
# Random data generation (OW distributed)
y <- rOW(n=500, mu=0.05, sigma=0.6, nu=2)

# Initial values with TTT plot
iv <- initValuesOW(formula = y ~ 1)

# This data is from unimodal hazard
# See TTT estimate from sample
plot(iv, legend_options=list(pos=1.03))

# See the true hazard
curve(hOW(x, mu=0.05, sigma=0.6, nu=2), to=100, lwd=3, ylab="h(x)")

# Finally, we fit the model
con.out <- gamlss.control(n.cyc = 300, trace = FALSE)
con.in <- glim.control(cyc = 300)

(sigma.start <- param.startOW("sigma", iv))
(nu.start <- param.startOW("nu", iv))

mod <- gamlss(y~1, sigma.fo=~1, nu.fo=~1, control=con.out, i.control=con.in,
              family=myOW_region(OW(sigma.link="identity", nu.link="identity"),
                                 valid.values="auto", iv),
              sigma.start=sigma.start, nu.start=nu.start)

# Estimates are close to actual values
(mu <- exp(coef(mod, what = "mu")))
(sigma <- coef(mod, what = "sigma"))
(nu <- coef(mod, what = "nu"))
ousuga/RelDists documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 10:27 p.m.