
#' bngeneplotCustom
#' Plot gene relationship within the specified pathway using customized theme
#' @param results the enrichment analysis result
#' @param exp gene expression matrix
#' @param expRow the type of the identifier of rows of expression matrix
#' @param expSample candidate rows to be included in the inference
#'                  default to all
#' @param algo structure learning method used in boot.strength()
#'             default to "hc"
#' @param algorithm.args parameters to pass to 
#'                       bnlearn structure learnng function
#' @param otherVar other variables to be included in the inference
#' @param otherVarName the names of other variables
#' @param R the number of bootstrap
#' @param onlyDf return only data.frame used for inference
#' @param pathNum the pathway number
#'                (the number of row of the original result, ordered by p-value)
#' @param convertSymbol whether the label of resulting network is
#'                      converted to symbol, default to TRUE
#' @param cexCategory scaling factor of size of nodes
#' @param cl cluster object from parallel::makeCluster()
#' @param showDir show the confidence of direction of edges
#' @param chooseDir if undirected edges are present, choose direction of edges
#' @param labelSize the size of label of the nodes
#' @param layout ggraph layout, default to "nicely"
#' @param strType "normal" or "ms" for multiscale implementation
#' @param dep the tibble storing dependency score from library depmap
#' @param sizeDep whether to reflect DepMap score to the node size
#' @param cellLineName the cell line name to be included
#' @param strengthPlot append the barplot depicting edges with high strength
#' @param nStrength specify how many edges are included in the strength plot
#' @param strThresh the threshold for strength
#' @param hub visualize the genes with top-n hub scores
#' @param fontFamily font family name to be used for plotting
#' @param glowEdgeNum edges with top-n confidence of direction are highlighted
#' @param nodePal vector of coloring of nodes (low, high)
#' @param edgePal vector of coloring of edges (low, high)
#' @param textCol color of texts in network plot
#' @param titleCol color of title in network plot
#' @param backCol color of background in network plot
#' @param barTextCol text color in barplot
#' @param barPal bar color
#' @param barBackCol background color in barplot
#' @param barLegendKeyCol legend key color in barplot
#' @param barAxisCol axis color in barplot
#' @param barPanelGridCol panel grid color in barplot
#' @param returnNet whether to return the network
#' @param titleSize the size of title
#' @param scoreType score type to use on inference
#' @param orgDb perform clusterProfiler::setReadable
#'                based on this organism database
#' @param interactive whether to use bnviewer (default to FALSE)
#' @param disc discretize the expressoin data
#' @param tr Specify data.frame if one needs to discretize
#'           as the same parameters as the other dataset
#' @param remainCont Specify characters when perform discretization,
#'                   if some columns are to be remain continuous
#' @param seed A random seed to make the analysis reproducible, default is 1.
#' @examples
#' data("exampleEaRes");data("exampleGeneExp")
#' res <- bngeneplotCustom(results=exampleEaRes, exp=exampleGeneExp,
#'                         pathNum=1, glowEdgeNum=NULL, hub=3, R=40,
#'                         fontFamily="sans")
#' @return ggplot2 object
#' @export

bngeneplotCustom <- function (results, exp, expSample=NULL, algo="hc", R=20,
                            pathNum=NULL, convertSymbol=TRUE, expRow="ENSEMBL",
                            interactive=FALSE, cexCategory=1, cl=NULL,
                            showDir=FALSE, chooseDir=FALSE, algorithm.args=NULL,
                            labelSize=4, layout="nicely", strType="normal",
                            returnNet=FALSE, otherVar=NULL, otherVarName=NULL,
                            onlyDf=FALSE, disc=FALSE, tr=NULL, remainCont=NULL,
                            dep=NULL, sizeDep=FALSE, orgDb=org.Hs.eg.db,
                            fontFamily="sans", strengthPlot=FALSE,
                            nStrength=10, strThresh=NULL, hub=NULL,
                            glowEdgeNum=NULL, nodePal=c("blue","red"),
                            edgePal=c("blue","red"), textCol="black",
                            titleCol="black", backCol="white",
                            barTextCol="black", barPal=c("red","blue"),
                            barBackCol="white", scoreType="bic-g",
                            barLegendKeyCol="white", barAxisCol="black",
                            barPanelGridCol="black", titleSize=24, seed = 1) {
    if (length(nodePal)!=2 ||
        length(edgePal)!=2 ||
            stop("Please pick two colors for nodePal, edgePal and barPal.")}
    if (!is.numeric(pathNum)){
        stop("Please specify number(s) for pathNum.")}
    if (is.null(expSample)) {
        expSample <- colnames(exp)}
    ## Deprecated
    # if (results@keytype == "kegg"){
    #     resultsGeneType <- "ENTREZID"
    # } else {
    #     resultsGeneType <- results@keytype
    # }
    if (!is.null(orgDb)){
        results <- setReadable(results, OrgDb=orgDb)
    tmpCol <- colnames(results@result)
    tmpCol[tmpCol=="core_enrichment"] <- "geneID"
    tmpCol[tmpCol=="qvalues"] <- "qvalue"
    tmpCol[tmpCol=="setSize"] <- "Count"
    colnames(results@result) <- tmpCol

    # if (showLineage) {
    #     if (is.null(dep)){dep = depmap::depmap_crispr()}
    #     if (is.null(depMeta)){depMeta = depmap::depmap_metadata()}
    # }

    if (sizeDep) {
        if (is.null(cellLineName)){stop("Please specify cell line name.")}
        if (is.null(dep)){dep <- depmap::depmap_crispr()}
        filteredDep <- dep %>% filter(.data$cell_line==cellLineName)
    if (sizeDep){
        ## when reflecting DepMap scores to node size
        scaleSizeLow <- 1
        scaleSizeHigh <- 10
    } else {
        scaleSizeLow <- 3
        scaleSizeHigh <- 8

    res <- results@result

    genesInPathway <- unlist(strsplit(res[pathNum, ]$geneID, "/"))
    if (!is.null(orgDb)){
        genesInPathway <- clusterProfiler::bitr(genesInPathway,
    pcs <- exp[ intersect(rownames(exp), genesInPathway), expSample ]

    if (convertSymbol && !is.null(orgDb)) {
    matchTable <- clusterProfiler::bitr(rownames(pcs), fromType=expRow,
        toType="SYMBOL", OrgDb=orgDb)
    if (sum(duplicated(matchTable[,1])) >= 1) {
        message("Removing expRow that matches the multiple symbols")
        matchTable <- matchTable[
        !matchTable[,1] %in% matchTable[,1][duplicated(matchTable[,1])],]
        rnSym <- matchTable["SYMBOL"][,1]
        rnExp <- matchTable[expRow][,1]
        pcs <- pcs[rnExp, ]
        rownames(pcs) <- rnSym

    pcs <- data.frame(t(pcs))

    if (sizeDep){
        pcs <- pcs[,intersect(filteredDep$gene_name, colnames(pcs)),]
    geneNames <- colnames(pcs)
    ## Insert other vars
    if (!is.null(otherVar)) {
        pcs <- cbind(pcs, otherVar)
        if (!is.null(otherVarName)){
            colnames(pcs) <- c(geneNames, otherVarName)

    if (disc){
        pcsRaw <- pcs
        pcs <- discDF(pcs, tr=tr, remainCont=remainCont)
    } else {
        pcsRaw <- pcs ## Hold pcsRaw anyway
    if (onlyDf){

    if (strType == "normal"){
        strength <- withr::with_seed(seed = seed,
            boot.strength(pcs, algorithm=algo,
            algorithm.args=algorithm.args, R=R, cluster=cl))
    } else if (strType == "ms"){
        strength <- withr::with_seed(seed = seed,
            inferMS(pcs, algo=algo, algorithm.args=algorithm.args, R=R, cl=cl))

    if (strengthPlot){
        strengthTop <- strength[order(strength$strength+strength$direction,
            decreasing = TRUE),][seq_len(nStrength),]
        strengthTop$label <- paste(strengthTop$from, "to", strengthTop$to)
        stp <- strengthTop %>% 
            tidyr::pivot_longer(cols=c(.data$strength, .data$direction)) %>%
            ggplot(aes(x=.data$label, y=.data$value, fill=.data$name))+
                barPal[2]), na.value="transparent")+
            scale_x_discrete(labels = function(x) stringr::str_wrap(x,
                                                                width = 25))+
                text=element_text(size=16, family=fontFamily, color=barTextCol),
                plot.background = element_rect(fill = barBackCol, colour = NA),
                legend.background = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                legend.key = element_rect(fill = barLegendKeyCol),
                axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                axis.line = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                axis.title.y = element_text(vjust=-0.5),
                panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank(),
                panel.grid = ggplot2::element_line(linetype = 3,
                    color = barPanelGridCol, size = 0.2))

    if (!is.null(strThresh)){
        av <- averaged.network(strength, threshold=strThresh)
    } else {
        av <- averaged.network(strength)

    # if (chooseDir){
    #     av <- chooseEdgeDir(av, pcs, scoreType)
    # }

    av <- cextend(av, strict=FALSE)

    g <- bnlearn::as.igraph(av)
    e <- as_edgelist(g, names = TRUE)
    eName <-paste0(e[,1], "_", e[,2])
    colnames(e) <- c("from","to")
    eDf <- merge(e, strength)
    rownames(eDf) <- paste0(eDf$from, "_", eDf$to)
    eDf <- eDf[eName, ]
    g <- set.edge.attribute(g, "color", index=E(g), eDf$strength)
    if (showDir){
        g <- set.edge.attribute(g, "label", index=E(g), round(eDf$direction,2))
    } else {
        g <- set.edge.attribute(g, "label", index=E(g), NA)

    ## Define hub genes
    hScore <- hub.score(g, scale = TRUE, weights = E(g)$color)$vector

    ## Make color for glowing edges
    if (!is.null(glowEdgeNum)){
        highEdge <- E(g)[order(E(g)$label,
        glowEdge <- E(g) %in% highEdge
        E(g)$glowEdge <- E(g)$color
        E(g)$glowEdge[!glowEdge] <- NA
        E(g)$alphaEdge <- rep(1, length(E(g)))
        E(g)$alphaEdge[!glowEdge] <- NA
    } else {
        E(g)$glowEdge <- NA
        E(g)$alphaEdge <- NA

    E(g)$width <- E(g)$color
    edgeWName <- "strength"

    if (sizeDep){
        sizeLab <- "-dependency"
        filteredDep <- filteredDep %>%
                        filter(.data$gene_name %in% names(V(g))) %>%
                        arrange(match(.data$gene_name, names(V(g))))
        # Subset to those dependency scores are available
        depSubG <- V(g)[names(V(g)) %in% c(filteredDep$gene_name) | 
        names(V(g)) %in% tail(colnames(pcs), n=dim(otherVar)[2])]
        g <- igraph::subgraph(g, depSubG)
        V(g)$size <- vapply(names(V(g)),
            function(x) ifelse(x %in% filteredDep$gene_name,
            -1 * as.numeric(subset(filteredDep,
                filteredDep$gene_name==x)$dependency), NA),
                FUN.VALUE=1)#-1 * filteredDep$dependency
        #meanExp <- apply(pcs[, names(V(g))], 2, mean)
        meanExpCol <- vapply(names(V(g)),
            function(x) ifelse(x %in% geneNames,
            mean(pcs[, x]), mean(apply(pcs[,geneNames], 2, mean))),
            FUN.VALUE=1) # colorize the other nodes later
    } else {
        sizeLab <- "expression"
        #meanExp <- apply(pcs[, names(V(g))], 2, mean)
        meanExpCol <- vapply(names(V(g)),
            function(x) ifelse(x %in% geneNames, mean(pcs[, x]),
            mean(apply(pcs[,geneNames], 2, mean))),
            FUN.VALUE=1) # colorize the other nodes later
        meanExpSize <- meanExpCol
        meanExpSize[is.na(meanExpSize)] <- 2
        V(g)$size <- meanExpSize

    V(g)$color <- meanExpCol

    if (!is.null(hub)){
        ## Make color for glowing nodes
        defHub <- hScore[order(hScore, decreasing=TRUE)][seq_len(hub)]
        nodeShape <- names(V(g)) %in% names(defHub)

        V(g)$cyberColor <- V(g)$color
        V(g)$cyberColor[!nodeShape] <- NA

        V(g)$cyberAlpha <- rep(1, length(V(g)))
        V(g)$cyberAlpha[!nodeShape] <- NA
    } else {
        V(g)$cyberColor <- NA
        V(g)$cyberAlpha <- NA

    V(g)$shape <- rep(19, length(V(g)))

    ## Cluster for multiple pathways
    # if (length(pathNum) > 1) {
    #     V(g)$Pathway <- vapply(names(V(g)),
    #         function(x) ifelse(x %in% geneNames,
    #             cls[x, ]$Pathway, "other variables"), FUN.VALUE="character")
    # }

    ## Plot
    if (length(pathNum) == 1) {
        delG <- delete.vertices(g, igraph::degree(g)==0)
        p <- ggraph(delG, layout=layout) +
                aes_(edge_colour=~color, width=~width, label=~label),
                angle_calc = "along",
                arrow=arrow(length=unit(4, 'mm')),
                end_cap=circle(5, 'mm'))+
            geom_node_point(aes_(color=~color, size=~size, shape=~shape),
                            show.legend=TRUE, alpha=0.4)+
            scale_color_continuous(low=nodePal[1], high=nodePal[2],
                na.value="transparent") +
            scale_size(range=c(scaleSizeLow, scaleSizeHigh) * cexCategory,
            scale_edge_width(range=c(1, 3), guide="none")+
                high=edgePal[2], name="strength",
            guides(edge_color = guide_edge_colorbar(title.vjust = 3))+
            geom_node_text(aes_(label=~name, color=~color),
                check_overlap=TRUE, nudge_y=0.2, repel=TRUE, fontface="bold",
                family=fontFamily, size = labelSize) +
            theme_graph() +
            ggtitle(res[pathNum, "Description"])+
                text=element_text(size=16, family=fontFamily, color=textCol),
                plot.title = element_text(size=titleSize, family=fontFamily,
                    color = titleCol),
                panel.background = element_blank(),
                plot.background = element_rect(fill = backCol, colour = NA))

        ## Glowing phase
        layers <- 10
        size <- 1
        edgeSize <- 0.01
        glow_size <- 1.5
        glow_edge_size <- 0.5

        if (!is.null(hub)){
            for (i in seq_len(layers+1)) {
                p <- p + geom_node_point(

        if (!is.null(glowEdgeNum)){
            for (i in seq_len(layers+1)) {
                p <- p + geom_edge_diagonal(
                    arrow=arrow(length=unit(i*0.1, 'mm')),
                    end_cap=circle(5, 'mm')

        p <- p + scale_alpha(range = c(0.01, 0.1), guide="none")+
            scale_edge_alpha(range=c(0.05, 0.1),guide="none")

    } else if (length(pathNum) > 1) {
        stop("The plotting across multiple pathways is 
            currently not supported in custom.")
    if (strengthPlot){
        p <- p / stp + plot_layout(nrow=2, ncol=1, heights=c(0.8, 0.2))
    if (returnNet){
        returnList <- list()
        returnList[["plot"]] <- p
        returnList[["str"]] <- strength
        returnList[["av"]] <- av
        returnList[["df"]] <- pcs
    } else {
noriakis/CBNplotTest documentation built on Nov. 18, 2022, 8:05 a.m.