ReadInLengths.fn: Reads in the compositional survey data and filters the data...

View source: R/ReadInLengths.R

ReadInLengths.fnR Documentation

Reads in the compositional survey data and filters the data into what is necessary It reads in catch and station data and makes sure only the species necessary are kept

may want to keep NA (blank in Excel) to select the zero tows

removeCAN is a flag if you want tows in Canadian waters removed need the file called foreign_hauls.csv


Necessary column names SPECIES_CODE LENGTH


ReadInLengths.fn(dat, verbose = TRUE)



data file name


A logical that specifies if you want to print messages and warnings to the console. The default is TRUE.


Allan Hicks and Chantel Wetzel

nwfsc-assess/nwfscSurvey documentation built on Feb. 16, 2025, 5:06 p.m.