Defines functions rand.t.test.WAPLS coef.WAPLS residuals.WAPLS fitted.WAPLS plot.WAPLS screeplot.WAPLS summary.WAPLS print.WAPLS performance.WAPLS crossval.WAPLS predict.WAPLS predict.internal.WAPLS WAPLS.fit WAPLS

Documented in coef.WAPLS crossval.WAPLS fitted.WAPLS performance.WAPLS plot.WAPLS predict.internal.WAPLS predict.WAPLS print.WAPLS rand.t.test.WAPLS residuals.WAPLS screeplot.WAPLS summary.WAPLS WAPLS WAPLS.fit

WAPLS <- function(y, x, npls=5, iswapls=TRUE, standx=FALSE, lean=FALSE, check.data=TRUE, ...)
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  if (!is.null(dim(x)))
     x <- x[, 1]
  if (check.data) {
    if (iswapls & any(y < 0)) {
       stop("Negative values in species data not allowed for WAPLS")
    if (any(abs(apply(y, 1, max)) < 1.0E-8))
       stop(paste("Species data have zero abundances for the following rows:", paste(which(abs(apply(y, 1, max)) < 1.0E-8), collapse=",")))
    if (any(abs(apply(y, 2, max)) < 1.0E-8))
       stop(paste("Species data have zero abundances for the following columns:", paste(which(abs(apply(y, 2, max)) < 1.0E-8), collapse=",")))
  model <- WAPLS.fit(y,x,npls, iswapls, standx, lean)
  xHat <- predict.internal.WAPLS(model, y, lean)
  call.fit <- as.call(list(quote(WAPLS.fit), y=quote(y), x=quote(x), npls=npls, iswapls=iswapls, standx=standx, lean=lean))
  call.print <- match.call()
	result <- c(model, list(npls=npls, fitted.values=xHat, call.fit=call.fit, call.print=call.print, x=x))
	if (!lean) 
	   result$y <- y
  class(result) <- c("WAPLS")
  result$cv.summary <- list(cv.method="none")

WAPLS.fit <- function(y, x, npls=5, iswapls=TRUE, standx=FALSE, lean=FALSE)
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  result <- .Call("WAPLS_fit", y, x, as.integer(npls), as.integer(iswapls), as.integer(standx), as.integer(lean), PACKAGE="rioja")
  beta <- matrix(result$Beta, nrow=ncol(y))
  if (ncol(beta) == 0)
     stop("Components could not be extracted, please check data")
  if (ncol(beta) != npls)
     warning(paste("Only", ncol(beta), "components could be extracted"))
  rownames(beta) <- colnames(y)
  if (ncol(beta) != npls & !lean)
     warning(paste("Only", ncol(beta), "components could be extracted"))
  colnames(beta) <- paste("Comp", formatC(1:ncol(beta), width=2, flag="0"), sep="")
  ret <- list(coefficients=beta, meanY=result$meanY, iswapls=iswapls)
  if (!lean) {
    T <- matrix(result$T, nrow=nrow(y))
    P <- matrix(result$P, nrow=ncol(y))
    rownames(T) <- rownames(y)
    rownames(P) <- colnames(y)
    colnames(T) <- paste("Comp", formatC(1:ncol(T), width=2, flag="0"), sep="")
    colnames(P) <- paste("Comp", formatC(1:ncol(P), width=2, flag="0"), sep="")
    ret$T <- T
    ret$P <- P
  if (!iswapls)
    ret <- c(ret, list(standx=standx, meanT=result$meanT, sdx=result$sdX))

predict.internal.WAPLS <- function(object, y, lean=FALSE, ...)
  if (!lean) {
    if (nrow(object$coefficients) != ncol(y))
       stop("Number of taxa does not match that in model")
    if (any(colnames(y) != rownames(object$coefficients)))
       stop("Taxon names do not match those in model")
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  xHat <- .Call("WAPLS_predict", y, object$coefficients, object$meanY, object$iswapls, object$standx, object$sdx, object$meanT, PACKAGE="rioja")
  xHat <- matrix(xHat, nrow=nrow(y))
  if (!lean) {
    rownames(xHat) <- rownames(y)
    colnames(xHat) <- paste("Comp", formatC(1:ncol(xHat), width=2, flag="0"), sep="")

predict.WAPLS <- function(object, newdata=NULL, sse=FALSE, nboot=100, match.data=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, ...) {
  .predict(object=object, newdata=newdata, sse=sse, nboot=nboot, match.data=match.data, verbose=verbose, ...)

crossval.WAPLS <- function(object, cv.method="loo", verbose=TRUE, ngroups=10, nboot=100, h.cutoff=0, h.dist=NULL, ...) {
  .crossval(object=object, cv.method=cv.method, verbose=verbose, ngroups=ngroups, nboot=nboot, h.cutoff=h.cutoff, h.dist=h.dist, ...)

performance.WAPLS <- function(object, ...) {
  .performance(object, ...)

print.WAPLS <- function(x, ...) 
  cat("Method : Weighted Averaging Partial Least Squares\n")
  cat("Call   : ")
  cat(paste(deparse(x$call.print), "\n\n"))
  cat(paste("No. samples        :", length(x$x), "\n"))
  cat(paste("No. species        :", nrow(x$coefficients), "\n"))
  cat(paste("No. components     :", ncol(x$fitted.values), "\n"))

summary.WAPLS <- function(object, full=FALSE, ...) 
  print(object, ...)
  if (object$cv.summary$cv.method == "none")
    fitted <- as.data.frame(object$fitted.values)     
    fitted <- as.data.frame(object$fitted.values, object$predicted)     
  cat("\nFitted values\n")
  if (full) {
     cat("\nSpecies coefficients\n")
  } else {
     cat("\nSpecies coefficients\n")

screeplot.WAPLS <- function(x, rand.test=TRUE, ...) {
  if (x$cv.summary$cv.method=="none")
     stop("WAPLS model does not have cross validation estimates")
  summ <- performance(x)
  yR <- range(summ$object[, "RMSE"], summ$crossval[, "RMSE"])
  oldmar <- par("mar")
  if (rand.test) {
    mm <- oldmar
    mm[4] <- mm[4] * 2
  plot(1:x$npls, summ$object[, "RMSE"], type="b", ylim=yR, col="black", xlab="Number of components", ylab="RMSE", axes=FALSE)
  lines(1:x$npls, summ$crossval[, "RMSE"], type="b", col="red")
  axis(2, las=1)
  axis(1, at=1:x$npls, labels=as.character(1:x$npls))
  args <- names(as.list(match.call()))
#  if ("main" %in% args) 
#     title(...)
#  else 
#     title(main=substitute(x))
  if (rand.test) {
    res <- rand.t.test(x, ...)
    rY <- range(pretty(res[-1, "delta.RMSE"]), na.rm=TRUE)
    us <- par("usr")
    us[3] <- rY[1]
    us[4] <- rY[2]
    axis(4, las=1)
    lines(1:x$npls, res[, "delta.RMSE"], type="b", col="blue")
    mtext("% change in RMSE", 4, line=2)
    text(1:x$npls, res[, "delta.RMSE"], sprintf("%.3f", res[, "p"], 3), pos=2, xpd=NA, cex=0.8, col="blue") 
    par(usr=c(0, 1, 0, 1))
    legend("topleft", c("model RMSE", "x-val RMSE", "% change RMSE"), lty=1, col=c("black", "red", "blue"), inset=c(0, -0.1), ncol=3, xpd=NA)
     legend("topright", c("model", "x-val"), lty=1, col=c("black", "red"))

plot.WAPLS <- function(x, resid=FALSE, xval=FALSE, npls=1, xlab="", ylab="", ylim=NULL, xlim=NULL, add.ref=TRUE, add.smooth=FALSE, ...) {
  if (xval & x$cv.summary$cv.method=="none")
     stop("WAPLS model does not have cross validation estimates")
  xx <- x$x
  if (resid) {
     if (xval) {
       yy <- x$predicted[, npls] - x$x
     } else {
       yy <- residuals(x)[, npls]
  } else {
     if (xval) {
        yy <- x$predicted[, npls]
      }  else {
       yy <- x$fitted.values[, npls]
  if (missing(ylim)) {
     if (resid) {
       ylim <- range(yy)
     } else {
       ylim <- range(yy, x$x)
  if (missing(xlim))
     xlim <- range(xx, x$x)
  plot(xx, yy, ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, las=1, ...)
  if (add.ref) {
     if (resid)
       abline(h=0, col="grey")
       abline(0,1, col="grey")
  if (add.smooth) {
     lines(lowess(xx, yy), col="red")

fitted.WAPLS <- function(object, ...) {

residuals.WAPLS <- function(object, cv=FALSE, ...) {
  if (cv == FALSE)
     return (object$x - object$fitted.values)
  else {
     if (object$cv.summary$cv.method == "none")
        stop("Object does not contain cross validation results")
     return (object$residuals.cv)

coef.WAPLS <- function(object, ...) {

rand.t.test.WAPLS <- function(object, n.perm=999, ...) 
  if (object$cv.summary$cv.method=="none")
     stop("Can only perform a randomisation t-test on a cross-validated model.")
  p <- performance(object)
  if (object$npls < 2)
     stop("Only one component - nothing to test.")
  npls <- nrow(p$crossval)
  delta <- diff(p$crossval[, 1]) / p$crossval[1:(npls-1), 1] * 100
  e0 <- object$x - mean(object$x)
  delta <- c((p$crossval[1, 1]-p$RMSE)/p$RMSE*100, delta)
  e <- cbind(e0, object$residuals.cv)
  t.res <- vector("numeric",npls)
  t <- vector("numeric",n.perm+1)
#  t.res[] <- NA
  n <- nrow(e)
  for (i in 1:npls) {
    d <- e[, i]^2 - e[, i+1]^2
    t[1] <- mean(d, na.rm=TRUE)
    for (j in 1:n.perm) {
      sig <- 2 * rbinom(n, 1, 0.5) - 1
      t[j+1] <- mean(d * sig, na.rm=TRUE)
    t.res[i] <- sum(t >= t[1]) / (n.perm+1)
  result <- cbind(p$crossval, delta.RMSE=delta, p=t.res)
nsj3/rioja documentation built on Oct. 24, 2023, 1:37 a.m.