plot_index: Plots the design based biomass estimates with confidence...

View source: R/plot_index.R

plot_indexR Documentation

Plots the design based biomass estimates with confidence intervals


Plots the design based biomass estimates with confidence intervals


  dir = NULL,
  add_save_name = NULL,
  plot = 1:2,
  height = 7,
  width = 7,
  dpi = 300



List of design based biomass estimates created by the get_design_based()


Directory where output will be saved. The directory where the file should be saved. If dir = NULL no output will be saved.


Option to add text to a saved figure name. This option can be useful if creating plots across multiple species and saving them into a single folder. The default is NULL. Note that the biomass estimate, i.e., annual or strata, are already included in the saved name so no need to add those here.


A vector of integers to specify which plots you would like. The default is to print or save both figures, i.e., plot = 1:2. Integers correspond to the following figures:

  1. Design based index by year.

  2. Design based index by year and strata.

width, height

Numeric values for the figure width and height in inches. The defaults are 7 by 7 inches.


The resolution to apply when saving figures. Lower resolution values can reduce file size which can be helpful when creating large documents with many figures. The default is 300.


Plots both the design based biomass estimates by year with confidence intervals and the design based biomass estiamtes by year and strata with no confidence intervals.


Chantel Wetzel

nwfsc-assess/nwfscSurvey documentation built on Dec. 12, 2024, 9:01 p.m.