Man pages for nwfsc-assess/nwfscSurvey
Northwest Fisheries Science Center Survey

AFSCforeign_haulsExample data for AFSCforeign_hauls
availablecellsAvailable grid cell locations for the survey
Biomass.fnCalculates design based estimates from survey data for West...
bio_nwfsc_comboExample data for NWFSC bio data
catch_nwfsc_comboExample data for NWFSC catch data
check_dirDirectory check
CheckStrata.fnCalculates and returns the total number of tows and positive...
check_surveyCheck and create survey string
codify_sexCode sexes into standardized strings
convert_to_hex_stringUtility function used throughout the package
createMatrixSurvey name matching function used when pull from the data...
CreateStrataDF.fnCreate strata data frame using 'StrataAreas.fn'
draw_themeA ggplot2 theme for drawing maps
draw_USEEZBounds the figure with the limits of the U.S. EEZ
est_growthEstimate length-at-age using the von Bertanlaffy...
estimate_weight_lengthCalculate weight-length relationship parameters
fit_vbgrowthEstimate von Bertanlaffy growth parameters from lengths and...
Format.AKSlope.fnRename columns in the AFSC slope survey data file received...
get_jsonGet json content from a URL
GetN.fnCalculate effN input sample sizes
GetSppDefault.fnGet Vector of Default Species Names for US West Coast
GetSpp.fnGet Species Information
GetStrata.fnGet Default Strata
GetSurveyAbb.fnGet Survey Abbreviation
get_urlFunction to create url to pull data from the data warehouse
plot_age_length_samplingPlot the represntativeness of age sampling based on lengths
PlotBio.fnPlots the biomass with confidence intervals
plot_bio_patternsThis function plots length by latitude and depth
PlotBioStrata.fnPlots the biomass with confidence intervals
plot_compsPlot frequency data as bubble plots
plot_cpueThis function plots cpue and length by latitude and depth
PlotFreqData.fnThis function plots frequency data as bubble plots You may...
PlotMap.fnPlot two figures showing catch-per-unit-effort data
PlotPresenceAbsence.fnPlot showing presence and absence per haul by depth,...
plot_proportionPlot proportions of factor levels (y axis) by bins (x axis)
PlotSexRatio.fnFunction to plot sex ratio
PlotSexRatioStrata.fnFunction to plot sex ratio by strata
plot_varlenagePlot variability of length at age
PlotVarLengthAtAge.fnPlot variability of length at age
plot_westcoastPlot the United States west coast using ggplot2
pull_bioPull biological data (age, length, weight) from the NWFSC...
PullBio.fnPull biological data (age, length, weight) from the NWFSC...
pull_biological_samplesPull biological sample information from the NWFSC data...
pull_catchPull catch data for satisfactory tows from the NWFSC data...
PullCatch.fnPull catch data from the NWFSC data warehouse
pull_gemmPull gemm data from the NWFSC data warehouse The website is:...
pull_haulPull haul data from the NWFSC data warehouse. The website is:...
PullHaul.fnPull haul data from the NWFSC data warehouse The website is:...
pull_sppPull species names from the warehouse
PullSppSql pull of species names
PullSpp.fnPull species names from the warehouse
ReadInAges.fnReads in the West Coast Trienial survey data and filters the...
ReadInLengths.fnReads in the compositional survey data and filters the data...
SA3A data set for determining strata areas (hectares)
SA3_v2021.1A data set for determining strata areas (hectares)
save_rdataSave an object in an '.rdata' file
SexRatio.fnAssign sex to unsexed fish based on fish with similar traits
stopifnotcolumnStop if column name is not present in the data
StrataAreas.fnCalculate strata area
StrataFactors.fnCreates a vector of strata factors by name
SurveyAFs.fnExpands the ages up to the total stratum area then sums over...
SurveyAgeAtLen.fnCalculates proportion of age at length and reformats into SS...
SurveyLFs.fnExpands the lengths up to the total stratum area then sums...
UnexpandedAFs.fnCreates a matrix of length or age composition data WITHOUT...
UnexpandedLFs.fnCreates a matrix of length or age composition data WITHOUT...
wh_plot_proportionSave figures of proportions by depth and latitude using...
nwfsc-assess/nwfscSurvey documentation built on April 29, 2024, 9:51 p.m.