
Defines functions fetchKSSL .fetchSingle_KSSL .getKSSL_SoilWeb .getMorphologic_SoilWeb .getExtended_SoilWeb .buildFilter

Documented in fetchKSSL

# create a valid URL filter for SoilWeb API
# arguments are NA by default
.buildFilter <- function(series, bbox, mlra, pedlabsampnum, pedon_id, pedon_key) {

  # sanity-check: user must supply some kind of criteria
  if(missing(series) & missing(bbox) & missing(mlra) & missing(pedlabsampnum) & missing(pedon_id) & missing(pedon_key))
    stop('you must provide some filtering criteria')

  # init empty filter
  f <- vector()

  # process filter components
  if(!is.na(series)) {
    f <- c(f, paste('&series=', series, sep=''))

  # note: bbox has already been converted into text representation, suitable for URL
  if(!is.na(bbox)) {
    f <- c(f, paste('&bbox=', bbox, sep=''))

  if(!is.na(mlra)) {
    f <- c(f, paste('&mlra=', mlra, sep=''))

  if(!is.na(pedlabsampnum)) {
    f <- c(f, paste('&pedlabsampnum=', pedlabsampnum, sep=''))

  if(!is.na(pedon_id)) {
    f <- c(f, paste('&pedon_id=', pedon_id, sep=''))

  if(!is.na(pedon_key)) {
    f <- c(f, paste('&pedon_key=', pedon_key, sep=''))

  # combine filters
  f <- paste(f, collapse='')


# get extended data as JSON -> list, from SoilWeb API
.getExtended_SoilWeb <- function(f) {

  # KSSL geochem, XRD, glass
  x <- URLencode(paste0('https://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/soil_web/kssl/query.php?gzip=1&format=json&what=extended', f))

  # list of dataframe objects; note: missing data are returned as FALSE
  ext <-  .soilDB_curl_get_JSON(x, gzip = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)

  # done

# get simplified NASIS morphologic data as JSON -> list, from SoilWeb API
.getMorphologic_SoilWeb <- function(f) {

  # NASIS morphology
  x <- URLencode(paste0('https://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/soil_web/kssl/query.php?gzip=1&format=json&what=nasis_morphologic', f))

  # list of dataframe objects; note: missing data are returned as FALSE
  m <- .soilDB_curl_get_JSON(x, gzip = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)

  # done

# get simplified KSSL site+hz data as JSON -> list, from SoilWeb API
.getKSSL_SoilWeb <- function(f) {

  # KSSL site + horizon
  x <- URLencode(paste0('https://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/soil_web/kssl/query.php?gzip=1&format=json&what=site_hz', f))

  # list of dataframe objects; note: missing data are returned as FALSE
  site_hz <- .soilDB_curl_get_JSON(x, gzip = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)

  # report missing data
  if (all(c(isFALSE(site_hz[['site']]),
            isFALSE(site_hz[['horizon']])))) {
    # no data

  # done


# single record getter function, called by new vectorized interface
.fetchSingle_KSSL <- function(f, returnMorphologicData=FALSE, returnGeochemicalData=FALSE, simplifyColors=FALSE) {

  # basic site + hz data
  sh <- .getKSSL_SoilWeb(f)

  ## TODO: this may no longer be a valid approach, once vectorization is complete
  # account for missing data
  if(is.null(sh)) {

  # local copies
  s <- sh[['site']]
  h <- sh[['horizon']]

  # sometimes columns containing all NA are treated as logical, they are not
  logical.idx <- which(sapply(h, is.logical))
  for(i in logical.idx) { h[[i]] <- as.numeric(h[[i]]) }

  # upgrade to SoilProfileCollection
  suppressMessages(depths(h) <- pedon_key ~ hzn_top + hzn_bot)
  site(h) <- s

  # NASIS morphoogy
  if(returnMorphologicData) {
    m <- .getMorphologic_SoilWeb(f)

  # get geochemical, optical and XRD data from extended query
  if(returnGeochemicalData) {
    ext <- .getExtended_SoilWeb(f)

    # local copies, these are FALSE if data are missing
    geochem <- ext$geochem
    optical <- ext$optical
    xrd_thermal <- ext$xrd_thermal

    # cleanly return missing data as 0-length data.frame
    # having a 'labsampnum' (character) column for joins
    ul <- 'dummy.labsampnum'
    if(isFALSE(geochem)) {
      geochem <- data.frame(labsampnum = ul)[0, , drop = FALSE]
    if(isFALSE(optical)) {
      optical <- data.frame(labsampnum = ul)[0, , drop = FALSE]
    if(isFALSE(xrd_thermal)) {
      xrd_thermal <- data.frame(labsampnum = ul)[0, , drop = FALSE]

  ## TODO: clean this up
  if(returnMorphologicData & returnGeochemicalData)
    return(list(SPC=h, morph=m, geochem=geochem, optical=optical, xrd_thermal=xrd_thermal))
  else if(returnGeochemicalData)
    return(list(SPC=h, geochem=geochem, optical=optical, xrd_thermal=xrd_thermal))
  else if(returnMorphologicData)
    return(list(SPC=h, morph=m))

# fully vectorized in all arguments except BBOX

#' Get Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data from SoilWeb snapshot
#' Download soil characterization and morphologic data via BBOX, MLRA, or soil
#' series name query, from the KSSL database.
#' This interface has largely been superseded by the Soil Data Access
#'snapshot of the Laboratory Data Mart, available via `fetchLDM()`.
#' Series-queries are case insensitive. Series name is based on the "correlated
#' as" field (from KSSL snapshot) when present.  The "sampled as"
#' classification was promoted to "correlated as" if the "correlated as"
#' classification was missing.
#' When \code{returnMorphologicData} is TRUE, the resulting object is a list.
#' The standard output from \code{fetchKSSL} (\code{SoilProfileCollection}
#' object) is stored in the named element "SPC". The additional elements are
#' basic morphologic data: soil color, rock fragment volume, pores, structure,
#' and redoximorphic features. There is a 1:many relationship between the
#' horizon data in "SPC" and the additional dataframes in \code{morph}. See
#' examples for ideas on how to "flatten" these tables.
#' When \code{returnGeochemicalData} is TRUE, the resulting object is a list.
#' The standard output from \code{fetchKSSL} (\code{SoilProfileCollection}
#' object) is stored in the named element "SPC". The additional elements are
#' geochemical and mineralogy analysis tables, specifically:
#' geochemical/elemental analyses "geochem", optical mineralogy "optical", and
#' X-ray diffraction / thermal "xrd_thermal". \code{returnGeochemicalData} will
#' include additional dataframes \code{geochem}, \code{optical}, and
#' \code{xrd_thermal} in list result.
#' Setting \code{simplifyColors=TRUE} will automatically flatten the soil color
#' data and join to horizon level attributes.
#' Function arguments (\code{series}, \code{mlra}, etc.) are fully vectorized
#' except for \code{bbox}.
#' @param series vector of soil series names, case insensitive
#' @param bbox a single bounding box in WGS84 geographic coordinates e.g.
#' \code{c(-120, 37, -122, 38)}
#' @param mlra vector of MLRA IDs, e.g. "18" or "22A"
#' @param pedlabsampnum vector of KSSL pedon lab sample number
#' @param pedon_id vector of user pedon ID
#' @param pedon_key vector of KSSL internal pedon ID
#' @param returnMorphologicData logical, optionally request basic morphologic
#' data, see details section
#' @param returnGeochemicalData logical, optionally request geochemical,
#' optical and XRD/thermal data, see details section
#' @param simplifyColors logical, simplify colors (from morphologic data) and
#' join with horizon data
#' @param progress logical, optionally give progress when iterating over
#' multiple requests
#' @return a \code{SoilProfileCollection} object when
#' \code{returnMorphologicData} is FALSE, otherwise a list.
#' @note SoilWeb maintains a snapshot of these KSSL and NASIS data. The SoilWeb
#' snapshot was developed using methods described here:
#' \url{https://github.com/dylanbeaudette/process-kssl-snapshot}. Please use
#' the link below for the live data.
#' @author D.E. Beaudette and A.G. Brown
#' @seealso \code{\link{fetchOSD}}
#' @references \url{http://ncsslabdatamart.sc.egov.usda.gov/}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examplesIf curl::has_internet()
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'     library(aqp)
#'     # search by series name
#'     s <- fetchKSSL(series='auburn')
#'     # search by bounding-box
#'     # s <- fetchKSSL(bbox=c(-120, 37, -122, 38))
#'     # how many pedons
#'     length(s)
#'     # plot
#'     plotSPC(s, name='hzn_desgn', max.depth=150)
#'     ##
#'     ## morphologic data
#'     ##
#'     # get lab and morphologic data
#'     s <- fetchKSSL(series='auburn', returnMorphologicData = TRUE)
#'     # extract SPC
#'     pedons <- s$SPC
#'    # if (requireNamespace("farver")) {
#'    #   ## automatically simplify color data (requires farver)
#'    #   s <- fetchKSSL(series='auburn', returnMorphologicData = TRUE, simplifyColors=TRUE)
#'    #   # check
#'    #   par(mar=c(0,0,0,0))
#'    #   plot(pedons, color='moist_soil_color', print.id=FALSE)
#'    # }
#' }
#' @export fetchKSSL
fetchKSSL <- function(series=NA, bbox=NA, mlra=NA, pedlabsampnum=NA, pedon_id=NA, pedon_key=NA, returnMorphologicData=FALSE, returnGeochemicalData=FALSE, simplifyColors=FALSE, progress=TRUE) {

  if(!requireNamespace('jsonlite', quietly=TRUE))
    stop('please install the `jsonlite` packages', call.=FALSE)

  # convert BBOX into text representation
  if(!missing(bbox)) {

    # invalid BBOX
    if( length(bbox) != 4) {
      stop('invalid BBOX')

    # convert BBOX into text representation
    # not vectorized, would require a different kind of input
    bbox <- paste(bbox, collapse=',')

  # create argument matrix
  arg <- expand.grid(
    series = series,
    bbox = bbox,
    mlra = mlra,
    pedlabsampnum = pedlabsampnum,
    pedon_id = pedon_id,
    pedon_key = pedon_key

  if (all(is.na(arg))) {
    stop("must specify series, bbox, mlra, pedlabsampnum, pedon_id, or pedon_key argument",
         call. = FALSE)

  # number of unique argument sets (rows in matrix)
  n.arg.sets <- nrow(arg)

  # list to store results
  res <- vector(mode = 'list', length = n.arg.sets)

  # disable progress bar when number of argument sets (calls to .fetchSingle_KSSL) is 1
  if(n.arg.sets == 1) {
    progress <- FALSE

  # allow toggling of progress bar
  if(progress) {
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n.arg.sets, style = 3)

  # iterate over argument set
  for(i in 1:n.arg.sets) {
    # build single URL filter
    f <- with(
      arg[i, ],
      .buildFilter(series, bbox, mlra, pedlabsampnum, pedon_id, pedon_key)

    # process a single request
    req.i <- .fetchSingle_KSSL(f, returnMorphologicData, returnGeochemicalData)

    # setting a list element to NULL effectively removes it
    if(!is.null(req.i)) {
      res[[i]] <- req.i

    if(progress) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

  if(progress) {

  ## TODO: enforce unique-ness in results: unique.SPC and unique.data.frame on extended data

  ## make composite SPC and optionally additional parts

  # simple request, result is a list of SPCs
  if(!returnMorphologicData & !returnGeochemicalData) {
    h <- aqp::pbindlist(res)

    # NO site/hz data, stop here
    if(is.null(h)) {
      message('query returned no data')

  } else {
    # complex request, result is a list of lists
    # SPC
    h <- aqp::pbindlist(lapply(res, '[[', 'SPC'))

    # NO site/hz data, stop here
    if(is.null(h)) {
      message('query returned no data')

    ## TODO enforce unique-ness on SPC here

    ## NOTE: simpler with purrr::transpose()
    # morph
    if(returnMorphologicData) {
      # add new tables here
      v <- c("phcolor", "phfrags", "phpores", "phstructure", "pediagfeatures", "rmf")
      m <- vector(mode = 'list')
      # iterate over tables and unwind - rbind - store
      for(i in v) {
        m[[i]] <- do.call('rbind', lapply(res, function(j) j$morph[[i]]))

        ## TODO enforce unique-ness on data.frames here

    # geochem: may be missing for a lot of labsampnum
    if(returnGeochemicalData) {

      # safely combine + fill missing columns
      geochem <- do.call('rbindlist', args = list(l = lapply(res, '[[', 'geochem'), fill = TRUE))
      optical <- do.call('rbindlist', args = list(l = lapply(res, '[[', 'optical'), fill = TRUE))
      xrd_thermal <- do.call('rbindlist', args = list(l = lapply(res, '[[', 'xrd_thermal'), fill = TRUE))

      # convert back to data.frame
      geochem <- as.data.frame(geochem)
      optical <- as.data.frame(optical)
      xrd_thermal <- as.data.frame(xrd_thermal)

      ## TODO enforce unique-ness on data.frames here


  # do NOT set KSSL-specific horizon identifier
  # labsampnum is NOT unique 0.1% of the time AGB 2019/11/14
  # hzidname(h) <- "labsampnum"

  # set KSSL-specific hzdesgn/hztexcl fields
  hzdesgnname(h) <- "hzn_desgn"
  hztexclname(h) <- "lab_texture_class"

  ## set metadata
  # TODO: check before clobbering / consider standard var name
  metadata(h)$origin <- 'KSSL via Soilweb / fetchKSSL'
  metadata(h)$created <- Sys.time()

  # cleaning up the results
  if(returnMorphologicData & simplifyColors) {

    if(inherits(m$phcolor, 'data.frame')) {

      # simplify color data: 1 row / horizon, from morphologic data tables
      x.colors <- simplifyColorData(m$phcolor, id.var = 'labsampnum', wt='colorpct')

      # safely LEFT JOIN with @horizons
      suppressMessages(horizons(h) <- x.colors)

  # report object size
  res.size <- round(object.size(res) / 1024 / 1024, 2)
  # some feedback via message:
  message(paste(length(h), ' pedons loaded (', res.size, ' Mb transferred)', sep=''))

  ## TODO: clean this up
  if(returnMorphologicData & returnGeochemicalData)
    return(list(SPC=h, morph=m, geochem=geochem, optical=optical, xrd_thermal=xrd_thermal))
  else if(returnGeochemicalData)
    return(list(SPC=h, geochem=geochem, optical=optical, xrd_thermal=xrd_thermal))
  else if(returnMorphologicData)
    return(list(SPC=h, morph=m))
ncss-tech/soilDB documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 8:08 a.m.