
Defines functions loadGFF3TrackFromLocalData loadGFF3TrackFromURL loadCramTrackFromURL loadBamTrackFromLocalData loadBamTrackFromURL loadGwasTrack loadVcfTrack loadSegTrack loadBedGraphTrack loadBedGraphTrackFromURL loadBedTrack removeUserAddedTracks removeTracksByName getGenomicRegion showGenomicRegion renderIgvShiny igvShinyOutput igvShiny

Documented in getGenomicRegion igvShiny igvShinyOutput loadBamTrackFromLocalData loadBamTrackFromURL loadBedGraphTrack loadBedGraphTrackFromURL loadBedTrack loadCramTrackFromURL loadGFF3TrackFromLocalData loadGFF3TrackFromURL loadGwasTrack loadSegTrack loadVcfTrack removeTracksByName removeUserAddedTracks renderIgvShiny showGenomicRegion

# THE FOLLOWING WAS MOVED OUT OF doc section for igvShiny
# param options a list, with required elements "genomeName" and "initialLocus".
#   Local or remote custom genomes can be used by setting "genomeName" to 
#   "local" or "remote". The necessary fasta and index files are provided via
#   "fasta" and "index" arguments, either as path on disk or as URL.

#' Create an igvShiny instance
#' @description This function is called in the server function of your shiny app
#' @rdname igvShiny
#' @aliases igvShiny
#' @import BiocGenerics
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import GenomeInfoDbData
#' @import shiny
#' @importFrom randomcoloR distinctColorPalette
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom htmlwidgets createWidget shinyWidgetOutput shinyRenderWidget
#' @importFrom futile.logger flog.debug
#' @param genomeOptions a list with these fields: genomeName, initialLocus, 
#' annotation, dataMode, fasta, fastaIndex, stockGenome, validated
#' @param width a character string, standard css notations, 
#' either e.g., "1000px" or "95\%"
#' @param height a character string, needs to be an explicit pixel measure, 
#' e.g., "800px"
#' @param elementId a character string, the html element id within which
#' igv is created
#' @param displayMode a character string, default "SQUISHED".
#' @param tracks a list of track specifications to be created
#' and displayed at startup
#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @return the created widget
#' @keywords igvShiny
#' @export
igvShiny <- function(genomeOptions,
                     width = NULL,
                     height = NULL,
                     elementId = NULL,
                     displayMode = "squished",
                     tracks = list()) {
    sort(names(genomeOptions)) ==
  if (!genomeOptions[["stockGenome"]] && 
        genomeOptions[["dataMode"]] == "localFiles") {
    directory.name <- get_tracks_dir()
    fasta.file <- genomeOptions[["fasta"]]
    fasta.indexFile <- genomeOptions[["fastaIndex"]]
    gff3.file <- genomeOptions[["annotation"]]
    destination <-
      file.path(directory.name, basename(fasta.file))
    file.copy(fasta.file, destination, overwrite = TRUE)
    destination <-
      file.path(directory.name, basename(fasta.indexFile))
    file.copy(fasta.indexFile, destination, overwrite = TRUE)
    if (!is.na(gff3.file)) {
      destination <- file.path(directory.name, basename(gff3.file))
      file.copy(gff3.file, destination, overwrite = TRUE)
      genomeOptions[["annotation"]] <-
        file.path(directory.name, basename(gff3.file))
    # now that they have been copied, store the new paths
    genomeOptions[["fasta"]] <-
      file.path(directory.name, basename(fasta.file))
    genomeOptions[["fastaIndex"]] <-
      file.path(directory.name, basename(fasta.indexFile))
  } # if custom genome, local files
  state[["requestedHeight"]] <- height
  flog.debug("---igvShiny ctor")
  flog.debug(sprintf("--initial track count: %d", length(tracks)))
  #send namespace info in case widget is being called from a module
  session <- shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()
  genomeOptions$displayMode <- displayMode
  genomeOptions$trackHeight <-
    100      # todo: make this an igvShiny ctor argument
  genomeOptions$moduleNS <- session$ns("")
    name = "igvShiny",
    width = width,
    height = height,
    package = "igvShiny",
    elementId = elementId
} # igvShiny constructor
#' create the UI for the widget
#' @description This function is called in the ui function of your shiny app
#' @rdname igvShinyOutput
#' @aliases igvShinyOutput
#' @param outputId a character string, specifies the html element id
#' @param width a character string, standard css notations, 
#' either e.g., "1000px" or "95\%", "100\%" by default
#' @param height a character string, needs to be an explicit pixel measure, 
#' e.g., "800px", "400px" by default
#' @return the created widget's html
#' @examples
#' io <- igvShinyOutput("igvOut")
#' @keywords igvShiny
#' @export
igvShinyOutput <- function(outputId,
                           width = "100%",
                           height = NULL) {
  if ("requestedHeight" %in% ls(state)) {
    flog.debug("setting height from state")
    height <- state[["requestedHeight"]]
                                 package = "igvShiny")

#' draw the igv genome browser element
#' @description This function is called in the server function of your shiny app
#' @rdname renderIgvShiny
#' @aliases renderIgvShiny
#' @param expr an expression that generates an HTML widget 
#' @param env  the environment in which to evaluate expr
#' @param quoted logical flag indicating if expr a quoted expression 
#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @return an output or render function that enables the use of the widget
#' within Shiny applications
#' @keywords igvShiny
#' @export
renderIgvShiny <- function(expr,
                           env = parent.frame(),
                           quoted = FALSE) {
  if (!quoted) {
    expr <- substitute(expr)
  } # force quoted
  x <- htmlwidgets::shinyRenderWidget(expr,
                                      quoted = TRUE)
  flog.debug("--- leaving igvShiny.R, renderIgvShiny")

#' focus igv on a region
#' @description zoom in or out to show the nominated region, by chromosome locus
#' or gene symbol
#' @rdname showGenomicRegion
#' @aliases showGenomicRegion
#' @param session an environment or list, provided and managed by shiny
#' @param id character string, the html element id of this widget instance
#' @param region a character string, either e.g. "chr5:92,221,640-92,236,523" 
#' or "MEF2C"
#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @keywords igvShiny
#' @export
showGenomicRegion <- function(session, id, region) {
  message <- list(region = region, elementID = id)
  session$sendCustomMessage("showGenomicRegion", message)
} # showGenomicRegion

#' return the current igv region
#' @description return the current region displayed by your igv instance
#' @rdname showGenomicRegion
#' @aliases showGenomicRegion
#' @param session an environment or list, provided and managed by shiny
#' @param id character string, the html element id of this widget instance
#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @return
#' a character string of format "chrom:start-end"
#' @keywords igvShiny
#' @export

getGenomicRegion <- function(session, id) {
  message <- list(elementID = id)
  session$sendCustomMessage("getGenomicRegion", message)
} # gertGenomicRegion

#' remove tracks from the browser
#' @description delete tracks on the browser
#' @rdname removeTracksByName
#' @aliases removeTracksByName
#' @param session an environment or list, provided and managed by shiny
#' @param id character string, the html element id of this widget instance
#' @param trackNames a vector of character strings

#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @return
#' nothing
#' @keywords igvShiny
#' @export
removeTracksByName <- function(session, id, trackNames) {
  message <- list(trackNames = trackNames, elementID = id)
  lmsg <-
    sprintf("--- igvShiny sending message to js, removeTracksByName, %s",
  session$sendCustomMessage("removeTracksByName", message)
} # removeTracksByName

#' remove only those tracks explicitly added by your app
#' @description remove only those tracks explicitly added by your app.
#' stock tracks (i.e., #' Refseq Genes) remain
#' @rdname removeUserAddedTracks
#' @aliases removeUserAddedTracks
#' @param session an environment or list, provided and managed by shiny
#' @param id character string, the html element id of this widget instance
#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @return
#' nothing
#' @keywords igvShiny
#' @export

removeUserAddedTracks <- function(session, id) {

  removeTracksByName(session, id, state[["userAddedTracks"]])
  state[["userAddedTracks"]] <- list()
} # removeUserAddedTracks

#' load a bed track provided as a data.frame
#' @description load a bed track provided as a data.frame
#' @rdname loadBedTrack
#' @aliases loadBedTrack
#' @param session an environment or list, provided and managed by shiny
#' @param id character string, the html element id of this widget instance
#' @param trackName character string
#' @param tbl data.frame, with at least "chrom" "start" "end" columns
#' @param color character string, a legal CSS color, or "random", 
#' "gray" by default
#' @param trackHeight an integer, 50 (pixels) by default
#' @param deleteTracksOfSameName logical, default TRUE
#' @param quiet logical, default TRUE, controls verbosity
#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @return
#' nothing
#' @keywords track_loaders
#' @export

loadBedTrack <-
           color = "",
           trackHeight = 50,
           deleteTracksOfSameName = TRUE,
           quiet = TRUE) {
    if (color == "random")
      color <-
        randomColors[sample(seq_len(length(randomColors)), 1)]
    if (!quiet) {
      flog.debug("--- igvShiny::loadBedTrack")
      flog.debug(sprintf("rows: %d  cols: %d", nrow(tbl), ncol(tbl)))
    if (deleteTracksOfSameName) {
      removeTracksByName(session, id, trackName)
    state[["userAddedTracks"]] <-
      unique(c(state[["userAddedTracks"]], trackName))
    if (colnames(tbl)[1] == "chrom")
      colnames(tbl)[1] <- "chr"
    if (all(colnames(tbl)[c(1, 2, 3)] != c("chr", "start", "end"))) {
      lmsg <- sprintf("found these colnames: %s",
      lmsg2 <- sprintf("            required: %s",
                       toString(c("chr", "start", "end")))
      stop("improper columns in bed track data.frame")
    stopifnot(is(tbl$chr, "character"))
    stopifnot(is(tbl$start, "numeric"))
    stopifnot(is(tbl$end, "numeric"))
    new.order <- order(tbl$start, decreasing = FALSE)
    tbl <- tbl[new.order, ]
    temp.file <-
      tempfile(tmpdir = get_tracks_dir(), fileext = ".bed")
      sep = "\t",
      row.names = FALSE,
      col.names = FALSE,
      quote = FALSE,
      file = temp.file
    lmsg <- sprintf("--- igvShiny.R, loadBedTrack wrote %d,%d to %s",
    flog.debug(sprintf("exists? %s", file.exists(temp.file)))
    msg.to.igv <- list(
      elementID = id,
      trackName = trackName,
      bedFilepath = file.path("tracks", basename(temp.file)),
      color = color,
      trackHeight = trackHeight
    session$sendCustomMessage("loadBedTrackFromFile", msg.to.igv)
  } # loadBedTrack

#' load a bedgraph track from a URL
#' @description load a bedgraph track provided as a data.frame
#' @rdname loadBedGraphTrackFromURL
#' @aliases loadBedGraphTrackFromURL
#' @param session an environment or list, provided and managed by shiny
#' @param id character string, the html element id of this widget instance
#' @param trackName character string
#' @param url character
#' @param color character string, a legal CSS color, or "random", 
#' "gray" by default
#' @param trackHeight an integer, 30 (pixels) by default
#' @param autoscale logical
#' @param min numeric, consulted when autoscale is FALSE
#' @param max numeric, consulted when autoscale is FALSE
#' @param quiet logical, default TRUE, controls verbosity
#' @param autoscaleGroup numeric(1) defaults to -1
#' @param deleteTracksOfSameName logical(1) defaults to TRUE
#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @return
#' nothing
#' @keywords track_loaders
#' @export

loadBedGraphTrackFromURL <-
           color = "gray",
           trackHeight = 30,
           autoscale = TRUE,
           min = 0,
           max = 1,
           autoscaleGroup = -1,
           deleteTracksOfSameName = TRUE,
           quiet = TRUE) {
    message("---- loadBedGraphTrackFromURL")
    if (color == "random")
      color <-
        randomColors[sample(seq_len(length(randomColors)), 1)]
    if (!quiet) {
      lmsg <- sprintf("--- igvShiny::loadBedGraphTrackFromURL: %s",
    if (deleteTracksOfSameName) {
      lmsg <- sprintf(
        "--- loadBedGraphTrackFromURL, calling removeTracksByName: %s, %s",
      removeTracksByName(session, id, trackName)
    state[["userAddedTracks"]] <-
      unique(c(state[["userAddedTracks"]], trackName))
    msg.to.igv <-
        elementID = id,
        trackName = trackName,
        url = url,
        color = color,
        trackHeight = trackHeight,
        autoscale = autoscale,
        min = min,
        max = max,
        autoscaleGroup = autoscaleGroup
      )  # -1 means no grouping
    flog.debug("--- igvShiny.R loadBedGraphTrackFromURL, msg.to.igv: ")
    flog.debug("--- igvShiny.R loadBedGraphTrackFromURL, sendingCustomMessage")
    session$sendCustomMessage("loadBedGraphTrackFromURL", msg.to.igv)
    flog.debug("--- loadBedGraphTrackFromURL, after sendingCustomMessage")
  } # loadBedGraphTrackFromURL

#' load a scored genome annotation track provided as a data.frame
#' @description load a genome annotation track provided as a data.frame
#' @rdname loadGenomeAnnotationTrack
#' @aliases loadGenomeAnnotationTrack
#' @param session an environment or list, provided and managed by shiny
#' @param id character string, the html element id of this widget instance
#' @param trackName character string
#' @param tbl data.frame, with at least "chrom" "start" "end" "score" columns
#' @param color character string, a legal CSS color, or "random", 
#' "gray" by default
#' @param trackHeight an integer, 30 (pixels) by default
#' @param autoscale logical
#' @param autoscaleGroup numeric(1) defaults to -1
#' @param min numeric, consulted when autoscale is FALSE
#' @param max numeric, consulted when autoscale is FALSE
#' @param deleteTracksOfSameName logical, default TRUE
#' @param quiet logical, default TRUE, controls verbosity
#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @return
#' nothing
#' @keywords track_loaders
#' @export

loadBedGraphTrack <-
           color = "gray",
           trackHeight = 30,
           autoscaleGroup = -1,
           min = NA_real_,
           max = NA_real_,
           deleteTracksOfSameName = TRUE,
           quiet = TRUE) {
    stopifnot(ncol(tbl) >= 4)
    if (color == "random")
      color <-
        randomColors[sample(seq_len(length(randomColors)), 1)]
    if (!quiet) {
      flog.debug("--- igvShiny::loadGenomeAnnotationTrack: %s",
      flog.debug("    %d rows, %d columns", nrow(tbl), ncol(tbl))
    if (deleteTracksOfSameName) {
        "--- igvShiny.R loadBedGraphTrack, calling removeTracksByName: %s, %s",
      removeTracksByName(session, id, trackName)
    state[["userAddedTracks"]] <-
      unique(c(state[["userAddedTracks"]], trackName))
    if (colnames(tbl)[1] == "chrom")
      colnames(tbl)[1] <- "chr"
    colnames(tbl)[4] <- "value"
    if (all(colnames(tbl)[c(1, 2, 3)] != c("chr", "start", "end"))) {
      flog.debug("found these colnames: %s",
                 paste(colnames(tbl)[c(1, 2, 3)],
                       collapse = ", "))
      flog.debug("            required: %s",
                 paste(c("chr", "start", "end"),
                       collapse = ", "))
      stop("improper columns in bed track data.frame")
    stopifnot(is(tbl$chr, "character"))
    stopifnot(is(tbl$start, "numeric"))
    stopifnot(is(tbl$end, "numeric"))
    stopifnot(is(tbl$value, "numeric"))
    new.order <- order(tbl$start, decreasing = FALSE)
    tbl <- tbl[new.order, ]
    msg.to.igv <-
        elementID = id,
        trackName = trackName,
        tbl = jsonlite::toJSON(tbl),
        color = color,
        trackHeight = trackHeight,
        autoscale = autoscale,
        min = min,
        max = max,
        autoscaleGroup = autoscaleGroup
      )  # -1 means no grouping
    session$sendCustomMessage("loadBedGraphTrack", msg.to.igv)
  } # loadBedGraphTrack
#' load a seg track provided as a data.frame
#' @description load a SEG track provided as a data.frame.  igv "displays
#' segmented data as a blue-to-red heatmap where the data range is
#' -1.5 to 1.5... The segmented data file format is the output of
#' the Circular Binary Segmentation algorithm (Olshen et al., 2004)".
#' @rdname loadSEGTrack
#' @aliases loadSEGTrack
#' @param session an environment or list, provided and managed by shiny
#' @param id character string, the html element id of this widget instance
#' @param trackName character string
#' @param tbl data.frame, with at least "chrom" "start" "end" "score" columns
#' @param deleteTracksOfSameName logical, default TRUE
#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @return
#' nothing
#' @keywords track_loaders
#' @export
loadSegTrack <-
           deleteTracksOfSameName = TRUE) {
    flog.debug("--- entering loadSegTrack %s with %d rows",
    if (deleteTracksOfSameName) {
      removeTracksByName(session, id, trackName)
    state[["userAddedTracks"]] <-
      unique(c(state[["userAddedTracks"]], trackName))
    message <-
        elementID = id,
        trackName = trackName,
        tbl = jsonlite::toJSON(tbl)
    flog.debug("about to send loadSegTrack message")
    session$sendCustomMessage("loadSegTrack", message)
  } # loadSegTrack

#' load a VCF (variant) track provided as a Bioconductor 
#' VariantAnnotation object
#' @description load a VCF (variant) track provided as a Bioconductor 
#' VariantAnnotation object
#' @rdname loadVcfTrack
#' @aliases loadVcfTrack
#' @param session an environment or list, provided and managed by shiny
#' @param id character string, the html element id of this widget instance
#' @param trackName character string
#' @param vcfData VariantAnnotation object
#' @param deleteTracksOfSameName logical, default TRUE
#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo-withVCF.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @return
#' nothing
#' @keywords track_loaders
#' @export

loadVcfTrack <- function(session,
                         deleteTracksOfSameName = TRUE) {
  if (!requireNamespace("VariantAnnotation"))
    stop("install VariantAnnotation to use this function")
  flog.debug("======== igvShiny.R, loadVcfTrack")
  if (deleteTracksOfSameName) {
    removeTracksByName(session, id, trackName)
  state[["userAddedTracks"]] <-
    unique(c(state[["userAddedTracks"]], trackName))
  path <- file.path(get_tracks_dir(), "tmp.vcf")
  lmsg <- sprintf("igvShiny::loadVcfTrack, about to write to file '%s'", path)
  VariantAnnotation::writeVcf(vcfData, path)
  lmsg2 <- sprintf("igvShiny::loadVcfTrack, file.exists(%s)? %s",
  message <-
      elementID = id,
      trackName = trackName,
      vcfDataFilepath = path
  session$sendCustomMessage("loadVcfTrack", message)
} # loadVcfTrack

#' load a GWAS (genome-wide association study) track 
#' provided as a data.frame
#' @description load a GWAS (genome-wide association study) track
#' provided as a data.frame
#' @rdname loadGwasTrack
#' @aliases loadGwasTrack
#' @param session an environment or list, provided and managed by shiny
#' @param id character string, the html element id of this widget instance
#' @param trackName character string
#' @param ymin numeric defaults to 0
#' @param ymax numeric defaults to 35
#' @param tbl.gwas data.frame, with at least "chrom" "start" "end" columns
#' @param deleteTracksOfSameName logical, default TRUE
#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @return
#' nothing
#' @keywords track_loaders
#' @export
loadGwasTrack <- function(session,
                          ymin = 0,
                          ymax = 35,
                          deleteTracksOfSameName = TRUE) {
  flog.debug("======== entering igvShiny::loadGwasTrack")
  if (deleteTracksOfSameName) {
    removeTracksByName(session, id, trackName)
  state[["userAddedTracks"]] <-
    unique(c(state[["userAddedTracks"]], trackName))
  temp.file <-
    tempfile(tmpdir = get_tracks_dir(), fileext = ".gwas")
    sep = "\t",
    row.names = FALSE,
    quote = FALSE,
    file = temp.file
  lmsg <- sprintf(
    "--- igvShiny.R, loadGwasTrack wrote %d,%d to %s",
  flog.debug(sprintf("exists? %s", file.exists(temp.file)))
  message <-
      elementID = id,
      trackName = trackName,
      gwasDataFilepath = file.path("tracks", basename(temp.file)),
      color = "red",
      trackHeight = 200,
      autoscale = FALSE,
      min = ymin,
      max = ymax
  session$sendCustomMessage("loadGwasTrack", message)
} # loadGwasTrack

#' load a bam track which, with index, is served up by http
#' @description load a remote bam track
#' @rdname loadBamTrackFromURL
#' @aliases loadBamTrackFromURL
#' @param session an environment or list, provided and managed by shiny
#' @param id character string, the html element id of this widget instance
#' @param trackName character string
#' @param bamURL character string http url for the bam file, 
#' typically very large
#' @param indexURL character string http url for the bam file index, 
#' typically small
#' @param deleteTracksOfSameName logical, default TRUE
#' @param displayMode character string, possible values are "EXPANDED"(default),
#' @param showAllBases logical, show all bases in the alignment, default FALSE
#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @return
#' nothing
#' @keywords track_loaders
#' @export

loadBamTrackFromURL <-
           deleteTracksOfSameName = TRUE,
           displayMode = "EXPANDED",
           showAllBases = FALSE) {
    if (deleteTracksOfSameName) {
      removeTracksByName(session, id, trackName)
    state[["userAddedTracks"]] <-
      unique(c(state[["userAddedTracks"]], trackName))
    message <-
        elementID = id,
        trackName = trackName,
        bam = bamURL,
        index = indexURL,
        displayMode = displayMode,
        showAllBases = showAllBases
    flog.debug("--- about to send message, loadBamTrack")
    session$sendCustomMessage("loadBamTrackFromURL", message)
  } # loadBamTrackFromURL

#' load GenomicAlignments data as an igv.js alignment track
#' @description load GenomicAlignments data  as an igv.js alignment track
#' @rdname loadBamTrackFromLocalData
#' @aliases loadBamTrackFromLocalData
#' @param session an environment or list, provided and managed by shiny
#' @param id character string, the html element id of this widget instance
#' @param trackName character string
#' @param data  GenomicAlignments object
#' @param deleteTracksOfSameName logical, default TRUE
#' @param displayMode character string, possible values are "EXPANDED"(default),
#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @return
#' nothing
#' @keywords track_loaders
#' @export

loadBamTrackFromLocalData <-
           deleteTracksOfSameName = TRUE,
           displayMode = "EXPANDED") {
    if (!requireNamespace("rtracklayer"))
      stop("install rtracklayer to use loadBamTrackFromLocalData")
    if (!requireNamespace("Rsamtools"))
      stop("install Rsamtools to use loadBamTrackFromLocalData")
    if (deleteTracksOfSameName) {
      removeTracksByName(session, id, trackName)

    t_dir <- get_tracks_dir()
    fpath <- tempfile(tmpdir = t_dir, fileext = ".bam")
    lmsg <-
      sprintf("igvShiny::load bam from local data, about to write to file '%s'",
    rtracklayer::export(data, fpath, format = "BAM")
    state[["userAddedTracks"]] <-
      unique(c(state[["userAddedTracks"]], trackName))
    message <-
        elementID = id,
        trackName = trackName,
        bamDataFilepath = file.path("tracks", basename(fpath)),
        displayMode = displayMode
    session$sendCustomMessage("loadBamTrackFromLocalData", message)
  } # loadBamTrackFromLocalData

#' load a cram track which, with index, is served up by http
#' @description load a remote cram track
#' @rdname loadCramTrackFromURL
#' @aliases loadCramTrackFromURL
#' @param session an environment or list, provided and managed by shiny
#' @param id character string, the html element id of this widget instance
#' @param trackName character string
#' @param cramURL character string http url for the bam file, 
#' typically very large
#' @param indexURL character string http url for the bam file index, 
#' typically small
#' @param deleteTracksOfSameName logical, default TRUE
#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @return
#' nothing
#' @keywords track_loaders
#' @export

loadCramTrackFromURL <-
           deleteTracksOfSameName = TRUE) {
    if (deleteTracksOfSameName) {
      removeTracksByName(session, id, trackName)
    state[["userAddedTracks"]] <-
      unique(c(state[["userAddedTracks"]], trackName))
    message <-
        elementID = id,
        trackName = trackName,
        cram = cramURL,
        index = indexURL
    session$sendCustomMessage("loadCramTrackFromURL", message)
  } # loadCramTrackFromURL

#' load a GFF3 track which, with index, is served up by http
#' @description load a remote GFF3 track
#' @rdname loadGFF3TrackFromURL
#' @aliases loadGFF3TrackFromURL
#' @param session an environment or list, provided and managed by shiny
#' @param id character string, the html element id of this widget instance
#' @param trackName character string
#' @param trackHeight numeric defaults to 50
#' @param gff3URL character string http url for the bam file, 
#' typically very large
#' @param indexURL character string http url for the bam file index, 
#' typically small
#' @param color character #RGB or a recognized color name.  ignored if 
#' colorTable and colorByAttribute provided
#' @param colorTable list, mapping a gff3 attribute, typically biotype, 
#' to a color
#' @param colorByAttribute character, name of a gff3 attribute in column 9,
#' typically "biotype"
#' @param displayMode character,  "EXPANDED",  "SQUISHED" or "COLLAPSED"
#' @param visibilityWindow numeric, Maximum window size in base pairs 
#' for which indexed annotations or variants are displayed
#' @param deleteTracksOfSameName logical, default TRUE
#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo-GFF3.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @return
#' nothing
#' @keywords track_loaders
#' @export

loadGFF3TrackFromURL <-
           color = "gray",
           trackHeight = 50,
           deleteTracksOfSameName = TRUE) {

    if (deleteTracksOfSameName) {
      removeTracksByName(session, id, trackName)
    state[["userAddedTracks"]] <-
      unique(c(state[["userAddedTracks"]], trackName))
    message <-
        elementID = id,
        trackName = trackName,
        dataURL = gff3URL,
        indexURL = indexURL,
        color = color,
        colorTable = colorTable,
        colorByAttribute = colorByAttribute,
        displayMode = displayMode,
        trackHeight = trackHeight,
        visibilityWindow = visibilityWindow
    session$sendCustomMessage("loadGFF3TrackFromURL", message)
  } # loadGFF3TrackFromURL
#' load a GFF3 track defined by local data
#' @description load a local GFF3 track file
#' @rdname loadGFF3TrackFromLocalData
#' @aliases loadGFF3TrackFromLocalData
#' @param session an environment or list, provided and managed by shiny
#' @param id character string, the html element id of this widget instance
#' @param trackName character string
#' @param trackHeight numeric defaults to 50
#' @param tbl.gff3 data.frame  in standard 9-column GFF3 format
#' @param color character #RGB or a recognized color name.  ignored if 
#' colorTable and colorByAttribute provided
#' @param colorTable list, mapping a gff3 attribute, typically biotype, 
#' to a color
#' @param colorByAttribute character, name of a gff3 attribute in column 9, 
#' typically "biotype"
#' @param displayMode character,  "EXPANDED",  "SQUISHED" or "COLLAPSED"
#' @param visibilityWindow numeric, Maximum window size in base pairs 
#' for which indexed annotations or variants are displayed
#' @param deleteTracksOfSameName logical, default TRUE
#' @examples
#' library(igvShiny)
#' demo_app_file <-
#'   system.file(package = "igvShiny", "demos", "igvShinyDemo-GFF3.R")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(demo_app_file)
#' }
#' @return
#' nothing
#' @keywords track_loaders
#' @export

loadGFF3TrackFromLocalData <-
           color = "gray",
           trackHeight = 50,
           deleteTracksOfSameName = TRUE) {
    flog.debug("--- entering loadGFF3TrackFromLocalDAta")
    if (deleteTracksOfSameName) {
      removeTracksByName(session, id, trackName)
    state[["userAddedTracks"]] <-
      unique(c(state[["userAddedTracks"]], trackName))
    gff3.filePath <-
      tempfile(tmpdir = get_tracks_dir(), fileext = ".gff3")
      sep = "\t",
      row.names = FALSE,
      quote = FALSE,
      file = gff3.filePath
    lmsg <- sprintf(
      "--- igvShiny.R, loadGFF3TrackFromLocalData wrote %d,%d to %s",
    flog.debug(sprintf("exists? %s", file.exists(gff3.filePath)))
    message <-
        elementID = id,
        trackName = trackName,
        filePath = file.path("tracks", basename(gff3.filePath)),
        color = color,
        colorTable = colorTable,
        colorByAttribute = colorByAttribute,
        displayMode = displayMode,
        trackHeight = trackHeight,
        visibilityWindow = visibilityWindow
    session$sendCustomMessage("loadGFF3TrackFromLocalData", message)
  } # loadGFF3TrackFromLocalData
paul-shannon/igvShiny documentation built on April 25, 2024, 7:38 a.m.