
#' Creates a visual resume from dataframes specifying important events (e.g.; jobs or education) and interests / skills. The plot is optimized for an 8.5 in x 11 in display.
#' @param titles.left,titles.right character. Vector of up to length three indicating labels to be shown in the top left / right.
#' @param titles.left.cex,titles.right.cex numeric. Vector indicating the size of the respective labels.
#' @param timeline.labels character. Vector of two labels for the top and bottom sections of the timeline.
#' @param timeline dataframe. Specifications of the elements in the timeline. See Details
#' @param timeline.cex numeric. Vector of length 2 indicating the size of the timeline text. The first element is for the main text, the second element is for the sub text.
#' @param milestones dataframe. Specifications of brief level-1 timeline milestones (at top of timeline). Should contain the columns \code{year} (integer) and \code{title} (character)
#' @param events dataframe. Specificaions of longer level-2 milestones (in bottom right plot). Should contain the columns \code{year} (integer) and \code{title} (character)
#' @param interests list. A list of length up to 4 indicating one's interests / skills. Each entry should be a character vector up to length 5. The more often a value occurs in the vector, the more pronounced it will be.
#' @param font.family character. An optional google font family. Run \code{sysfonts::font.families.google()} to see all of them. Only use when creating plot in a plotting device such as pdf()
#' @param col character. The color palette for the plot. Can be a named palette from the \code{yarrr::piratepal()} function (e.g.; \code{"basel"} or \code{"xmen"}), or a vector of named colors.
#' @param trans numeric. A number between 0 and 1 indicating the transparencies of the colors of boxes in the timeline.
#' @param events.cex numeric. A size multiplier for level-2 milestones.
#' @param year.steps integer. The step size in years of the year labels in the timeline.
#' @param year.range integer. A vector of minimum and maximum years to plot in the timeline.
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb col2rgb gray
#' @importFrom graphics text points abline legend mtext segments rect arrows axis par layout plot plot.new plot.window
#' @importFrom yarrr piratepal
#' @importFrom showtext showtext.begin showtext.end
#' @importFrom sysfonts font.add.google font.families.google
#' @export
#' @details
#'  The argument \code{timeline} specifying events in the timeline should each be a dataframe with at least the following columns:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{title, sub}{character. Titles and subs}
#'  \item{start, end}{integer. Start and end years}
#'  \item{side}{binary. Vertical location of the event. 1 = top, 0 = bottom.}
#'  }
#'  If you want to adjust the locations of elements, you can specify the locations of timeline elements explicitly with additional named columns.
#'  \describe{
#'  \item{box.x0, box.x1, box.y0, box.y1}{numeric. Coordinates of the boxes.}
#'  \item{point.x, point.y}{numeric. Coordinates of the points.}
#'  \item{label.x, label.y}{numeric. Coordinates of the labels.}
#'  \item{label.dir}{string. Directions of the labels. Either "left" or "right".}
#'  }
#'  Note that the vertical axis of the timeline ranges from 0 (the bottom) to 100 (the top).
#' @examples
#' # Walter White's visual resume
#'titles.left = c("Walter White, PhD", "Chemistry, Cooking, Pizza", "*Built with love in R using the InfoResume package: www.ndphillips.github.io/inforesume"),
#'titles.right = c("www.lospolloshermanos.com", "TheOneWhoKnocks@gmail.com", "Full Resume: www.ndphillips.github.io"),
#'titles.right.cex = c(2, 2, 1),
#'titles.left.cex = c(4, 2, 1),
#'timeline.labels = c("Education", "Teaching"),
#'timeline = data.frame(title = c("Grinnell Col", "Ohio U", "U of Basel", "Max Planck Institute", "Old Van", "Gray Matter", "Sandia Laboratories", "J.P. Wynne High School", "A1A Car Wash"),
#'                      sub = c("BA. Student", "MS. Student", "PhD. Student", "PhD. Researcher", "Methamphetamine Research", "Co-Founder", "Chemist", "Chemistry Teacher", "Co-Owner"),
#'                      start = c(1976, 1980.1, 1982.2, 1985, 1996.5, 1987, 1991, 1995, 2001),
#'                      end = c(1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1998, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2003),
#'                      side = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
#'milestones = data.frame(title = c("BA", "MS", "PhD"),
#'                        sub = c("Mathematics", "Chemistry", "Chemistry"),
#'                        year = c(1980, 1982, 1985)),
#'events = data.frame(year = c(1985, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2012),
#'                    title = c("Contributed to Nobel Prize winning experiment.",
#'                              "Honorary mention for best Chemistry teacher of the year.",
#'                              "Created Blue Sky, the most potent methamphetamine ever produced.",
#'                              "Made first $1,000,000.",
#'                              "White, W., & Pinkman, J. (2012). Blue Sky: A method of [...].\nJournal of Psychopharmical Substances, 1(1),.")),
#'interests = list("programming" = c(rep("R", 10), rep("Python", 1), rep("JavaScript", 2), "MatLab"),
#'                 "statistics" = c(rep("Decision Trees", 10), rep("Bayesian", 5), rep("Regression", 3)),
#'                 "leadership" = c(rep("Motivation", 10), rep("Decision Making", 5), rep("Manipulation", 30))),
#'year.steps = 2)

VisualResume <- function(titles.left = c("Main Title", "Sub-title", "Sub-Sub-title"),
                          titles.left.cex = c(4, 3, 2),
                          titles.right = c("A", "B", "C"),
                          titles.right.cex = c(4, 3, 2),
                          timeline.labels = c("", ""),
                          timeline.cex = c(1.8, 1),
                          timeline = NULL,
                          milestones = NULL,
                          events = NULL,
                          events.cex = 1.5,
                          interests = NULL,
                          font.family = NA,
                          col = "xmen",
                          trans = .6,
                          year.steps = 1,
                          year.range = NULL
                          ) {

# Convert factors to strings

for(i in 1:ncol(timeline)) {if(class(timeline[,i]) == "factor") {timeline[,i] <- paste(timeline[,i])}}

# Extract some parameters
events.selected <- 1:nrow(events)
top.graph.label <- timeline.labels[1]
bottom.graph.label <- timeline.labels[2]

## Colors and Fonts

  if(font.family %in% sysfonts::font.families.google()) {

    google.font <- TRUE
    sysfonts::font.add.google(font.family, font.family)

  } else {font.family <- NULL ; google.font <- FALSE}

  if(col %in% yarrr::piratepal(palette = "names")) {
    color.vec <- yarrr::piratepal(palette = col, trans = trans)
  } else {

    color.vec <- col

    # Make colors transparent
    for(i in 1:length(color.vec)) {

      col.o <- grDevices::col2rgb(col = color.vec[i])
      col.n <- grDevices::rgb(red = col.o[1], green = col.o[2], blue = col.o[3], alpha = trans * 255, maxColorValue = 255)

      color.vec[i] <- col.n



  if(length(color.vec) < (nrow(timeline))) {

    color.vec <- rep(color.vec, length.out = (nrow(timeline)))


# Get year range

if(is.null(year.range)) {
year.range <- c(floor(min(timeline$start)),

year.min <- min(year.range)
year.max <- max(year.range)

year.seq <- seq(min(year.range), max(year.range), by = year.steps)

if(max(year.seq) != year.max) {

  year.seq <- c(year.seq, max(year.seq) + year.steps)

  year.min <- min(year.seq)
  year.max <- max(year.seq)



# Plot Layout
  matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE),
  widths = c(2.75, 2.75, 5.5),
  heights = c(1.25, 5, 2.25)

# ----------------
# Header
# ----------------
  par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))

  plot(1, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), bty = "n", type = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "")

  # Left and Right header titles
  text(rep(.02, 3), c(.65, .3, .05), titles.left, adj = 0, cex = titles.left.cex, family = font.family)
  text(rep(.98, 3), c(.65, .3, .05), titles.right, adj = 1, cex = titles.right.cex, family = font.family)


# ----------------
# Body
# ----------------

  par(mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0))

  # Minimum values of top and bottom
  top.y0 <- 55
  bottom.y0 <- 45

  # Adjust simultaneous starting times

  for(i in 2:nrow(timeline)) {

    if(timeline$start[i] %in% timeline$start[1:(i-1)]) {

      timeline$start[i] <- timeline$start[i] + .1}


  plot(1, xlim = c(year.min - 1, year.max + 1),
       ylim = c(0, 100), type = "n", xaxt = "n",
       yaxt = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "",
       bty = "n")

  # Top separation
  points(seq(year.min - 1, year.max + 1, length.out = 50), rep(100, 50), pch = 16, col = c(gray(.7)), cex = c(1, .7))

  # Bottom separation
  points(seq(year.min - 1, year.max + 1, length.out = 50), rep(0, 50), pch = 16, col = c(gray(.7)), cex = c(1, .7))

  # ...
  points(seq(year.min - .75, year.min - .25, length.out = 3),
         rep(50, 3), cex = c(.5, .75, 1.75), pch = 21, bg = "white")

  points(seq(year.max +.25, year.max + .75, length.out = 3),
         rep(50, 3), cex = rev(c(.5, .75, 1.75)), pch = 21, bg = "white")

  ## Year labels

           rep(bottom.y0, length(year.seq)),
           rep(top.y0, length(year.seq)),
           col = "lightgray")

       rep(bottom.y0, length(year.seq)),
       rep(top.y0, length(year.seq)),
       col = c("white"), border = gray(.5))

  text(x = year.seq[2:length(year.seq)] - (year.seq[2] - year.seq[1]) / 2,
       y = rep(50, length(year.seq) - 1),
       labels = year.seq[-(length(year.seq))],
       cex = 1.5, family = font.family)

 text(year.min - .5, 90, top.graph.label, family = font.family, cex = 2, adj = 0)
 text(year.min - .5, 10, bottom.graph.label, family = font.family, cex = 2, adj = 0)

# Determine coordinates..

#  -------
#  --------

  change.box.x0 <- FALSE
  change.box.x1 <- FALSE
  change.box.y0 <- FALSE
  change.box.y1 <- FALSE

 if("box.x0" %in% names(timeline) == FALSE) {

   timeline$box.x0 <- NA
   change.box.x0 <- TRUE

 if("box.y0" %in% names(timeline) == FALSE) {

   timeline$box.y0 <- NA
   change.box.y0 <- TRUE


 if("box.x1" %in% names(timeline) == FALSE) {

   timeline$box.x1 <- NA
   change.box.x1 <- TRUE


 if("box.y1" %in% names(timeline) == FALSE) {

   timeline$box.y1 <- NA
   change.box.y1 <- TRUE


  for (i in 1:nrow(timeline)) {

      # Get default locations

    if(is.na(timeline$box.x0[i])) {

      side.i <- timeline$side[i]
      box.x0 <- timeline$start[i]
      box.y0 <- switch(paste(side.i),
                       "0" = 45,
                       "1" = 55)
      box.x1 <- timeline$end[i]

      box.y1 <- switch(paste(side.i),
                       "0" = box.y0 - 10,
                       "1" = box.y0 + 10)

      # Am I starting at the same time as a previous box?

      simultaneous.boxes <- sum(timeline$box.x0[1:(i-1)] == box.x0 &
                                  timeline$side[1:(i-1)] == side.i,
                                na.rm = TRUE)

      if(simultaneous.boxes > 0) {box.x0 <- box.x0 + .1 * simultaneous.boxes}

  # Am I starting within a previous box?

      existing.boxes <- sum(timeline$box.x0[-i] < box.x0 &
                            timeline$box.x1[-i] > box.x0 &
                            timeline$side[-i] == side.i, na.rm = TRUE)

      box.y1 <- box.y1 + existing.boxes * switch(paste(side.i), "0" = -4, "1" = 4)

      if(change.box.x0) {timeline$box.x0[i] <- box.x0}
      if(change.box.x1) {timeline$box.x1[i] <- box.x1}
      if(change.box.y0) {timeline$box.y0[i] <- box.y0}
      if(change.box.y1) {timeline$box.y1[i] <- box.y1}


#  -------
#  --------

  change.point.x <- FALSE
  change.point.y <- FALSE

 if("point.x" %in% names(timeline) == FALSE) {

   change.point.x <- TRUE
   timeline$point.x <- NA


  if("point.y" %in% names(timeline) == FALSE) {

    change.point.y <- TRUE
    timeline$point.y <- NA


  for (i in 1:nrow(timeline)) {

      side.i <- timeline$side[i]

      # Get default locations

      # Does another box start in this box?

      conflicting.l <- timeline$start[-i] > timeline$start[i] & timeline$start[-i] < timeline$end[i]

      if(any(conflicting.l) == FALSE) {

        point.x <- timeline$start[i] + .25 * (timeline$end[i] - timeline$start[i])
        point.y <- timeline$box.y0[i] + switch(paste(side.i), "0" = -5, "1" = 5)

      if(any(conflicting.l)) {

        next.start <- min(timeline$start[-i][conflicting.l])

        point.x <- timeline$start[i] + .25 * (next.start - timeline$start[i])
        point.y <- timeline$box.y0[i] + switch(paste(side.i), "0" = -5, "1" = 5)


      # Is there another point in the same location?

      points.conflicting <- sum(abs(timeline$point.x[-i] - point.x) < .1 &
                                abs(timeline$point.y[-i] - point.y) < .1, na.rm = TRUE)

      if(any(points.conflicting)) {

        point.x <- point.x + sum(points.conflicting) * .1
        point.y <- point.y + sum(points.conflicting)


      if(change.point.x) {timeline$point.x[i] <- point.x}
      if(change.point.y) {timeline$point.y[i] <- point.y}



#  -------
#  --------

   change.label.dir <- FALSE
   change.text.adj <- FALSE
   change.elbow <- FALSE
   change.label.x <- FALSE
   change.label.y <- FALSE

 if("label.dir" %in% names(timeline) == FALSE) {

   change.label.dir <- TRUE
   timeline$label.dir <- NA


 if("text.adj" %in% names(timeline) == FALSE) {

   timeline$text.adj <- NA
   change.text.adj <- TRUE


 if("elbow" %in% names(timeline) == FALSE) {

   timeline$elbow <- NA
   change.elbow <- TRUE

 if("label.x" %in% names(timeline) == FALSE) {

   timeline$label.x <- NA
   change.label.x <- TRUE


 if("label.y" %in% names(timeline) == FALSE) {

   timeline$label.x <- NA
   change.label.y <- TRUE


for(i in 1:nrow(timeline)) {

    method <- 2

if(is.na(timeline$label.x[i])) {

  if(method == 1) {

    side.i <- timeline$sode[i]
    label.x <- timeline$point.x[i]

    # Do other boxes start within x percent of the timeline on the right or left?

    scare.p <- .1
    scare.dist <- scare.p * diff(year.range)

    right.conflicting.l <- (timeline$start[-i] >= timeline$start[i]) & (timeline$start[-i] <= timeline$start[i] + scare.dist) & (timeline$side[-i] == side.i)
    left.conflicting.l <- timeline$start[-i] <= timeline$start[i] & (timeline$start[-i] >= timeline$start[i] - scare.dist) & (timeline$side[-i] == side.i)

    # If there are no conflicts, go right

    if(any(right.conflicting.l) == FALSE &
       any(left.conflicting.l) == FALSE) {

      label.y <- timeline$box.y1[i] + switch(paste(side.i),
                                             "0" = -10,
                                             "1" = 10)
      label.dir <- "right"


    # If there are more right than left conflicts then go left

    if(sum(right.conflicting.l) > sum(left.conflicting.l)) {

      conflicting.box.heights <- timeline$box.y1[-i][left.conflicting.l | right.conflicting.l]
      conflicting.label.heights <- timeline$label.y[-i][left.conflicting.l | right.conflicting.l]

      if(side.i == 1) {

        label.y <- max(c(conflicting.box.heights, timeline$box.y1[i], conflicting.label.heights)) + 10


      if(side.i == 0) {

        label.y <- min(c(conflicting.box.heights, timeline$box.y1[i], conflicting.label.heights)) - 10


      label.dir <- "left"

    # If there are more left than right conflicts

    if(sum(right.conflicting.l) <= sum(left.conflicting.l)) {

      conflicting.box.heights <- timeline$box.y1[-i][right.conflicting.l]
      conflicting.label.heights <- timeline$label.y[-i][right.conflicting.l]

      if(side.i == 1) {

        label.y <- max(c(conflicting.box.heights, timeline$box.y1[i], conflicting.label.heights)) + 10


      if(side.i == 0) {

        label.y <- min(c(conflicting.box.heights, timeline$box.y1[i], conflicting.label.heights)) - 10


      label.dir <- "right"

    # Are there any long labels on the left?

    if(i > 1) {

      label.conflict.l <- (timeline$point.x[-i] - timeline$point.x[i]) > -scare.dist &
        (timeline$point.x[-i] - timeline$point.x[i]) < 0 &
        nchar(timeline$title[-i]) > 8 &
        timeline$label.dir[-i] == "right" &
        timeline$side[-i] == side.i

      if(any(label.conflict.l)) {

        label.y <- label.y + 4 * sum(label.conflict.l)


  if(method == 2) {

      # Grid method

    side.i <- timeline$side[i]
    point.x <- timeline$point.x[i]
    box.y <- timeline$box.y1[i]

    x.loc <- c(point.x)

    if(side.i == 1) {y.loc <- seq(box.y, 90, length.out = 10)}
    if(side.i == 0) {y.loc <- seq(box.y, 10, length.out = 10)}

      location.mtx <- expand.grid(x = x.loc, y = y.loc)

      # Assign initial points

      x.dev <- abs(location.mtx$x - point.x)

      if(timeline$side[i] == 1) {

      y.dev <- abs(location.mtx$y - (box.y + 10))


      if(timeline$side[i] == 0) {

        y.dev <- abs(location.mtx$y - (box.y - 10))


      joint.dev <- x.dev + y.dev

      if(i == 1) {

        which.min <- which(joint.dev == min(joint.dev))

        label.x <- location.mtx$x[which.min]
        label.y <- location.mtx$y[which.min]
        label.dir <- "right"


      if(i > 1) {

        for(j in 1:(i - 1)) {

          if(timeline$side[j] == timeline$side[i]) {

       other.x.loc <- timeline$label.x[j]
       other.y.loc <- timeline$label.y[j]

       # Are there other labels within scare.p years?

       scare.p <- .15
       scare.d <- scare.p * diff(year.range)

       x.dev.l <- abs(other.x.loc - location.mtx$x) < scare.d

       x.dev <- x.dev + as.numeric(x.dev.l)

       y.dev[x.dev.l] <- y.dev[x.dev.l] + as.numeric(abs(other.y.loc - location.mtx$y[x.dev.l]) < 5) * 10


        joint.dev <- x.dev + y.dev
        which.min <- which(joint.dev == min(joint.dev))

        label.x <- location.mtx$x[which.min][1]
        label.y <- location.mtx$y[which.min][1]

       # Determine label direction

        # Is there a previous right direction label within 2 years?

        scare.p <- .1
        scare.d <- scare.p * diff(year.range)

        # Potentially conflicting blocks on left
        l.conflicting.l <- any(timeline$side[1:(i - 1)] == timeline$side[i] &
                                 timeline$point.x[1:(i - 1)] > (timeline$point.x[i] - scare.d))

        # Is everything clear on the right for the next scare.d?
        side.i <- timeline$side[i]
        point.x.i <- timeline$point.x[i]

        r.free.l <- nrow(subset(timeline[-i,],
                                side == side.i &
                                point.x > point.x.i & point.x < (point.x.i + scare.d))) == 0

        if(l.conflicting.l | r.free.l) {label.dir <- "right"} else {label.dir <- "left"




    # Write values
    if(change.label.y) {timeline$label.y[i] <- label.y}
    if(change.label.x) {timeline$label.x[i] <- label.x}
    if(change.label.dir) {timeline$label.dir[i] <- label.dir}

    if(change.elbow) {

      if(timeline$label.dir[i] == "left") {timeline$elbow[i] <- -.1}
      if(timeline$label.dir[i] == "right") {timeline$elbow[i] <- .1}


    if(change.text.adj) {

      if(timeline$label.dir[i] == "left") {timeline$text.adj[i] <- 1}
      if(timeline$label.dir[i] == "right") {timeline$text.adj[i] <- 0}



# Draw!

 for(i in 1:nrow(timeline)) {

  # Box

  rect(xleft = timeline$box.x0[i],
       ybottom = timeline$box.y0[i],
       xright = timeline$box.x1[i],
       ytop = timeline$box.y1[i],
       col = color.vec[i],
       border = "black",
       lwd = .5)

  # Points

         pch = 21,
         cex = 2,
         col = "black",
         bg = "white")

  # Add lines

  # Main line
           lty = 2)

  # Elbow line
           timeline$label.x[i] + timeline$elbow[i],
           lty = 2)

  # Main Text

  text(timeline$label.x[i] + timeline$elbow[i],
       adj = timeline$text.adj[i],
       labels = timeline$title[i],
       cex = timeline.cex[1],
       family = font.family

  # text.outline(timeline$label.x[i] + timeline$elbow[i],
  #              timeline$label.y[i],
  #              adj = timeline$text.adj[i],
  #              labels = timeline$title[i],
  #              cex = 1.8,
  #              family = font.family,
  #              bg = gray(.97, .5),
  #              w = (year.max - year.min) / 100,
  #              h = 1
  # )

  # Sub Text

  text(timeline$label.x[i] + timeline$elbow[i],
       timeline$label.y[i] - 3,
       adj = timeline$text.adj[i],
       labels = timeline$sub[i],
       cex = timeline.cex[2],
       family = font.family)


  # --------- Upper milestones

       rep(95, nrow(milestones)),
       milestones$title, cex = 2, adj = 1, family = font.family, font = 3

       rep(90, nrow(milestones)),
       cex = 1.5, adj = 1, family = font.family, font = 1)

  # ---- Add Event symbols

  points(events$year, rep(60, length(events$year)), pch = 23, col = "black", bg = "white", cex = 4)
  text(events$year, rep(60, length(events$year)), 1:length(events$year), cex = 1.5, family = font.family)


# ----------------
# Bottom
# ----------------
  # --- Bottom left Interests

    par(xpd = TRUE)
    par(mar = c(3, 3, 0, 1))

    # Setup plotting region

   # mtext(text = bottom.labels[1], side = 3, cex = 1.5, family = font.family)

    plot.window(xlim = c(0, 100),
                ylim = c(0, 100 * 2.25 / 5.5))

   n.interests <- length(interests)

    if(n.interests == 1) {locations <- data.frame(x = 50,
                                                  y = 50 / 2.5)
    r = 10
    w = 10 / 2.5

    text.min.cex <- 1
    text.max.cex <- 4
    center.text.cex <- 4
    arrow.len <- .05
    arrow.cut <- .4

    if(n.interests == 2) {locations <- data.frame(x = c(25, 75),
                                                  y = c(35, 55) / 2.5)

    r <- 7
    w <- 7 / 2.5

    text.min.cex <- 1
    text.max.cex <- 3
    center.text.cex <- 3
    arrow.len <- .05
    arrow.cut <- .4

    if(n.interests == 3) {locations <- data.frame(x = c(15, 50, 85),
                                                  y = c(20, 75, 40) / 2.5)

    # r <- 5.5
    # w <- 5.5 / 2.5
    x.spoke.len <- 12.1
    y.spoke.len <- 14

    text.min.cex <- 1
    text.max.cex <- 3
    center.text.cex <- 2
    arrow.len <- .05
    arrow.cut <- .4

   if(n.interests == 4) {locations <- data.frame(x = seq(10, 90, length.out = 4),
                                                 y = c(20, 75, 20, 80) / 2.5)

   x.spoke.len <- 12
   y.spoke.len <- 13

   text.min.cex <- 1
   text.max.cex <- 3
   center.text.cex <- 2
   arrow.len <- .05
   arrow.cut <- .4

   for(interest.i in 1:n.interests) {

     center.x <- locations$x[interest.i]
     center.y <- locations$y[interest.i]
     center.lab <- names(interests[interest.i])

     # Center text
     text(center.x, center.y, labels = center.lab,
          font = 2, cex = center.text.cex)

     interest.frequencies <- table(interests[[interest.i]])

     n.values <- length(interest.frequencies)

     for(value.i in 1:n.values) {

       value.text.i <- names(interest.frequencies)[value.i]

       x.vals <- center.x + cos(c(.25, 1.25, .75, 1.75, .5, 1.5) * pi)[value.i] * x.spoke.len
       y.vals <- center.y + sin(c(.25, 1.25, .75, 1.75, .5, 1.5) * pi)[value.i] * y.spoke.len

       # Add value label

       value.cex <- interest.frequencies[value.i] / sum(interest.frequencies)
       value.cex <- value.cex * (text.max.cex - text.min.cex) + text.min.cex

            cex = value.cex)

       # Add segments

       #segment.weight <- interest.frequencies[value.i] / sum(interest.frequencies)
        segment.weight <- .5

        line.eq <- function(x1, y1, x2, y2, short = 0) {

          if(x1 != x2) {

        m <- (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
        b <- y1 - m * x1

        line.len <- sqrt(abs(x2 - x1) ^ 2 + abs(y2 - y1) ^ 2)

        if(x1 < x2) {x1.n <- x1 + (short / 2) * line.len ; x2.n <- x2 - (short / 2) * line.len}
        if(x1 > x2) {x1.n <- x1 - (short / 2) * line.len ; x2.n <- x2 + (short / 2) * line.len}

        y1.n <- x1.n * m + b
        y2.n <- x2.n * m + b


        if(x1 == x2) {

          x1.n <- x1
          x2.n <- x1
          if(y2 > y1) {y2.n <- y2 - (short/2) * (y2 - y1) ;y1.n <- y1 + (short/2) * (y2 - y1) }
          if(y2 < y1) {y2.n <- y2 + (short/2) * (y2 - y1) ;y1.n <- y1 - (short/2) * (y2 - y1) }

          return(list("x1" = x1.n, "y1" = y1.n, "x2" = x2.n, "y2" = y2.n))


        new.coord <- line.eq(center.x, center.y, x.vals, y.vals, short = arrow.cut)

                lwd = segment.weight,
                length = arrow.len)




  # ---- Bottom right Events

  par(mar = c(3, 0, 0, 3))

  plot(0, 0, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
       main = "", bty = "n", type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")

  # Top label text
 # mtext(bottom.labels[3], side = 3, cex = 1.5, adj = .5, family = font.family)

  n.events <- length(events.selected)

  # Points
  points(rep(.05, n.events), seq(.9, .0, length.out = n.events), pch = 23, cex = 4, col = "black", bg = "white")
  text(rep(.05, n.events),  seq(.9, .0, length.out = n.events), events.selected, pch = 23, cex = 1.5, col = "black", bg = "white", family = font.family)

  # Event text
  text(rep(.1, n.events),
       seq(.9, .0, length.out = n.events),
       events[1:nrow(events) %in% events.selected,2],
       adj = 0, cex = events.cex, family = font.family)

# ----------
# Closing
# ----------
  if(google.font) {



ndphillips/VisualResume documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:29 p.m.