#' Make predictions using multi-task elastic net
#' \code{predict_with_multitaskelasticnet} predicts immune response using multi-task elastic net algorithm.
#' This algorithm employs model parameters learned during training on different types of data in
#' order to compute the immune response.
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @export
#' @param view_name input view name
#' @param view_info input view information of its composition.
#' @param view_data input view data as a list. Each item of the list correponds to a certain view.
#' @param learned_model parameters learned during training with cross-validation.
#' @return A matrix with the predictions obtained by applying the model on the view input data
predict_with_multitaskelasticnet <- function(view_name, view_info, view_data, learned_model){
# Initialize variables
P <- length(view_info)
K <- 100
standardize_any <- TRUE
models <- names(learned_model[[1]]$model$cv.glmnet.features)
drugs <- colnames(learned_model[[1]]$model$cv.glmnet.features[[1]])
Ndrug <- length(drugs)
predictions <- predictions.all.tasks <- predictions.all.models <- list()
# Algorithm do not deal with NA values: here we removed features with NA values
view_data_new <- lapply(names(view_data), function(x){
tmp_data <- view_data[[x]]
if (anyNA(tmp_data)){
NA_sum <- apply(tmp_data, 2, sum)
tmp_data <- tmp_data[,!is.na(NA_sum)]
names(view_data_new) <- names(view_data)
# Per task, per view
predictions[[view_name]] <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(view_data_new[[1]]), ncol = K,
dimnames = list(rownames(view_data_new[[1]]), seq(1, K, 1)))
predictions.all.models <- do.call(c, lapply(models, function(X){
predictions.all.models[[X]] <- predictions
predictions.all.tasks <- do.call(c, lapply(drugs, function(X){
predictions.all.tasks[[X]] <- predictions.all.models
for (i in 1:K){
state <- learned_model[[i]]$model$cv.glmnet.features
features.learning <- lapply(1:length(view_info), function(x){names(learned_model[[i]]$mas.mea.learning.X[[x]])})
prediction.X <- view_data_new
# Display progress bar:
width <- options()$width
cat(paste0(rep('=', i / K * width), collapse = ''))
if (i == K) cat('\n')
else cat(' \r')
# standardize
if (standardize_any==T){
for (m in 1:P){
# Check features availability
keep_pos <- stats::na.omit(match(colnames(prediction.X[[m]]), features.learning[[m]]))
keep_names <- intersect(colnames(prediction.X[[m]]), features.learning[[m]])
prediction.X[[m]] <- prediction.X[[m]][,keep_names]
# Normalization should be done taking into account the train set
learned_model[[i]]$mas.mea.learning.X[[m]] <- learned_model[[i]]$mas.mea.learning.X[[m]][keep_pos]
learned_model[[i]]$mas.std.learning.X[[m]] <- learned_model[[i]]$mas.std.learning.X[[m]][keep_pos]
names(learned_model[[i]]$mas.std.learning.X[[m]]) <- names(learned_model[[i]]$mas.mea.learning.X[[m]])
prediction.X[[m]] <- standarization(X = prediction.X[[m]], mean = learned_model[[i]]$mas.mea.learning.X[[m]],
sd = learned_model[[i]]$mas.std.learning.X[[m]])
# perform prediction
prediction_cv <- lapply(state, function(X){multi_task_EN_test(prediction.X, X)})
# save predictions
for (X in drugs){
predictions.all.tasks[[X]][["1se.mse"]][[view_name]][,i] <- prediction_cv$`1se.mse`[,X]
predictions.all.tasks[[X]][["min.mse"]][[view_name]][,i] <- prediction_cv$min.mse[,X]
summary_pred <- predictions.all.tasks
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