#' @noRd
check_drjacoby_loglike <- function(ll_func) {
if(!identical(names(formals(ll_func)), c("params", "data", "misc"))) {
stop("Likelihood function for drjacoby must have following arguments:
\n 'params', 'data', 'misc'")
#' @noRd
check_drjacoby_logprior <- function(ll_func) {
if(!identical(names(formals(ll_func)), c("params", "misc"))) {
stop("Log prior function for drjacoby must have following arguments:
\n 'params', 'misc'")
#' @noRd
check_drjacoby_list <- function(drjl) {
if(any(c("data", "df_params", "misc", "loglike", "logprior", "burnin", "samples") %in% names(drjl))) {
stop("The following can not be named in drjacoby_list:\n",
"data, df_params, misc, loglike, logprior, burnin or samples")
if(length(drjl) > 0){
if(!all(names(drjl) %in% names(formals(drjacoby::run_mcmc)))) {
stop("Arguments in drjacoby_list are not found in drjacoby::run_mcmc. Please check drjacoby_list")
#' @noRd
calc_loglikelihood_drjacoby <- function(ll_func = calc_loglikelihood) {
#' Run a drjacoby mcmc sampler with the Squire model setup
#' @title Run an MCMC Sampler using drjacoby
#' @inheritParams pmcmc
#' @param drjacoby_list List of arguments to pass to [[drjacoby::run_mcmc]] that
#' are not data, df_params, misc, loglike, logprior, burnin or samples
#' @description The drjacoby mcmc sampler is very similar to [[pmcmc]] but there
#' are a few subtle differences that meant it was easier to have a separate
#' function for using drjacoby for the mcmc process
#' @export
#' @import coda
#' @importFrom stats rnorm plogis qnorm cov median
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm
drjacoby_mcmc <- function(data,
log_likelihood = NULL,
log_prior = NULL,
n_particles = 1e2,
steps_per_day = 4,
output_proposals = FALSE,
n_chains = 1,
squire_model = explicit_model(),
pars_obs = list(phi_cases = 1,
k_cases = 2,
phi_death = 1,
k_death = 2,
exp_noise = 1e6),
pars_init = list('start_date' = as.Date("2020-02-07"),
'R0' = 2.5,
'Meff' = 2,
'Meff_pl' = 3,
"R0_pl_shift" = 0),
pars_min = list('start_date' = as.Date("2020-02-01"),
'R0' = 0,
'Meff' = 1,
'Meff_pl' = 2,
"R0_pl_shift" = -2),
pars_max = list('start_date' = as.Date("2020-02-20"),
'R0' = 5,
'Meff' = 3,
'Meff_pl' = 4,
"R0_pl_shift" = 5),
pars_discrete = list('start_date' = TRUE,
'R0' = FALSE,
'Meff' = FALSE,
'Meff_pl' = FALSE,
"R0_pl_shift" = FALSE),
reporting_fraction = 1,
treated_deaths_only = FALSE,
country = NULL,
population = NULL,
contact_matrix_set = NULL,
baseline_contact_matrix = NULL,
date_contact_matrix_set_change = NULL,
R0_change = NULL,
date_R0_change = NULL,
hosp_bed_capacity = NULL,
baseline_hosp_bed_capacity = NULL,
date_hosp_bed_capacity_change = NULL,
ICU_bed_capacity = NULL,
baseline_ICU_bed_capacity = NULL,
date_ICU_bed_capacity_change = NULL,
date_vaccine_change = NULL,
baseline_max_vaccine = NULL,
max_vaccine = NULL,
date_vaccine_efficacy_infection_change = NULL,
baseline_vaccine_efficacy_infection = NULL,
vaccine_efficacy_infection = NULL,
date_vaccine_efficacy_disease_change = NULL,
baseline_vaccine_efficacy_disease = NULL,
vaccine_efficacy_disease = NULL,
Rt_args = NULL,
burnin = 0,
replicates = 100,
forecast = 0,
drjacoby_list = list(),
) {
# Section 1 of pMCMC Wrapper: Checks & Setup
# assertions & checks
# if nimue keep to 1 step per day
if(inherits(squire_model, "nimue_model")) {
steps_per_day <- 1
# we work with pars_init being a list of inital conditions for starting
if(any(c("start_date", "R0") %in% names(pars_init))) {
pars_init <- list(pars_init)
# make it same length as chains, which allows us to pass in multiple starting points
if(length(pars_init) != n_chains) {
pars_init <- rep(pars_init, n_chains)
pars_init <- pars_init[seq_len(n_chains)]
# data assertions
assert_in("date", names(data))
assert_in("deaths", names(data))
message = "Dates must be in increasing order")
# check input pars df
assert_eq(names(pars_init[[1]]), names(pars_min))
assert_eq(names(pars_min), names(pars_max))
assert_eq(names(pars_max), names(pars_discrete))
assert_in(c("R0", "start_date"),names(pars_init[[1]]),
message = "Params to infer must include R0, start_date")
if (pars_max$start_date >= as.Date(data$date[1])-1) {
stop("Maximum start date must be at least 2 days before the first date in data")
# check date variables are as Date class
for(i in seq_along(pars_init)) {
pars_init[[i]]$start_date <- as.Date(pars_init[[i]]$start_date)
pars_min$start_date <- as.Date(pars_min$start_date)
pars_max$start_date <- as.Date(pars_max$start_date)
# check bounds
for(var in names(pars_init[[1]])) {
left = as.numeric(pars_min[[var]]),
right = as.numeric(pars_max[[var]]),
name = paste(var, "init"))
assert_single_numeric(as.numeric(pars_min[[var]]), name = paste(var, "min"))
assert_single_numeric(as.numeric(pars_max[[var]]), name = paste(var, "max"))
assert_single_numeric(as.numeric(pars_init[[1]][[var]]), name = paste(var, "init"))
# additonal checks that R0 is positive as undefined otherwise
assert_bounded(pars_init[[1]]$R0, left = pars_min$R0, right = pars_max$R0)
# check likelihood items
if ( !(is.null(log_likelihood) | inherits(log_likelihood, "function")) ) {
stop("Log Likelihood (log_likelihood) must be null or a user specified function")
if ( !(is.null(log_prior) | inherits(log_prior, "function")) ) {
stop("Log Likelihood (log_likelihood) must be null or a user specified function")
assert_in(c("phi_cases", "k_cases", "phi_death", "k_death", "exp_noise"), names(pars_obs))
assert_numeric(unlist(pars_obs[c("phi_cases", "k_cases", "phi_death", "k_death", "exp_noise")]))
# mcmc items
# squire and odin
assert_custom_class(squire_model, "squire_model")
assert_bounded(reporting_fraction, 0, 1, inclusive_left = FALSE, inclusive_right = TRUE)
# date change items
assert_same_length(R0_change, date_R0_change)
# checks that dates are not in the future compared to our data
if (!is.null(date_R0_change)) {
if(as.Date(tail(date_R0_change,1)) > as.Date(tail(data$date, 1))) {
stop("Last date in date_R0_change is greater than the last date in data")
# ------------------------------------
# checks on odin interacting variables
# ------------------------------------
if(!is.null(contact_matrix_set)) {
assert_same_length(contact_matrix_set, date_contact_matrix_set_change)
assert_same_length(ICU_bed_capacity, date_ICU_bed_capacity_change)
assert_same_length(hosp_bed_capacity, date_hosp_bed_capacity_change)
assert_same_length(max_vaccine, date_vaccine_change)
assert_same_length(vaccine_efficacy_infection, date_vaccine_efficacy_infection_change)
assert_same_length(vaccine_efficacy_disease, date_vaccine_efficacy_disease_change)
# handle contact matrix changes
if(!is.null(date_contact_matrix_set_change)) {
if(is.null(baseline_contact_matrix)) {
stop("baseline_contact_matrix can't be NULL if date_contact_matrix_set_change is provided")
if(as.Date(tail(date_contact_matrix_set_change,1)) > as.Date(tail(data$date, 1))) {
stop("Last date in date_contact_matrix_set_change is greater than the last date in data")
# Get in correct format
if(is.matrix(baseline_contact_matrix)) {
baseline_contact_matrix <- list(baseline_contact_matrix)
tt_contact_matrix <- c(0, seq_len(length(date_contact_matrix_set_change)))
contact_matrix_set <- append(baseline_contact_matrix, contact_matrix_set)
} else {
tt_contact_matrix <- 0
contact_matrix_set <- baseline_contact_matrix
# handle ICU changes
if(!is.null(date_ICU_bed_capacity_change)) {
if(is.null(baseline_ICU_bed_capacity)) {
stop("baseline_ICU_bed_capacity can't be NULL if date_ICU_bed_capacity_change is provided")
if(as.Date(tail(date_ICU_bed_capacity_change,1)) > as.Date(tail(data$date, 1))) {
stop("Last date in date_ICU_bed_capacity_change is greater than the last date in data")
tt_ICU_beds <- c(0, seq_len(length(date_ICU_bed_capacity_change)))
ICU_bed_capacity <- c(baseline_ICU_bed_capacity, ICU_bed_capacity)
} else {
tt_ICU_beds <- 0
ICU_bed_capacity <- baseline_ICU_bed_capacity
# handle vaccine changes
if(!is.null(date_vaccine_change)) {
if(is.null(baseline_max_vaccine)) {
stop("baseline_max_vaccine can't be NULL if date_vaccine_change is provided")
if(as.Date(tail(date_vaccine_change,1)) > as.Date(tail(data$date, 1))) {
stop("Last date in date_vaccine_change is greater than the last date in data")
tt_vaccine <- c(0, seq_len(length(date_vaccine_change)))
max_vaccine <- c(baseline_max_vaccine, max_vaccine)
} else {
tt_vaccine <- 0
if(!is.null(baseline_max_vaccine)) {
max_vaccine <- baseline_max_vaccine
} else {
max_vaccine <- 0
# handle vaccine efficacy disease changes
if(!is.null(date_vaccine_efficacy_infection_change)) {
if(!is.list(vaccine_efficacy_infection)) {
vaccine_efficacy_infection <- list(vaccine_efficacy_infection)
if(is.null(baseline_vaccine_efficacy_infection)) {
stop("baseline_vaccine_efficacy_infection can't be NULL if date_vaccine_efficacy_infection_change is provided")
if(as.Date(tail(date_vaccine_efficacy_infection_change,1)) > as.Date(tail(data$date, 1))) {
stop("Last date in date_vaccine_efficacy_infection_change is greater than the last date in data")
tt_vaccine_efficacy_infection <- c(0, seq_len(length(date_vaccine_efficacy_infection_change)))
vaccine_efficacy_infection <- c(list(baseline_vaccine_efficacy_infection), vaccine_efficacy_infection)
} else {
tt_vaccine_efficacy_infection <- 0
if(!is.null(baseline_vaccine_efficacy_infection)) {
vaccine_efficacy_infection <- baseline_vaccine_efficacy_infection
} else {
vaccine_efficacy_infection <- rep(0.8, 17)
# handle vaccine efficacy disease changes
if(!is.null(date_vaccine_efficacy_disease_change)) {
if(!is.list(vaccine_efficacy_disease)) {
vaccine_efficacy_disease <- list(vaccine_efficacy_disease)
if(is.null(baseline_vaccine_efficacy_disease)) {
stop("baseline_vaccine_efficacy_disease can't be NULL if date_vaccine_efficacy_disease_change is provided")
if(as.Date(tail(date_vaccine_efficacy_disease_change,1)) > as.Date(tail(data$date, 1))) {
stop("Last date in date_vaccine_efficacy_disease_change is greater than the last date in data")
tt_vaccine_efficacy_disease <- c(0, seq_len(length(date_vaccine_efficacy_disease_change)))
vaccine_efficacy_disease <- c(list(baseline_vaccine_efficacy_disease), vaccine_efficacy_disease)
} else {
tt_vaccine_efficacy_disease <- 0
if(!is.null(baseline_vaccine_efficacy_disease)) {
vaccine_efficacy_disease <- baseline_vaccine_efficacy_disease
} else {
vaccine_efficacy_disease <- rep(0.95, 17)
# handle hosp bed changed
if(!is.null(date_hosp_bed_capacity_change)) {
if(is.null(baseline_hosp_bed_capacity)) {
stop("baseline_hosp_bed_capacity can't be NULL if date_hosp_bed_capacity_change is provided")
if(as.Date(tail(date_hosp_bed_capacity_change,1)) > as.Date(tail(data$date, 1))) {
stop("Last date in date_hosp_bed_capacity_change is greater than the last date in data")
tt_hosp_beds <- c(0, seq_len(length(date_hosp_bed_capacity_change)))
hosp_bed_capacity <- c(baseline_hosp_bed_capacity, hosp_bed_capacity)
} else {
tt_hosp_beds <- 0
hosp_bed_capacity <- baseline_hosp_bed_capacity
# Generate Odin items
# make the date definitely a date
data$date <- as.Date(as.character(data$date))
# adjust for reporting fraction
pars_obs$phi_cases <- reporting_fraction
pars_obs$phi_death <- reporting_fraction
pars_obs$treated_deaths_only <- treated_deaths_only
# build model parameters
model_params <- squire_model$parameter_func(
country = country,
population = population,
dt = 1/steps_per_day,
contact_matrix_set = contact_matrix_set,
tt_contact_matrix = tt_contact_matrix,
hosp_bed_capacity = hosp_bed_capacity,
tt_hosp_beds = tt_hosp_beds,
ICU_bed_capacity = ICU_bed_capacity,
tt_ICU_beds = tt_ICU_beds,
max_vaccine = max_vaccine,
tt_vaccine = tt_vaccine,
vaccine_efficacy_infection = vaccine_efficacy_infection,
tt_vaccine_efficacy_infection = tt_vaccine_efficacy_infection,
vaccine_efficacy_disease = vaccine_efficacy_disease,
tt_vaccine_efficacy_disease = tt_vaccine_efficacy_disease,
# collect interventions for odin model likelihood
interventions <- list(
R0_change = R0_change,
date_R0_change = date_R0_change,
date_contact_matrix_set_change = date_contact_matrix_set_change,
contact_matrix_set = contact_matrix_set,
date_ICU_bed_capacity_change = date_ICU_bed_capacity_change,
ICU_bed_capacity = ICU_bed_capacity,
date_hosp_bed_capacity_change = date_hosp_bed_capacity_change,
hosp_bed_capacity = hosp_bed_capacity,
date_vaccine_change = date_vaccine_change,
max_vaccine = max_vaccine,
date_vaccine_efficacy_disease_change = date_vaccine_efficacy_disease_change,
vaccine_efficacy_disease = vaccine_efficacy_disease,
date_vaccine_efficacy_infection_change = date_vaccine_efficacy_infection_change,
vaccine_efficacy_infection = vaccine_efficacy_infection
# Collect Odin and MCMC Inputs
inputs <- list(
data = data,
n_mcmc = n_mcmc,
model_params = model_params,
interventions = interventions,
pars_obs = pars_obs,
Rt_args = Rt_args,
squire_model = squire_model,
pars = list(pars_obs = pars_obs,
pars_init = pars_init,
pars_min = pars_min,
pars_max = pars_max,
pars_discrete = pars_discrete),
n_particles = n_particles)
# create prior and likelihood functions given the inputs
if(is.null(log_prior)) {
# set improper, uninformative prior
log_prior <- function(params, misc) log(1e-10)
calc_lprior <- log_prior
if(is.null(log_likelihood)) {
log_likelihood <- calc_loglikelihood_drjacoby()
calc_ll <- log_likelihood
# set run_mcmc_func here to out drjacoby one
run_mcmc_func <- run_drjacoby_mcmc
# needs to be a vector to pass to reflecting boundary function
pars_min <- unlist(pars_min)
pars_max <- unlist(pars_max)
pars_discrete <- unlist(pars_discrete)
# Section 2 of pMCMC Wrapper: Run pMCMC
# Are we debuggine
if (Sys.getenv("SQUIRE_PARALLEL_DEBUG") == "TRUE") {
# if debug remove the cluster
drjacoby_list$cl <- NULL
# run drjacoby
message("Running drjacoby...")
mcmc_out <- run_drjacoby_mcmc(loglike = calc_ll,
logprior = calc_lprior,
inputs = inputs,
burnin = burnin,
chains = n_chains,
drjacoby_list = drjacoby_list)
# process output to play with rest of squire
chains <- convert_drjacoby_mcmc(mcmc_out)
if(n_chains > 1) {
pmcmc <- list(inputs = inputs,
chains = chains,
drjacoby_out = mcmc_out)
# drjaciby separates these so add them to align with pmcmc
pmcmc$inputs$n_mcmc <- burnin + n_chains
class(pmcmc) <- 'squire_pmcmc_list'
} else {
pmcmc <- chains$chain1
pmcmc$inputs <- inputs
pmcmc$drjacoby_out <- mcmc_out
class(pmcmc) <- 'squire_pmcmc'
# Section 3 of pMCMC Wrapper: Sample PMCMC Results
pmcmc_samples <- sample_drjacoby(pmcmc_results = pmcmc,
burnin = burnin,
n_chains = n_chains,
n_trajectories = replicates,
log_likelihood = log_likelihood,
n_particles = n_particles,
forecast_days = forecast)
# Section 4 of pMCMC Wrapper: Tidy Output
# Pull Sampled results and "recreate" squire models
# create a fake run object and fill in the required elements
r <- squire_model$run_func(country = country,
contact_matrix_set = contact_matrix_set,
tt_contact_matrix = tt_contact_matrix,
hosp_bed_capacity = hosp_bed_capacity,
tt_hosp_beds = tt_hosp_beds,
ICU_bed_capacity = ICU_bed_capacity,
tt_ICU_beds = tt_ICU_beds,
max_vaccine = max_vaccine,
tt_vaccine = tt_vaccine,
vaccine_efficacy_infection = vaccine_efficacy_infection,
tt_vaccine_efficacy_infection = tt_vaccine_efficacy_infection,
vaccine_efficacy_disease = vaccine_efficacy_disease,
tt_vaccine_efficacy_disease = tt_vaccine_efficacy_disease,
population = population,
replicates = 1,
day_return = TRUE,
time_period = nrow(pmcmc_samples$trajectories),
# and add the parameters that changed between each simulation, i.e. posterior draws
r$replicate_parameters <- pmcmc_samples$sampled_PMCMC_Results
# as well as adding the pmcmc chains so it's easy to draw from the chains again in the future
r$pmcmc_results <- pmcmc
# then let's create the output that we are going to use
names(pmcmc_samples)[names(pmcmc_samples) == "trajectories"] <- "output"
dimnames(pmcmc_samples$output) <- list(dimnames(pmcmc_samples$output)[[1]], dimnames(r$output)[[2]], NULL)
r$output <- pmcmc_samples$output
# and adjust the time as before
full_row <- match(0, apply(r$output[,"time",],2,function(x) { sum(is.na(x)) }))
saved_full <- r$output[,"time",full_row]
for(i in seq_len(replicates)) {
na_pos <- which(is.na(r$output[,"time",i]))
full_to_place <- saved_full - which(rownames(r$output) == as.Date(max(data$date))) + 1L
if(length(na_pos) > 0) {
full_to_place[na_pos] <- NA
r$output[,"time",i] <- full_to_place
# second let's recreate the output
r$model <- pmcmc_samples$inputs$squire_model$odin_model(
user = pmcmc_samples$inputs$model_params, unused_user_action = "ignore"
# we will add the interventions here so that we know what times are needed for projection
r$interventions <- interventions
# and fix the replicates
r$parameters$replicates <- replicates
r$parameters$time_period <- as.numeric(diff(as.Date(range(rownames(r$output)))))
r$parameters$dt <- model_params$dt
# out
#' Sample from a drjacoby mcmc
#' @title Sample from a drjacoby mcmc
#' @inheritParams sample_pmcmc
#' @description The drjacoby sample is very similar to [[sample_pmcmc]] but there
#' are a few subtle differences that meant it was easier to have a separate
#' function for using drjacoby for the mcmc process
#' @export
#' @import coda
#' @importFrom stats rnorm plogis qnorm cov median
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm
sample_drjacoby <- function(pmcmc_results,
burnin = 0,
log_likelihood = calc_loglikelihood,
n_trajectories = 10,
n_particles = 100,
forecast_days = 0) {
# assertions and checks
if (n_chains == 1) {
assert_custom_class(pmcmc_results, "squire_pmcmc")
} else {
assert_custom_class(pmcmc_results, "squire_pmcmc_list")
# sample params based on the log posterior
if (n_chains > 1) {
res <- create_master_chain(x = pmcmc_results, burn_in = burnin)
} else if (n_chains == 1 & burnin > 0) {
res <- pmcmc_results$results[-seq_along(burnin), ]
} else {
res <- pmcmc_results$results
# convert to probability by exponentiating it
res <- unique(res)
probs <- exp(res$log_posterior)
probs <- probs/sum(probs)
# occasionally the likelihoods are so low that this creates NAs so just decrease
drop <- 0.9
while(any(is.na(probs))) {
probs <- exp(res$log_posterior*drop)
probs <- probs/sum(probs)
drop <- drop^2
# draw our sample from the unique posterior probaility space
params_smpl <- sample(x = length(probs), size = n_trajectories,
replace = TRUE, prob = probs)
params_smpl <- res[params_smpl, !grepl("log", colnames(res))]
params_smpl$start_date <- offset_to_numeric(pmcmc_results$inputs$data$date[1],
pars.list <- split(params_smpl, 1:nrow(params_smpl))
names(pars.list) <- rep("pars", length(pars.list))
# run particle filter for trajectories
# get the misc but set the return to full
misc <- pmcmc_results$drjacoby_out$parameters$misc
misc$return <- "full"
message("Sampling from pMCMC Posterior...")
if (Sys.getenv("SQUIRE_PARALLEL_DEBUG") == "TRUE") {
traces <- purrr::map(
.x = pars.list,
.f = log_likelihood,
data = pmcmc_results$drjacoby_out$parameters$data,
misc = misc
} else {
traces <- furrr::future_map(
.x = pars.list,
.f = log_likelihood,
data = pmcmc_results$drjacoby_out$parameters$data,
misc = misc,
.progress = TRUE,
.options = furrr::furrr_options(seed = NULL)
# collapse into an array of trajectories
# the trajectories are different lengths in terms of dates
# so we will fill the arrays with NAs where needed
num_rows <- unlist(lapply(traces, nrow))
max_rows <- max(num_rows)
seq_max <- seq_len(max_rows)
max_date_names <- rownames(traces[[which.max(unlist(lapply(traces, nrow)))]])
trajectories <- array(NA,
dim = c(max_rows, ncol(traces[[1]]), length(traces)),
dimnames = list(max_date_names, colnames(traces[[1]]), NULL))
# fill the tail of the array slice
# This is so that the end of the trajectories array is populated,
# and the start is padded with NA if it's shorter than the max.
for (i in seq_len(length(traces))){
trajectories[tail(seq_max, nrow(traces[[i]])), , i] <- traces[[i]]
# combine and return
out <- list("trajectories" = trajectories,
"sampled_PMCMC_Results" = params_smpl,
inputs = list(
squire_model = pmcmc_results$inputs$squire_model,
model_params = pmcmc_results$inputs$model_params,
interventions = pmcmc_results$inputs$interventions,
data = pmcmc_results$inputs$data,
pars_obs = pmcmc_results$inputs$pars_obs))
class(out) <- "squire_sample_PMCMC"
#' @noRd
run_drjacoby_mcmc <- function(loglike,
# define parameters dataframe
df_params <- data.frame(
name = names(inputs$pars$pars_max),
min = as.numeric(inputs$pars$pars_min),
max = as.numeric(inputs$pars$pars_max),
init = as.numeric(inputs$pars$pars_init[[1]])
# create data list
data_list <- list(data = inputs$data)
# create misc list
misc <- list(squire_model = inputs$squire_model,
model_params = inputs$model_params,
interventions = inputs$interventions,
pars_obs = inputs$pars$pars_obs,
n_particles = 2,
forecast_days = 0,
Rt_args = inputs$Rt_args,
return = "ll",
first_date = inputs$data$date[1])
args <- list("data" = data_list,
"df_params" = df_params,
"loglike" = loglike,
"logprior" = logprior,
"burnin" = burnin,
"samples" = inputs$n_mcmc,
"misc" = misc,
"chains" = chains)
args <- append(args, drjacoby_list)
mcmc <- do.call(drjacoby::run_mcmc, args)
mcmc$parameters$misc <- misc
#' @noRd
convert_drjacoby_mcmc <- function(mcmc) {
# convert these dates back into offsets
mcmc$output$start_date <- start_date_to_offset(
numeric_to_start_date(mcmc$parameters$data$data$date[1], mcmc$output$start_date, FALSE),
names(mcmc$output)[names(mcmc$output) %in% c("logprior", "loglikelihood")] <- c("log_prior", "log_likelihood")
mcmc$output$log_posterior <- mcmc$output$log_likelihood + mcmc$output$log_prior
chains <- split(mcmc$output, mcmc$output$chain)
chains <- lapply(chains, function(x){list("results" = x[,-(1:3)])})
names(chains) <- paste0("chain", seq_along(chains))
#' @noRd
convert_log_likelihood_func_for_drjacoby <- function(func){
log_like <- function(params, data, misc) {
params <- as.list(params)
params[["start_date"]] <- numeric_to_start_date(misc$first_date, params[["start_date"]])
ret <- func(
pars = params,
data = data$data,
squire_model = misc$squire_model,
model_params = misc$model_params,
pars_obs = misc$pars_obs,
n_particles = misc$n_particles,
forecast_days = misc$forecast_days,
return = misc$return,
Rt_args = misc$Rt_args,
interventions = misc$interventions)
# return
if(misc$return == "ll") {
} else if (misc$return == "full") {
#' @noRd
convert_log_prior_func_for_drjacoby <- function(func){
log_prior <- function(params, misc) {
params <- as.list(params)
params[["start_date"]] <- numeric_to_offset(misc$first_date, params[["start_date"]])
ret <- func(
pars = params
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