
Defines functions gof_ergmito get_feasible_ci_bounds

Documented in gof_ergmito

#' Goodness of Fit diagnostics for ERGMito models
#' @param object An object of class [ergmito].
#' @param probs Numeric vector. Quantiles to plot (see details).
#' @param sim_ci Logical scalar. If `FALSE`, the default, it will compute the
#' quantiles analytically, otherwise it samples from the ERGM distribution.
#' @param R Integer scalar. Number of simulations to generate (passed to [sample]).
#' This is only used if `sim_ci = TRUE`.
#' @param GOF Formula. Additional set of parameters to perform the GOF.
#' @param GOF_update Formula. See the section on model updating in [ergmito_formulae()].
#' @param ncores Integer scalar. Number of cores to use for parallel computations
#' (currently ignored).
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to [stats::quantile].
#' @details 
#' The Goodness of Fit function uses the fitted ERGMito to calculate a given confidence
#' interval for a set of sufficient statistics. By default (and currently the
#' only available option), this is done on the sufficient statistics specified
#' in the model.
#' In detail, the algorithm is executed as follow:
#' For every network in the list of networks do:
#' 1. Calculate the probability of observing each possible graph in its support
#' using the fitted model.
#' 2. If `sim_ci = TRUE`, draw `R` samples from each set of parameters using the
#' probabilities computed. Then using the `quantile` function, calculate the desired
#' quantiles of the sufficient statistics. Otherwise, compute the quantiles using
#' the analytic quantiles using the full distribution.' 
#' The plot method is particularly convenient since it graphically shows whether
#' the target statistics of the model (observed statistics) fall within the 
#' simulated range.
#' @return An object of class `ergmito_gof`. This is a list with the following
#' components:
#' - `ci` A list of matrices of length `nnets(object)` with the corresponding
#' confidence intervals for the statistics of the model.
#' - `target_stats` A matrix of the target statistics.
#' - `ergmito.probs` A list of numeric vectors of length `nnets(object)` with the
#' probabilities associated to each possible structure of network.
#' - `probs` The value passed via `probs`.
#' - `model` The fitted model.
#' - `term_names` Character vector. Names of the terms used in the model.
#' - `quantile.args` A list of the values passed via `...`.
#' @examples 
#' # Fitting the fivenets model
#' data(fivenets, package = "ergmito")
#' fit <- ergmito(fivenets ~ edges + nodematch("female"))
#' # Calculating the gof
#' ans <- gof_ergmito(fit)
#' # Looking at the results
#' ans
#' plot(ans)
#' @name ergmito_gof

#' Given a vector of probabilities, find the feasible lower and upper bound
#' @param probs A numeric vector (should add up to 1).
#' @param lower Numeric scalar. Lower bound within 0 and .5.
#' @param upper Numeric scalar. Upper bound within .5 and 1.
#' @return A named vector with the feasible upper and lower bounds. The names of
#' the elements are mapped to the probabilities.
#' @noRd
get_feasible_ci_bounds <- function(x, probs, lower, upper) {
  # Checking range
  if (lower > .5)
    stop("`lower` cannot be more than .5", call. = FALSE)
  if (upper < .5)
    stop("`lower` cannot be less than .5", call. = FALSE)
  # Collapsing the ranges, first we need to sort these accordignly.
  # Notice that we need to do this since the probs passed to this
  # function are computed based on the graph, not in the statistic
  # itself.
  idx   <- order(x)
  x     <- x[idx]
  probs <- probs[idx]
  probs <- stats::aggregate(probs ~ x, FUN = sum) # Need to make this faster
  x     <- unname(probs[, 1L, drop = TRUE])
  probs <- unname(probs[, 2L, drop = TRUE])
  cumprobs <- cumsum(probs)
  n <- length(cumprobs)
  if (abs(cumprobs[n] - 1.0) > 1e-10)
    stop("`probs` does not add up to 1.", call. = FALSE)

  # Finding the feasible lower bound
  i <- max(1, which(cumprobs < lower))

  # Finding the feasible upper bound
  j <- min(which(cumprobs > upper))

  c(x[c(i, j)], cumprobs[c(i, j)])

#' @export
#' @rdname ergmito_gof
#' @details 
#' The print method tries to copy (explicitly) the print method of the
#' `gof` function from the `ergm` R package.
gof_ergmito <- function(
  GOF        = NULL,
  GOF_update = NULL,
  probs      = c(.05, .95),
  sim_ci     = FALSE,
  R          = 50000L,
  ncores =    1L,
  ) {
  if (!inherits(object, "ergmito"))
      "-object- should be of class 'ergmito'. It is of class '",
      paste(class(object), collapse = "', '"), "'.", 
      call. = FALSE

  if (any(!is.finite(coef(object))))
    stop("GOF can only be computed in models that are well defined. This model ",
         "has some undefined coefficients (Inf).", call. = FALSE)
  # Checking which observations were discarded
  if (length(object$formulae$excluded)) {
    object$network <- object$network[-object$formulae$excluded]
  res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nnets(object))
  pr  <- res
  ran <- res

  if (!is.null(GOF)) {
    # Deparsing formula
    if (!inherits(GOF, "formula"))
      stop("`GOF` must be an object of class formula.", call. = FALSE)
    # Analyzing terms
    test <- any(attr(stats::terms(GOF), "term.labels") %in% 
                  attr(stats::terms(object$formulae$model), "term.labels"))
    if (test)
        "The `GOF` argument must specify terms others than those included in the model.",
        call. = FALSE
    # This formula includes everything
    GOF <- stats::as.formula(gsub(".*[~]", "~ . + ", deparse(GOF)))
    GOF <- stats::update.formula(object$formulae$model, GOF)
  target_stats <- NULL
  g_attrs <- graph_attributes_as_df(object$network)
  for (i in seq_len(length(res))) {
    stats_offset.  <- object$formulae$stats_offset[[i]]

    # Has the user provided a formula? In this case we need to use an alternative
    # matrix of `statmat` and `weights`. We are restricted to whatever allstats
    # allows generating (e.g. distance is not included)    
    if (!is.null(GOF)) {
      GOF <- stats::update.formula(GOF, object$network[[i]] ~ .)
      environment(GOF) <- environment()
      statmat. <- ergm::ergm.allstats(GOF, zeroobs = FALSE) 
      weights. <- statmat.$weights
      statmat. <- statmat.$statmat
      # Model frame, if needed
      g_attrs     <- graph_attributes_as_df(object$network[[i]])
      model_frame <- model_frame_ergmito(
        formula        = GOF,
        formula_update = GOF_update,
        data           = rbind(ergm::summary_formula(GOF), statmat.),
        g_attrs.       = g_attrs
      statmat.      <- model_frame$stats[-1, , drop = FALSE]
      stats_offset. <- model_frame$offsets[-1]
      target_stats. <- model_frame$stats[1, , drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      statmat.       <- object$formulae$stats_statmat[[i]]
      weights.       <- object$formulae$stats_weights[[i]]
      target_stats.  <- object$formulae$target_stats[i, ]
    # Appending the observed target_stats
    target_stats <- rbind(target_stats, target_stats.)
    # Computing the probability of observing each class of networks
    pr[[i]] <- exp(
        x             = statmat.[, names(stats::coef(object)), drop = FALSE],
        stats_statmat = statmat.[, names(stats::coef(object)), drop = FALSE],
        stats_weights = weights.,
        stats_offset  = stats_offset.,
        target_offset = stats_offset.,
        params        = stats::coef(object),
        ncores        = ncores
    # Calculating the quantiles. First, we need to make some room to the data
    # to be stored
    res[[i]] <- matrix(
      nrow = ncol(statmat.), ncol = 4,
      dimnames = list(
        c("lower-q", "upper-q", "lower-p", "upper-p")
    # Makeing space for storing ranges of sufficient statistics
    ran[[i]] <- matrix(
      nrow = nrow(res[[i]]), ncol = 3L,
      dimnames = list(colnames(statmat.), c("min", "mean","max"))
    # Generating confidence intervals for the statistics in the model. We do this
    # by calculating the exact CI based on the data.
    for (k in seq_len(nrow(res[[i]]))) {
      # Sampling from the distribution (in the future we could do this
      # analytically instead)
      if (sim_ci) {
        res_i <- sample(statmat.[, k], size = R, prob = pr[[i]], replace = TRUE)
        res_i <- unname(c(
            c(list(x = res_i, probs = probs), list(...))
      } else {
        # Finding the feasible bounds, based on the ordering of this data
        res_i <- get_feasible_ci_bounds(
          x     = statmat.[,k], 
          probs = pr[[i]],
          lower = probs[1],
          upper = probs[2]
      # Calculating mins, mean, and max (this will be useful for plotting)
      ran[[i]][k, "mean"] <- sum(statmat.[, k] * pr[[i]])
      ran[[i]][k, c("min", "max")] <- range(statmat.[, k])
      # This res_i vector contains the lower/upper bounds and the associated
      # probabiities.
      res[[i]][k, ] <- res_i
      ci            = res,
      target_stats  = target_stats,
      ergmito.probs = pr,
      probs         = probs,
      model         = if (is.null(GOF))
      else {
        as.formula(gsub(".*[~]", " ~ ", deparse(GOF)))
      term_names    = rownames(res[[i]]),
      ranges        = ran,
      sim_ci        = sim_ci,
      quantile.args = list(...)
    class = "ergmito_gof"

#' @export
# @rdname ergmito_gof
print.ergmito_gof <- function(x, ...) {
  K <- length(x$term_names)
  for (k in seq_len(K)) {
    cat("\nGoodness-of-fit for", x$term_names[k], "\n\n", sep=" ")
    # Creating the table to be printed
    lower  <- sapply(x$ci, "[", i = k, j = "lower-q", drop = TRUE)
    upper  <- sapply(x$ci, "[", i = k, j = "upper-q", drop = TRUE)
    lowerp <- sapply(x$ci, "[", i = k, j = "lower-p", drop = TRUE)
    upperp <- sapply(x$ci, "[", i = k, j = "upper-p", drop = TRUE)
    minx   <- sapply(x$ranges, "[", i = k, j = "min", drop = TRUE)
    mean   <- sapply(x$ranges, "[", i = k, j = "mean", drop = TRUE)
    maxx   <- sapply(x$ranges, "[", i = k, j = "max", drop = TRUE)
    obs    <- x$target_stats[, k]
    tab <- data.frame(cbind(obs, minx, mean, maxx, lower, upper, lowerp, upperp))
    dimnames(tab) <- list(
      paste("net", 1:length(x$ci)),
      c("obs", "min", "mean", "max", "lower", "upper", "lower prob.", "upper prob.")
    print(tab, ...)
  if (!x$sim_ci)
      "Note: Exact confidence intervals where used.",
      "This implies that the requestes CI may differ from the one used",
      "(see ?gof_ergmito).\n\n"
      "Note: Approximated confidence intervals where used (see ?gof_ergmito).\n\n"

#' @export
#' @param x An object of class `ergmito_gof`.
#' @param y Ignored.
#' @param main,sub Title and subtitle of the plot (see [graphics::title]).
#' @param sort_by_ci Logical scalar. When `TRUE` it will sort the x-axis by the
#' with of the CI in for the first parameter of the model.
#' @param tnames A named character vector. Alternative names for the terms.
#' @rdname ergmito_gof
plot.ergmito_gof <- function(
  y      = NULL,
  main   = NULL,
  sub    = NULL,
  tnames = NULL,
  sort_by_ci = FALSE,
  ) {
  # Personalized y-axis labels
  if (is.null(tnames)) tnames <- x$term_names
  else { # We must check that it works
    if (!is.character(tnames))
      stop("`tnames` should be a character vector.", call. = FALSE)
    if (is.null(names(tnames)))
      stop("`tnames` should have names.", call. = FALSE)
    if (length(setdiff(x$term_names, names(tnames)))) 
      stop("All the term names must be `tnames`.", call. = FALSE)
    tnames <- tnames[match(x$term_names, names(tnames))]
  K <- length(x$term_names)
  op <- graphics::par(
    mfcol = c(K, 1L), 
    mar   = graphics::par("mar")*c(.05, 1, .05, 1),
    oma   = graphics::par("mar")*c(1, 0, 1, 0)
  xorder <- NULL
  for (k in seq_len(K)) {
    lower <- sapply(x$ci, "[", i = k, j = "lower-q", drop = TRUE)
    upper <- sapply(x$ci, "[", i = k, j = "upper-q", drop = TRUE)
    obs   <- x$target_stats[, k]
    if (is.null(xorder)) {
      if (sort_by_ci)
        xorder <- rev(order(upper - lower))
        xorder <- seq_along(upper)
    # The ranges are obtained from the
    ran_min <- sapply(x$ranges, "[", i = k, j = "min")
    ran_max <- sapply(x$ranges, "[", i = k, j = "max")
    xseq    <- seq_along(lower)
    yran    <- range(c(ran_min, ran_max))
      ylim = yran,
      xlim = range(xseq), 
      ylab = tnames[k],
      xlab = "Network N",
      xaxt = "n"
    # Confidence interval
    if (length(xseq) > 1) {
      # graphics::polygon(
      #   x      = c(xseq, rev(xseq)),
      #   y      = c(lower[xorder], rev(upper[xorder])),
      #   col    = grDevices::adjustcolor("gray", alpha = .5),
      #   border = grDevices::adjustcolor("gray", alpha = .5)
      # ) 
      for (i in seq_along(xseq))
          x      = xseq[i] + c(-.1, .1, .1, -.1)*4,
          y      = c(lower[xorder][i], lower[xorder][i], upper[xorder][i], upper[xorder][i]),
          col    = grDevices::adjustcolor("gray", alpha = .5),
          border = grDevices::adjustcolor("gray", alpha = .5)
    } else {
        x      = c(-.1, .1, .1, -.1)*4 + xseq,
        y      = c(lower[xorder], lower[xorder], upper[xorder], upper[xorder]),
        col    = grDevices::adjustcolor("gray", alpha = .5),
        border = grDevices::adjustcolor("gray", alpha = .5)
    # Bounds
    # rgb(t(col2rgb("darkgray")), maxColorValue = 255)
    bound_col <- grDevices::adjustcolor("#A9A9A9", alpha=.8)
    bounding_segment(ran_max[xorder], lwd = 2, col = bound_col, upper = TRUE)
    bounding_segment(ran_min[xorder], lwd = 2, col = bound_col, upper = FALSE)
    # Points
      y   = obs[xorder],
      x   = xseq,
      bg  = ifelse(obs[xorder] > upper[xorder] | obs[xorder] < lower[xorder], "red3", "black"),
      pch = ifelse(obs[xorder] > upper[xorder] | obs[xorder] < lower[xorder], 23, 21),
      cex = ifelse(obs[xorder] > upper[xorder] | obs[xorder] < lower[xorder], 1.5, 1)
  if (is.null(main))
    main <- paste0(
      "Goodness-of-fit Statistics\n",
        "(Quantiles to cover at least a %4.1f%% CI)",
        x$probs[length(x$probs)]*100 - x$probs[1]*100 
  graphics::axis(side=1, at = xseq, labels = xorder)
    main = main,
    xlab = "Network #",
    sub  = if (is.null(sub)) deparse(x$model) else sub

#' Draws bounding segments.
#' @param x,y Vector of coordinates where to put the segments.
#' @param upper Logical. When `TRUE` puts the segment with the tail facing down.
#' @param width,height Size of the segments.
#' @noRd
bounding_segment <- function(y, x, upper = FALSE, width=.25, height=NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(height)) {
    height <- graphics::par("usr")
    height <- abs(height[4] - height[3])/15
  if (missing(x))
    x <- seq_along(y)
  if (length(x) > 1L) {
    return(invisible(Map(bounding_segment, x = x, y = y, upper = upper, width = width,
                         height = height, ...)))
  width <- width/2
    x0 = c(x - width, x),
    x1 = c(x + width, x),
    y0 = c(y, ifelse(upper, y, y + height)),
    y1 = c(y, ifelse(upper, y - height, y)),
muriteams/lergm documentation built on Sept. 19, 2023, 11:37 p.m.