Man pages for ousuga/RelDists
Estimation for some Reliability Distributions

AddWThe Additive Weibull family
BGEThe Beta Generalized Exponentiated family
CS2eThe Cosine Sine Exponential family
dAddWThe Additive Weibull distribution
dBGEThe Beta Generalized Exponentiated distribution
dCS2eThe Cosine Sine Exponential distribution
dEEGThe Extended Exponential Geometric distribution
dEGGThe four parameter Exponentiated Generalized Gamma...
dEMWExThe Exponentiated Modifien Weibull Extension distribution
dEOFNHThe Extended Odd Frechet-Nadarajah-Haghighi
dEWThe Exponentiated Weibull distribution
dEXLThe exponentiated XLindley distribution
dExWThe Extended Weibull distribution
dFWEThe Flexible Weibull Extension distribution
dGammaWThe Gamma Weibull distribution
dGGDThe Generalized Gompertz distribution
dGIWThe Generalized Inverse Weibull distribution
dGMWThe Generalized modified Weibull distribution
dIWThe Inverse Weibull distribution
dKumIWThe Kumaraswamy Inverse Weibull distribution
dLINLindley distribution
dLWThe Log-Weibull distribution
dMOEIWThe Marshall-Olkin Extended Inverse Weibull distribution
dMOEWThe Marshall-Olkin Extended Weibull distribution
dMOKThe Marshall-Olkin Kappa distribution
dMWThe Modified Weibull distribution
dOWThe Odd Weibull Distribution
dPLThe Power Lindley distribution
dQXGPThe Quasi XGamma Poisson distribution
dRNMWThe New Modified Weibull distribution
dRWThe Reflected Weibull distribution
dSZMWThe Sarhan and Zaindin's Modified Weibull distribution
dWGThe Weibull Geometric distribution
dWGEEThe Weighted Generalized Exponential-Exponential distribution
dWPThe Weibull Poisson distribution
EEGThe Extended Exponential Geometric family
EGGThe four parameter Exponentiated Generalized Gamma family
EMWExThe Exponentiated Modifien Weibull Extension family
EOFNHThe Extended Odd Frechet-Nadarjad-Hanhighi family
equipmentElectronic equipment data
EWThe Exponentiated Weibull family
ExWThe Extended Weibull family
FWEThe Flexible Weibull Extension family
GammaWThe Gamma Weibull family
GGDThe Generalized Gompertz family
GIWThe Generalized Inverse Weibull family
GMWThe Generalized Modified Weibull family
initValuesOWInitial values and search region for Odd Weibull distribution
IWThe Inverse Weibull family
KumIWThe Kumaraswamy Inverse Weibull family
LINThe Lindley family
LWThe Log-Weibull family
miceMice mortality data
MOEIWThe Marshall-Olkin Extended Inverse Weibull family
MOEWThe Marshall-Olkin Extended Weibull family
MOKThe Marshall-Olkin Kappa family
MWThe Modified Weibull family
myOW_regionCustimized region search for odd Weibull distribution
OWThe Odd Weibull family
param.startOWInitial values extraction for Odd Weibull distribution
PLThe Power Lindley family
QXGPThe Quasi XGamma Poisson family
RWThe Reflected Weibull family
summary.initValOWSummary of 'initValOW' objects
SZMWThe Sarhan and Zaindin's Modified Weibull family
WGThe Weibull Geometric family
WGEEThe Weigted Generalized Exponential-Exponential family
WPThe Weibull Poisson family
ousuga/RelDists documentation built on Feb. 16, 2025, 5:22 p.m.