
Defines functions fitDeltaGLM

Documented in fitDeltaGLM

#' This function writes, and optionally runs the model in the BUGS/JAGS framework
#' @param datalist List of data passed in
#' @param modelStructure list controlling mdoel components
#' \describe{
#'   \item{StrataYear.positiveTows}{Effects for strata:year interactions in positive model. Character string that is one of the following: "zero", "fixed", random", "random2", "randomExpanded", or "correlated". The "random", "random2" and "randomExpanded" treatments of normally distributed random effects differ in that "random" assigns a uniform prior on the random effects standard deviation, "random2" assigns an Inverse Gamma prior on the random effects precision, while "randomExpanded" assigns the folded non-central t-distribution as a prior on the random effect SD (Gelman 2006, Gelman et al. 2007). Specifying the effects as "correlated" also models deviations as random effects, but treats them as multivariate normal, with a correlation between the presence-absence model estimated. Defaults to "random".}
#'   \item{VesselYear.positiveTows}{Effects for vessel:year interactions in positive model. Character string that is one of the following: "zero", "fixed", random", "random2", "randomExpanded", or "correlated". The "random", "random2" and "randomExpanded" treatments of normally distributed random effects differ in that "random" assigns a uniform prior on the random effects standard deviation, "random2" assigns an Inverse Gamma prior on the random effects precision, while "randomExpanded" assigns the folded non-central t-distribution as a prior on the random effect SD (Gelman 2006, Gelman et al. 2007). Specifying the effects as "correlated" also models deviations as random effects, but treats them as multivariate normal, with a correlation between the presence-absence model estimated. Defaults to "random".}
#'   \item{StrataYear.zeroTows}{Effects for strata:year interactions in binomial model. Character string that is one of the following: "zero", "fixed", random", "random2", "randomExpanded", or "correlated". The "random", "random2" and "randomExpanded" treatments of normally distributed random effects differ in that "random" assigns a uniform prior on the random effects standard deviation, "random2" assigns an Inverse Gamma prior on the random effects precision, while "randomExpanded" assigns the folded non-central t-distribution as a prior on the random effect SD (Gelman 2006, Gelman et al. 2007). Specifying the effects as "correlated" also models deviations as random effects, but treats them as multivariate normal, with a correlation between the presence-absence model estimated. Defaults to "random".}
#'   \item{VesselYear.zeroTows}{Effects for vessel:year interactions in binomial model. Character string that is one of the following: "zero", "fixed", random", "random2", "randomExpanded", or "correlated". The "random", "random2" and "randomExpanded" treatments of normally distributed random effects differ in that "random" assigns a uniform prior on the random effects standard deviation, "random2" assigns an Inverse Gamma prior on the random effects precision, while "randomExpanded" assigns the folded non-central t-distribution as a prior on the random effect SD (Gelman 2006, Gelman et al. 2007). Specifying the effects as "correlated" also models deviations as random effects, but treats them as multivariate normal, with a correlation between the presence-absence model estimated. Defaults to "random".}
#'   \item{Vessel.positiveTows}{Effects for vessel interactions in positive model. Character string that is one of the following: "zero", "fixed", random", "random2", "randomExpanded", or "correlated". The "random", "random2" and "randomExpanded" treatments of normally distributed random effects differ in that "random" assigns a uniform prior on the random effects standard deviation, "random2" assigns an Inverse Gamma prior on the random effects precision, while "randomExpanded" assigns the folded non-central t-distribution as a prior on the random effect SD (Gelman 2006, Gelman et al. 2007). Specifying the effects as "correlated" also models deviations as random effects, but treats them as multivariate normal, with a correlation between the presence-absence model estimated. Defaults to "zero".}
#'   \item{Vessel.zeroTows}{Effects for vessel interactions in binomial model. Character string that is one of the following: "zero", "fixed", random", "random2", "randomExpanded", or "correlated". The "random", "random2" and "randomExpanded" treatments of normally distributed random effects differ in that "random" assigns a uniform prior on the random effects standard deviation, "random2" assigns an Inverse Gamma prior on the random effects precision, while "randomExpanded" assigns the folded non-central t-distribution as a prior on the random effect SD (Gelman 2006, Gelman et al. 2007). Specifying the effects as "correlated" also models deviations as random effects, but treats them as multivariate normal, with a correlation between the presence-absence model estimated. Defaults to "zero".}
#'   \item{Catchability.positiveTows}{Specify offset for the positive model. Can be fixed ("one"), or estimated ("linear", "quadratic"). If "E" represents effort, the offset is included in the following form, ln(u) = ... + B1*ln(E) + B2*(ln(E)^2). Defaults to "one".}
#'   \item{Catchability.zeroTows}{Specify offset for the presence-absence model. Can be fixed ("zero","one"), or estimated ("linear", "quadratic"). If "E" represents effort, the offset is included in the following form, logit(p) = ... + B1*E + B2*(E^2). Defaults to "zero".}
#'   \item{year.deviations}{Argument ("correlated","uncorrelated") specifying whether year deviations should be estimated as correlated random effects (correlation between presence-absence and positive model deviates estimated). By default, this is "uncorrelated", meaning year deviations are included as fixed effects. }
#'   \item{strata.deviations}{Argument ("correlated","uncorrelated") specifying whether strata deviations should be estimated as correlated random effects (correlation between presence-absence and positive model deviates estimated). By default, this is "uncorrelated", meaning strata deviations are included as fixed effects.}
#' }
#' @param covariates Two element vector specifying whether covariates are included.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{positive}{Boolean, defaults to FALSE}
#'   \item{binomial}{Boolean, defaults to FALSE}
#' }
#' @param likelihood Character string specifying the form of the positive model. Can be one of the following: "gamma" (or "gammaFixedCV"), "lognormal" (or "lognormalFixedCV"), "invGaussian" (or "invGaussianFixedCV"), "lognormalECE", "gammaECE", "poisson", "zt_poisson", or "negbin". Defaults to "gamma". The forms of the model are as follows:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{gamma}{Models the response as continuous from a Gamma distribution, with a log-link. The form of the Gamma distribution used is Y ~ Gamma(shape = a, rate = b), where E(Y) = a / b, and CV(Y) = 1 / sqrt(a). For consistency with the lognormal, the CV^2 is assigned an Inverse Gamma (0.001,0.001) prior. If the distribution is specified as "gammaFixedCV", the CV = 1}
#'   \item{lognormal}{Models the response as continuous from a lognormal distribution, with a log-link. The CV^2 is assigned an Inverse Gamma (0.001,0.001) prior, and the variance of the lognormal distribution is calculated as var = (log(CV^2)+1). If the distribution is specified as "lognormalFixedCV", the CV = 1}
#'   \item{invGaussian}{Models the response as continuous from an inverse Gaussian (Wald) distribution, with a log-link. The parameterization is in terms of the mean (u) and variance (u^3 / lambda). This model is considerably slower than the lognormal or gamma because the "zeros" trick needs to be implemented. For consistency with the other distributions, the CV^2 is assigned an Inverse Gamma (0.001,0.001) prior.  If the distribution is specified as "invGaussianFixedCV", the CV = 1.}
#'   \item{gammaECE}{Extends the gamma distribution to model the positive distribution as a 2-component mixture (normal and "extreme catch events", Thorson 2011). The probability of membership in each class ("normal", "extreme") is estimated. Extreme catch events are allowed to have a separate estimated variance parameter (or CV). The mean of extreme catch events is also estimated; for identifiability, this is estimated as an offset from normal catch events in link-space, e.g. log(u_extreme) = log(u_normal) + logratio, where the "logratio" parameter is assigned a log-uniform(0,5) prior distribution.}
#'   \item{lognormalECE}{Extends the lognormal distribution to model the positive distribution as a 2-component mixture (normal and "extreme catch events", Thorson 2011). The probability of membership in each class ("normal", "extreme") is estimated. Extreme catch events are allowed to have a separate estimated variance parameter (or CV). The mean of extreme catch events is also estimated; for identifiability, this is estimated as an offset from normal catch events in link-space, e.g. log(u_extreme) = log(u_normal) + logratio, where the "logratio" parameter is assigned a log-uniform(0,5) prior distribution.}
#'   \item{poisson}{Models the response as discrete counts from the Poisson distribution, parameterized using the log-link function, Y ~ Poisson(u), with log(u) = B0 + B1*X. Because this is a delta-GLM model, applying the Poisson distribution isn't really appropriate when counts are small (zeros are a possibility). The zt_poisson distribution is more appropriate for these settings.}
#'   \item{ztpoisson}{Models the response as discrete counts from the zero-truncated Poisson distribution, parameterized using the log-link Y ~ Poisson(u), log(u) = B0 + B1X. This is more appropriate for small count data than the poisson. Because this implements the zeros trick to calculate the likelihood, estimation is slower than the traditional Poisson}
#'   \item{negbin}{Models the response as discrete counts from the Negative binomial distribution, parameterized using the log-link function, Y ~ NegBin(u, r), with log(u) = B0 + B1X. }
#' }
#' @param model.name Character string specifying the name of the JAGS txt file that is written to the working directory. Defaults "to deltaGLM.txt"
#' @param fit.model Boolean, specifying whether the model should be fit or not. Defaults to TRUE; if FALSE, just the JAGS script file is written.
#' @param write.model Boolean, whether to write model to a file. Defaults to TRUE
#' @param mcmc.control List of parameter to control MCMC estimation
#' \describe{
#'  \item{chains}{Number of MCMC chains to estimate}
#'  \item{thin}{Thinning rate, defaults to 1}
#'  \item{burn}{Burn in period, defaults to 5000}
#'  \item{iterToSave}{iterations to save after burn-in, defaults to 2000}
#' }
#' @param Parallel Whether to conduct estimation using parallel computing (faster), using the function jags.parallel().
#' @param Species Species name, defaults to "NULL"
#' @param logitBounds 2 element vector specifying bounds of logit link space. Defaults c(-20,20)
#' @param logBounds 2 element vector specifying bounds of log link space. Defaults c(-20,20)
#' @param prior.scale Scale parameter for the variance parameter of the "randomExpanded" random effects. This is a 6 element vector, defaults to (25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25), where the elements are (strataYear.positive, strataYear.presenceAbsence, vesselYear.positive, vesselYear.presenceAbsence, vessel.positive, vessel.presenceAbsence)
#' @param dgammaNum Prior on precision parameters, e.g. tau ~ dgamma(dgammaNum, dgammaNum). Defaults to 0.001
#' @return list of the following
#' \describe{
#'   \item{modelFit}{fitted model object}
#'   \item{functionCall}{function call, for reproducibility}
#'   \item{estimatedParameters}{estimated parameters}
#'   \item{Species}{Species name}
#'   \item{Data}{Data used to estimate parameters}
#' }
#' @export
fitDeltaGLM <- function(datalist = NULL, modelStructure =
                            "StrataYear.positiveTows" = "random", "VesselYear.positiveTows" = "random",
                            "StrataYear.zeroTows" = "random", "VesselYear.zeroTows" = "random",
                            "Vessel.positiveTows" = "zero", "Vessel.zeroTows" = "zero",
                            "Catchability.positiveTows" = "one", "Catchability.zeroTows" = "zero",
                            "year.deviations" = "uncorrelated", "strata.deviations" = "uncorrelated"
                        covariates = list(positive = FALSE, binomial = FALSE), likelihood = "gamma",
                        model.name = "deltaGLM.txt", fit.model = TRUE, write.model = TRUE,
                        mcmc.control = list(chains = 5, thin = 1, burn = 5000, iterToSave = 2000),
                        Parallel = TRUE, Species = "NULL", logitBounds = c(-20, 20), logBounds = c(-20, 20),
                        prior.scale = rep(25, 6), dgammaNum = 0.001) {
  load.module("glm") # JAGS

  # attach datalist
  attach(datalist, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

  # Load data locally
  if (!("Data" %in% search())) {
    attach(Data, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
    on.exit(detach(Data), add = TRUE)

  if (modelStructure$Catchability.positiveTows %in% c("linear", "quadratic") | modelStructure$Catchability.zeroTows %in% c("one", "linear", "quadratic")) {
    print("Warning: index will not have comparable scale to a design-based (raw) index unless catchability.positiveTows equals 'one'  catchability.zeroTows equals 'zero'")
  if (length(prior.scale) != 6 | length(which(is.na(prior.scale) == T)) > 0 | length(which(prior.scale <= 0)) > 0) {
    print("Error: prior.scale needs to be specified as a 6-element vector, of positive values")
  if (Species == "NULL") {
    print("Error: you need to input a species name in the function, e.g. Species = \"Canary\"")
  if (modelStructure$VesselYear.zeroTows == "correlated" & modelStructure$VesselYear.positiveTows != "correlated") {
    print("Error: you specified only Vessel Year deviations for binomial model to be correlated. You need to either (1) specify both as correlated or (2) specify neither as correlated")
  if (modelStructure$VesselYear.zeroTows != "correlated" & modelStructure$VesselYear.positiveTows == "correlated") {
    print("Error: you specified only Vessel Year deviations for positive model to be correlated. You need to either (1) specify both as correlated or (2) specify neither as correlated")
  if (modelStructure$Vessel.zeroTows == "correlated" & modelStructure$Vessel.positiveTows != "correlated") {
    print("Error: you specified only Vessel deviations for binomial model to be correlated. You need to either (1) specify both as correlated or (2) specify neither as correlated")
  if (modelStructure$Vessel.zeroTows != "correlated" & modelStructure$Vessel.positiveTows == "correlated") {
    print("Error: you specified only Vessel deviations for positive model to be correlated. You need to either (1) specify both as correlated or (2) specify neither as correlated")
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.zeroTows == "correlated" & modelStructure$StrataYear.positiveTows != "correlated") {
    print("Error: you specified only Strata Year deviations for binomial model to be correlated. You need to either (1) specify both as correlated or (2) specify neither as correlated")
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.zeroTows != "correlated" & modelStructure$StrataYear.positiveTows == "correlated") {
    print("Error: you specified only Strata Year deviations for positive model to be correlated. You need to either (1) specify both as correlated or (2) specify neither as correlated")

  if (nVY == nY) {
    # EW: this was a catch I put in for the darkblotched data on 5.13.12.
    # When there's only 1 vessel, and VY interaction needs to be set to 0
    # because it contains redundant info as year
    modelStructure$VesselYear.positiveTows == "zero"
    modelStructure$VesselYear.zeroTows == "zero"

  # check to make sure that the covariates are in matrix form - this is just a BUGS/JAGS thing
  nX.binomial <- 1
  if (covariates$binomial) {
    # check for matrix
    if (is.matrix(X.bin) == FALSE) {
      print("Error: Please specify the covariates for the binomial model as a matrix, or turn covariates off.")
    nX.binomial <- dim(X.bin)[2]
  nX.pos <- 1
  if (covariates$positive) {
    # check for matrix
    if (is.matrix(X.pos) == FALSE) {
      print("Error: Please specify the covariates for positive tows as a matrix, or turn covariates off.")
    nX.pos <- dim(X.pos)[2]

  # These 6 strings are all new, relevant for implementing the variance manipulated/expanded method described in Gelman et al. 2007,
  # Gelman et al. 2006. The prior implicit on random effects is the non-central folded t distribution from Gelman et al. 2006
  SYexpanded <- paste("   tau.xi[1] <- pow(", prior.scale[1], ", -2);\n", "   xi[1] ~ dnorm (0, tau.xi[1]);\n",
    "tau.eta[1] ~ dgamma(0.5, 0.5); # chi^2 with 1 d.f.\n", "sigmaSY[1] <- abs(xi[1])/sqrt(tau.eta[1]); # derived, cauchy = normal/sqrt(chi^2)\n",
    "for (j in 1:nSY){\n",
    "   SYeta[j] ~ dnorm(0, tau.eta[1]); # hierarchical model for theta\n",
    "   SYdev[j] <- min(max(xi[1]*SYeta[j],", logBounds[1], "),", logBounds[2], ");\n",
    sep = ""
  pSYexpanded <- paste("   tau.xi[2] <- pow(", prior.scale[2], ", -2);\n", "   xi[2] ~ dnorm (0, tau.xi[2]);\n",
    "tau.eta[2] ~ dgamma(0.5, 0.5); # chi^2 with 1 d.f.\n", "sigmaSY[2] <- abs(xi[2])/sqrt(tau.eta[2]); # derived, cauchy = normal/sqrt(chi^2)\n",
    "for (j in 1:nSY){\n",
    "   pSYeta[j] ~ dnorm(0, tau.eta[2]); # hierarchical model for theta\n",
    "   pSYdev[j] <- min(max(xi[2]*pSYeta[j],", logitBounds[1], "),", logitBounds[2], ");\n",
    sep = ""
  VYexpanded <- paste("   tau.xi[3] <- pow(", prior.scale[3], ", -2);\n", "   xi[3] ~ dnorm (0, tau.xi[3]);\n",
    "tau.eta[3] ~ dgamma(0.5, 0.5); # chi^2 with 1 d.f.\n", "sigmaVY[1] <- abs(xi[3])/sqrt(tau.eta[3]); # derived, cauchy = normal/sqrt(chi^2)\n",
    "for (j in 1:nVY){\n",
    "   VYeta[j] ~ dnorm(0, tau.eta[3]); # hierarchical model for theta\n",
    "   VYdev[j] <- min(max(xi[3]*VYeta[j],", logBounds[1], "),", logBounds[2], ");\n",
    sep = ""
  pVYexpanded <- paste("   tau.xi[4] <- pow(", prior.scale[4], ", -2);\n", "   xi[4] ~ dnorm (0, tau.xi[4]);\n",
    "tau.eta[4] ~ dgamma(0.5, 0.5); # chi^2 with 1 d.f.\n", "sigmaVY[2] <- abs(xi[4])/sqrt(tau.eta[4]); # derived, cauchy = normal/sqrt(chi^2)\n",
    "for (j in 1:nVY){\n",
    "   pVYeta[j] ~ dnorm(0, tau.eta[4]); # hierarchical model for theta\n",
    "   pVYdev[j] <- min(max(xi[4]*pVYeta[j],", logitBounds[1], "),", logitBounds[2], ");\n",
    sep = ""
  Vexpanded <- paste("   tau.xi[5] <- pow(", prior.scale[5], ", -2);\n", "   xi[5] ~ dnorm (0, tau.xi[5]);\n",
    "tau.eta[5] ~ dgamma(0.5, 0.5); # chi^2 with 1 d.f.\n", "sigmaV[1] <- abs(xi[5])/sqrt(tau.eta[5]); # derived, cauchy = normal/sqrt(chi^2)\n",
    "for (j in 1:nV){\n",
    "   Veta[j] ~ dnorm(0, tau.eta[5]); # hierarchical model for theta\n",
    "   Vdev[j] <- min(max(xi[5]*Veta[j],", logBounds[1], "),", logBounds[2], ");\n",
    sep = ""
  pVexpanded <- paste("   tau.xi[6] <- pow(", prior.scale[6], ", -2);\n", "   xi[6] ~ dnorm (0, tau.xi[6]);\n",
    "tau.eta[6] ~ dgamma(0.5, 0.5); # chi^2 with 1 d.f.\n", "sigmaV[2] <- abs(xi[6])/sqrt(tau.eta[6]); # derived, cauchy = normal/sqrt(chi^2)\n",
    "for (j in 1:nV){\n",
    "   pVeta[j] ~ dnorm(0, tau.eta[6]); # hierarchical model for theta\n",
    "   pVdev[j] <- min(max(xi[6]*pVeta[j],", logitBounds[1], "),", logitBounds[2], ");\n",
    sep = ""

  # This section is related to strata-year and vessel-year effects
  # Strata-year interactions can be (1) fixed, (2) random, (3) randomExpanded, or (4) not estimated (set to 0)
  SYpos.string <- ""
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.positiveTows == "fixed") SYpos.string <- paste("   for(i in 1:nSY) {\n      SYdev[i] ~ dunif(", logBounds[1], ",", logBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   strataYearTau[1,1] <- 0;\n", "   strataYearTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaSY[1]<-0;\n   tauSY[1]<-0;\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.positiveTows == "random") SYpos.string <- paste("   for(i in 1:nSY) {\n      SYdev[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauSY[1])T(", logBounds[1], ",", logBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   strataYearTau[1,1] <- 0;\n", "   strataYearTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaSY[1]~dunif(0,100);\n   tauSY[1]<-pow(sigmaSY[1],-2);\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.positiveTows == "random2") SYpos.string <- paste("   for(i in 1:nSY) {\n      SYdev[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauSY[1])T(", logBounds[1], ",", logBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   strataYearTau[1,1] <- 0;\n", "   strataYearTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaSY[1]<-pow(tauSY[1],-1/2);\n   tauSY[1]~dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ");\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.positiveTows == "randomExpanded") SYpos.string <- paste(SYexpanded, "   strataYearTau[1,1] <- 0;\n", "   strataYearTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   tauSY[1]<-pow(sigmaSY[1],-2);\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.positiveTows == "zero") SYpos.string <- "   for(i in 1:nSY) {\n      SYdev[i] <- 0;\n   }\n   strataYearTau[1,1] <- 0;\n   strataYearTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaSY[1]<-0;\n   tauSY[1]<-0;\n"

  SYzero.string <- ""
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.zeroTows == "fixed") SYzero.string <- paste("   for(i in 1:nSY) {\n      pSYdev[i] ~ dunif(", logitBounds[1], ",", logitBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   strataYearTau[2,1] <- 0;\n", "   strataYearTau[2,2] <- 0;\n", "   sigmaSY[2] <- 0;\n   tauSY[2]<-0;\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.zeroTows == "random") SYzero.string <- paste("   for(i in 1:nSY) {\n      pSYdev[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauSY[2])T(", logitBounds[1], ",", logitBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   strataYearTau[2,1] <- 0;\n", "   strataYearTau[2,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaSY[2]~dunif(0,100);\n   tauSY[2]<-pow(sigmaSY[2],-2);\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.zeroTows == "random2") SYzero.string <- paste("   for(i in 1:nSY) {\n      pSYdev[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauSY[2])T(", logitBounds[1], ",", logitBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   strataYearTau[2,1] <- 0;\n", "   strataYearTau[2,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaSY[2]<-pow(tauSY[2],-1/2);\n   tauSY[2]~dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ");\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.zeroTows == "randomExpanded") SYzero.string <- paste(pSYexpanded, "   strataYearTau[2,1] <- 0;\n", "   strataYearTau[2,2] <- 0;\n   tauSY[2]<-pow(sigmaSY[2],-2);\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.zeroTows == "zero") SYzero.string <- "   for(i in 1:nSY) {\n      pSYdev[i] <- 0;\n   }\n   strataYearTau[2,1] <- 0;\n   strataYearTau[2,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaSY[2] <- 0;\n   tauSY[2]<-0;\n"

  # combine the strata year interactions into a string
  stratayear.string <- paste(SYpos.string, SYzero.string)
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.zeroTows == "correlated" & modelStructure$StrataYear.positiveTows == "correlated") {
    # strata year deviations are MVN RE
    stratayear.string <- paste("sigmaSY[1] <- 0;\n   sigmaSY[2] <- 0;\n      strataYearTau[1:2,1:2] ~ dwish(R[1:2,1:2],2);\n   for(i in 1:nSY) {\n   sydevs[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(zs[1:2],strataYearTau[1:2,1:2]);\n      SYdev[i] <- min(max(sydevs[i,1],", logBounds[1], "),", logBounds[2], ");\n      pSYdev[i] <- min(max(sydevs[i,2],", logitBounds[1], "),", logitBounds[2], ");\n   }\n", sep = "")

  # Vessel-year interactions cab be (1) fixed, (2) random, (3) randomExpanded, or (4) not estimated (set to 0)
  VYpos.string <- ""
  if (modelStructure$VesselYear.positiveTows == "fixed") VYpos.string <- paste("   VYdev[1] <- 0;\n   for(i in 2:nVY) {\n      VYdev[i] ~ dunif(", logBounds[1], ",", logBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   vesselYearTau[1,1] <- 0;\n", "   vesselYearTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaVY[1]<-0;\n   tauVY[1]<-0;\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$VesselYear.positiveTows == "random") VYpos.string <- paste("   for(i in 1:nVY) {\n      VYdev[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauVY[1])T(", logBounds[1], ",", logBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   vesselYearTau[1,1] <- 0;\n", "   vesselYearTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaVY[1]~dunif(0,100);\n   tauVY[1]<-pow(sigmaVY[1],-2);\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$VesselYear.positiveTows == "random2") VYpos.string <- paste("   for(i in 1:nVY) {\n      VYdev[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauVY[1])T(", logBounds[1], ",", logBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   vesselYearTau[1,1] <- 0;\n", "   vesselYearTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaVY[1]<-pow(tauVY[1],-1/2);\n   tauVY[1]~dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ");\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$VesselYear.positiveTows == "randomExpanded") VYpos.string <- paste(VYexpanded, "   vesselYearTau[1,1] <- 0;\n", "   vesselYearTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   tauVY[1]<-pow(sigmaVY[1],-2);\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$VesselYear.positiveTows == "zero") VYpos.string <- "   for(i in 1:nVY) {\n      VYdev[i] <- 0;\n   }\n   vesselYearTau[1,1] <- 0;\n   vesselYearTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaVY[1]<-0;\n   tauVY[1]<-0;\n"

  VYzero.string <- ""
  if (modelStructure$VesselYear.zeroTows == "fixed") VYzero.string <- paste("   pVYdev[1] <- 0;\n   for(i in 2:nVY) {\n      pVYdev[i] ~ dunif(", logitBounds[1], ",", logitBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   vesselYearTau[2,1] <- 0;\n", "   vesselYearTau[2,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaVY[2]<-0;\n   tauVY[2]<-0;\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$VesselYear.zeroTows == "random") VYzero.string <- paste("   for(i in 1:nVY) {\n      pVYdev[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauVY[2])T(", logitBounds[1], ",", logitBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   vesselYearTau[2,1] <- 0;\n", "   vesselYearTau[2,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaVY[2] ~ dunif(0,100);\n   tauVY[2]<-pow(sigmaVY[2],-2);\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$VesselYear.zeroTows == "random2") VYzero.string <- paste("   for(i in 1:nVY) {\n      pVYdev[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauVY[2])T(", logitBounds[1], ",", logitBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   vesselYearTau[2,1] <- 0;\n", "   vesselYearTau[2,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaVY[2]<-pow(tauVY[2],-1/2);\n   tauVY[2]~dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ");\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$VesselYear.zeroTows == "randomExpanded") VYzero.string <- paste(pVYexpanded, "   vesselYearTau[2,1] <- 0;\n", "   vesselYearTau[2,2] <- 0;\n   tauVY[2]<-pow(sigmaVY[2],-2);\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$VesselYear.zeroTows == "zero") VYzero.string <- "   for(i in 1:nVY) {\n      pVYdev[i] <- 0;\n   }\n   vesselYearTau[2,1] <- 0;\n   vesselYearTau[2,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaVY[2]<-0;\n   tauVY[2]<-0;\n"

  # combine the strata year interactions into a string
  vesselyear.string <- paste(VYpos.string, VYzero.string)
  # vesselyear.string = paste("   for(i in 1:nVY) {\n",VYpos.string,VYzero.string,"   }\n","   vesselYearTau[1,1] <- 0;\n","   vesselYearTau[1,2] <- 0;\n","   vesselYearTau[2,1] <- 0;\n","   vesselYearTau[2,2] <- 0;\n")

  if (modelStructure$VesselYear.zeroTows == "correlated" & modelStructure$VesselYear.positiveTows == "correlated") {
    # vessel year deviations are MVN RE
    vesselyear.string <- paste("sigmaVY[1] <- 0;\n   sigmaVY[2] <- 0;\n   vesselYearTau[1:2,1:2] ~ dwish(R[1:2,1:2],2);\n   for(i in 1:nVY) {\n   vydevs[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(zs[1:2],vesselYearTau[1:2,1:2]);\n      VYdev[i] <- min(max(vydevs[i,1],", logBounds[1], "),", logBounds[2], ");\n      pVYdev[i] <- min(max(vydevs[i,2],", logitBounds[1], "),", logitBounds[2], ");\n   }\n", sep = "")

  # Vessel interactions cab be (1) fixed, (2) random, (3) randomExpanded, or (4) not estimated (set to 0)
  Vpos.string <- ""
  if (modelStructure$Vessel.positiveTows == "fixed") Vpos.string <- paste("   Vdev[1] <- 0;\n   for(i in 2:nV) {\n      Vdev[i] ~ dunif(", logBounds[1], ",", logBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   vesselTau[1,1] <- 0;\n", "   vesselTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaV[1]<-0;\n   tauV[1]<-0;\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$Vessel.positiveTows == "random") Vpos.string <- paste("   for(i in 1:nV) {\n      Vdev[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauV[1])T(", logBounds[1], ",", logBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   vesselTau[1,1] <- 0;\n", "   vesselTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaV[1]~dunif(0,100);\n   tauV[1]<-pow(sigmaV[1],-2);\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$Vessel.positiveTows == "random2") Vpos.string <- paste("   for(i in 1:nV) {\n      Vdev[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauV[1])T(", logBounds[1], ",", logBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   vesselTau[1,1] <- 0;\n", "   vesselTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaV[1]<-pow(tauV[1],-1/2);\n   tauV[1]~dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ");\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$Vessel.positiveTows == "randomExpanded") Vpos.string <- paste(Vexpanded, "   vesselTau[1,1] <- 0;\n", "   vesselTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   tauV[1]<-pow(sigmaV[1],-2);\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$Vessel.positiveTows == "zero") Vpos.string <- "   for(i in 1:nV) {\n      Vdev[i] <- 0;\n   }\n   vesselTau[1,1] <- 0;\n   vesselTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaV[1]<-0;\n   tauV[1]<-0;\n"

  Vzero.string <- ""
  if (modelStructure$Vessel.zeroTows == "fixed") Vzero.string <- paste("   pVdev[1] <- 0;\n   for(i in 2:nV) {\n      pVdev[i] ~ dunif(", logitBounds[1], ",", logitBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   vesselTau[2,1] <- 0;\n", "   vesselTau[2,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaV[2]<-0;\n   tauV[2]<-0;\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$Vessel.zeroTows == "random") Vzero.string <- paste("   for(i in 1:nV) {\n      pVdev[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauV[2])T(", logitBounds[1], ",", logitBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   vesselTau[2,1] <- 0;\n", "   vesselTau[2,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaV[2] ~ dunif(0,100);\n   tauV[2]<-pow(sigmaV[2],-2);\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$Vessel.zeroTows == "random2") Vzero.string <- paste("   for(i in 1:nV) {\n      pVdev[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauV[2])T(", logitBounds[1], ",", logitBounds[2], ");\n   }\n   vesselTau[2,1] <- 0;\n", "   vesselTau[2,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaV[2]<-pow(tauV[2],-1/2);\n   tauV[2]~dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ");\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$Vessel.zeroTows == "randomExpanded") Vzero.string <- paste(pVexpanded, "   vesselTau[2,1] <- 0;\n", "   vesselTau[2,2] <- 0;\n   tauV[2]<-pow(sigmaV[2],-2);\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$Vessel.zeroTows == "zero") Vzero.string <- "   for(i in 1:nV) {\n      pVdev[i] <- 0;\n   }\n   vesselTau[2,1] <- 0;\n   vesselTau[2,2] <- 0;\n   sigmaV[2]<-0;\n   tauV[2]<-0;\n"

  # combine the strata year interactions into a string
  vessel.string <- paste(Vpos.string, Vzero.string)

  if (modelStructure$Vessel.zeroTows == "correlated" & modelStructure$Vessel.positiveTows == "correlated") {
    # vessel deviations are MVN RE
    vessel.string <- paste("sigmaV[1] <- 0;\n   sigmaV[2] <- 0;\n   vesselTau[1:2,1:2] ~ dwish(R[1:2,1:2],2);\n   for(i in 1:nV) {\n   vdevs[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(zs[1:2],vesselTau[1:2,1:2]);\n      Vdev[i] <- min(max(vdevs[i,1],", logBounds[1], "),", logBounds[2], ");\n      pVdev[i] <- min(max(vdevs[i,2],", logitBounds[1], "),", logitBounds[2], ");\n   }\n", sep = "")

  # This section is related to offsets, separate for the positive and binomial models
  # catchability parameter can be set to 1 or estimated as linear or qudratic
  # if(modelStructure$Catchability.positiveTows=="zero") catch.posTows = "   B.pos[1]<-0;\n   B.pos[2] <- 0;\n"
  if (modelStructure$Catchability.positiveTows == "one") catch.posTows <- "   logB.pos[1] <- 0;\n   B.pos[1]<-exp(logB.pos[1]);\n   B.pos[2] <- 0;\n"
  if (modelStructure$Catchability.positiveTows == "linear") catch.posTows <- "   logB.pos[1] ~ dnorm(0,0.1);\n   B.pos[1]<-exp(logB.pos[1]);\n   B.pos[2] <- 0;\n"
  if (modelStructure$Catchability.positiveTows == "quadratic") catch.posTows <- "   logB.pos[1] ~ dnorm(0,0.1);\n   B.pos[1]<-logB.pos[1];\n   logB.pos[2] ~ dnorm(0,0.1);\n   B.pos[2]<-logB.pos[2];\n"

  if (modelStructure$Catchability.zeroTows == "zero") catch.zeroTows <- "   B.zero[1]<-0;\n   B.zero[2] <- 0;\n"
  if (modelStructure$Catchability.zeroTows == "one") catch.zeroTows <- "   logB.zero[1] <- 0;\n   B.zero[1] <- exp(logB.zero[1]);\n   B.zero[2] <- 0;\n"
  if (modelStructure$Catchability.zeroTows == "linear") catch.zeroTows <- "   logB.zero[1] ~ dnorm(0,0.1);\n   B.zero[1] <- exp(logB.zero[1]);\n   B.zero[2] <- 0;\n"
  if (modelStructure$Catchability.zeroTows == "quadratic") catch.zeroTows <- "   logB.zero[1] ~ dnorm(0,0.1);\n   B.zero[1]<-logB.zero[1];\n   logB.zero[2] ~ dnorm(0,0.1);\n   B.zero[2]<-logB.zero[2];\n"

  # This section is related to likelihoods
  # likelihood: lognormal, gamma, inverse gaussian
  if (likelihood == "lognormal" | likelihood == "lognormalFixedCV") {
    # CV is sqrt(exp(sig2)-1) which is approx ~ sigma for sigma is small (< 0.2)
    likelihood.string <- paste("      u.nz[i] <- Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]];\n", "      y[nonZeros[i]] ~ dlnorm(u.nz[i],tau[1]);\n", sep = "")

    if (covariates$positive == TRUE) {
      # modify the likelihood string to include covariates for the positive tows
      likelihood.string <- paste("      u.nz[i] <- inprod(C.pos[1:nX.pos],X.pos[i,1:nX.pos]) + Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]];\n", "      y[nonZeros[i]] ~ dlnorm(u.nz[i],tau[1]);\n", sep = "")

    prior.string <- paste("   oneOverCV2[1] ~ dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ");\n   CV[1] <- 1/sqrt(oneOverCV2[1]);\n   CV[2] <- 0;\n   sigma[1] <- sqrt(log(pow(CV[1],2)+1));\n   tau[1] <- pow(sigma[1],-2);\n   ratio <- 0;\n   p.ece[1] <- 0;\n   p.ece[2] <- 0;\n", sep = "")
    if (likelihood == "lognormalFixedCV") {
      prior.string <- "   oneOverCV2[1] <- 1;\n   CV[1] <- 1;\n   CV[2] <- 0;\n   sigma[1] <- 1;\n   tau[1] <- 1;\n   ratio <- 0;\n   p.ece[1] <- 0;\n   p.ece[2] <- 0;\n"
  if (likelihood == "gamma" | likelihood == "gammaFixedCV") {
    # gamma in this instance is parameterized in terms of the rate and shape, with mean = a/b, var = a/b2, and CV = 1/sqrt(a)
    # So parameter 'a' has to be a constant, and 'b' varies by tows - b/c we calculate b = a/mean
    likelihood.string <- paste("      u.nz[i] <- exp(min(Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]],100));\n", "      b[i] <- gamma.a[1]/u.nz[i];\n", "      y[nonZeros[i]] ~ dgamma(gamma.a[1],b[i]);\n")

    if (covariates$positive == TRUE) {
      # modify the likelihood string to include covariates for the positive tows
      likelihood.string <- paste("      u.nz[i] <- exp(min(inprod(C.pos[1:nX.pos],X.pos[i,]) + Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]],100));\n", "      b[i] <- gamma.a[1]/u.nz[i];\n", "      y[nonZeros[i]] ~ dgamma(gamma.a[1],b[i]);\n")

    # for lognormal, gamma prior on 1/sigma2 = 1/CV2. To keep things consistent, gamma prior on a = 1/cv2, b/c CV = 1/sqrt(a)
    # then gamma.b[i] = gamma.a / u[i]
    prior.string <- paste("   oneOverCV2[1] ~ dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ");\n   gamma.a[1] <- oneOverCV2[1];\n   CV[1] <- 1/sqrt(oneOverCV2[1]);\n   CV[2] <- 0;\n   ratio <- 0;\n   p.ece[1] <- 0;\n   p.ece[2] <- 0;\n", sep = "")
    if (likelihood == "gammaFixedCV") {
      prior.string <- "   oneOverCV2[1] <- 1;\n   gamma.a[1] <- oneOverCV2[1];\n   CV[1] <- 1/sqrt(oneOverCV2[1]);\n   CV[2] <- 0;\n   ratio <- 0;\n   p.ece[1] <- 0;\n   p.ece[2] <- 0;\n"
  if (likelihood == "invGaussian" | likelihood == "invGaussianFixedCV") {
    # again, parameterize in terms of CV -- implements "Zeros" trick, by calculating neg log like
    likelihood.string <- paste("      u.nz[i] <- exp(min(Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]],100));\n", "      lambda[i] <- u.nz[i]*oneOverCV2[1];\n", "      scaledLogLike[i] <- -(0.5*log(lambda[i]) - 0.5*logy3[nonZeros[i]] - lambda[i]*pow((y[nonZeros[i]]-u.nz[i]),2)/(2*u.nz[i]*u.nz[i]*y[nonZeros[i]])) + 10000;\n", "      ones.vec[i] ~ dpois(scaledLogLike[i]);\n")

    if (covariates$positive == TRUE) {
      # modify the likelihood string to include covariates for the positive tows
      likelihood.string <- paste("      u.nz[i] <- exp(min(inprod(C.pos[1:nX.pos],X.pos[i,]) + Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]],100));\n", "      lambda[i] <- u.nz[i]*oneOverCV2[1];\n", "      scaledLogLike[i] <- -(0.5*log(lambda[i]) - 0.5*logy3[nonZeros[i]] - lambda[i]*pow((y[nonZeros[i]]-u.nz[i]),2)/(2*u.nz[i]*u.nz[i]*y[nonZeros[i]])) + 10000;\n", "      ones.vec[i] ~ dpois(scaledLogLike[i]);\n")

    prior.string <- paste("   oneOverCV2[1] ~ dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ");\n   CV[1] <- 1/sqrt(oneOverCV2[1]);\n   CV[2] <- 0;\n   ratio <- 0;\n   p.ece[1] <- 0;\n   p.ece[2] <- 0;\n", sep = "")
    if (likelihood == "invGaussianFixedCV") prior.string <- "   oneOverCV2[1] <- 1;\n   CV[1] <- 1/sqrt(oneOverCV2[1]);\n   CV[2] <- 0;\n   ratio <- 0;\n   p.ece[1] <- 0;\n   p.ece[2] <- 0;\n"

  # Poisson distribution
  if (likelihood == "poisson") {
    # CV is sqrt(exp(sig2)-1) which is approx ~ sigma for sigma is small (< 0.2)
    likelihood.string <- paste("      u.nz[i] <- exp(Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]]);\n", "      y[nonZeros[i]] ~ dpois(u.nz[i]);\n", sep = "")

    if (covariates$positive == TRUE) {
      # modify the likelihood string to include covariates for the positive tows
      likelihood.string <- paste("      u.nz[i] <- exp(inprod(C.pos[1:nX.pos],X.pos[i,]) + Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]]);\n", "      y[nonZeros[i]] ~ dpois(u.nz[i]);\n", sep = "")
    prior.string <- "   oneOverCV2[1] <- 0;\n   CV[1] <- 0;\n   CV[2] <- 0;\n   sigma[1] <- 0;\n   tau[1] <- 0;\n   ratio <- 0;\n   p.ece[1] <- 0;\n   p.ece[2] <- 0;\n"

  # Zero Truncated Poisson distribution -- implements "Zeros" trick, by calculating neg log like
  if (likelihood == "zt_poisson") {
    # CV is sqrt(exp(sig2)-1) which is approx ~ sigma for sigma is small (< 0.2)
    likelihood.string <- paste("      u.nz[i] <- exp(Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]]);\n", "scaledLogLike[i] <- -(y[nonZeros[i]] * log(u.nz[i]) - u.nz[i] - lfacty[nonZeros[i]] - log(1 - exp(-u.nz[i]))) + 10000;\n", "      ones.vec[i] ~ dpois(scaledLogLike[i]);\n", sep = "")
    if (covariates$positive == TRUE) {
      # modify the likelihood string to include covariates for the positive tows
      likelihood.string <- paste("      u.nz[i] <- exp(inprod(C.pos[1:nX.pos],X.pos[i,]) + Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]]);\n", "scaledLogLike[i] <- -(y[nonZeros[i]] * log(u.nz[i]) - u.nz[i] - lfacty[nonZeros[i]] - log(1 - exp(-u.nz[i]))) + 10000;\n", "      ones.vec[i] ~ dpois(scaledLogLike[i]);\n", sep = "")
      # likelihood.string = paste("      u.nz[i] <- exp(inprod(C.pos[1:nX.pos],X.pos[i,]) + Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]]);\n", "      y[nonZeros[i]] ~ dpois(u.nz[i]);\n",sep="")
    prior.string <- "   oneOverCV2[1] <- 0;\n   CV[1] <- 0;\n   CV[2] <- 0;\n   sigma[1] <- 0;\n   tau[1] <- 0;\n   ratio <- 0;\n   p.ece[1] <- 0;\n   p.ece[2] <- 0;\n"

  # NEgative Binomial distributions
  if (likelihood == "negbin") {
    # CV is sqrt(exp(sig2)-1) which is approx ~ sigma for sigma is small (< 0.2)
    likelihood.string <- paste("      u.nz[i] <- exp(Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]]);\n", "nbp[i] <- oneOverCV2[1]*(1/u.nz[i]);\n", "nbr[i] <- u.nz[i]*nbp[i]/(1-nbp[i]);\n", "      y[nonZeros[i]] ~ dnegbin(nbp[i],nbr[i]);\n", sep = "")
    if (covariates$positive == TRUE) {
      # modify the likelihood string to include covariates for the positive tows
      likelihood.string <- paste("      u.nz[i] <- exp(inprod(C.pos[1:nX.pos],X.pos[i,]) + Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]]);\n", "nbp[i] <- oneOverCV2[1]*(1/u.nz[i]);\n", "nbr[i] <- u.nz[i]*nbp[i]/(1-nbp[i]);\n", "      y[nonZeros[i]] ~ dnegbin(nbp[i],nbr[i]);\n", sep = "")
    prior.string <- paste("   oneOverCV2[1] ~ dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ");\n   CV[1] <- 1/sqrt(oneOverCV2[1]);\n   CV[2] <- 0;\n   ratio <- 0;\n   p.ece[1] <- 0;\n   p.ece[2] <- 0;\n", sep = "")

  if (likelihood == "lognormalECE") {
    # CV is sqrt(exp(sig2)-1) which is approx ~ sigma. Each tow is treated as discrete group (normal, ECE)
    # if 1, don't do anything
    # if 2, multiply by ratio
    likelihood.string <- paste("      G[i] ~ dcat(p.ece[1:2]);\n      u.nz[i] <- (G[i]-1)*logratio + (Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]]);\n", "      y[nonZeros[i]] ~ dlnorm(u.nz[i],tau[G[i]]);\n", sep = "")

    if (covariates$positive == TRUE) {
      # modify the likelihood string to include covariates for the positive tows
      likelihood.string <- paste("      G[i] ~ dcat(p.ece[1:2]);\n      u.nz[i] <- (G[i]-1)*logratio + (inprod(C.pos[1:nX.pos],X.pos[i,]) + Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]]);\n", "      y[nonZeros[i]] ~ dlnorm(u.nz[i],tau[G[i]]);\n", sep = "")
    # for the ECE model, the normal and extreme distributions each get a separate variance
    prior.string <- paste("   oneOverCV2[1] ~ dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ") T(0.000001,1000000) \n   CV[1] <- 1/sqrt(oneOverCV2[1]);\n   sigma[1] <- sqrt(log(pow(CV[1],2)+1));\n   tau[1] <- pow(sigma[1],-2);\n   oneOverCV2[2] ~ dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ") T(0.000001,1000000) ;\n   CV[2] <- 1/sqrt(oneOverCV2[2]);\n   sigma[2] <- sqrt(log(pow(CV[2],2)+1));\n   tau[2] <- pow(sigma[2],-2);\n   logratio ~ dunif(0,5);\n   ratio <- exp(logratio);\n   alpha.ece[1] <- 1;\n   alpha.ece[2] <- 1;\n   p.ece[1:2] ~ ddirch(alpha.ece[1:2]);\n", sep = "")
  if (likelihood == "lognormalECE2") {
    # CV is sqrt(exp(sig2)-1) which is approx ~ sigma. Each tow is treated as discrete group (normal, ECE)
    # if 1, don't do anything
    # if 2, multiply by ratio
    # EW: this implements the Poisson "zeros" trick
    likelihood.string <- paste("      u.nz[i] <- (Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]]);\n   scaledLogLike[i] <- -log(p.ece[1]*exp(-logy[nonZeros[i]]-log2pi-log(sigma[1])-pow(logy[nonZeros[i]]-u.nz[i],2)/(2*pow(sigma[1],2))) + p.ece[2]*exp(-logy[nonZeros[i]]-log2pi-log(sigma[2])-pow(logy[nonZeros[i]]-(u.nz[i] + logratio),2)/(2*pow(sigma[2],2)))) + 10000;\n", "      zeros.vec[i] ~ dpois(scaledLogLike[i]);\n", sep = "")

    if (covariates$positive == TRUE) {
      # modify the likelihood string to include covariates for the positive tows
      likelihood.string <- paste("      u.nz[i] <- ((inprod(C.pos[1:nX.pos],X.pos[i,]) + Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]]);\n   scaledLogLike[i] <- -log(p.ece[1]*exp(-logy[i]-log2pi-log(sigma[1])-pow(logy[i]-u.nz[i],2)/(2*pow(sigma[1],2))) + p.ece[2]*exp(-logy[i]-log2pi-log(sigma[2])-pow(logy[i]-(u.nz[i] + logratio),2)/(2*pow(sigma[2],2)))) + 10000;\n", "      zeros.vec[i] ~ dpois(scaledLogLike[i]);\n", sep = "")

    # for the ECE model, the normal and extreme distributions each get a separate variance
    prior.string <- paste("   oneOverCV2[1] ~ dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ") T(0.000001,1000000) ;\n   CV[1] <- 1/sqrt(oneOverCV2[1]);\n   sigma[1] <- sqrt(log(pow(CV[1],2)+1));\n   tau[1] <- pow(sigma[1],-2);\n   oneOverCV2[2] ~ dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ") T(0.000001,1000000) ;\n   CV[2] <- 1/sqrt(oneOverCV2[2]);\n   sigma[2] <- sqrt(log(pow(CV[2],2)+1));\n   tau[2] <- pow(sigma[2],-2);\n   logratio ~ dunif(0,5);\n   ratio <- exp(logratio);\n   alpha.ece[1] <- 1;\n   alpha.ece[2] <- 1;\n   p.ece[1:2] ~ ddirch(alpha.ece[1:2]);\n", sep = "")
  if (likelihood == "gammaECE") {
    # gamma in this instance is parameterized in terms of the rate and shape, with mean = a/b, var = a/b2, and CV = 1/sqrt(a)
    # So parameter 'a' has to be a constant, and 'b' varies by tows - b/c we calculate b = a/mean
    likelihood.string <- paste("      G[i] ~ dcat(p.ece[1:2]);\n      u.nz[i] <- exp((G[i]-1)*logratio + min(Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]],100));\n", "      b[i] <- gamma.a[G[i]]/u.nz[i];\n", "      y[nonZeros[i]] ~ dgamma(gamma.a[G[i]],b[i]);\n")

    if (covariates$positive == TRUE) {
      # modify the likelihood string to include covariates for the positive tows
      likelihood.string <- paste("      G[i] ~ dcat(p.ece[1:2]);\n      u.nz[i] <- exp((G[i]-1)*logratio + min(inprod(C.pos[1:nX.pos],X.pos[i,]) + Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]],100));\n", "      b[i] <- gamma.a[G[i]]/u.nz[i];\n", "      y[nonZeros[i]] ~ dgamma(gamma.a[G[i]],b[i]);\n")
    # for lognormal, gamma prior on 1/sigma2 = 1/CV2. To keep things consistent, gamma prior on a = 1/cv2, b/c CV = 1/sqrt(a)
    # then gamma.b[i] = gamma.a / u[i]
    prior.string <- paste("   oneOverCV2[1] ~ dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ") T(0.000001,1000000) ;\n   gamma.a[1] <- oneOverCV2[1];\n   CV[1] <- 1/sqrt(oneOverCV2[1]);\n   oneOverCV2[2] ~ dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ") T(0.000001,1000000) ;\n   gamma.a[2] <- oneOverCV2[2];\n   CV[2] <- 1/sqrt(oneOverCV2[2]);\n   logratio ~ dunif(0,5);\n   ratio <- exp(logratio);\n   alpha.ece[1] <- 1;\n   alpha.ece[2] <- 1;\n   p.ece[1:2] ~ ddirch(alpha.ece[1:2]);\n", sep = "")
  if (likelihood == "gammaECE2") {
    # gamma in this instance is parameterized in terms of the rate and shape, with mean = a/b, var = a/b2, and CV = 1/sqrt(a)
    # So parameter 'a' has to be a constant, and 'b' varies by tows - b/c we calculate b = a/mean
    likelihood.string <- paste("      u.nz[i] <- exp(min(Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]],100));\n", "      scaledLogLike[i] <- -log(p.ece[1]*exp(gamma.a[1]*log(gamma.a[1]/u.nz[i]) + (gamma.a[1]-1)*logy[nonZeros[i]] -(gamma.a[1]/u.nz[i])*y[nonZeros[i]] - loggam(gamma.a[1])) + p.ece[2]*exp(gamma.a[2]*log(gamma.a[2]/(u.nz[i]*exp(logratio))) + (gamma.a[2]-1)*logy[nonZeros[i]] -(gamma.a[2]/(u.nz[i]*exp(logratio)))*y[nonZeros[i]] - loggam(gamma.a[2]))) + 10000;\n", "zeros.vec[i] ~ dpois(scaledLogLike[i]);\n", sep = "")

    if (covariates$positive == TRUE) {
      # modify the likelihood string to include covariates for the positive tow
      likelihood.string <- paste("      u.nz[i] <- exp(min(inprod(C.pos[1:nX.pos],X.pos[i,]) + Sdev[strata[nonZeros[i]]] + Ydev[year[nonZeros[i]]] + VYdev[vesselYear[nonZeros[i]]] + Vdev[vessel[nonZeros[i]]] + SYdev[strataYear[nonZeros[i]]] + B.pos[1]*logeffort[nonZeros[i]] + B.pos[2]*logeffort2[nonZeros[i]],100));\n", "      scaledLogLike[i] <- -log(p.ece[1]*exp(gamma.a[1]*log(gamma.a[1]/u.nz[i]) + (gamma.a[1]-1)*logy[i] -(gamma.a[1]/u.nz[i])*y[i] - loggam(gamma.a[1])) + p.ece[2]*exp(gamma.a[2]*log(gamma.a[2]/(u.nz[i]*exp(logratio))) + (gamma.a[2]-1)*logy[i] -(gamma.a[2]/(u.nz[i]*exp(logratio)))*y[i] - loggam(gamma.a[2]))) + 10000;\n", "zeros.vec[i] ~ dpois(scaledLogLike[i]);\n")
    # for lognormal, gamma prior on 1/sigma2 = 1/CV2. To keep things consistent, gamma prior on a = 1/cv2, b/c CV = 1/sqrt(a)
    # then gamma.b[i] = gamma.a / u[i]
    prior.string <- paste("   oneOverCV2[1] ~ dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ") T(0.000001,1000000) ;\n   gamma.a[1] <- oneOverCV2[1];\n   CV[1] <- 1/sqrt(oneOverCV2[1]);\n   oneOverCV2[2] ~ dgamma(", dgammaNum, ",", dgammaNum, ") T(0.000001,1000000) ;\n   gamma.a[2] <- oneOverCV2[2];\n   CV[2] <- 1/sqrt(oneOverCV2[2]);\n   logratio ~ dunif(0,5);\n   ratio <- exp(logratio);\n   alpha.ece[1] <- 1;\n   alpha.ece[2] <- 1;\n   p.ece[1:2] ~ ddirch(alpha.ece[1:2]);\n", sep = "")

  # This section is related to year deviations, default is to make them uncorrelated
  # if strata-year effects are estimated as fixed effects, parameters are redundant, so year deviations set to 0
  str1 <- paste("      Ydev[i] ~ dunif(", logBounds[1], ",", logBounds[2], ");\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.positiveTows == "fixed") {
    str1 <- "      Ydev[i] <- 0;\n"
  str2 <- paste("      pYdev[i] ~ dunif(", logitBounds[1], ",", logitBounds[2], ");\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.zeroTows == "fixed") {
    str2 <- "      pYdev[i] <- 0;\n"

  year.dev.string <- paste("   for(i in 1:nY) { # year deviations, always fixed \n", str1, str2, "}\n   yearTau[1,1] <- 0;\n   yearTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   yearTau[2,1]<-0;\n   yearTau[2,2] <- 0;\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$year.deviations == "correlated") {
    year.dev.string <- paste("   yearTau[1:2,1:2] ~ dwish(R[1:2,1:2],2);\n   for(i in 1:nY) {\n   ydevs[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(zs[1:2],yearTau[1:2,1:2]);\n      Ydev[i] <- min(max(ydevs[i,1],", logBounds[1], "),", logBounds[1], ");\n      pYdev[i] <- min(max(ydevs[i,2],", logitBounds[1], "),", logitBounds[2], ");\n   }\n", sep = "")

  # This section is related to strata deviations, default is to make them uncorrelated
  # if strata-year effects are estimated as fixed effects, parameters are redundant, so strata deviations set to 0
  str1 <- paste("      Sdev[i] ~ dunif(", logBounds[1], ",", logBounds[2], ");\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.positiveTows == "fixed") {
    str1 <- "      Sdev[i] <- 0;\n"
  str2 <- paste("      pSdev[i] ~ dunif(", logitBounds[1], ",", logitBounds[2], ");\n", sep = "")
  if (modelStructure$StrataYear.zeroTows == "fixed") {
    str2 <- "      pSdev[i] <- 0;\n"
  strata.dev.string <- paste("   for(i in 2:nS) { # strata deviations, always fixed \n", str1, str2, "}\n   strataTau[1,1] <- 0;\n   strataTau[1,2] <- 0;\n   strataTau[2,1]<-0;\n   strataTau[2,2] <- 0;\n")
  if (modelStructure$strata.deviations == "correlated") {
    strata.dev.string <- paste("   strataTau[1:2,1:2] ~ dwish(R[1:2,1:2],2);\n   for(i in 2:nS) {\n   sdevs[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(zs[1:2],strataTau[1:2,1:2]);\n      Sdev[i] <- min(max(sdevs[i,1],", logBounds[1], "),", logBounds[2], ");\n      pSdev[i] <- min(max(sdevs[i,2],", logitBounds[1], "),", logitBounds[2], ");\n   }\n", sep = "")

  # This set of if() blocks is used to include optional strings for covariates...these are all the priors, vague normal
  covarString <- ""
  if (covariates$binomial == FALSE) {
    covarString <- paste(covarString, "	C.bin[1] <- 0;\n", sep = "")
  if (covariates$binomial == TRUE) {
    covarString <- paste(covarString, "	for(i in 1:nX.binomial) {\n", "		C.bin[i] ~ dnorm(0,0.001);\n", "	}\n", sep = "")
  if (covariates$positive == FALSE) {
    covarString <- paste(covarString, "	C.pos[1] <- 0;\n", sep = "")
  if (covariates$positive == TRUE) {
    covarString <- paste(covarString, "	for(i in 1:nX.pos) {\n", "		C.pos[i] ~ dnorm(0,0.001);\n", "	}\n", sep = "")

  # This IF statement is just to modify the expected value of the binomial model to include covariates IF they are specified
  logit.p.string <- "logit(p.z[i]) <- pVdev[vessel[i]] + pVYdev[vesselYear[i]] + pSdev[strata[i]] + pYdev[year[i]] + pSYdev[strataYear[i]] + B.zero[1]*effort[i] + B.zero[2]*effort2[i];\n"
  if (covariates$binomial == TRUE) {
    logit.p.string <- "logit(p.z[i]) <- inprod(C.bin[1:nX.binomial],X.bin[i,1:nX.binomial]) + pVdev[vessel[i]] + pVYdev[vesselYear[i]] + pSdev[strata[i]] + pYdev[year[i]] + pSYdev[strataYear[i]] + B.zero[1]*effort[i] + B.zero[2]*effort2[i];\n"

  deltaGLM <-
      model {\n",

      "   # next deal with catchability parameters\n",
      "  # these zeros are optionally for MVN random effects
      zs[1] <- 0;
      zs[2] <- 0;
      # first stratum is set to 0 for identifiability
      Sdev[1] <- 0;
      pSdev[1] <- 0;\n
      "  # for each group, calculate the probability of zero tows and the mean
      # evaluate the likelihood  of non-zero trawls
      for(i in 1:nNonZeros) {\n",
      "   }

      # evaluate the likelihood  of zero / non-zero trawls
      for(i in 1:n) {
      # group represents which vessel x strata combo\n",
      "     isNonZeroTrawl[i] ~ dbern(p.z[i]);
      sep = ""
  # write this to text file
  if (write.model) cat(deltaGLM, file = model.name)

  # fit the model and return the model object
  modelFit <- NA

  if (fit.model) {
    jags.params <- c("Ydev", "Sdev", "SYdev", "Vdev", "VYdev", "pYdev", "pSdev", "pSYdev", "pVdev", "pVYdev", "B.zero", "B.pos", "sigmaSY", "sigmaV", "sigmaVY", "CV", "ratio", "p.ece", "yearTau", "strataTau", "strataYearTau", "vesselTau", "vesselYearTau", "C.pos", "C.bin")
    jags.data <- list("y", "logy", "logy3", "log2pi", "lfacty", "effort", "effort2", "logeffort", "logeffort2", "nonZeros", "n", "isNonZeroTrawl", "nNonZeros", "nV", "nVY", "nSY", "nS", "nY", "year", "vessel", "vesselYear", "strata", "strataYear", "ones.vec", "R", "X.pos", "X.bin", "nX.binomial", "nX.pos")

    capture.output(jags.data, file = "jags_data.txt")
    if (Parallel == TRUE) {
      modelFit <- suppressWarnings(jags.parallel(jags.data, inits = NULL, parameters.to.save = jags.params, model.file = model.name, n.chains = mcmc.control$chains, n.burnin = mcmc.control$burn, n.thin = mcmc.control$thin, n.iter = as.numeric(mcmc.control$burn + mcmc.control$iterToSave), DIC = TRUE))
    if (Parallel == FALSE) {
      modelFit <- suppressWarnings(jags(jags.data, inits = NULL, parameters.to.save = jags.params, model.file = model.name, n.chains = mcmc.control$chains, n.burnin = mcmc.control$burn, n.thin = mcmc.control$thin, n.iter = as.numeric(mcmc.control$burn + mcmc.control$iterToSave), DIC = TRUE))

  # Create a list object that contains all of the properties of this run
  # modelStructure (list)
  # model.name (string)
  # fit.model (boolean)
  # mcmc.control (list)
  # Parallel (boolean)
  functionCall <- list("modelStructure" = modelStructure, "model.name" = model.name, "fit.model" = fit.model, "mcmc.control" = mcmc.control, "Parallel" = Parallel, "likelihood" = likelihood, "covariates" = covariates) # species, likelihood, parameters TRUE/FALSE

  # Return a list of which parameters are actually estimated
  estimatedParameters <- NA
  if (fit.model) {
    estimatedParameters <- data.frame("Parameter" = colnames(modelFit$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix))
    estimatedParameters$Estimated <- rep(TRUE, dim(modelFit$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix)[2])
    vars <- apply(modelFit$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix, 2, var) # figure out which cols have var = 0
    estimatedParameters$Estimated[which(vars == 0)] <- FALSE

  return(c(modelFit, functionCall, estimatedParameters, Species = Species, Data = Data))
nwfsc-assess/nwfscDeltaGLM documentation built on July 8, 2023, 4:49 a.m.