#' Turn a long data frame of weight-at-age data into a wide data frame by age
#' Take the long-format, which is indicative of raw data, weight-at-age data
#' and make a wide data frame based on ages such that the data frame can be
#' written for Stock Synthesis.
#' @param dat A data frame created from [weight_at_age_read()] or one that has the
#' following column names:
#' * Source,
#' * Weight_kg,
#' * Sex,
#' * Age_yrs,
#' * Length_cm,
#' * Month, and
#' * Year.
#' @param value A character value specifying which type of data you are
#' interested in. The options include `"weight"`, `"length"`, and `"count"`,
#' where the latter will supply the sample size.
#' @param maxage The age of the plus-group bin. The default is 15 years old.
#' This age and all older ages will be combined into a single age bin..
#' @export
#' @author Ian G. Taylor
#' @seealso [weight_at_age_read()]
#' @return A data frame with the first six columns pertaining to metadata,
#' i.e., #Yr, seas, gender, GP, bseas, and fleet, and additional columns
#' pertaining to each age starting with age zero up to the maximum age
#' supplied with the argument `maxage`. Ages for which there were no
#' samples are filled with `NA`. If \code{value = "count"}, then
#' the data frame will return sample sizes for each age rather than mean
#' weight- or length-at-age.
weight_at_age_wide <- function(dat,
value = c("weight", "length", "count"),
maxage = 15) {
value <- match.arg(value)
agebinspop <- 0:maxage
fleet_names <- c(
"Acoustic Poland",
"US_FOREIGN", "US_foreign",
"ATSEA", "US_atsea",
"US_shore", "SHORE",
"Acoustic U.S.", "US_acoustic",
"Acoustic Canada", "CAN_acoustic",
"U.S. Acoustic", "Canada Acoustic"
dat_filtered <- dat %>%
Fleet = 1,
# I wonder if I should use the maximum population age b/c then the data would
# be more correct, albeit more sparse in those bins, check the sample sizes
Age_yrs = ifelse(Age_yrs <= maxage, Age_yrs, 15)
) %>%
# dplyr::filter(!outlier, !is.na(Weight_kg), !is.na(Age_yrs)) %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(Weight_kg), !is.na(Age_yrs)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(Year, Age_yrs, Fleet)
if (length(unique(dat$Source[which(!dat$Source %in% fleet_names)])) > 0) {
"'Source' contains entries other than:
if (value == "weight") {
dat_grouped <- dat_filtered %>%
to_summarize = mean(Weight_kg)
if (value == "length") {
dat_grouped <- dat_filtered %>%
to_summarize = mean(Length_cm)
if (value == "count") {
dat_grouped <- dat_filtered %>%
to_summarize = dplyr::n()
weight_at_age <- dat_grouped %>%
# tidyr::complete(Fleet = -2:3) %>%
values_from = to_summarize,
names_from = Age_yrs,
names_prefix = "a"
) %>%
dplyr::relocate(a0, .before = a1) %>%
x = data.frame(
Year = unique(.[["Year"]]),
seas = 1,
gender = 1,
GP = 1,
bseas = 1
y = .,
by = c("Year")
) %>%
dplyr::rename("#Yr" = Year)
fill_wtage_matrix <- function(wtage, option = c("row", "age")) {
# fills in NA values with average of adjacent years
option <- paste0("i", match.arg(option, several.ok = FALSE))
if (!"Note" %in% colnames(wtage)) wtage$Note <- ""
nages <- ncol(wtage) - ifelse("Note" %in% colnames(wtage), 1, 0) - 6
for (irow in 1:nrow(wtage)) {
isNA <- (1:nages)[is.na(wtage[irow, -(1:6)])]
if (length(isNA) > 0) {
wtage$Note[irow] <- paste(
"# interpolated ages", paste(isNA - 1, collapse = ",")
for (iage in isNA) {
if (get(option) > 1) {
if (option == "irow") earliervals <- wtage[1:(irow - 1), iage + 6]
if (option == "iage") earliervals <- wtage[irow, (1:(iage - 1)) + 6]
} else {
earliervals <- NA
if (get(option) < ifelse(option == "irow", nrow(wtage), nages)) {
if (option == "irow") latervals <- wtage[(irow + 1):nrow(wtage), iage + 6]
if (option == "iage") latervals <- wtage[irow, ((iage + 1):nages) + 6]
} else {
latervals <- NA
lastearlier <- rev(earliervals[!is.na(earliervals)])[1]
firstlater <- latervals[!is.na(latervals)][1]
if (is.na(lastearlier)) lastearlier <- firstlater
if (is.na(firstlater)) firstlater <- lastearlier
wtage[irow, iage + 6] <- mean(lastearlier, firstlater, na.rm = TRUE)
rich.colors.short <- function(n, alpha = 1) {
x <- seq(0, 1, length = n)
r <- 1 / (1 + exp(20 - 35 * x))
g <- pmin(pmax(0, -0.8 + 6 * x - 5 * x^2), 1)
b <- dnorm(x, 0.25, 0.15) / max(dnorm(x, 0.25, 0.15))
rgb.m <- matrix(c(r, g, b), ncol = 3)
rich.vector <- apply(rgb.m, 1, function(v) rgb(v[1], v[2], v[3], alpha = alpha))
# need to update the yrvec here because not an argument in makewtatagaeplots function
makeimage <- function(agevec = 0:15, yrvec = 1975:2017,
mat, # matrix of values by age and year
meanvec = NULL, # vector of mean value by age across years
Ntext = FALSE, # switch to have text show sample size rather than value
Nsamp.mat = NULL, # matrix of sample sizes
Nsamp.meanvec = NULL, # sum of sample sizes by age across years
interpmat = NULL, # matrix indicating which values are interpolations
main = "", # title for plot
dofont = TRUE, # use bold font to indicate interpolation
dorect = FALSE, # use shaded rectangles to indicate interpolation
margins = c(4.2, 4.2, 4, 1) + .1) {
# if meanvec is not a separate input, assume that it's the first row
if (is.null(meanvec)) {
meanvec <- mat[, 1]
mat <- mat[, -1]
# same calculation for the sample sizes
# (need to add them as an input)
if (Ntext) {
Nsamp.meanvec <- Nsamp.mat[, 1]
Nsamp.mat <- Nsamp.mat[, -1]
par(mar = margins)
yrvec2 <- c(1973, 1974, yrvec)
mat2 <- cbind(meanvec, NA, mat)
if (Ntext) {
Nsamp.mat2 <- cbind(Nsamp.meanvec, NA, Nsamp.mat)
if (max(mat, na.rm = TRUE) < 4) { # assume weights
breaks <- seq(0, 4, length = 51)
digits <- 2 # round weights to 2 digits
} else { # assume length
breaks <- seq(10, 80, length = 51)
digits <- 1 # round lengths to 1 digit
x = 0:15, y = yrvec2, z = mat2, axes = FALSE, xlab = "Age", ylab = "Year",
col = rainbow(60)[1:50], main = main, breaks = breaks
# add text
zdataframe <- expand.grid(yr = yrvec2, age = agevec)
zdataframe$z <- c(t(mat2))
if (Ntext) {
zdataframe$Nsamp <- c(t(Nsamp.mat2))
if (!is.null(interpmat)) {
interpmat2 <- cbind(meanvec, NA, interpmat)
zdataframe$interp <- c(t(interpmat2))
} else {
zdataframe$interp <- 0
zdataframe$font <- 1
if (dofont) zdataframe$font <- ifelse(is.na(zdataframe$interp), 2, 1)
if (!Ntext) {
ztext <- format(round(zdataframe$z, digits))
ztext[ztext == " NA"] <- ""
ztext[ztext == " NA"] <- ""
text(x = zdataframe$age, y = zdataframe$yr, label = ztext, font = zdataframe$font, cex = .7)
} else {
ztext <- zdataframe$Nsamp
text(x = zdataframe$age, y = zdataframe$yr, label = ztext, font = zdataframe$font, cex = .7)
interp <- zdataframe[is.na(zdataframe$interp) & zdataframe$yr != 1974, ]
if (dorect) {
rect(interp$age - .5, interp$yr - .5,
interp$age + .5, interp$yr + .5,
col = rgb(0, 0, 0, .3), density = 20
# finish plot
axis(1, at = 0:15, cex.axis = .7)
at = c(1973, yrvec),
labels = c("mean", yrvec), las = 1, cex.axis = .7
dointerpSimple <- function(df, skipcols = 1:6) {
cols <- setdiff(1:ncol(df), skipcols)
n <- nrow(df)
for (icol in cols) {
df[, icol] <- approx(x = 1:n, xout = 1:n, y = df[, icol])$y
#' Write Weight-At-Age Plots to Disk
#' todo: write a description for make_wtatage_plots
#' @param plots A vector of digits that specifies which plots to create.
#' @param data A data frame of weight at age data generated from
#' \code{weight_at_age_wide(..., getmean = TRUE)}.
#' @param counts A data frame of weight at age counts generated from
#' \code{weight_at_age_wide(..., getmean = TRUE, value = "count")}.
#' @param lengths A data frame of weight at length generated from
#' \code{weight_at_age_wide(..., getmean = TRUE, value = "length")}.
#' The default for this argument is `NULL`, and the function can be ran
#' without supplying length data.
#' @param dir The directory that you want to save the plots in. The default
#' is to save the plots in your current working directory.
#' @param year A character value giving the current year that will be used in
#' the file names for each plot.
#' @param maxage The maximum age of fish modelled in the stock assessment, i.e.,
#' what is the age at which all fish are grouped into a plus group.
#' @export
#' @import grDevices
#' @author Ian G. Taylor
make_wtatage_plots <- function(plots = 1:6, data, counts, lengths = NULL,
dir = getwd(), year = format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"), maxage = 15) {
# make plots
# plot of all data with mean
data <- data[, !grepl("Note", colnames(data), ignore.case = TRUE)]
agecols <- grep(paste0("^a", 0:maxage, collapse = "|"), colnames(data))
meanvec <- as.numeric(data[1, agecols])
mat <- t(as.matrix(data[-1, agecols]))
wt1 <- dointerpSimple(data[-1, ])
temp <- fill_wtage_matrix(wt1[, agecols])
mat2 <- t(as.matrix(temp[, !grepl("Note", colnames(temp))]))
Nsamp.meanvec <- as.numeric(counts[1, agecols])
Nsamp.mat <- t(as.matrix(counts[-1, agecols]))
# plot without extrapolation
if (1 %in% plots) {
fileplot <- file.path(
paste0("empirical_wtatage_", year, "_alldata_1_nointerp.png")
grDevices::png(fileplot, width = 7, height = 9, units = "in", res = 400)
mat = mat, meanvec = meanvec, main = "Mean weight at age (all data)",
yrvec = (year - ncol(mat) + 1):year
# plot showing sample sizes
fileplot <- file.path(
paste0("empirical_wtatage_", year, "_alldata_1B_nointerp_numbers.png")
grDevices::png(fileplot, width = 7, height = 9, units = "in", res = 400)
mat = mat, meanvec = meanvec, Ntext = TRUE,
Nsamp.meanvec = Nsamp.meanvec, Nsamp.mat = Nsamp.mat,
main = "Mean weight at age (colors) with sample sizes (numbers)",
yrvec = (year - ncol(mat) + 1):year
if (2 %in% plots) {
mat1 <- t(as.matrix(wt1[, agecols]))
fileplot <- file.path(
paste0("empirical_wtatage_", year, "_alldata_2_interp.png")
grDevices::png(fileplot, width = 7, height = 9, units = "in", res = 400)
mat = mat1, meanvec = meanvec,
main = "Mean weight at age with interpolation (all data)",
yrvec = (year - ncol(mat1) + 1):year
if (3 %in% plots) {
fileplot <- file.path(
paste0("empirical_wtatage_", year, "_alldata_3_interp_extrap.png")
grDevices::png(fileplot, width = 7, height = 9, units = "in", res = 400)
mat = mat2, meanvec = meanvec,
main = "Mean weight at age with interpolation & extrapolation (all data)",
yrvec = (year - ncol(mat2) + 1):year
if (4 %in% plots) {
fileplot <- file.path(
paste0("empirical_wtatage_", year, "_alldata_4_interp_extrap_shade.png")
grDevices::png(fileplot, width = 7, height = 9, units = "in", res = 400)
mat = mat2, interpmat = mat, dofont = FALSE, dorect = TRUE,
meanvec = meanvec,
main = "Mean weight at age with interpolation & extrapolation (all data)",
yrvec = (year - ncol(mat2) + 1):year
if (5 %in% plots) {
fileplot <- file.path(
paste0("empirical_wtatage_", year, "_alldata_5_interp_extrap_bold.png")
grDevices::png(fileplot, width = 7, height = 9, units = "in", res = 400)
mat = mat2, interpmat = mat, dofont = TRUE, dorect = FALSE,
meanvec = meanvec,
main = "Mean weight at age with interpolation & extrapolation (all data)",
yrvec = (year - ncol(mat2) + 1):year
# Mean length plots
if (6 %in% plots & !is.null(lengths)) {
fileplot <- file.path(
paste0("empirical_lenatage_", year, "_alldata_6_nointerp.png")
len.meanvec <- as.numeric(lengths[1, agecols])
len.mat <- t(as.matrix(lengths[-1, agecols]))
grDevices::png(fileplot, width = 7, height = 9, units = "in", res = 400)
mat = len.mat, meanvec = len.meanvec,
main = "Mean length at age (all data, cm)",
yrvec = (year - ncol(len.mat) + 1):year
fileplot <- file.path(
paste0("empirical_lenatage_", year, "_6B_nointerp_numbers.png")
grDevices::png(fileplot, width = 7, height = 9, units = "in", res = 400)
mat = len.mat, meanvec = len.meanvec, Ntext = TRUE,
Nsamp.meanvec = Nsamp.meanvec, Nsamp.mat = Nsamp.mat,
main = "Mean length at age (colors) with sample sizes (numbers)",
yrvec = (year - ncol(len.mat) + 1):year
#' Write weight-at-age file
#' @param file A filename that you want to save the information as. The default
#' is to have an extension of \code{.ss} such that the file can be used for
#' Stock Synthesis. The file path can either be relative or absolute.
#' @param data Weight at age matrix.
#' @param maturity A vector of maturity at age.
write_wtatage_file <- function(
file = paste0("wtatage_", format(Sys.time(), "%d-%b-%Y_%H.%M"), ".ss"),
) {
# Ensure column name that matters is lowercase
colnames(data)[grep("fleet", ignore.case = TRUE, colnames(data))] <- "fleet"
# stuff copied from SS_writedat for printing tables
if (sink.number() > 0) sink()
printdf <- function(dataframe) {
# function to print data frame with hash mark before first column name
names(dataframe)[1] <- paste("#_", names(dataframe)[1], sep = "")
print(dataframe, row.names = FALSE, strip.white = TRUE)
oldwidth <- options()$width
oldmax.print <- options()$max.print
on.exit(options(width = oldwidth), add = TRUE)
on.exit(options(max.print = oldmax.print), add = TRUE)
options(width = 5000, max.print = 9999999)
# Remove the file if it exists because you do not want to append it
if (fs::file_exists(file)) {
zz <- file(file, open = "at")
on.exit(close(zz), add = TRUE)
nrows_per_matrix <- nrow(data)
nrows_total <- 1 + 4 * nrows_per_matrix
header <- c(
"# empirical weight-at-age Stock Synthesis input file for hake",
"# created by code in the R script: wtatage_calculations.R",
paste("# creation date:", Sys.time()),
"20 # Maximum age",
"#Maturity x Fecundity: Fleet = -2 (Values maturity unchanged from 2012 Stock Assessment)",
"#Maturity x Fecundity: Fleet = -2 (are maturity * wtatage)",
# Make fleet -2 for most recent years
fleetn2 <- cbind(
data[, c(1:6)],
t(apply((data[, -c(1:6)]), 1, function(x) x * maturity))
fleetn2$fleet <- -2
writeLines("#All matrices below use the same values, pooled across all data sources")
for (ifleet in -1:3) {
data$fleet <- ifleet
if (ifleet == -1) note <- "#Weight at age for population in middle of the year: Fleet = -1"
if (ifleet == 0) note <- "#Weight at age for population at beginning of the year: Fleet = 0"
if (ifleet > 0) {
note <- glue::glue(
"#Weight at age for {ifelse(ifleet == 1, 'Fishery', 'Survey')}: Fleet = {ifleet}"
writeLines(c("", note))
# terminator line
terminator <- 0 * fleetn2[1, ]
terminator[, 1] <- -9999
terminator[, "fleet"] <- 2
writeLines("# terminator line")
writeLines("# End of wtatage.ss file")
#' Identify weight-at-age outliers
#' Get weight-at-age data and identify any outliers using three screening
#' methods.
#' * Data in September of 2003 are screened for fish less than 0.52 kg and
#' greater than 45 cm in length.
#' * Data are screen for a weight-length relationship beyond that deemed to be
#' normal, i.e., 20e-6*length^3 and 2e-6*length^3.
#' * Identify fish with a recorded age of greater than or equal to 99, which
#' is sometimes used for data that should be flagged or not used instead of
#' an `NA` value.
#' These protocols started in 2011.
#' @param data A data frame of weight-at-age values.
#' @param filter A logical specifying if the outliers should be removed or not.
#' The default is to remove them.
#' @param drop A logical specifying if the new column called `outlier` should
#' be removed from the data frame prior to returning it.
#' @export
#' @author Kelli F. Johnson
#' @return A data frame with the same columns or one more column, i.e.,
#' `outlier`, than the input data frame.
#' @family weight-at-age
weight_at_age_outlier <- function(data, filter = TRUE, drop = TRUE) {
out <- data %>%
outlier = dplyr::case_when(
Weight_kg < 0.52 & Length_cm > 45 & Year == 2003 & Month == 9 ~ TRUE,
Weight_kg > (20e-6) * Length_cm^3 ~ TRUE,
Weight_kg < (2e-6) * Length_cm^3 ~ TRUE,
Age_yrs >= 99 ~ TRUE,
) %>%
dplyr::filter(outlier %in% c(FALSE, ifelse(filter, FALSE, TRUE)))
if (drop) {
return(out %>% select(-outlier))
} else {
#' @export
#' @rdname weight_at_age_outlier
#' @family weight-at-age
plot_weight_at_age_outlier <- function(data, ...) {
data_plot <- if (!"outlier" %in% colnames(data)) {
weight_at_age_outlier(data, filter = FALSE, drop = FALSE)
} else {
} %>%
data_lines <- data.frame(
Length_cm = 1:max(data_plot[["Length_cm"]], na.rm = TRUE)
) %>%
lower = Length_cm^3 * 2e-6,
upper = Length_cm^3 * 20e-6
gg_length <- ggplot2::ggplot(
data = data_plot,
x = Length_cm,
y = Weight_kg
) +
ggplot2::geom_point(pch = 16, ggplot2::aes(color = outlier)) +
ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = c(grDevices::rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 2)) +
ggplot2::geom_line(data = data_lines, colour = 4, ggplot2::aes(y = lower)) +
ggplot2::geom_line(data = data_lines, colour = 4, ggplot2::aes(y = upper)) +
ggplot2::ylim(c(0, max(data_plot[["Weight_kg"]], na.rm = TRUE) * 1.01)) +
ggplot2::xlab("Length (cm)") +
ggplot2::ylab("Weight (kg)") +
legend.title = ggplot2::element_text("Outlier"),
legend.position = "none"
) +
gg_age <- ggplot2::ggplot(
data = data_plot,
x = Age_yrs,
y = Weight_kg
) +
ggplot2::geom_point(pch = 16, ggplot2::aes(colour = outlier)) +
ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = c(grDevices::rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 2)) +
ggplot2::xlab("Age (years)") +
ggplot2::ylab("Weight (kg)") +
legend.title = ggplot2::element_text("Outlier"),
legend.position = "none"
) +
gg_age_log <- gg_age +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(trans = "log10") +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(trans = "log10") +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "top", legend.box = "horizontal") +
final <- cowplot::plot_grid(
align = "h",
nrow = 1
#' Read weight-at-age files from the disk and filter appropriately
#' Read the file using the appropriate method based on the file extension and
#' filter the data such that data are not duplicated. For example, Canadian data
#' are in the cumulative file but a better version was provided by Chris Grandin
#' in 2022 as a csv file.
#' @param file The file path, full or relative, to the `.csv` file you are
#' importing. The file should have the following seven columns: Source,
#' Weight_kg, Sex, Age_yrs, Length_cm, Month, and Year.
#' @export
#' @author Ian G. Taylor
#' @return A data frame of weight-at-age information.
#' The data frame includes the following columns:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Source
#' \item Weight_kg
#' \item Sex
#' \item Age_yrs
#' \item Length_cm
#' \item Month
#' \item Year
#' \item OutlierL
#' }.
#' @family weight-at-age
weight_at_age_read <- function(file) {
grep_CAN_fishery <- "^CAN_[jJps]"
grep_US_fishery <- "^US|Poland"
data_in <- if (tools::file_ext(file) == "csv") {
utils::read.csv(file) %>%
} else {
stop("Extensions other than csv are not currently supported.")
out <- data_in %>%
Source = gsub("(^SHORE$|^ATSEA$)", "US_\\L\\1", Source, perl = TRUE),
Source = dplyr::case_when(
grepl("_jv$", Source, ignore.case = TRUE) ~ toupper(Source),
Source == "Poland_acoustic" ~ "Acoustic Poland",
Source == "Acoustic U.S." ~ "US_acoustic",
Source == "Acoustic Canada" ~ "CAN_acoustic",
Source == "U.S. Acoustic" ~ "US_acoustic",
Source == "Canada Acoustic" ~ "CAN_acoustic",
Source == "ATSEA" ~ "US_atsea",
TRUE ~ Source
) %>%
wrap_by <- function(...) {
ggplot2::facet_wrap(ggplot2::vars(...), labeller = ggplot2::label_both)
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