
Defines functions RunClassifier

#' @include seurat.R
#' Cluster Validation
#' Methods for validating the legitimacy of clusters using
#' classification. SVMs are used as the basis for the classification.
#' Merging is done based on the connectivity from an SNN graph. 
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param pc.use Which PCs to use for model construction
#' @param top.genes Use the top X genes for model construction
#' @param min.connectivity Threshold of connectedness for comparison 
#' of two clusters
#' @param acc.cutoff Accuracy cutoff for classifier
#' @param verbose Controls whether to display progress and merge results 
#' @importFrom caret trainControl train
#' @return Returns a Seurat object, object@@ident has been updated with 
#' new cluster info
#' @export
setGeneric("ValidateClusters", function(object, pc.use = NULL, top.genes = 30, 
                                        min.connectivity = 0.01, 
                                        acc.cutoff = 0.9, verbose = TRUE)  
#' @export
setMethod("ValidateClusters", signature = "seurat", 
          function(object, pc.use = NULL, top.genes = 30, min.connectivity = 0.01, 
                   acc.cutoff = 0.9, verbose = TRUE){
            #probably should refactor to make cleaner
            if (length(object@snn.dense) > 1) {
              SNN.use <- object@snn.dense
            } else if (length(object@snn.sparse) > 1){
              SNN.use <- object@snn.sparse
            } else {
              stop("SNN matrix required. Please run BuildSNN() to save the SNN matrix in the object slot")
            num.clusters.orig <- length(unique(object@ident))
            still_merging <- TRUE
            if (verbose) {
              connectivity <- CalcConnectivity(object, SNN.use)
              end <- length(connectivity[connectivity > min.connectivity])
              progress <- end
              status <- 0
            # find connectedness of every two clusters
            while (still_merging) {
              connectivity <- CalcConnectivity(object, SNN.use)
              merge.done <- FALSE
              while (!merge.done) {
                m <- max(connectivity, na.rm = TRUE)
                mi <- which(connectivity == m, arr.ind = TRUE)
                c1 <- rownames(connectivity)[mi[, 1]]
                c2 <- rownames(connectivity)[mi[, 2]]
                if (m > min.connectivity) {
                  acc <- RunClassifier(object, c1, c2, pc.use, top.genes)
                  # if classifier can't classify them well enough, merge clusters
                  if (acc < acc.cutoff) {
                    object <- set.ident(object, cells.use = which.cells(object, c1), 
                                        ident.use = c2)
                    if (verbose) {
                      progress <- length(connectivity[connectivity > min.connectivity])
                      print(paste(sprintf("%3.0f", (1 - progress / end) * 100), 
                                  "% complete --- merge clusters ",c1, " and ", c2, 
                                  ", classification accuracy of ", 
                                  sprintf("%1.4f", acc), sep = ""))
                    merge.done <- TRUE
                  } else {
                    if (verbose & status == 5) {
                      print(paste(sprintf("%3.0f", (1 - progress / end) * 100), 
                                  "% complete --- Last 5 cluster comparisons failed to merge", 
                                  " ,still checking possible merges ...", sep = ""))
                      status <- 0
                    status <- status + 1
                    connectivity[c1, c2] <- 0
                    connectivity[c2, c1] <- 0
                } else {
                  still_merging <- FALSE
            if (verbose) {
              print(paste("100% complete --- started with ", num.clusters.orig, 
                          " clusters, ", length(unique(object@ident)), " clusters remaining", 
                          sep = "" ))

#' Specific Cluster Validation
#' Methods for validating the legitimacy of two specific clusters using
#' classification. SVMs are used as the basis for the classification.
#' Merging is done based on the connectivity from an SNN graph.  
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param cluster1 First cluster to check classification
#' @param cluster2 Second cluster to check with classification
#' @param pc.use Which PCs to use for model construction
#' @param top.genes Use the top X genes for model construction
#' @param acc.cutoff Accuracy cutoff for classifier 
#' @importFrom caret trainControl train
#' @return Returns a Seurat object, object@@ident has been updated with 
#' new cluster info
#' @export
setGeneric("ValidateSpecificClusters", function(object, cluster1 = NULL, 
                                                cluster2 = 1, pc.use=2, 
                                                top.genes = 30, 
                                                acc.cutoff = 0.9)  
#' @export
setMethod("ValidateSpecificClusters", signature = "seurat", 
          function(object, cluster1 = NULL, cluster2 = 1, pc.use = 2, top.genes = 30, 
                   acc.cutoff = 0.9){
            acc <- RunClassifier(object, cluster1, cluster2, pc.use, top.genes)
            print(paste("Comparing cluster ", cluster1, " and ", cluster2, ": Acc = ", 
                        acc, sep = ""))
            if (acc < acc.cutoff) {
              object <- set.ident(object, cells.use = which.cells(object, cluster1), 
                                  ident.use = cluster2)
              print(paste("merge cluster ", cluster1, " and ", cluster2))
              merge.done <- TRUE

RunClassifier <- function(object, group1, group2, pcs, num.genes) {
  d1 <- which.cells(object, group1)
  d2 <- which.cells(object, group2)
  y  <- as.numeric(object@ident[c(d1, d2)]) - 1
  x  <- data.frame(t(object@data[pcTopGenes(object, pcs, num.genes), 
                                 c(d1, d2)]));
  xv <- apply(x, 2, var)
  x  <- x[, names(xv > 0)]
  # run k-fold cross validation
  ctrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", repeats = 5)
  model <- train(as.factor(y)~., data = x, method = "svmLinear", 
                 trControl = ctrl)
  acc <- model$results[, 2]
paodan/studySeu documentation built on May 23, 2019, 3:06 p.m.