
Defines functions jointsegsummary segsnps prune.cpt.tree fit.cpt.tree

Documented in fit.cpt.tree jointsegsummary prune.cpt.tree segsnps

# recursively split the chromosomes using cval and save the tree structure
fit.cpt.tree <- function(genomdat, edgelim=10, cval=25, hscl=1, delta=0) {
    # genomdat has 3 columns: logR, logOR and het indicator
    n <- nrow(genomdat)
    seg.end <- c(0,n)
    # this refers to the row in seg.tree
    pnode.vec <- c(0,0)
    # tree structure of splits
    # each row refers to a node and has 4 values -
    # parent node, start and end of segment and maximal statistic
    seg.tree <- NULL
    k <- length(seg.end)
    change.loc <- NULL
    # row number of seg.tree
    current.node <- 0
    while (k > 1) {
        current.n <- seg.end[k]-seg.end[k-1]
        # tree structure
        parent.node <- pnode.vec[k]
        current.node <- current.node + 1
        if (current.n > 1) {
            current.genomdat <- genomdat[(seg.end[k-1]+1):seg.end[k],]
            # heterozygous positions
            het <- current.genomdat[,3]==1
            # number of heterozygous positions
            nhet <- sum(1*het)
            # rank, center and scale (to make it unit variance) the data
            # log-ratio is for all SNPs
            current.genomdat[,1] <- (rank(current.genomdat[,1]) - (current.n+1)/2)/sqrt((current.n+1)*current.n/12)
            # maf is only for germline heterozygous snps; set to 0 in segsnps
            if (nhet > 0) {
                current.genomdat[het,2] <- hscl*(rank(current.genomdat[het,2]) - (nhet+1)/2)/sqrt((nhet+1)*max(nhet,1)/12)
            # cumulative heterozygous counts
            current.genomdat[,3] <- cumsum(current.genomdat[,3])
            # number of hets (if zero make it 1)
            nhet <- max(current.genomdat[current.n, 3], 1)
            # n/(i*(n-i)) for i in 1 ,..., n
            rnij <- sqrt({current.n/{1:current.n}}/{(current.n-1):0})
            rnij[current.n] <- 0
            # minimum effect size delta
            delij <- delta*sqrt({1:current.n}*{{(current.n-1):0}/current.n})
            # nhet/(i*(nhet-i)) for i in 1 ,..., nhet
            rhij <- {nhet/{1:nhet}}/{(nhet-1):0}
            rhij[nhet] <- 0
            # call segmentation code
            zzz <- .Fortran("t2maxo",
                            n = as.integer(current.n),
                            sx = as.double(current.genomdat[,1:2]),
                            ihet = as.integer(current.genomdat[,3]),
                            iseg = integer(2),
                            ostat = double(1),
            # if ostat > cval, there are 2 changepoints, else 0.
            # 35 seems a reasonable cutoff based on null simulations
            # with hetscale (scaled logOR) use 50 at the minimum
            zzz$ncpt <- ifelse(zzz$ostat > cval, 1, 0)
        } else {
            if (!exists("zzz")) zzz <- list() # initialize if zzz doesn't exist
            zzz$ncpt <- 0
            zzz$ostat <- 0 # make the statistic 0 for the tree structure
        # add the current node
        seg.tree <- c(seg.tree, parent.node, seg.end[k-(1:0)], zzz$ostat)
        ncpt <- zzz$ncpt
        if (ncpt==1) {
            # segment lengths
            iseg <- diff(c(0, zzz$iseg, current.n))
            # if there are 3 pieces
            if (length(iseg)==3) {
                # if first piece is of length < edgelim merge to the right
                if (iseg[1] < edgelim) iseg[1:2] <- c(0, iseg[1]+iseg[2])
                # if third piece is of length < edgelim merge to the left
                if (iseg[3] < edgelim) iseg[2:3] <- c(iseg[2]+iseg[3], 0)
            # create the change point locations
            iseg <- cumsum(iseg)
            # keep only the interior ones
            iseg <- iseg[iseg>0 & iseg < current.n]
            # if no interior change points after merging ncpt=0
            if(length(iseg)==0) ncpt <- 0
        if (ncpt==0) {
            change.loc <- c(change.loc,seg.end[k])
            seg.end <- seg.end[-k]
            pnode.vec <- pnode.vec[-k]
        if (ncpt==1) {
            seg.end <- c(seg.end[1:(k-1)],seg.end[k-1]+iseg,seg.end[k])
            pnode.vec <- c(pnode.vec[-k], rep(current.node, length(iseg)+1))
        k <- length(seg.end)
    seg.ends <- unique(c(0,rev(change.loc)))
    list(seg.ends=seg.ends, seg.tree=matrix(seg.tree, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE))

# prune an existing seg.tree using a larger clar
prune.cpt.tree <- function(seg.tree, cval=25) {
    k <- nrow(seg.tree)
    keep <- rep(0, k)
    # first row is the whole chromosome; so it is always kept
    keep[1] <- 1
    # now check all daughter nodes and keep them depending on parent node
    if (k > 1) {
        for(i in 2:k) {
            parent.node <- seg.tree[i,1]
            # keep a segment if the parent segment is kept and stat > cval
            if (keep[parent.node]==1 & seg.tree[parent.node, 4] > cval) keep[i] <- 1
    # segments that are kept (0 and the end of each kept segment)
    c(0, sort(unique(seg.tree[keep==1,3])))

# segment by looping over the chromosomes
segsnps <- function(mat, cval=25, hetscale=FALSE, delta=0) {
    # keep the original data
    mat0 <- mat
    # keep only rows that have finite values for cnlr
    ii <- is.finite(mat$cnlr)
    # keep only the necessary variables for segmentation
    mat <- mat[ii, c("chrom","cnlr","valor","het")]
    # convert minimum effect size deltaCN into standardized log-rato 
    delta <- log2(1+delta/2)/mad(diff(mat$cnlr), na.rm=TRUE)
    # from log-ratio into AUC scale
    delta <- pnorm(delta/sqrt(2)) - 0.5
    # scaling factor for het snps
    hscl <- ifelse(hetscale, max(1,sqrt(0.25*nrow(mat)/sum(mat$het))), 1)
    # set valor=0 for homozygous snps
    mat$valor[mat$het==0] <- 0
    # take absolute value of valor
    mat$valor <- abs(mat$valor)
    # initialize segment indicator
    mat$seg <- rep(NA_real_, nrow(mat))
    # loop over chromosomes
    nchr <- max(mat$chrom) # IMPACT doesn't have X so only 22
    # possible chromosomes
    chrs <- 1:nchr
    # initialize segmentation tree
    seg.tree <- list()
    l <- 0 # initialize index for chromosomes with data
    for(i in 1:nchr) {
        genomdat <- as.matrix(mat[mat$chrom==i, c("cnlr","valor","het")])
        if (nrow(genomdat) == 0) {
            chrs[i] <- NA
        } else {
            l <- l + 1 # new chromosome with data
            # fit segment tree
            tmp <- fit.cpt.tree(genomdat, cval=cval, hscl=hscl, delta=delta)
            seg.tree[[l]] <- tmp$seg.tree
            # segment indicator
            seg.widths <- diff(tmp$seg.ends)
            mat$seg[mat$chrom==i] <- rep(1:length(seg.widths), seg.widths)
    attr(seg.tree, "cval") <- cval
    # add segs to original matrix
    mat0$seg <- rep(NA_real_, nrow(mat0))
    mat0$seg[ii] <- mat$seg
    # return matrix
    list(seg.tree=seg.tree, jointseg=mat0, hscl=hscl, chromlevels=na.omit(chrs))

# segment summary
jointsegsummary <- function(jointseg) {
    # remove snps with NA in segs (due to NA in cnlr)
    jointseg <- jointseg[is.finite(jointseg$seg),]
    # initialize output table
    nsegs <- max(jointseg$seg)
    # segment start and end indices and number of loci
    seg.start <- which(diff(c(0,jointseg$seg))==1)
    seg.end <- c(seg.start[-1]-1, nrow(jointseg))
    num.mark <- seg.end - seg.start + 1
    # initialize the output
    out <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nsegs, 6))
    names(out) <- c("chrom","seg","num.mark","nhet","cnlr.median","mafR")
    # function to estimate maf from valor and lorvar
    maffun <- function(x) {
        # occasional extreme valor can screw maf. so winsorize the maf
        valor <- abs(x$valor)
        lorvar <- x$lorvar
        # extreme large values
        valor.thresh <- median(valor) + 3*sqrt(quantile(lorvar, 0.8, type=1))
        valor[valor > valor.thresh] <- valor.thresh
        # extreme small values (not likely)
        valor.thresh <- median(valor) - 3*sqrt(quantile(lorvar, 0.8, type=1))
        valor[valor < valor.thresh] <- valor.thresh
        sum(((valor)^2 - lorvar)/lorvar)/sum(1/lorvar)
    # loop over the segments
    for (seg in 1:nsegs) {
        zhet <- jointseg$het[seg.start[seg]:seg.end[seg]]
        out[seg, 1] <- jointseg$chrom[seg.start[seg]]
        out[seg, 2] <- seg
        out[seg, 3] <- num.mark[seg]
        out[seg, 4] <- sum(zhet)
        out[seg, 5] <- median(jointseg$cnlr[seg.start[seg]:seg.end[seg]])
        if (out[seg, 4] > 0) {
            zvalor <- jointseg$valor[seg.start[seg]:seg.end[seg]]
            zlorvar <- jointseg$lorvar[seg.start[seg]:seg.end[seg]]
            zz1 <- data.frame(valor=zvalor[zhet == 1], lorvar=zlorvar[zhet == 1])
            out[seg, 6] <- maffun(zz1)
mskcc/facets documentation built on Oct. 15, 2021, 3:12 p.m.