#'Finds best overlapping ORF in terms of the number of identical aminoacids
#'@param DNAStr DNA alignment of syntenic block. This is the full alignment not subalignment
#'@param j this is the iterator for the ID of species of interest on DNAStr and types vector
#'@param start start position of ATG of proto-gene on DNAStr
#'@param stop_ last nucleotide position of proto-gene on DNAStr
#'@param ygeneSeq proto-gene sequence without gaps. This is used for determining the frame of proto-gene with respect to the aligned other species ORF
#'@param types this is used for names. by default c('Spar','Smik','Skud','Sbay')
#'@param map_ygene this is the map between aligned and original sequence of ORF of interest
#'@return list of three elements
#'@return dna = dna alignment of jth species orf with proto-gene, aa = aa alignment with full jth ORF, aaOverlap = overlapping regions of both ORFs(translated), dnaOverlap=overlapping regions of both ORFs
#'@import IRanges
findBestOverlap <- function(DNAStr, j,start, stop_, ygeneSeq, types , map_ygene=NULL) {
# if(save){
# if(is.null(outputPath)|dir.exists(outputPath)==F){
# stop(paste0('You asked to save all overlapping ORFs but the output path: ',outputPath,' for save is wrong!'))
# }
# }
subseq <- DNAStr[[j]]%>%as.character()
#map_ygene <- map_alignment_sequence(DNAStr[[1]]%>%as.character(),turnWoGaps(DNAStr[[1]]%>%as.character()))
range_ygene_gapped <- IRanges(start,stop_)
map_j <- map_alignment_sequence(subseq,turnWoGaps(subseq))
range_ygene_start<- ifelse(length(map_j[map_j==start])!=0,map_j[map_j==start]%>%names()%>%as.integer(),
range_ygene_end <- ifelse(length(map_j[map_j==stop_])!=0,map_j[map_j==stop_]%>%names()%>%as.integer(),
ranges <- findOverlappingOrfs(dna = subseq%>%turnWoGaps(),range = range_ygene)#IRanges(start,stop))
ranges_gapped <- IRanges(map_j[start(ranges)],map_j[end(ranges)])
# toc()
# tic('best')
best <- NULL
bestAA <- NULL
bestDna <- NULL
bestAAsmall <- NULL
alldata <- list()
for(u in 1:length(ranges)){
ranges_gapped_u <- ranges_gapped[u]
ranges_u <- ranges[u]
union_range <- union(ranges_gapped_u,range_ygene_gapped)
intersect_range <- intersect(ranges_gapped_u,range_ygene_gapped)
intersectStart <- start(intersect_range)
unionStart <- start(union_range)
intersectEnd<- end(intersect_range)
unionEnd <- end(union_range)
#check if intersect only has gaps:
subseq_intersect <- subseq(DNAStr[1], intersectStart,intersectEnd)
if(turnWoGaps(subseq_intersect)%>%nchar==0) next
#check ygene start position
ygene_union_int <- checkFrame(dna=DNAStr[1]%>%turnWoGaps(),map = map_ygene,unionStart,unionEnd,intersectStart,intersectEnd,start)
other_union_int <- checkFrame(dna=DNAStr[j]%>%turnWoGaps(),map = map_j,unionStart,unionEnd,intersectStart,intersectEnd,start=start(ranges_gapped_u))
#check other sequence start position
intersectDna <- append(ygene_union_int$intersectDna,other_union_int$intersectDna)
unionDna <- append(ygene_union_int$unionDna,other_union_int$unionDna)#%>%muscle()%>%DNAStringSet()
names(intersectDna) <- (types[c(1,j)])
names(unionDna) <- (types[c(1,j)])
unionAA <- aaTranslation(unionDna,unionDna)%>%muscle(quiet = T)%>%AAStringSet()
intersectAA <- aaTranslation(intersectDna,intersectDna)%>%muscle(quiet = T)%>%AAStringSet()
unionDna <- unionDna%>%muscle(quiet = T)%>%DNAStringSet()
intersectDna <- intersectDna%>%muscle(quiet = T)%>%DNAStringSet()
if(is.null(unionDna) | is.null(unionAA) | is.null(intersectAA)){
orfAA <- DNAStr[[j]] %>% turnWoGaps() %>% subseq(start(ranges_u),end(ranges_u))%>%DNAStringSet() %>% translate()
alldata[[u]] <- list(dna=unionDna,aa=unionAA, dnaOverlap=intersectDna,aaOverlap=intersectAA, orfAA = orfAA)
warning(paste(names(ygeneSeq),types[j],'has a problematic overlapping ORF. Nice to check'))
newscore <- calcIdentity(intersectAA,percent = F)/(width(ygeneSeq)/3)
}else if(score==newscore[2,1]){
# rm(bestDna)
# rm(bestAA)
# rm(bestAAsmall)
# start <- start(ranges_gapped_u)
# map <- map_ygene
# dna <- DNAStr[1]%>%turnWoGaps()
#'this function finds correct frame sequences of intersection and union of two Iranges objects
#'@param dna ungapped sequence
#'@param map mapped list of original sequence-->gapped alignment created by {map_alignment_sequence}
#'@param unionStart union range start position
#'@param unionEnd union range last position
#'@param intersectStart intersection range start position
#'@param intersectEnd intersection range end position
#'@param start start of ORF of interest, to compare with unionStart and intersectStart values
#'@return list of correct frame intersection and union dna sequences taken as subsequence of {dna}
checkFrame <- function(dna, map,unionStart,unionEnd,intersectStart,intersectEnd,start) {
start_ungapped <-map[map==start]%>%names()%>%as.integer()
#this if else does this:
#first checks if position x has a corresponding map key in the map list. If so, returns the key value which is the position of x
#on the ungapped sequence. If there is no key, then it is a gap '-' character on the gapped sequence, thus returns the key for the next
#non-gap character.
#the goal of this is to find the position of union and intersection ranges and compare those to actual start-codons to conserve the
#frame for translation. otherwise the actual orf frame might change due to extra gaps in the alignment
union_start_ungapped_pos<- ifelse(length(map[map==unionStart])!=0,map[map==unionStart]%>%names()%>%as.integer(),
intersect_start_ungapped_pos <- ifelse(length(map[map==intersectStart])!=0,map[map==intersectStart]%>%names()%>%as.integer(),
union_end_ungapped_pos<- ifelse(length(map[map==unionEnd])!=0,map[map==unionEnd]%>%names()%>%as.integer(),
intersect_end_ungapped_pos <- ifelse(length(map[map==intersectEnd])!=0,map[map==intersectEnd]%>%names()%>%as.integer(),
diff_union <- (start_ungapped-union_start_ungapped_pos)
diff_intersect <- (start_ungapped-intersect_start_ungapped_pos)
union_start_ungapped_pos <- (union_start_ungapped_pos+1)
}else if(diff_union%%3==2){
union_start_ungapped_pos <- (union_start_ungapped_pos+2)
intersect_start_ungapped_pos <- (intersect_start_ungapped_pos-2)
}else if(diff_intersect%%3==2){
intersect_start_ungapped_pos <- (intersect_start_ungapped_pos-1)
intersectDna <- dna%>%subseq(intersect_start_ungapped_pos,intersect_end_ungapped_pos)%>%DNAStringSet()
unionDna <- dna%>%subseq(union_start_ungapped_pos,union_end_ungapped_pos)%>%DNAStringSet()
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