quarter")

      art_number_spectrum_aligned <- all(art_merged$art_current_naomi == art_merged$art_dec31)

    } else {
      ## If no ANC testing data, return TRUE
      art_number_spectrum_aligned <- TRUE

  common_surveys <- intersect(artcov_survey_ids, vls_survey_ids)
  if (length(common_surveys)) {
            list(survey_ids = paste(common_surveys, collapse = ", ")),
            count = length(common_surveys)))

  survey_prev_tagged <- survey_mf(survey_ids = prev_survey_ids,
                                 indicator = "prevalence",
                                 survey_hiv_indicators = survey_hiv_indicators,
                                 naomi_mf = naomi_mf,
                                 use_kish = use_kish_prev,
                                 deff = deff_prev,
                                 use_aggregate = use_survey_aggregate)

  if (nrow(survey_prev_tagged$model_input) == 0) {
    stop("No prevalence survey data found for survey: ",
         paste0(prev_survey_ids, collapse = ", "),
         ". Prevalence data are required for Naomi. Check your selections.")

  survey_artcov_tagged <- survey_mf(survey_ids = artcov_survey_ids,
                                   indicator = "art_coverage",
                                   survey_hiv_indicators = survey_hiv_indicators,
                                   naomi_mf = naomi_mf,
                                   use_kish = use_kish_artcov,
                                   deff = deff_artcov,
                                   use_aggregate = use_survey_aggregate)

  survey_recent_tagged <- survey_mf(survey_ids = recent_survey_ids,
                                   indicator = "recent_infected",
                                   survey_hiv_indicators = survey_hiv_indicators,
                                   naomi_mf = naomi_mf,
                                   use_kish = use_kish_recent,
                                   deff = deff_recent,
                                   min_age = 15,
                                   max_age = 80,
                                   use_aggregate = use_survey_aggregate)

  survey_vls_tagged <- survey_mf(survey_ids = vls_survey_ids,
                                indicator = "viral_suppression_plhiv",
                                survey_hiv_indicators = survey_hiv_indicators,
                                naomi_mf = naomi_mf,
                                use_kish = use_kish_vls,
                                deff = deff_vls,
                                use_aggregate = use_survey_aggregate)

  # Meta areas
  meta_areas <- naomi_mf$areas %>%
    dplyr::select(area_id, area_level) %>%

  # Aggregate, tag and subset ANC inputs according to model option specifications
  if(is.null(anc_testing)) {
    anc_full_mf <- NULL
    anc_tagged <- NULL

  } else {

    anc_aggregated <- aggregate_anc(anc_testing, naomi_mf$areas) %>%
      dplyr::filter(area_id %in% naomi_mf$area_aggregation$area_id)

    ## Calculate model inputs for all data provided
    anc_full_mf <- anc_aggregated %>%
      dplyr::group_by(area_id, age_group, year) %>%
      dplyr::summarise_at(dplyr::vars(anc_known_pos, anc_tested_pos, anc_tested,
                                      anc_already_art, anc_clients, anc_known_neg,
                                      births_facility), sum) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
        sex = "female",
        anc_total_pos = anc_known_pos + anc_tested_pos,
        anc_prev_x = anc_known_pos + anc_tested_pos,
        anc_prev_n = anc_known_pos + anc_tested + anc_known_neg,
        anc_artcov_x = anc_already_art,
        anc_artcov_n = anc_total_pos,
        anc_clients_x = anc_clients,
        anc_clients_pys_offset = log(anc_clients_year_t2_num_months/ 12),
        anc_prevalence = anc_prev_x/anc_prev_n,
        anc_art_coverage = anc_artcov_x/ anc_artcov_n) %>%
      dplyr::select(area_id, age_group, year, sex, dplyr::everything()) %>%
      tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = anc_known_pos:anc_art_coverage,
                          names_to = "indicator", values_to = "value")

    anc_years <- c(anc_prev_year_t1, anc_prev_year_t2,
                   anc_artcov_year_t1, anc_artcov_year_t2,

    # Drop  NAs and filter for years contained in model options scope
    anc_model_mf <- anc_full_mf %>%
        year %in% anc_years
      ) %>%
        by = "area_id"

    anc_tagged <- tag_data_inputs(anc_full_mf, anc_model_mf, colnames(anc_model_mf))

    anc_full_mf = anc_tagged$raw_input %>%
      dplyr::left_join(meta_areas %>% dplyr::select(area_id, area_level), by = "area_id") %>%
      dplyr::arrange(area_level, area_id, year) %>%


  anc_prev_t1_dat <- anc_testing_prev_mf(anc_prev_year_t1, anc_tagged$model_input)
  anc_artcov_t1_dat <- anc_testing_artcov_mf(anc_artcov_year_t1, anc_tagged$model_input)

  anc_clients_t2_dat <- anc_testing_clients_mf(anc_clients_year_t2, anc_tagged$model_input)

  anc_prev_t2_dat <- anc_testing_prev_mf(anc_prev_year_t2, anc_tagged$model_input)
  anc_artcov_t2_dat <- anc_testing_artcov_mf(anc_artcov_year_t2, anc_tagged$model_input)

  # Aggregate, interpolate, tag and subset ART inputs according to model option specifications

  artnum_t1_tagged <- artnum_mf(artnum_calendar_quarter_t1, art_number, naomi_mf)
  artnum_t2_tagged <- artnum_mf(artnum_calendar_quarter_t2, art_number, naomi_mf)

  artnum_t1_dat <- artnum_t1_tagged$model_input
  artnum_t2_dat <- artnum_t2_tagged$model_input

  # Add data into naomi_mf
  naomi_mf$prev_dat <- survey_prev_tagged$model_input
  naomi_mf$artcov_dat <- survey_artcov_tagged$model_input
  naomi_mf$recent_dat <- survey_recent_tagged$model_input
  naomi_mf$vls_dat <- survey_vls_tagged$model_input

  naomi_mf$anc_prev_t1_dat <- anc_prev_t1_dat
  naomi_mf$anc_artcov_t1_dat <- anc_artcov_t1_dat
  naomi_mf$anc_clients_t2_dat <- anc_clients_t2_dat
  naomi_mf$anc_prev_t2_dat <- anc_prev_t2_dat
  naomi_mf$anc_artcov_t2_dat <- anc_artcov_t2_dat

  naomi_mf$artnum_t1_dat <- artnum_t1_dat
  naomi_mf$artnum_t2_dat <- artnum_t2_dat

  naomi_mf <- update_mf_offsets(naomi_mf,

  surv_df <- survey_hiv_indicators
  data_options <- list(prev_survey_available = unique(surv_df$survey_id[surv_df$indicator == "prevalence"]),
                       prev_survey_available_quarters = unique(surv_df$survey_mid_calendar_quarter[surv_df$indicator == "prevalence"]),
                       artcov_survey_available = unique(surv_df$survey_id[surv_df$indicator == "art_coverage"]),
                       prev_survey_ids = prev_survey_ids,
                       prev_survey_quarters = unique(surv_df$survey_mid_calendar_quarter[surv_df$survey_id %in% prev_survey_ids]),
                       artcov_survey_ids = artcov_survey_ids,
                       artcov_survey_quarters = unique(surv_df$survey_mid_calendar_quarter[surv_df$survey_id %in% artcov_survey_ids]),
                       artnum_calendar_quarter_t1 = artnum_calendar_quarter_t1,
                       artnum_calendar_quarter_t2 = artnum_calendar_quarter_t2,
                       anc_prev_year_t1 = anc_artcov_year_t1,
                       anc_prev_year_t2 = anc_artcov_year_t2,
                       art_number_spectrum_aligned = art_number_spectrum_aligned,
                       anc_testing_spectrum_aligned = anc_testing_spectrum_aligned)

  naomi_mf$data_options <- data_options

  # Combine and add full tagged data
  survey_full_mf <- rbind(survey_prev_tagged$raw_input,
                          survey_vls_tagged$raw_input) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(meta_areas, by = "area_id") %>%
    dplyr::arrange(area_level, area_id, survey_id, survey_mid_calendar_quarter)%>%

  artnum_full_mf <- rbind(artnum_t1_tagged$raw_input,
                          artnum_t2_tagged$raw_input) %>%
    dplyr::distinct() %>%
    dplyr::left_join(meta_areas, by = "area_id") %>%
    dplyr::arrange(area_level, area_id, calendar_quarter) %>%

  full_data <- list(survey_full_mf = survey_full_mf,
                       artnum_full_mf = artnum_full_mf,
                       anc_full_mf = anc_full_mf)

  naomi_mf$full_data <- full_data

  class(naomi_mf) <- c("naomi_data", class(naomi_mf))


update_mf_offsets <- function(naomi_mf,
                              prev_dat = NULL,
                              artcov_dat = NULL,
                              vls_dat = NULL) {

  stopifnot(methods::is(naomi_mf, "naomi_mf"))

  get_idx <- function(mf, df) {

    age_max <- df %>%
      dplyr::left_join(get_age_groups(), by = "age_group") %>%
      dplyr::group_by(sex) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(age_max = max(age_group_start + age_group_span))

    age_min <- df %>%
      dplyr::left_join(get_age_groups(), by = "age_group") %>%
      dplyr::group_by(sex) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(age_min = min(age_group_start))

    mf %>%
      dplyr::left_join(get_age_groups(), by = "age_group") %>%
      dplyr::left_join(age_max, by = "sex") %>%
      dplyr::left_join(age_min, by = "sex") %>%
      dplyr::group_by(sex) %>%
                       data_range = as.integer(age_group_start >= age_min & (age_group_start + age_group_span) <= age_max),
                       upper_offset_range = as.integer((age_group_start + age_group_span) >= age_max),
                       lower_offset_range = as.integer(age_group_start <= age_min),
                       age_fct = pmin(age_group_start, max(age_group_start * data_range)),
                       age_fct = pmax(age_fct, min(age_fct / data_range, na.rm = TRUE)),
                       age_fct = factor(age_fct)) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%

  if (
    is.null(prev_dat) ||
    nrow(prev_dat) == 0 ||
    all(prev_dat$age_group %in% c("Y000_014", "Y015_049"))
  ) {
    ## Offset vs. age 15-49 prevalence
    ## No rho_a_fct
    naomi_mf$mf_model <- naomi_mf$mf_model %>%
               rho_a_fct = NA,
               logit_rho_offset = qlogis(spec_prev_t1) - qlogis(spec_prev15to49_t1)
  } else {
    d <- get_idx(naomi_mf$mf_model, prev_dat)

    naomi_mf$mf_model <- naomi_mf$mf_model %>%
      dplyr::left_join(d, by = "idx") %>%
      dplyr::group_by(area_id, sex) %>%
               rho_a_fct = age_fct,
               age_fct = NULL,
               logit_rho_offset = dplyr::case_when(upper_offset_range == 1 ~ qlogis(spec_prev_t1) - qlogis(max(spec_prev_t1 * data_range * upper_offset_range)),
                                                   lower_offset_range == 1 ~ qlogis(spec_prev_t1) - qlogis(max(spec_prev_t1 * data_range * lower_offset_range)),
                                                   TRUE ~ 0),
               data_range = NULL,
               lower_offset_range = NULL,
               upper_offset_range = NULL
             ) %>%

  if (
    is.null(artcov_dat) ||
    nrow(artcov_dat) == 0 ||
    all(prev_dat$age_group %in% c("Y000_014", "Y015_049"))
  ) && (
    is.null(vls_dat) ||
    nrow(vls_dat) == 0 ||
    all(vls_dat$age_group %in% c("Y000_014", "Y015_049"))
    ## Offset vs. age 15-49 ART coverage
    ## No alpha_a_fct
    naomi_mf$mf_model <- naomi_mf$mf_model %>%
               alpha_a_fct = NA,
               logit_alpha_offset = qlogis(spec_artcov_t1) - qlogis(spec_artcov15to49_t1)
  } else {

    artcov_vls_dat <- dplyr::bind_rows(artcov_dat, vls_dat)
    d <- get_idx(naomi_mf$mf_model, artcov_vls_dat)

    naomi_mf$mf_model <- naomi_mf$mf_model %>%
      dplyr::left_join(d, by = "idx") %>%
      dplyr::group_by(area_id, sex) %>%
               alpha_a_fct = age_fct,
               age_fct = NULL,
               logit_alpha_offset = dplyr::case_when(upper_offset_range == 1 ~ qlogis(spec_artcov_t1) - qlogis(max(spec_artcov_t1 * data_range * upper_offset_range)),
                                                     lower_offset_range == 1 ~ qlogis(spec_artcov_t1) - qlogis(max(spec_artcov_t1 * data_range * lower_offset_range)),
                                                     TRUE ~ 0),
               data_range = NULL,
               lower_offset_range = NULL,
               upper_offset_range = NULL
             ) %>%


#' Get age group ids for output
#' Ensures that age groups are fully spanned by modelled
#' ages.
#' @param age_groups Modelled age groups. Assumed to
#'   be non-overlapping.
#' @keywords internal
get_age_group_out <- function(age_groups) {

  agegr <- get_age_groups() %>%
    dplyr::filter(age_group %in% age_groups) %>%
    dplyr::transmute(mod_agegr_start = age_group_start,
                     mod_agegr_span = age_group_span)

  ## TODO: Check agegr are non overlapping

  v <- get_age_groups() %>%
    tidyr::crossing(agegr) %>%
    dplyr::filter(age_group_start <= mod_agegr_start,
                  age_group_start + age_group_span >= mod_agegr_start + mod_agegr_span) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(age_group) %>%
    dplyr::filter(age_group_start == min(mod_agegr_start)) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::count(age_group, age_group_span, age_group_sort_order, wt = mod_agegr_span) %>%
    dplyr::filter(age_group_span == n) %>%


get_sex_out <- function(sexes) {

  if(!all(c("male", "female") %in% sexes))
    sex_out <- sexes
    sex_out <- c("both", "male", "female")


#' Prepare model frames for survey datasets
#' @param survey_ids Survey IDs
#' @param indicator Indicator to filter, character string
#' @param survey_hiv_indicators Survey HIV indicators
#' @param naomi_mf Naomi model frame
#' @param use_kish Logical whether to use Kish effective sample size
#' @param deff Assumed design effect for scaling effective sample size
#' @param min_age Min age for calculating recent infection
#' @param max_age Max age for calculating recent infection
#' @param use_aggregate Logical; use aggregate survey data as provided instead of
#'   subsetting fine area/sex/age group stratification.
#' @export
survey_mf <- function(survey_ids,
                      use_kish = TRUE,
                      deff = 1.0,
                      min_age = 0,
                      max_age = 80,
                      use_aggregate = FALSE) {

  eligible_age_groups <- get_age_groups() %>%
      age_group_start >= min_age,
      age_group_start + age_group_span <= max_age

  ## Filter for specified indicators
  survey_dat <- dplyr::filter(survey_hiv_indicators, indicator == !!indicator)

  ## Calculate strata weights for all survey data provided
  full_survey <- survey_dat %>%
    dplyr::mutate(n = n_observations,
                  n_eff = if(use_kish) n_eff_kish else n,
                  n_eff = n_eff / deff,
                  x_eff = n_eff * estimate) %>%
    dplyr::filter(age_group %in% eligible_age_groups$age_group)

  ## Filter data for specified survey ID
  filtered_survey <- full_survey %>%
    dplyr::filter(survey_id %in% survey_ids)

  if (!use_aggregate) {
    ## Filter data to finest area / sex / age_group stratification
    filtered_survey <- dplyr::semi_join(filtered_survey, naomi_mf$mf_model,
                            by = c("area_id", "sex", "age_group"))
  } else {
    ## Check that all of the aggregates are in the coarser stratification
    check <- dplyr::anti_join(filtered_survey, naomi_mf$mf_out,
                              by = c("area_id", "sex", "age_group"))
    if (nrow(check) > 0) {
      stop("Aggregate survey data selected. Stratifications included in dataset which ",
           "are not in model scope for indicator ", indicator)

    ## TODO: insert check of whether any area / sex / age group is duplicated. Currently
    ##  this will be checked later in the prepare_tmb_inputs(), but it would be better
    ##  to throw the error earlier here.

  survey_out <- tag_data_inputs(full_survey, filtered_survey,
                                cols = c("area_id", "age_group", "sex", "survey_id",
                                         "n", "n_eff", "x_eff", "estimate", "std_error"))


#' Prepare Model Frames for Programme Datasets
#' @param year Calendar year
#' @param anc_testing ART data frame
#' @param naomi_mf Naomi model frame
#' @return Calculated prevalence
#' @export
anc_testing_prev_mf <- function(year, anc_model_mf) {

  if(is.null(anc_model_mf) || is.null(year)) {
    ## No ANC prevalence data used
    anc_prev_dat <- data.frame(
      area_id = character(0),
      sex = character(0),
      age_group = character(0),
      obs_idx = integer(0),
      anc_prev_x = integer(0),
      anc_prev_n = integer(0),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  } else {

    if (!all(year %in% anc_model_mf$year)) {
      missing_years <- setdiff(year, anc_model_mf$year)
              list(missing_year = paste(missing_years, collapse = ", ")),
              count = length(missing_years))) }

    ## Filter for T1 or T2 specified in model scope
    anc_sub <- anc_model_mf %>%
        year %in% !!year,
        indicator %in% c("anc_prev_x", "anc_prev_n")
      ) %>%
      tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "indicator", values_from = "value") %>%
      dplyr::mutate(obs_idx = dplyr::row_number()) %>%
      dplyr::select("area_id", "sex", "age_group","obs_idx","anc_prev_x", "anc_prev_n") %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(anc_prev_x), !is.na(anc_prev_n))

    if(any(anc_sub$anc_prev_x > anc_sub$anc_prev_n)) {



#' @rdname anc_testing_prev_mf
#' @export
anc_testing_artcov_mf <- function(year, anc_model_mf) {

  if(is.null(anc_model_mf) || is.null(year)) {
    ## No ANC ART coverage data used
    anc_artcov_dat <- data.frame(
      area_id = character(0),
      sex = character(0),
      age_group = character(0),
      obs_idx = integer(0),
      anc_artcov_x = integer(0),
      anc_artcov_n = integer(0),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  } else {

    if (!all(year %in% anc_model_mf$year)) {
      missing_years <- setdiff(year, anc_model_mf$year)
              list(missing_year = paste(missing_years, collapse = ", ")),
              count = length(missing_years)))

    ## Filter observations contained in model scope
    anc_sub <- anc_model_mf %>%
        year %in% !!year,
        indicator %in% c("anc_artcov_x", "anc_artcov_n")
      ) %>%
      tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "indicator", values_from = "value") %>%
      dplyr::mutate(obs_idx = dplyr::row_number()) %>%
      dplyr::select("area_id", "sex", "age_group", "obs_idx", "anc_artcov_x", "anc_artcov_n") %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(anc_artcov_x), !is.na(anc_artcov_n))

    if(any(anc_sub$anc_artcov_x > anc_sub$anc_artcov_n)) {



#' @rdname anc_testing_prev_mf
#' @export
anc_testing_clients_mf <- function(year, anc_model_mf) {

  if(is.null(anc_model_mf) || is.null(year)) {
    ## No data on number of ANC clients used
    anc_clients_dat <- data.frame(
      area_id = character(0),
      sex = character(0),
      age_group = character(0),
      obs_idx = integer(0),
      anc_clients_x = integer(0),
      anc_clients_pys_offset = numeric(0),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  } else {

    if (!all(year %in% anc_model_mf$year)) {
      missing_years <- setdiff(year, anc_model_mf$year)
              list(missing_year = paste(missing_years, collapse = ", ")),
              count = length(missing_years)))

    ## Filter for T1 or T2 specified in model scope
    anc_sub <- anc_model_mf %>%
        year %in% !!year,
        indicator %in% c("anc_clients_x", "anc_clients_pys_offset")
      ) %>%
      tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "indicator", values_from = "value")

    ## Filter to only records with anc_clients_x recorded
    anc_sub <- dplyr::filter(anc_sub, !is.na(anc_clients_x))

    ## Assign observation index
    anc_sub <- anc_sub %>%
      dplyr::mutate(obs_idx = dplyr::row_number()) %>%
      dplyr::select("area_id", "sex", "age_group","obs_idx","anc_clients_x", "anc_clients_pys_offset")




#' Build artnum model frame
#' @rdname artnum_mf
#' @param calendar_quarter Calendar quarter
#' @details
#' Number on ART at desired quarter are linearly interpolated within the dataset.
#' If the desired quarter is before the earliest data, the first value may
#' be carried back by up to one year (four quarters). Data are never carried forward
#' @export
artnum_mf <- function(calendar_quarter, art_number, naomi_mf) {

  stopifnot(length(calendar_quarter) <= 1)
  stopifnot(methods::is(naomi_mf, "naomi_mf"))

  if(is.null(calendar_quarter) || is.null(art_number)) {
    ## No number on ART data or no year specified

    artnum_dat <- data.frame(
      area_id = character(0),
      sex = character(0),
      age_group = character(0),
      art_current = integer(0),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    if(is.null(calendar_quarter) && is.null(art_number) || is.null(art_number)) {
      ## No number on ART data and no year specified
      raw_input <- data.frame(
        area_id = character(0),
        sex = character(0),
        age_group = character(0),
        art_current = integer(0),
        calendar_quarter = character(0),
        source = character(0),
        naomi_input = character(0),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    if(!is.null(art_number)) {
      ## No number on ART data and no year specified
      raw_input  <- aggregate_art(art_number, naomi_mf$areas) %>%
          source = "programme",
          naomi_input = FALSE) %>%
        dplyr::select(area_id, sex, age_group, art_current, calendar_quarter,
                      source, naomi_input)

    artnum_dat_out <- list(model_input = artnum_dat,
                           raw_input = raw_input)
  } else {

    out_quarter_id <- calendar_quarter_to_quarter_id(calendar_quarter)

    # Check for duplicated reporting before aggregating data
    dat <- art_number %>%
        by = "area_id"
      ) %>%
        quarter_id = calendar_quarter_to_quarter_id(calendar_quarter)

    art_duplicated_check <- dat %>%
        by = "area_id"
      ) %>%
      dplyr::count(model_area_id, age_group, sex, calendar_quarter) %>%
      dplyr::filter(n > 1)

    if (nrow(art_duplicated_check)) {
      stop(paste("ART data multiply reported for some age/sex strata in areas:",
                 paste(unique(art_duplicated_check$model_area_id), collapse = ", ")))

    # Aggregate program data
    aggregated_artnum <- aggregate_art(art_number, naomi_mf$areas) %>%
        quarter_id = calendar_quarter_to_quarter_id(calendar_quarter)
      ) %>%

    cols <- c("area_id","sex","age_group","art_current")

    # Select or interpolate ART data for all admin levels
    if (out_quarter_id %in% aggregated_artnum$quarter_id) {
      full_artnum <- dplyr::filter(aggregated_artnum, quarter_id == out_quarter_id) %>%
      #  Tag row selected as model inputs
      full_artnum$calendar_quarter <- calendar_quarter
      full_artnum$source <- "programme"
    } else {
    full_artnum <- aggregated_artnum %>%
      dplyr::group_by(area_id, sex, age_group) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(min_data_quarter = min(quarter_id),
                       max_data_quarter = max(quarter_id),
                       art_current = stats::approx(quarter_id, art_current, out_quarter_id, rule =2)$y,
                       .groups = "drop") %>%
      dplyr::filter(out_quarter_id > min_data_quarter - 4L,
                    out_quarter_id <= max_data_quarter) %>%
    #  Tag row selected as model inputs
    full_artnum$calendar_quarter <- calendar_quarter
    full_artnum$source <- "interpolated"

    if (nrow(full_artnum) == 0) {
              list(calendar_quarter = calendar_quarter)))

    ## Calculate model inputs for all data provided
    ## Filter observations contained in model scope
    filtered_artnum <- dplyr::semi_join(
      by = "area_id"
    ) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(naomi_input = TRUE)

    #  Get intersecting colnames to silence anti_join message
    col_names <- intersect(names(full_artnum), names(filtered_artnum))

    excluded <- dplyr::anti_join(full_artnum, filtered_artnum, by = col_names) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(naomi_input = FALSE)

    artnum_full_mf <- rbind(filtered_artnum, excluded)
    artnum_sub <- dplyr::select(filtered_artnum,
                                     area_id, sex, age_group, art_current)

    artnum_out <- list(raw_input = artnum_full_mf,
                      model_input = artnum_sub)



#' Tag data inputs
#' @param full_data Raw model input data
#' @param filtered_data Model input data filtered by model option specifications
#' @return Tagged inputs
#' @keywords internal
tag_data_inputs <- function(full_data, filtered_data, cols = list()) {

  #  Get intersecting colnames to silence anti_join message
  col_names <- intersect(names(full_data), names(filtered_data))

  excluded <- dplyr::anti_join(full_data, filtered_data, by = col_names)
  excluded$naomi_input <- FALSE

  #  Tag row selected as model inputs
  keep_cols <- cols
  filtered_data$naomi_input <- TRUE

  all_data <- rbind(filtered_data, excluded)

  # Select columns relevant for model inputs
  model_input <- dplyr::select(filtered_data, all_of(cols))

  out <- list(raw_input  = all_data,
              model_input = model_input)

mrc-ide/naomi documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 8:37 p.m.