#' @exportS3Method lmw_est lmw_aipw
#' @rdname lmw_est
lmw_est.lmw_aipw <- function(x, outcome, data = NULL, robust = TRUE, cluster = NULL, ...) {
call <- match.call()
chk::chk_is(x, "lmw")
if ("robust" %in% names(call)[-1]) {
chk::wrn("`robust` is ignored for lmw_aipw objects. See `?lmw_est.lmw_aipw` for details")
if ("cluster" %in% names(call)[-1]) {
chk::wrn("`cluster` is ignored for lmw_aipw objects. See `?lmw_est.lmw_aipw` for details")
data <- get_data(data, x)
#Get model matrix
obj <- get_X_from_formula(x$formula, data = data, treat = x$treat,
method = x$method, estimand = x$estimand, target = x$target,
s.weights = x$s.weights, target.weights = attr(x$target, "target.weights"),
focal = x$focal)
outcome <- do.call("get_outcome", list(substitute(outcome), data, x$formula,
outcome_name <- attr(outcome, "outcome_name")
attributes(outcome) <- NULL
#Fit regression model; note use lm.[w]fit() instead of lm() because
#we already have the model matrix (obj$X)
if (is.null(x$s.weights)) {
if (!is.null(x$fixef)) {
for (i in seq_len(ncol(obj$X))[-1]) {
obj$X[,i] <- demean(obj$X[,i], x$fixef)
outcome <- demean(outcome, x$fixef)
fit <- lm.fit(x = obj$X, y = outcome)
reg_w <- rep(1, length(outcome))
pos_w <- seq_along(outcome)
else {
reg_w <- x$s.weights
pos_w <- which(reg_w > 0)
if (!is.null(x$fixef)) {
for (i in seq_len(ncol(obj$X))[-1]) {
obj$X[,i] <- demean(obj$X[,i], x$fixef, reg_w)
outcome <- demean(outcome, x$fixef, reg_w)
fit <- lm.wfit(x = obj$X, y = outcome, w = reg_w)
# non_pos_w <- which(reg_w <= 0)
# fit$na.action <- setNames(non_pos_w, rn[non_pos_w])
# class(fit$na.action) <- "omit"
fit$model.matrix <- obj$X
if (!is.null(x$fixef)) {
fit$df.residual <- fit$df.residual - length(unique(x$fixef[pos_w])) + 1
fit$fixef <- x$fixef
#Get augmentation terms
#E[Y1] = mu1 + ipw1 - aug1
nA <- nlevels(x$treat)
mu <- ipw <- aug <- numeric(nA)
yA <- vector("list", nA)
#"estimand" weights; ensure means are taken
#over correct estimand.
ew <- {
if (is.null(x$focal)) as.numeric(reg_w > 0)
else as.numeric(reg_w > 0) * as.numeric(x$treat == x$focal)
aipw_w <- reg_w * x$base.weights
for (i in 1:nA) {
obj_i <- get_X_from_formula(x$formula, data = data, treat = x$treat,
method = x$method, estimand = x$estimand, target = x$target,
s.weights = x$s.weights, target.weights = attr(x$target, "target.weights"),
focal = x$focal, treat_fixed = levels(x$treat)[i])
yA[[i]] <- drop(obj_i$X[pos_w,, drop = FALSE] %*% fit$coefficients)
mu[i] <- mean_w(yA[[i]], reg_w[pos_w] * ew[pos_w])
ipw[i] <- mean_w(outcome[pos_w], aipw_w[pos_w], x$treat[pos_w] == levels(x$treat)[i])
aug[i] <- mean_w(fit$fitted.values[pos_w], aipw_w[pos_w], x$treat[pos_w] == levels(x$treat)[i])
#Get covariance of coefs and augmentation terms
p <- ncol(obj$X)
n <- length(pos_w)
# theta <- tcrossprod(c(fit$coefficients, mu1, mu0, ipw1 - aug1, ipw0 - aug0))
psi <- do.call("rbind", c(
list(t(reg_w[pos_w] * fit$residuals[pos_w] * obj$X[pos_w,, drop = FALSE])),
lapply(1:nA, function(i) (reg_w*ew)[pos_w]*(yA[[i]] - mu[i])), #replace ew with PS to get "correct" SEs for AIPW that agree with PSweight
lapply(1:nA, function(i) (x$treat[pos_w] == levels(x$treat)[i]) * aipw_w[pos_w] * (fit$residuals[pos_w] - (ipw[i] - aug[i])))
#rowMeans(psi) should be all 0s
B <- tcrossprod(psi)/n
A <- matrix(0, nrow = p + 2*nA, ncol = p + 2*nA)
A[1:p, 1:p] <- crossprod(obj$X[pos_w,, drop = FALSE])/n
mean_ew <- sum(ew)/n
for (i in 1:nA) {
A[p + i, p + i] <- mean_ew
A[p + nA + i, p + nA + i] <- sum(aipw_w[x$treat == levels(x$treat)[i]])/n
A[p + i, c(1, i)] <- -mean_ew
A[p + nA + i, 1:p] <- colSums((x$treat == levels(x$treat)[i]) * aipw_w * obj$X)/n
# A[p + 1, 1:p] <- -colSums(obj1$X)/n
# A[p + 2, 1:p] <- -colSums(obj0$X)/n
#Because covariates are centered, colSums/n = 0 except for intercept and treat,
#which = 1
Ainv <- solve(A)
V <- Ainv %*% B %*% t(Ainv)/n
#VCOV of outcome model coefficients
vcov <- V[1:p, 1:p]
dimnames(vcov) <- list(names(fit$coefficients), names(fit$coefficients))
#VCOV of AIPW parameters (means and augmentation)
treat_level_inds <- setNames(if (can_str2num(levels(x$treat))) str2num(levels(x$treat))
else seq_along(levels(x$treat)),
coef_aipw_names <- c(paste0("mu", treat_level_inds), paste0("aug", treat_level_inds))
vcov_aipw <- V[-(1:p), -(1:p)]
dimnames(vcov_aipw) <- list(coef_aipw_names, coef_aipw_names)
coef_aipw <- setNames(unname(c(mu, ipw - aug)), coef_aipw_names)
fit$vcov <- vcov
fit$lmw.weights <- x$weights
fit$call <- call
fit$estimand <- x$estimand
fit$focal <- x$focal
fit$method <- x$method
fit$robust <- "HC0"
fit$outcome <- outcome_name
fit$treat_levels <- levels(x$treat)
fit$coef_aipw <- coef_aipw
fit$vcov_aipw <- vcov_aipw
class(fit) <- c("lmw_est_aipw", "lmw_est")
#' @exportS3Method summary lmw_est_aipw
#' @rdname summary.lmw_est
summary.lmw_est_aipw <- function(object, model = FALSE, ci = TRUE, alpha = .05, ...) {
treat_coef_inds <- seq_along(object$treat_levels)
object$vcov <- .vcov.aliased(is.na(object$coefficients), object$vcov)
coefs <- object$coefficients[treat_coef_inds]
vcov <- object$vcov[treat_coef_inds, treat_coef_inds]
rdf <- object$df.residual
treat_name <- treat_name_from_coefs(names(coefs)[-1], object$treat_levels)
coef_levels <- treat_levels_from_coefs(names(coefs)[-1], object$treat_levels,
treat_level_inds <- setNames(if (can_str2num(object$treat_levels)) str2num(object$treat_levels)
else seq_along(object$treat_levels),
model_coefs <- object$coefficients
#Get means vector and vcov
a <- cbind(diag(length(coef_levels)), diag(length(coef_levels)))
means_order <- match(object$treat_levels, coef_levels)
means <- drop(a %*% object$coef_aipw)[means_order]
means_vcov <- (a %*% object$vcov_aipw %*% t(a))[means_order, means_order]
contrasts <- utils::combn(object$treat_levels, 2, simplify = FALSE)
a0 <- setNames(rep(0, length(object$treat_levels)), object$treat_levels)
a <- do.call("rbind", lapply(contrasts, function(i) {
a0[i] <- c(-1, 1)
effects <- drop(a %*% means)
effects_vcov <- a %*% means_vcov %*% t(a)
effects_se <- sqrt(diag(effects_vcov))
effects_tval <- effects/effects_se
effects_pval <- 2 * pnorm(abs(effects_tval), lower.tail = FALSE)
effects_mat <- cbind(Estimate = effects,
`Std. Error` = effects_se,
`z value` = effects_tval,
`Pr(>|z|)` = effects_pval)
if (ci) {
effects_ci <- matrix(nrow = nrow(effects_mat), ncol = 2)
colnames(effects_ci) <- paste0(round(100*(1-alpha), 1), "% CI " , c("L", "U"))
z.crit <- abs(qnorm(alpha/2))
effects_ci[,1] <- effects - effects_se*z.crit
effects_ci[,2] <- effects + effects_se*z.crit
effects_mat <- cbind(effects_mat[,1:2,drop=FALSE], effects_ci, effects_mat[,-(1:2),drop=FALSE])
rownames(effects_mat) <- lapply(contrasts, function(i) {
sprintf("E[Y%s-Y%s]", treat_level_inds[i[2]], treat_level_inds[i[1]])
means_mat <- NULL
if (object$method == "MRI" && is.null(object$fixef)) {
means_se <- sqrt(diag(means_vcov))
means_tval <- means/means_se
means_pval <- 2 * pnorm(abs(means_tval), lower.tail = FALSE)
means_mat <- cbind(Estimate = means,
`Std. Error` = means_se,
`z value` = means_tval,
`Pr(>|z|)` = means_pval)
if (ci) {
means_ci <- matrix(nrow = nrow(means_mat), ncol = 2)
colnames(means_ci) <- paste0(round(100*(1-alpha), 1), "% CI " , c("L", "U"))
z.crit <- abs(qnorm(alpha/2))
means_ci[,1] <- means - means_se*z.crit
means_ci[,2] <- means + means_se*z.crit
means_mat <- cbind(means_mat[,1:2,drop=FALSE], means_ci, means_mat[,-(1:2),drop=FALSE])
rownames(means_mat) <- paste0("E[Y", treat_level_inds, "]")
f <- object$fitted.values
r <- object$residuals
y <- f + r
w <- object$weights
n <- length(f)
m <- mean_w(f, w)
if (is.null(w)) w <- rep(1, n)
rss <- sum(w * r^2)
tss <- sum(w * (y - mean_w(y, w))^2)
r.squared <- 1 - rss/tss
adj.r.squared <- 1 - (1 - r.squared) * ((n - 1)/rdf)
model_mat <- aliased <- NULL
if (model) {
model_se <- sqrt(diag(object$vcov))
model_tval <- model_coefs/model_se
model_mat <- cbind(Estimate = model_coefs,
`Std. Error` = model_se,
`z value` = model_tval,
`Pr(>|z|)` = 2 * pnorm(abs(model_tval), lower.tail = FALSE))
aliased <- is.na(model_coefs)
if (ci) {
conf <- matrix(nrow = nrow(model_mat), ncol = 2)
colnames(conf) <- paste0(round(100*(1-alpha), 1), "% CI " , c("L", "U"))
z.crit <- abs(qnorm(alpha/2))
conf[,1] <- model_coefs - model_se*z.crit
conf[,2] <- model_coefs + model_se*z.crit
model_mat <- cbind(model_mat[,1:2,drop=FALSE], conf, model_mat[,-(1:2),drop=FALSE])
ans <- list(call = object$call,
means = means_mat,
coefficients = effects_mat,
model.coefficients = model_mat,
aliased = aliased,
sigma = sigma,
r.squared = r.squared,
adj.r.squared = adj.r.squared,
estimand = object$estimand,
focal = object$focal,
treat_levels = object$treat_levels,
fixef_name = attr(object$fixef, "fixef_name"))
class(ans) <- "summary.lmw_est"
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