check_strata: Calculate the number of observations by year and strata

View source: R/check_strata.R

check_strataR Documentation

Calculate the number of observations by year and strata


Calculate the number of observations by year and strata


check_strata(data, strata, dir = NULL, printfolder = "forSS3", verbose = TRUE)



Data frame of catch data that has been created by the pull_catch().


A data frame that defines the strata and provides the calculated areas for each strata returned from createStrataDF.fn().


Directory where output will be saved. The directory where the file should be saved. If dir = NULL no output will be saved.


A string that will be appended to dir, creating a folder where the output will be saved. If specified as "", the output will just be saved directly in dir. The default is "forSS3".


A logical that specifies if you want to print messages and warnings to the console. The default is TRUE.


Calculates and returns the total number of tows and positive tows conducted in each strata by year. The selected stratas are used to expand the length and marginal age compositions and to calculate a design based index using the get_design_based(). In earlier versions of the code, there needed to be more than one positive observations within each strata to calculate a design based index using Biomass.fn(). The new get_design_based() function is more robust and will return zeros in each strata-year combination with no observations. However, it can be useful to review how many tows and positive tows are present by year and strata in your data to ensure that the selected strata for expanding the data is reasonable (e.g., avoiding limited observations in large areas).


A matrix with the number of tows and positive tows within each strata by year and the number of positive tows by strata and year.


Chantel Wetzel

nwfsc-assess/nwfscSurvey documentation built on Dec. 12, 2024, 9:01 p.m.