CheckStrata.fn: Calculates and returns the total number of tows and positive...

View source: R/checkStrata.fn.R

CheckStrata.fnR Documentation

Calculates and returns the total number of tows and positive tows conducted in each strata by year. The selected stratas are used to expand the length and marginal age compositions and to calculate a design based index using the Biomass.fn function.


Calculates and returns the total number of tows and positive tows conducted in each strata by year. The selected stratas are used to expand the length and marginal age compositions and to calculate a design based index using the Biomass.fn function.


  dir = NULL,
  strat.vars = c("Depth_m", "Latitude_dd"),
  printfolder = "forSS",
  verbose = TRUE



Directory where the output csv file will be saved.


Data-frame of the catch data that has been created by the PullCatch.fn function.


A vector of the strata variable names. The default input are c("Depth_m","Latitude_dd")) which are the two factors the define a strata area off the coast.


Dataframe with the first column the name of the stratum, the second column the area of the stratum, and the remaining columns are the high and low variables defining the strata created by the CreateStrataDF.fn function.


Folder name where files will be saved. The default is "forSS" which is also used by other package functions that creates and saves files that are commonly used or reported in Stock Synthesis or the assessment document.


A logical that specifies if you want to print messages and warnings to the console. The default is TRUE.


Chantel Wetzel

nwfsc-assess/nwfscSurvey documentation built on May 5, 2024, 5:21 a.m.