
Defines functions .nlmeCmtGenUsrFn .fmtInfusionData nlmeModList

Documented in nlmeModList

## nlme_fit.R: population PK/PD modeling library
## Copyright (C) 2014 - 2016  Wenping Wang
## This file is part of nlmixr.
## nlmixr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## nlmixr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with nlmixr.  If not, see <http:##www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

.nlmeModListEnv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
##' Access the model list information for nlmixr's nlme user functions
##' @param x Parameter to get or set.  If this parameter is an
##'     environment, change the nlme model environment to this
##'     environment.
##' @param value Value of the parameter that is being set.
##' @return When both x and value are missing, this is the
##'     nlmeModListEnv.  When x is present and value is missing,
##'     return the value x in the current nlmeModListEnv.
##' @author Matthew L. Fidler
##' @keywords internal
##' @export
nlmeModList <- function(x, value) {
  if (!missing(x) && !missing(value)) {
    return(assign(x, value, envir = getFromNamespace(".nlmeModListEnv", "nlmixr")))
  } else if (!missing(x) && missing(value)) {
    if (inherits(x, "environment")) {
      assignInMyNamespace(".nlmeModListEnv", x)
    } else {
      return(get(x, envir = getFromNamespace(".nlmeModListEnv", "nlmixr")))
  } else {
    return(getFromNamespace(".nlmeModListEnv", "nlmixr"))

.fmtInfusionData <- function(dat) {
  x1 <- dat[dat$EVID > 10000 & dat$AMT > 0, ]
  x2 <- dat[dat$EVID > 10000 & dat$AMT < 0, ]
  x1$DUR <- x2$TIME - x1$TIME
  x1$AMT <- x1$AMT * x1$DUR
  x <- dat[dat$EVID < 10000, ]
  x$DUR <- NA
  x <- rbind(x, x1)
  ord <- order(x$ID, x$TIME, -x$EVID)
  x[ord, ]

.nlmeCmtGenUsrFn <- function(arg1, arg2, mcCores) {
  fun <- eval(parse(text = sprintf("function(%s, TIME, ID){NULL;}", arg1)))
  pkpars <- eval(parse(text = sprintf("bquote((nlmixr::nlmeModList(\"PKpars\"))(%s))", arg2)))
  body <- bquote({
    unlist(parallel::mclapply(as.character(unique(ID)), function(subj) {
      sel.d <- nlmixr::nlmeModList("ds")$ID == as.integer(subj)
      dose <- nlmixr::nlmeModList("ds")[sel.d, "AMT"]
      dstm <- nlmixr::nlmeModList("ds")[sel.d, "TIME"]
      Tinf <- nlmixr::nlmeModList("ds")[sel.d, "DUR"]

      sel <- ID == subj
      time.subj <- TIME[sel]
      s <- .(pkpars)
      pkpars <- toupper(names(s))
      names(s) <- pkpars

      if (nlmixr::nlmeModList("oral")) {
        if (is.element("TLAG", pkpars)) {
          theta <- s[nlmixr::nlmeModList("refpars")]
        } else {
          ## no TLAG, set to 0
          theta <- c(s[nlmixr::nlmeModList("refpars")[1:(2 * nlmixr::nlmeModList("ncmt") + 1)]], 0)
      } else {
        theta <- c(s[nlmixr::nlmeModList("refpars")[1:(2 * nlmixr::nlmeModList("ncmt"))]], 0, 0)

      cp <- lin_cmt(
        time.subj, dstm, dose, Tinf, theta, nlmixr::nlmeModList("oral"),
        nlmixr::nlmeModList("infusion"), nlmixr::nlmeModList("ncmt"),
    }, mc.cores = .(mcCores)))
  body(fun) <- body

##' Fit nlme-based linear compartment mixed-effect model using closed form solution
##' 'nlme_lin_cmpt' fits a linear one to three compartment model with
##' either first order absorption, or i.v. bolus, or i.v. infusion.  A
##' user specifies the number of compartments, route of drug
##' administrations, and the model parameterization. `nlmixr` supports
##' the clearance/volume parameterization and the micro constant
##' parameterization, with the former as the default.  Specification of
##' fixed effects, random effects and initial values follows the standard
##' nlme notations.
##' @param dat data to be fitted
##' @param parModel list: model for fixed effects, randoms effects and initial values using nlme-type syntax.
##' @param ncmt numerical: number of compartments: 1-3
##' @param oral logical
##' @param infusion logical
##' @param tlag logical
##' @param parameterization numerical: type of parameterization, 1=clearance/volume, 2=micro-constants
##' @param parTrans function: calculation of PK parameters
##' @param mcCores number of cores used in fitting (only for Linux)
##' @param ... additional nlme options
##' @return A nlmixr nlme fit object
##' @author Wenping Wang
##' @examples
##' library(nlmixr)
##' specs <- list(fixed=lKA+lCL+lV~1, random = pdDiag(lKA+lCL~1),
##'               start=c(lKA=0.5, lCL=-3.2, lV=-1))
##' fit <- nlme_lin_cmpt(theo_md, par_model=specs, ncmt=1, verbose=TRUE)
##' #plot(augPred(fit,level=0:1))
##' summary(fit)
##' @export
nlme_lin_cmpt <- function(dat, parModel,
                          ncmt, oral = TRUE, infusion = FALSE, tlag = FALSE, parameterization = 1,
                          parTrans = .getParfn(oral, ncmt, parameterization, tlag),
                          mcCores = 1, ...) {
  .xtra <- list(...)
  .rm <- c()
  if (missing(parModel) && !is.null(.xtra$par_model)) {
    parModel <- .xtra$par_model
    .rm <- c(.rm, "par_model")
  if (missing(parTrans) && !is.null(.xtra$par_trans)) {
    parTrans <- .xtra$par_trans
    .rm <- c(.rm, "par_trans")
  if (missing(mcCores) && !is.null(.xtra$mc.cores)) {
    mcCores <- .xtra$mc.cores
    .rm <- c(.rm, "mc.cores")
  if (oral * infusion) {
    msg <- "oral and infusion cannot be all TRUE"
  } # prep PKpars
  PKpars <- parTrans
  x <- deparse(body(PKpars))
  len <- length(x)
  x[len] <- "unlist(as.list(environment()))"
  x <- paste(c(x, "}"), collapse = "\n")
  body(PKpars) <- parse(text = x)

  ## a new env with a ref in .GlobalEnv, holding model components
  ## a hack due to non-std call by nlme

  ## master par list
  pm <- list(
    c("CL", "V", "KA", "TLAG"),
    c("CL", "V", "CLD", "VT", "KA", "TLAG"),
    c("CL", "V", "CLD", "VT", "CLD2", "VT2", "KA", "TLAG"),
    c("KE", "V", "KA", "TLAG"),
    c("KE", "V", "K12", "K21", "KA", "TLAG"),
    c("KE", "V", "K12", "K21", "K13", "K31", "KA", "TLAG")
  dim(pm) <- c(3, 2)

  ## gen user_fn

  s <- formals(PKpars)
  arg1 <- paste(names(s), collapse = ", ")
  arg2 <- paste(unlist(lapply(names(s), function(x) paste(x, "=", x, "[sel][1]", sep = ""))), collapse = ", ")
  arg3 <- sprintf("list(%s)", paste(names(s), "=.1", collapse = ", "))
  ## brew(text=cmt_fn_templ, output="fn.txt")
  ## source("fn.txt", local=nlmixr::nlmeModList())
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("user_fn", .nlmeCmtGenUsrFn(arg1, arg2, mcCores))

  refpars <- pm[[ncmt, parameterization]]
  npars <- length(refpars)
  s <- do.call(PKpars, eval(parse(text = arg3)))
  pkpars <- names(s)

  if (!oral) {
    refpars <- refpars[1:(npars - 2)]
    pkpars.aug <- pkpars
  } else {
    pkpars.aug <- pkpars
    if (!is.element("TLAG", pkpars)) {
      pkpars.aug <- c(pkpars, "TLAG")
  notdefed <- setdiff(refpars, pkpars.aug)
  if (length(notdefed)) {
    msg <- paste(c("undefined PK pars:", notdefed, collapse = " "))
  ## data prep
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("oral", oral)
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("infusion", infusion)
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("ncmt", ncmt)
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("parameterization", parameterization)
  if (infusion) {
    dat <- .fmtInfusionData(dat)
  } else {
    dat$DUR <- -1
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("ds", dat[dat$EVID > 0, c("ID", "TIME", "AMT", "DUR")])
  dat$DUR <- NULL
  dat <- dat[dat$EVID == 0, ]
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("dat.g", nlme::groupedData(DV ~ TIME | ID, dat))
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("PKpars", PKpars)
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("refpars", refpars)
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("na.ignore", function(object, ...) {

  mod.specs <- list(
    model = as.formula(sprintf("DV ~ (nlmixr::nlmeModList(\"user_fn\"))(%s, TIME, ID)", arg1)),
    data = nlmixr::nlmeModList("dat.g"), fixed = parModel$fixed, random = parModel$random,
    start = parModel$start,
    na.action = nlmixr::nlmeModList("na.ignore"),
  if (length(.rm) > 0) {
    mod.specs <- mod.specs[!(names(mod.specs) %in% .rm)]
  if (Sys.getenv("nlmixr_silent") == "TRUE") {
    ret <- NULL
    cur.env <- environment()
    .captureOutput(assign("ret", .collectWarnings(do.call(nlme, mod.specs)), envir = cur.env))
  } else {
    ret <- .collectWarnings(do.call(nlme, mod.specs))
  ret$env <- getFromNamespace(".nlmeModListEnv", "nlmixr")
  assignInMyNamespace(".nlmeModListEnv", new.env(parent = emptyenv()))
  class(ret) <- c("nlmixrNlme", class(ret))

##' @rdname nlme_lin_cmpt
##' @export
nlmeLinCmpt <- nlme_lin_cmpt

##' @rdname nlme_lin_cmpt
##' @export
nlmeLinCmt <- nlme_lin_cmpt

.nlmeOdeGenUsrFn <- function(arg1, arg2, transitAbs, atol, rtol, hmin, hmax, hini, maxordn, maxords, maxsteps, mcCores) {
  fun <- eval(parse(text = sprintf("function(%s, TIME, ID){NULL;}", arg1)))
  pkpars <- eval(parse(text = sprintf("bquote((nlmixr::nlmeModList(\"PKpars\"))(%s))", arg2)))
  body <- bquote({
    z <- parallel::mclapply(as.character(unique(ID)), function(subj) {
      sel <- ID == subj
      plist <- .(pkpars)
      inits <- plist$initCondition
      plist$initCondition <- NULL
      theta <- unlist(plist)

      dati <- subset(nlmixr::nlmeModList("dat.o"), id == as.integer(subj))
      if (match("F1", names(theta), nomatch = 0)) dati$amt <- theta["F1"] * dati$amt
      if (match("RATE", names(theta), nomatch = 0)) dati <- prepEv(dati, theta)
      ## ev <- eventTable()
      ## ev$import.EventTable(dati)
      if (any(theta > 1e38)) {
        warning("large parameter values. may rewrite par_trans.")
      if (nlmixr::nlmeModList("debugODE")) {

      m <- nlmixr::nlmeModList("m1")$run(theta, dati, inits,
        transitAbs = .(transitAbs), atol = .(atol), rtol = .(rtol),
        hmin = .(hmin), hmax = .(hmax), hini = .(hini), maxsteps = .(maxsteps),
        maxordn = .(maxordn), maxords = .(maxords),
        addDosing = NULL
      if (is.null(dim(m))) {
        m <- t(as.matrix(m))
      den <- ifelse(is.null(nlmixr::nlmeModList("responseScaler")), 1, theta[nlmixr::nlmeModList("responseScaler")])
      m[, nlmixr::nlmeModList("response")] / den
    }, mc.cores = .(mcCores))
  body(fun) <- body

prepEv <- function(dati, theta) {
  ds <- dati$evid > 0
  arr1 <- with(dati[ds, ], time + amt / theta["RATE"])
  arr2 <- as.double(dati$time)
  nar1 <- length(arr1)
  nar2 <- length(arr2)
  arr3 <- (1L:nar2)[ds] - 1L # with bolus, narr1 !<- narr3
  nar3 <- length(arr3)
  nevt <- nar1 + nar2
  s <- .C("mergeArrays", arr1, arr2, arr3, integer(nar1), double(nevt), nar1, nar2, nar3)
  datii <- .data.frame(time = s[[5]], evid = 0, amt = 0)
  wh <- s[[3]]
  datii$evid[wh] <- 10101
  datii$amt[wh] <- theta["RATE"]
  wh <- s[[4]]
  datii$evid[wh] <- 10101
  datii$amt[wh] <- -theta["RATE"]

##' Fit nlme-based mixed-effect model using ODE implementation
##' 'nlme_ode' fits a mixed-effect model described using ordinary differential
##' equation (ODEs). The ODE-definition follows RxODE syntax.
##' Specification of fixed effects, random effects and initial values follows
##' the standard nlme notations.
##' @param dat.o data to be fitted
##' @param model a string containing the set of ordinary differential equations (ODE) and other expressions defining the changes in the dynamic  system. For details, see the sections \dQuote{Details} and  \dQuote{\code{RxODE Syntax}} below.
##' @param parModel list: model for fixed effects, randoms effects and initial values.
##' @param parTrans function: calculation of PK parameters
##' @param response names of the response variable
##' @param responseScaler optional response variable scaler. default is NULL
##' @inheritParams RxODE::rxSolve
##' @param debugODE a logical if debugging is enabled
##' @param mcCores number of cores used in fitting (only for Linux)
##' @param ... additional nlme options
##' @return nlmixr nlme fit
##' @details
##'    The ODE-based model specification may be coded inside a character
##'    string or in a text file, see Section \emph{RxODE Syntax} below for
##'    coding details.  An internal \code{RxODE} compilation manager object
##'    translates the ODE system into C, compiles it, and dynamically loads the
##'    object code into the current R session.  The call to \code{RxODE}
##'    produces an object of class \code{RxODE} which consists of a list-like
##'    structure (closure) with various member functions (see Section
##'    \emph{Value} below).
##' @section RxODE Syntax:
##'    An \code{RxODE} model specification consists of one or more
##'    statements terminated by semi-colons, \sQuote{\code{;}}, and
##'    optional comments (comments are delimited by \code{#} and an
##'    end-of-line marker).  \strong{NB:} Comments are not allowed
##'    inside statements.
##'    A block of statements is a set of statements delimited by
##'    curly braces, \sQuote{\code{\{ ... \}}}.
##'    Statements can be either assignments or conditional \code{if}
##'    statements. Assignment statements can be either \dQuote{simple}
##'    assignments, where the left hand is an identifier (i.e., variable), or
##'    special \dQuote{time-derivative} assignments, where the left hand
##'    specifies the change of that variable with respect to time
##'    e.g., \code{d/dt(depot)}.
##'    Expressions in assignment and \sQuote{\code{if}} statements can be
##'    numeric or logical (no character expressions are currently supported).
##'    Numeric expressions can include the following numeric operators
##'    (\sQuote{\code{+}}, \sQuote{\code{-}}, \sQuote{\code{*}},
##'    \sQuote{\code{/}}, \sQuote{\code{^}}),   and
##'    those mathematical functions defined in the C or the
##'    R math libraries (e.g., \code{fabs}, \code{exp}, \code{log}, \code{sin}).
##'    (Note that the modulo operator \sQuote{\code{\%}} is currently
##'    not supported.)
##'    Identifiers in an \code{RxODE} model specification can refer to:
##'    \itemize{
##'       \item state variables in the dynamic system (e.g., compartments in a
##'       pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model);
##'       \item implied input variable, \code{t} (time),
##'       \code{podo} (oral dose, for absorption models), and
##'       \code{tlast} (last time point);
##'       \item model parameters, (\code{ka} rate of absorption, \code{CL}
##'       clearance, etc.);
##'       \item others, as created by assignments as part of the model
##'       specification.
##'    }
##'    Identifiers consist of case-sensitive alphanumeric characters,
##'    plus the underscore \sQuote{_} character.  \strong{NB:} the
##'    dot \sQuote{.} character is \strong{not} a valid character
##'    identifier.
##'    The values of these variables at pre-specified time points are
##'    saved as part of the fitted/integrated/solved model (see
##'    \code{\link{eventTable}}, in particular its member function
##'    \code{add.sampling} that defines a set of time points at which
##'    to capture a snapshot of the system via the values of these variables).
##'    The ODE specification mini-language is parsed with the help of
##'    the open source tool \emph{DParser}, Plevyak (2015).
##' @author Wenping Wang, Mathew Fidler
##' @examples
##' \donttest{
##' library(nlmixr)
##' ode <- "
##' d/dt(depot) =-KA*depot;
##' d/dt(centr) = KA*depot - KE*centr;
##' "
##' mypar <- function(lKA, lKE, lCL)
##' {
##'     KA=exp(lKA)
##'     KE=exp(lKE)
##'     CL=exp(lCL)
##'     V = CL/KE
##' }
##' specs <- list(fixed=lKA+lKE+lCL~1,
##'      random = pdDiag(lKA+lCL~1),
##'      start=c(lKA=0.5, lKE=-2.5, lCL=-3.2))
##' fit <- nlme_ode(theo_md, model=ode, par_model=specs, par_trans=mypar,
##'      response="centr", response.scaler="V",control=nlmeControl(pnlsTol=0.9))
##' }
##' @export
nlme_ode <- function(dat.o, model, parModel, parTrans,
                     response, responseScaler = NULL,
                     transitAbs = FALSE,
                     atol = 1e-08, rtol = 1.0e-8, maxsteps = 5000,
                     hmin = 0, hmax = NA_real_,
                     hini = 0, maxordn = 12, maxords = 5,
                     debugODE = FALSE, mcCores = 1, ...) {
  .xtra <- list(...)
  .rm <- c()
  if (missing(transitAbs) && !is.null(.xtra$transit_abs)) {
    transitAbs <- .xtra$transit_abs
    .rm <- c(.rm, "transit_abs")
  if (missing(parModel) && !is.null(.xtra$par_model)) {
    parModel <- .xtra$par_model
    .rm <- c(.rm, "par_model")
  if (missing(parTrans) && !is.null(.xtra$par_trans)) {
    parTrans <- .xtra$par_trans
    .rm <- c(.rm, "par_trans")
  if (missing(responseScaler) && !is.null(.xtra$response.scaler)) {
    responseScaler <- .xtra$response.scaler
    .rm <- c(.rm, "response.scaler")
  if (missing(mcCores) && !is.null(.xtra$mc.cores)) {
    mcCores <- .xtra$mc.cores
    .rm <- c(.rm, "mc.cores")
  # prep ode
  if (inherits(model, "RxODE")) {
    nlmixr::nlmeModList("m1", model)
  } else if (inherits(model, "character")) {
    nlmixr::nlmeModList("m1", RxODE(model = model))
  } else {
    stop("invalid model input")

  ## prep PKpars
  PKpars <- parTrans
  x <- deparse(body(PKpars))
  len <- length(x)
  x[len] <- "as.list(environment())"
  x <- paste(c(x, "}"), collapse = "\n")
  body(PKpars) <- parse(text = x)

  ## gen user_fn
  s <- formals(PKpars)
  arg1 <- paste(names(s), collapse = ", ")
  arg2 <- paste(unlist(lapply(names(s), function(x) paste(x, "=", x, "[sel][1]", sep = ""))), collapse = ", ")

  nlmixr::nlmeModList("user_fn", .nlmeOdeGenUsrFn(
    arg1, arg2, transitAbs, atol, rtol,
    hmin, hmax, hini, maxordn, maxords, maxsteps,

  ## data prep
  dat.g <- nlme::groupedData(DV ~ TIME | ID, subset(dat.o, dat.o$EVID == 0))
  names(dat.o) <- tolower(names(dat.o))
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("response", response)
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("responseScaler", responseScaler)
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("dat.g", dat.g)
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("dat.o", dat.o)
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("PKpars", PKpars)
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("debugODE", debugODE)
  nlmixr::nlmeModList("na.ignore", function(object, ...) {

  mod.specs <- list(
    model = as.formula(sprintf("DV ~ (nlmixr::nlmeModList(\"user_fn\"))(%s, TIME, ID)", arg1)),
    data = nlmixr::nlmeModList("dat.g"), fixed = parModel$fixed, random = parModel$random,
    start = parModel$start,
    na.action = nlmixr::nlmeModList("na.ignore"),
  if (length(.rm) > 0) {
    mod.specs <- mod.specs[!(names(mod.specs) %in% .rm)]
  if (Sys.getenv("nlmixr_silent") == "TRUE") {
    ret <- NULL
    cur.env <- environment()
    .captureOutput(assign("ret", .collectWarnings(do.call(nlme, mod.specs)), envir = cur.env))
  } else {
    ret <- .collectWarnings(do.call(nlme, mod.specs))
  ret$env <- getFromNamespace(".nlmeModListEnv", "nlmixr")
  assignInMyNamespace(".nlmeModListEnv", new.env(parent = emptyenv()))
  class(ret) <- c("nlmixrNlme", class(ret))

##' @rdname nlme_ode
##' @export
nlmeOde <- nlme_ode

##' @export
print.nlmixrNlme <- function(x, ..., print.data = FALSE) {
  dd <- x$dims
  if (inherits(x, "nlme")) {
    cat("Nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by ")
    cat(ifelse(x$method == "REML", "REML\n", "maximum likelihood\n"))
    cat("  Model:", deparse(x$call$model), "\n")
  else {
    cat("Linear mixed-effects model fit by ")
    cat(ifelse(x$method == "REML", "REML\n", "maximum likelihood\n"))
  if (print.data) {
    cat("  Data:", deparse(x$call$data), "\n")
  if (!is.null(x$call$subset)) {
      "  Subset:", deparse(asOneSidedFormula(x$call$subset)[[2L]]),
  cat("  Log-", ifelse(x$method == "REML", "restricted-", ""),
    "likelihood: ", format(x$logLik), "\n",
    sep = ""
  fixF <- x$call$fixed
  if (inherits(fixF, "formula") || is.call(fixF) || is.name(fixF)) {
    cat("  Fixed:", deparse(x$call$fixed), "\n")
  else {
      "  Fixed:", deparse(lapply(fixF, function(el) as.name(deparse(el)))),
  print(summary(x$modelStruct), sigma = x$sigma)
  cat("Number of Observations:", dd[["N"]])
  cat("\nNumber of Groups: ")
  Ngrps <- dd$ngrps[1:dd$Q]
  if ((lNgrps <- length(Ngrps)) == 1) {
    cat(Ngrps, "\n")
  else {
    sNgrps <- 1:lNgrps
    aux <- rep(names(Ngrps), sNgrps)
    aux <- split(aux, array(rep(sNgrps, lNgrps), c(
    names(Ngrps) <- unlist(lapply(aux, paste, collapse = " %in% "))

##' @export
summary.nlmixrNlme <- function(object, ...) {
  tmp <- object
  class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
  tmp <- summary(object)
  class(tmp) <- c("summaryNlmixrNlme", class(tmp))

##' @export
print.summaryNlmixrNlme <- function(x, verbose = FALSE, ..., print.data = FALSE) {
  dd <- x$dims
  verbose <- verbose || attr(x, "verbose")
  if (inherits(x, "nlme")) {
    cat("Nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by ")
    cat(ifelse(x$method == "REML", "REML\n", "maximum likelihood\n"))
    cat("  Model:", deparse(x$call$model), "\n")
  else {
    cat("Linear mixed-effects model fit by ")
    cat(ifelse(x$method == "REML", "REML\n", "maximum likelihood\n"))
  if (print.data) {
    cat(" Data:", deparse(x$call$data), "\n")
  if (!is.null(x$call$subset)) {
      "  Subset:", deparse(asOneSidedFormula(x$call$subset)[[2L]]),
    AIC = x$AIC, BIC = x$BIC, logLik = c(x$logLik),
    row.names = " "
  if (verbose) {
    cat("Convergence at iteration:", x$numIter, "\n")
    sigma = x$sigma, reEstimates = x$coef$random,
    verbose = verbose
  cat("Fixed effects: ")
  fixF <- x$call$fixed
  if (inherits(fixF, "formula") || is.call(fixF)) {
    cat(deparse(x$call$fixed), "\n")
  else {
      deparse(lapply(fixF, function(el) as.name(deparse(el)))),
  xtTab <- .as.data.frame(x$tTable)
  wchPval <- match("p-value", names(xtTab))
  for (i in names(xtTab)[-wchPval]) {
    xtTab[, i] <- format(zapsmall(xtTab[, i]))
  xtTab[, wchPval] <- format(round(xtTab[, wchPval], 4))
  if (any(wchLv <- (as.double(levels(xtTab[, wchPval])) ==
    0))) {
    levels(xtTab[, wchPval])[wchLv] <- "<.0001"
  row.names(xtTab) <- dimnames(x$tTable)[[1L]]
  if (nrow(x$tTable) > 1) {
    corr <- x$corFixed
    class(corr) <- "correlation"
    print(corr, title = " Correlation:", ...)
  cat("\nStandardized Within-Group Residuals:\n")
  cat("\nNumber of Observations:", x$dims[["N"]])
  cat("\nNumber of Groups: ")
  Ngrps <- dd$ngrps[1:dd$Q]
  lNgrps <- length(Ngrps)
  if (lNgrps == 1) {
    cat(Ngrps, "\n")
  else {
    sNgrps <- 1:lNgrps
    aux <- rep(names(Ngrps), sNgrps)
    aux <- split(aux, array(rep(sNgrps, lNgrps), c(
    names(Ngrps) <- unlist(lapply(aux, paste, collapse = " %in% "))
##' @importFrom nlme varWeights
##' @export
varWeights.nlmixrNlme <- function(object, ...) {
    nlmixr::nlmeModList(new.env(parent = emptyenv()))

##' @export
anova.nlmixrNlme <- function(object, ...) {
  args <- lapply(
    list(object, ...),
    function(x) {
      if (inherits(x, "nlmixrNlme")) {
        tmp <- x
        class(tmp) <- class(tmp)[-1L]
      else {
  ret <- do.call(getFromNamespace("anova.lme", "nlme"), args)
  row.names(ret) <- NULL

##' @rdname focei.eta
focei.eta.nlmixrNlme <- function(object, ...) {
  mat <- suppressWarnings(as.matrix(VarCorr(object)))
  dn <- dimnames(mat)
  d <- dim(mat)
  is.cov <- (d[2] >= 3)
  mat <- suppressWarnings(matrix(as.numeric(mat), d[1], d[2]))
  dimnames(mat) <- dn
  len <- length(mat[, 1, drop = FALSE])
  mat <- mat[-len, , drop = FALSE]
  etas <- sprintf("ETA[%d]", seq_along(row.names(mat)))
  est <- as.numeric(mat[, 1])
  if (!is.cov) {
    return(eval(parse(text = sprintf("list(%s)", paste(sprintf("ETA[%d] ~ %s", seq_along(est), est), collapse = ", ")))))
  sd <- as.numeric(mat[-len, 2])
  cor <- apply(mat[-c(1, len), -(1:2), drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) {
  ome <- diag(est)
  ## Now fill in the diagionals
  if (inherits(cor, "matrix")) {
    stop("Haven't handled covariance translation for this model yet...")
  } else {
    ome[1, 2] <- ome[2, 1] <- cor[1] * sd[1] * sd[2]
    eval(parse(text = sprintf(
      "list(%s ~ c(%s))", paste(etas, collapse = "+"),
      paste(ome[lower.tri(ome, diag = TRUE)], collapse = ", ")

.fixNlmeNames <- function(n, uif) {
  n <- gsub(rex::rex(".(Intercept)"), "", n)
  for (n2 in names(uif$cov.ref)) {
    cur <- uif$cov.ref[[n2]]
    var <- paste(cur, n2, sep = ".")
    n <- gsub(var, names(cur), n)

##' @rdname focei.theta
focei.theta.nlmixrNlme <- function(object, uif, ...) {
  if (inherits(uif, "function")) {
    uif <- nlmixr(uif)
  n <- uif$focei.names
  thetas <- rep(NA, length(n))
  names(thetas) <- n
  f <- fixed.effects(object)
  names(f) <- .fixNlmeNames(names(f), uif)
  for (n in names(f)) {
    thetas[n] <- f[n]
  ## Handle variance classes.
  err <- object$modelStruct$varStruct
  err.type <- uif$focei.err.type
  if (is(err, "varConstPower")) {
    ## Addititive + proportional
    add <- which(sapply(err.type, function(x) any(x == c("add", "norm", "dnorm"))))
    prop <- which(err.type == "prop")
    if (length(add) == 0) {
      thetas[prop] <- object$sigma
    } else {
      .const <- coef(object$modelStruct$varStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)
      thetas[prop] <- object$sigma
      thetas[add] <- .const
  } else if (is(err, "varPower")) {
    ## Proportional
    prop <- which(err.type == "prop")
    thetas[prop] <- object$sigma
  } else if (is(err, "varConstProp")){
    add <- which(sapply(err.type, function(x) any(x == c("add", "norm", "dnorm"))))
    prop <- which(err.type == "prop")
    if (length(add) == 0) {
      thetas[prop] <- object$sigma
    } else {
      .const <- coef(object$modelStruct$varStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)
      thetas[prop] <- abs(.const["prop"])
      thetas[add] <- .const["const"]
  } else {
    ## Additive.
    add <- which(sapply(err.type, function(x) any(x == c("add", "norm", "dnorm"))))
    thetas[add] <- object$sigma

##' @rdname as.focei
as.focei.nlmixrNlme <- function(object, uif, pt = proc.time(), ..., data, calcResid = TRUE, nobs2 = 0,
                                keep=NULL, drop=NULL, table=tableControl(), IDlabel=NULL) {
  if (is.null(calcResid)) calcResid <- TRUE
  .nlmeTime <- proc.time() - pt
  if (inherits(uif, "function")) {
    uif <- nlmixr(uif)
  uif.new <- uif
  fit <- object
  mat <- as.matrix(random.effects(fit))
  mat <- mat[order(as.numeric(row.names(mat))), , drop = FALSE]
  th <- focei.theta(fit, uif)
  for (n in names(th)) {
    uif.new$est[uif.new$name == n] <- th[n]
  ome <- focei.eta(fit, uif)
  init <- list(
    THTA = th,
    OMGA = ome
  nlme.time <- proc.time() - pt
  if (missing(data)) {
    dat <- .as.data.frame(getData(object))
  } else {
    dat <- data
  var <- summary(object)$tTable[, "Std.Error"]
  var <- var[uif$focei.names]
  var <- setNames(as.numeric(var), uif$focei.names)
  var <- var[!is.na(var)]
  cov <- diag(length(var))
  diag(cov) <- var * var
  attr(cov, "dimnames") <- list(names(var), names(var))
  .ini <- .as.data.frame(uif$ini)
  .ini <- .ini[!is.na(.ini$ntheta), ]
  .skipCov <- !is.na(.ini$err)
  if (is(object, "nlme.free")) {
    .text <- "Free-form"
  } else {
    if (use.utf()) {
      .mu <- "\u03BC"
    } else {
      .mu <- "mu"
    if (is(object, "nlme.mu")) {
      .text <- sprintf("%s-ref", .mu)
    } else if (is(object, "nlme.mu.cov")) {
      .text <- sprintf("%s-ref & covs", .mu)
    } else {
      .text <- ""
  .notCalced <- TRUE
  .cwresTime <- proc.time()
  while (.notCalced) {
    env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
    env$table <- table
    env$IDlabel <- IDlabel
    env$nobs2 <- nobs2
    env$covMethod <- "nlme"
    env$method <- "nlme"
    env$uif <- uif
    env$nlme <- object
    env$cov <- cov
    env$extra <- paste0(
      " by ", crayon::bold$yellow(ifelse(object$method == "REML", "REML", "maximum likelihood")), " (",
        ifelse(is.null(uif$nmodel$lin.solved), ifelse(uif$predSys, "PRED", "ODE"), "Solved"),
        "; ", .text
      )), ")"
    if (is.na(calcResid)) {
      env$theta <- .data.frame(lower = -Inf, theta = init$THTA, upper = Inf, fixed = FALSE, row.names = uif$focei.names)
      env$fullTheta <- setNames(init$THTA, uif$focei.names)
      .om0 <- .genOM(.parseOM(init$OMGA))
      attr(.om0, "dimnames") <- list(uif$eta.names, uif$eta.names)
      env$omega <- .om0
      env$etaObf <- .data.frame(ID = seq_along(mat[, 1]), setNames(.as.data.frame(mat), uif$eta.names), OBJI = NA)
      env$noLik <- FALSE
      env$objective <- -2 * as.numeric(logLik(object))
      env$objectiveType <- "nlme"
      env$adjObf <- TRUE
      if (object$method == "REML") env$objectiveType <- "nlmeREML"
    } else if (!calcResid) {
      env$theta <- .data.frame(lower = -Inf, theta = init$THTA, upper = Inf, fixed = FALSE, row.names = uif$focei.names)
      env$fullTheta <- setNames(init$THTA, uif$focei.names)
      .om0 <- .genOM(.parseOM(init$OMGA))
      attr(.om0, "dimnames") <- list(uif$eta.names, uif$eta.names)
      env$omega <- .om0
      env$etaObf <- .data.frame(ID = seq_along(mat[, 1]), setNames(.as.data.frame(mat), uif$eta.names), OBJI = NA)
      env$noLik <- TRUE
      env$objective <- -2 * as.numeric(logLik(object))
      env$adjObf <- TRUE
      env$objectiveType <- "nlme"
      if (object$method == "REML") env$objectiveType <- "nlmeREML"
      env$extra <- paste(env$extra, "nlme OBF")
    ## In this case the pars/ode  is separated, so use separated focei parameters
    fit.f <- try(foceiFit.data.frame(
      data = dat,
      inits = init,
      PKpars = uif$theta.pars,
      ## par_trans=fun,
      model = uif$rxode.pred,
      pred = function() {
      err = uif$error,
      lower = uif$focei.lower,
      upper = uif$focei.upper,
      thetaNames = uif$focei.names,
      etaNames = uif$eta.names,
      etaMat = mat,
      env = env,
      skipCov = .skipCov,
      control = foceiControl(
        maxOuterIterations = 0,
        maxInnerIterations = 0,
        covMethod = "",
        cores = 1,
        ## transitAbs=transitAbs,
        sumProd = uif$env$sum.prod,
    if (inherits(fit.f, "try-error")) {
      if (is.na(calcResid)) {
        warning("Error calculating nlmixr object, return classic nlme object")
      } else if (calcResid) {
        calcResid <- FALSE
      } else {
        calcResid <- NA
    } else {
      .notCalced <- FALSE
  .cwresTime <- proc.time() - .cwresTime
  if (is.na(calcResid)) {
    .cwresTime <- 0
  } else if (!calcResid) {
    .cwresTime <- 0
  if (is(object$apVar, "character")) {
    env$message <- object$apVar
  } else {
    env$message <- ""
  if (is.na(calcResid)) {
    row.names(env$objDf) <- "nlme"
  } else if (!calcResid) {
    row.names(env$objDf) <- "nlme"
  } else {
    env$adjObf <- TRUE
    .tmp <- .data.frame(
      OBJF = -2 * as.numeric(logLik(object)) -
        ifelse(env$adjObf, nobs(object) * log(2 * pi), 0),
      AIC = AIC(object), BIC = BIC(object),
      "Log-likelihood" = as.numeric(logLik(object)), check.names = FALSE
    if (any(names(env$objDf) == "Condition Number")) {
      .tmp <- .data.frame(.tmp, "Condition Number" = env$objDf[, "Condition Number"], check.names = FALSE)
    env$objDf <- rbind(env$objDf, .tmp)
    row.names(env$objDf) <- c("FOCEi", "nlme")
  .env <- fit.f$env
  .env$ofvType <- "nlme"
  .time <- .env$time
  .time <- .time[, !(names(.time) %in% c("optimize", "covariance"))]
  .nlmeTime <- .nlmeTime["elapsed"]
  if (calcResid) {
    .nlmeTime <- .nlmeTime - .cwresTime["elapsed"]
    .time <- .data.frame(.time, cwres = .cwresTime["elapsed"], check.names = FALSE)
  .env$time <- .data.frame(nlme = .nlmeTime, .time, check.names = FALSE, row.names = c(""))
  if (inherits(fit.f, "nlmixrFitData")) {
    .cls <- class(fit.f)
    .env <- attr(.cls, ".foceiEnv")
    .cls[1] <- "nlmixrNlmeUI"
    class(fit.f) <- .cls
  assign("uif", .syncUif(fit.f$uif, fit.f$popDf, fit.f$omega), fit.f$env)

## comparePred should work because predict should work...

##' @importFrom nlme nlme
##' @export
nlme.function <- function(model, data, fixed, random = fixed,
                          groups, start, correlation = NULL, weights = NULL, subset,
                          method = c("ML", "REML"), na.action = na.fail, naPattern,
                          control = list(), verbose = FALSE) {
  uif <- nlmixr(model)
  call <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))[-1]
  call$model <- uif
  return(do.call(getFromNamespace("nlme.nlmixrUI", "nlmixr"), call, envir = parent.frame(1)))

##' @export
nlme.nlmixrUI <- function(model, data, fixed, random = fixed,
                          groups, start, correlation = NULL, weights = NULL, subset,
                          method = c("ML", "REML"), na.action = na.fail, naPattern,
                          control = list(), verbose = FALSE) {
  call <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))[-1]
  names(call)[1] <- "object"
  call$est <- "nlme"
  return(do.call(getFromNamespace("nlmixr", "nlmixr"), call, envir = parent.frame(1)))
##' @export
nlme.nlmixr.ui.nlme <- function(model, data, fixed, random = fixed,
                                groups, start, correlation = NULL, weights = NULL, subset,
                                method = c("ML", "REML"), na.action = na.fail, naPattern,
                                control = list(), verbose = FALSE) {
  env <- attr(model, ".focei.env")
  uif <- env$uif.new
  call <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))[-1]
  names(call)[1] <- "object"
  call$object <- uif
  call$est <- "nlme"
  if (missing(data)) {
    data <- getData(model)
    call$data <- data
  return(do.call(getFromNamespace("nlmixr", "nlmixr"), call, envir = parent.frame(1)))

nlme.cleanup <- function(x) {
  if (is(x, "nlmixr.ui.nlme")) x <- as.nlme(x)
  if (exists("m1", x$env)) {
##' Return VarCorr for nlmixr nlme
##' This returns a numeric matrix instead of character matrix
##' @inheritParams nlme::VarCorr
##' @author Matthew L. Fidler
##' @return Extract the VarCorr from the nlmixr nlme object
##' @export
VarCorr.nlmixrNlme <- function(x, sigma = NULL, ...) {
  .tmp <- x
  class(.tmp) <- class(.tmp)[class(.tmp) != "nlmixrNlme"]
  if (is.null(sigma)) sigma <- .tmp$sigma
  .vc <- VarCorr(.tmp, sigma = sigma, ...)
  .vc2 <- as.numeric(.vc)
  dim(.vc2) <- dim(.vc)
  dimnames(.vc2) <- dimnames(.vc)
  attr(.vc2, "title") <- attr(.vc, "title")
  class(.vc2) <- "VarCorr.lme"
nlmixrdevelopment/nlmixr documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 2:16 p.m.