
#' @title Evolutionary rates computation along phylogenies
#' @description The function \code{\link{RRphylo}} (\cite{Castiglione et al.
#'   2018}) performs the phylogenetic ridge regression. It takes a tree and a
#'   vector of tip data (phenotypes) as entries, calculates the regularization
#'   factor, produces the matrices of tip to root (\code{\link{makeL}}), and
#'   node to root distances (\code{\link{makeL1}}), the vector of ancestral
#'   state estimates, the vector of predicted phenotypes, and the rates vector
#'   for all the branches of the tree. For multivariate data, rates are given as
#'   both one vector per variable, and as a multivariate vector obtained by
#'   computing the Euclidean Norm of individual rate vectors.
#' @usage
#' RRphylo(tree,y,cov=NULL,rootV=NULL,aces=NULL,x1=NULL,aces.x1=NULL,clus=0.5)
#' @param tree a phylogenetic tree. The tree needs not to be ultrametric or
#'   fully dichotomous.
#' @param y either a single vector variable or a multivariate dataset of class
#'   \sQuote{matrix}. In any case, \code{y} must be named. In case of
#'   categorical variable, this sholud be supplied to the function as a numeric
#'   vector.
#' @param cov the covariate to be indicated if its effect on the rates must be
#'   accounted for. In this case residuals of the covariate versus the rates are
#'   used as rates. \code{'cov'} must be as long as the number of nodes plus the
#'   number of tips of the tree, which can be obtained by running \code{RRphylo}
#'   on the covariate as well, and taking the vector of ancestral states and tip
#'   values to form the covariate, as in the example below. See
#'   \href{../doc/RRphylo.html#covariate}{RRphylo vignette - covariate} for
#'   details.
#' @param rootV phenotypic value (values if multivariate) at the tree root. If
#'   \code{rootV=NULL} the function 'learns' about the root value from the 10\%
#'   tips being closest in time to the tree root, weighted by their temporal
#'   distance from the root itself (close tips phenotypes weigh more than more
#'   distant tips).
#' @param aces a named vector (or matrix if \code{y} is multivariate) of
#'   ancestral character values at nodes. Names correspond to the nodes in the
#'   tree. See \href{../doc/RRphylo.html#aces}{RRphylo vignette - aces} for
#'   details.
#' @param x1 the additional predictor(s) to be indicated to perform the multiple
#'   version of \code{RRphylo}. \code{'x1'} vector/matrix must be as long as the
#'   number of nodes plus the number of tips of the tree, which can be obtained
#'   by running \code{RRphylo} on the predictors (separately for each predictor)
#'   as well, and taking the vector of ancestral states and tip values to form
#'   the \code{x1}. See \href{../doc/RRphylo.html#predictor}{RRphylo vignette -
#'   predictor} for details.
#' @param aces.x1 a named vector/matrix of ancestral character values at nodes
#'   for \code{x1}. It must be indicated if both \code{aces} and \code{x1} are
#'   specified. Names/rownames correspond to the nodes in the tree.
#' @param clus the proportion of clusters to be used in parallel computing (only
#'   if \code{y} is multivariate). To run the single-threaded version of
#'   \code{RRphylo} set \code{clus} = 0.
#' @export
#' @importFrom ape multi2di Ntip is.binary.phylo Nnode dist.nodes drop.tip
#'   subtrees nodelabels
#' @importFrom stats dist lm residuals weighted.mean
#' @importFrom stats4 mle
#' @importFrom geiger treedata tips ratematrix
#' @importFrom phytools bind.tip
#' @return \strong{tree} the tree used by \code{RRphylo}. The fully dichotomous
#'   version of the tree argument. For trees with polytomies, the tree is
#'   resolved by using \code{multi2di} function in the package \pkg{ape}. If the
#'   latter is a dichotomous tree, the two trees will be identical.
#' @return \strong{tip.path} a \eqn{n * m} matrix, where n=number of tips and
#'   m=number of branches (i.e. 2*n-1). Each row represents the branch lengths
#'   along a root-to-tip path.
#' @return \strong{node.path} a \eqn{n * n} matrix, where n=number of internal
#'   branches. Each row represents the branch lengths along a root-to-node path.
#' @return \strong{rates} single rate values computed for each branch of the
#'   tree. If \code{y} is a single vector variable, rates are equal to
#'   multiple.rates. If \code{y} is a multivariate dataset, rates are computed
#'   as the square root of the sum of squares of each row of
#'   \code{$multiple.rates}.
#' @return \strong{aces} the phenotypes reconstructed at nodes.
#' @return \strong{predicted.phenotypes} the vector of estimated tip values. It
#'   is a matrix in the case of multivariate data.
#' @return \strong{multiple.rates} a \eqn{n * m} matrix, where n= number of
#'   branches (i.e. n*2-1) and m = number of variables. For each branch, the
#'   column entries represent the evolutionary rate.
#' @return \strong{lambda} the regularization factor fitted within
#'   \code{RRphylo} by the inner function \code{optL}. With multivariate data,
#'   several \code{optL} runs are performed. Hence, the function provides a
#'   single lambda for each individual variable.
#' @return \strong{ace.values} if \code{aces} are specified, the function
#'   returns a dataframe containing the corresponding node number on the
#'   \code{RRphylo} tree  for each node , along with estimated values.
#' @return \strong{x1.rate} if \code{x1} is specified, the function returns the
#'   partial regression coefficient for \code{x1}.
#' @author Pasquale Raia, Silvia Castiglione, Carmela Serio, Alessandro
#'   Mondanaro, Marina Melchionna, Mirko Di Febbraro, Antonio Profico, Francesco
#'   Carotenuto
#' @references Castiglione, S., Tesone, G., Piccolo, M., Melchionna, M.,
#'   Mondanaro, A., Serio, C., Di Febbraro, M., & Raia, P.(2018). A new method
#'   for testing evolutionary rate variation and shifts in phenotypic evolution.
#'   \emph{Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, 9:
#'   974-983.doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12954
#' @references Serio, C., Castiglione, S., Tesone, G., Piccolo, M., Melchionna,
#'   M., Mondanaro, A., Di Febbraro, M., & Raia, P.(2019). Macroevolution of
#'   toothed whales exceptional relative brain size. \emph{Evolutionary
#'   Biology}, 46: 332-342. doi:10.1007/s11692-019-09485-7
#' @references  Melchionna, M., Mondanaro, A., Serio, C., Castiglione, S., Di
#'   Febbraro, M., Rook, L.,Diniz-Filho,J.A.F., Manzi, G., Profico, A.,
#'   Sansalone, G., & Raia, P.(2020).Macroevolutionary trends of brain mass in
#'   Primates. \emph{Biological Journal of the Linnean Society}, 129: 14-25.
#'   doi:10.1093/biolinnean/blz161
#' @references  Castiglione, S., Serio, C., Mondanaro, A., Melchionna, M.,
#'   Carotenuto, F., Di Febbraro, M., Profico, A., Tamagnini, D., & Raia, P.
#'   (2020). Ancestral State Estimation with Phylogenetic Ridge Regression.
#'   \emph{Evolutionary Biology}, 47 (3), 220-232. doi:10.1007/s11692-020-09505-x
#' @references Castiglione, S., Serio, C., Piccolo, M., Mondanaro, A.,
#'   Melchionna, M., Di Febbraro, M., Sansalone, G., Wroe, S., & Raia, P.
#'   (2020). The influence of domestication, insularity and sociality on the
#'   tempo and mode of brain size evolution in mammals. \emph{Biological Journal
#'   of the Linnean Society},in press. doi:10.1093/biolinnean/blaa186
#' @examples
#'  \dontrun{
#' data("DataOrnithodirans")
#' DataOrnithodirans$treedino->treedino
#' DataOrnithodirans$massdino->massdino
#' # Case 1. "RRphylo" without accounting for the effect of a covariate
#' RRphylo(tree=treedino,y=massdino)->RRcova
#' # Case 2. "RRphylo" accounting for the effect of a covariate
#' # "RRphylo" on the covariate in order to retrieve ancestral state values
#' c(RRcova$aces,massdino)->cov.values
#' c(rownames(RRcova$aces),names(massdino))->names(cov.values)
#' RRphylo(tree=treedino,y=massdino,cov=cov.values)->RR
#' # Case 3. "RRphylo" specifying the ancestral states
#' data("DataCetaceans")
#' DataCetaceans$treecet->treecet
#' DataCetaceans$masscet->masscet
#' DataCetaceans$brainmasscet->brainmasscet
#' DataCetaceans$aceMyst->aceMyst
#' RRphylo(tree=treecet,y=masscet,aces=aceMyst)->RR
#' # Case 4. Multiple "RRphylo"
#' library(ape)
#' drop.tip(treecet,treecet$tip.label[-match(names(brainmasscet),treecet$tip.label)])->treecet.multi
#' masscet[match(treecet.multi$tip.label,names(masscet))]->masscet.multi
#' RRphylo(tree=treecet.multi, y=masscet.multi)->RRmass.multi
#' RRmass.multi$aces[,1]->acemass.multi
#' c(acemass.multi,masscet.multi)->x1.mass
#' RRphylo(tree=treecet.multi,y=brainmasscet,x1=x1.mass)->RR
#' # Case 5. Categorical and multiple "RRphylo" with 2 additional predictors
#' library(phytools)
#' library(geiger)
#' set.seed(1458)
#' rtree(50)->tree
#' fastBM(tree)->y
#' jitter(y)*10->y1
#' rep(1,length(y))->y2
#' y2[sample(1:50,20)]<-2
#' names(y2)<-names(y)
#' c(RRphylo(tree,y1)$aces[,1],y1)->x1
#' RRphylo(tree,y2)->RRcat ### this is the RRphylo on the categorical variable
#' c(RRcat$aces[,1],y2)->x2
#' cbind(c(jitter(mean(y1[tips(tree,83)])),1),
#'       c(jitter(mean(y1[tips(tree,53)])),2))->acex
#' c(jitter(mean(y[tips(tree,83)])),jitter(mean(y[tips(tree,53)])))->acesy
#' names(acesy)<-rownames(acex)<-c(83,53)
#' RRphylo(tree,y,aces=acesy,x1=cbind(x1,x2),aces.x1 = acex)
#'     }

RRphylo<-function (tree, y, cov = NULL, rootV = NULL, aces = NULL,x1=NULL,aces.x1=NULL, clus = 0.5){
  # library(phytools)
  # library(stats4)
  # library(ape)
  # library(parallel)
  # library(doParallel)
  # library(geiger)
  # library(phytools)

  insert.at <- function(a, pos, ...) {
    dots <- list(...)
    stopifnot(length(dots) == length(pos))
    result <- vector("list", 2 * length(pos) + 1)
    result[c(TRUE, FALSE)] <- split(a, cumsum(seq_along(a) %in%
                                                (pos + 1)))
    result[c(FALSE, TRUE)] <- dots
  optL <- function(lambda) {
    y <- scale(y)
    betas <- (solve(t(L) %*% L + lambda * diag(ncol(L))) %*%
                t(L)) %*% (as.matrix(y) - rootV)
    aceRR <- (L1 %*% betas[1:Nnode(t), ]) + rootV
    y.hat <- (L %*% betas) + rootV
    Rvar <- array()
    for (i in 1:Ntip(t)) {
      ace.tip <- betas[match(names(which(L[i, ] != 0)),
                             rownames(betas)), ]
      mat = as.matrix(dist(ace.tip))
      Rvar[i] <- sum(mat[row(mat) == col(mat) + 1])
    abs(1 - (var(Rvar) + (mean(as.matrix(y))/mean(y.hat))))
  optLmultiple <- function(lambda){




    betas <- (solve(t(L) %*% L + lambda * diag(ncol(L))) %*%
                t(L)) %*% (as.matrix(yy))
    y.hat <- (L %*% betas)+rootV
    aceRR <- ((L1 %*% betas[c(1:Nnode(t),(length(betas)+1-ncol(y1)):length(betas)), ]))+rootV



  if (is.binary.phylo(tree))
    t <- tree else t <- multi2di(tree, random = FALSE)

  if(is.null(nrow(y))) y <- treedata(tree, y, sort = TRUE)[[2]][,1] else y <- treedata(tree, y, sort = TRUE)[[2]]

  Loriginal <-L<-makeL(t)
  L1original <-L1<-makeL1(t)

  if (is.null(rootV)) { #### rootV ####
    if (length(y) > Ntip(t)) { #### rootV multi ####
      if (is.binary.phylo(tree) == FALSE)
        u <- data.frame(y, (1/diag(vcv(tree))^2))
      else u <- data.frame(y, (1/diag(vcv(t))^2))
      u <- u[order(u[, dim(u)[2]], decreasing = TRUE),
      u1 <- u[1:(dim(u)[1] * 0.1), ]
      rootV <- apply(u1[, 1:dim(y)[2]], 2, function(x) weighted.mean(x,
                                                                     u1[, dim(u1)[2]]))
    }else { #### rootV uni ####
      if (is.binary.phylo(tree) == FALSE)
        u <- data.frame(y, (1/diag(vcv(tree))^2)) else u <- data.frame(y, (1/diag(vcv(t))^2))
        u <- u[order(u[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]
        u1 <- u[1:(dim(u)[1] * 0.1), ]
        rootV <- weighted.mean(u1[, 1], u1[, 2])
  }else {
    if (inherits(rootV,"data.frame")) as.matrix(rootV)->rootV  else  rootV <- rootV


  if(!is.null(x1)){ #### multiple Ridge Regression ####
    # x1[-match(t$tip.label,names(x1))]->ace1
    # x1[match(t$tip.label,names(x1))]->y1
    if(is.null(nrow(x1))) x1<-as.matrix(x1)

  if (!is.null(aces)) { #### phenotypes at internal nodes ####
    L <- makeL(t)
    aceV <- aces
    if (length(y) > Ntip(t)) { #### aces multi ####
      if (is.null(rownames(aceV)))
        stop("The matrix of aces needs to be named")
      if (is.binary.phylo(tree) == FALSE) {
        ac <- array()
        for (i in 1:nrow(aceV)) {
          ac[i] <- getMRCA(t, tips(tree, rownames(aceV)[i]))
        rownames(aceV) <- ac
      if (inherits(aceV,"data.frame"))
        aceV <- as.matrix(aceV)
      P <- aceV
      N <- as.numeric(rownames(aceV))
      tar.tips <- lapply(N, function(x) tips(t, x))
      names(tar.tips) <- N
      treeN <- t
      ynew <- y

        if(is.vector(aces.x1)) t(as.matrix(aces.x1))->Px1 else t(aces.x1)->Px1
        y1new <- y1

      i = 1
      while (i <= length(N)) {
        nn <- getMRCA(treeN, tar.tips[[i]])
        if(edlen<=0.001) edlen/10->pp else 0.001->pp
        treeN <- bind.tip(treeN, tip.label = paste("nod",N[i], sep = ""),
                          edge.length = 0, where = nn,position = pp)
        npos <- which(treeN$tip.label == paste("nod", N[i], sep = ""))
        if (npos == 1) ynew <- rbind(P[i, ], ynew)
        if (npos == nrow(ynew) + 1) ynew <- rbind(ynew, P[i, ]) else {
          if (npos > 1 & npos < (nrow(ynew) + 1)) ynew <- rbind(ynew[1:(npos - 1), ], unname(P[i,]), ynew[npos:nrow(ynew),,drop=FALSE])

          if (npos == 1) y1new <- rbind(Px1[,i], y1new)

          if (npos == length(ynew) + 1)  y1new <- rbind(y1new, Px1[,i]) else {
            if (npos > 1 & npos < (length(ynew) + 1)) y1new <- rbind(y1new[1:(npos - 1), ,drop=FALSE], unname(Px1[,i]), y1new[npos:nrow(y1new),,drop=FALSE])
        rownames(ynew)[npos] <- paste("nod", N[i], sep = "")
        if(is.null(x1)==FALSE) rownames(y1new)[npos] <- paste("nod", N[i], sep = "")
        i = i + 1


          np<-which(treeN$tip.label ==
                      paste("nod",Ns[h], sep = ""))
          if(npos== Nnode(treeN)) rbind(ace1new,Px1[,h])->ace1new else
            rbind(ace1new[1:(npos - 1), ,drop=FALSE], unname(Px1[,h]), ace1new[npos:nrow(ace1new),,drop=FALSE])->ace1new


      t <- treeN
      y <- ynew
    } else { #### aces uni ####
      if (is.null(names(aceV)))
        stop("The vector of aces needs to be named")
      if (is.binary.phylo(tree) == FALSE) {
        ac <- array()
        for (i in 1:length(aceV)) {
          ac[i] <- getMRCA(t, tips(tree, names(aceV)[i]))
        names(aceV) <- ac
      P <- aceV
      N <- as.numeric(names(aceV))
      tar.tips <- lapply(N, function(x) tips(t, x))
      names(tar.tips) <- N
      treeN <- t
      ynew <- y

        if(is.vector(aces.x1)) t(as.matrix(aces.x1))->Px1 else t(aces.x1)->Px1
        y1new <- y1

      i = 1
      while (i <= length(N)) {
        nn <- getMRCA(treeN, tar.tips[[i]])
        if(edlen<=0.001) edlen/10->pp else 0.001->pp
        treeN <- bind.tip(treeN, tip.label = paste("nod",N[i], sep = ""),
                          edge.length = 0, where = nn,position = pp)
        npos <- which(treeN$tip.label == paste("nod", N[i], sep = ""))
        if (npos == 1) ynew <- c(P[i], ynew)

        if (npos == length(ynew) + 1) ynew <- c(ynew, P[i]) else {
          if (npos > 1 & npos < (length(ynew) + 1)) ynew <- insert.at(ynew, npos - 1, P[i])

          if (npos == 1) y1new <- rbind(Px1[,i], y1new)

          if (npos == length(ynew) + 1)  y1new <- rbind(y1new, Px1[,i]) else {
            if (npos > 1 & npos < (length(ynew) + 1)) y1new <- rbind(y1new[1:(npos - 1), ,drop=FALSE], unname(Px1[,i]), y1new[npos:nrow(y1new),,drop=FALSE])
        names(ynew)[npos] <- paste("nod", N[i], sep = "")
        if(!is.null(x1)) rownames(y1new)[npos] <- paste("nod", N[i], sep = "")
        i = i + 1


          np<-which(treeN$tip.label ==
                      paste("nod",Ns[h], sep = ""))
          if(npos== Nnode(treeN)) rbind(ace1new,Px1[,h])->ace1new else
            rbind(ace1new[1:(npos - 1), ,drop=FALSE], unname(Px1[,h]), ace1new[npos:nrow(ace1new),,drop=FALSE])->ace1new


      t <- treeN
      y <- ynew

  internals <- unique(c(t$edge[, 1], t$edge[, 2][which(t$edge[,
                                                              2] > Ntip(t))]))
  edged <- data.frame(t$edge, t$edge.length)

  if (length(y) > Ntip(t)) { #### multivariate Ridge Regression ####
    k <- dim(y)[2]
    y.real <- y
    rv.real <- rootV
    # res <- list()
    if(round((detectCores() * clus), 0)==0) cl<-makeCluster(1, setup_strategy = "sequential") else
      cl <- makeCluster(round((detectCores() * clus), 0), setup_strategy = "sequential")
    res <- foreach(i = 1:k, .packages = c("stats4", "ape")) %dopar% {
      #for(i in 1:k){
      rootV <- rv.real[i]
      y <- y.real[, i]
      if(!is.null(x1)){ #### multiple Ridge Regression ####

        h <- mle(optLmultiple, start = list(lambda = 1), method = "L-BFGS-B",
                 upper = 10, lower = 0.001)

        h <- mle(optLmultiple, start = list(lambda = 1), method = "L-BFGS-B",
                 upper = 10, lower = 0.001)


        betas <- (solve(t(LX) %*% LX + lambda * diag(ncol(LX))) %*%
                    t(LX)) %*% (as.matrix(y)-rootV)

        aceRR <- ((LX1 %*% betas[c(1:Nnode(t),(length(betas)+1-ncol(y1)):length(betas)), ]))+rootV
        y.hat <- (LX %*% betas)+rootV
        res[[i]] <- list(aceRR, betas, y.hat, lambda,x1.rate)


        h <- mle(optL, start = list(lambda = 1), method = "L-BFGS-B",
                 upper = 10, lower = 0.001)
        lambda <- h@coef
        betas <- (solve(t(L) %*% L + lambda * diag(ncol(L))) %*%
                    t(L)) %*% (as.matrix(y) - rootV)
        aceRR <- (L1 %*% betas[1:Nnode(t), ]) + rootV
        y.hat <- (L %*% betas) + rootV
        #res[[i]] <-
        list(aceRR, betas, y.hat, lambda)

    aceRR <- do.call(cbind, lapply(res, "[[", 1))
    betas <- do.call(cbind, lapply(res, "[[", 2))
    y.hat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(res, "[[", 3))
    lambda <- unname(sapply(res, "[[", 4))
      x1.rate <- sapply(res,"[[",5)
      if(!is.null(nrow(x1.rate))) colnames(x1.rate)<-colnames(y) else names(x1.rate)<-colnames(y)
    rootV <- rv.real
    y <- y.real
    rownames(betas) <- colnames(L)
    rownames(y.hat) <- rownames(y)
    rownames(aceRR) <- colnames(L1)
    colnames(betas) <- colnames(y.hat) <- colnames(aceRR) <- colnames(y)

  }else { #### Ridge Regression univariate ####

    if(!is.null(x1)){ #### multiple Ridge Regression ####

      h <- mle(optLmultiple, start = list(lambda = 1), method = "L-BFGS-B",
               upper = 10, lower = 0.001)


      betas <- (solve(t(LX) %*% LX + lambda * diag(ncol(LX))) %*%
                  t(LX)) %*% (as.matrix(y)-rootV)

      aceRR <- (LX1 %*% betas[c(1:Nnode(t),(length(betas)+1-ncol(y1)):length(betas)), ])+rootV
      y.hat <- (LX %*% betas)+rootV

      h <- mle(optL, start = list(lambda = 1), method = "L-BFGS-B",
               upper = 10, lower = 0.001)
      lambda <- h@coef
      betas <- (solve(t(L) %*% L + lambda * diag(ncol(L))) %*%
                  t(L)) %*% (as.matrix(y) - rootV)
      aceRR <- (L1 %*% betas[1:Nnode(t), ]) + rootV
      y.hat <- (L %*% betas) + rootV


  if (!is.null(aces)) {
    tip.rem <- paste("nod", N, sep = "")
    nod.rem <- array()
    for (i in 1:length(N)) {
      nod.rem[i] <- getMRCA(t, c(tip.rem[i], tar.tips[[i]]))
    aceRR <- as.matrix(aceRR[-match(nod.rem, rownames(aceRR)),
    betas <- as.matrix(betas[-match(c(nod.rem, tip.rem),
                                    rownames(betas)), ])
    y.hat <- as.matrix(y.hat[-match(tip.rem, rownames(y.hat)),
    t <- drop.tip(t, tip.rem)
    rownames(betas)[1:Nnode(t)] <- rownames(aceRR) <- seq((Ntip(t) +
                                                             1), (Ntip(t) + Nnode(t)), 1)
    if (length(y.hat) > Ntip(t)) {
      ace.est <- aceRR[match(rownames(aceV), rownames(aceRR)),
      if (nrow(aceV) < 2)
        ace.estimates <- data.frame(real.node = rownames(aces),
                                    RRnode = rownames(aceV), t(as.matrix(ace.est)))
      else ace.estimates <- data.frame(real.node = rownames(aces),
                                       RRnode = rownames(aceV), ace.estimate = unname(ace.est))
    else {
      ace.est <- aceRR[match(names(aceV), rownames(aceRR)),
      ace.estimates <- data.frame(real.node = names(aces),
                                  RRnode = names(ace.est), ace.estimate = unname(ace.est))
  betasREAL <- betas

  if (is.null(cov)) {
    rates <- betas
    if (length(y) > Ntip(t)) {
      rates <- apply(rates, 1, function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2)))
      rates <- as.matrix(rates)
  } else {


    if (length(y) > Ntip(t)) { #### Covariate multi ####
      if (length(which(apply(betas, 1, sum) == 0)) > 0) {
        zeroes <- which(apply(betas, 1, sum) == 0)
        R <- log(abs(betas))
        R <- R[-zeroes, ]
        Y <- abs(cov)
        Y <- Y[-zeroes]
        res <- residuals(lm(R ~ Y))
        factOut <- which(apply(betas, 1, sum) != 0)
        betas[factOut, ] <- res
        betas[zeroes, ] <- 0
      } else { #### Covariate uni ####
        R <- log(abs(betas))
        Y <- abs(cov)
        res <- residuals(lm(R ~ Y))
        betas <- as.matrix(res)
      rates <- betas
      rates <- apply(rates, 1, function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2)))
      rates <- as.matrix(rates)
    }else {
      if (length(which(betas == "0")) > 0) {
        zeroes <- which(betas == "0")
        R <- log(abs(betas))
        R <- R[-zeroes]
        Y <- abs(cov)
        Y <- Y[-zeroes]
        res <- residuals(lm(R ~ Y))
        factOut <- which(betas != "0")
        betas[factOut] <- res
        betas[zeroes] <- 0
      }else {
        R <- log(abs(betas))
        Y <- abs(cov)
        res <- residuals(lm(R ~ Y))
        betas <- as.matrix(res)
      rates <- betas

  if (is.null(aces)) {
    res <- list(t, Loriginal, L1original, rates, aceRR, y.hat, betasREAL,
    names(res) <- c("tree", "tip.path", "node.path", "rates",
                    "aces", "predicted.phenotype", "multiple.rates",
  }else {
    res <- list(t, Loriginal, L1original, rates, aceRR, y.hat, betasREAL,
                lambda, ace.estimates)
    names(res) <- c("tree", "tip.path", "node.path", "rates",
                    "aces", "predicted.phenotype", "multiple.rates",
                    "lambda", "ace.values")

  if(is.null(x1)==FALSE) {

pasraia/RRphylo documentation built on Aug. 6, 2021, 9:42 p.m.