test_that("projection works", {
data <- read.csv(squire_file("extdata/example.csv"),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
interventions <- read.csv(squire_file("extdata/example_intervention.csv"))
int_unique <- interventions_unique(interventions)
reporting_fraction = 1
country = "Algeria"
replicates = 2
R0_min = 2.6
R0_max = 2.6
R0_step = 0.1
first_start_date = "2020-02-01"
last_start_date = "2020-02-02"
day_step = 1
R0_change = int_unique$change
date_R0_change = as.Date(int_unique$dates_change)
date_contact_matrix_set_change = NULL
squire_model = explicit_model()
pars_obs = NULL
n_particles = 10
out <- calibrate(
data = data,
R0_min = R0_min,
R0_max = R0_max,
R0_step = R0_step,
first_start_date = first_start_date,
last_start_date = last_start_date,
day_step = day_step,
squire_model = squire_model,
pars_obs = pars_obs,
n_particles = n_particles,
reporting_fraction = reporting_fraction,
R0_change = R0_change,
date_R0_change = date_R0_change,
replicates = replicates,
country = country,
forecast = 40
# check that it runs
p0 <- trigger_projections(out, trigger_metric = "deaths", trigger_value = 25)
out <- projections(out, R0 = 2)
p <- trigger_projections(out, trigger_metric = "deaths", trigger_value = 25)
p2 <- trigger_projections(out, trigger_metric = "ICU_occupancy", trigger_value = 250)
# check that it can be plotted (good test it plays nice with plotting)
expect_warning(expect_s3_class(projection_plotting(list(out, p, p2),
scenarios = c("no trigger", "25 deaths", "250 ICU capacity"),
add_parms_to_scenarios = FALSE,
var_select = "infections",
ci = FALSE), "gg"), "<10 replicates")
# and check results make sense
infs <- lapply(list(out, p, p2), format_output, "infections")
expect_lt(sum(infs[[2]]$y, na.rm = TRUE), sum(infs[[1]]$y, na.rm = TRUE))
expect_lt(sum(infs[[3]]$y, na.rm = TRUE), sum(infs[[2]]$y, na.rm = TRUE))
test_that("projection works", {
data <- read.csv(squire_file("extdata/example.csv"),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
interventions <- read.csv(squire_file("extdata/example_intervention.csv"))
int_unique <- interventions_unique(interventions)
reporting_fraction = 1
country = "Algeria"
replicates = 2
R0_min = 2.6
R0_max = 2.6
R0_step = 0.1
first_start_date = "2020-02-01"
last_start_date = "2020-02-02"
day_step = 1
R0_change = int_unique$change
date_R0_change = as.Date(int_unique$dates_change)
date_contact_matrix_set_change = NULL
squire_model = explicit_model()
pars_obs = NULL
n_particles = 10
t1 <- calibrate(
data = data,
R0_min = R0_min,
R0_max = R0_max,
R0_step = R0_step,
first_start_date = first_start_date,
last_start_date = last_start_date,
day_step = day_step,
squire_model = squire_model,
pars_obs = pars_obs,
n_particles = n_particles,
reporting_fraction = reporting_fraction,
R0_change = R0_change,
date_R0_change = date_R0_change,
replicates = replicates,
country = country,
forecast = 40
index <- odin_index(t1$model)
p1 <- projections(r = t1, R0 = 1.8, tt_R0 = 0)
expect_lt(sum(rowSums(t1$output[,index$D,1])), sum(rowSums(p1$output[,index$D,1])))
p2 <- projections(r = t1, R0_change = c(0.1, 0.05), tt_R0 = c(0, 20))
expect_gt(sum(rowSums(p1$output[,index$D,1])), sum(rowSums(p2$output[,index$D,1])))
out <- format_output(p2, "infections")
expect_gt(mean(out$y[out$t==5]), mean(out$y[out$t==40]))
# arg checks
p3 <- projections(t1)
expect_message(p3 <- projections(t1, R0 = c(3,2), R0_change = c(1,0.5), tt_R0 = c(0, 30)))
expect_message(p3 <- projections(t1, contact_matrix_set = list(contact_matrices[[1]],contact_matrices[[2]]),
contact_matrix_set_change = c(1,0.5), tt_contact_matrix = c(0, 30)))
expect_message(p3 <- projections(t1, hosp_bed_capacity = c(3,2), hosp_bed_capacity_change = c(1,0.5),
tt_hosp_beds = c(0, 30)))
expect_message(p3 <- projections(t1, ICU_bed_capacity = c(3,2), ICU_bed_capacity_change = c(1,0.5),
tt_ICU_beds = c(0, 30)))
p3 <- projections(t1, R0 = 2)
p3 <- projections(t1, R0_change = 0.5)
p3 <- projections(t1, contact_matrix_set = contact_matrices[[1]])
p3 <- projections(t1, contact_matrix_set_change = 0.5)
p3 <- projections(t1, hosp_bed_capacity = 2)
p3 <- projections(t1, hosp_bed_capacity_change = 0.5)
p3 <- projections(t1, ICU_bed_capacity = 2)
p3 <- projections(t1, ICU_bed_capacity_change = 0.5)
p3 <- projections(t1, ICU_bed_capacity_change = 0.5, to_be_run = TRUE)
# length checks
expect_error(p3 <- projections(t1, R0 = c(2,1)))
expect_error(p3 <- projections(t1, contact_matrix_set = list(contact_matrices[[1]],contact_matrices[[1]])))
expect_error(p3 <- projections(t1, hosp_bed_capacity = c(2,1)))
expect_error(p3 <- projections(t1, ICU_bed_capacity = c(2,1)))
expect_error(p3 <- projections(t1, R0_change = c(2,1)))
expect_error(p3 <- projections(t1, contact_matrix_set_change = c(2,1)))
expect_error(p3 <- projections(t1, hosp_bed_capacity_change = c(2,1)))
expect_error(p3 <- projections(t1, ICU_bed_capacity_change = c(2,1)))
# bounds check
expect_error(p3 <- projections(t1, tt_R0 = c(30,60)))
expect_error(p3 <- projections(t1, tt_contact_matrix = c(30,60)))
expect_error(p3 <- projections(t1, tt_hosp_beds = c(30,60)))
expect_error(p3 <- projections(t1, tt_ICU_beds = c(30,60)))
expect_error(p3 <- projections(t1, tt_R0 = c(30,60)))
expect_error(p3 <- projections(t1, tt_contact_matrix = c(30,60)))
expect_error(p3 <- projections(t1, tt_hosp_beds = c(30,60)))
expect_error(p3 <- projections(t1, tt_ICU_beds = c(30,60)))
test_that("projection plotting", {
data <- read.csv(squire_file("extdata/example.csv"),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
interventions <- read.csv(squire_file("extdata/example_intervention.csv"))
int_unique <- interventions_unique(interventions)
reporting_fraction = 1
country = "Algeria"
replicates = 2
R0_min = 2.6
R0_max = 2.6
R0_step = 0.1
first_start_date = "2020-02-01"
last_start_date = "2020-02-02"
day_step = 1
R0_change = int_unique$change
date_R0_change = as.Date(int_unique$dates_change)
date_contact_matrix_set_change = NULL
squire_model = explicit_model()
pars_obs = NULL
n_particles = 10
t1 <- calibrate(
data = data,
R0_min = R0_min,
R0_max = R0_max,
R0_step = R0_step,
first_start_date = first_start_date,
last_start_date = last_start_date,
day_step = day_step,
squire_model = squire_model,
pars_obs = pars_obs,
n_particles = n_particles,
reporting_fraction = reporting_fraction,
R0_change = R0_change,
date_R0_change = date_R0_change,
replicates = replicates,
country = country,
forecast = 40
p2 <- projections(r = t1, R0_change = c(0.5, 0.2), tt_R0 = c(0, 20))
p3 <- projections(r = t1,
contact_matrix_set_change = c(1, 0.5, 0.2),
tt_contact_matrix = c(0, 10, 20))
expect_warning(g1 <- projection_plotting(r_list = list(t1,p2),
scenarios = c("Unmitigated","Mitigation"),
var_select = "infections", add_parms_to_scenarios = FALSE))
expect_s3_class(g1, "gg")
expect_warning(g2 <- projection_plotting(r_list = list(t1,p2),
scenarios = c("Unmitigated","Mitigation"),
var_select = c("ICU_occupancy", "ICU_demand"),
add_parms_to_scenarios = TRUE,ci = FALSE,summarise = TRUE))
expect_s3_class(g2, "gg")
expect_warning(g2 <- projection_plotting(r_list = list(t1,p2),
scenarios = c("Unmitigated","Mitigation"),
var_select = c("ICU_occupancy", "ICU_demand"),
add_parms_to_scenarios = TRUE,ci = TRUE,summarise = TRUE, replicates = TRUE))
expect_error(projection_plotting(r_list = list(t1,matrix(0,1,1)),
scenarios = c("Unmitigated","Mitigation"),
var_select = c("ICU_occupancy", "ICU_demand"),
add_parms_to_scenarios = TRUE,ci = FALSE,summarise = TRUE))
# hack pinter invalidation
t1$model$.__enclos_env__$private$ptr <- new("externalptr")
p2_copy <- projections(r = t1, R0_change = c(0.5, 0.2), tt_R0 = c(0, 20))
index <- odin_index(p2_copy$model)
expect_true(all(p2_copy$output[nrow(p2_copy$output),index$S,1] ==
test_that("projection with normal run", {
r <- run_explicit_SEEIR_model("Angola",replicates = 1, time_period = 100)
expect_error(p <- projections(r, R0 = 10), "0 to know how")
r$output[,"time",1] <- r$output[,"time",1] - 50
p <- projections(r, R0 = 10)
index <- odin_index(p$model)
test_that("projection with deterministic normal run", {
r <- run_deterministic_SEIR_model("Angola",replicates = 1, time_period = 100)
expect_error(p <- projections(r, R0 = 10), "0 to know how")
r$output[,"time",1] <- r$output[,"time",1] - 50
p <- projections(r, R0 = 10)
index <- odin_index(p$model)
test_that("projection continuation past array size", {
data <- read.csv(squire_file("extdata/example.csv"),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
interventions <- read.csv(squire_file("extdata/example_intervention.csv"))
int_unique <- interventions_unique(interventions)
reporting_fraction = 1
country = "Algeria"
replicates = 2
R0_min = 2.6
R0_max = 2.6
R0_step = 0.1
first_start_date = "2020-02-01"
last_start_date = "2020-02-02"
day_step = 1
R0_change = int_unique$change
date_R0_change = as.Date(int_unique$dates_change)
date_contact_matrix_set_change = NULL
squire_model = explicit_model()
pars_obs = NULL
n_particles = 2
t1 <- calibrate(
data = data,
R0_min = R0_min,
R0_max = R0_max,
R0_step = R0_step,
first_start_date = first_start_date,
last_start_date = last_start_date,
day_step = day_step,
squire_model = squire_model,
pars_obs = pars_obs,
n_particles = n_particles,
reporting_fraction = reporting_fraction,
R0_change = R0_change,
date_R0_change = date_R0_change,
replicates = replicates,
country = country,
forecast = 10
p <- projections(t1, time_period = 20, R0_change = 2)
expect_equal(as.Date(max(data$date)) + 20, as.Date(tail(rownames(p$output),1)))
r <- run_explicit_SEEIR_model("Angola",replicates = 1, time_period = 100)
r$output[,"time",1] <- r$output[,"time",1] - 90
p <- projections(r, R0_change = 2, time_period = 20)
expect_true(all(round((diff(p$output[,"time",])),1) == r$parameters$dt))
expect_true(unique(diff(p$output[,1,1])) == 1)
test_that("projection for Meff", {
data <- read.csv(squire_file("extdata/example.csv"),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
interventions <- read.csv(squire_file("extdata/example_intervention.csv"))
int_unique <- interventions_unique(interventions)
reporting_fraction = 1
country = "Algeria"
replicates = 2
R0_min = 2.6
R0_max = 2.7
R0_step = 0.1
first_start_date = "2020-02-01"
last_start_date = "2020-02-02"
Meff_min = 0.1
Meff_max = 1.8
Meff_step = 0.8
day_step = 1
R0_change = int_unique$change
date_R0_change = as.Date(int_unique$dates_change)
date_contact_matrix_set_change = NULL
squire_model = explicit_model()
pars_obs = NULL
n_particles = 2
out <- calibrate(
data = data,
R0_min = R0_min,
R0_max = R0_max,
R0_step = R0_step,
Meff_min = Meff_min,
Meff_max = Meff_max,
Meff_step = Meff_step,
first_start_date = first_start_date,
last_start_date = last_start_date,
day_step = day_step,
squire_model = squire_model,
pars_obs = pars_obs,
Rt_func = function(R0_change, R0, Meff) {R0_change*Meff*R0},
n_particles = n_particles,
reporting_fraction = reporting_fraction,
R0_change = R0_change,
date_R0_change = date_R0_change,
replicates = replicates,
country = country,
forecast = 0
out2 <- projections(out, time_period = 90, R0_change = 4)
out3 <- projections(out, time_period = 90, R0_change = 1)
fd2 <- format_output(out2, "deaths")
fd3 <- format_output(out3, "deaths")
d2 <- mean(fd2$y[fd2$t==max(fd2$t)])
d3 <- mean(fd3$y[fd3$t==max(fd3$t)])
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