
Defines functions rxUiDeparse.rxControl rxControlUpdateSens odeMethodToInt rxEtDispatchSolve.rxode2et rxControl drop_units.rxSolve `+.rxSolve` `$<-.rxSolve` dimnames.rxSolve t.rxSolve `[.rxSolve` is.rxSolve `$.rxSolve` `$.rxSolveSimType` `$.rxSolveCovs` `$.rxSolveParams` solve.rxSolve simulate.rxode2 predict.rxUi predict.function predict.rxode2 update.rxSolve rxSolve.default rxSolve.nlmixr2FitData rxSolve.rxUi .rxSolveFromUi .uiRxControl rxSolve.function rxSolve

Documented in is.rxSolve odeMethodToInt predict.function predict.rxode2 predict.rxUi rxControl rxControlUpdateSens rxSolve rxSolve.default rxSolve.function rxSolve.nlmixr2FitData rxSolve.rxUi rxUiDeparse.rxControl simulate.rxode2 solve.rxSolve update.rxSolve

#' Options, Solving & Simulation of an ODE/solved system
#' This uses rxode2 family of objects, file, or model specification to
#' solve a ODE system.  There are many options for a solved rxode2
#' model, the first are the required `object`, and `events` with the
#' some-times optional `params` and `inits`.
#' The rest of the document focus on the different ODE solving
#' methods, followed by the core solving method's options, rxode2 event
#' handling options, rxode2's numerical stability options, rxode2's
#' output options, and finally internal rxode2 options or compatibility
#' options.
#' @param object is a either a rxode2 family of objects, or a file-name
#'     with a rxode2 model specification, or a string with a rxode2
#'     model specification.
#' @param params a numeric named vector with values for every
#'     parameter in the ODE system; the names must correspond to the
#'     parameter identifiers used in the ODE specification;
#' @param events an `eventTable` object describing the input
#'     (e.g., doses) to the dynamic system and observation sampling
#'     time points (see [eventTable()]);
#' @param inits a vector of initial values of the state variables
#'     (e.g., amounts in each compartment), and the order in this
#'     vector must be the same as the state variables (e.g., PK/PD
#'     compartments);
#' @param sigdig Specifies the "significant digits" that the ode
#'   solving requests.  When specified this controls the relative and
#'   absolute tolerances of the ODE solvers.  By default the tolerance
#'   is `0.5*10^(-sigdig-2)` for regular ODEs. For the
#'   sensitivity equations the default is `0.5*10\^(-sigdig-1.5)`
#'   (sensitivity changes only applicable for liblsoda).  This also
#'   controls the `atol`/`rtol` of the steady state solutions. The
#'   `ssAtol`/`ssRtol` is `0.5*10\^(-sigdig)` and for the sensitivities
#'   `0.5*10\^(-sigdig+0.625)`.  By default
#'   this is unspecified (`NULL`) and uses the standard `atol`/`rtol`.
#' @param atol a numeric absolute tolerance (1e-8 by default) used
#'     by the ODE solver to determine if a good solution has been
#'     achieved;  This is also used in the solved linear model to check
#'     if prior doses do not add anything to the solution.
#' @param rtol a numeric relative tolerance (`1e-6` by default) used
#'     by the ODE solver to determine if a good solution has been
#'     achieved. This is also used in the solved linear model to check
#'     if prior doses do not add anything to the solution.
#' @param atolSens Sensitivity atol, can be different than atol with
#'     liblsoda.  This allows a less accurate solve for gradients (if desired)
#' @param rtolSens Sensitivity rtol, can be different than rtol with
#'     liblsoda.  This allows a less accurate solve for gradients (if desired)
#' @param maxsteps maximum number of (internally defined) steps allowed
#'     during one call to the solver. (5000 by default)
#' @param hmin The minimum absolute step size allowed. The default
#'     value is 0.
#' @param hmax The maximum absolute step size allowed.  When
#'   `hmax=NA` (default), uses the average difference +
#'   hmaxSd*sd in times and sampling events. The `hmaxSd` is a user
#'   specified parameter and which defaults to zero.  When
#'   `hmax=NULL` rxode2 uses the maximum difference in times in
#'   your sampling and events.  The value 0 is equivalent to infinite
#'   maximum absolute step size.
#' @param hmaxSd The number of standard deviations of the time
#'     difference to add to hmax. The default is 0
#' @param hini The step size to be attempted on the first step. The
#'     default value is determined by the solver (when `hini = 0`)
#' @param maxordn The maximum order to be allowed for the nonstiff
#'     (Adams) method.  The default is 12.  It can be between 1 and
#'     12.
#' @param maxords The maximum order to be allowed for the stiff (BDF)
#'     method.  The default value is 5.  This can be between 1 and 5.
#' @param mxhnil maximum number of messages printed (per problem)
#'     warning that `T + H = T` on a step (`H` = step size).  This must
#'     be positive to result in a non-default value.  The default
#'     value is 0 (or infinite).
#' @param hmxi inverse of the maximum absolute value of `H` to are used.
#'     hmxi = 0.0 is allowed and corresponds to an infinite `hmax1
#'     (default).  `hmin` and `hmxi` may be changed at any time, but will
#'     not take effect until the next change of `H` is considered.
#'     This option is only considered with `method="liblsoda"`.
#' @param istateReset When `TRUE`, reset the `ISTATE` variable to 1 for
#'     lsoda and liblsoda with doses, like `deSolve`; When `FALSE`, do
#'     not reset the `ISTATE` variable with doses.
#' @param indLinMatExpType This is them matrix exponential type that
#'     is use for rxode2.  Currently the following are supported:
#' * `Al-Mohy` Uses the exponential matrix method of Al-Mohy Higham (2009)
#' * `arma` Use the exponential matrix from RcppArmadillo
#' * `expokit` Use the exponential matrix from Roger B. Sidje (1998)
#' @param indLinMatExpOrder an integer, the order of approximation to
#'     be used, for the `Al-Mohy` and `expokit` values.
#'     The best value for this depends on machine precision (and
#'     slightly on the matrix). We use `6` as a default.
#' @param indLinPhiTol the requested accuracy tolerance on
#'     exponential matrix.
#' @param indLinPhiM  the maximum size for the Krylov basis
#' @param minSS Minimum number of iterations for a steady-state dose
#' @param maxSS Maximum number of iterations for a steady-state dose
#' @param strictSS Boolean indicating if a strict steady-state is
#'     required. If a strict steady-state is (`TRUE`) required
#'     then at least `minSS` doses are administered and the
#'     total number of steady states doses will continue until
#'     `maxSS` is reached, or `atol` and `rtol` for
#'     every compartment have been reached.  However, if ODE solving
#'     problems occur after the `minSS` has been reached the
#'     whole subject is considered an invalid solve. If
#'     `strictSS` is `FALSE` then as long as `minSS`
#'     has been reached the last good solve before ODE solving
#'     problems occur is considered the steady state, even though
#'     either `atol`, `rtol` or `maxSS` have not
#'     been achieved.
#' @param infSSstep Step size for determining if a constant infusion
#'     has reached steady state.  By default this is large value,
#'     12.
#' @param ssAtol Steady state atol convergence factor.  Can be
#'     a vector based on each state.
#' @param ssRtol Steady state rtol convergence factor.  Can be a
#'     vector based on each state.
#' @param ssAtolSens Sensitivity absolute tolerance (atol) for
#'     calculating if steady state has been achieved for sensitivity compartments.
#' @param ssRtolSens Sensitivity relative tolerance (rtol) for
#'     calculating if steady state has been achieved for sensitivity compartments.
#' @param maxAtolRtolFactor The maximum `atol`/`rtol` that
#'     FOCEi and other routines may adjust to.  By default 0.1
#' @param stateTrim When amounts/concentrations in one of the states
#'     are above this value, trim them to be this value. By default
#'     Inf.  Also trims to -stateTrim for large negative
#'     amounts/concentrations.  If you want to trim between a range
#'     say `c(0, 2000000)` you may specify 2 values with a lower and
#'     upper range to make sure all state values are in the
#'     reasonable range.
#' @param safeZero Use safe zero divide. By default
#'     this is turned on but you may turn it off if you wish.
#' @param safePow Use safe powers.  When enabled if your power is
#'   negative and your base is zero, this will return the `machine
#'   epsilon^(negative power)`.  By default this is turned on.
#' @param safeLog Use safe log.  When enabled if your value that you are taking log() of is negative or zero, this will return `log(machine epsilon)`.  By default this is turned on.
#' @param sumType Sum type to use for `sum()` in
#'     rxode2 code blocks.
#' `pairwise` uses the pairwise sum (fast, default)
#' `fsum` uses the PreciseSum package's fsum function (most accurate)
#' `kahan` uses Kahan correction
#' `neumaier` uses Neumaier correction
#' `c` uses no correction: default/native summing
#' @param prodType Product to use for `prod()` in rxode2 blocks
#' `long double` converts to long double, performs the
#' multiplication and then converts back.
#' `double` uses the standard double scale for multiplication.
#' @param maxwhile represents the maximum times a while loop is
#'   evaluated before exiting.  By default this is 100000
#' @param sensType Sensitivity type for `linCmt()` model:
#' `advan` Use the direct advan solutions
#' `autodiff` Use the autodiff advan solutions
#' `forward` Use forward difference solutions
#' `central` Use central differences
#' @param linDiff This gives the linear difference amount for all the
#'   types of linear compartment model parameters where sensitivities
#'   are not calculated. The named components of this numeric vector are:
#' * `"lag"` Central compartment lag
#' * `"f"` Central compartment bioavailability
#' * `"rate"` Central compartment modeled rate
#' * `"dur"` Central compartment modeled duration
#' * `"lag2"` Depot compartment lag
#' * `"f2"` Depot compartment bioavailability
#' * `"rate2"` Depot compartment modeled rate
#' * `"dur2"` Depot compartment modeled duration
#' @param linDiffCentral This gives the which parameters use central
#'   differences for the linear compartment model parameters.  The
#'   are the same components as `linDiff`
#' @param iCov A data frame of individual non-time varying covariates
#'   to combine with the `events` dataset.  The `iCov` dataset has one
#'   covariate per ID and should match the event table
#' @param covsInterpolation specifies the interpolation method for
#'     time-varying covariates. When solving ODEs it often samples
#'     times outside the sampling time specified in `events`.
#'     When this happens, the time varying covariates are
#'     interpolated.  Currently this can be:
#' * `"linear"` interpolation, which interpolates the covariate
#'     by solving the line between the observed covariates and extrapolating the new
#'     covariate value.
#' * `"locf"` -- Last observation carried forward (the default).
#' * `"nocb"` -- Next Observation Carried Backward.  This is the same method
#'       that NONMEM uses.
#' * `"midpoint"` Last observation carried forward to midpoint; Next observation
#'   carried backward to midpoint.
#'   For time-varying covariates where a missing value is present, the
#'   interpolation method will use either "locf" or "nocb" throughout
#'   if they are the type of covariate interpolation that is selected.
#'   When using the linear or midpoint interpolation, the lower point
#'   in the interpolation will use locf to interpolate missing
#'   covariates and the upper point will use the nocb to interpolate
#'   missing covariates.
#' @param naInterpolation specifies the interpolation method for
#'   time-varying covariates when the instantaneous value is `NA` (not
#'   during an explicit interpolation) and the `covsInterpolation` is
#'   either `"midpoint"` or `"linear"`. This can be:
#'   * `"locf"` -- last observation carried forward (default)
#'   * `"nocb"` -- next observation carried backward.
#'   This will look for the prior value (backwards/locf) when
#'   instantaneously missing, or the next value when instantaneously
#'   missing.  If all the covariates are missing and you find the
#'   end/beginning of the individual record, switch direction.  If all
#'   are really missing, then return missing.
#' @param keepInterpolation specifies the interpolation method for
#'   variables in the `keep` column.  When `nlmixr2` creates `mtime`,
#'   `addl` doses etc, these items were not originally in the dataset.
#'   The interpolation methods you can choose are:
#'   * `"locf"` -- last observation carried forward (default)
#'   * `"nocb"` -- next observation carried backward.
#'   * `"na"` -- no interpolation, simply put `NA` for the
#'   interpolated `keep` covariates.
#' @param addCov A boolean indicating if covariates should be added
#'     to the output matrix or data frame. By default this is
#'     disabled.
#' @param seed an object specifying if and how the random number
#'    generator should be initialized
#' @param nsim represents the number of simulations.  For rxode2, if
#'     you supply single subject event tables (created with
#'     `[eventTable()]`)
#' @param thetaMat Named theta matrix.
#' @param thetaLower Lower bounds for simulated population parameter
#'   variability (by default `-Inf`)
#' @param thetaUpper Upper bounds for simulated population unexplained
#'   variability (by default `Inf`)
#' @param thetaDf The degrees of freedom of a t-distribution for
#'     simulation.  By default this is `NULL` which is
#'     equivalent to `Inf` degrees, or to simulate from a normal
#'     distribution instead of a `t`-distribution.
#' @param thetaIsChol Indicates if the `theta` supplied is a
#'     Cholesky decomposed matrix instead of the traditional
#'     symmetric matrix.
#' @param nStud Number virtual studies to characterize uncertainty in estimated
#'        parameters.
#' @param omega Estimate of Covariance matrix. When omega is a list,
#'   assume it is a block matrix and convert it to a full matrix for
#'   simulations.  When `omega` is `NA` and you are using it with a
#'   `rxode2` ui model, the between subject variability described by
#'   the `omega` matrix are set to zero.
#' @param omegaIsChol Indicates if the `omega` supplied is a
#'     Cholesky decomposed matrix instead of the traditional
#'     symmetric matrix.
#' @param omegaSeparation Omega separation strategy
#' Tells the type of separation strategy when
#' simulating covariance with parameter uncertainty with standard
#' deviations modeled in the `thetaMat` matrix.
#'  * `"lkj"` simulates the correlation matrix from the
#'    `rLKJ1` matrix with the distribution parameter `eta`
#'    equal to the degrees of freedom `nu` by `(nu-1)/2`
#' *  `"separation"` simulates from the identity inverse Wishart
#'     covariance matrix with `nu` degrees of freedom.  This is then
#'     converted to a covariance matrix and augmented with the modeled
#'     standard deviations.  While computationally more complex than the
#'    `"lkj"` prior, it performs better when the covariance matrix
#'     size is greater or equal to 10
#'  * `"auto"` chooses `"lkj"` when the dimension of the
#'     matrix is less than 10 and `"separation"` when greater
#'    than equal to 10.
#' @param omegaXform When taking `omega` values from the `thetaMat`
#'   simulations (using the separation strategy for covariance
#'   simulation), how should the `thetaMat` values be turned int
#'   standard deviation values:
#'   - `identity` This is when standard deviation values are
#'    directly modeled by the `params` and `thetaMat` matrix
#'  - `variance` This is when the `params` and `thetaMat`
#'     simulates the variance that are directly modeled by the
#'     `thetaMat` matrix
#'  - `log` This is when the `params` and `thetaMat`
#'     simulates `log(sd)`
#'   - `nlmixrSqrt` This is when the `params` and
#'     `thetaMat` simulates the inverse cholesky decomposed matrix
#'     with the `x\^2` modeled along the diagonal.  This only works
#'      with a diagonal matrix.
#'   - `nlmixrLog` This is when the `params` and
#'     `thetaMat` simulates the inverse cholesky decomposed matrix
#'      with the `exp(x\^2)` along the diagonal.  This only works
#'      with a diagonal matrix.
#'   - `nlmixrIdentity` This is when the `params` and
#'      `thetaMat` simulates the inverse cholesky decomposed matrix.
#'      This only works with a diagonal matrix.
#' @param omegaLower Lower bounds for simulated ETAs (by default -Inf)
#' @param omegaUpper Upper bounds for simulated ETAs (by default Inf)
#' @param omegaDf The degrees of freedom of a t-distribution for
#'     simulation.  By default this is `NULL` which is
#'     equivalent to `Inf` degrees, or to simulate from a normal
#'     distribution instead of a t-distribution.
#' @param nSub Number between subject variabilities (`ETAs`) simulated for every
#'        realization of the parameters.
#' @param dfSub Degrees of freedom to sample the between subject variability matrix from the
#'        inverse Wishart distribution (scaled) or scaled inverse chi squared distribution.
#' @param sigma Named sigma covariance or Cholesky decomposition of a
#'     covariance matrix.  The names of the columns indicate
#'     parameters that are simulated.  These are simulated for every
#'     observation in the solved system. When `sigma` is `NA` and you are using it with a
#'    `rxode2` ui model, the unexplained variability described by
#'    the `sigma` matrix are set to zero.
#' @param sigmaLower Lower bounds for simulated unexplained variability (by default -Inf)
#' @param sigmaUpper Upper bounds for simulated unexplained variability (by default Inf)
#' @param sigmaXform When taking `sigma` values from the `thetaMat`
#'   simulations (using the separation strategy for covariance
#'   simulation), how should the `thetaMat` values be turned int
#'   standard deviation values:
#'  - `identity` This is when standard deviation values are
#'    directly modeled by the `params` and `thetaMat` matrix
#'  - `variance` This is when the `params` and `thetaMat`
#'     simulates the variance that are directly modeled by the
#'     `thetaMat` matrix
#'  - `log` This is when the `params` and `thetaMat`
#'     simulates `log(sd)`
#'   - `nlmixrSqrt` This is when the `params` and
#'     `thetaMat` simulates the inverse cholesky decomposed matrix
#'     with the `x\^2` modeled along the diagonal.  This only works
#'      with a diagonal matrix.
#'   - `nlmixrLog` This is when the `params` and
#'     `thetaMat` simulates the inverse cholesky decomposed matrix
#'      with the `exp(x\^2)` along the diagonal.  This only works
#'      with a diagonal matrix.
#'   - `nlmixrIdentity` This is when the `params` and
#'      `thetaMat` simulates the inverse cholesky decomposed matrix.
#'      This only works with a diagonal matrix.
#' @param sigmaDf Degrees of freedom of the sigma t-distribution.  By
#'     default it is equivalent to `Inf`, or a normal distribution.
#' @param sigmaIsChol Boolean indicating if the sigma is in the
#'     Cholesky decomposition instead of a symmetric covariance
#' @param sigmaSeparation separation strategy for sigma;
#' Tells the type of separation strategy when
#' simulating covariance with parameter uncertainty with standard
#' deviations modeled in the `thetaMat` matrix.
#' * `"lkj"` simulates the correlation matrix from the
#'   `rLKJ1` matrix with the distribution parameter `eta`
#'   equal to the degrees of freedom `nu` by `(nu-1)/2`
#' *  `"separation"` simulates from the identity inverse Wishart
#'    covariance matrix with `nu` degrees of freedom.  This is then
#'    converted to a covariance matrix and augmented with the modeled
#'    standard deviations.  While computationally more complex than the
#'    `"lkj"` prior, it performs better when the covariance matrix
#'    size is greater or equal to 10
#' *  `"auto"` chooses `"lkj"` when the dimension of the
#'    matrix is less than 10 and `"separation"` when greater
#'    than equal to 10.
#' @param dfObs Degrees of freedom to sample the unexplained variability matrix from the
#'        inverse Wishart distribution (scaled) or scaled inverse chi squared distribution.
#' @param resample A character vector of model variables to resample
#'   from the input dataset; This sampling is done with replacement.
#'   When `NULL` or `FALSE` no resampling is done.  When
#'   `TRUE` resampling is done on all covariates in the input
#'   dataset
#' @param resampleID boolean representing if the resampling should be
#'   done on an individual basis `TRUE` (ie. a whole patient is
#'   selected) or each covariate is resampled independent of the
#'   subject identifier `FALSE`.  When `resampleID=TRUE`
#'   correlations of parameters are retained, where as when
#'   `resampleID=FALSE` ignores patient covariate correaltions.
#'   Hence the default is `resampleID=TRUE`.
#' @param returnType This tells what type of object is returned.  The
#'   currently supported types are:
#' * `"rxSolve"` (default) will return a reactive data frame
#'      that can change easily change different pieces of the solve and
#'      update the data frame.  This is the currently standard solving
#'      method in rxode2,  is used for `rxSolve(object, ...)`, `solve(object,...)`,
#' * `"data.frame"` -- returns a plain, non-reactive data
#'      frame; Currently very slightly faster than `returnType="matrix"`
#' * `"matrix"` -- returns a plain matrix with column names attached
#'     to the solved object.  This is what is used `object$run` as well as `object$solve`
#' * `"data.table"` -- returns a `data.table`; The `data.table` is
#'     created by reference (ie `setDt()`), which should be fast.
#' * `"tbl"` or `"tibble"` returns a tibble format.
#' @param addDosing Boolean indicating if the solve should add rxode2
#'     EVID and related columns.  This will also include dosing
#'     information and estimates at the doses.  Be default, rxode2
#'     only includes estimates at the observations. (default
#'     `FALSE`). When `addDosing` is `NULL`, only
#'     include `EVID=0` on solve and exclude any model-times or
#'     `EVID=2`. If `addDosing` is `NA` the classic
#'     `rxode2` EVID events are returned. When `addDosing` is `TRUE`
#'     add the event information in NONMEM-style format; If
#'     `subsetNonmem=FALSE` rxode2 will also include extra event types
#'     (`EVID`) for ending infusion and modeled times:
#' * `EVID=-1` when the modeled rate infusions are turned
#' off (matches `rate=-1`)
#' * `EVID=-2` When the modeled duration infusions are
#' turned off (matches `rate=-2`)
#' * `EVID=-10` When the specified `rate` infusions are
#' turned off (matches `rate>0`)
#' * `EVID=-20` When the specified `dur` infusions are
#' turned off (matches `dur>0`)
#' * `EVID=101,102,103,...` Modeled time where 101 is the
#' first model time, 102 is the second etc.
#' @param keep Columns to keep from either the input dataset or the
#'     `iCov` dataset.  With the `iCov` dataset, the column
#'     is kept once per line.  For the input dataset, if any records
#'     are added to the data LOCF (Last Observation Carried forward)
#'     imputation is performed.
#' @param drop Columns to drop from the output
#' @param idFactor This boolean indicates if original ID values
#'     should be maintained. This changes the default sequentially
#'     ordered ID to a factor with the original ID values in the
#'     original dataset.  By default this is enabled.
#' @param subsetNonmem subset to NONMEM compatible EVIDs only.  By
#'   default `TRUE`.
#' @param scale a numeric named vector with scaling for ode
#'     parameters of the system.  The names must correspond to the
#'     parameter identifiers in the ODE specification. Each of the
#'     ODE variables will be divided by the scaling factor.  For
#'     example `scale=c(center=2)` will divide the center ODE
#'     variable by 2.
#' @param amountUnits This supplies the dose units of a data frame
#'     supplied instead of an event table.  This is for importing the
#'     data as an rxode2 event table.
#' @param timeUnits This supplies the time units of a data frame
#'     supplied instead of an event table.  This is for importing the
#'     data as an rxode2 event table.
#' @param theta A vector of parameters that will be named `THETA\[#\]` and
#'     added to parameters
#' @param eta A vector of parameters that will be named `ETA\[#\]` and
#'     added to parameters
#' @param from When there is no observations in the event table,
#'     start observations at this value. By default this is zero.
#' @param to When there is no observations in the event table, end
#'     observations at this value. By default this is 24 + maximum
#'     dose time.
#' @param length.out The number of observations to create if there
#'     isn't any observations in the event table. By default this is 200.
#' @param by When there are no observations in the event table, this
#'     is the amount to increment for the observations between `from`
#'     and `to`.
#' @param warnIdSort Warn if the ID is not present and rxode2 assumes
#'     the order of the parameters/iCov are the same as the order of
#'     the parameters in the input dataset.
#' @param warnDrop Warn if column(s) were supposed to be dropped, but
#'     were not present.
#' @param nDisplayProgress An integer indicating the minimum number
#'     of c-based solves before a progress bar is shown.  By default
#'     this is 10,000.
#' @param simVariability determines if the variability is simulated.
#'   When `NA` (default) this is determined by the solver.
#' @param ... Other arguments including scaling factors for each
#'     compartment.  This includes S# = numeric will scale a compartment
#'     # by a dividing the compartment amount by the scale factor,
#'     like NONMEM.
#' @param a when using `solve()`, this is equivalent to the
#'     `object` argument.  If you specify `object` later in
#'     the argument list it overwrites this parameter.
#' @param b when using `solve()`, this is equivalent to the
#'     `params` argument.  If you specify `params` as a
#'     named argument, this overwrites the output
#' @param updateObject This is an internally used flag to update the
#'     rxode2 solved object (when supplying an rxode2 solved object) as
#'     well as returning a new object.  You probably should not
#'     modify it's `FALSE` default unless you are willing to
#'     have unexpected results.
#' @param cores Number of cores used in parallel ODE solving.  This
#'    is equivalent to calling [setRxThreads()]
#' @param nCoresRV Number of cores used for the simulation of the
#'   sigma variables.  By default this is 1. To reproduce the results
#'   you need to run on the same platform with the same number of
#'   cores. This is the reason this is set to be one, regardless of
#'   what the number of cores are used in threaded ODE solving.
#' @param nLlikAlloc The number of log likelihood endpoints that are
#'   used in the model.  This allows independent log likelihood per
#'   endpoint in focei for nlmixr2.  It likely shouldn't be set,
#'   though it won't hurt anything if you do (just may take up more
#'   memory for larger allocations).
#' @inheritParams odeMethodToInt
#' @inheritParams rxode2parse
#' @param useStdPow This uses C's `pow` for exponentiation instead of
#'   R's `R_pow` or `R_pow_di`.  By default this is `FALSE`
#' @param ss2cancelAllPending When `TRUE` the `SS=2` event type
#'   cancels all pending doses like `SS=1`.  When `FALSE` the pending
#'   doses not canceled with `SS=2` (the infusions started before
#'   `SS=2` occurred are canceled, though).
#' @param addlKeepsCov This determines if the additional dosing items
#'   repeats the dose only (`FALSE`) or keeps the covariates at the
#'   record of the dose (`TRUE`)
#' @param addlDropSs When there are steady state doses with an `addl`
#'   specification the steady state flag is dropped with repeated
#'   doses (when `TRUE`) or retained (when `FALSE`)
#' @param ssAtDoseTime Boolean that when `TRUE` back calculates the
#'   steady concentration at the actual time of dose, otherwise when
#'   `FALSE` the doses are shifted
#' @param naTimeHandle Determines what time of handling happens when
#'   the time becomes `NA`: current options are:
#'  - `ignore` this ignores the `NA` time input and passes it through.
#'  - `warn` (default) this will produce a warning at the end of the
#'     solve, but continues solving passing through the `NA` time
#'  - `error` this will stop this solve if this is not a parallel
#'     solved ODE (otherwise stopping can crash R)
#' @return An \dQuote{rxSolve} solve object that stores the solved
#'   value in a special data.frame or other type as determined by
#'   `returnType`. By default this has as many rows as there are
#'   sampled time points and as many columns as system variables (as
#'   defined by the ODEs and additional assignments in the rxode2 model
#'   code).  It also stores information about the call to allow
#'   dynamic updating of the solved object.
#'   The operations for the object are similar to a data-frame, but
#'   expand the `$` and `[[""]]` access operators and assignment
#'   operators to resolve based on different parameter values, initial
#'   conditions, solver parameters, or events (by updating the `time`
#'   variable).
#'   You can call the [eventTable()] methods on the solved object to
#'   update the event table and resolve the system of equations.
#' @references
#'  "New Scaling and Squaring Algorithm for the Matrix Exponential", by
#'  Awad H. Al-Mohy and Nicholas J. Higham, August 2009
#' Roger B. Sidje (1998).  EXPOKIT: Software package for computing
#' matrix exponentials.  ACM - Transactions on Mathematical Software
#' *24*(1), 130-156.
#' Hindmarsh, A. C.
#' *ODEPACK, A Systematized Collection of ODE Solvers*.
#' Scientific Computing, R. S. Stepleman et al. (Eds.),
#' North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1983, pp. 55-64.
#' Petzold, L. R.
#' *Automatic Selection of Methods for Solving Stiff and Nonstiff
#' Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations*.
#' Siam J. Sci. Stat. Comput. 4 (1983), pp. 136-148.
#' Hairer, E., Norsett, S. P., and Wanner, G.
#' *Solving ordinary differential equations I, nonstiff problems*.
#' 2nd edition, Springer Series in Computational Mathematics,
#' Springer-Verlag (1993).
#' @seealso [rxode2()]
#' @author Matthew Fidler, Melissa Hallow and  Wenping Wang
#' @export
rxSolve <- function(object, params = NULL, events = NULL, inits = NULL,
                    scale = NULL, method = c("liblsoda", "lsoda", "dop853", "indLin"),
                    atol = 1.0e-8, rtol = 1.0e-6,
                    maxsteps = 70000L, hmin = 0, hmax = NA_real_,
                    hmaxSd = 0, hini = 0, maxordn = 12L, maxords = 5L, ...,
                    covsInterpolation = c("locf", "linear", "nocb", "midpoint"),
                    naInterpolation = c("locf", "nocb"),
                    keepInterpolation=c("na", "locf", "nocb"),
                    addCov = TRUE, sigma = NULL, sigmaDf = NULL,
                    sigmaLower = -Inf, sigmaUpper = Inf,
                    nCoresRV = 1L, sigmaIsChol = FALSE,
                    sigmaSeparation = c("auto", "lkj", "separation"),
                    sigmaXform = c("identity", "variance", "log", "nlmixrSqrt", "nlmixrLog", "nlmixrIdentity"),
                    nDisplayProgress = 10000L,
                    amountUnits = NA_character_, timeUnits = "hours",
                    theta = NULL,
                    thetaLower = -Inf, thetaUpper = Inf,
                    eta = NULL, addDosing = FALSE,
                    stateTrim = Inf, updateObject = FALSE,
                    omega = NULL, omegaDf = NULL, omegaIsChol = FALSE,
                    omegaSeparation = c("auto", "lkj", "separation"),
                    omegaXform = c("variance", "identity", "log", "nlmixrSqrt", "nlmixrLog", "nlmixrIdentity"),
                    omegaLower = -Inf, omegaUpper = Inf,
                    nSub = 1L, thetaMat = NULL, thetaDf = NULL, thetaIsChol = FALSE,
                    nStud = 1L, dfSub = 0.0, dfObs = 0.0,
                    returnType = c("rxSolve", "matrix", "data.frame", "data.frame.TBS", "data.table", "tbl", "tibble"),
                    seed = NULL, nsim = NULL,
                    minSS = 10L, maxSS = 1000L,
                    infSSstep = 12,
                    strictSS = TRUE,
                    istateReset = TRUE,
                    subsetNonmem = TRUE,
                    maxAtolRtolFactor = 0.1,
                    from = NULL,
                    to = NULL,
                    by = NULL,
                    length.out = NULL,
                    iCov = NULL,
                    keep = NULL,
                    indLinPhiTol = 1e-7,
                    indLinPhiM = 0L,
                    indLinMatExpType = c("expokit", "Al-Mohy", "arma"),
                    indLinMatExpOrder = 6L,
                    drop = NULL,
                    idFactor = TRUE,
                    mxhnil = 0,
                    hmxi = 0.0,
                    warnIdSort = TRUE,
                    warnDrop = TRUE,
                    ssAtol = 1.0e-8,
                    ssRtol = 1.0e-6,
                    safeZero = TRUE,
                    safeLog = TRUE,
                    safePow = TRUE,
                    sumType = c("pairwise", "fsum", "kahan", "neumaier", "c"),
                    prodType = c("long double", "double", "logify"),
                    sensType = c("advan", "autodiff", "forward", "central"),
                    linDiff = c(tlag = 1.5e-5, f = 1.5e-5, rate = 1.5e-5, dur = 1.5e-5, tlag2 = 1.5e-5, f2 = 1.5e-5, rate2 = 1.5e-5, dur2 = 1.5e-5),
                    linDiffCentral = c(tlag = TRUE, f = TRUE, rate = TRUE, dur = TRUE, tlag2 = TRUE, f2 = TRUE, rate2 = TRUE, dur2 = TRUE),
                    resample = NULL,
                    resampleID = TRUE,
                    maxwhile = 100000,
                    atolSens = 1.0e-8,
                    rtolSens = 1.0e-6,
                    naTimeHandle=c("ignore", "warn", "error"),
                    envir=parent.frame()) {
  .udfEnvSet(list(envir, parent.frame(1)))
  if (is.null(object)) {
    .xtra <- list(...)
    .nxtra <- names(.xtra)
    .w <- which(regexpr("^[Ss][0-9]+$", .nxtra) != -1)
    if (length(.w) > 0) {
      for (.arg in .w) {
        checkmate::assertNumeric(.xtra[[.arg]], lower=0, finite=TRUE, len=1, .var.name=.nxtra[.arg])
      .bad <- .nxtra[-.w]
    } else {
      .bad <- .nxtra
    .bad <- .bad[!(.bad %in% c(".setupOnly", "keepF", ".zeros"))]
    if (length(.bad) > 0) {
      if ("transitAbs" %in% .bad) {
        stop("'transitAbs' is no longer supported, use 'evid=7' instead",
      stop("unused argument: ",
           paste(paste0("'", .bad, "'", sep=""), collapse=", "),
    if (checkmate::testIntegerish(sigmaXform, len=1L, lower=1L, upper=6L, any.missing=FALSE)) {
      .sigmaXform <- as.integer(sigmaXform)
    } else {
      .sigmaXform <- c(
        "variance" = 6L, "log" = 5L, "identity" = 4L,
        "nlmixrSqrt" = 1L, "nlmixrLog" = 2L,
        "nlmixrIdentity" = 3L
    if (checkmate::testIntegerish(omegaXform, len=1L, lower=1L, upper=6L, any.missing=FALSE)) {
      .omegaXform <- as.integer(omegaXform)
    } else {
      .omegaXform <- c(
        "variance" = 6L, "log" = 5L,
        "identity" = 4L, "nlmixrSqrt" = 1L,
        "nlmixrLog" = 2L,
        "nlmixrIdentity" = 3L
    if (!is.null(seed)) {
      # Depending on the kind of seed, seed may be a vector of
      # integers, though that use-case is likely not common
      checkmate::testIntegerish(seed, any.missing=FALSE, min.len=1)
    if (checkmate::testIntegerish(nsim, len=1, lower=1, any.missing=FALSE)) {
      if (rxIs(params, "eventTable") || rxIs(events, "eventTable") && nSub == 1L) {
        nSub <- as.integer(nsim)
      } else if (nStud == 1L) {
        nStud <- as.integer(nsim)
    method <- odeMethodToInt(method)
    if (checkmate::testIntegerish(returnType, len=1, lower=0, upper=5, any.missing=FALSE)) {
      returnType <- as.integer(returnType)
    } else {
      .matrixIdx <- c(
        "rxSolve" = 0L, "matrix" = 1L, "data.frame" = 2L, "data.frame.TBS" = 3L, "data.table" = 4L,
        "tbl" = 5L, "tibble" = 5L)
      returnType <- .matrixIdx[match.arg(returnType)]
    if (checkmate::testIntegerish(covsInterpolation, len=1, lower=0, upper=3, any.missing=FALSE)) {
      covsInterpolation <- as.integer(covsInterpolation)
    } else {
      covsInterpolation <- c("linear"=0L, "locf"=1L, "nocb"=2L, "midpoint"=3L)[match.arg(covsInterpolation)]
    if (checkmate::testIntegerish(naInterpolation, len=1, lower=0, upper=1, any.missing=FALSE)) {
      naInterpolation <- as.integer(naInterpolation)
    } else {
      naInterpolation <- c("locf"=1L, "nocb"=0L)[match.arg(naInterpolation)]
    if (checkmate::testIntegerish(keepInterpolation, len=1, lower=0, upper=2, any.missing=FALSE)) {
      keepInterpolation <- as.integer(keepInterpolation)
    } else {
      keepInterpolation <- c("locf"=1L, "nocb"=0L, "na"=2L)[match.arg(keepInterpolation)]
    if (missing(naTimeHandle) && !is.null(getOption("rxode2.naTimeHandle", NULL))) {
      naTimeHandle <- getOption("rxode2.naTimeHandle")
    if (checkmate::testIntegerish(naTimeHandle, len=1, lower=1, upper=3, any.missing=FALSE)) {
      naTimeHandle <- as.integer(naTimeHandle)
    } else {
      naTimeHandle <- c("ignore"=1L, "warn"=2L, "error"=3L)[match.arg(naTimeHandle)]
    if (any(names(.xtra) == "covs")) {
      stop("covariates can no longer be specified by 'covs' include them in the event dataset",
           .call = FALSE
    if (missing(cores)) {
      cores <- 0L
    } else if (!missing(cores)) {
      checkmate::assertIntegerish(cores, lower = 0L, len = 1)
      cores <- as.integer(cores)
    if (inherits(sigma, "logical")) {
      .sigma <- sigma
    } else if (inherits(sigma, "character")) {
      .sigma <- sigma
      checkmate::assertNumeric(dfObs, lower=length(sigma), finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    } else {
      .sigma <- lotri(sigma)
    if (inherits(omega, "logical")) {
      .omega <- omega
    }  else if (inherits(omega, "character")) {
      .omega <- omega
      checkmate::testNumeric(dfSub, lower=length(omega), finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    } else if (inherits(omega, "lotri")) {
      .omega <- omega
    } else {
      .omega <- lotri(omega)
    if (checkmate::testIntegerish(indLinMatExpType, len=1, lower=1, upper=3, any.missing=FALSE)) {
      .indLinMatExpType <- as.integer(indLinMatExpType)
    } else {
      .indLinMatExpTypeIdx <- c("Al-Mohy" = 3L, "arma" = 1L, "expokit" = 2L)
      .indLinMatExpType <- .indLinMatExpTypeIdx[match.arg(indLinMatExpType)]
    if (checkmate::testIntegerish(sumType, len=1, lower=1, upper=5, any.missing=FALSE)) {
      .sum <- as.integer(sumType)
    } else {
      .sum <- c("pairwise"=1L, "fsum"=2L, "kahan"=3L , "neumaier"=4L, "c"=5L)[match.arg(sumType)]
    if (checkmate::testIntegerish(prodType, len=1, lower=1, upper=3, any.missing=FALSE)) {
      .prod <- as.integer(prodType)
    } else {
      .prod <- c("long double"=1L, "double"=1L, "logify"=1L)[match.arg(prodType)]

    if (checkmate::testIntegerish(sensType, len=1, lower=1, upper=4, any.missing=FALSE)) {
      .sensType <- as.integer(sensType)
    } else {
      .sensType <- c("autodiff"=1L, "forward"=2L, "central"=3L, "advan"=4L)[match.arg(sensType)]
    if (checkmate::testIntegerish(strictSS, len=1, lower=0, upper=1, any.missing=FALSE)) {
      strictSS <- as.integer(strictSS)
    } else {
      checkmate::assertLogical(strictSS, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
      strictSS <- as.integer(strictSS)
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(indLinMatExpOrder, len=1, lower=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    indLinMatExpOrder <- as.integer(indLinMatExpOrder)
    if (!checkmate::testIntegerish(safeZero, lower=0, upper=1, len=1, any.missing=FALSE)) {
      checkmate::assertLogical(safeZero, len=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    safeZero <- as.integer(safeZero)
    if (!checkmate::testIntegerish(safeLog, lower=0, upper=1, len=1, any.missing=FALSE)) {
      checkmate::assertLogical(safeLog, len=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    safeLog <- as.integer(safeLog)
    if (!checkmate::testIntegerish(safePow, lower=0, upper=1, len=1, any.missing=FALSE)) {
      checkmate::assertLogical(safePow, len=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    safePow <- as.integer(safePow)
    if (is.null(scale)) {
    } else if (is.list(scale)) {
      checkmate::assertList(scale, types="double", any.missing=FALSE,names="strict")
      lapply(names(scale), function(n) {
        checkmate::assertNumeric(scale[[n]], lower=0, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, len=1, .var.name=n)
    } else {
      checkmate::assertNumeric(scale, lower=0, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE,names="strict")
    if (!is.null(sigdig)) {
      checkmate::assertNumeric(sigdig, lower=2, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
      if (missing(atol)) {
        atol <- 0.5 * 10^(-sigdig - 2)
      if (missing(rtol)) {
        rtol <- 0.5 * 10^(-sigdig - 2)
      if (missing(atolSens)) {
        atolSens <- 0.5 * 10^(-sigdig - 1.5)
      if (missing(rtolSens)) {
        rtolSens <- 0.5 * 10^(-sigdig - 1.5)
      if (missing(ssAtol)) {
        ssAtol <- 0.5 * 10^(-sigdig)
      if (missing(ssRtol)) {
        ssRtol <- 0.5 * 10^(-sigdig)
      if (missing(ssAtolSens)) {
        ssAtolSens <- 0.5 * 10^(-sigdig + 0.625)
      if (missing(ssRtolSens)) {
        ssRtolSens <- 0.5 * 10^(-sigdig + 0.625)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(atol, lower=0, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, min.len=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(rtol, lower=0, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, min.len=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(atolSens, lower=0, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(rtolSens, lower=0, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(ssAtol, lower=0, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, min.len=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(ssRtol, lower=0, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, min.len=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(ssAtolSens, lower=0, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(ssRtolSens, lower=0, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(maxsteps, lower=1, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    maxsteps <- as.integer(maxsteps)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(hmin, lower=0, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(hmax, lower=0, any.missing=TRUE, null.ok=TRUE, finite=TRUE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(hmaxSd, lower=0, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=FALSE, finite=TRUE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(hini, lower=0, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=FALSE, finite=TRUE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(maxordn, lower=1, upper=12, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    maxordn <- as.integer(maxordn)
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(maxords, lower=1, upper=5, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    maxods <- as.integer(maxords)
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(mxhnil, lower=0, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    mxhnil <- as.integer(mxhnil)
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(hmxi, lower=0, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertLogical(istateReset, any.missing=TRUE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertLogical(simVariability, len=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(indLinPhiTol, lower=0, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(indLinPhiM, lower=0L, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    indLinPhiM <- as.integer(indLinPhiM)
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(minSS, lower=5L, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(maxSS, lower=7L, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    if (maxSS <= minSS) stop("'maxSS' must be larger than 'minSS'", call.=FALSE)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(infSSstep, lower=6, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(maxAtolRtolFactor, lower=0.01, any.missing=FALSE, finite=TRUE, null.ok=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(from, null.ok=TRUE, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(to, null.ok=TRUE, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(by, null.ok=TRUE, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(length.out, lower=0, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=TRUE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertLogical(addCov, len=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(nCoresRV, len=1, lower=1)
    checkmate::assertLogical(sigmaIsChol,len=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(nDisplayProgress, len=1, lower=100, any.missing=FALSE)
    checkmate::assertCharacter(amountUnits, any.missing=TRUE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertCharacter(timeUnits, any.missing=TRUE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertLogical(addDosing, any.missing=TRUE, null.ok=TRUE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertLogical(subsetNonmem, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(sigmaDf, any.missing=FALSE, lower=0, len=1, null.ok=TRUE)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(stateTrim, min.len=1, max.len=2)
    checkmate::assertLogical(updateObject, len=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(omegaDf, any.missing=FALSE, lower=0, len=1, null.ok=TRUE)
    checkmate::assertLogical(omegaIsChol,len=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(nSub, len=1, lower=1)
    nSub <- as.integer(nSub)
    checkmate::assertMatrix(thetaMat, col.names="strict", null.ok=TRUE, mode="numeric")
    checkmate::assertNumeric(thetaDf, any.missing=FALSE, lower=0, len=1, null.ok=TRUE)
    checkmate::assertLogical(thetaIsChol,len=1, any.missing=FALSE,  null.ok=TRUE)
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(nStud, len=1, any.missing=FALSE, lower=1)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(dfSub, len=1, any.missing=FALSE, finite=TRUE, lower=0.0)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(dfObs, len=1, any.missing=FALSE, finite=TRUE, lower=0.0)
    # iCov = data.frame
    checkmate::assertDataFrame(iCov, null.ok=TRUE)
    .invalidKeep <- c("id", "sim.id", "resetno", "time")
    .invalidKeep <- intersect(tolower(keep), tolower(.invalidKeep))
    if (length(.invalidKeep) > 0) {
      .w <- which(tolower(keep) %in% .invalidKeep)
      keep <- keep[-.w]
      warning("'keep' contains ", paste(.invalidKeep, collapse=", "), "\nwhich are output when needed, ignoring these items", call.=FALSE)
    .invalidKeep <- c("evid",  "ss", "amt", "rate", "dur", "ii")
    .invalidKeep <- intersect(tolower(keep), tolower(.invalidKeep))
    if (length(.invalidKeep) > 0) {
      stop("'keep' cannot contain ", paste(.invalidKeep, collapse=", "), "\nconsider using addDosing=TRUE or merging to original dataset", call.=FALSE)
    .invalidKeep <- c ("rxLambda", "rxYj", "rxLow", "rxHi")
    .invalidKeep <- intersect(tolower(keep), tolower(.invalidKeep))
    if (length(.invalidKeep) > 0) {
      stop("'keep' cannot contain ", paste(.invalidKeep, collapse=", "), "\nconsider using returnType=\"data.frame.TBS\"", call.=FALSE)
    checkmate::assertCharacter(drop, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=TRUE)
    checkmate::assertLogical(warnDrop, len=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(omegaLower, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=TRUE)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(omegaUpper, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=TRUE)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(sigmaLower, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=TRUE)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(sigmaUpper, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=TRUE)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(thetaLower, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=TRUE)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(thetaUpper, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=TRUE)
    checkmate::assertLogical(idFactor, any.missing=FALSE)
    checkmate::assertLogical(warnIdSort, any.missing=FALSE)
    checkmate::assertNumeric(linDiff, names="strict", len=8)
    checkmate::assertLogical(linDiffCentral, names="strict", len=8, any.missing=FALSE)
    if (is.null(resample)) {
    } else if (checkmate::testLogical(resample)) {
      checkmate::assertLogical(resample, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    } else {
      checkmate::assertCharacter(resample, min.len=1, any.missing=FALSE, unique=TRUE)
    checkmate::assertLogical(resampleID, null.ok=FALSE, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertIntegerish(maxwhile, lower=20, len=1)
    if (!is.null(nLlikAlloc)) {
      checkmate::assertIntegerish(nLlikAlloc, lower=1, len=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    if (checkmate::testLogical(useStdPow)) {
      checkmate::assertLogical(useStdPow, len=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    } else {
      checkmate::assertIntegerish(useStdPow, lower=0, upper=1, len=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    checkmate::assertLogical(addlKeepsCov, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertLogical(addlDropSs, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertLogical(ssAtDoseTime, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=FALSE, len=1)
    checkmate::assertLogical(ss2cancelAllPending, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=FALSE, len=1)
    useStdPow <- as.integer(useStdPow)
    maxwhile <- as.integer(maxwhile)
    .zeros <- .xtra$.zeros
    if (inherits(.omega, "matrix")) {
      .w <-which(diag(.omega) == 0.0)
      if (length(.w) > 0) {
        # name boundaries if they are not named
        .dimnames <- dimnames(.omega)[[2]]
        if (length(omegaLower) == length(.dimnames) && is.null(names(omegaLower))) {
          names(omegaLower) <- .dimnames
        if (length(omegaUpper) == length(.dimnames) && is.null(names(omegaUpper))) {
          names(omegaUpper) <- .dimnames
        .zeros <- c(.zeros, .dimnames[.w])
        if (length(.w) == length(.dimnames)) {
          .omega <- NULL
        } else {
          .omega <- .omega[-.w, -.w, drop=FALSE]
    if (inherits(.sigma, "matrix")) {
      .w <-which(diag(.sigma) == 0.0)
      if (length(.w) > 0) {
        # name boundaries if they are not named
        .dimnames <- dimnames(.sigma)[[2]]
        if (length(sigmaLower) == length(.dimnames) && is.null(names(sigmaLower))) {
          names(sigmaLower) <- .dimnames
        if (length(sigmaUpper) == length(.dimnames) && is.null(names(sigmaUpper))) {
          names(sigmaUpper) <- .dimnames
        .zeros <- c(.zeros, .dimnames[.w])
        if (length(.w) == length(.dimnames)) {
          .sigma <- NULL
        } else {
          .sigma <- .sigma[-.w, -.w, drop=FALSE]
    .ret <- list(
      scale = scale, #
      method = method, #
      atol = atol, #
      rtol = rtol, #
      maxsteps = maxsteps,#
      hmin = hmin, #
      hmax = hmax, #
      hini = hini, #
      maxordn = maxordn, #
      maxords = maxords, #
      covsInterpolation = covsInterpolation,#
      addCov = addCov,#
      returnType = returnType, #
      sigma = .sigma, #
      sigmaDf = sigmaDf, #
      nCoresRV = nCoresRV, #
      sigmaIsChol = sigmaIsChol, #
      sigmaSeparation = match.arg(sigmaSeparation),
      sigmaXform = .sigmaXform, #
      nDisplayProgress = nDisplayProgress, #
      amountUnits = amountUnits, #
      timeUnits = timeUnits, #
      addDosing = addDosing,#
      stateTrim = stateTrim, #
      updateObject = updateObject, #
      omega = .omega, #
      omegaDf = omegaDf, #
      omegaIsChol = omegaIsChol, #
      omegaSeparation = match.arg(omegaSeparation),
      omegaXform = .omegaXform,
      nSub = nSub, #
      thetaMat = thetaMat, #
      thetaDf = thetaDf, #
      thetaIsChol = thetaIsChol, #
      nStud = nStud,#
      dfSub = dfSub,#
      dfObs = dfObs,#
      seed = seed,#
      nsim = nsim, #
      minSS = minSS, maxSS = maxSS, #
      strictSS = strictSS, #
      infSSstep = as.double(infSSstep), #
      istateReset = istateReset, #
      subsetNonmem = subsetNonmem, #
      hmaxSd = hmaxSd, #
      maxAtolRtolFactor = maxAtolRtolFactor, #
      from = from, #
      to = to, #
      by = by, #
      length.out = length.out, #
      iCov = iCov, #
      keep = keep, #
      keepF = character(0),
      drop = drop, #
      warnDrop = warnDrop, #
      omegaLower = omegaLower, #
      omegaUpper = omegaUpper, #
      sigmaLower = sigmaLower, #
      sigmaUpper = sigmaUpper,#
      thetaLower = thetaLower, #
      thetaUpper = thetaUpper, #
      indLinPhiM = indLinPhiM, #
      indLinPhiTol = indLinPhiTol, #
      indLinMatExpType = .indLinMatExpType, #
      indLinMatExpOrder = indLinMatExpOrder, #
      idFactor = idFactor, #
      mxhnil = mxhnil, #
      hmxi = hmxi, #
      warnIdSort = warnIdSort, #
      ssAtol = ssAtol, #
      ssRtol = ssRtol, #
      safeZero = safeZero,
      sumType = .sum,
      prodType = .prod,
      sensType = .sensType,
      linDiff = linDiff, #
      linDiffCentral = linDiffCentral,#
      resample = resample, #
      resampleID = resampleID,#
      maxwhile = maxwhile,
      cores = cores,
      atolSens = atolSens,
      rtolSens = rtolSens,
    class(.ret) <- "rxControl"

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
rxSolve.function <- function(object, params = NULL, events = NULL, inits = NULL, ...,
                             theta = NULL, eta = NULL, envir=parent.frame()) {
  if (rxIs(events, "event.data.frame")) {
  } else if (rxIs(params, "event.data.frame")) {
  } else {
    stop("Cannot detect an event data frame to use while re-parsing the model",
  .udfEnvSet(list(envir, parent.frame(1)))
  .object <- rxode2(object)
  do.call("rxSolve", c(list(object=.object, params = params, events = events, inits = inits),
                       list(theta = theta, eta = eta, envir=envir)))

.uiRxControl <- function(ui, params = NULL, events = NULL, inits = NULL, ...,
                         theta = NULL, eta = NULL) {
  .ctl <- rxControl()
  .meta <- try(ui$meta, silent=TRUE)
  if (!is.environment(.meta))  {
    .meta <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
  .lst <- list(...)
  .nlst <- names(.lst)
  .w <- which(vapply(names(.ctl), function(x) {
    !(x %in% .nlst) && exists(x, envir=.meta)
  }, logical(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE))
  .extra <- NULL
  if (length(.w) > 0) {
    .v <- names(.ctl)[.w]
    .minfo(paste0("rxControl items read from fun: '",
                  paste(.v, collapse="', '"), "'"))
    .extra <- setNames(lapply(.v, function(x) {
      get(x, envir=.meta)
    }), .v)

  do.call(rxSolve, c(list(NULL, params = NULL, events = NULL, inits = NULL),
                     .lst, .extra,
                     list(theta=theta, eta=eta)))

.rxSolveFromUi <- function(object, params = NULL, events = NULL, inits = NULL, ...,
                           theta = NULL, eta = NULL) {
  .rxControl <- .uiRxControl(object, params = params, events = events, inits = inits, ...,
                             theta = theta, eta=eta)
  if (rxIs(params, "rx.event")) {
    if (!is.null(events)) {
      .tmp <- events
      events <- params
      params <- .tmp
    } else {
      events <- params
      params <- NULL
  if (is.null(params)) {
    params <- object$theta
  } else if (inherits(params, "data.frame")) {
    .theta <- object$theta
    params <- as.data.frame(params)
    for (.t in names(.theta)) {
      if (!any(names(params) == .t)) {
        params[[.t]] <- .theta[.t]
  } else if (inherits(params, "numeric")) {
    .theta <- object$theta
    .n <- names(.theta)
    .theta <- .theta[!(.n %in% names(params))]
    params <- c(params, .theta)

  if (is.null(.rxControl$thetaLower)) {
    .rxControl$thetaLower <- object$thetaLower
  if (is.null(.rxControl$thetaUpper)) {
    .rxControl$thetaUpper <- object$thetaUpper
  if (is.null(.rxControl$omega)) {
    .omega <- object$omega
    .rxControl$omega <- .omega
  } else if (is.logical(.rxControl$omega)) {
    if (is.na(.rxControl$omega)) {
      .omega <- object$omega
      params <- c(params, setNames(rep(0, dim(.omega)[1]), dimnames(.omega)[[2]]))
      .rxControl$omega <- NULL
  if (inherits(.rxControl$omega, "matrix")) {
    .omega <- .rxControl$omega
    .v <- vapply(dimnames(.omega)[[1]],
                 function(v) {
                   !(v %in% names(params))
                 }, logical(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    if (length(.v) == 1L) {
      if (!.v) .rxControl$omega <- NULL
    } else {
      .omega <- .omega[.v, .v]
      if (all(dim(.omega) == c(0L, 0L))) {
        .rxControl$omega <- NULL
      } else {
        .rxControl$omega <- .omega

  if (inherits(.rxControl$omega, "matrix") &&
        all(dim(.rxControl$omega) == c(0,0))) {
    .rxControl$omega <- NULL
  if (is.null(.rxControl$sigma)) {
    .rxControl$sigma <- object$simulationSigma
  } else if (length(.rxControl$sigma) == 0) {
    .rxControl$sigma <- object$simulationSigma
  } else if (is.logical(.rxControl$sigma)) {
    if (is.na(.rxControl$sigma)) {
      .sigma <- object$simulationSigma
      params <- c(params, setNames(rep(0, dim(.sigma)[1]), dimnames(.sigma)[[2]]))
      .rxControl$sigma <- NULL
  if (inherits(.rxControl$sigma, "matrix")) {
    .sigma <- .rxControl$sigma
    .v <- vapply(dimnames(.sigma)[[1]],
                 function(v) {
                   !(v %in% names(params))
                 }, logical(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    if (length(.v) == 1L) {
      if (!.v) .rxControl$sigma <- NULL
    } else {
      .sigma <- .sigma[.v, .v, drop = FALSE]
      if (all(dim(.sigma) == c(0L, 0L))) {
        .rxControl$sigma <- NULL
      } else {
        .rxControl$sigma <- .sigma

  if (inherits(.rxControl$sigma, "matrix") &&
        all(dim(.rxControl$sigma) == c(0,0))) {
    .rxControl$sigma <- NULL
  if (inherits(object, "rxode2tos")) {
    .rx <- object
  } else {
    .rx <- object$simulationModel
  list(list(object=.rx, params = params, events = events, inits = inits),
                       list(theta = theta, eta = eta))

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
rxSolve.rxUi <- function(object, params = NULL, events = NULL, inits = NULL, ...,
                         theta = NULL, eta = NULL, envir=parent.frame()) {
  if (isTRUE(object$uiUseData)) {
    # this needs to be re-parsed
    if (rxIs(events, "event.data.frame")) {
    } else if (rxIs(params, "event.data.frame")) {
    } else {
      stop("Cannot detect an event data frame to use while re-parsing the model",
    # Now re-parse
    object <- as.function(object)
    object <- suppressMessages(rxode2(object))
  .udfEnvSet(list(object$meta, envir, parent.frame(1)))
  if (inherits(object, "rxUi")) {
    object <- rxUiDecompress(object)
  .lst <- .rxSolveFromUi(object, params = params, events = events, inits = inits, ..., theta = theta, eta = eta)
  .lst <- do.call("c", .lst)
  .pred <- FALSE
  .mv <- rxModelVars(object)
  .hasIpred <- FALSE
  if (any(.mv$lhs == "ipredSim")) {
    .hasIpred <- TRUE
  .hasSim <- FALSE
  if (any(.mv$lhs == "sim")) {
    .hasSim <- TRUE
  if (is.null(.lst$omega) && is.null(.lst$sigma)) {
    .pred <- TRUE
    if (!.hasIpred && any(rxModelVars(.lst[[1]])$lhs == "ipredSim")) {
      .lst$drop <- c(.lst$drop, "ipredSim")
  .ret <- do.call("rxSolve.default", .lst)
  if (.pred) {
    .e <- attr(class(.ret), ".rxode2.env")
    .w <- which(names(.ret) == "sim")
    if (!.hasSim && length(.w) == 1L) {
      names(.ret)[.w] <- "pred"
      # don't break rxSolve, though maybe it should...
      if (is.environment(.e)) {
        .n2 <- .e$.check.names
        .n2[.w] <- "pred"
        .e$.check.names <- .n2
#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
rxSolve.rxode2tos <- rxSolve.rxUi

#nlmixr2.nlmixr2FitData <- nlmixr2.nlmixr2FitCore
#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
rxSolve.nlmixr2FitData <- function(object, params = NULL, events = NULL, inits = NULL, ...,
                                   theta = NULL, eta = NULL, envir=parent.frame()) {
  .udfEnvSet(list(envir, parent.frame(1)))
  .lst <- .rxSolveFromUi(object, params = params, events = events, inits = inits, ..., theta = theta, eta = eta)
  .rxControl <- .lst[[2]]
  .env <- object$env
  # assign current control to object for expanded thetaMat
  if (exists("control", envir=.env)) {
    .oldControl <- get("control", envir=.env)
    assign("control", .rxControl, envir=.env)
      assign("control", .oldControl, envir=.env)
  } else {
    assign("control", .rxControl, envir=.env)
      rm(list="control", envir=.env)
  .rxControl <- object$rxControlWithVar
  .lst[[2]] <- .rxControl
  .lst <- do.call("c", .lst)
  if (is.null(.lst$events)) {
    .lst$events <- object$origData
    .minfo("using original fit data for simulation")
  do.call("rxSolve", .lst)

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
rxSolve.nlmixr2FitCore <- rxSolve.nlmixr2FitData

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
rxSolve.default <- function(object, params = NULL, events = NULL, inits = NULL, ...,
                            theta = NULL, eta = NULL, envir=parent.frame()) {
  .udfEnvSet(list(envir, parent.frame(1)))
    .asFunctionEnv$rx <- NULL
  .applyParams <- FALSE
  .rxParams <- NULL
  if (rxIs(object, "rxEt")) {
    if (!is.null(events)) {
      stop("events can be pipeline or solving arguments not both",
        call. = FALSE
    if (is.null(rxode2::.pipeRx(NA))) {
      stop("need an rxode2 compiled model as the start of the pipeline",
        call. = FALSE
    } else {
      events <- object
      object <- rxode2::.pipeRx(NA)
  } else if (rxIs(object, "rxParams")) {
    .applyParams <- TRUE
    if (is.null(params) && !is.null(object$params)) {
      params <- object$params
    if (is.null(rxode2::.pipeRx(NA))) {
      stop("need an rxode2 compiled model as the start of the pipeline",
        call. = FALSE
    } else {
      .rxParams <- object
      object <- rxode2::.pipeRx(NA)
    if (is.null(rxode2::.pipeEvents(NA))) {
      stop("need an rxode2 events as a part of the pipeline",
        call. = FALSE
    } else {
      events <- rxode2::.pipeEvents(NA)
  if (!is.null(rxode2::.pipeEvents(NA)) && is.null(events) && is.null(params)) {
    events <- rxode2::.pipeEvents(NA)
  } else if (!is.null(rxode2::.pipeEvents(NA)) && !is.null(events)) {
    stop("'events' in pipeline AND in solving arguments, please provide just one",
      call. = FALSE
  } else if (!is.null(rxode2::.pipeEvents(NA)) && !is.null(params) &&
    rxIs(params, "event.data.frame")) {
    stop("'events' in pipeline AND in solving arguments, please provide just one",
      call. = FALSE

  if (!is.null(rxode2::.pipeParams(NA)) && is.null(params)) {
    params <- rxode2::.pipeParams(NA)
  } else if (!is.null(rxode2::.pipeParams(NA)) && !is.null(params)) {
    stop("'params' in pipeline AND in solving arguments, please provide just one",
      call. = FALSE

  if (!is.null(rxode2::.pipeInits(NA)) && is.null(inits)) {
    inits <- rxode2::.pipeInits(NA)
  } else if (!is.null(rxode2::.pipeInits(NA)) && !is.null(inits)) {
    stop("'inits' in pipeline AND in solving arguments, please provide just one",
      call. = FALSE

  if (.applyParams) {
    if (!is.null(.rxParams$inits)) {
      inits <- .rxParams$inits
  .xtra <- list(...)
  if (any(duplicated(names(.xtra)))) {
    stop("duplicate arguments do not make sense",
      call. = FALSE
  if (any(names(.xtra) == "covs")) {
    stop("covariates can no longer be specified by 'covs'\n  include them in the event dataset\n\nindividual covariates: Can be specified by a 'iCov' dataset\n each each individual covariate has a value\n\ntime varying covariates: modify input event data-frame or\n  'eventTable' to include covariates(https://tinyurl.com/y52wfc2y)\n\nEach approach needs the covariates named to match the variable in the model",
      call. = FALSE
  .nms <- names(as.list(match.call())[-1])
  .lst <- list(...)
  .setupOnly <- 0L
  if (any(names(.lst) == ".setupOnly")) {
    .setupOnly <- .lst$.setupOnly
  .ctl <- rxControl(..., events = events, params = params)
  if (.ctl$addCov && length(.ctl$keep) > 0) {
    .mv <- rxModelVars(object)
    .both <- intersect(.mv$params, .ctl$keep)
    if (length(.both) > 0) {
      .keep <- .ctl$keep[!(.ctl$keep %in% .both)]
       if (length(.keep) == 0L) {
          .keep <- NULL
      .w <- which(names(.ctl) == "keep")
      .ctl[[.w]] <- .keep
      .ctl <- do.call(rxControl,
                      c(.ctl, list(events = events, params = params)))

  .n1 <- setdiff(intersect(tolower(names(params)), tolower(names(.ctl$iCov))), "id")
  .n2 <- c(.n1, setdiff(intersect(tolower(names(events)), tolower(names(.ctl$iCov))), "id"))
  .n1 <- unique(c(.n1, .n2))
  if (length(.n1) > 0) {
      gettext("'iCov' has information contained in parameters/event data\nduplicate columns: '%s'"),
      paste(.n1, collapse = "', '")
    ), call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(rxode2::.pipeThetaMat(NA)) && is.null(.ctl$thetaMat)) {
    .ctl$thetaMat <- rxode2::.pipeThetaMat(NA)
  if (!is.null(rxode2::.pipeOmega(NA)) && is.null(.ctl$omega)) {
    .ctl$omega <- rxode2::.pipeOmega(NA)
  if (!is.null(rxode2::.pipeSigma(NA)) && is.null(.ctl$sigma)) {
    .ctl$sigma <- rxode2::.pipeSigma(NA)
  if (!is.null(rxode2::.pipeSigma(NA)) && is.null(.ctl$sigma)) {
    .ctl$sigma <- rxode2::.pipeSigma(NA)
  if (!is.null(rxode2::.pipeDfObs(NA)) && .ctl$dfObs == 0) {
    .ctl$dfObs <- rxode2::.pipeDfObs(NA)
  if (!is.null(rxode2::.pipeDfSub(NA)) && .ctl$dfSub == 0) {
    .ctl$dfSub <- rxode2::.pipeDfSub(NA)
  if (!is.null(rxode2::.pipeNSub(NA)) && .ctl$nSub == 1) {
    .ctl$nSub <- rxode2::.pipeNSub(NA)
  if (!is.null(rxode2::.pipeNStud(NA)) && .ctl$nStud == 1) {
    .ctl$nStud <- rxode2::.pipeNStud(NA)
  if (!is.null(rxode2::.pipeKeep(NA)) && is.null(.ctl$keep)) {
    .ctl$keep <- rxode2::.pipeKeep(NA)
  if (.applyParams) {
    if (!is.null(.rxParams$thetaMat) && is.null(.ctl$thetaMat)) {
      .ctl$thetaMat <- .rxParams$thetaMat
    if (!is.null(.rxParams$omega) && is.null(.ctl$omega)) {
      .ctl$omega <- .rxParams$omega
    if (!is.null(.rxParams$sigma) && is.null(.ctl$sigma)) {
      .ctl$sigma <- .rxParams$sigma
    if (!is.null(.rxParams$dfSub)) {
      if (.ctl$dfSub == 0) {
        .ctl$dfSub <- .rxParams$dfSub
    if (!is.null(.rxParams$nSub)) {
      if (.ctl$nSub == 1) {
        .ctl$nSub <- .rxParams$nSub
    if (!is.null(.rxParams$nStud)) {
      if (.ctl$nStud == 1) {
        .ctl$nStud <- .rxParams$nStud
    if (!is.null(.rxParams$dfObs)) {
      if (.ctl$dfObs == 0) {
        .ctl$dfObs <- .rxParams$dfObs
    if (!is.null(.rxParams$keep)) {
      if (is.null(.ctl$keep)) {
        .ctl$keep <- .rxParams$keep

  ## Prefers individual keep over keeping from the input data
  .keepF <- character(0)
  if (!is.null(.ctl$keep)) {
    .mv <- rxModelVars(object)
    .vars <- c(.mv$lhs, .mv$state)
    .keepF <- setdiff(.ctl$keep, .vars)
  .ctl$keepF <- .keepF

  if (!is.null(theta) || !is.null(eta)) {
    .theta <- theta
    .eta <- eta
    if (!is.null(.theta)) {
      if (inherits(.theta, "data.frame")) {
        stop("'theta' cannot be a data.frame", call. = FALSE)
      } else if (inherits(.theta, "matrix")) {
        .dn <- dim(.theta)
        if (.dn[1] != 1) {
          stop("'theta' can only have 1 row", call. = FALSE)
        .theta <- as.vector(theta)
      if (is.null(attr(theta, "names"))) {
        .theta <- setNames(theta, paste0("THETA[", seq_along(theta), "]"))
      } else {
        warning("name specification for 'theta' is ignored", call. = FALSE)
        .theta <- setNames(theta, paste0("THETA[", seq_along(theta), "]"))
    if (!is.null(.eta)) {
      if (inherits(.eta, "data.frame")) {
        stop("'eta' cannot be a data.frame", call. = FALSE)
      } else if (inherits(.eta, "matrix")) {
        .dn <- dim(.eta)
        if (.dn[1] != 1) {
          stop("'eta' can only have 1 row", call. = FALSE)
        .eta <- as.vector(eta)
      if (is.null(attr(eta, "names"))) {
        .eta <- setNames(eta, paste0("ETA[", seq_along(eta), "]"))
      } else {
        warning("name specification for 'eta' is ignored", call. = FALSE)
        .eta <- setNames(eta, paste0("ETA[", seq_along(eta), "]"))
    if (is.null(params)) {
      params <- c(.theta, .eta)
    } else if (is.null(events)) {
      events <- c(.theta, .eta)
    } else {
      stop("cannot specify 'params' and 'theta'/'eta' at the same time",
        call. = FALSE
  if (!is.null(.ctl$iCov)) {
    if (inherits(.ctl$iCov, "data.frame")) {
      .icovId <- which(tolower(names(.ctl$iCov)) == "id")
      .useEvents <- FALSE
      if (rxIs(events, "event.data.frame")) {
        .events <- events
        .useEvents <- TRUE
      } else if (rxIs(params, "event.data.frame")) {
        .events <- params
      } else {
        stop("Cannot detect an event data frame to merge 'iCov'")
      .events <- as.data.frame(.events)
      .eventId <- which(tolower(names(.events)) == "id")
      if (length(.eventId) != 1) {
        stop("to use 'iCov' you must have an id in your event table")
      .by <- names(.events)[.eventId]
      if (length(.icovId) == 0) {
        .id <- unique(events[[.by]])
        if (length(.ctl$iCov[, 1]) != length(.id)) {
          stop("'iCov' and 'id' mismatch")
        .ctl$iCov$id <- .id
      } else if (length(.icovId) > 1) {
        stop("iCov has duplicate IDs, cannot continue")
      names(.ctl$iCov)[.icovId] <- .by
      ## .lEvents <- length(.events[, 1])
      ## .events <- merge(.events, .ctl$iCov, by = .by)
      ## if (.lEvents != length(.events[, 1])) {
      ##   warning("combining iCov and events dropped some event information")
      ## }
      ## if (length(unique(.events[[.by]])) != length(.ctl$iCov[, 1])) {
      ##   warning("combining iCov and events dropped some iCov information")
      ## }
      if (.useEvents) {
        events <- .events
      } else {
        params <- .events
    } else {
      stop("'iCov' must be an input dataset")
  if (rxode2.debug) {
    .rx <- rxNorm(object)
    qs::qsave(list(.rx, .ctl, .nms, .xtra, params, events, inits, .setupOnly), file.path(rxTempDir(), "last-rxode2.qs"))
  if (inherits(object, "function") ||
        inherits(object, "rxUi")) {
    .lst <- c(list(object, params = params, events = events, inits = inits),

    return(do.call(rxSolve, .lst))
  if (!any(class(object) %in% c("rxSolve", "rxode2", "character", "rxModelVars", "rxDll"))) {
    stop("Unsupported type of model trying to be solved")
  .envReset <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
  .envReset$ret <- NULL
  .envReset$reset <- TRUE
  .envReset$cacheReset <- FALSE
  .envReset$unload <- FALSE
  # take care of too many DLLs or not provided simulation errors
  .names <- NULL

  .extraNames <- character(0)

  if (inherits(.ctl$omega, "matrix")) {
    .mv <- rxModelVars(object)
    .col <- colnames(.ctl$omega)
    .w <- .col %in% .mv$params
    .ignore <- .col[!.w]
    if (length(.ignore)>0) {
      .minfo(paste0("omega has too many items, ignored: '", paste(.ignore, collapse="', '"), "'"))
    .ctl$omega <-.ctl$omega[.w, .w, drop=FALSE]
    if (dim(.ctl$omega)[1] == 0) {
      .ctl$omega <- NULL
      .ctl <- do.call(rxControl, .ctl)
    .names <- c(.names, .col[.w])
  } else if ( inherits(.ctl$omega, "character")) {
    .extraNames <- c(.extraNames, .ctl$omega)
    .mv <- rxModelVars(object)
    .col <- .ctl$omega
    .w <- .col %in% .mv$params
    .ignore <- .col[!.w]
    if (length(.ignore)>0) {
      .minfo(paste0("omega has too many items, ignored: '", paste(.ignore, collapse="', '"), "'"))
    .names <- c(.names, .col[.w])
  if (inherits(.ctl$sigma, "matrix")) {
    .mv <- rxModelVars(object)
    .col <- colnames(.ctl$sigma)
    .w <- .col %in% .mv$params
    .ignore <- .col[!.w]
    if (length(.ignore)>0) {
      .minfo(paste0("sigma has too many items, ignored: '", paste(.ignore, collapse="', '"), "'"))
    .ctl$sigma <-.ctl$sigma[.w, .w, drop=FALSE]
    if (dim(.ctl$sigma)[1] == 0) {
      .ctl$sigma <- NULL
      .ctl <- do.call(rxControl, .ctl)
    .names <- c(.names, .col[.w])
  } else if ( inherits(.ctl$sigma, "character")) {
    .extraNames <- c(.extraNames, .ctl$sigma)
    .mv <- rxModelVars(object)
    .col <- .ctl$sigma
    .w <- .col %in% .mv$params
    .ignore <- .col[!.w]
    if (length(.ignore)>0) {
      .minfo(paste0("sigma has too many items, ignored: '", paste(.ignore, collapse="', '"), "'"))
    .names <- c(.names, .col[.w])

  if (inherits(.ctl$thetaMat, "matrix")) {
    .mv <- rxModelVars(object)
    .col <- colnames(.ctl$thetaMat)
    .w <- .col %in% c(.mv$params, .extraNames)
    .ignore <- .col[!.w]
    if (length(.ignore)>0) {
      .minfo(paste0("thetaMat has too many items, ignored: '", paste(.ignore, collapse="', '"), "'"))
    .ctl$thetaMat <-.ctl$thetaMat[.w, .w, drop=FALSE]
    if (dim(.ctl$thetaMat)[1] == 0) {
      .ctl$thetaMat <- NULL
      .ctl <- do.call(rxControl, .ctl)
    .names <- c(.names, .col[.w])

    # now look for zero diagonals
    .col <- colnames(.ctl$thetaMat)
    .d <- diag(.ctl$thetaMat)
    .w <- which(.d == 0)
    if (length(.w) > 0) {
      .minfo(paste0("thetaMat has zero diagonal items, ignored: '", paste(.col[.w], collapse="', '"), "'"))
      .ctl$thetaMat <-.ctl$thetaMat[-.w, -.w, drop=FALSE]
      if (dim(.ctl$thetaMat)[1] == 0) {
        .ctl$thetaMat <- NULL
        .ctl <- do.call(rxControl, .ctl)
      .names <- c(.names, .col[-.w])
  if (length(.ctl$.zeros) > 0) {
    if (rxIs(params, "rx.event")) {
      .tmp <- events
      events <- params
      params <- .tmp
    if (inherits(params, "data.frame")) {
      for (v in .ctl$.zeros) {
        params[[v]] <- 0.0
    } else if (inherits(params, "numeric") ||
                 inherits(params, "integer")) {
      params <- c(params, setNames(rep(0.0, length(.ctl$.zeros)), .ctl$.zeros))
    .minfo(sprintf("omega/sigma items treated as zero: '%s'", paste(.ctl$.zeros, collapse="', '")))
  if (rxode2.debug) {
    .envReset$ret <- .collectWarnings(rxSolveSEXP(object, .ctl, .nms, .xtra,
                                                  params, events, inits,
                                                  setupOnlyS = .setupOnly
                                                  ), lst = TRUE)
  } else {
    while (.envReset$reset) {
      .envReset$reset <- FALSE
        .envReset$ret <- .collectWarnings(rxSolveSEXP(object, .ctl, .nms, .xtra,
                                                      params, events, inits,
                                                      setupOnlyS = .setupOnly
                                                      ), lst = TRUE)
      error=function(e) {
        if (regexpr("not provided by package", e$message) != -1) {
          if (.envReset$cacheReset) {
            .malert("unsuccessful cache reset; try manual reset with 'rxClean()'")
          } else {
            # reset
            .minfo("try resetting cache")
            .envReset$cacheReset <- TRUE
            .envReset$reset <- TRUE
        } else if (regexpr("maximal number of DLLs reached", e$message) != -1) {
          if (.envReset$unload) {
            .malert("Could not unload rxode2 models, try restarting R")
          } else {
            # reset
            .minfo("try resetting cache and unloading all rxode2 models")
            .envReset$unload <- TRUE
            .envReset$reset <- TRUE
        } else {

  .ret <- .envReset$ret
  .ws <- .ret[[2]]
  .rxModels$.ws <- .ws
  lapply(.ws, function(x) warning(x, call. = FALSE))
  .ret <- .ret[[1]]
  if (.ctl$returnType == 4L) {
  } else if (.ctl$returnType == 5L) {
    .ret <- tibble::as_tibble(.ret)

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
update.rxSolve <- function(object, ...) {
  rxSolve(object, ...)

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
predict.rxode2 <- function(object, ...) {
  rxSolve(object, ...)

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
predict.function <- function(object, ...) {
  rxSolve(object, ...)

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
predict.rxUi <- function(object, ...) {
  .udfEnvSet(list(object$meta, parent.frame(1)))
  rxSolve(object, ...)

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
predict.rxSolve <- predict.rxode2

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
predict.rxEt <- predict.rxode2

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
predict.rxParams <- predict.rxode2

#' @importFrom stats simulate

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
simulate.rxode2 <- function(object, nsim = 1L, seed = NULL, ...) {
  rxSolve(object, ..., seed = seed, nsim = nsim)
#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
simulate.rxSolve <- simulate.rxode2

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
simulate.rxParams <- simulate.rxode2

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
solve.rxSolve <- function(a, b, ...) {
  lst <- as.list(match.call()[-1])
  n <- names(lst)
  if (!missing(a)) {
    n[n == "a"] <- ""
  if (!missing(b)) {
    n[n == "b"] <- ""
  names(lst) <- n
  do.call("rxSolve", lst, envir = parent.frame(1))

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
solve.rxUi <- solve.rxSolve

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
solve.function <- solve.rxSolve

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
solve.rxode2 <- solve.rxSolve

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
solve.rxParams <- solve.rxSolve

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
solve.rxEt <- solve.rxSolve

#' @export
`$.rxSolveParams` <- function(obj, arg, exact = FALSE) {
  return(.Call(`_rxode2_rxSolveGet`, obj, arg, exact))

#' @export
`$.rxSolveCovs` <- function(obj, arg, exact = FALSE) {
  return(.Call(`_rxode2_rxSolveGet`, obj, arg, exact))

#' @export
`$.rxSolveSimType` <- function(obj, arg, exact = FALSE) {
  return(.Call(`_rxode2_rxSolveGet`, obj, arg, exact))

#' @export
`$.rxSolve` <- function(obj, arg, exact = FALSE) {
  if (arg == "rxModelVars") return(rxModelVars(obj))
  return(.Call(`_rxode2_rxSolveGet`, obj, arg, exact))

#' Check to see if this is an rxSolve object.
#' @param x object to check to see if it is rxSolve
#' If this is an rxSolve object that has expired strip all rxSolve
#' information.
#' @return boolean indicating if this is a `rxSolve` object
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
is.rxSolve <- function(x) {
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxIs`, x, "rxSolve")

#' @export
`[.rxSolve` <- function(x, i, j, drop) {
  class(x) <- "data.frame"

#' @export
"[[.rxSolve" <- function(obj, arg, exact = TRUE) {
  return(.Call(`_rxode2_rxSolveGet`, obj, arg, exact))

#' @export
t.rxSolve <- function(x) {
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  NextMethod("t", x)

#' @export
dimnames.rxSolve <- function(x) {
  list(row.names(x), names(x))

#' @export
"dimnames<-.rxSolve" <- function(x, value) {
  class(x) <- "data.frame"
  "dimnames<-.data.frame"(x, value)

#' @export
"dimnames<-.rxSolve" <- function(x, value) {
  class(x) <- "data.frame"
  "dimnames<-.data.frame"(x, value)

#' @export
"[<-.rxSolve" <- function(x, i, j, value) {
  if (missing(i) && !missing(j)) {
    if (rxIs(j, "character")) {
      ret <- .Call(`_rxode2_rxSolveUpdate`, x, j, value)
      if (is.null(ret)) {
        class(x) <- "data.frame"
        return(`[<-.data.frame`(x, , j, value = value))
      } else {
  class(x) <- "data.frame"
  if (nargs() < 4) {
    if (missing(j)) {
      return(`[<-.data.frame`(x, i, value = value))
    } else {
      return(`[<-.data.frame`(x, , j, value = value))
  } else {
    return(`[<-.data.frame`(x, i, j, value))
  class(x) <- "data.frame"
  if (nargs() < 4) {
    if (missing(j)) {
      return(`[<-.data.frame`(x, i, value = value))
    } else {
      return(`[<-.data.frame`(x, , j, value = value))
  } else {
    return(`[<-.data.frame`(x, i, j, value))
#' @export
`$<-.rxSolve` <- function(x, name, value) {
  if (is.null(value)) {
    class(x) <- "data.frame"
    return(`$<-.data.frame`(x, name, value))
  ret <- .Call(`_rxode2_rxSolveUpdate`, x, name, value)
  if (is.null(ret)) {
    class(x) <- "data.frame"
    return(`$<-.data.frame`(x, name, value))
  } else {
#' @export
"[[<-.rxSolve" <- function(x, i, j, value) {
  if (is.null(value)) {
    class(x) <- "data.frame"
    if (missing(j)) {
      return("[[<-.data.frame"(x, i, value = value))
    } else {
      return("[[<-.data.frame"(x, i, j, value))
  if (missing(j) && rxIs(i, "character")) {
    ret <- .Call(`_rxode2_rxSolveUpdate`, x, i, value)
    if (!is.null(ret)) {
    } else {
      class(x) <- "data.frame"
      if (missing(j)) {
        return("[[<-.data.frame"(x, i, value = value))
      } else {
        return("[[<-.data.frame"(x, i, j, value))
  } else {
    class(x) <- "data.frame"
    if (missing(j)) {
      return("[[<-.data.frame"(x, i, value = value))
    } else {
      return("[[<-.data.frame"(x, i, j, value))

#' Update Solved object with '+'
#' @param solved Solved object
#' @param new New information added to the table.
#' @return new solved object
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
`+.rxSolve` <- function(solved, new) {
  if (rxIs(new, "rx.event")) {
    return(update(solved, events = new))
  } else {
    return(as.data.frame(solved) + new)

drop_units.rxSolve <- function(x) {

## dim (gets you nrow and ncol), t, dimnames
## [1] $<-           [             [[<-          [<-           all.equal
## [6] anyDuplicated as.data.frame as.data.table as.list       as.matrix
## [11] coerce        coerce<-      dcast         dim           dimnames
## [16] dimnames<-    duplicated    format        head          initialize
## [21] is.na         melt          merge         na.omit       names<-
## [26] Ops           print         show          slotsFromS3   split
## [31] subset        tail          transform     unique        within

#' @rdname rxSolve
#' @export
rxControl <- function(..., params = NULL, events = NULL, inits = NULL, envir=parent.frame()) {
  rxSolve(object = NULL, params = params, events = events, inits = inits, ...,

#' @export
rxEtDispatchSolve.rxode2et <- function(x, ...) {
  .lst <- x
  class(.lst) <- NULL
  do.call(rxSolve, .lst)

#' Conversion between character and integer ODE integration methods for rxode2
#' If \code{NULL} is given as the method, all choices are returned as a named
#' vector.
#' @param method The method for solving ODEs.  Currently this supports:
#' * `"liblsoda"` thread safe lsoda.  This supports parallel
#'            thread-based solving, and ignores user Jacobian specification.
#' * `"lsoda"` -- LSODA solver.  Does not support parallel thread-based
#'       solving, but allows user Jacobian specification.
#' * `"dop853"` -- DOP853 solver.  Does not support parallel thread-based
#'         solving nor user Jacobian specification
#' * `"indLin"` -- Solving through inductive linearization.  The rxode2 dll
#'         must be setup specially to use this solving routine.
#' @keywords Internal
#' @return An integer for the method (unless the input is NULL, in which case,
#'   see the details)
#' @export
odeMethodToInt <- function(method = c("liblsoda", "lsoda", "dop853", "indLin")) {
  .methodIdx <- c("lsoda" = 1L, "dop853" = 0L, "liblsoda" = 2L, "indLin" = 3L)
  if (missing(method) && grepl("SunOS", Sys.info()["sysname"])) {
    method <- 1L
  } else if (is.null(method)) {
    method <- .methodIdx
  } else if (checkmate::testIntegerish(method)) {
    method <- as.integer(method)
  } else {
    method <- .methodIdx[match.arg(method)]

#' This updates the tolerances based on the sensitivity equations
#' This assumes the normal ODE equations are the first equations and
#' the ODE is expanded by the forward sensitivities or other type of
#' sensitivity (like adjoint)
#' @param rxControl Input list or rxControl type of list
#' @param sensCmt Number of sensitivity compartments
#' @param ncmt Number of compartments
#' @return Updated rxControl where `$atol`, `$rtol`, `$ssAtol`
#'   `$ssRtol` are updated with different sensitivities for the normal
#'   ODEs (first) and a different sensitivity for the larger
#'   compartments (sensitivities).
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tmp <- rxControl()
#' tmp2 <- rxControlUpdateSens(tmp, 3, 6)
#' tmp2$atol
#' tmp2$rtol
#' tmp2$ssAtol
#' tmp2$ssRtol
rxControlUpdateSens <- function(rxControl, sensCmt=NULL, ncmt=NULL) {
  checkmate::assertIntegerish(sensCmt, lower=1, len=1)
  checkmate::assertIntegerish(ncmt, lower=2, len=1)
  if (sensCmt >= ncmt) {
    stop("'sensCmt' must be lower than the number of compartments 'ncmt'",
  if (is.list(rxControl) && !inherits(rxControl, "rxControl")) {
    rxControl <- do.call(rxode2::rxControl, rxControl)
  if (!inherits(rxControl, "rxControl")) {
    stop("'rxControl' must be a rxode2 control options list",
  rxControl$atol <- c(rep(rxControl$atol[1], ncmt - sensCmt), rep(rxControl$atolSens, sensCmt))
  rxControl$rtol <- c(rep(rxControl$rtol[1], ncmt - sensCmt), rep(rxControl$rtolSens, sensCmt))
  rxControl$ssAtol <- c(rep(rxControl$ssAtol[1], ncmt - sensCmt), rep(rxControl$ssAtolSens, sensCmt))
  rxControl$ssRtol <- c(rep(rxControl$ssRtol[1], ncmt - sensCmt), rep(rxControl$ssRtolSens, sensCmt))

#' rxUiDeparse.rxControl(rxControl(covsInterpolation="linear", method="dop853",
#'  naInterpolation="nocb", keepInterpolation="nocb", sigmaXform="variance",
#'  omegaXform="variance", returnType="data.frame", sumType="fsum", prodType="logify",
#'  sensType="central"), "ctl")

#' @rdname rxUiDeparse
#' @export
rxUiDeparse.rxControl <- function(object, var) {
  .ret <- rxControl()

  .w <- which(vapply(names(.ret), function(x) {
    if (is.integer(.ret[[x]]) && is.integer(object[[x]])) {
      .ret[[x]] != object[[x]]
    } else {
      !identical(.ret[[x]], object[[x]])
  }, logical(1)))

  .retD <- vapply(names(.ret)[.w], function(x) {
    if (x == "covsInterpolation") {
      .covsInterpolation <- c("linear"=0L, "locf"=1L, "nocb"=2L, "midpoint"=3L)
      paste0(x, " =", deparse1(names(.covsInterpolation)[which(object[[x]] == .covsInterpolation)]))
    } else if (x == "method")  {
      .methodIdx <- c("lsoda" = 1L, "dop853" = 0L, "liblsoda" = 2L, "indLin" = 3L)
      paste0(x, " =", deparse1(names(.methodIdx)[which(object[[x]] == .methodIdx)]))
    } else if (x == "naInterpolation") {
      .naInterpolation <- c("locf"=1L, "nocb"=0L)
      paste0(x, " =", deparse1(names(.naInterpolation)[which(object[[x]] == .naInterpolation)]))
    } else if (x == "keepInterpolation") {
      .keepInterpolation <- c("locf"=1L, "nocb"=0L, "na"=2L)
      paste0(x, " =", deparse1(names(.keepInterpolation)[which(object[[x]] == .keepInterpolation)]))
    } else if (x %in% c("sigmaXform", "omegaXform")) {
      .sigmaXform <- c(
        "variance" = 6L, "log" = 5L, "identity" = 4L,
        "nlmixrSqrt" = 1L, "nlmixrLog" = 2L,
        "nlmixrIdentity" = 3L)
      paste0(x, " =", deparse1(names(.sigmaXform)[which(object[[x]] == .sigmaXform)]))
    } else if (x == "returnType") {
      .matrixIdx <- c(
        "rxSolve" = 0L, "matrix" = 1L, "data.frame" = 2L, "data.frame.TBS" = 3L, "data.table" = 4L,
        "tbl" = 5L, "tibble" = 5L)
      paste0(x, " =", deparse1(names(.matrixIdx)[which(object[[x]] == .matrixIdx)]))
    } else if (x == "sumType") {
      .sum <- c("pairwise"=1L, "fsum"=2L, "kahan"=3L , "neumaier"=4L, "c"=5L)
      paste0(x, " = ", deparse1(names(.sum)[which(object[[x]] == .sum)]))
    } else if (x == "prodType") {
      .prod <- c("long double"=1L, "double"=1L, "logify"=1L)
      paste0(x, " = ", deparse1(names(.prod)[which(object[[x]] == .prod)]))
    } else if (x == "sensType") {
      .sensType <- c("autodiff"=1L, "forward"=2L, "central"=3L, "advan"=4L)
      paste0(x, " = ", deparse1(names(.sensType)[which(object[[x]] == .sensType)]))
    } else if (x == "naTimeHandle") {
      .naTimeHandle <- c("ignore"=1L, "warn"=2L, "error"=3L)
      paste0(x, " = ", deparse1(names(.naTimeHandle)[which(object[[x]] == .naTimeHandle)]))
    }  else {
      paste0(x, "=", deparse1(object[[x]]))
  }, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
  str2lang(paste(var, " <- rxControl(", paste(.retD, collapse=","),")"))
nlmixr2/rxode2 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 8:48 a.m.