get_input_n: Calculate input sample sizes

View source: R/get_input_n.R

get_input_nR Documentation

Calculate input sample sizes


This function calculates the number of unique tows, samples, and input sample size based on alternative approaches. The input sample size then is used within the get_expanded_comps() and get_raw_comps() when creating formatted composition data files for Stock Synthesis.


  dir = NULL,
  comp_column_name = "length_cm",
  input_n_method = c("stewart_hamel", "tows", "total_samples"),
  species_group = c("all", "flatfish", "shelfrock", "sloperock", "thorny", "other"),
  printfolder = "forSS3",
  verbose = TRUE



Directory where output will be saved. The directory where the file should be saved. If dir = NULL no output will be saved.


A data frame of composition data created using pull_bio().


The column name to create composition data for. This column can be is used to determine whether to format the composition data for length or age compositions by looking for either age (e.g., age_years, Age, best_age) or length (e.g., Length, length, Length_cm, length_cm) in the comp_column_name. The comp_column_name is not case sensitive. The default is length_cm.


Determines the default input sample size to add to the composition data for SS3. There are three options: c("stewart_hamel", "tows", "total_samples") where the default is "stewart_hamel".


A string specifying the species group of interest, which will lead to the use of the correct species-specific value for the number of unique samples per tow. See the function call for allowed values, where the default is "all".


A string that will be appended to dir, creating a folder where the output will be saved. If specified as "", the output will just be saved directly in dir. The default is "forSS3".


A logical that specifies if you want to print messages and warnings to the console. The default is TRUE.


Chantel R. Wetzel


Stewart, I.J. and O.S. Hamel. 2014. Bootstrapping of sample size for length- or age-composition data used in stock assessment. Canadian Journal of Fishery and Aquatic Science, 71(4): 581–588. 10.1139/cjfas-2013-0289.


## Not run: 
bio <- pull_bio(
  common_name = "petrale sole",
  survey = "NWFSC.Combo"

n <- get_input_n(
  data = bio,
  comp_column_name = "length_cm",
  input_sample_size_method = "stewart_hamel",
  species_group = "flatfish"

## End(Not run)

nwfsc-assess/nwfscSurvey documentation built on Feb. 16, 2025, 5:06 p.m.