###### -- ExtractBy -----------------------------------------------------------
# author: nicholas cooley
# email: npc19@pitt.edu / npcooley@gmail.com
# extract stringsets from an assembly based on the gene calls
# OR
# extract stringsets from a series of assemblies based on a pairsummaries object
# OR
# extract stringsets from a series of assemblies based on COGs / pairsummaries object
ExtractBy <- function(x,
Verbose = FALSE) {
# overhead things:
# z does not need to be supplied by the user but under the current scheme must be evaluated
if (missing(z)) {
z <- NA_integer_
# combinations of x, y, and z that are valid:
# x as a DFrame of genecalls
# y as a DNAStringSet
# x as a PairSummaries object
# y as a character string supplying the location of a SQLite DB
# x as a PairSummaries object
# y as a character string supplying the location of a SQLite DB
# z as a list of COGs in the format:
# [1] "GenomeID_ContigID_FeatureID" "GenomeID_ContigID_FeatureID" etc...
if (missing(y) |
missing(x)) {
stop("x and y must be supplied.")
if (is(object = x,
class2 = "DFrame") &
is(object = y,
class2 = "DNAStringSet")) {
# method 1: pull sequences from a dna stringset based on a gene calls DFrame
# x shot, where x is the number of contigs in the assembly that contain gene calls
# should be relatively fast for a typical bacterial genome
# grab all nucleotide sequences from the assembly
# match based on contig names
if (Verbose) {
TimeStart <- Sys.time()
AssemblyRef <- unlist(regmatches(x = names(y),
m = gregexpr(pattern = "^[^ ]+",
text = names(y))))
GCRef <- unique(x$Contig)
seqs1 <- vector(mode = "list",
length = length(GCRef))
for (m1 in seq_along(GCRef)) {
# identify the string to access
w1 <- which(AssemblyRef == GCRef[m1])
# grab the IRangesList for the current contig
z1 <- unname(x$Range[x$Contig == GCRef[m1]])
# create a collapse map
z2 <- lengths(z1)
# unlist to an IRanges object
z1 <- unlist(z1,
recursive = FALSE)
seqs1[[m1]] <- extractAt(x = y[w1][[1L]],
at = z1)
# figure out where collapses are necessary
collapsecount <- 0L
w2 <- which(z2 > 1L)
# if collapsing is necessary, collapse on specified positions
if (length(w2) > 0L) {
# for a collapse operation of 2, we need to remove 1 position
# for an operation of 3, we need to remove 2 positions
# for an operation of 4, we need to remove 3 positions
# etc
removevector <- vector(mode = "integer",
length = sum(z2[w2]) - length(w2))
for (m2 in w2) {
seqs1[[m1]][[m2 + collapsecount]] <- unlist(seqs1[[m1]][m2:(m2 + z2[m2] - 1L) + collapsecount])
removevector[(collapsecount + 1L):(collapsecount + z2[m2] - 1L)] <- (m2 + 1L):(m2 + z2[m2] - 1L) + collapsecount
collapsecount <- collapsecount + z2[m2] - 1L
} # end m2 loop
seqs1[[m1]][removevector] <- NULL
} # end check on collapse operation
names(seqs1[[m1]]) <- x$ID[x$Contig == GCRef[m1]]
} # end m1 loop
seqs1 <- do.call(c,
# flip sequences into the forward direction where applicable
flipseqs <- x$Strand
if (any(flipseqs == 1L)) {
seqs1[flipseqs == 1L] <- reverseComplement(seqs1[flipseqs == 1L])
# end method 1
} else if (is(object = x,
class2 = "PairSummaries") &
is(object = y,
class2 = "character") &
!is(object = z,
class2 = "list")) {
# method 2: pull sequences from a SQLite DB as a list of paired sequences
# order n, where n is the number of total contigs that contain both a genecall
# and an identified pair partner
if (Verbose) {
TimeStart <- Sys.time()
# grab unique gene IDs
u1 <- unique(c(unique(x$p1),
# build a map to split out the seqs post extraction
u2 <- matrix(data = c(match(x = x$p1,
table = u1),
match(x = x$p2,
table = u1)),
nrow = nrow(x))
# build a map of which strings are being extracted from
u3 <- do.call(rbind,
strsplit(x = u1,
split = "_",
fixed = TRUE))
# all extractions
u3 <- matrix(data = as.integer(u3),
nrow = nrow(u3))
# all strings to extract
u4 <- unique(u3[, c(1L, 2L)])
# all identifiers that are necessary:
u5 <- unique(u4[, 1L])
L01 <- nrow(u4)
L02 <- 0L
if (Verbose) {
# pBar target length:
pBar <- txtProgressBar(style = 1L)
cat("\nExtracting Sequences:\n")
Res1 <- vector(mode = "list",
length = L01)
# return(list(u1,
# u2,
# u3,
# u4,
# u5,
# x))
# loop through each extraction in the first level
# in the second level loop through loop through the contigs
# use name matching to grab the correct contig
# When the nucleotide overlap object was built the gene calls objects was force-reordered
GC01 <- attr(x = x,
which = "GeneCalls")
GCN <- names(GC01)
for (m1 in seq_along(u5)) {
# ID contigs
u6 <- u4[u4[, 1L] == u5[m1], 2L]
# grab assembly
CurrentAssembly <- SearchDB(dbFile = y,
identifier = as.character(u5[m1]),
verbose = FALSE,
nameBy = "description")
AssemblyRef <- unlist(regmatches(x = names(CurrentAssembly),
m = gregexpr(pattern = "^[^ ]+",
text = names(CurrentAssembly))))
CurrentGeneCalls <- GC01[GCN == as.character(u5[m1])][[1]]
for (m2 in seq_along(u6)) {
# identify the string to access
GCRef <- CurrentGeneCalls$Contig[(CurrentGeneCalls$Index == u6[m2])][1L]
w1 <- which(AssemblyRef == GCRef)
# grab the IRangesList for the current contig
u7 <- u3[u3[, 1L] == u5[m1] & u3[, 2L] == u6[m2], 3L]
# print(c(u5[m1], u6[m2]))
z1 <- unname(CurrentGeneCalls$Range[u7])
# create a collapse map
z2 <- lengths(z1)
# unlist to an IRanges object
z1 <- unlist(z1,
recursive = FALSE)
# return(list(CurrentAssembly,
# w1,
# z1,
# AssemblyRef,
# GCRef,
# CurrentGeneCalls,
# u5,
# u6,
# u7,
# m1,
# m2))
seqs1 <- extractAt(x = CurrentAssembly[w1][[1L]],
at = z1)
# figure out where collapses are necessary
collapsecount <- 0L
w2 <- which(z2 > 1L)
# if collapsing is necessary, collapse on specified positions
if (length(w2) > 0L) {
# for a collapse operation of 2, we need to remove 1 position
# for an operation of 3, we need to remove 2 positions
# for an operation of 4, we need to remove 3 positions
# etc
removevector <- vector(mode = "integer",
length = sum(z2[w2]) - length(w2))
for (m3 in w2) {
seqs1[[m3 + collapsecount]] <- unlist(seqs1[m3:(m3 + z2[m3] - 1L) + collapsecount])
removevector[(collapsecount + 1L):(collapsecount + z2[m3] - 1L)] <- (m3 + 1L):(m3 + z2[m3] - 1L) + collapsecount
collapsecount <- collapsecount + z2[m3] - 1L
} # end m3 loop through collapse situations
seqs1[removevector] <- NULL
} # end check on collapse operation
# flip sequences into the forward direction where applicable
flipseqs <- CurrentGeneCalls$Strand[u7]
if (any(flipseqs == 1L)) {
seqs1[flipseqs == 1L] <- reverseComplement(seqs1[flipseqs == 1L])
L02 <- L02 + 1L
if (Verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb = pBar,
value = L02 / L01)
} # end verbose logical
names(seqs1) <- paste(u5[m1],
sep = "_")
Res1[[L02]] <- seqs1
} # end m2 loop through contigs
} # end m1 loop through assembly identifiers
Res1 <- do.call(c,
if (Verbose) {
cat("\nArranging Sequences:\n")
Res2 <- vector(mode = "list",
length = nrow(x))
if (Verbose) {
L01 <- length(Res2)
pBar <- txtProgressBar(style = 1L)
# return(list(Res1,
# u2))
for (m1 in seq_along(Res2)) {
# call remove gaps to
Res2[[m1]] <- RemoveGaps(Res1[names(Res1) %in% u1[u2[m1, ]]])
if (Verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb = pBar,
value = m1 / L01)
if (Verbose) {
TimeEnd <- Sys.time()
print(TimeEnd - TimeStart)
} else if (is(object = x,
class2 = "PairSummaries") &
is(object = y,
class2 = "character") &
is(object = z,
class2 = "list")) {
# method 3: pull sequences from a SQLite DB as a list of identified single-linkage
# COGs
# order n, where n is the number of total contigs that contain both a genecall
# and an identified COG member
if (Verbose) {
TimeStart <- Sys.time()
# grab unique gene IDs
u1 <- unique(unlist(z))
# build a map to split out the seqs post extraction
u2 <- unname(sapply(z,
function(x) {
match(x = x,
table = u1)
simplify = FALSE,
# build a map of which strings are being extracted from
u3 <- do.call(rbind,
strsplit(x = u1,
split = "_",
fixed = TRUE))
# all extractions
u3 <- matrix(data = as.integer(u3),
nrow = nrow(u3))
# all strings to extract
u4 <- unique(u3[, c(1L, 2L)])
# all identifiers that are necessary:
u5 <- unique(u4[, 1L])
L01 <- nrow(u4)
L02 <- 0L
if (Verbose) {
# pBar target length:
pBar <- txtProgressBar(style = 1L)
cat("\nExtracting Sequences:\n")
Res1 <- vector(mode = "list",
length = L01)
# return(list(u1,
# u2,
# u3,
# u4,
# u5,
# z))
# loop through each extraction in the first level
# in the second level loop through loop through the contigs
# use name matching to grab the correct contig
# When the nucleotide overlap object was built the gene calls objects was force-reordered
GC01 <- attr(x = x,
which = "GeneCalls")
GCN <- names(GC01)
for (m1 in seq_along(u5)) {
# ID contigs
u6 <- u4[u4[, 1L] == u5[m1], 2L]
# grab assembly
CurrentAssembly <- SearchDB(dbFile = y,
identifier = as.character(u5[m1]),
verbose = FALSE,
nameBy = "description")
AssemblyRef <- unlist(regmatches(x = names(CurrentAssembly),
m = gregexpr(pattern = "^[^ ]+",
text = names(CurrentAssembly))))
CurrentGeneCalls <- GC01[GCN == as.character(u5[m1])][[1]]
for (m2 in seq_along(u6)) {
# identify the string to access
GCRef <- CurrentGeneCalls$Contig[(CurrentGeneCalls$Index == u6[m2])][1L]
w1 <- which(AssemblyRef == GCRef)
# grab the IRangesList for the current contig
u7 <- u3[u3[, 1L] == u5[m1] & u3[, 2L] == u6[m2], 3L]
# print(c(u5[m1], u6[m2]))
z1 <- unname(CurrentGeneCalls$Range[u7])
# create a collapse map
z2 <- lengths(z1)
# unlist to an IRanges object
z1 <- unlist(z1,
recursive = FALSE)
# return(list(CurrentAssembly,
# w1,
# z1,
# AssemblyRef,
# GCRef,
# CurrentGeneCalls,
# u5,
# u6,
# u7,
# m1,
# m2))
seqs1 <- extractAt(x = CurrentAssembly[w1][[1L]],
at = z1)
# figure out where collapses are necessary
collapsecount <- 0L
w2 <- which(z2 > 1L)
# if collapsing is necessary, collapse on specified positions
if (length(w2) > 0L) {
# for a collapse operation of 2, we need to remove 1 position
# for an operation of 3, we need to remove 2 positions
# for an operation of 4, we need to remove 3 positions
# etc
removevector <- vector(mode = "integer",
length = sum(z2[w2]) - length(w2))
for (m3 in w2) {
seqs1[[m3 + collapsecount]] <- unlist(seqs1[m3:(m3 + z2[m3] - 1L) + collapsecount])
removevector[(collapsecount + 1L):(collapsecount + z2[m3] - 1L)] <- (m3 + 1L):(m3 + z2[m3] - 1L) + collapsecount
collapsecount <- collapsecount + z2[m3] - 1L
} # end m3 loop through collapse situations
seqs1[removevector] <- NULL
} # end check on collapse operation
# flip sequences into the forward direction where applicable
flipseqs <- CurrentGeneCalls$Strand[u7]
if (any(flipseqs == 1L)) {
seqs1[flipseqs == 1L] <- reverseComplement(seqs1[flipseqs == 1L])
L02 <- L02 + 1L
if (Verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb = pBar,
value = L02 / L01)
} # end verbose logical
names(seqs1) <- paste(u5[m1],
sep = "_")
Res1[[L02]] <- seqs1
} # end m2 loop through contigs
} # end m1 loop through assembly identifiers
Res1 <- do.call(c,
if (Verbose) {
cat("\nArranging Sequences:\n")
Res2 <- vector(mode = "list",
length = length(z))
if (Verbose) {
L01 <- length(Res2)
pBar <- txtProgressBar(style = 1L)
# return(list(Res1,
# u2))
for (m1 in seq_along(Res2)) {
# call remove gaps to
Res2[[m1]] <- RemoveGaps(Res1[names(Res1) %in% z[[m1]]])
if (Verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb = pBar,
value = m1 / L01)
if (Verbose) {
TimeEnd <- Sys.time()
print(TimeEnd - TimeStart)
} else {
stop("No method available for combination of supplied objects.")
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