#' Get predicted dense core vesicle locations in the flywire dataset
#' @description Preliminary dense core vesicle (DCV) detection results from the Lee group, Stephan Gerhard and Minsu Kim.
#' @importFrom httr POST
#' @inheritParams flywire_fetch
#' @param rootid flywire rootid/rootids
#' @param dataset which DCV data set from Stephan Gerhard to access. 1.0 is just for the antennal lobes of FAFB. 2.0 is the first run at the whole brain.
#' @param project from which project to pull data. At the moment, there is only one option for DCV data.
#' @param islatest logical, whether or not to fetch the latest root_id if the given IDs are out of date.
#' @param simplify logical, if \code{FALSE} each rootid is a separate set of two data frames (one for DCV positions, one for the neuron's synapses).
#' Else, a list of two combined data frames is returned.
#' @param OmitFailures logical, if \code{TRUE} then requests that result in a 500 error are dropped and a warning is displayed
#' but not an error.
#' @param cl A cluster object created by \code{parallel::makeCluster}, or an integer to indicate number of child-processes (integer values are ignored on Windows) for parallel evaluations.
#' @return A list, where the first entry contains DCV locations and the second the synapses for the given rootid, with the nearest DCV precalculated for each synapse..
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Just AL test data set
#' data = flywire_dcvs("720575940629166904", dataset = "dcv.1.0")
#' dcv = data$dcv
#' synapse = data$syns
#' # Whole brain data set
#' dcv = flywire_dcvs(c("720575940631973089","720575940629166904"), dataset = "dcv.2.0")
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{braincircuits_login}}
flywire_dcvs <- function(rootid,
dataset = c("dcv.3.0","dcv.2.0","dcv.1.0"),
project = 'fruitfly_fafb_flywire',
islatest = TRUE,
simplify = TRUE,
return = c("parsed", "text", "response"),
simplifyVector = TRUE,
include_headers = FALSE,
OmitFailures = TRUE,
cl = NULL,
dataset = match.arg(dataset)
rootid = as.character(rootid)
rootid = unique(setdiff(rootid,"0"))
token = chunkedgraph_token()
# Get url
url = switch(dataset,
`dcv.3.0` = "https://api.braincircuits.io",
`dcv.2.0` = "https://radagast.hms.harvard.edu/flywire/%s/dcv",
`dcv.1.0` = "https://radagast.hms.harvard.edu/flywire/dcv/for_segment",
stop("Unrecognised value for dataset argument!")
# Request type
req.type = switch(dataset,
`dcv.3.0` = "POST",
`dcv.2.0` = "GET",
`dcv.1.0` = "POST",
stop("Unrecognised value for dataset argument!")
# If many rootids
if(length(rootid)>1 & dataset != "dcv.3.0") {
res=pbapply::pbsapply(rootid, flywire_dcvs, dataset = dataset,
return = return, simplify = FALSE, token = token,
simplifyVector = simplifyVector,
include_headers = include_headers,
OmitFailures = OmitFailures, cl = cl)
if(simplify & dataset %in% c("dcv.1.0")){
dcv = data.frame()
syns = data.frame()
for(i in 1:length(res)){
dcv = rbind(dcv, res[[i]]$dcv)
syns = rbind(syns, res[[i]]$syns)
res = list(dcv=dcv, syns=syns)
}else if (dataset %in% c("dcv.2.0")){
res = do.call(rbind, res)
# Fetch data for rootid
# Get dcv data with a GET request
req <- memoised_RETRY(
url = sprintf(url,rootid),
times = 10L
}else if(dataset == "dcv.1.0"){
# Get DCV data with a POST request
body = list(agglo_id = rootid, auth_token = token)
body = jsonlite::toJSON(body, auto_unbox = TRUE)
req <- memoised_RETRY(
url = url,
body = body,
times = 10L
# Get DCV data with a POST request
atoken = braincircuits_token()
params = list(project = project)
body = list(segments = as.list(rootid), project = project)
body = jsonlite::toJSON(body, auto_unbox = TRUE)
req <- POST(
url = file.path(url,"dcv/by"),
config = httr::add_headers(
Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", atoken),
referer = url,
`Content-Type` = "application/json"
query = params,
body = body
# Error?
if (req$status_code == 500 && OmitFailures) {
warning("Could not retreive flywire ID ", rootid)
# Parse and return the type of data requested..
if (return=='parsed') {
parsed = parse_json(req, simplifyVector = simplifyVector, bigint_as_char=TRUE)
if (length(parsed) == 2 && isTRUE(names(parsed)[2] == 'error')) {
stop("flywire error: " , parsed$error)
if(include_headers) {
fields_to_include = c("url", "headers")
attributes(parsed) = c(attributes(parsed), req[fields_to_include])
if(length(parsed) & dataset != "dcv.3.0"){
untangle_dcv_data(parsed, rootid)
} else if(return=="text") {
httr::content(req, as='text', type = 'application/json', encoding = 'UTF-8')
} else req
#' Create and log into a braincircuits account
#' @description \href{https://braincircuits.io/}{braincircuits} is a website built by Stephan Gerhard that provides some services for FAFB flywire data. For example, information on predictions for dense core vesicles (DCVs).
#' These functions assist you in registering and logging into a braincircuits account in order to query its API. You must first log into the website \href{https://braincircuits.io/app/login}{here}.
#' You then run \code{braincircuits_login}, which will call \code{braincircuits_register}. At the moment, this function is only needed for \code{flywire_dcvs} and is called under the hood there. Therefore, beyond testing that you
#' can connect to \href{https://braincircuits.io/}{braincircuits.io} there is little reason to call this function directly.
#' @param open flywire rootid/rootids
#' @param email the email you have registered/want to register with \href{https://braincircuits.io/}{braincircuits.io}.
#' @param password the password you want to set (when using \code{braincircuits_register}) or have set (when using \code{braincircuits_login}) for your account.
#' @param url the URL for the braincircuits API. Typically you should not need to change this.
#' @param open logical, whether or not to open a browser window to the \href{https://braincircuits.io/app/login}{login page} for \href{https://braincircuits.io/}{braincircuits.io}.
#' @return A bearer access token with which to query the braincircuits API.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Run this function:
#' braincircuits_login()
#' # If you run it for the first time, a window will open
#' # to the braincircuits log in page. Log in with an email.
#' # then when prompted in the R command line, re-give your email address and
#' # give a new password. You can save these in your .Renviron file to prevent having
#' # to do this in future.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{flywire_dcvs}}
#' @export
#' @rdname braincircuits_login
braincircuits_register <- function(open = TRUE, email = NULL, password = NULL, url = "https://api.braincircuits.io"){
browseURL(url = "https://braincircuits.io/app/login", browser = getOption("browser"), encodeIfNeeded = FALSE)
message("registering with braincircuits.io, make sure you have already made an account with your given email at: https://braincircuits.io/app/login")
email = readline("email: ")
password = readline("new password: ")
body = list(email = email, password = password)
body = jsonlite::toJSON(body, auto_unbox = TRUE)
req <- memoised_RETRY(
url = file.path(url,"auth/register"),
body = body,
times = 10L
# Error?
if (req$status_code == 500) {
warning("Could not register given email", email)
# Set in R environ
message("Your password has been reset. ")
message(sprintf("Call usethis::edit_r_environ and add the lines: \n braincircuits_email='%s' \n braincircuits_password='%s'",email,password))
# Get access token
#' @export
#' @rdname braincircuits_login
braincircuits_login <- function(email = NULL, password = NULL, url = "https://api.braincircuits.io"){
email = Sys.getenv("braincircuits_email")
password = Sys.getenv("braincircuits_password")
braincircuits_register(open = TRUE, url = url)
body = list(username = email, password = password)
req <- httr::POST(
url = file.path(url,"auth/db/login"),
body = body
# Error?
if (req$status_code == 500) {
warning("Could not register given email", email)
parsed = parse_json(req, simplifyVector = FALSE, bigint_as_char=TRUE)
atoken = parsed$access_token
message("Your API access token has been reset. ")
message(sprintf("Call usethis::edit_r_environ and add the line:\n braincircuits_token='%s'",atoken))
# Get token
#' @export
#' @rdname braincircuits_login
braincircuits_token <- function(email = NULL, password = NULL, url = "https://api.braincircuits.io"){
atoken = Sys.getenv("braincircuits_token")
atoken = braincircuits_login(email = email, password = password, url = url)
# hidden
#' @importFrom methods is
untangle_dcv_data <- function(x, rootid){
if(is(x, "list")){
dcv = as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, x$dcv))
dcv = unlist_df(dcv)
dcv = as.data.frame(dcv)
syns = as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, x$synaptic_links))
syns = unlist_df(syns)
if(nrow(dcv)) dcv$root_id = rootid
if(nrow(syns)) syns$root_id = rootid
list(dcv = dcv, syns = syns)
if(nrow(x)) x$root_id = rootid
# hidden
untangle_dcv_data_v3 <- function(x){
if(is(x, "list")) {
x = do.call(rbind, x)
dcv = as.data.frame(x)
v14 = dcv$meta$v14
colnames(v14) = paste0("v14_", colnames(v14))
dcv$meta = NULL
dcv = cbind(dcv, v14)
dcv = dcv %>%
dplyr::mutate(root_id = `segment_id`) %>%
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