
# Error Model Test Script -------------------------------------------------
# This script is used to test all the error models in the dynmodel()
# Nelder-Mead is used for optimization for all tests
# Each test is a written within a function, just call the function to test
# Each test function can input custom tolerances, and error model parameters
# Tolerances are defined by relative fraction difference between reference values and estiamted values
# #########################################################################
if (FALSE) {

  # Library -----------------------------------------------------------------
  # devtools::use_testthat() # deprecated
  ## usethis::use_testthat()
  ## devtools::use_testthat()
  # devtools::load_all("C:/Users/Mason/OneDrive/Novartis_2019_internship/dynmodel_github/nlmixr/")
  ## devtools::install("C:/Users/Mason/OneDrive/Novartis_2019_internship/dynmodel_github/nlmixr", dependencies = FALSE, quick=TRUE)

  # Additive and Proportional Error Model Test ------------------------------
  additiveProportionalErrorTest <- function(CL1.tol = NULL, V1.tol = NULL, add.tol = NULL, prop.tol = NULL,
                                            sigma.add = NULL, sigma.prop = NULL, print.results = NULL, print.plot = NULL, seed = NULL,
                                            method = NULL, covMethod = "nlmixrHess", nlmixrOutput = NULL) {

    # library -----------------------------------------------------------------

    # RxODE 1CM Code  ---------------------------------------------------------
    # Structural Model ---
    ode <- "
      k10 = CL1/V1;
      d/dt(centr) = -k10*centr;
      PRED = C1
    model <- RxODE(model = ode)
    et <- eventTable()
    dose <- 250
      dose = dose
      time = 1:96
    parameters <- c(CL1 = 3, V1 = 75)
    output <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, parameters))

    # default values ----------------------------------------------------------
    if (is.null(CL1.tol)) CL1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(V1.tol)) V1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(add.tol)) add.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(prop.tol)) prop.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(sigma.add)) sigma.add <- 0.02
    if (is.null(sigma.prop)) sigma.prop <- 0.1
    if (is.null(print.results)) print.results <- FALSE
    if (is.null(print.plot)) print.plot <- FALSE
    if (!is.null(seed)) {
    if (is.null(method)) method <- "bobyqa"
    if (is.null(nlmixrOutput)) nlmixrOutput <- F

    # error model -------------------------------------------------------------
    # Define error terms ---
    eps.add <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.add)
    eps.prop <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.prop)

    # combine sigma terms (for testing below)
    sigma <- c()
    sigma <- if (sigma.add > 0) c(sigma, add = sigma.add) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.prop > 0) c(sigma, prop = sigma.prop) else c(sigma)

    # Error model ---
    .output <- data.frame(time = output$time)
    .F <- output$C1
    .output$PRED <- .F + .F * eps.prop + eps.add

    # resample instead of deleting (optional)

    any(.output$PRED < 0)
    r <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(.output$PRED)) {
      if (.output$PRED[i] < 0) {
        r <- c(r, i)

    .output <- if (!is.null(r)) .output[-c(r), ] else .output
    output <- if (!is.null(r)) output[-c(r), ] else output

    # Parameter Estimation ---
    inits <- c(CL1 = 1, V1 = 10)
    data <- data.frame(time = .output$time, cp = .output$PRED)

    # Used to edit error model for combination of parameters
    if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol)
    } else if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol)

    et <- eventTable()
      dose = 250
      time = data$time

    et$dv <- c(0, data$cp)
    et$cp <- c(0, data$cp)

    # dynmodel ----------------------------------------------------------------
    control <- dynmodelControl(method = method, nlmixrOutput = nlmixrOutput, covMethod = covMethod) # , lower=c(0,0,0), upper = c(5,100,1)) #bobyqa, Nelder-Mead, lbfgsb3c, PORT

    (fit <- dynmodel(system = model, model = error.model, data = et, inits = inits, control = control))

    # Testing ---
    test.fit.pars <- fit$res[, 1]
    ref.fit.pars <- c(parameters, sigma)
    rel.diff <- abs((test.fit.pars - ref.fit.pars) / ref.fit.pars)

    # Simulation and Estimation Plot ---
    errorless.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, Y = output$C1, Type = rep("Errorless  Sim", length(output$time)))
    error.data <- data.frame(Time = .output$time, Y = .output$PRED, Type = rep("Error Sim", length(.output$time)))
    fit.data <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, fit$res[c(1, 2)]))
    fit.data <- data.frame(Time = fit.data$time, Y = fit.data$PRED, Type = rep("Error Fit", length(fit.data$time)))
    plot1.data <- rbind(errorless.data, error.data, fit.data)

    p1 <- xyplot(Y ~ Time,
      data = plot1.data, groups = factor(Type, labels = c("Errorless", "Error", "Fit")), main = "Simulated and Estimation",
      pch = 20, auto.key = list(columns = 3), type = c("p", "g"), scales = list(y = list(log = 10))
    # yscale.components = yscale.components.log10ticks)

    # Residual Plot ---
    residual.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, RES = output$C1 - .output$PRED)
    p2 <- xyplot(RES ~ Time, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 0)

    # Histogram Plot of Error vs. Non-error
    p3 <- histogram(~RES, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", type = "density", breaks = dim(residual.data)[1])

    # Error vs. Non-error
    obs.err.plot <- data.frame(Error = .output$PRED, noError = output$C1)
    p4 <- xyplot(Error ~ noError, data = obs.err.plot, main = "Error vs. Errorless", xlab = "Errorless", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1)

    options(warn = -1) # mute warnings here
    if (print.plot) {
      grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2)
    options(warn = 0)

    test_that("Additive and Proportional Error Model Test", {
      for (i in 1:length(ref.tol)) {
          rel.diff[i] < ref.tol[i],
          paste(names(rel.diff[i]), "Estimation out of tolerance range: +/-", ref.tol[i], "(", rel.diff[i], ")")
      if (print.results) {
        fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters, sigma), fit$res)

  # Working Tests
  # Check proc time outside of the function proc.time()
  additiveProportionalErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1, method = "bobyqa")
  additiveProportionalErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1, method = "PORT")
  additiveProportionalErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1, method = "Nelder-Mead")
  additiveProportionalErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.prop = 0, seed = 1, method = "bobyqa", covMethod = "optimHess")

  additiveProportionalErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.add = 0, seed = 1)
  additiveProportionalErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, seed = 1)

  # #########################################################################

  # Power Error Model Test --------------------------------------------------
  powerErrorTest <- function(CL1.tol = NULL, V1.tol = NULL, add.tol = NULL, pow.tol = NULL, pow2.tol = NULL,
                             sigma.add = NULL, sigma.pow = NULL, pow2 = NULL,
                             print.results = NULL, print.plot = NULL, seed = NULL) {

    # RxODE 1CM Code --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Structural Model ---
    ode <- "
      k10 = CL1/V1;
      d/dt(centr) = -k10*centr;
      PRED = C1
    model <- RxODE(model = ode)
    et <- eventTable()
    dose <- 250
      dose = dose
      time = 1:96
    parameters <- c(CL1 = 3, V1 = 75)
    output <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, parameters))

    # #########################################################################

    # Set default tolerances and error model parameters
    if (is.null(CL1.tol)) CL1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(V1.tol)) V1.tol <- 0.25

    if (is.null(add.tol)) add.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(pow.tol)) pow.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(pow2.tol)) pow2.tol <- 0.75

    if (is.null(sigma.add)) sigma.add <- 0
    if (is.null(sigma.pow)) sigma.pow <- 0.01
    if (is.null(pow2)) pow2 <- 0.75

    if (is.null(print.results)) print.results <- FALSE
    if (is.null(print.plot)) print.plot <- FALSE

    if (!is.null(seed)) {


    # Define error terms ---
    eps.add <- if (sigma.pow == 0) {
    } else {
      rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.add)

    eps.pow <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.pow)

    # combine sigma terms (for testing below)
    sigma <- c()
    sigma <- if (sigma.add > 0) c(sigma, add = sigma.add) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.pow > 0) c(sigma, pow = sigma.pow) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (pow2 > 0) c(sigma, pow2 = pow2) else c(sigma)

    # Error model ---
    .output <- data.frame(time = output$time)
    .F <- output$C1
    .output$PRED <- .F + eps.pow * .F^(pow2) + eps.add

    # resample instead of deleting (optional)

    any(.output$PRED < 0)
    r <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(.output$PRED)) {
      if (.output$PRED[i] < 0) {
        r <- c(r, i)
    .output <- if (!is.null(r)) .output[-c(r), ] else .output
    output <- if (!is.null(r)) output[-c(r), ] else output

    # Parameter Estimation ---
    inits <- c(CL1 = 2, V1 = 75)
    data <- data.frame(time = .output$time, cp = .output$PRED)

    # Used to edit error model for combination of parameters
    if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "pow") & any(names(sigma) %in% "pow2")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + pow(0.01) + pow2(0.75)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol, pow = pow.tol, pow2 = pow2.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "pow") & any(names(sigma) %in% "pow2")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + pow(0.01) + pow2(0.75)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, pow = pow.tol, pow2 = pow2.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "pow2")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + pow2(0.75)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, pow2 = pow2.tol)

    et <- eventTable()
      dose = 250
      time = data$time

    control <- dynmodelControl(method = "Nelder-Mead") # , lower=c(0,0,0), upper = c(5,100,1)) #bobyqa, Nelder-Mead, lbfgsb3c, PORT
    # control = dynmodelControl(method = "Nelder-Mead", normType = "constant", scaleType = "norm")

    (fit <- dynmodel(system = model, model = error.model, evTable = et, inits = inits, data = data, control = control))

    # Testing ---
    test.fit.pars <- fit$res[, 1]
    ref.fit.pars <- c(parameters, sigma)
    rel.diff <- abs((test.fit.pars - ref.fit.pars) / ref.fit.pars)

    # Simulation and Estimation Plot ---
    errorless.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, Y = output$C1, Type = rep("Errorless  Sim", length(output$time)))
    error.data <- data.frame(Time = .output$time, Y = .output$PRED, Type = rep("Error Sim", length(.output$time)))
    fit.data <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, fit$res[c(1, 2)]))
    fit.data <- data.frame(Time = fit.data$time, Y = fit.data$PRED, Type = rep("Error Fit", length(fit.data$time)))
    plot1.data <- rbind(errorless.data, error.data, fit.data)

    p1 <- xyplot(Y ~ Time,
      data = plot1.data, groups = factor(Type, labels = c("Errorless", "Error", "Fit")), main = "Simulated and Estimation",
      pch = 20, auto.key = list(columns = 3), type = c("p", "g"), scales = list(y = list(log = 10))
    # yscale.components = yscale.components.log10ticks)

    # Residual Plot ---
    residual.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, RES = output$C1 - .output$PRED)
    p2 <- xyplot(RES ~ Time, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 0)

    # Histogram Plot of Error vs. Non-error
    p3 <- histogram(~RES, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", type = "density", breaks = dim(residual.data)[1])

    # Error vs. Non-error
    obs.err.plot <- data.frame(Error = .output$PRED, noError = output$C1)
    p4 <- xyplot(Error ~ noError, data = obs.err.plot, main = "Error vs. Errorless", xlab = "Errorless", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1)

    options(warn = -1) # mute warnings here
    if (print.plot) {
      grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2)
    options(warn = 0)

    test_that("Power Error Model Test", {
      for (i in 1:length(ref.tol)) {
          rel.diff[i] < ref.tol[i],
          paste(names(rel.diff[i]), "Estimation out of tolerance range: +/-", ref.tol[i], "(", rel.diff[i], ")")
      if (print.results) {
        fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters, sigma), fit$res)

  # #########################################################################

  # logn Error Model Test ---------------------------------------------------
  lognErrorTest <- function(CL1.tol = NULL, V1.tol = NULL, add.tol = NULL, prop.tol = NULL,
                            sigma.add = NULL, sigma.prop = NULL,
                            print.results = NULL, print.plot = NULL, seed = NULL,
                            pow.tol = NULL, pow2.tol = NULL, sigma.pow = NULL, pow2 = NULL) {

    # RxODE 1CM Code --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Structural Model ---
    ode <- "
      k10 = CL1/V1;
      d/dt(centr) = -k10*centr;
      PRED = C1
    model <- RxODE(model = ode)
    et <- eventTable()
    dose <- 250
      dose = dose
      time = 1:96
    parameters <- c(CL1 = 3, V1 = 75)
    output <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, parameters))

    # #########################################################################

    # Set default tolerances and error model parameters
    if (is.null(CL1.tol)) CL1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(V1.tol)) V1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(add.tol)) add.tol <- 0.5
    if (is.null(prop.tol)) prop.tol <- 0.5

    if (is.null(sigma.add)) sigma.add <- 0.025
    if (is.null(sigma.prop)) sigma.prop <- 0.025

    if (is.null(print.results)) print.results <- FALSE
    if (is.null(print.plot)) print.plot <- FALSE

    if (is.null(pow.tol)) pow.tol <- 0.3
    if (is.null(pow2.tol)) pow2.tol <- 0.3
    if (is.null(sigma.pow)) sigma.pow <- 0
    if (is.null(pow2)) pow2 <- 1

    if (!is.null(seed)) {

    # load library for BoxCox transform and inverse
    ## library(forecast)

    # Error model ---
    .sim.output <- output
    .output <- data.frame(time = .sim.output$time)

    # Define error terms ---

    # resample make above -1/lambda
    eps.add <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$C1), 0, sigma.add)
    eps.prop <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$C1), 0, sigma.prop)
    eps.pow <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$C1), 0, sigma.pow)

    # combine sigma terms (for testing below)
    sigma <- c()
    sigma <- if (sigma.add > 0) c(sigma, add = sigma.add) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.prop > 0) c(sigma, prop = sigma.prop) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.pow > 0) c(sigma, pow = sigma.pow, pow2 = pow2) else c(sigma)

    # transform observed data
    h.y <- boxCox(.sim.output$C1, 0)

    # add error on transformed data
    if (sigma.pow > 0) {
      h.y.error <- h.y + eps.pow * .sim.output$C1^(pow2) + eps.add
    } else {
      h.y.error <- h.y + eps.prop * .sim.output$C1 + eps.add

    # inverse the transform
    .output$PRED <- iBoxCox(h.y.error, 0)

    # resample instead of deleting (optional)
    if (any(.output$PRED < 0)) stop("negative observations not permitted with log normal testing")
    r <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(.output$PRED)) {
      if (.output$PRED[i] < 0) {
        r <- c(r, i)
    .output <- if (!is.null(r)) .output[-c(r), ] else .output
    .sim.output <- if (!is.null(r)) .sim.output[-c(r), ] else .sim.output

    # Parameter Estimation ---
    inits <- c(CL1 = 1, V1 = 10)
    data <- data.frame(time = .output$time, cp = .output$PRED)

    if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + prop(0.01) + logn(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "prop") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "pow")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + logn(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol)
    } else if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + prop(0.01) + logn(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "pow") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "add")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + pow(0.01) + pow2(0.75) + logn(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, pow = pow.tol, pow2 = pow2.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "pow") & any(names(sigma) %in% "add")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + pow(0.01) + pow2(0.75) + add(0.01) + logn(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, pow = pow.tol, pow2 = pow2.tol, add = sigma.add)

    et <- eventTable()
      dose = dose
      time = data$time

    control <- dynmodelControl(method = "bobyqa") # , lower=c(0,0,0), upper = c(5,100,1)) #bobyqa, Nelder-Mead, lbfgsb3c, PORT

    (fit <- dynmodel(system = model, model = error.model, evTable = et, inits = inits, data = data, control = control))

    # Simulation and Estimation Plot ---
    errorless.data <- data.frame(Time = .sim.output$time, Y = .sim.output$C1, Type = rep("Errorless  Sim", length(.sim.output$time)))
    error.data <- data.frame(Time = .output$time, Y = .output$PRED, Type = rep("Error Sim", length(.output$time)))
    fit.data <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, fit$res[c(1, 2)]))
    fit.data <- data.frame(Time = fit.data$time, Y = fit.data$PRED, Type = rep("Error Fit", length(fit.data$time)))
    plot1.data <- rbind(errorless.data, error.data, fit.data)

    p1 <- xyplot(Y ~ Time,
      data = plot1.data, groups = factor(Type, labels = c("Errorless", "Error", "Fit")), main = "Simulated and Estimation",
      pch = 20, auto.key = list(columns = 3), type = c("p", "g")
    ) # , scales = list(y = list(log = 10)), yscale.components = yscale.components.log10ticks)

    # Residual Plot ---
    residual.data <- data.frame(Time = .sim.output$time, RES = .sim.output$C1 - .output$PRED)
    p2 <- xyplot(RES ~ Time, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 0)

    # Histogram Plot of Error vs. Non-error
    p3 <- histogram(~RES, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", type = "density", breaks = dim(residual.data)[1])

    # Error vs. Non-error
    obs.err.plot <- data.frame(Error = .output$PRED, noError = .sim.output$C1)
    p4 <- xyplot(Error ~ noError, data = obs.err.plot, main = "Error vs. Errorless", xlab = "Errorless", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1)

    options(warn = -1) # mute warnings here
    if (print.plot) {
      grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2)
    options(warn = 0)

    # Testing ---
    test.fit.pars <- fit$res[, 1]
    ref.fit.pars <- c(parameters, sigma)
    rel.diff <- abs((test.fit.pars - ref.fit.pars) / ref.fit.pars)

    test_that("log Normal, Additive and Proportional Error Model Test", {
      for (i in 1:length(ref.tol)) {
        expect(rel.diff[i] < ref.tol[i], paste(
          "Estimation out of tolerance range: +/-", ref.tol[i],
          "(", rel.diff[i], ")"
      if (print.results) {
        fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters, sigma), fit$res)

  # Working tests
  # additive error test
  lognErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, seed = 1)

  # additive + proportional error test
  lognErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0.025, seed = 1)

  # proportional error test
  lognErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0.025, seed = 1) # fails with seed=4

  # power model
  lognErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, sigma.pow = 0.025, pow2 = 2, seed = 1)

  # #########################################################################

  # dlnorm Error Model Test ---------------------------------------------------
  dlnormErrorTest <- function(CL1.tol = NULL, V1.tol = NULL, add.tol = NULL, prop.tol = NULL,
                              sigma.add = NULL, sigma.prop = NULL,
                              print.results = NULL, print.plot = NULL, seed = NULL,
                              pow.tol = NULL, pow2.tol = NULL, sigma.pow = NULL, pow2 = NULL) {

    # RxODE 1CM Code --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Structural Model ---
    ode <- "
      k10 = CL1/V1;
      d/dt(centr) = -k10*centr;
      PRED = C1
    model <- RxODE(model = ode)
    et <- eventTable()
    dose <- 250
      dose = dose
      time = 1:96
    parameters <- c(CL1 = 3, V1 = 75)
    output <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, parameters))

    # #########################################################################

    # Set default tolerances and error model parameters
    if (is.null(CL1.tol)) CL1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(V1.tol)) V1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(add.tol)) add.tol <- 0.5
    if (is.null(prop.tol)) prop.tol <- 0.5

    if (is.null(sigma.add)) sigma.add <- 0.025
    if (is.null(sigma.prop)) sigma.prop <- 0.025

    if (is.null(print.results)) print.results <- FALSE
    if (is.null(print.plot)) print.plot <- FALSE

    if (is.null(pow.tol)) pow.tol <- 0.3
    if (is.null(pow2.tol)) pow2.tol <- 0.3
    if (is.null(sigma.pow)) sigma.pow <- 0
    if (is.null(pow2)) pow2 <- 1

    if (!is.null(seed)) {

    # load library for BoxCox transform and inverse

    # Error model ---
    .sim.output <- output
    .output <- data.frame(time = .sim.output$time)

    # Define error terms ---

    # resample make above -1/lambda
    eps.add <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$C1), 0, sigma.add)
    eps.prop <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$C1), 0, sigma.prop)
    eps.pow <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$C1), 0, sigma.pow)

    # combine sigma terms (for testing below)
    sigma <- c()
    sigma <- if (sigma.add > 0) c(sigma, add = sigma.add) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.prop > 0) c(sigma, prop = sigma.prop) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.pow > 0) c(sigma, pow = sigma.pow, pow2 = pow2) else c(sigma)

    # transform observed data
    h.y <- boxCox(.sim.output$C1, 0)

    # add error on transformed data
    if (sigma.pow > 0) {
      h.y.error <- h.y + eps.pow * .sim.output$C1^(pow2) + eps.add
    } else {
      h.y.error <- h.y + eps.prop * .sim.output$C1 + eps.add

    # inverse the transform
    .output$PRED <- iBoxCox(h.y.error, 0)

    # resample instead of deleting (optional)
    if (any(.output$PRED < 0)) stop("negative observations not permitted with log normal testing")
    r <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(.output$PRED)) {
      if (.output$PRED[i] < 0) {
        r <- c(r, i)
    .output <- if (!is.null(r)) .output[-c(r), ] else .output
    .sim.output <- if (!is.null(r)) .sim.output[-c(r), ] else .sim.output

    # Parameter Estimation ---
    inits <- c(CL1 = 1, V1 = 10)
    data <- data.frame(time = .output$time, cp = .output$PRED)

    if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + prop(0.01) + dlnorm(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "prop") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "pow")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + dlnorm(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol)
    } else if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + prop(0.01) + dlnorm(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "pow") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "add")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + pow(0.01) + pow2(0.75) + dlnorm(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, pow = pow.tol, pow2 = pow2.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "pow") & any(names(sigma) %in% "add")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + pow(0.01) + pow2(0.75) + add(0.01) + dlnorm(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, pow = pow.tol, pow2 = pow2.tol, add = sigma.add)

    et <- eventTable()
      dose = dose
      time = data$time

    control <- dynmodelControl(method = "bobyqa") # , lower=c(0,0,0), upper = c(5,100,1)) #bobyqa, Nelder-Mead, lbfgsb3c, PORT

    (fit <- dynmodel(system = model, model = error.model, evTable = et, inits = inits, data = data, control = control))

    # Simulation and Estimation Plot ---
    errorless.data <- data.frame(Time = .sim.output$time, Y = .sim.output$C1, Type = rep("Errorless  Sim", length(.sim.output$time)))
    error.data <- data.frame(Time = .output$time, Y = .output$PRED, Type = rep("Error Sim", length(.output$time)))
    fit.data <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, fit$res[c(1, 2)]))
    fit.data <- data.frame(Time = fit.data$time, Y = fit.data$PRED, Type = rep("Error Fit", length(fit.data$time)))
    plot1.data <- rbind(errorless.data, error.data, fit.data)

    p1 <- xyplot(Y ~ Time,
      data = plot1.data, groups = factor(Type, labels = c("Errorless", "Error", "Fit")), main = "Simulated and Estimation",
      pch = 20, auto.key = list(columns = 3), type = c("p", "g")
    ) # , scales = list(y = list(log = 10)), yscale.components = yscale.components.log10ticks)

    # Residual Plot ---
    residual.data <- data.frame(Time = .sim.output$time, RES = .sim.output$C1 - .output$PRED)
    p2 <- xyplot(RES ~ Time, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 0)

    # Histogram Plot of Error vs. Non-error
    p3 <- histogram(~RES, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", type = "density", breaks = dim(residual.data)[1])

    # Error vs. Non-error
    obs.err.plot <- data.frame(Error = .output$PRED, noError = .sim.output$C1)
    p4 <- xyplot(Error ~ noError, data = obs.err.plot, main = "Error vs. Errorless", xlab = "Errorless", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1)

    options(warn = -1) # mute warnings here
    if (print.plot) {
      grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2)
    options(warn = 0)

    # Testing ---
    test.fit.pars <- fit$res[, 1]
    ref.fit.pars <- c(parameters, sigma)
    rel.diff <- abs((test.fit.pars - ref.fit.pars) / ref.fit.pars)

    test_that("lol Normal (dlnorm), Additive and Proportional Error Model Test", {
      for (i in 1:length(ref.tol)) {
        expect(rel.diff[i] < ref.tol[i], paste(
          "Estimation out of tolerance range: +/-", ref.tol[i],
          "(", rel.diff[i], ")"
      if (print.results) {
        fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters, sigma), fit$res)

  # Working tests
  # additive error test
  dlnormErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, seed = 1)

  # additive + proportional error test
  dlnormErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0.025, seed = 1)

  # proportional error test
  dlnormErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0.025, seed = 1) # fails with seed=4

  # power model
  dlnormErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, sigma.pow = 0.025, pow2 = 2, seed = 1)

  # #########################################################################

  # norm Error Model Test ---------------------------------------------------
  normErrorTest <- function(CL1.tol = NULL, V1.tol = NULL, norm.tol = NULL, prop.tol = NULL,
                            sigma.norm = NULL, sigma.prop = NULL, print.results = NULL, print.plot = NULL, seed = NULL) {

    # RxODE 1CM Code --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Structural Model ---
    ode <- "
    k10 = CL1/V1;
    d/dt(centr) = -k10*centr;
    PRED = C1
    model <- RxODE(model = ode)
    et <- eventTable()
    dose <- 250
      dose = dose
      time = 1:96
    parameters <- c(CL1 = 3, V1 = 75)
    output <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, parameters))

    # #########################################################################


    # Set default tolerances and error model parameters
    if (is.null(CL1.tol)) CL1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(V1.tol)) V1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(norm.tol)) norm.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(prop.tol)) prop.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(sigma.norm)) sigma.norm <- 0.02
    if (is.null(sigma.prop)) sigma.prop <- 0.1
    if (is.null(print.results)) print.results <- FALSE
    if (is.null(print.plot)) print.plot <- FALSE
    if (!is.null(seed)) {


    # Define error terms ---
    eps.norm <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.norm)
    eps.prop <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.prop)

    # combine sigma terms (for testing below)
    sigma <- c()
    sigma <- if (sigma.norm > 0) c(sigma, norm = sigma.norm) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.prop > 0) c(sigma, prop = sigma.prop) else c(sigma)

    # Error model ---
    .output <- data.frame(time = output$time)
    .F <- output$C1
    .output$PRED <- .F + .F * eps.prop + eps.norm

    # resample instead of deleting (optional)

    any(.output$PRED < 0)
    r <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(.output$PRED)) {
      if (.output$PRED[i] < 0) {
        r <- c(r, i)

    .output <- if (!is.null(r)) .output[-c(r), ] else .output
    output <- if (!is.null(r)) output[-c(r), ] else output

    # Parameter Estimation ---
    inits <- c(CL1 = 1, V1 = 10)
    data <- data.frame(time = .output$time, cp = .output$PRED)

    # Used to edit error model for combination of parameters
    if (any(names(sigma) %in% "norm") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + norm(0.01) + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, norm = norm.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "norm") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + norm(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, norm = norm.tol)
    } else if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "norm") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + norm(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol)

    et <- eventTable()
      dose = 250
      time = data$time

    control <- dynmodelControl(method = "Nelder-Mead") # , lower=c(0,0,0), upper = c(5,100,1)) #bobyqa, Nelder-Mead, lbfgsb3c, PORT

    (fit <- dynmodel(system = model, model = error.model, evTable = et, inits = inits, data = data, control = control))

    # Testing ---

    test.fit.pars <- fit$res[, 1]
    ref.fit.pars <- c(parameters, sigma)
    if (any("prop" %in% names(sigma)) & any("norm" %in% names(sigma))) {
      ref.fit.pars <- c(ref.fit.pars[1], ref.fit.pars[2], ref.fit.pars[4], ref.fit.pars[3])
    rel.diff <- abs((test.fit.pars - ref.fit.pars) / ref.fit.pars)

    # Simulation and Estimation Plot ---
    errorless.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, Y = output$C1, Type = rep("Errorless  Sim", length(output$time)))
    error.data <- data.frame(Time = .output$time, Y = .output$PRED, Type = rep("Error Sim", length(.output$time)))
    fit.data <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, fit$res[c(1, 2)]))
    fit.data <- data.frame(Time = fit.data$time, Y = fit.data$PRED, Type = rep("Error Fit", length(fit.data$time)))
    plot1.data <- rbind(errorless.data, error.data, fit.data)

    p1 <- xyplot(Y ~ Time,
      data = plot1.data, groups = factor(Type, labels = c("Errorless", "Error", "Fit")), main = "Simulated and Estimation",
      pch = 20, auto.key = list(columns = 3), type = c("p", "g"), scales = list(y = list(log = 10)),
      yscale.components = yscale.components.log10ticks

    # Residual Plot ---
    residual.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, RES = output$C1 - .output$PRED)
    p2 <- xyplot(RES ~ Time, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 0)

    # Histogram Plot of Error vs. Non-error
    p3 <- histogram(~RES, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", type = "density", breaks = dim(residual.data)[1])

    # Error vs. Non-error
    obs.err.plot <- data.frame(Error = .output$PRED, noError = output$C1)
    p4 <- xyplot(Error ~ noError, data = obs.err.plot, main = "Error vs. Errorless", xlab = "Errorless", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1)

    options(warn = -1) # mute warnings here
    if (print.plot) {
      grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2)
    options(warn = 0)

    test_that("Norm Error Model Test", {
      for (i in 1:length(ref.tol)) {
          rel.diff[i] < ref.tol[i],
          paste(names(rel.diff[i]), "Estimation out of tolerance range: +/-", ref.tol[i], "(", rel.diff[i], ")")
      if (print.results) {
        if (any("prop" %in% names(sigma)) & any("norm" %in% names(sigma))) {
          fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters, c(sigma[2], sigma[1])), fit$res)
        } else {
          fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters, sigma), fit$res)
  # Working Tests
  normErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1)
  normErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.prop = 0, seed = 1)
  normErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.norm = 0, seed = 1)

  # #########################################################################

  # dnorm Error Model Test --------------------------------------------------
  dnormErrorTest <- function(CL1.tol = NULL, V1.tol = NULL, dnorm.tol = NULL, prop.tol = NULL,
                             sigma.dnorm = NULL, sigma.prop = NULL, print.results = NULL, print.plot = NULL, seed = NULL) {

    # RxODE 1CM Code --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Structural Model ---
    ode <- "
    k10 = CL1/V1;
    d/dt(centr) = -k10*centr;
    PRED = C1
    model <- RxODE(model = ode)
    et <- eventTable()
    dose <- 250
      dose = dose
      time = 1:96
    parameters <- c(CL1 = 3, V1 = 75)
    output <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, parameters))

    # #########################################################################


    # Set default tolerances and error model parameters
    if (is.null(CL1.tol)) CL1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(V1.tol)) V1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(dnorm.tol)) dnorm.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(prop.tol)) prop.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(sigma.dnorm)) sigma.dnorm <- 0.02
    if (is.null(sigma.prop)) sigma.prop <- 0.1
    if (is.null(print.results)) print.results <- FALSE
    if (is.null(print.plot)) print.plot <- FALSE
    if (!is.null(seed)) {


    # Define error terms ---
    eps.dnorm <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.dnorm)
    eps.prop <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.prop)

    # combine sigma terms (for testing below)
    sigma <- c()
    sigma <- if (sigma.dnorm > 0) c(sigma, dnorm = sigma.dnorm) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.prop > 0) c(sigma, prop = sigma.prop) else c(sigma)

    # Error model ---
    .output <- data.frame(time = output$time)
    .F <- output$C1
    .output$PRED <- .F + .F * eps.prop + eps.dnorm

    # resample instead of deleting (optional)

    any(.output$PRED < 0)
    r <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(.output$PRED)) {
      if (.output$PRED[i] < 0) {
        r <- c(r, i)

    .output <- if (!is.null(r)) .output[-c(r), ] else .output
    output <- if (!is.null(r)) output[-c(r), ] else output

    # Parameter Estimation ---
    inits <- c(CL1 = 1, V1 = 10)
    data <- data.frame(time = .output$time, cp = .output$PRED)

    # Used to edit error model for combination of parameters
    if (any(names(sigma) %in% "dnorm") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + dnorm(0.01) + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, dnorm = dnorm.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "dnorm") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + dnorm(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, dnorm = dnorm.tol)
    } else if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "dnorm") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + dnorm(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol)

    et <- eventTable()
      dose = 250
      time = data$time

    control <- dynmodelControl(method = "Nelder-Mead") # , lower=c(0,0,0), upper = c(5,100,1)) #bobyqa, Nelder-Mead, lbfgsb3c, PORT

    (fit <- dynmodel(system = model, model = error.model, evTable = et, inits = inits, data = data, control = control))

    # Testing ---

    test.fit.pars <- fit$res[, 1]
    ref.fit.pars <- c(parameters, sigma)
    if (any("prop" %in% names(sigma)) & any("dnorm" %in% names(sigma))) {
      ref.fit.pars <- c(ref.fit.pars[1], ref.fit.pars[2], ref.fit.pars[4], ref.fit.pars[3])
    rel.diff <- abs((test.fit.pars - ref.fit.pars) / ref.fit.pars)

    # Simulation and Estimation Plot ---
    errorless.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, Y = output$C1, Type = rep("Errorless  Sim", length(output$time)))
    error.data <- data.frame(Time = .output$time, Y = .output$PRED, Type = rep("Error Sim", length(.output$time)))
    fit.data <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, fit$res[c(1, 2)]))
    fit.data <- data.frame(Time = fit.data$time, Y = fit.data$PRED, Type = rep("Error Fit", length(fit.data$time)))
    plot1.data <- rbind(errorless.data, error.data, fit.data)

    p1 <- xyplot(Y ~ Time,
      data = plot1.data, groups = factor(Type, labels = c("Errorless", "Error", "Fit")), main = "Simulated and Estimation",
      pch = 20, auto.key = list(columns = 3), type = c("p", "g"), scales = list(y = list(log = 10)),
      yscale.components = yscale.components.log10ticks

    # Residual Plot ---
    residual.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, RES = output$C1 - .output$PRED)
    p2 <- xyplot(RES ~ Time, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 0)

    # Histogram Plot of Error vs. Non-error
    p3 <- histogram(~RES, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", type = "density", breaks = dim(residual.data)[1])

    # Error vs. Non-error
    obs.err.plot <- data.frame(Error = .output$PRED, noError = output$C1)
    p4 <- xyplot(Error ~ noError, data = obs.err.plot, main = "Error vs. Errorless", xlab = "Errorless", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1)

    options(warn = -1) # mute warnings here
    if (print.plot) {
      grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2)
    options(warn = 0)

    test_that("Norm Error Model Test", {
      for (i in 1:length(ref.tol)) {
          rel.diff[i] < ref.tol[i],
          paste(names(rel.diff[i]), "Estimation out of tolerance range: +/-", ref.tol[i], "(", rel.diff[i], ")")
      if (print.results) {
        if (any("prop" %in% names(sigma)) & any("dnorm" %in% names(sigma))) {
          fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters, c(sigma[2], sigma[1])), fit$res)
        } else {
          fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters, sigma), fit$res)
  # Working Tests
  dnormErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1)
  dnormErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.prop = 0, seed = 1)
  dnormErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.dnorm = 0, seed = 1)
  # #########################################################################

  # Optimzation Test --------------------------------------------------
  optimizationAdditiveProportionalErrorTest <- function(CL1.tol = NULL, V1.tol = NULL, add.tol = NULL, prop.tol = NULL,
                                                        sigma.add = NULL, sigma.prop = NULL, print.results = NULL, print.plot = NULL, seed = NULL, method = NULL, nlmixrOutput = NULL) {

    # RxODE 1CM Code --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Structural Model ---
    ode <- "
    k10 = CL1/V1;
    d/dt(centr) = -k10*centr;
    PRED = C1
    model <- RxODE(model = ode)
    et <- eventTable()
    dose <- 250
      dose = dose
      time = 1:96
    parameters <- c(CL1 = 3, V1 = 75)
    output <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, parameters))

    # #########################################################################


    # Set default tolerances and error model parameters
    if (is.null(CL1.tol)) CL1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(V1.tol)) V1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(add.tol)) add.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(prop.tol)) prop.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(sigma.add)) sigma.add <- 0.02
    if (is.null(sigma.prop)) sigma.prop <- 0.1
    if (is.null(print.results)) print.results <- FALSE
    if (is.null(print.plot)) print.plot <- FALSE
    if (!is.null(seed)) {
    if (is.null(method)) method <- "bobyqa"
    if (is.null(nlmixrOutput)) nlmixrOutput <- F


    # Define error terms ---
    eps.add <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.add)
    eps.prop <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.prop)

    # combine sigma terms (for testing below)
    sigma <- c()
    sigma <- if (sigma.add > 0) c(sigma, add = sigma.add) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.prop > 0) c(sigma, prop = sigma.prop) else c(sigma)

    # Error model ---
    .output <- data.frame(time = output$time)
    .F <- output$C1
    .output$PRED <- .F + .F * eps.prop + eps.add

    # resample instead of deleting (optional)

    any(.output$PRED < 0)
    r <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(.output$PRED)) {
      if (.output$PRED[i] < 0) {
        r <- c(r, i)

    .output <- if (!is.null(r)) .output[-c(r), ] else .output
    output <- if (!is.null(r)) output[-c(r), ] else output

    # Parameter Estimation ---
    inits <- c(CL1 = 1, V1 = 10)
    data <- data.frame(time = .output$time, cp = .output$PRED)

    # Used to edit error model for combination of parameters
    if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol)
    } else if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol)

    et <- eventTable()
      dose = 250
      time = data$time

    et$dv <- c(0, data$cp)
    et$cp <- c(0, data$cp)

    control <- dynmodelControl(method = method, nlmixrOutput = nlmixrOutput) # , lower=c(0,0,0), upper = c(5,100,1)) #bobyqa, Nelder-Mead, lbfgsb3c, PORT

    (fit <- dynmodel(system = model, model = error.model, data = et, inits = inits, control = control))

    # Testing ---
    test.fit.pars <- fit$res[, 1]
    ref.fit.pars <- c(parameters, sigma)
    rel.diff <- abs((test.fit.pars - ref.fit.pars) / ref.fit.pars)

    # Simulation and Estimation Plot ---
    errorless.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, Y = output$C1, Type = rep("Errorless  Sim", length(output$time)))
    error.data <- data.frame(Time = .output$time, Y = .output$PRED, Type = rep("Error Sim", length(.output$time)))
    fit.data <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, fit$res[c(1, 2)]))
    fit.data <- data.frame(Time = fit.data$time, Y = fit.data$PRED, Type = rep("Error Fit", length(fit.data$time)))
    plot1.data <- rbind(errorless.data, error.data, fit.data)

    p1 <- xyplot(Y ~ Time,
      data = plot1.data, groups = factor(Type, labels = c("Errorless", "Error", "Fit")), main = "Simulated and Estimation",
      pch = 20, auto.key = list(columns = 3), type = c("p", "g"), scales = list(y = list(log = 10))
    # yscale.components = yscale.components.log10ticks)

    # Residual Plot ---
    residual.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, RES = output$C1 - .output$PRED)
    p2 <- xyplot(RES ~ Time, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 0)

    # Histogram Plot of Error vs. Non-error
    p3 <- histogram(~RES, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", type = "density", breaks = dim(residual.data)[1])

    # Error vs. Non-error
    obs.err.plot <- data.frame(Error = .output$PRED, noError = output$C1)
    p4 <- xyplot(Error ~ noError, data = obs.err.plot, main = "Error vs. Errorless", xlab = "Errorless", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1)

    options(warn = -1) # mute warnings here
    if (print.plot) {
      grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2)
    options(warn = 0)

    test_that("Additive and Proportional Error Model Test", {
      for (i in 1:length(ref.tol)) {
          rel.diff[i] < ref.tol[i],
          paste(names(rel.diff[i]), "Estimation out of tolerance range: +/-", ref.tol[i], "(", rel.diff[i], ")")
      if (print.results) {
        fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters, sigma), fit$res)

  # Working Tests
  optimizationAdditiveProportionalErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1, method = "Nelder-Mead")
  optimizationAdditiveProportionalErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1, method = "bobyqa")
  optimizationAdditiveProportionalErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1, method = "lbfgsb3c")
  optimizationAdditiveProportionalErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1, method = "PORT")

  # #########################################################################

  # boxCox Error Model Test -------------------------------------------------
  boxCoxErrorTest <- function(CL1.tol = NULL, V1.tol = NULL, add.tol = NULL, prop.tol = NULL, lambda.tol = NULL,
                              sigma.add = NULL, sigma.prop = NULL, lambda = NULL,
                              print.results = NULL, print.plot = NULL, seed = NULL,
                              pow.tol = NULL, pow2.tol = NULL, sigma.pow = NULL, pow2 = NULL, method = NULL) {

    # RxODE 1CM Code --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Structural Model ---
    ode <- "
    k10 = CL1/V1;
    d/dt(centr) = -k10*centr;
    PRED = C1
    model <- RxODE(model = ode)
    et <- eventTable()
    dose <- 250
      dose = dose
      time = 1:96
    parameters <- c(CL1 = 3, V1 = 75)
    output <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, parameters))

    # #########################################################################

    # Set default tolerances and error model parameters
    if (is.null(CL1.tol)) CL1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(V1.tol)) V1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(add.tol)) add.tol <- 0.5
    if (is.null(prop.tol)) prop.tol <- 0.5
    if (is.null(lambda.tol)) lambda.tol <- 0.5

    if (is.null(sigma.add)) sigma.add <- 0 # 0.025
    if (is.null(sigma.prop)) sigma.prop <- 0 # 0.025
    if (is.null(lambda)) lambda <- 0

    if (is.null(print.results)) print.results <- FALSE
    if (is.null(print.plot)) print.plot <- FALSE

    if (is.null(pow.tol)) pow.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(pow2.tol)) pow2.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(sigma.pow)) sigma.pow <- 0 # 0.01
    if (is.null(pow2)) pow2 <- 1

    if (!is.null(seed)) {
    if (is.null(method)) method <- "bobyqa"

    # load library for BoxCox transform and inverse

    # Error model ---
    .sim.output <- output
    .output <- data.frame(time = .sim.output$time)

    # Define error terms ---

    # resample make above -1/lambda
    eps.add <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$C1), 0, sigma.add)
    eps.prop <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$C1), 0, sigma.prop)
    eps.pow <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$C1), 0, sigma.pow)

    # combine sigma terms (for testing below)
    sigma <- c()
    sigma <- if (sigma.add > 0) c(sigma, add = sigma.add) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.prop > 0) c(sigma, prop = sigma.prop) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.pow > 0) c(sigma, pow = sigma.pow, pow2 = pow2) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (lambda != 0 & !is.null(sigma)) c(sigma, boxCox = lambda) else c(sigma)

    # transform observed data
    h.y <- boxCox(.sim.output$C1, lambda)

    # add error on transformed data
    if (sigma.pow > 0 & sigma.prop == 0) {
      h.y.error <- h.y + eps.pow * .sim.output$C1^(pow2) + eps.add
    } else {
      h.y.error <- h.y + eps.prop * .sim.output$C1 + eps.add

    # inverse the transform
    .output$PRED <- iBoxCox(h.y.error, lambda)

    # resample instead of deleting (optional)
    any(.output$PRED < 0)
    r <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(.output$PRED)) {
      if (.output$PRED[i] < 0) {
        r <- c(r, i)
    .output <- if (!is.null(r)) .output[-c(r), ] else .output
    .sim.output <- if (!is.null(r)) .sim.output[-c(r), ] else .sim.output

    # Parameter Estimation ---
    inits <- c(CL1 = 1, V1 = 10)
    data <- data.frame(time = .output$time, cp = .output$PRED)

    if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "boxCox") & any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + prop(0.01) + boxCox(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol, prop = prop.tol, lambda = lambda.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "prop") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "pow")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + boxCox(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol, lambda = lambda.tol)
    } else if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + prop(0.01) + boxCox(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, prop = prop.tol, lambda = lambda.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "pow") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "add")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + pow(0.01) + pow2(0.75) + boxCox(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, lambda = lambda.tol, pow = pow.tol, pow2 = pow2.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "pow") & any(names(sigma) %in% "add")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + pow(0.01) + pow2(0.75) + add(0.01) + boxCox(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, lambda = lambda.tol, pow = pow.tol, pow2 = pow2.tol, add = sigma.add)
    } else {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol)

    et <- eventTable()
      dose = dose
      time = data$time

    control <- dynmodelControl(method = method) # , lower=c(0,0,0), upper = c(5,100,1)) #bobyqa, Nelder-Mead, lbfgsb3c, PORT

    (fit <- dynmodel(system = model, model = error.model, evTable = et, inits = inits, data = data, control = control))

    # Simulation and Estimation Plot ---
    errorless.data <- data.frame(Time = .sim.output$time, Y = .sim.output$C1, Type = rep("Errorless  Sim", length(.sim.output$time)))
    error.data <- data.frame(Time = .output$time, Y = .output$PRED, Type = rep("Error Sim", length(.output$time)))
    fit.data <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, fit$res[c(1, 2)]))
    fit.data <- data.frame(Time = fit.data$time, Y = fit.data$PRED, Type = rep("Error Fit", length(fit.data$time)))
    plot1.data <- rbind(errorless.data, error.data, fit.data)

    p1 <- xyplot(Y ~ Time,
      data = plot1.data, groups = factor(Type, labels = c("Errorless", "Error", "Fit")), main = "Simulated and Estimation",
      pch = 20, auto.key = list(columns = 3), type = c("p", "g")
    ) # , scales = list(y = list(log = 10)), yscale.components = yscale.components.log10ticks)

    # Residual Plot ---
    residual.data <- data.frame(Time = .sim.output$time, RES = .sim.output$C1 - .output$PRED)
    p2 <- xyplot(RES ~ Time, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 0)

    # Histogram Plot of Error vs. Non-error
    p3 <- histogram(~RES, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", type = "density", breaks = dim(residual.data)[1])

    # Error vs. Non-error
    obs.err.plot <- data.frame(Error = .output$PRED, noError = .sim.output$C1)
    p4 <- xyplot(Error ~ noError, data = obs.err.plot, main = "Error vs. Errorless", xlab = "Errorless", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1)

    options(warn = -1) # mute warnings here
    if (print.plot) {
      grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2)
    options(warn = 0)

    # Testing ---
    test.fit.pars <- fit$res[, 1]
    ref.fit.pars <- c(parameters, sigma)
    rel.diff <- abs((test.fit.pars - ref.fit.pars) / ref.fit.pars)

    test_that("boxCox, Additive and Proportional Error Model Test", {
      for (i in 1:length(ref.tol)) {
        expect(rel.diff[i] < ref.tol[i], paste(
          "Estimation out of tolerance range: +/-", ref.tol[i],
          "(", rel.diff[i], ")"
      if (print.results) {
        fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters, sigma), fit$res)

  # Working tests
  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, sigma.pow = .125, pow2 = 0.75, lambda = 1.2, seed = 1)

  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, sigma.pow = .125, pow2 = 0.75, lambda = 1.2, seed = 5) # 4 parameters may be too many to estimate for the error model

  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = 1, seed = 1)
  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = 1, seed = 2)
  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = 1, seed = 5)
  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = 1, seed = 1)

  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = 1.2, seed = 1)
  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = 1.2, seed = 1)
  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = 1.2, seed = 2)
  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = 1.2, seed = 1)

  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = 0.75, seed = 1)
  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = 0.75, seed = 1)
  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = 0.75, seed = 1)
  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = 0.75, seed = 2) # fails: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10

  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = -1.2, seed = 1)
  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = -1.2, seed = 2)
  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = -1.2, seed = 7) # Hessian
  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = -1.2, seed = 1) # Hessian

  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = -0.75, seed = 1)
  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = -0.75, seed = 1)
  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = -0.75, seed = 2)
  boxCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = -0.75, seed = 5) # fails: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10

  # #########################################################################

  # tbs Error Model Test ----------------------------------------------------
  tbsErrorTest <- function(CL1.tol = NULL, V1.tol = NULL, add.tol = NULL, prop.tol = NULL, lambda.tol = NULL,
                           sigma.add = NULL, sigma.prop = NULL, lambda = NULL,
                           print.results = NULL, print.plot = NULL, seed = NULL,
                           pow.tol = NULL, pow2.tol = NULL, sigma.pow = NULL, pow2 = NULL) {

    # RxODE 1CM Code --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Structural Model ---
    ode <- "
    k10 = CL1/V1;
    d/dt(centr) = -k10*centr;
    PRED = C1
    model <- RxODE(model = ode)
    et <- eventTable()
    dose <- 250
      dose = dose
      time = 1:96
    parameters <- c(CL1 = 3, V1 = 75)
    output <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, parameters))

    # #########################################################################

    # Set default tolerances and error model parameters
    if (is.null(CL1.tol)) CL1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(V1.tol)) V1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(add.tol)) add.tol <- 0.5
    if (is.null(prop.tol)) prop.tol <- 0.5
    if (is.null(lambda.tol)) lambda.tol <- 0.5

    if (is.null(sigma.add)) sigma.add <- 0 # 0.025
    if (is.null(sigma.prop)) sigma.prop <- 0 # 0.025
    # if (is.null(lambda)) lambda = 0

    if (is.null(print.results)) print.results <- FALSE
    if (is.null(print.plot)) print.plot <- FALSE

    if (is.null(pow.tol)) pow.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(pow2.tol)) pow2.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(sigma.pow)) sigma.pow <- 0 # 0.01
    if (is.null(pow2)) pow2 <- 1

    if (!is.null(seed)) {

    # load library for BoxCox transform and inverse

    # Error model ---
    .sim.output <- output
    .output <- data.frame(time = .sim.output$time)

    # Define error terms ---

    # resample make above -1/lambda
    eps.add <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$C1), 0, sigma.add)
    eps.prop <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$C1), 0, sigma.prop)
    eps.pow <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$C1), 0, sigma.pow)

    # combine sigma terms (for testing below)
    sigma <- c()
    sigma <- if (sigma.add > 0) c(sigma, add = sigma.add) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.prop > 0) c(sigma, prop = sigma.prop) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.pow > 0) c(sigma, pow = sigma.pow, pow2 = pow2) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (lambda != 0 & !is.null(sigma)) c(sigma, tbs = lambda) else c(sigma)

    # transform observed data
    h.y <- boxCox(.sim.output$C1, lambda)

    # add error on transformed data
    if (sigma.pow > 0 & sigma.prop == 0) {
      h.y.error <- h.y + eps.pow * .sim.output$C1^(pow2) + eps.add
    } else {
      h.y.error <- h.y + eps.prop * .sim.output$C1 + eps.add

    # inverse the transform
    .output$PRED <- iBoxCox(h.y.error, lambda)

    # resample instead of deleting (optional)
    any(.output$PRED < 0)
    r <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(.output$PRED)) {
      if (.output$PRED[i] < 0) {
        r <- c(r, i)
    .output <- if (!is.null(r)) .output[-c(r), ] else .output
    .sim.output <- if (!is.null(r)) .sim.output[-c(r), ] else .sim.output

    # Parameter Estimation ---
    inits <- c(CL1 = 1, V1 = 10)
    data <- data.frame(time = .output$time, cp = .output$PRED)

    if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "tbs") & any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + prop(0.01) + tbs(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol, prop = prop.tol, lambda = lambda.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "prop") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "pow")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + tbs(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol, lambda = lambda.tol)
    } else if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + prop(0.01) + tbs(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, prop = prop.tol, lambda = lambda.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "pow") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "add")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + pow(0.01) + pow2(0.75) + tbs(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, lambda = lambda.tol, pow = pow.tol, pow2 = pow2.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "pow") & any(names(sigma) %in% "add")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + pow(0.01) + pow2(0.75) + add(0.01) + tbs(2)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, lambda = lambda.tol, pow = pow.tol, pow2 = pow2.tol, add = sigma.add)
    } else {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol)

    et <- eventTable()
      dose = dose
      time = data$time

    control <- dynmodelControl(method = "bobyqa") # , lower=c(0,0,0), upper = c(5,100,1)) #bobyqa, Nelder-Mead, lbfgsb3c, PORT

    (fit <- dynmodel(system = model, model = error.model, evTable = et, inits = inits, data = data, control = control))

    # Simulation and Estimation Plot ---
    errorless.data <- data.frame(Time = .sim.output$time, Y = .sim.output$C1, Type = rep("Errorless  Sim", length(.sim.output$time)))
    error.data <- data.frame(Time = .output$time, Y = .output$PRED, Type = rep("Error Sim", length(.output$time)))
    fit.data <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, fit$res[c(1, 2)]))
    fit.data <- data.frame(Time = fit.data$time, Y = fit.data$PRED, Type = rep("Error Fit", length(fit.data$time)))
    plot1.data <- rbind(errorless.data, error.data, fit.data)

    p1 <- xyplot(Y ~ Time,
      data = plot1.data, groups = factor(Type, labels = c("Errorless", "Error", "Fit")), main = "Simulated and Estimation",
      pch = 20, auto.key = list(columns = 3), type = c("p", "g")
    ) # , scales = list(y = list(log = 10)), yscale.components = yscale.components.log10ticks)

    # Residual Plot ---
    residual.data <- data.frame(Time = .sim.output$time, RES = .sim.output$C1 - .output$PRED)
    p2 <- xyplot(RES ~ Time, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 0)

    # Histogram Plot of Error vs. Non-error
    p3 <- histogram(~RES, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", type = "density", breaks = dim(residual.data)[1])

    # Error vs. Non-error
    obs.err.plot <- data.frame(Error = .output$PRED, noError = .sim.output$C1)
    p4 <- xyplot(Error ~ noError, data = obs.err.plot, main = "Error vs. Errorless", xlab = "Errorless", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1)

    options(warn = -1) # mute warnings here
    if (print.plot) {
      grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2)
    options(warn = 0)

    # Testing ---
    test.fit.pars <- fit$res[, 1]
    ref.fit.pars <- c(parameters, sigma)
    rel.diff <- abs((test.fit.pars - ref.fit.pars) / ref.fit.pars)

    test_that("boxCox, Additive and Proportional Error Model Test", {
      for (i in 1:length(ref.tol)) {
        expect(rel.diff[i] < ref.tol[i], paste(
          "Estimation out of tolerance range: +/-", ref.tol[i],
          "(", rel.diff[i], ")"
      if (print.results) {
        fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters, sigma), fit$res)

  # Working tests
  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, sigma.pow = .125, pow2 = 0.75, lambda = 1.2, seed = 1)

  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, sigma.pow = .125, pow2 = 0.75, lambda = 1.2, seed = 5) # 4 parameters may be too many to estimate for the error model

  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = 1, seed = 1)
  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = 1, seed = 2)
  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = 1, seed = 5)
  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = 1, seed = 1)

  tbsCoxErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = 1.2, seed = 1)
  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = 1.2, seed = 1)
  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = 1.2, seed = 2)
  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = 1.2, seed = 1)

  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = 0.75, seed = 1)
  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = 0.75, seed = 1)
  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = 0.75, seed = 1)
  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = 0.75, seed = 2) # fails: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10

  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = -1.2, seed = 1)
  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = -1.2, seed = 2)
  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = -1.2, seed = 7) # Hessian
  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = -1.2, seed = 1) # Hessian

  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = -0.75, seed = 1)
  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = -0.75, seed = 1)
  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = -0.75, seed = 2)
  tbsErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0.025, lambda = -0.75, seed = 5) # fails: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10

  # #########################################################################

  # Boundarries Test --------------------------------------------------
  boudaryTestErrorTest <- function(CL1.tol = NULL, V1.tol = NULL, add.tol = NULL, prop.tol = NULL,
                                   sigma.add = NULL, sigma.prop = NULL, print.results = NULL, print.plot = NULL, seed = NULL, method = NULL,
                                   lower = NULL, upper = NULL) {

    # RxODE 1CM Code --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Structural Model ---
    ode <- "
    k10 = CL1/V1;
    d/dt(centr) = -k10*centr;
    PRED = C1
    model <- RxODE(model = ode)
    et <- eventTable()
    dose <- 250
      dose = dose
      time = 1:96
    parameters <- c(CL1 = 3, V1 = 75)
    output <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, parameters))

    # #########################################################################


    # Set default tolerances and error model parameters
    if (is.null(CL1.tol)) CL1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(V1.tol)) V1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(add.tol)) add.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(prop.tol)) prop.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(sigma.add)) sigma.add <- 0.02
    if (is.null(sigma.prop)) sigma.prop <- 0.1
    if (is.null(print.results)) print.results <- FALSE
    if (is.null(print.plot)) print.plot <- FALSE
    if (!is.null(seed)) {
    if (is.null(lower)) .lower <- -Inf else .lower <- lower
    if (is.null(upper)) .upper <- Inf else .upper <- upper


    # Define error terms ---
    eps.add <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.add)
    eps.prop <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.prop)

    # combine sigma terms (for testing below)
    sigma <- c()
    sigma <- if (sigma.add > 0) c(sigma, add = sigma.add) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.prop > 0) c(sigma, prop = sigma.prop) else c(sigma)

    # Error model ---
    .output <- data.frame(time = output$time)
    .F <- output$C1
    .output$PRED <- .F + .F * eps.prop + eps.add

    # resample instead of deleting (optional)

    any(.output$PRED < 0)
    r <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(.output$PRED)) {
      if (.output$PRED[i] < 0) {
        r <- c(r, i)

    .output <- if (!is.null(r)) .output[-c(r), ] else .output
    output <- if (!is.null(r)) output[-c(r), ] else output

    # Parameter Estimation ---
    inits <- c(CL1 = 1, V1 = 10)
    data <- data.frame(time = .output$time, cp = .output$PRED)

    # Used to edit error model for combination of parameters
    if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol)
    } else if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol)

    et <- eventTable()
      dose = 250
      time = data$time

    control <- dynmodelControl(method = method, lower = .lower, upper = .upper) # bobyqa, Nelder-Mead, lbfgsb3c, PORT

    (fit <- dynmodel(system = model, model = error.model, evTable = et, inits = inits, data = data, control = control))

    # Testing ---
    test.fit.pars <- fit$res[, 1]
    ref.fit.pars <- c(parameters, sigma)
    rel.diff <- abs((test.fit.pars - ref.fit.pars) / ref.fit.pars)

    # Simulation and Estimation Plot ---
    errorless.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, Y = output$C1, Type = rep("Errorless  Sim", length(output$time)))
    error.data <- data.frame(Time = .output$time, Y = .output$PRED, Type = rep("Error Sim", length(.output$time)))
    fit.data <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, fit$res[c(1, 2)]))
    fit.data <- data.frame(Time = fit.data$time, Y = fit.data$PRED, Type = rep("Error Fit", length(fit.data$time)))
    plot1.data <- rbind(errorless.data, error.data, fit.data)

    p1 <- xyplot(Y ~ Time,
      data = plot1.data, groups = factor(Type, labels = c("Errorless", "Error", "Fit")), main = "Simulated and Estimation",
      pch = 20, auto.key = list(columns = 3), type = c("p", "g"), scales = list(y = list(log = 10)),
      yscale.components = yscale.components.log10ticks

    # Residual Plot ---
    residual.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, RES = output$C1 - .output$PRED)
    p2 <- xyplot(RES ~ Time, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 0)

    # Histogram Plot of Error vs. Non-error
    p3 <- histogram(~RES, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", type = "density", breaks = dim(residual.data)[1])

    # Error vs. Non-error
    obs.err.plot <- data.frame(Error = .output$PRED, noError = output$C1)
    p4 <- xyplot(Error ~ noError, data = obs.err.plot, main = "Error vs. Errorless", xlab = "Errorless", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1)

    options(warn = -1) # mute warnings here
    if (print.plot) {
      grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2)
    options(warn = 0)

    test_that("Boundary and Additive and Proportional Error Model Test", {
      for (i in 1:length(ref.tol)) {
          rel.diff[i] < ref.tol[i],
          paste(names(rel.diff[i]), "Estimation out of tolerance range: +/-", ref.tol[i], "(", rel.diff[i], ")")
      if (print.results) {
        fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters, sigma), fit$res)

  # Working Tests
  boudaryTestErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.prop = 0.01, seed = 1, method = "bobyqa", lower = c(-5, -5, -5, -5))
  # #########################################################################

  # nlmixrDynmodelConvert Additive + Proportional ---------------------------
  nlmixrDynmodelConvertErrorTest <- function(CL1.tol = NULL, V1.tol = NULL, add.tol = NULL, prop.tol = NULL,
                                             sigma.add = NULL, sigma.prop = NULL, print.results = NULL, print.plot = NULL, seed = NULL) {

    # RxODE 1CM Code --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Structural Model ---
    f <- function() {
        iCL1 <- 3 # Cl (L/hr)
        iV1 <- 75 # Vc (L)
        prop.err <- c(0, 0.2, 1)
        CL1 <- iCL1
        V1 <- iV1
        kel <- CL1 / V1
        d / dt(centr) <- -kel * centr
        C1 <- centr / V1
        C1 ~ prop(prop.err)

    nmf <- nlmixr(f)

    dynNlmixr <- nlmixrDynmodelConvert(nmf)

    model <- dynNlmixr$system

    et <- eventTable()
    dose <- 250
      dose = dose
      time = 1:96

    parameters <- dynNlmixr$inits

    output <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, parameters))
    # #########################################################################


    # Set default tolerances and error model parameters
    if (is.null(CL1.tol)) CL1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(V1.tol)) V1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(add.tol)) add.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(prop.tol)) prop.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(sigma.add)) sigma.add <- 0.02
    if (is.null(sigma.prop)) sigma.prop <- 0.1
    if (is.null(print.results)) print.results <- FALSE
    if (is.null(print.plot)) print.plot <- FALSE
    if (!is.null(seed)) {


    # Define error terms ---
    eps.add <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.add)
    eps.prop <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.prop)

    # combine sigma terms (for testing below)
    sigma <- c()
    sigma <- if (sigma.add > 0) c(sigma, add = sigma.add) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.prop > 0) c(sigma, prop = sigma.prop) else c(sigma)

    # Error model ---
    .output <- data.frame(time = output$time)
    .F <- output$C1
    .output$PRED <- .F + .F * eps.prop + eps.add

    # resample instead of deleting (optional)

    any(.output$PRED < 0)
    r <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(.output$PRED)) {
      if (.output$PRED[i] < 0) {
        r <- c(r, i)

    .output <- if (!is.null(r)) .output[-c(r), ] else .output
    output <- if (!is.null(r)) output[-c(r), ] else output

    # Parameter Estimation ---
    inits <- c(CL1 = 1, V1 = 10)
    data <- data.frame(time = .output$time, cp = .output$PRED)

    # Used to edit error model for combination of parameters
    if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol)
    } else if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol)

    et <- eventTable()
      dose = 250
      time = data$time

    control <- dynmodelControl(method = "Nelder-Mead") # , lower=c(0,0,0), upper = c(5,100,1)) #bobyqa, Nelder-Mead, lbfgsb3c, PORT

    (fit <- dynmodel(system = model, model = error.model, evTable = et, inits = inits, data = data, control = control))

    # Testing ---
    test.fit.pars <- fit$res[, 1]
    ref.fit.pars <- c(parameters, sigma)
    rel.diff <- abs((test.fit.pars - ref.fit.pars) / ref.fit.pars)

    # Simulation and Estimation Plot ---
    errorless.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, Y = output$C1, Type = rep("Errorless  Sim", length(output$time)))
    error.data <- data.frame(Time = .output$time, Y = .output$PRED, Type = rep("Error Sim", length(.output$time)))
    fit.data <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, fit$res[c(1, 2)]))
    fit.data <- data.frame(Time = fit.data$time, Y = fit.data$nlmixr_pred, Type = rep("Error Fit", length(fit.data$time)))
    plot1.data <- rbind(errorless.data, error.data, fit.data)

    p1 <- xyplot(Y ~ Time,
      data = plot1.data, groups = factor(Type, labels = c("Errorless", "Error", "Fit")), main = "Simulated and Estimation",
      pch = 20, auto.key = list(columns = 3), type = c("p", "g"), scales = list(y = list(log = 10)),
      yscale.components = yscale.components.log10ticks

    # Residual Plot ---
    residual.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, RES = output$C1 - .output$PRED)
    p2 <- xyplot(RES ~ Time, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 0)

    # Histogram Plot of Error vs. Non-error
    p3 <- histogram(~RES, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", type = "density", breaks = dim(residual.data)[1])

    # Error vs. Non-error
    obs.err.plot <- data.frame(Error = .output$PRED, noError = output$C1)
    p4 <- xyplot(Error ~ noError, data = obs.err.plot, main = "Error vs. Errorless", xlab = "Errorless", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1)

    options(warn = -1) # mute warnings here
    if (print.plot) {
      grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2)
    options(warn = 0)

    test_that("Additive and Proportional Error Model Test", {
      for (i in 1:length(ref.tol)) {
          rel.diff[i] < ref.tol[i],
          paste(names(rel.diff[i]), "Estimation out of tolerance range: +/-", ref.tol[i], "(", rel.diff[i], ")")
      if (print.results) {
        fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters, sigma), fit$res)

  # Working Tests
  nlmixrDynmodelConvertErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1)
  nlmixrDynmodelConvertErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.prop = 0, seed = 1)
  nlmixrDynmodelConvertErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.add = 0, seed = 1)
  nlmixrDynmodelConvertErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, seed = 1)

  # #########################################################################

  # Scaling Test ------------------------------
  ScalingTest <- function(CL1.tol = NULL, V1.tol = NULL, add.tol = NULL, prop.tol = NULL,
                          sigma.add = NULL, sigma.prop = NULL, print.results = NULL, print.plot = NULL, seed = NULL,
                          method = NULL, nlmixrOutput = NULL, control = NULL) {

    # RxODE 1CM Code --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Structural Model ---
    ode <- "
    k10 = CL1/V1;
    d/dt(centr) = -k10*centr;
    PRED = C1
    model <- RxODE(model = ode)
    et <- eventTable()
    dose <- 250
      dose = dose
      time = 1:96
    parameters <- c(CL1 = 3, V1 = 75)
    output <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, parameters))

    # #########################################################################


    # Set default tolerances and error model parameters
    if (is.null(CL1.tol)) CL1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(V1.tol)) V1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(add.tol)) add.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(prop.tol)) prop.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(sigma.add)) sigma.add <- 0.02
    if (is.null(sigma.prop)) sigma.prop <- 0.1
    if (is.null(print.results)) print.results <- FALSE
    if (is.null(print.plot)) print.plot <- FALSE
    if (!is.null(seed)) {
    if (is.null(method)) method <- "bobyqa"
    if (is.null(nlmixrOutput)) nlmixrOutput <- F
    if (is.null(control)) dynmodelControl()


    # Define error terms ---
    eps.add <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.add)
    eps.prop <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.prop)

    # combine sigma terms (for testing below)
    sigma <- c()
    sigma <- if (sigma.add > 0) c(sigma, add = sigma.add) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.prop > 0) c(sigma, prop = sigma.prop) else c(sigma)

    # Error model ---
    .output <- data.frame(time = output$time)
    .F <- output$C1
    .output$PRED <- .F + .F * eps.prop + eps.add

    # resample instead of deleting (optional)

    any(.output$PRED < 0)
    r <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(.output$PRED)) {
      if (.output$PRED[i] < 0) {
        r <- c(r, i)

    .output <- if (!is.null(r)) .output[-c(r), ] else .output
    output <- if (!is.null(r)) output[-c(r), ] else output

    # Parameter Estimation ---
    inits <- c(CL1 = 1, V1 = 10)
    data <- data.frame(time = .output$time, cp = .output$PRED)

    # Used to edit error model for combination of parameters
    if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol)
    } else if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol)

    et <- eventTable()
      dose = 250
      time = data$time

    et$dv <- c(0, data$cp)
    et$cp <- c(0, data$cp)

    control$method <- method
    control$nlmixrOutput <- nlmixrOutput
    assign("data", et, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    (fit <- dynmodel(system = model, model = error.model, data = et, inits = inits, control = control))

    # Testing ---
    test.fit.pars <- fit$res[, 1]
    ref.fit.pars <- c(parameters, sigma)
    rel.diff <- abs((test.fit.pars - ref.fit.pars) / ref.fit.pars)

    # Simulation and Estimation Plot ---
    errorless.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, Y = output$C1, Type = rep("Errorless  Sim", length(output$time)))
    error.data <- data.frame(Time = .output$time, Y = .output$PRED, Type = rep("Error Sim", length(.output$time)))
    fit.data <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, fit$res[c(1, 2)]))
    fit.data <- data.frame(Time = fit.data$time, Y = fit.data$PRED, Type = rep("Error Fit", length(fit.data$time)))
    plot1.data <- rbind(errorless.data, error.data, fit.data)

    p1 <- xyplot(Y ~ Time,
      data = plot1.data, groups = factor(Type, labels = c("Errorless", "Error", "Fit")), main = "Simulated and Estimation",
      pch = 20, auto.key = list(columns = 3), type = c("p", "g"), scales = list(y = list(log = 10))
    # yscale.components = yscale.components.log10ticks)

    # Residual Plot ---
    residual.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, RES = output$C1 - .output$PRED)
    p2 <- xyplot(RES ~ Time, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 0)

    # Histogram Plot of Error vs. Non-error
    p3 <- histogram(~RES, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", type = "density", breaks = dim(residual.data)[1])

    # Error vs. Non-error
    obs.err.plot <- data.frame(Error = .output$PRED, noError = output$C1)
    p4 <- xyplot(Error ~ noError, data = obs.err.plot, main = "Error vs. Errorless", xlab = "Errorless", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1)

    options(warn = -1) # mute warnings here
    if (print.plot) {
      grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2)
    options(warn = 0)

    test_that("Additive and Proportional Error Model Test", {
      for (i in 1:length(ref.tol)) {
          rel.diff[i] < ref.tol[i],
          paste(names(rel.diff[i]), "Estimation out of tolerance range: +/-", ref.tol[i], "(", rel.diff[i], ")")
      if (print.results) {
        fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters, sigma), fit$res)

  # normType=c("constant","rescale2", "mean", "rescale", "std", "len"),
  # scaleType=c("norm","nlmixr", "mult", "multAdd"),
  # scaleCmax=1e5,
  # scaleCmin=1e-5,
  # scaleC=NULL,
  # scaleC0=1e5,

  # Notes
  # normType - Feature scaling all parameters
  # scaleType - The scaling scheme for nlmixr
  # scaleTo - Scale the initial parameter estimate to this value

  control <- dynmodelControl(scaleType = "nlmixr", normType = "constant")
  ScalingTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1, method = "bobyqa", control = control)

  control <- dynmodelControl(scaleType = "nlmixr", normType = "rescale2")
  ScalingTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1, method = "bobyqa", control = control)

  control <- dynmodelControl(scaleType = "nlmixr", normType = "mean")
  ScalingTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1, method = "bobyqa", control = control)

  control <- dynmodelControl(scaleType = "nlmixr", normType = "rescale")
  ScalingTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1, method = "bobyqa", control = control)

  control <- dynmodelControl(scaleType = "nlmixr", normType = "std")
  ScalingTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1, method = "bobyqa", control = control)

  control <- dynmodelControl(scaleType = "nlmixr", normType = "len")
  ScalingTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1, method = "bobyqa", control = control)

  ## Not Working ##

  # power model not working with yeoJohnson. May need to fix all parameters except error terms?

  # #########################################################################

  # yeoJohnson Error Model Test ---------------------------------------------
  yeoJohnsonErrorTest <- function(kin.tol = NULL, kout.tol = NULL, Imax.tol = NULL, IC50.tol = NULL,
                                  add.tol = NULL, prop.tol = NULL, lambda.tol = NULL,
                                  sigma.add = NULL, sigma.prop = NULL, lambda = NULL,
                                  print.results = NULL, print.plot = NULL, seed = NULL,
                                  pow.tol = NULL, pow2.tol = NULL, sigma.pow = NULL, pow2 = NULL, method = NULL) {

    # RxODE 1CM Code --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Structural Model ---
    ode <- "
        k10 = CL1/V1;
        d/dt(centr) = -k10*centr;
        PRED = C1

        eff(0) = kin/kout
        d/dt(eff) = kin*(1-(C1*Imax)/(C1+IC50)) - kout*eff
    model <- RxODE(model = ode)
    et <- eventTable()
    dose <- 250
      dose = dose
      time = 1:96
    parameters <- c(CL1 = 3, V1 = 75, kin = 0.1, kout = 0.2, Imax = 5, IC50 = 2)
    output <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, parameters))
    # plot(output$time, output$eff)

    # #########################################################################

    # Set default tolerances and error model parameters
    if (is.null(kin.tol)) kin.tol <- 0.6
    if (is.null(kout.tol)) kout.tol <- 0.6
    if (is.null(Imax.tol)) Imax.tol <- 0.6
    if (is.null(IC50.tol)) IC50.tol <- 0.6

    if (is.null(add.tol)) add.tol <- 0.5
    if (is.null(prop.tol)) prop.tol <- 0.5
    if (is.null(lambda.tol)) lambda.tol <- 0.5

    if (is.null(sigma.add)) sigma.add <- 0 # 0.025
    if (is.null(sigma.prop)) sigma.prop <- 0 # 0.025
    if (is.null(lambda)) lambda <- 0

    if (is.null(print.results)) print.results <- FALSE
    if (is.null(print.plot)) print.plot <- FALSE

    if (is.null(pow.tol)) pow.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(pow2.tol)) pow2.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(sigma.pow)) sigma.pow <- 0 # 0.01
    if (is.null(pow2)) pow2 <- 1

    if (!is.null(seed)) {
    if (is.null(method)) method <- "bobyqa"

    # Error model ---
    .sim.output <- output
    .output <- data.frame(time = .sim.output$time)

    # Define error terms ---

    # resample make above -1/lambda
    eps.add <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$eff), 0, sigma.add)
    eps.prop <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$eff), 0, sigma.prop)
    eps.pow <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$eff), 0, sigma.pow)

    # combine sigma terms (for testing below)
    sigma <- c()
    sigma <- if (sigma.add > 0) c(sigma, add = sigma.add) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.prop > 0) c(sigma, prop = sigma.prop) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.pow > 0) c(sigma, pow = sigma.pow, pow2 = pow2) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (lambda != 0 & !is.null(sigma)) c(sigma, yeoJohnson = lambda) else c(sigma)

    # transform observed data
    h.y <- yeoJohnson(.sim.output$eff, lambda)

    # add error on transformed data
    if (sigma.pow > 0 & sigma.prop == 0) {
      h.y.error <- h.y + eps.pow * .sim.output$eff^(pow2) + eps.add
    } else {
      h.y.error <- h.y + eps.prop * .sim.output$eff + eps.add

    # inverse the transform
    .output$PRED <- iYeoJohnson(h.y.error, lambda)

    # Parameter Estimation ---
    inits <- c(kin = 0.1, kout = 0.05, Imax = 1, IC50 = 1)
    data <- data.frame(time = .output$time, cp = .output$PRED)

    if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "yeoJohnson") & any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ eff + add(0.01) + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(
        kin = kin.tol, kout = kout.tol, Imax = Imax.tol, IC50 = IC50.tol,
        add = add.tol, prop = prop.tol
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ eff + add(0.01) + prop(0.01) + yeoJohnson(2)
      ref.tol <- c(
        kin = kin.tol, kout = kout.tol, Imax = Imax.tol, IC50 = IC50.tol,
        prop = prop.tol, lambda = lambda.tol
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "prop") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "pow")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ eff + add(0.01) + yeoJohnson(2)
      ref.tol <- c(
        kin = kin.tol, kout = kout.tol, Imax = Imax.tol, IC50 = IC50.tol,
        lambda = lambda.tol
    } else if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ eff + prop(0.01) + yeoJohnson(2)
      ref.tol <- c(
        kin = kin.tol, kout = kout.tol, Imax = Imax.tol, IC50 = IC50.tol,
        prop = prop.tol, lambda = lambda.tol
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "pow") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "add")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ eff + pow(0.01) + pow2(0.75) + yeoJohnson(2)
      ref.tol <- c(
        kin = kin.tol, kout = kout.tol, Imax = Imax.tol, IC50 = IC50.tol,
        lambda = lambda.tol, pow = pow.tol, pow2 = pow2.tol
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "pow") & any(names(sigma) %in% "add")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ eff + pow(0.01) + pow2(0.75) + add(0.01) + yeoJohnson(2)
      ref.tol <- c(
        kin = kin.tol, kout = kout.tol, Imax = Imax.tol, IC50 = IC50.tol,
        lambda = lambda.tol, pow = pow.tol, pow2 = pow2.tol, add = sigma.add
    } else {
      error.model <- cp ~ eff
      ref.tol <- c(kin = kin.tol, kout = kout.tol, Imax = Imax.tol, IC50 = IC50.tol)

    et <- eventTable()
      dose = dose
      time = data$time

    control <- dynmodelControl(method = method, fixPars = c(CL1 = 3, V1 = 75)) # , lower=c(0,0,0), upper = c(5,100,1)) #bobyqa, Nelder-Mead, lbfgsb3c, PORT

    (fit <- dynmodel(system = model, model = error.model, evTable = et, inits = inits, data = data, control = control))

    # Simulation and Estimation Plot ---
    errorless.data <- data.frame(Time = .sim.output$time, Y = .sim.output$eff, Type = rep("Errorless  Sim", length(.sim.output$time)))
    error.data <- data.frame(Time = .output$time, Y = .output$PRED, Type = rep("Error Sim", length(.output$time)))

    sim.parameters <- c(3, 75, fit$res[c(1, 2, 3, 4)])
    names(sim.parameters) <- c("CL1", "V1", "kin", "kout", "Imax", "IC50")
    fit.data <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, sim.parameters))
    fit.data <- data.frame(Time = fit.data$time, Y = fit.data$eff, Type = rep("Error Fit", length(fit.data$time)))
    plot1.data <- rbind(errorless.data, error.data, fit.data)

    p1 <- xyplot(Y ~ Time,
      data = plot1.data, groups = factor(Type, labels = c("Errorless", "Error", "Fit")), main = "Simulated and Estimation",
      pch = 20, auto.key = list(columns = 3), type = c("p", "g")
    ) # , scales = list(y = list(log = 10)), yscale.components = yscale.components.log10ticks)

    # Residual Plot ---
    residual.data <- data.frame(Time = .sim.output$time, RES = .sim.output$eff - .output$PRED)
    p2 <- xyplot(RES ~ Time, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 0)

    # Histogram Plot of Error vs. Non-error
    p3 <- histogram(~RES, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", type = "density", breaks = dim(residual.data)[1])

    # Error vs. Non-error
    obs.err.plot <- data.frame(Error = .output$PRED, noError = .sim.output$eff)
    p4 <- xyplot(Error ~ noError, data = obs.err.plot, main = "Error vs. Errorless", xlab = "Errorless", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1)

    options(warn = -1) # mute warnings here
    if (print.plot) {
      grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2)
    options(warn = 0)

    # Testing ---
    test.fit.pars <- fit$res[, 1]
    ref.fit.pars <- c(parameters[-c(1, 2)], sigma)
    rel.diff <- abs((test.fit.pars - ref.fit.pars) / ref.fit.pars)

    test_that("yeoJohnson Error Model Test", {
      for (i in 1:length(ref.tol)) {
        expect(rel.diff[i] < ref.tol[i], paste(
          "Estimation out of tolerance range: +/-", ref.tol[i],
          "(", rel.diff[i], ")"
      if (print.results) {
        fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters[-c(1, 2)], sigma), fit$res)

  # Working Tests
  yeoJohnsonErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, seed = 1)
  yeoJohnsonErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = 1, seed = 1)
  yeoJohnsonErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = 0.75, seed = 1)
  yeoJohnsonErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.add = 0.45, sigma.prop = 0.5, lambda = 1.4, seed = 7)

  # Non-working Tests
  yeoJohnsonErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, sigma.pow = 1, pow2 = 0.75, lambda = 1, seed = 5) # 4 parameters may be too many to estimate for the error model

  # #########################################################################

  # tbsYJ Error Model Test --------------------------------------------------
  tbsYjErrorTest <- function(kin.tol = NULL, kout.tol = NULL, Imax.tol = NULL, IC50.tol = NULL,
                             add.tol = NULL, prop.tol = NULL, lambda.tol = NULL,
                             sigma.add = NULL, sigma.prop = NULL, lambda = NULL,
                             print.results = NULL, print.plot = NULL, seed = NULL,
                             pow.tol = NULL, pow2.tol = NULL, sigma.pow = NULL, pow2 = NULL, method = NULL) {

    # RxODE 1CM Code --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Structural Model ---
    ode <- "
      k10 = CL1/V1;
      d/dt(centr) = -k10*centr;
      PRED = C1

      eff(0) = kin/kout
      d/dt(eff) = kin*(1-(C1*Imax)/(C1+IC50)) - kout*eff
    model <- RxODE(model = ode)
    et <- eventTable()
    dose <- 250
      dose = dose
      time = 1:96
    parameters <- c(CL1 = 3, V1 = 75, kin = 0.1, kout = 0.2, Imax = 5, IC50 = 2)
    output <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, parameters))
    # plot(output$time, output$eff)

    # #########################################################################

    # Set default tolerances and error model parameters
    if (is.null(kin.tol)) kin.tol <- 0.6
    if (is.null(kout.tol)) kout.tol <- 0.6
    if (is.null(Imax.tol)) Imax.tol <- 0.6
    if (is.null(IC50.tol)) IC50.tol <- 0.6

    if (is.null(add.tol)) add.tol <- 0.5
    if (is.null(prop.tol)) prop.tol <- 0.5
    if (is.null(lambda.tol)) lambda.tol <- 0.5

    if (is.null(sigma.add)) sigma.add <- 0 # 0.025
    if (is.null(sigma.prop)) sigma.prop <- 0 # 0.025
    if (is.null(lambda)) lambda <- 0

    if (is.null(print.results)) print.results <- FALSE
    if (is.null(print.plot)) print.plot <- FALSE

    if (is.null(pow.tol)) pow.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(pow2.tol)) pow2.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(sigma.pow)) sigma.pow <- 0 # 0.01
    if (is.null(pow2)) pow2 <- 1

    if (!is.null(seed)) {
    if (is.null(method)) method <- "bobyqa"

    # Error model ---
    .sim.output <- output
    .output <- data.frame(time = .sim.output$time)

    # Define error terms ---

    # resample make above -1/lambda
    eps.add <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$eff), 0, sigma.add)
    eps.prop <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$eff), 0, sigma.prop)
    eps.pow <- rnorm(length(.sim.output$eff), 0, sigma.pow)

    # combine sigma terms (for testing below)
    sigma <- c()
    sigma <- if (sigma.add > 0) c(sigma, add = sigma.add) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.prop > 0) c(sigma, prop = sigma.prop) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.pow > 0) c(sigma, pow = sigma.pow, pow2 = pow2) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (lambda != 0 & !is.null(sigma)) c(sigma, tbsYj = lambda) else c(sigma)


    # transform observed data
    h.y <- yeoJohnson(.sim.output$eff, lambda)

    # add error on transformed data
    if (sigma.pow > 0 & sigma.prop == 0) {
      h.y.error <- h.y + eps.pow * .sim.output$eff^(pow2) + eps.add
    } else {
      h.y.error <- h.y + eps.prop * .sim.output$eff + eps.add

    # inverse the transform
    .output$PRED <- iYeoJohnson(h.y.error, lambda)

    # Parameter Estimation ---
    inits <- c(kin = 0.1, kout = 0.05, Imax = 1, IC50 = 1)
    data <- data.frame(time = .output$time, cp = .output$PRED)

    if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "tbsYj") & any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ eff + add(0.01) + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(
        kin = kin.tol, kout = kout.tol, Imax = Imax.tol, IC50 = IC50.tol,
        add = add.tol, prop = prop.tol
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ eff + add(0.01) + prop(0.01) + tbsYj(2)
      ref.tol <- c(
        kin = kin.tol, kout = kout.tol, Imax = Imax.tol, IC50 = IC50.tol,
        prop = prop.tol, lambda = lambda.tol
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "prop") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "pow")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ eff + add(0.01) + tbsYj(2)
      ref.tol <- c(
        kin = kin.tol, kout = kout.tol, Imax = Imax.tol, IC50 = IC50.tol,
        lambda = lambda.tol
    } else if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ eff + prop(0.01) + tbsYj(2)
      ref.tol <- c(
        kin = kin.tol, kout = kout.tol, Imax = Imax.tol, IC50 = IC50.tol,
        prop = prop.tol, lambda = lambda.tol
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "pow") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "add")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ eff + pow(0.01) + pow2(0.75) + tbsYj(2)
      ref.tol <- c(
        kin = kin.tol, kout = kout.tol, Imax = Imax.tol, IC50 = IC50.tol,
        lambda = lambda.tol, pow = pow.tol, pow2 = pow2.tol
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "pow") & any(names(sigma) %in% "add")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ eff + pow(0.01) + pow2(0.75) + add(0.01) + tbsYj(2)
      ref.tol <- c(
        kin = kin.tol, kout = kout.tol, Imax = Imax.tol, IC50 = IC50.tol,
        lambda = lambda.tol, pow = pow.tol, pow2 = pow2.tol, add = sigma.add
    } else {
      error.model <- cp ~ eff
      ref.tol <- c(kin = kin.tol, kout = kout.tol, Imax = Imax.tol, IC50 = IC50.tol)


    et <- eventTable()
      dose = dose
      time = data$time

    control <- dynmodelControl(method = method, fixPars = c(CL1 = 3, V1 = 75)) # , lower=c(0,0,0), upper = c(5,100,1)) #bobyqa, Nelder-Mead, lbfgsb3c, PORT

    (fit <- dynmodel(system = model, model = error.model, evTable = et, inits = inits, data = data, control = control))

    # Simulation and Estimation Plot ---
    errorless.data <- data.frame(Time = .sim.output$time, Y = .sim.output$eff, Type = rep("Errorless  Sim", length(.sim.output$time)))
    error.data <- data.frame(Time = .output$time, Y = .output$PRED, Type = rep("Error Sim", length(.output$time)))

    sim.parameters <- c(3, 75, fit$res[c(1, 2, 3, 4)])
    names(sim.parameters) <- c("CL1", "V1", "kin", "kout", "Imax", "IC50")
    fit.data <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, sim.parameters))
    fit.data <- data.frame(Time = fit.data$time, Y = fit.data$eff, Type = rep("Error Fit", length(fit.data$time)))
    plot1.data <- rbind(errorless.data, error.data, fit.data)

    p1 <- xyplot(Y ~ Time,
      data = plot1.data, groups = factor(Type, labels = c("Errorless", "Error", "Fit")), main = "Simulated and Estimation",
      pch = 20, auto.key = list(columns = 3), type = c("p", "g")
    ) # , scales = list(y = list(log = 10)), yscale.components = yscale.components.log10ticks)

    # Residual Plot ---
    residual.data <- data.frame(Time = .sim.output$time, RES = .sim.output$eff - .output$PRED)
    p2 <- xyplot(RES ~ Time, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 0)

    # Histogram Plot of Error vs. Non-error
    p3 <- histogram(~RES, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", type = "density", breaks = dim(residual.data)[1])

    # Error vs. Non-error
    obs.err.plot <- data.frame(Error = .output$PRED, noError = .sim.output$eff)
    p4 <- xyplot(Error ~ noError, data = obs.err.plot, main = "Error vs. Errorless", xlab = "Errorless", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1)

    options(warn = -1) # mute warnings here
    if (print.plot) {
      grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2)
    options(warn = 0)

    # Testing ---
    test.fit.pars <- fit$res[, 1]
    ref.fit.pars <- c(parameters[-c(1, 2)], sigma)
    rel.diff <- abs((test.fit.pars - ref.fit.pars) / ref.fit.pars)

    test_that("tbdYJ Error Model Test", {
      for (i in 1:length(ref.tol)) {
        expect(rel.diff[i] < ref.tol[i], paste(
          "Estimation out of tolerance range: +/-", ref.tol[i],
          "(", rel.diff[i], ")"
      if (print.results) {
        fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters[-c(1, 2)], sigma), fit$res)

  # Working Tests
  tbsYjErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, seed = 1)
  tbsYjErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = 1, seed = 1)
  yeoJohnsonErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.add = 0.025, sigma.prop = 0, lambda = 0.75, seed = 1)
  yeoJohnsonErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.add = 0.45, sigma.prop = 0.5, lambda = 1.4, seed = 7)

  # Non-working Tests
  yeoJohnsonErrorTest(print.plot = T, print.results = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, sigma.pow = 1, pow2 = 0.75, lambda = 1, seed = 5) # 4 parameters may be too many to estimate for the error model

  # #########################################################################

  # nlmixr input ------------------------------------------------------------
  # Additive and Proportional Error Model Test ------------------------------
  additiveProportionalErrorTest <- function(CL1.tol = NULL, V1.tol = NULL, add.tol = NULL, prop.tol = NULL,
                                            sigma.add = NULL, sigma.prop = NULL, print.results = NULL, print.plot = NULL, seed = NULL,
                                            method = NULL, covMethod = "nlmixrHess", nlmixrOutput = NULL) {

    # RxODE 1CM Code --------------------------------------------------------------
    # Structural Model ---
    ode <- "
      k10 = CL1/V1;
      d/dt(centr) = -k10*centr;
      PRED = C1
    model <- RxODE(model = ode)
    et <- eventTable()
    dose <- 250
      dose = dose
      time = 1:96
    parameters <- c(CL1 = 3, V1 = 75)
    output <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, parameters))

    # nlmixr 1CM Code ---------------------------------------------------------
    one.compartment.IV.model.solve <- function() {
      ini({ # Where initial conditions/variables are specified
        # '<-' or '=' defines population parameters
        # Simple numeric expressions are supported
        Cl <- 1.6 # log Cl (L/hr)
        Vc <- 4.5 # log V (L)
        # Bounds may be specified by c(lower, est, upper), like NONMEM:
        # Residuals errors are assumed to be population parameters
        prop.err <- c(0, 0.3, 1)
        # Between subject variability estimates are specified by '~'
        # Semicolons are optional
        # eta.Vc ~ 0.1   #IIV V
        # eta.Cl ~ 0.1   #IIV Cl
      model({ # Where the model is specified
        # The model uses the ini-defined variable names
        # Vc <- exp(lVc + eta.Vc)
        # Cl <- exp(lCl + eta.Cl)
        linCmt() ~ prop(prop.err)

    # #########################################################################


    # Set default tolerances and error model parameters
    if (is.null(CL1.tol)) CL1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(V1.tol)) V1.tol <- 0.25
    if (is.null(add.tol)) add.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(prop.tol)) prop.tol <- 0.75
    if (is.null(sigma.add)) sigma.add <- 0.02
    if (is.null(sigma.prop)) sigma.prop <- 0.1
    if (is.null(print.results)) print.results <- FALSE
    if (is.null(print.plot)) print.plot <- FALSE
    if (!is.null(seed)) {
    if (is.null(method)) method <- "bobyqa"
    if (is.null(nlmixrOutput)) nlmixrOutput <- F


    # Define error terms ---
    eps.add <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.add)
    eps.prop <- rnorm(length(output$C1), 0, sigma.prop)

    # combine sigma terms (for testing below)
    sigma <- c()
    sigma <- if (sigma.add > 0) c(sigma, add = sigma.add) else c(sigma)
    sigma <- if (sigma.prop > 0) c(sigma, prop = sigma.prop) else c(sigma)

    # Error model ---
    .output <- data.frame(time = output$time)
    .F <- output$C1
    .output$PRED <- .F + .F * eps.prop + eps.add

    # resample instead of deleting (optional)

    any(.output$PRED < 0)
    r <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(.output$PRED)) {
      if (.output$PRED[i] < 0) {
        r <- c(r, i)

    .output <- if (!is.null(r)) .output[-c(r), ] else .output
    output <- if (!is.null(r)) output[-c(r), ] else output

    # Parameter Estimation ---
    inits <- c(CL1 = 1, V1 = 10)
    data <- data.frame(time = .output$time, cp = .output$PRED)

    # Used to edit error model for combination of parameters
    if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01) + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else if (any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & !any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + add(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, add = add.tol)
    } else if (!any(names(sigma) %in% "add") & any(names(sigma) %in% "prop")) {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1 + prop(0.01)
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol, prop = prop.tol)
    } else {
      error.model <- cp ~ C1
      ref.tol <- c(CL1 = CL1.tol, V1 = V1.tol)

    et <- eventTable()
      dose = 250
      time = data$time

    et$dv <- c(0, data$cp)
    et$cp <- c(0, data$cp)

    control <- dynmodelControl(method = method, nlmixrOutput = nlmixrOutput, covMethod = covMethod) # , lower=c(0,0,0), upper = c(5,100,1)) #bobyqa, Nelder-Mead, lbfgsb3c, PORT

    (fit <- dynmodel(system = model, model = error.model, data = et, inits = inits, control = control))

    # Testing ---
    test.fit.pars <- fit$res[, 1]
    ref.fit.pars <- c(parameters, sigma)
    rel.diff <- abs((test.fit.pars - ref.fit.pars) / ref.fit.pars)

    # Simulation and Estimation Plot ---
    errorless.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, Y = output$C1, Type = rep("Errorless  Sim", length(output$time)))
    error.data <- data.frame(Time = .output$time, Y = .output$PRED, Type = rep("Error Sim", length(.output$time)))
    fit.data <- as.data.frame(rxSolve(model, et, fit$res[c(1, 2)]))
    fit.data <- data.frame(Time = fit.data$time, Y = fit.data$PRED, Type = rep("Error Fit", length(fit.data$time)))
    plot1.data <- rbind(errorless.data, error.data, fit.data)

    p1 <- xyplot(Y ~ Time,
      data = plot1.data, groups = factor(Type, labels = c("Errorless", "Error", "Fit")), main = "Simulated and Estimation",
      pch = 20, auto.key = list(columns = 3), type = c("p", "g"), scales = list(y = list(log = 10))
    # yscale.components = yscale.components.log10ticks)

    # Residual Plot ---
    residual.data <- data.frame(Time = output$time, RES = output$C1 - .output$PRED)
    p2 <- xyplot(RES ~ Time, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 0)

    # Histogram Plot of Error vs. Non-error
    p3 <- histogram(~RES, data = residual.data, main = "Residuals: Errorless - Error", type = "density", breaks = dim(residual.data)[1])

    # Error vs. Non-error
    obs.err.plot <- data.frame(Error = .output$PRED, noError = output$C1)
    p4 <- xyplot(Error ~ noError, data = obs.err.plot, main = "Error vs. Errorless", xlab = "Errorless", panel = function(x, y) {
      panel.xyplot(x, y)
      panel.abline(a = 0, b = 1)

    options(warn = -1) # mute warnings here
    if (print.plot) {
      grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2)
    options(warn = 0)

    test_that("Additive and Proportional Error Model Test", {
      for (i in 1:length(ref.tol)) {
          rel.diff[i] < ref.tol[i],
          paste(names(rel.diff[i]), "Estimation out of tolerance range: +/-", ref.tol[i], "(", rel.diff[i], ")")
      if (print.results) {
        fit$res <- cbind(actual = c(parameters, sigma), fit$res)

  # Working Tests
  # Check proc time outside of the function proc.time()
  additiveProportionalErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1, method = "PORT")
  additiveProportionalErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, seed = 1, method = "Nelder-Mead")
  additiveProportionalErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.prop = 0, seed = 1, method = "bobyqa", covMethod = "optimHess")

  additiveProportionalErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.add = 0, seed = 1)
  additiveProportionalErrorTest(print.results = T, print.plot = T, sigma.add = 0, sigma.prop = 0, seed = 1)

  # #########################################################################
nlmixrdevelopment/nlmixr documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 2:16 p.m.