availablecells: Available grid cell locations for the survey

availablecellsR Documentation

Available grid cell locations for the survey


Available grid cell locations that were used to choose the 2018 survey locations for the WCGBTS. Cells are a truncated set compared to the full set because of closures to trawlable areas such as what would be closed because of a new management measure. In the future, this table should be available from the data warehouse itself rather than a static snapshot from a single year.




A data frame with fourteen columns, Cent.ID, Depth.Range, Lat.34.5, Hectares, Cent.Lat, Cent.Long, SE.LON, SW.LAT, NW.LAT, NE.LON, NE.LAT, SE.LON, SE.LAT


Eric Ward

nwfsc-assess/nwfscSurvey documentation built on Dec. 12, 2024, 9:01 p.m.