
Defines functions mudata_parse_tbl mudata_parse_column mudata_prepare_column.list mudata_prepare_column.hms mudata_prepare_column.sfc mudata_prepare_column.POSIXt mudata_prepare_column.default mudata_prepare_tbl.data.frame mudata_prepare_tbl.tbl mudata_prepare_tbl.default mudata_prepare_tbl mudata_prepare_column update_columns_table type_strs_from_columns read_common write_mudata_common read_mudata_json_common from_mudata_json read_mudata_json write_mudata_json_common to_mudata_json write_mudata_json read_mudata_dir write_mudata_dir read_mudata_zip write_mudata_zip read_mudata write_mudata

Documented in from_mudata_json mudata_parse_column mudata_parse_tbl mudata_prepare_column mudata_prepare_column.default mudata_prepare_column.hms mudata_prepare_column.list mudata_prepare_column.POSIXt mudata_prepare_column.sfc mudata_prepare_tbl mudata_prepare_tbl.data.frame mudata_prepare_tbl.default mudata_prepare_tbl.tbl read_mudata read_mudata_dir read_mudata_json read_mudata_zip to_mudata_json update_columns_table write_mudata write_mudata_dir write_mudata_json write_mudata_zip

#' Read/Write mudata objects
#' These functions will read and write mudata objects to disk using a directory
#' (which contains one .csv file for each table in the object), a ZIP archive
#' (which is a zipped version of the directory format), or a JSON file. The
#' base read/write functions attempt to guess which of these types to use
#' based on the file extension: use the specific read/write function to
#' avoid this.
#' These functions are designed to make sure that the read/write operations are
#' as lossless as possible. Some exceptions to this are if date/time columns are
#' not in UTC (in which case they will be converted to UTC before writing), and
#' if table names have characters that are not filesystem safe (allowed
#' characters are `[A-Za-z0-9_.-]` and others will be stripped).
#' @param md A mudata object
#' @param filename File to read/write (can also be a directory)
#' @param overwrite Pass `TRUE` to overwrite if the file/directory already
#'   exists.
#' @param validate Flag to validate mudata object after read or before write
#' @param update_columns Update the columns table "type" column to reflect the
#'   internal R types of columns (reccommended).
#' @param pretty Produce pretty or minified JSON output
#' @param txt JSON text from which to read a mudata object.
#' @param ... Passed to read/write functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # read/write to directory
#' outfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".mudata")
#' write_mudata(kentvillegreenwood, outfile)
#' md <- read_mudata(outfile)
#' unlink(outfile)
#' # read/write to JSON
#' outfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")
#' write_mudata(kentvillegreenwood, outfile)
#' md <- read_mudata(outfile)
#' unlink(outfile)
write_mudata <- function(md, filename, ...) {
  if (grepl("[.]zip$", filename)) {
    write_mudata_zip(md, filename, ...)
  } else if (grepl("[.]json$", filename)) {
    write_mudata_json(md, filename, ...)
  } else {
    message("Using write_mudata_dir() to write to ", filename)
    write_mudata_dir(md, filename, ...)

#' @rdname write_mudata
#' @export
read_mudata <- function(filename, ...) {
  if (grepl("[.]zip$", filename)) {
    read_mudata_zip(filename, ...)
  } else if (grepl("[.]json$", filename)) {
    read_mudata_json(filename, ...)
  } else if (dir.exists(filename)) {
    read_mudata_dir(filename, ...)
  } else {
    abort(glue::glue("Don't know which format to read file '{filename}'"))

#' @rdname write_mudata
#' @export
write_mudata_zip <- function(md, filename, overwrite = FALSE, validate = TRUE,
                             update_columns = TRUE, ...) {
  # check if output file exists, stop if overwrite = FALSE
  if (file.exists(filename) && !overwrite) {
    abort(glue::glue("File '{filename}' exists. Use `overwrite = TRUE` to overwrite."))

  # create a temporary directory, use write_mudata_dir to write to it
  dir_file <- tempfile()[1]
  on.exit(unlink(dir_file, recursive = TRUE))
  write_mudata_dir(md, dir_file, overwrite = TRUE, validate = validate, update_columns = update_columns, ...)

  # the zip function is tricky in that it requires a working directory change
  filename <- fs::path_abs(filename)
  status <- withr::with_dir(dir_file, utils::zip(filename, list.files(), flags = "-q"))
  if (status != 0) {
    abort(glue::glue("Writing zip file '{filename}' exited with status '{status}'"))

  # return md, invisibly

#' @rdname write_mudata
#' @export
read_mudata_zip <- function(filename, validate = TRUE, ...) {
  # check that file exists
  if (!file.exists(filename)) {
    abort(glue::glue("File '{filename}' does not exist"))

  if (dir.exists(filename)) {
    abort(glue::glue("'{filename}' is a directory"))

  # create temporary directory, make sure is cleaned up on exit
  dir_file <- tempfile()[1]
  on.exit(unlink(dir_file, recursive = TRUE))

  # unzip zipfile to temporary directory
  utils::unzip(filename, exdir = dir_file)

  # use read_mudata_dir on the temporary directory
  read_mudata_dir(dir_file, validate = validate, ...)

#' @rdname write_mudata
#' @export
write_mudata_dir <- function(md, filename, overwrite = FALSE, validate = TRUE,
                             update_columns = TRUE, ...) {
  # check that filename isn't a file
  if (file.exists(filename) && !dir.exists(filename)) {
    abort(glue::glue("Not a directory: '{filename}'"))

  # check that dir doesn't already exist
  if (file.exists(filename) && !overwrite) {
    abort(glue::glue("Directory '{filename}' exists. Use `overwrite = TRUE` to overwrite."))

  # prepare using mudata_write_common
  md_write <- write_mudata_common(md,
    validate = validate,
    update_columns = update_columns, format = "csv"

  # create output directory
  dir.create(filename, showWarnings = FALSE)
  # check that output directory was created
  if (!dir.exists(filename)) {
        "Failed to create directory '{filename}'\nCheck that you have sufficient permissions."

  # treat attributes like a tbl
  md_write[["_mudata"]] <- tibble::tibble(
    x_columns = jsonlite::toJSON(attr(md, "x_columns")),
    mudata_version = paste(c("R", unlist(utils::packageVersion("mudata2")[[1]])),
      collapse = "."

  # safe lapply on md_write to write_csv
  result <- lapply(names(md_write), function(tbl_name) {
    fname <- file.path(filename, paste0(gsub("[^A-Za-z0-9_.-]+", "_", tbl_name), ".csv"))
    try(readr::write_csv(md_write[[tbl_name]], fname, na = ""), silent = TRUE)

  # check that write succeeded
  errors <- vapply(result, inherits, "try-error", FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
  if (any(errors)) {
    error_text <- vapply(result[errors], as.character, character(1))
    error_text_all <- paste(
      sprintf(" %s.csv: %s", names(md_write)[errors], error_text),
      collapse = "\n"

    abort(glue::glue("Error writing mudata to CSV:\n{error_text_all}"))
  } else {
    # return the input object, invisibly

#' @rdname write_mudata
#' @export
read_mudata_dir <- function(filename, validate = TRUE, ...) {
  # check that filename is a directory
  if (!dir.exists(filename)) {
    abort(glue::glue("'{filename}' does not exist or is not a directory"))

  # look for data.csv within filename
  data_csv <- list.files(filename,
    pattern = "^data\\.csv$", recursive = TRUE,
    full.names = TRUE
  if (is.na(data_csv)) {
    abort(glue::glue("'data.csv' not found within '{filename}'"))

  # use dirname(data_csv) as base directory
  mudir <- dirname(data_csv)
  # warn user if this is a different directory than filename
  # (usually occurs when somebody manually extracts a .zip file)
  if (gsub("[/\\\\]$", "", mudir) != gsub("[/\\\\]$", "", filename)) {
    message("Reading from ", mudir)

  # find columns.csv, read it in
  columns_csv <- file.path(mudir, "columns.csv")
  if (file.exists(columns_csv)) {
    # try to generate type_str_tbl
    columns_tbl <- try(
        col_names = TRUE,
        col_types = readr::cols(.default = readr::col_character())
      silent = TRUE
    type_strs <- type_strs_from_columns(columns_tbl)
  } else {
    type_strs <- list()

  # iterate over csv files in mudir, reading as character
  csv_files <- list.files(mudir, pattern = "\\.csv$", full.names = TRUE)
  table_names <- gsub("\\.csv$", "", basename(csv_files))
  obj <- lapply(stats::setNames(csv_files, table_names), function(csv_name) {
    readr::read_csv(csv_name, col_names = TRUE, col_types = readr::cols(.default = readr::col_character()), ...)

  # remove metadata, extract x_columns
  meta <- obj[["_mudata"]]
  obj[["_mudata"]] <- NULL

  # retreive x_columns
  x_columns <- NULL
  if (!is.null(meta) && ("x_columns" %in% colnames(meta))) {
    x_cols_json <- try(jsonlite::fromJSON(meta$x_columns, simplifyVector = FALSE))
    if (is.vector(x_cols_json)) {
      x_columns <- as.character(x_cols_json)

  # recreate metadata list
  metadata <- list(x_columns = x_columns)

  # mudata tbls are all objects in obj
  mudata_tbls <- names(obj)

  # use read_common to apply retyping and create mudata object
  read_common(obj, mudata_tbls, metadata, type_strs, validate = validate)

#' @rdname write_mudata
#' @export
write_mudata_json <- function(md, filename, overwrite = FALSE, validate = TRUE,
                              update_columns = TRUE, pretty = TRUE, ...) {
  # check if output file exists, stop if overwrite = FALSE
  if (file.exists(filename) && !overwrite) {
    abort(glue::glue("File '{filename}' exists. Use `overwrite = TRUE` to overwrite."))

  # call mudate_write_json_common with fun = jsonlite::write_json
  write_mudata_json_common(md, jsonlite::write_json,
    path = filename, validate = validate,
    update_columns = update_columns, pretty = pretty, ...

#' @rdname write_mudata
#' @export
to_mudata_json <- function(md, validate = TRUE, update_columns = TRUE, pretty = FALSE,
                           ...) {
  # call mudate_write_json_common with fun = jsonlite::toJSON
  write_mudata_json_common(md, jsonlite::toJSON,
    validate = validate,
    update_columns = update_columns, pretty = pretty, ...

write_mudata_json_common <- function(md, fun, validate = TRUE, update_columns = TRUE,
                                     pretty = TRUE, ...) {
  # prepare using mudata_write_common
  md_write <- write_mudata_common(md,
    validate = validate,
    update_columns = update_columns, format = "json"

  # add attribute information as an additional list item
  md_write[["_mudata"]] <- list(
    x_columns = x_columns(md),
    mudata_version = paste(c("R", unlist(utils::packageVersion("mudata2")[[1]])),
      collapse = "."

  # writing is simple, it is just a JSON object of the mudata list with some
  # pre-set parameters
  fun(md_write, ...,
    dataframe = "columns", na = "null",
    digits = NA, POSIXt = "ISO8601", factor = "string",
    Date = "ISO8601", auto_unbox = TRUE, pretty = pretty

#' @rdname write_mudata
#' @export
read_mudata_json <- function(filename, validate = TRUE, ...) {
  # check that file exists
  if (!file.exists(filename)) {
    abort(glue::glue("File '{filename}' does not exist"))

  if (dir.exists(filename)) {
    abort(glue::glue("'{filename}' is a directory"))

  read_mudata_json_common(jsonlite::read_json, path = filename, validate = validate, ...)

#' @rdname write_mudata
#' @export
from_mudata_json <- function(txt, validate = TRUE, ...) {
  read_mudata_json_common(jsonlite::fromJSON, txt = txt, validate = validate, ...)

read_mudata_json_common <- function(fun, validate = TRUE, ...) {
  # read to object using fun
  obj <- fun(..., simplifyDataFrame = FALSE, simplifyMatrix = TRUE, simplifyVector = TRUE)

  # check basic names, types
  if (!is.list(obj)) {
    abort("JSON object is not a list")

  if (!("data" %in% names(obj))) {
    abort("JSON object is missing the data table")

  mudata_tbls <- c("data", "locations", "params", "datasets", "columns")
  wrong_type_tbls <- vapply(names(obj), function(tbl_name) {
    (tbl_name %in% mudata_tbls) && !is.list(obj[[tbl_name]])
  }, logical(1))

  if (any(wrong_type_tbls)) {
    bad_types <- paste0("'", names(obj)[wrong_type_tbls], "'", collapse = ", ")
    abort(glue::glue("JSON objects of incorrect type: {bad_types}"))

  # get column type information
  if (("columns" %in% names(obj)) &&
    all(c("table", "column", "type") %in% names(obj$columns))) {
    # generate small version of column type table and validate it
    columns_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
      table = obj$columns$table,
      column = obj$columns$column,
      type = obj$columns$type

    # use type_strs from generate_type_strs
    type_strs <- type_strs_from_columns(columns_tbl)
  } else {
    # without the columns table, parsers can't be reliably guessed when
    # reading from JSON (because NAs are 'null's, which read as list()s)
    abort("cannot read JSON to mudata without a columns table")

  # extract and remove metadata, if present
  metadata <- obj[["_mudata"]]
  obj[["_mudata"]] <- NULL

  # define mudata_tbls to mean all list-like objects in obj
  # these should all be tbls with the same logic from columns applied
  mudata_tbls <- names(obj)[vapply(obj, is.list, logical(1))]

  # use read_common to apply retyping and create mudata object
  read_common(obj, mudata_tbls, metadata, type_strs, validate = validate)

write_mudata_common <- function(md, validate = TRUE, update_columns = TRUE, format = NA) {
  # validate object
  if (validate) validate_mudata(md)

  # update columns table
  if (update_columns) {
    md <- update_columns_table(md, quiet = FALSE)

  # prepare the md to be written
  md_write <- lapply(md, mudata_prepare_tbl, format = format)

  # return md_write

# common function to transform tbls, pass to mudata constructor
read_common <- function(obj, mudata_tbls, meta_list, type_strs, validate) {
  # pass mudata tables to mudata_parse_tbl
  md <- lapply(
    intersect(mudata_tbls, names(obj)),
    function(tbl_name) {
      type_str <- type_strs[[tbl_name]]
      if (is.null(type_str)) {
        type_str <- NA_character_
      mudata_parse_tbl(obj[[tbl_name]], type_str = type_str)
  ) %>%
    stats::setNames(intersect(mudata_tbls, names(obj)))

  # only using x_columns from meta_tbl (both may be NULL)
  x_columns <- meta_list$x_columns

  # pass to mudata
  md_obj <- mudata(
    data = md$data, locations = md$locations, params = md$params,
    datasets = md$datasets, columns = md$columns, x_columns = x_columns,
    more_tbls = md[setdiff(names(md), c("data", "locations", "params", "datasets", "columns"))],
    validate = validate

# common function to read a columns table (type_str_tbl)
type_strs_from_columns <- function(columns_tbl) {
  if (is.null(columns_tbl)) {
    abort("`columns_tbl` is NULL") # nocov

  if (!all(c("table", "column", "type") %in% colnames(columns_tbl))) {
    # no types specified, quietly return list()

  # get distinct table, column, type info
  type_str_tbl <- columns_tbl %>%
    dplyr::select("table", "column", "type") %>%

  # types need to be unique to be read by this function
  is_unique <- try(.checkunique(type_str_tbl, "columns", c("table", "column")), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(is_unique, "try-error")) {
    # duplicate values = slightly malformed columns table. return list() with a message
    # nocov start
    message("Possibly malformed columns table: different data types for at least one column among datasets.")
    # nocov end

  # create list of type_str named lists
  type_str_tbl <- type_str_tbl %>%
    dplyr::group_by_at("table") %>%
  type_str_tbl$data <- lapply(type_str_tbl$data, tibble::deframe)

#' Update the columns table
#' @param md A mudata object
#' @param quiet Suppress changes to existing types
#' @return A mudata object
#' @export
update_columns_table <- function(md, quiet = FALSE) {
  # generate columns table from original mudata, join to existing cols table
  generated_cols <- generate_type_tbl(md)

  # join with columns to see if any types need to be updated
  generated_cols_joined <- md$columns %>%
    dplyr::left_join(generated_cols, by = c("dataset", "table", "column"))

  # check that type.x and type.y are the same, if type was already in the columns table
  if ("type" %in% colnames(md$columns)) {
    type.x <- NULL
    type.y <- NULL
    rm(type.y) # CMD hack
    replaced_types <- generated_cols_joined %>% dplyr::filter(type.x != type.y)
    if ((nrow(replaced_types) > 0) && !quiet) {
        "Replacing types %s with %s",
        with(replaced_types, paste(dataset, table, column, type.y, sep = "/")),
        with(replaced_types, paste(dataset, table, column, type.x, sep = "/"))

    # overwrite the type column in md$columns, add new column data
    md$columns <- generated_cols %>%
      dplyr::left_join(md$columns, by = c("dataset", "table", "column")) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(type = type.x) %>%
      dplyr::select(-type.y, -type.x)
  } else {
    # overwrite the md columns table (in case new columns were added)
    md$columns <- generated_cols %>%
      dplyr::left_join(md$columns, by = c("dataset", "table", "column"))

  # remove the columns table metadata, make sure output is a tibble
  md$columns <- md$columns %>%
    dplyr::filter(table != "columns") %>%

  # return md

#' Prepare mudata table columns for writing
#' This set of generics is similar to [output_column][readr::output_column] in that it
#' converts columns to a form suitable to writing.
#' `mudata_prepare_column` in combination with is
#' intended to be opposites with `mudata_parse_column` except for
#' date/time vectors that are not in UTC (mudata_parse_column assumes UTC,
#' and mudata_prepare_column always converts to UTC with a message).
#' Type strings are currently internal, and are in the columns table in the
#' "type" column. They are usually one of "character", "date", "datetime", "double",
#' "integer", "json", and "wkt". They can also contain simple arguments, like
#' "wkt(epsg=4326)" (actually, "wkt" is the only type string that should have arguments).
#' You should generally not mess with these (in fact, the "type" column in the coluns
#' table is overwritten right before read by default, so it is hard to mess this up).
#' @param x A an object
#' @param format csv, json, or NA for unknown,
#' @param type_str A type string, generated by the internal `generate_type_str`
#' @param ... Passed to methods
#' @return An atomic vector
#' @export
mudata_prepare_column <- function(x, format = NA, ...) {

#' @rdname mudata_prepare_column
#' @export
mudata_prepare_tbl <- function(x, format = NA, ...) {

# by default just return the object
#' @rdname mudata_prepare_column
#' @export
mudata_prepare_tbl.default <- function(x, format = NA, ...) {
  x # nocov

#' @rdname mudata_prepare_column
#' @export
mudata_prepare_tbl.tbl <- function(x, format = NA, ...) {
  # apply mudata_prepare_column, make a tbl
  lapply(x, mudata_prepare_column, format = format, ...) %>%

#' @rdname mudata_prepare_column
#' @export
mudata_prepare_tbl.data.frame <- function(x, format = NA, ...) {
  mudata_prepare_tbl.tbl(x, format = format, ...) # nocov

# default is to just return the object unchanged
#' @rdname mudata_prepare_column
#' @export
mudata_prepare_column.default <- function(x, format = NA, ...) x

# datetimes are converted to ISO8601 (ish) with timezone
#' @rdname mudata_prepare_column
#' @export
mudata_prepare_column.POSIXt <- function(x, format = NA, ...) {
  tzone <- attr(x, "tzone")
  if (!identical(tzone, "UTC")) {
    message("Converting POSIXt column to UTC")
  strftime(x, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC", ...)

# sfc columns are converted to WKT using sf::st_as_text()
#' @rdname mudata_prepare_column
#' @export
mudata_prepare_column.sfc <- function(x, format = NA, ...) {
  sf::st_as_text(x, ...)

# time columns are ok using as.character()
#' @rdname mudata_prepare_column
#' @export
mudata_prepare_column.hms <- function(x, format = NA, ...) {

# list columns are converted to JSON strings only if format != "json"
#' @rdname mudata_prepare_column
#' @export
mudata_prepare_column.list <- function(x, format = NA, ...) {
  if (is.na(format) || (format != "json")) {
    vapply(x, jsonlite::toJSON,
      dataframe = "columns", matrix = "rowmajor",
      auto_unbox = TRUE,
      Date = "ISO8601", POSIXt = "ISO8601", factor = "string", na = "null",
      digits = NA, FUN.VALUE = character(1), ...
  } else {

#' @rdname mudata_prepare_column
#' @export
mudata_parse_column <- function(x, type_str = NA_character_, ...) {
  # check output class so that parsing doesn't occur if class is already correct
  # NA_character means "guess"
  if (inherits(x, parse_output_class(type_str))) {
  } else {
    as_parser(type_str)(as.character(x), ...)

#' @rdname mudata_prepare_column
#' @export
mudata_parse_tbl <- function(x, type_str = NA_character_, ...) {
  # apply mudata_parse_column to x, using type_str as a named vector
  lapply(names(x), function(col_name) {
    mudata_parse_column(x[[col_name]], type_str = type_str[col_name], ...)
  }) %>%
    stats::setNames(names(x)) %>%
paleolimbot/mudata documentation built on Oct. 3, 2023, 10:03 a.m.