#' Provide projections from calibrated simulations by changing RO, contact
#' matrices or bed availability.
#' This extends previous \code{projections} as you can pass in lists of each argument
#' that then get passed to each simulation replicate.
#' @details The user can specify changes to R0, contact matrices and bed
#' provision, which will come into effect from the current day in the calibration.
#' These changes can either set these to be specific values or change them
#' relative to their values in the original simulation. If no change is
#' requested, the simulation will use parameters chosen for the calibration run.
#' This extends previous versions of \code{projections} as you can now pass in
#' lists of each argument that then get passed to each simulation replicate.
#' @param r Calibrated \code{{squire_simulation}} object.
#' @param time_period How many days is the projection. Deafult = NULL, which will
#' carry the projection forward from t = 0 in the calibration (i.e. the number
#' of days set in calibrate using forecast)
#' @param R0 Numeric vector for R0 from t = 0 in the calibration.
#' E.g. \code{R0 = c(2, 1)}. Default = NULL, which will use \code{R0_change}
#' to alter R0 if provided.
#' @param R0_change Numeric vector for relative changes in R0 relative to the
#' final R0 used in the calibration (i.e. at t = 0 in the calibration)
#' E.g. \code{R0 = c(0.8, 0.5)}. Default = NULL, which will use \code{R0} to
#' parameterise changes in R0 if provided.
#' @param tt_R0 Change time points for R0
#' @param contact_matrix_set Contact matrices used in simulation. Default =
#' NULL, which will use \code{contact_matrix_set_change} to alter the contact
#' matrix if provided.
#' @param contact_matrix_set_change Numeric vector for relative changes in the
#' contact matrix realtive to the final contact matrix used in the calibration
#' (i.e. at t = 0 in the calibration).
#' E.g. \code{contact_matrix_set_change = c(0.8, 0.5)}. Default = NULL, which
#' will use \code{contact_matrix_set} to parameterise changes in contact
#' matrices if if provided.
#' @param tt_contact_matrix Time change points for matrix change. Default = 0
#' @param hosp_bed_capacity Numeric vector for hospital bed capacity
#' from t = 0 in the calibration. Default = NULL, which will use
#' \code{hosp_bed_capacity_change} to alter hosp_bed_capacity if provided.
#' @param hosp_bed_capacity_change Numeric vector for relative changes in
#' hospital bed capacity relative to the final hospital bed capacity used in the
#' calibration (i.e. at t = 0 in the calibration).
#' E.g. \code{hosp_bed_capacity_change = c(0.8, 0.5)}. Default = NULL, which
#' will use \code{hosp_bed_capacity} to parameterise changes in hospital bed capacity
#' if provided.
#' @param tt_hosp_beds Change time points for hosp_bed_capacity
#' @param ICU_bed_capacity Numeric vector for ICU bed capacity
#' from t = 0 in the calibration. Default = NULL, which will use
#' \code{ICU_bed_capacity_change} to alter ICU_bed_capacity if provided.
#' @param ICU_bed_capacity_change Numeric vector for relative changes in
#' ICU bed capacity relative to the final ICU bed capacity used in the
#' calibration (i.e. at t = 0 in the calibration).
#' E.g. \code{ICU_bed_capacity_change = c(0.8, 0.5)}. Default = NULL, which
#' will use \code{ICU_bed_capacity} to parameterise changes in ICU bed capacity
#' if provided.
#' @param tt_ICU_beds Change time points for ICU_bed_capacity
#' @param to_be_run List of logicals for whether each replicate should be run.
#' Default = TRUE, which causes all replictes to be run.
#' @param model_user_args List of other parameters to be passed to the model to
#' be run. Default = NULL. An example would be:
#' \code{list(
#' list(
#' "prob_severe" = runif(17),
#' "tt_dur_get_ox_survive" = c(0, 10),
#' "gamma_get_ox_survive" = 0.2),
#' list(
#' "prob_severe" = runif(17),
#' "tt_dur_get_mv_survive" = c(0, 5),
#' "gamma_get_mv_survive" = 0.1)
#' )}
#' The list should be the same length as the number of replicates in the
#' simulations. Each list element should then be a list with elements
#' named to match the arguments expected by the odin model with \code{r}.
#' Above would be suitable to set the model parameters for a simulation with
#' 2 replicates. You do not have to have the same arguments in each list.
#' @export
projections <- function(r,
time_period = NULL,
R0 = NULL,
R0_change = NULL,
tt_R0 = 0,
contact_matrix_set = NULL,
contact_matrix_set_change = NULL,
tt_contact_matrix = 0,
hosp_bed_capacity = NULL,
hosp_bed_capacity_change = NULL,
tt_hosp_beds = 0,
ICU_bed_capacity = NULL,
ICU_bed_capacity_change = NULL,
tt_ICU_beds = 0,
to_be_run = TRUE,
model_user_args = NULL) {
# Grab function arguments
args <- as.list(environment())
# Grab replicates
reps <- dim(r$output)[3]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## assertion checks on parameters
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# assert_custom_class(r, "squire_simulation")
# TODO future asserts if these are our "end" classes
if (is.null(r$output) & is.null(r$scan_results) & is.null(r$pmcmc_results)) {
stop("Model must have been produced either with Squire Default, Scan Grid (calibrate), or pMCMC (pmcmc) Approach")
# check arg length
if(!is.null(model_user_args)) {
assert_same_length(model_user_args, rep(0, dim(r$output)[3]),
name_x = "model_user_args",
name_y = "number of simulation replicates, i.e. dim(r$output)[3],")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## tt_ checks
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
tt_creation <- function(tt, reps, name = deparse(substitute(tt))) {
if (!is.list(tt)) {
assert_pos_int(tt, name = name)
if(tt[1] != 0) {
stop(paste0(name, " must start with 0"))
tt <- rep(list(tt), reps)
} else {
lapply(seq_along(tt), function(x) {
assert_pos_int(tt[[x]], name = paste0(name, " replicate ", x))
if(tt[[x]][1] != 0) {
stop(paste0(name, " replicate ", x, " must start with 0"))
assert_length(tt, reps)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check are variables are correctly formatted
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# tt checks
tt_R0 <- tt_creation(tt_R0, reps = reps)
tt_contact_matrix <- tt_creation(tt_contact_matrix, reps = reps)
tt_hosp_beds <- tt_creation(tt_hosp_beds, reps = reps)
tt_ICU_beds <- tt_creation(tt_ICU_beds, reps = reps)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# remove the change arguments if the absolute is provided
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if(!is.null(R0) && !is.null(R0_change)) {
message("Both R0 or R0_change were specified. R0 is being used.")
R0_change <- NULL
if(!is.null(contact_matrix_set) && !is.null(contact_matrix_set_change)) {
message("Both contact_matrix_set or contact_matrix_set_change were specified. contact_matrix_set is being used.")
contact_matrix_set_change <- NULL
if(!is.null(hosp_bed_capacity) && !is.null(hosp_bed_capacity_change)) {
message("Both hosp_bed_capacity or hosp_bed_capacity_change were specified. hosp_bed_capacity is being used.")
hosp_bed_capacity_change <- NULL
if(!is.null(ICU_bed_capacity) && !is.null(ICU_bed_capacity_change)) {
message("Both ICU_bed_capacity or ICU_bed_capacity_change were specified. ICU_bed_capacity is being used.")
ICU_bed_capacity_change <- NULL
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## num checks
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
num_creation <- function(num, tt, reps,
name = deparse(substitute(num)),
name2 = deparse(substitute(tt))) {
if(!is.null(num)) {
if (!is.list(num)) {
assert_numeric(num, name = name)
assert_pos(num, name = name)
num <- rep(list(num), reps)
assert_length(num, reps)
lapply(seq_along(num), function(x) {
assert_same_length(num[[x]], tt[[x]],
name_x = paste0(name, " replicate ", x),
name_y = paste0(name2, " replicate ", x))
assert_numeric(num[[x]], name = paste0(name, " replicate ", x))
assert_pos(num[[x]], name = paste0(name, " replicate ", x))
} else {
num <- rep(list(num), reps)
R0 <- num_creation(R0, tt_R0, reps = reps)
R0_change <- num_creation(R0_change, tt_R0, reps = reps)
hosp_bed_capacity <- num_creation(hosp_bed_capacity, tt_hosp_beds, reps = reps)
hosp_bed_capacity_change <- num_creation(hosp_bed_capacity_change, tt_hosp_beds, reps = reps)
ICU_bed_capacity <- num_creation(ICU_bed_capacity, tt_ICU_beds, reps = reps)
ICU_bed_capacity_change <- num_creation(ICU_bed_capacity_change, tt_ICU_beds, reps = reps)
contact_matrix_set_change <- num_creation(contact_matrix_set_change, tt_contact_matrix, reps = reps)
## Contact matrix set is the only different one
if (!is.null(contact_matrix_set)) {
# Standardise contact matrix set if its a matrix
contact_matrix_set <- list(contact_matrix_set)
mc <- matrix_check(r$parameters$population[-1], contact_matrix_set)
contact_matrix_set <- rep(list(contact_matrix_set), reps)
} else if(is.list(contact_matrix_set)) {
if(is.matrix(contact_matrix_set[[1]])) {
# if the list length is less than the tt_contact_matrix then this is to be
# repeated as a list
if(length(contact_matrix_set) < sum(lengths(tt_contact_matrix))) {
contact_matrix_set <- rep(list(contact_matrix_set), reps)
# check the lengths
lapply(seq_along(contact_matrix_set), function(x) {
assert_same_length(contact_matrix_set[[x]], tt_contact_matrix[[x]],
name_x = paste0("contact_matrix_set", " replicate ", x),
name_y = paste0("tt_contact_matrix", " replicate ", x))
} else {
contact_matrix_set <- rep(list(contact_matrix_set), reps)
# Lastly our list for whether to do each replicate
if (!is.list(to_be_run)) {
to_be_run <- rep(list(to_be_run), reps)
} else {
lapply(seq_along(to_be_run), function(x) {
assert_logical(to_be_run[[x]], name = paste0("to_be_run replicate ", x))
assert_length(to_be_run, reps)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# generating pre simulation variables
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# odin model keys
index <- odin_index(r$model)
ds <- dim(r$output)
# what state time point do we want
state_pos <- vapply(seq_len(ds[3]), function(x) {
pos <- which(r$output[,"time",x] == 0)
if(length(pos) == 0) {
stop("projections needs time value to be equal to 0 to know how to project forwards")
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
# what are the remaining time points
t_steps <- lapply(state_pos, function(x) {
r$output[which(r$output[,1,1] > r$output[x,1,1]),1 ,1]
# if there are no remaining steps
if(any(!unlist(lapply(t_steps, length))) && is.null(time_period)) {
stop("projections needs either time_period set or the calibrate/pmcmc object ",
"to have been run with forecast > 0")
# do we need to do more than just the remaining time from calibrate
if (!is.null(time_period)) {
t_diff <- diff(tail(r$output[,1,1],2))
t_start <- r$output[which((r$output[,"time",1]==0)),1,1]+t_diff
t_initial <- unique(stats::na.omit(r$output[1,1,]))
if (odin_is_discrete(r$model)) {
t_steps <- lapply(t_steps, function(x) {
seq(t_start, t_start - t_diff + time_period/r$parameters$dt, t_diff)
} else {
t_steps <- lapply(t_steps, function(x) {
seq(t_start, t_start - t_diff + time_period, t_diff)
steps <- seq(t_initial, max(t_steps[[1]]), t_diff)
arr_new <- array(NA, dim = c(which(r$output[,"time",1]==0) + length(t_steps[[1]]),
ncol(r$output), dim(r$output)[3]))
arr_new[seq_len(nrow(r$output)),,] <- r$output
rownms <- rownames(r$output)
colnms <- colnames(r$output)
if(!is.null(rownms)) {
rownames(arr_new) <- as.character(as.Date(rownms[1]) + seq_len(nrow(arr_new)) - 1L)
r$output <- arr_new
colnames(r$output) <- colnms
r$output[(which(r$output[,1,1]==(t_start-t_diff))+1):nrow(r$output),1,] <- matrix(unlist(t_steps), ncol = r$parameters$replicates)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# conduct simulations
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
out <- lapply(seq_len(ds[3]), function(x) {
# are we doing this replicate
if (to_be_run[[x]]) {
conduct_replicate(x = x,
r = r,
t_steps = t_steps,
R0 = R0[[x]],
R0_change = R0_change[[x]],
tt_R0 = tt_R0[[x]],
contact_matrix_set = contact_matrix_set[[x]],
contact_matrix_set_change = contact_matrix_set_change[[x]],
tt_contact_matrix = tt_contact_matrix[[x]],
hosp_bed_capacity = hosp_bed_capacity[[x]],
hosp_bed_capacity_change = hosp_bed_capacity_change[[x]],
tt_hosp_beds = tt_hosp_beds[[x]],
ICU_bed_capacity = ICU_bed_capacity[[x]],
ICU_bed_capacity_change = ICU_bed_capacity_change[[x]],
tt_ICU_beds = tt_ICU_beds[[x]],
model_user_args = model_user_args)
} else {
## get output columns that match
cn <- colnames(r$output[which(r$output[,1,1] %in% t_steps[[1]]), , 1])
out <- lapply(out, function(x) {
if(!is.null(x)) {
x[, which(colnames(x) %in% cn), , drop=FALSE]
## collect results
# step handling for stochastic
for(i in seq_len(ds[3])) {
if (to_be_run[[i]]) {
if(odin_is_discrete(r$model)) {
if(diff(tail(r$output[,1,1],2)) != 1) {
r$output[which(r$output[,1,1] %in% t_steps[[i]]), -1, i] <- out[[i]][-1, -1, 1]
} else {
r$output[which(r$output[,1,1] %in% t_steps[[i]]), -1, i] <- out[[i]][, -1, 1]
else {
r$output[which(r$output[,1,1] %in% t_steps[[i]]), -1, i] <- out[[i]][-1, -1, 1]
## append projections
r$projection_args <- args
r$projection_args$args$r <- NULL
#' Handles simulating replicates within \code{projections}
#' @param x Simulation replicate number
#' @param r Output of \code{pmcmc} or \code{calibrate}
#' @param t_steps List of time steps to be run for each replicate
#' @inheritParams projections
conduct_replicate <- function(x,
r = NULL,
t_steps = NULL,
R0 = NULL,
R0_change = NULL,
tt_R0 = NULL,
contact_matrix_set = NULL,
contact_matrix_set_change = NULL,
tt_contact_matrix = NULL,
hosp_bed_capacity = NULL,
hosp_bed_capacity_change = NULL,
tt_hosp_beds = NULL,
ICU_bed_capacity = NULL,
ICU_bed_capacity_change = NULL,
tt_ICU_beds = NULL,
model_user_args = NULL) {
# what type of object isout squire_simulation
if ("scan_results" %in% names(r)) {
wh <- "scan_results"
} else if ("pmcmc_results" %in% names(r)) {
wh <- "pmcmc_results"
# final values of R0, contacts, and beds
finals <- t0_variables(r)
# odin model keys
index <- odin_index(r$model)
ds <- dim(r$output)
# what state time point do we want
state_pos <- vapply(seq_len(ds[3]), function(x) {
pos <- which(r$output[,"time",x] == 0)
if(length(pos) == 0) {
stop("projections needs time value to be equal to 0 to know how to project forwards")
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# adapt our time changing variables as needed
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# first if R0 is not provided we use the last R0
if (is.null(R0)) {
R0 <- finals[[x]]$R0
# are we modifying the R0
if (!is.null(R0_change)) {
R0 <- R0*R0_change
# second if contact_matrix_set is not provided we use the last contact_matrix_set
if (is.null(contact_matrix_set)) {
contact_matrix_set <- finals[[x]]$contact_matrix_set
baseline_contact_matrix_set <- contact_matrix_set[1]
} else {
baseline_contact_matrix_set <- contact_matrix_set[1]
# are we modifying it
if (!is.null(contact_matrix_set_change)) {
if (length(contact_matrix_set) == 1) {
contact_matrix_set <- lapply(seq_along(tt_contact_matrix),function(x){
baseline_contact_matrix_set <- contact_matrix_set[1]
contact_matrix_set <- lapply(
# third if hosp_bed_capacity is not provided we use the last hosp_bed_capacity
if (is.null(hosp_bed_capacity)) {
hosp_bed_capacity <- finals[[x]]$hosp_bed_capacity
# are we modifying it
if (!is.null(hosp_bed_capacity_change)) {
hosp_bed_capacity <- hosp_bed_capacity*hosp_bed_capacity_change
# last if ICU_bed_capacity is not provided we use the last contact_matrix_set
if (is.null(ICU_bed_capacity)) {
ICU_bed_capacity <- finals[[x]]$ICU_bed_capacity
# are we modifying it
if (!is.null(ICU_bed_capacity_change)) {
ICU_bed_capacity <- ICU_bed_capacity*ICU_bed_capacity_change
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate new variables to pass to model
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Convert contact matrices to input matrices
matrices_set <- matrix_set_explicit(contact_matrix_set, r$parameters$population)
# create new betas going forwards
beta <- beta_est_explicit(dur_IMild = r$parameters$dur_IMild,
dur_ICase = r$parameters$dur_ICase,
prob_hosp = r$parameters$prob_hosp,
mixing_matrix = process_contact_matrix_scaled_age(
R0 = R0)
# Is the model still valid
if(is_ptr_null(r$model$.__enclos_env__$private$ptr)) {
r$model <- r[[wh]]$inputs$squire_model$odin_model(
user = r[[wh]]$inputs$model_params,
unused_user_action = "ignore")
# get the dt for the simulation
dt_step <- r$parameters$dt
# step handling for stochastic
if(odin_is_discrete(r$model)) {
if(diff(tail(r$output[,1,1],2)) != 1) {
step <- c(0,round(seq_len(length(t_steps[[x]]))/r$parameters$dt))
} else {
step <- seq_len(length(t_steps[[x]]))
dt_step <- 1
} else {
if(diff(tail(r$output[,1,1],2)) != 1) {
step <- c(0,round(seq_len(length(t_steps[[x]]))*r$parameters$dt))
} else {
step <- c(0, seq_len(length(t_steps[[x]])))
dt_step <- 1
# change these user params
r$model$set_user(tt_beta = round(tt_R0/dt_step))
r$model$set_user(beta_set = beta)
r$model$set_user(tt_matrix = round(tt_contact_matrix/dt_step))
r$model$set_user(mix_mat_set = matrices_set)
r$model$set_user(tt_hosp_beds = round(tt_hosp_beds/dt_step))
r$model$set_user(hosp_beds = hosp_bed_capacity)
r$model$set_user(tt_ICU_beds = round(tt_ICU_beds/dt_step))
r$model$set_user(ICU_beds = ICU_bed_capacity)
# make sure these time varying parameters are also updated
# nimue models dont have time varying to so ignore the warnings
r$model$set_user(tt_dur_get_mv_die = 0, unused_user_action = "ignore")
r$model$set_user(tt_dur_get_ox_die = 0, unused_user_action = "ignore")
r$model$set_user(tt_dur_get_mv_survive = 0, unused_user_action = "ignore")
r$model$set_user(tt_dur_get_ox_survive = 0, unused_user_action = "ignore")
r$model$set_user(gamma_get_mv_die = finals[[x]]$gamma_get_mv_die)
r$model$set_user(gamma_get_ox_die = finals[[x]]$gamma_get_ox_die)
r$model$set_user(gamma_get_mv_survive = finals[[x]]$gamma_get_mv_survive)
r$model$set_user(gamma_get_ox_survive = finals[[x]]$gamma_get_ox_survive)
# and update any custom model user args
if (!is.null(model_user_args)) {
r$model$set_user(user = model_user_args[[x]])
# run the model
initials <- seq_along(r$model$initial(0)) + 1L
get <- r$model$run(step,
y = as.numeric(r$output[state_pos[x], initials, x, drop=TRUE]),
use_names = TRUE)
# coerce to array if deterministic
if(length(dim(get)) == 2) {
# coerce to array
get <- array(get, dim = c(dim(get),1), dimnames = dimnames(get))
#' Plot projections against each other
#' @param r_list List of different projection runs from \code{\link{projections}}
#' @param scenarios Character vector describing the different scenarios.
#' @param add_parms_to_scenarios Logical. Should the parameters used for the
#' projection runs be added to scenarios. Default = TRUE
#' @param date_0 Date of time 0, if specified a date column will be added
#' @inheritParams plot.squire_simulation
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link{format_output}}
#' @export
projection_plotting <- function(r_list,
add_parms_to_scenarios = TRUE,
var_select = NULL,
replicates = FALSE,
summarise = TRUE,
ci = TRUE,
q = c(0.025, 0.975),
summary_f = mean,
date_0 = Sys.Date(),
x_var = "t", ...) {
# assertion checks
assert_same_length(r_list, scenarios)
if(!all(unlist(lapply(r_list, class)) == "squire_simulation")) {
stop("One of r_list is not a squire_simulation")
pd_list <- lapply(r_list, FUN = squire_simulation_plot_prep,
var_select = var_select,
x_var = x_var, q = q,
summary_f = summary_f,
date_0 = date_0)
if (add_parms_to_scenarios) {
parms <- lapply(r_list,projection_inputs)
scenarios <- mapply(paste, scenarios, parms)
# append scenarios
for(i in seq_along(scenarios)) {
pd_list[[i]]$pd$Scenario <- scenarios[i]
pd_list[[i]]$pds$Scenario <- scenarios[i]
pds <- do.call(rbind, lapply(pd_list, "[[", "pds"))
pd <- do.call(rbind, lapply(pd_list, "[[", "pd"))
# Plot
p <- ggplot2::ggplot()
# Add lines for individual draws
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(data = pd,
ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x,
y = .data$y,
col = .data$Scenario,
linetype = .data$compartment,
group = interaction(.data$compartment,
alpha = max(0.2, 1 / r_list[[1]]$parameters$replicates))
if(r_list[[1]]$parameters$replicates < 10){
warning("Summary statistic estimated from <10 replicates")
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(data = pds,
ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y,
col = .data$Scenario,
linetype = .data$compartment))
if(r_list[[1]]$parameters$replicates < 10){
warning("Confidence bounds estimated from <10 replicates")
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_ribbon(data = pds,
ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x,
ymin = .data$ymin,
ymax = .data$ymax,
fill = .data$Scenario,
linetype = .data$compartment),
alpha = 0.25, col = "black")
# Add remaining formatting
p <- p +
ggplot2::scale_color_discrete(name = "") +
ggplot2::scale_fill_discrete(guide = FALSE) +
ggplot2::xlab("Time") +
ggplot2::ylab("N") +
## Final time varying variables at t = 0 in calibrate
#' @noRd
t0_variables <- function(r) {
# specifics of r object
dims <- dim(r$output)
if("pmcmc_results" %in% names(r)) {
wh <- "pmcmc_results"
} else {
wh <- "scan_results"
# where are the parameters needed stored
if("odin_parameters" %in% names(r)) {
pars_name <- "odin_parameters"
} else {
pars_name <- "parameters"
# quick check to make sure has t == 0
has_t0 <- vapply(seq_len(dims[3]), function(x) {any(r$output[,"time",x] == 0)}, logical(1))
if(!all(has_t0)) {
stop("r$output does not have a time value = 0")
# is this the outputs of a grid scan
if("scan_results" %in% names(r) || "pmcmc_results" %in% names(r)) {
# grab the final R0, contact matrix and bed capacity.
ret <- lapply(seq_len(dims[3]), function(x) {
if("scan_results" %in% names(r)) {
if(!is.null(r$interventions$R0_change)) {
if (is.null(r$replicate_parameters$Meff)) {
R0 <- tail(r$replicate_parameters$R0[x] * r$interventions$R0_change, 1)
} else {
R0 <- r[[wh]]$inputs$Rt_func(R0 = r$replicate_parameters$R0[x],
R0_change = tail(r$interventions$R0_change, 1),
Meff = r$replicate_parameters$Meff[x])
} else {
R0 <- r$replicate_parameters$R0[x]
} else if (("pmcmc_results" %in% names(r))) {
if(!is.null(r$interventions$R0_change)) {
pars <- as.list(r$replicate_parameters[x,-which(names(r$replicate_parameters) %in% c("start_date", "R0"))])
names(pars) <- names(r$replicate_parameters)[-which(names(r$replicate_parameters) %in% c("start_date", "R0"))]
R0 <- tail(evaluate_Rt_pmcmc(R0_change = r$interventions$R0_change,
R0 = r$replicate_parameters$R0[x],
date_R0_change = r$interventions$date_R0_change,
pars = pars,
Rt_args = r[[wh]]$inputs$Rt_args), 1)
} else {
R0 <- r$replicate_parameters$R0[x]
# and return with time varying durations and other time varying components
R0 = R0,
contact_matrix_set = tail(r$parameters$contact_matrix_set,1),
hosp_bed_capacity = tail(r$parameters$hosp_bed_capacity,1),
ICU_bed_capacity = tail(r$parameters$ICU_bed_capacity,1),
gamma_get_ox_survive = tail(r[[pars_name]]$gamma_get_ox_survive,1),
gamma_get_ox_die = tail(r[[pars_name]]$gamma_get_ox_die,1),
gamma_get_mv_die = tail(r[[pars_name]]$gamma_get_mv_die,1),
gamma_get_mv_survive = tail(r[[pars_name]]$gamma_get_mv_survive,1)
} else {
# what state time point do we want
state_pos <- vapply(seq_len(dims[3]), function(x) {
which(r$output[,"time",x] == 0)
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
last_check <- function(last) {
if(length(last) == 0) {
last <- 1
# build list of the final variables that change
ret <- lapply(seq_len(dims[3]), function(i) {
last <- tail(which(r$parameters$tt_R0 < state_pos[i]), 1)
R0 <- r$parameters$R0[last_check(last)]
last <- tail(which(r$parameters$tt_contact_matrix < state_pos[i]), 1)
contact_matrix_set <- r$parameters$contact_matrix_set[last_check(last)]
last <- tail(which(r$parameters$tt_hosp_beds < state_pos[i]), 1)
hosp_bed_capacity <- r$parameters$hosp_bed_capacity[last_check(last)]
last <- tail(which(r$parameters$tt_ICU_beds < state_pos[i]), 1)
ICU_bed_capacity <- r$parameters$ICU_bed_capacity[last_check(last)]
last <- tail(which(r$parameters$tt_dur_get_ox_survive < state_pos[i]), 1)
gamma_get_ox_survive <- r[[pars_name]]$gamma_get_ox_survive[last_check(last)]
last <- tail(which(r$parameters$tt_dur_get_ox_die < state_pos[i]), 1)
gamma_get_ox_die <- r[[pars_name]]$gamma_get_ox_die[last_check(last)]
last <- tail(which(r$parameters$tt_dur_get_mv_die < state_pos[i]), 1)
gamma_get_mv_die <- r[[pars_name]]$gamma_get_mv_die[last_check(last)]
last <- tail(which(r$parameters$tt_dur_get_mv_survive < state_pos[i]), 1)
gamma_get_mv_survive <- r[[pars_name]]$gamma_get_mv_survive[last_check(last)]
R0 = R0,
contact_matrix_set = contact_matrix_set,
hosp_bed_capacity = hosp_bed_capacity,
ICU_bed_capacity = ICU_bed_capacity,
gamma_get_ox_survive = gamma_get_ox_survive,
gamma_get_ox_die = gamma_get_ox_die,
gamma_get_mv_die = gamma_get_mv_die,
gamma_get_mv_survive = gamma_get_mv_survive
#' @noRd
projection_inputs <- function(p3){
if(!"projection_args" %in% names(p3)) {
return("(No interventions)")
} else {
pos <- seq_along(p3$projection_args)[-(1:2)]
nms <- p3$projection_args[pos]
cat_f <- function(x, c = ""){
if(!is.null(x[[1]]) && (is.null(x[[3]]) || is.null(x[[2]]))) {
paste0(c, names(x[1]), ": ", paste0(x[[1]], collapse = ", "), " @ t = ", paste0(x[[3]], collapse = ", "))
} else if(!is.null(x[[2]])) {
paste0(c, names(x[2]), ": ", paste0(x[[2]]*100,"%",collapse=", "), " @ t = ", paste0(x[[3]], collapse = ", "))
} else {
paste0("\n",cat_f(nms[1:3], "("),
cat_f(nms[4:6],", "),
cat_f(nms[7:9],", "),
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