API for mvhunter1/mvhspatialplots
Some improved functions for analysis of ST and GSEA data.

Global functions
barcode_plot Man page Source code
calculate_Rsq Man page Source code
cellcycle_bar Man page Source code
convert_FindMarkers_human Man page Source code
convert_FindMarkers_human_old Man page Source code
convert_motif_targets_human Man page Source code
convert_motif_targets_human_old Man page Source code
convert_to_fish_scoring Man page Source code
convert_to_human_list Man page Source code
create_HOMER_genelist Man page Source code
go_term_bar Man page Source code
gsea_waterfall_plot Man page Source code
nice_dim_plot Man page Source code
nice_feature_plot Man page Source code
nice_scatter_plot Man page Source code
nice_scatter_plot_w_outliers Man page Source code
nice_spatial_dim_plot Man page Source code
nice_spatial_feature_plot Man page Source code
nice_violin_plot Man page Source code
plot_spatial_GO_term Man page Source code
search_for_gene_Seurat Man page Source code
vlnplot_compare_ST_SC Man page Source code
wilcox_test_expr Man page Source code
mvhunter1/mvhspatialplots documentation built on April 24, 2021, 10:52 a.m.