
Defines functions hpcInfo2 scancelAll qdelAll2 scancel qdel2 qstatGroupAll2 sacct qstat2 sacctAll qstatAll2 print.statRes2 qstatSummary2 qstatProcess2 sbatch rQsub2

Documented in hpcInfo2 print.statRes2 qdel2 qdelAll2 qstat2 qstatAll2 qstatGroupAll2 rQsub2 sacct sacctAll sbatch scancel scancelAll

####### To be finished *******

#' Submit (sbatch, like qsub) R jobs.
#' @description Submit R jobs in parallel (array).
#' @param path file path.
#' @param rFile the R script to run.
#' @param preCMD the command to run R script, the default is
#' 'echo "module load R/3.3.0 && Rscript '.
#' @param jobName the job name(s).
#' @param threaded integer or integer vector to specify
#' the number of threads of each job.
#' @param memoryG numeric or numeric vector to specify the
#' memory (in Gb) of each job.
#' @param rTimeHour numeric or numeric vector. Maximum running
#' time (in hour) of each job.
#' @param logFile the log file(s) for errors and warnings.
#' @param email email to receive report from HPC. The default is NULL.
#' @param when2Email when will the server send a email. 
#' Valid values are NONE, BEGIN, END, FAIL, REQUEUE, ALL (equivalent 
#' to BEGIN, END, FAIL, REQUEUE, and STAGE_OUT), STAGE_OUT  (burst buffer
#' stage  out  and  teardown completed), TIME_LIMIT, TIME_LIMIT_90 (reached 90 
#' percent of time limit), TIME_LIMIT_80 (reached 80 percent of time limit), 
#' TIME_LIMIT_50 (reached 50  percent  of  time  limit) and ARRAY_TASKS (send 
#' emails for each array task). Multiple values may be specified in a 
#' comma separated list. The default is "END,FAIL,STAGE_OUT,TIME_LIMIT". For
#' compatibility, when2Email="aes" is allowed, 
#' meaning when2Email="END,FAIL,STAGE_OUT,TIME_LIMIT".
#' @param computeNode which computing CPU node will be used?
#' Support regular expression. The default is NULL, meaning the node is not 
#' specified. For compatibility, computeNode = \code{"all.q@@n00[0-9][0-9]*"} is 
#' equivalent to computeNode = NULL.
#' @param moreQsubParams more sbatch \href{https://slurm.schedmd.com/sbatch.html}{parameters}.
#' @param param1 the first parameter passed to R script.
#' @param ... other parameter passed to R script.
#' @return A list of output of running rFile.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # This function can only run on HPC with slurm.
#' ## Section 1, the format of R script file (for example myfile.R) to submit:
#' args = commandArgs(TRUE)
#' if (FALSE){
#'  # Input the code to use rQsub, see section
#'  # And run the code manually in this if`{}` statement , for example:
#'  rQsub2(path = getwd(), rFile = "myfile.R", param1 = 1:5)
#' }
#' arg1 = args[1]
#' # Then input R code to use the arg1 variable. for example:
#' cat("test code result:", arg1, "\n")
#' ## Section 2, the code to use rQsub
#' # One parameter in R script
#' path = "/my/file/path"
#' rQsub2(path = "/my/file/path",
#'       rFile = paste0(path, "/testQsub.R"),
#'       jobName = "job", threaded = 1,
#'       memoryG = 10, rTimeHour = 2,
#'       logFile = paste0(path, "/logfilename.log"),
#'       preCMD = 'module load R/3.3.0 && Rscript ',
#'       param1 = 1:10)
#' # Multiple parameters in R script and using 2 threads
#' rQsub2(path = "/my/file/path",
#'       rFile = paste0(path, "/testQsub.R"),
#'       jobName = "job", threaded = 2,
#'       param1 = 1:10, param2 = 2:11, param3 = 3:12)
#' # Specify job names, threads, memories and running time.
#' rQsub2(path = "/my/file/path",
#'       rFile = paste0(path, "/testQsub.R"),
#'       jobName = paste0("job_", formatN(1:10, 2)),
#'       logFile = paste0(path, "/logfilename_", formatN(1:10, 2), ".log"),
#'       threaded = rep(c(1, 2), each = 5),
#'       memoryG = rep(c(10, 20), each = 5),
#'       rTimeHour = rep(c(24, 48), each = 5),
#'       param1 = 1:10)
#' }

rQsub2 = function(path = getwd(), rFile = "testQsub.R",
                 jobName = "job", threaded = 1, memoryG = 10, rTimeHour = 2, 
                 logFile = "logfilename.log", email = NULL,
                 when2Email = "END,FAIL,STAGE_OUT,TIME_LIMIT",
                 computeNode = NULL,
                 moreQsubParams = "",
                 preCMD = 'module load R/3.3.0 && Rscript ',
                 param1 = 1:10,
  params = list(param1, ...) # parameters passed to R
  num = unique(sapply(params, length))
  if (length(unique(sapply(params, length))) != 1){
    stop("The length of arguments are not the same!")
    stopifnot(length(computeNode) == 1 && is.character(computeNode))
    if(computeNode == "all.q@n00[0-9][0-9]*"){
      computeNode = NULL
    computeNode = paste("-w", computeNode)
  checkNum = function(x, num = length(param1)){
    if (length(x) == 1){
      x = rep(x, num)
    } else if (length(x) < 1 || length(x) != num){
      stop("The length of ", deparse(substitute(x)),
           " must be 1 or the same as 'param1': ", num)
  # memory
  memoryG = checkNum(memoryG, num)
  memory = paste0("--mem=", memoryG, "G")
  # time
  rTimeHour = checkNum(rTimeHour, num)
  rTime = paste0("--time=", rTimeHour, ":00:00")
  # jobName
  jobName = checkNum(jobName, num)
  # logFile
  logFile = checkNum(logFile, num)
  # threaded
  threaded = checkNum(threaded, num)
  emailTypes = c('NONE', 'BEGIN', 'END', 'FAIL', 'REQUEUE', 'ALL', 
                 'STAGE_OUT', 'TIME_LIMIT', 'TIME_LIMIT_90', 
                 'TIME_LIMIT_80', 'TIME_LIMIT_50', 'ARRAY_TASKS', "aes")
  if (is.null(email)){
    emailAndWhen = ""
  } else {
    stopifnot(is.character(when2Email) && 
                length(when2Email) ==1 &&
                all(strsplit(when2Email, ",")[[1]] %in% c(emailTypes))
    if (when2Email == "aes"){
      when2Email = "END,FAIL,STAGE_OUT,TIME_LIMIT"
    emailAndWhen = paste0("--mail-user=", email, " --mail-type=", when2Email)
  qparam = paste("sbatch", computeNode, "-J", jobName, "-c", threaded,
                 memory, rTime, 
                 "-e", logFile, "-o", paste0(logFile, ".out"),
                 emailAndWhen, moreQsubParams)
  qsub_all_parameters = paste0(logFile[1], "_sbatch_all_parameters.log")
  fileConn = file(qsub_all_parameters)
  writeLines(qparam, fileConn)
  paramInR = unlist(lapply(1:num, function(x){
    paste(lapply(params, "[", x), collapse = " ")
  ids = list()
  for(i in 1:num){
    cat (rFile, "\n", paramInR[i], "\n")
    cmd = paste('echo -e "#!/bin/bash\n', preCMD, rFile, 
                paramInR[i], '" |', qparam[i])
    cat(i, ":", cmd, "\n")
    ids = c(ids, system(cmd, intern = TRUE, wait = TRUE))

#' sbatch: Submit (sbatch, like qsub) R jobs.
#' @description Submit R jobs in parallel (array).
#' @param path file path.
#' @param rFile the R script to run.
#' @param preCMD the command to run R script, the default is
#' 'echo "module load R/3.3.0 && Rscript '.
#' @param jobName the job name(s).
#' @param threaded integer or integer vector to specify
#' the number of threads of each job.
#' @param memoryG numeric or numeric vector to specify the
#' memory (in Gb) of each job.
#' @param rTimeHour numeric or numeric vector. Maximum running
#' time (in hour) of each job.
#' @param logFile the log file(s) for errors and warnings.
#' @param email email to receive report from HPC. The default is NULL.
#' @param when2Email when will the server send a email. 
#' Valid values are NONE, BEGIN, END, FAIL, REQUEUE, ALL (equivalent 
#' to BEGIN, END, FAIL, REQUEUE, and STAGE_OUT), STAGE_OUT  (burst buffer
#' stage  out  and  teardown completed), TIME_LIMIT, TIME_LIMIT_90 (reached 90 
#' percent of time limit), TIME_LIMIT_80 (reached 80 percent of time limit), 
#' TIME_LIMIT_50 (reached 50  percent  of  time  limit) and ARRAY_TASKS (send 
#' emails for each array task). Multiple values may be specified in a 
#' comma separated list. The default is "END,FAIL,STAGE_OUT,TIME_LIMIT". For
#' compatibility, when2Email="aes" is allowed, 
#' meaning when2Email="END,FAIL,STAGE_OUT,TIME_LIMIT".
#' @param computeNode which computing CPU node will be used?
#' Support regular expression. The default is NULL, meaning the node is not 
#' specified. For compatibility, computeNode = \code{"all.q@@n00[0-9][0-9]*"} is 
#' equivalent to computeNode = NULL.
#' @param array either integers or character indicating array IDs, for example 1:10, "1-10", "1-10,100,1000".
#' @param dependency logical, If true, this job can only be run after the previous job 
#' named by jobName is finished.
#' @param moreQsubParams more sbatch \href{https://slurm.schedmd.com/sbatch.html}{parameters}.
#' @param param1 the first parameter passed to R script.
#' @param ... other parameter passed to R script.
#' @return A list of output of running rFile.  
#' @details SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID is the variable in the systeim environment that can be used in R scripts.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # This function can only run on HPC with slurm.
#' #######################################################
#' # For the compatiblity of rQsub2 function
#' ## Section 1, the format of R script file (for example myfile.R) to submit:
#' args = commandArgs(TRUE)
#' if (FALSE){
#'  # Input the code to use sbatch/rQsub, see section 2
#'  # And run the code manually in this if`{}` statement , for example:
#'  sbatch(path = getwd(), rFile = "myfile.R", param1 = 1:5)
#' }
#' arg1 = args[1]
#' # Then input R code to use the arg1 variable. for example:
#' cat("test code result:", arg1, "\n")
#' ## Section 2, the code to use rQsub
#' # One parameter in R script
#' path = "/my/file/path"
#' sbatch(path = path,
#'       rFile = paste0(path, "/testQsub.R"),
#'       jobName = "job", threaded = 1,
#'       memoryG = 10, rTimeHour = 2,
#'       logFile = paste0(path, "/logfilename.log"),
#'       preCMD = 'module load R/3.3.0 && Rscript ',
#'       param1 = 1:10)
#' # Multiple parameters in R script and using 2 threads
#' sbatch(path = path,
#'       rFile = paste0(path, "/testQsub.R"),
#'       jobName = "job", threaded = 2,
#'       param1 = 1:10, param2 = 2:11, param3 = 3:12)
#' # Specify job names, threads, memories and running time.
#' sbatch(path = path,
#'       rFile = paste0(path, "/testQsub.R"),
#'       jobName = paste0("job_", formatN(1:10, 2)),
#'       logFile = paste0(path, "/logfilename_", formatN(1:10, 2), ".log"),
#'       threaded = rep(c(1, 2), each = 5),
#'       memoryG = rep(c(10, 20), each = 5),
#'       rTimeHour = rep(c(24, 48), each = 5),
#'       param1 = 1:10)
#' ##############################
#' #' ## Section 1, the format of R script file to submit:
#' if (FALSE){
#' # Run the code manually in this if`{}` statement , for example:
#' pathFile = rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
#' path = dirname(pathFile$path)
#' Rfile = pathFile$path
#' sbatch(path = path, rFile = Rfile, array = 1:5)
#' # See section 2 for mor examples.
#' }
#' arg1 = Sys.getenv("SLURM_TASK_ID")
#' arg1 = as.numeric(arg1)
#' # Then input R code to use the arg1 variable. for example:
#' cat("test code result:", arg1, "\n")
#' Sys.sleep(200)
#' ## Section 2, the code to use rQsub
#' sbatch(path = path, rFile = Rfile,
#'       jobName = "job", threaded = 2,
#'       memoryG = 10, rTimeHour = 1.3,
#'       logFile = paste0(path, "/logfilename.log"),
#'       array = 1:3,
#'       preCMD = 'module load R/3.5.1 && Rscript ',
#'       param1 = NULL)
#' # Run slurm job1 when previous job (also named "job1") is finished
#' sbatch(path = path, rFile = Rfile,
#'       jobName = "job1", threaded = 2,
#'       memoryG = 10, rTimeHour = 2,
#'       logFile = paste0(path, "/logfilename.log"),
#'       array = 1,
#'       dependency = TRUE,
#'       preCMD = 'module load R/3.5.1 && Rscript ',
#'       param1 = NULL)
#' }
sbatch = function(path = getwd(), rFile = "testSbatch.R",
                  jobName = "job", threaded = 1, memoryG = 10, rTimeHour = 2, 
                  logFile = "logfilename.log", email = NULL,
                  when2Email = "END,FAIL,STAGE_OUT,TIME_LIMIT",
                  computeNode = NULL,
                  moreQsubParams = "",
                  array = 1:10,
                  dependency = FALSE,
                  preCMD = 'module load R/3.5.1 && Rscript ',
                  param1 = NULL,
      stop("Either array or param1 must be NULL")
    } else {
        message("'dependency' will not be used")
      rTimeHour =  rTimeHour = paste0(floor(rTimeHour), ":", formatN(60*(rTimeHour - floor(rTimeHour)), 2), ":00")
      return(rQsub2(path, rFile, jobName, threaded, memoryG, rTimeHour, logFile,
                    email, when2Email, computeNode, moreQsubParams, preCMD, param1, ...))
  params0 = ""
    if(!is.null(param1) || length(list(...))!=0){
      stop("When array is not NULL, param1 ... must be NULL")
      array = paste0(array, collapse = ",")
    } else if(is.character(array)){
      stopifnot(length(array) == 1)
    } else {
      stop("If not NULL, array must be integers or characters of length of 1")
    params0 = paste(params0, "-a", array)
    params0 = paste(params0, "-d singleton")
  # params = list(param1, ...) # parameters passed to R
  # num = unique(sapply(params, length))
  # if (length(unique(sapply(params, length))) != 1){
  #   stop("The length of arguments are not the same!")
  # }
    stopifnot(length(computeNode) == 1 && is.character(computeNode))
    if(computeNode == "all.q@n00[0-9][0-9]*"){
      computeNode = NULL
    params0 = paste(params0, "-w", computeNode)
  # memory
  memory = paste0("--mem=", memoryG, "G")
  params0 = paste(params0, memory)
  # time
  rTimeHour = paste0(floor(rTimeHour), ":", formatN(60*(rTimeHour - floor(rTimeHour)), 2), ":00")
  params0 = paste(params0, paste0("--time=", rTimeHour))
  # jobName
  params0 = paste(params0, "-J", jobName)
  # logFile
  params0 = paste(params0, "-e", logFile, "-o", paste0(logFile, ".out"))
  # threaded
  params0 = paste(params0, "-c", threaded)
  emailTypes = c('NONE', 'BEGIN', 'END', 'FAIL', 'REQUEUE', 'ALL', 
                 'STAGE_OUT', 'TIME_LIMIT', 'TIME_LIMIT_90', 
                 'TIME_LIMIT_80', 'TIME_LIMIT_50', 'ARRAY_TASKS', "aes")
  if (is.null(email)){
    emailAndWhen = ""
  } else {
    stopifnot(is.character(when2Email) && 
                length(when2Email) ==1 &&
                all(strsplit(when2Email, ",")[[1]] %in% c(emailTypes))
    if (when2Email == "aes"){
      when2Email = "END,FAIL,STAGE_OUT,TIME_LIMIT"
    emailAndWhen = paste0("--mail-user=", email, " --mail-type=", when2Email)
  qparam = paste("sbatch", params0, emailAndWhen, moreQsubParams)
  cmd = paste('echo -e "#!/bin/bash\n', preCMD, rFile, 
              '" |', qparam)
  system(cmd, intern = TRUE, wait = TRUE)

qstatProcess2 = function(statRes){
  res = strSplit(statRes, "\\|") # split columns.
  res = res[,-ncol(res)]   # remove the last (empty) column.
  colnames(res) = res[1,]  # the first row is the column names.
  res = res[-1,]           # remove the first row after naming the columns.
  res = as.data.frame(res[res[,"User"] != "",,drop = FALSE]) # convert to data frame.

qstatSummary2 = function(statRes){
  if(nrow(statRes) == 0){
    message("0 Gb memory and 0 CPUs have been included in the table\n\n")
  fmt = function(item){
    tapply(item, statRes$State, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
  memory = as.numeric(sub("Mn|Mc", "E-3", sub("Gn|Gc|G$", "", statRes$ReqMem)))
  memorySummary = fmt(memory)
  node = as.numeric(statRes$ReqNodes)
  nodeSummary = fmt(node)
  cpu = as.numeric(statRes$ReqCPUS)
  cpuSummary = fmt(cpu)
  attr(statRes, "usedMemoryInTotal") = mT = memorySummary
  attr(statRes, "usedNodesInTotal") = nT = nodeSummary
  attr(statRes, "usedCPUsInTotal") = cT = cpuSummary
  pst = function(itemSummary){
    paste(paste0(itemSummary, "(", names(itemSummary), ")"),
          collapse = ", ")
  message(pst(mT), " Gb memory ", "and \n", 
          pst(cT), " CPUs have been included in the table\n\n")
  itemPerU = function(item){
    y = tapply(item, INDEX = list(statRes$User, statRes$State), 
               sum, na.rm = TRUE)
    y[is.na(y)] = 0
    y = data.frame(y)
    if(nrow(y) > 0 && !"RUNNING" %in% colnames(y)){
      y$RUNNING = 0
  mU = itemPerU(memory)
  attr(statRes, "memoryPerUser") = mU
  mUSort = sort(setNames(mU$RUNNING, rownames(mU)), decreasing = TRUE)
  message("The following top (upto) 5 users are using most of the memory: ")
  message(sprintf("  %s(%s G)", names(head(mUSort, 5)), 
                  head(mUSort, 5)), "\n\n")
  cU = itemPerU(cpu)
  attr(statRes, "CPUsPerUser") = cU 
  cUSort = sort(setNames(cU$RUNNING, rownames(cU)), decreasing = TRUE)
  message("The following top (upto) 5 users are using the most of CPUs: ")
  message(sprintf("  %s(%s)", names(head(cUSort, 5)), head(cUSort, 5)), "\n\n")

#' Print statRes2 object
#' @param statRes the result of sacct/sacctAll/sacctGroupAll functions.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' tmp = qstatAll2()
#' print(tmp)
#' }
#' @export
print.statRes2 = function(statRes){
  res = qstatSummary2(statRes)

#' checking all users' job status on HPC for slurm system
#' @param stat status, one of "run", "all", "wait", 
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' qstatAll2("all")
#' qstatAll2("run")
#' qstatAll2("TIMEOUT")
#' }
#' @export
qstatAll2 = function(stat = c("run", "all", "wait",
                              "COMPLETED", "TIMEOUT", "FAILED", 
                              "OUT_OF_MEMORY", "CANCELLED")){
  stat = match.arg(stat)
  variables = unique(c('JobID', 'JobName', 'Account', 'State',
                       'Group', 'User', 'WorkDir',
                       'AllocNodes', 'NodeList', 'AllocCPUS', 
                       'Submit', 'Start', 'Eligible','Elapsed', 
                       unlist(strsplit(removeSpace(system("sacct -e", 
                                                          intern = TRUE)), " "))))
  cmd2 = paste("sacct --alluser -p -o ", paste0(variables, collapse = ","))
  res0 = system(cmd2, intern = TRUE)
  res = qstatProcess2(res0)
  if (stat == "all"){
    res = res
  } else if (stat == "run"){
    res = subset(res, State == "RUNNING")
  } else if (stat == "wait"){
    res = subset(res, State == "PENDING")
  } else if (stat == "COMPLETED"){
    res = subset(res, State == "COMPLETED")
  } else if (stat == "TIMEOUT"){
    res = subset(res, State == "TIMEOUT")
  } else if (stat == "FAILED"){
    res = subset(res, State == "FAILED")
  } else if (stat == "OUT_OF_MEMORY"){
    res = subset(res, State == "OUT_OF_MEMORY")
  } else if (stat == "CANCELLED"){
    res = subset(res, substr(State, 1, 9) == "CANCELLED")
  } else {
    stop("Unknown stat!")
  # res = qstatProcess(statRes = system(cmd2, intern = TRUE))
  class(res) = c("statRes2", "data.frame")
  # return(invisible(res))

#' sacctAll: checking all users' job status on HPC for slurm system
#' @param stat status, one of "run", "all", "wait", 
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' sacctAll("all")
#' sacctAll("run")
#' sacctAll("TIMEOUT")
#' }
#' @export
sacctAll = function(stat = c("run", "all", "wait",
                              "COMPLETED", "TIMEOUT", "FAILED", 
                              "OUT_OF_MEMORY", "CANCELLED")){
  stat = match.arg(stat)
  variables = unique(c('JobID', 'JobName', 'Account', 'State',
                       'Group', 'User', 'WorkDir',
                       'AllocNodes', 'NodeList', 'AllocCPUS', 
                       'Submit', 'Start', 'Eligible','Elapsed', 
                       unlist(strsplit(removeSpace(system("sacct -e", 
                                                          intern = TRUE)), " "))))
  cmd2 = paste("sacct --alluser -p -o ", paste0(variables, collapse = ","))
  res0 = system(cmd2, intern = TRUE)
  res = qstatProcess2(res0)
  if (stat == "all"){
    res = res
  } else if (stat == "run"){
    res = subset(res, State == "RUNNING")
  } else if (stat == "wait"){
    res = subset(res, State == "PENDING")
  } else if (stat == "COMPLETED"){
    res = subset(res, State == "COMPLETED")
  } else if (stat == "TIMEOUT"){
    res = subset(res, State == "TIMEOUT")
  } else if (stat == "FAILED"){
    res = subset(res, State == "FAILED")
  } else if (stat == "OUT_OF_MEMORY"){
    res = subset(res, State == "OUT_OF_MEMORY")
  } else if (stat == "CANCELLED"){
    res = subset(res, substr(State, 1, 9) == "CANCELLED")
  } else {
    stop("Unknown stat!")
  # res = qstatProcess(statRes = system(cmd2, intern = TRUE))
  class(res) = c("statRes2", "data.frame")
  # return(invisible(res))

#' checking your own job status on HPC for slurm system
#' @param stat status, one of "run", "all", "wait", 
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' qstat2(stat = "run")
#' qstat2("all")
#' }
#' @export
qstat2 = function(stat = c("run", "all", "wait",
                           "COMPLETED", "TIMEOUT", "FAILED", 
                           "OUT_OF_MEMORY", "CANCELLED")){
  stat = match.arg(stat)
  variables = unique(c('JobID', 'JobName', 'Account', 'State',
                       'Group', 'User', 'WorkDir',
                       'AllocNodes', 'NodeList', 'AllocCPUS', 
                       'Submit', 'Start', 'Eligible','Elapsed', 
                       unlist(strsplit(removeSpace(system("sacct -e", 
                                                          intern = TRUE)), " "))))
  cmd2 = paste("sacct -p -o ", paste0(variables, collapse = ","))
  res0 = system(cmd2, intern = TRUE)
  res = qstatProcess2(res0)
  if (stat == "all"){
    res = res
  } else if (stat == "run"){
    res = subset(res, State == "RUNNING")
  } else if (stat == "wait"){
    res = subset(res, State == "PENDING")
  } else if (stat == "COMPLETED"){
    res = subset(res, State == "COMPLETED")
  } else if (stat == "TIMEOUT"){
    res = subset(res, State == "TIMEOUT")
  } else if (stat == "FAILED"){
    res = subset(res, State == "FAILED")
  } else if (stat == "OUT_OF_MEMORY"){
    res = subset(res, State == "OUT_OF_MEMORY")
  } else if (stat == "CANCELLED"){
    res = subset(res, substr(State, 1, 9) == "CANCELLED")
  } else {
    stop("Unknown stat!")
  # res = qstatProcess(statRes = system(cmd2, intern = TRUE))
  class(res) = c("statRes2", "data.frame")
  # return(invisible(res))

#' sacct: checking your own job status on HPC for slurm system
#' @param stat status, one of "run", "all", "wait", 
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' sacct(stat = "run")
#' sacct("all")
#' }
#' @export
sacct = function(stat = c("run", "all", "wait",
                           "COMPLETED", "TIMEOUT", "FAILED", 
                           "OUT_OF_MEMORY", "CANCELLED")){
  stat = match.arg(stat)
  variables = unique(c('JobID', 'JobName', 'Account', 'State',
                       'Group', 'User', 'WorkDir',
                       'AllocNodes', 'NodeList', 'AllocCPUS', 
                       'Submit', 'Start', 'Eligible','Elapsed', 
                       unlist(strsplit(removeSpace(system("sacct -e", 
                                                          intern = TRUE)), " "))))
  cmd2 = paste("sacct -p -o ", paste0(variables, collapse = ","))
  res0 = system(cmd2, intern = TRUE)
  res = qstatProcess2(res0)
  if (stat == "all"){
    res = res
  } else if (stat == "run"){
    res = subset(res, State == "RUNNING")
  } else if (stat == "wait"){
    res = subset(res, State == "PENDING")
  } else if (stat == "COMPLETED"){
    res = subset(res, State == "COMPLETED")
  } else if (stat == "TIMEOUT"){
    res = subset(res, State == "TIMEOUT")
  } else if (stat == "FAILED"){
    res = subset(res, State == "FAILED")
  } else if (stat == "OUT_OF_MEMORY"){
    res = subset(res, State == "OUT_OF_MEMORY")
  } else if (stat == "CANCELLED"){
    res = subset(res, substr(State, 1, 9) == "CANCELLED")
  } else {
    stop("Unknown stat!")
  # res = qstatProcess(statRes = system(cmd2, intern = TRUE))
  class(res) = c("statRes2", "data.frame")
  # return(invisible(res))

#' Status (sacct, equivalent to qstat) of running jobs of group members.
#' @param stat the job status, including "run" (the default),
#' "all", "wait", "COMPLETED", "TIMEOUT", "FAILED", "OUT_OF_MEMORY", 
#' and "CANCELLED".
#' @param groupMembers the group member names. The default is the group members 
#' of the user who run this code.
#' @seealso \code{\link{sacct}}, \code{\link{sacctAll}}
#' @export
qstatGroupAll2 = function(stat = c("run", "all", "wait",
                                   "COMPLETED", "TIMEOUT", "FAILED", 
                                   "OUT_OF_MEMORY", "CANCELLED"),
                          groupMembers = dir(paste0("/hpc/", strSplit(system("groups", intern = TRUE), ' ')[1,1]))){
  res0 = qstatAll2(stat)
  res = subset(res0, User %in% groupMembers)

#' Delete (scancel) of SLURM jobs.
#' @param id The job ID.
#' @seealso \code{\link{scancelAll}}
#' @export
qdel2 = function(id){
  # cmd = paste("scancel", paste(id, collapse = " "))
  cmds = paste("scancel", id)
  res = c()
  for(cmd in cmds)
    res[cmd] = system(cmd, intern = TRUE)

#' scancel: Delete (scancel) of SLURM jobs.
#' @param id The job ID.
#' @seealso \code{\link{scancelAll}}
#' @export
scancel = function(id){
  # cmd = paste("scancel", paste(id, collapse = " "))
  cmds = paste("scancel", id)
  res = c()
  for(cmd in cmds)
    res[cmd] = system(cmd, intern = TRUE)

#' Delete (scancel) of SLURM jobs.
#' @param pattern regular expression pattern. The default is "*".
#' @param col the index of column to match the pattern. The default is 1.
#' @seealso \code{\link{qdel2}}
#' @export
qdelAll2 = function(pattern = "*", col = 1){
  q = sacct("all")
  id = as.character(q[,col])
  indx = grep(pattern, id)
  if (length(indx) > 0){
    qUser = q[indx,]
    id2Del = as.character(qUser[,1])
  } else {
    cat("No jobs matched!")
    id2Del = NULL

#' scancelAll: Delete (scancel) of SLURM jobs.
#' @param pattern regular expression pattern. The default is "*".
#' @param col the index of column to match the pattern. The default is 1.
#' @seealso \code{\link{qdel2}}
#' @export
scancelAll = function(pattern = "*", col = 1){
  q = sacct("all")
  id = as.character(q[,col])
  indx = grep(pattern, id)
  if (length(indx) > 0){
    qUser = q[indx,]
    id2Del = as.character(qUser[,1])
  } else {
    cat("No jobs matched!")
    id2Del = NULL

#' The Memory and CPU usage of each node on HPC
#' @export
hpcInfo2 = function(){
  res0 = system("sinfo -o %all", TRUE)
  res1 = as.data.frame(strSplit(res0[-1], "\\|"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(res1) = as.vector(strSplit(gsub(" ", "", res0[1]), "\\|"))
  numIDs = c("CPUS", "TMP_DISK", "FREE_MEM", "MEMORY", "PRIO_TIER", 
             "NODES", "SOCKETS", "CORES", "THREADS")
  for(mi in numIDs){
    res1[[mi]] = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(res1[[mi]]))
    if(mi %in% c("FREE_MEM", "MEMORY")){
      res1[[mi]] = res1[[mi]]/10^3
  infoShow = res1[, c("HOSTNAMES", "FREE_MEM", "CPUS(A/I/O/T)")]
  infoShow = sortDataframe(infoShow, "FREE_MEM", decreasing = TRUE)
  infoShow$index = 1:nrow(infoShow)
paodan/funcTools documentation built on April 1, 2024, 12:01 a.m.