#' Calculate input sample sizes
#' This function calculates the number of unique tows, samples, and input sample
#' size based on alternative approaches. The input sample size then is used
#' within the [get_expanded_comps()] and [get_raw_comps()] when creating formatted
#' composition data files for Stock Synthesis.
#' @references
#' Stewart, I.J. and O.S. Hamel. 2014.
#' Bootstrapping of sample size for length- or age-composition data used in
#' stock assessment.
#' Canadian Journal of Fishery and Aquatic Science, 71(4): 581--588.
#' [10.1139/cjfas-2013-0289](https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2013-0289).
#' @template dir
#' @param data A data frame of composition data created using [pull_bio()].
#' @param comp_column_name The column name to create composition data for. This column can be
#' is used to determine whether to format the composition data for length or age
#' compositions by looking for either age (e.g., `age_years`, `Age`, `best_age`) or length
#' (e.g., `Length`, `length`, `Length_cm`, `length_cm`) in the comp_column_name.
#' The comp_column_name is not case sensitive. The default is `length_cm`.
#' @param input_n_method Determines the default input sample size to add to
#' the composition data for SS3. There are three options: c("stewart_hamel", "tows",
#' "total_samples") where the default is "stewart_hamel".
#' @param species_group A string specifying the species group of interest, which
#' will lead to the use of the correct species-specific value for
#' the number of unique samples per tow. See the function call for
#' allowed values, where the default is `"all"`.
#' @template printfolder
#' @template verbose
#' @author Chantel R. Wetzel
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bio <- pull_bio(
#' common_name = "petrale sole",
#' survey = "NWFSC.Combo"
#' )
#' n <- get_input_n(
#' data = bio,
#' comp_column_name = "length_cm",
#' input_sample_size_method = "stewart_hamel",
#' species_group = "flatfish"
#' )
#' }
get_input_n <- function(
dir = NULL,
comp_column_name = "length_cm",
input_n_method = c("stewart_hamel", "tows", "total_samples"),
species_group = c(
printfolder = "forSS3",
verbose = TRUE) {
plotdir <- file.path(dir, printfolder)
check_dir(dir = plotdir, verbose = verbose)
input_n_method <- rlang::arg_match(input_n_method)
species_group <- rlang::arg_match(species_group)
if (verbose) {
"Sample size will be calculated based on {input_n_method}. "
colnames(data) <- tolower(colnames(data))
comp_column_name <- tolower(comp_column_name)
needed_columns <- c("sex", "trawl_id", "year", comp_column_name)
if (any(!needed_columns %in% colnames(data))) {
missing_columns <- needed_columns[!needed_columns %in% colnames(data)]
"The {.val {missing_columns}} {cli::qty(missing_columns)} column{?s} {?is/are} not in the data."
multiplier <- dplyr::case_when(
species_group == "flatfish" ~ 3.09,
species_group %in% c("shelfrock", "sloperock") ~ 2.43,
species_group == "thorny" ~ 6.91,
species_group == "other" ~ 2.38,
TRUE ~ 2.73
if (input_n_method == "stewart_hamel" & verbose == TRUE) {
"The unique samples by tow for {species_group} is {multiplier}."
data[, "multiplier"] <- multiplier
data[, "sex_grouped"] <- "sexed"
data[which(data[, "sex"] == c("U")), "sex_grouped"] <- "unsexed"
data_all <- data
data_all[, "sex_grouped"] <- "all"
binded_data <- rbind(data, data_all)
data_with_counts <- binded_data |>
dplyr::filter(!is.na(comp_column_name)) |>
dplyr::group_by(year) |>
n_all_fish = n(),
n_sexed_fish = sum(sex %in% c("F", "M")),
n_unsexed_fish = sum(sex == "U")
samples <- data_with_counts |>
dplyr::group_by(year, sex_grouped) |>
n_tows = length(unique(trawl_id)),
n = n(),
n_stewart_hamel = floor(unique(multiplier) * n_tows)
) |>
dplyr::ungroup() |>
tidyr::complete(year, sex_grouped, fill = list(n = 0, n_tows = 0, n_stewart_hamel = 0))
if (input_n_method == "stewart_hamel") {
samples[, "input_n"] <- samples[, "n_stewart_hamel"]
samples[["input_n"]] <- ifelse(
samples[["n_stewart_hamel"]] > samples[["n"]],
yes = samples[["n"]],
no = samples[["n_stewart_hamel"]]
if (input_n_method == "tows") {
samples[, "input_n"] <- samples[, "n_tows"]
if (input_n_method == "total_samples") {
samples[, "input_n"] <- samples[, "n"]
if (!is.null(dir)) {
file_naming <- dplyr::if_else(
c("project", "common_name") %in% colnames(data),
true = gsub(" ", "_", tolower(data[1, c("common_name", "project")])),
false = ""
x = samples,
file = file.path(
paste0(comp_column_name, "_samples_", file_naming[1], "_", file_naming[2], ".csv")
row.names = FALSE
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