
Defines functions crossval chooseOptimal chooseModels getEntropy getDF getDFinternal getGIC loglikelihood.mModel fij.mModel get.labels.from.beliefs repeat.rows normalize belief.internal bgmm.internal belief semisupervised supervised predict.mModel

Documented in belief chooseModels chooseOptimal crossval getDF getGIC loglikelihood.mModel predict.mModel semisupervised supervised

predict.mModel <- function(object, X, knowns=NULL, B=NULL, P=NULL, ...) {
  # densities for all components
  if (is.null(dim(X)) || is.data.frame(X)) X = as.matrix(X)
  if (!is.null(knowns)) {
      if (is.null(dim(knowns)) || is.data.frame(knowns)) knowns = as.matrix(knowns)
      X = rbind(knowns, X)         # change
  if ((is.null(B) & is.null(P) & !is.null(knowns)) | ({!is.null(B) | !is.null(P)} & is.null(knowns))) {
     stop("If knowns are specified there should be also B or P specified as well!")

  # check for dimenstion reduction
  if (!is.null(object$rotationObject)) {
    X <- predict(object$rotationObject, X)[,1:object$pca.dim.reduction, drop=FALSE]
    if (!is.null(knowns)) {
      knowns <- predict(object$rotationObject, knowns)[,1:object$pca.dim.reduction, drop=FALSE]
  lfik <- matrix(0, nrow(X), object$k)
  rownames(lfik) = rownames(X)
  for (i in 1:object$k) {
      if (object$d > 1) {
         ss = svd(object$cvar[i,,])
         rtas <- ss$d
         matc = t(ss$u[rtas > 10^-8, ]) %*% diag(rtas[rtas > 10^-8]^(-1/2)) %*% ss$v[rtas > 10^-8,]
         tx = apply(X, 1, get("-"), object$mu[i,,drop=F])
#         lfik[,i] <- exp(-colSums((matc %*% tx)^2)/2)/sqrt(prod(2*pi*rtas[rtas > 10^-8]))
         lfik[,i] <- -colSums((matc %*% tx)^2)/2 -sum(log(2*pi*rtas[rtas > 10^-8]))/2
      } else {
         tx = apply(X, 1, get("-"), object$mu[i,,drop=F])
         lfik[,i] <- -(tx^2)/(2*object$cvar[i,,]) - log(2*pi*object$cvar[i,,])/2
  fik <- exp(lfik)
  # numeric problems, trying to adjust, by keeping likelihood not so far from each other
  if (min(apply(fik, 1, max)) == 0) {
    lfik <- t(apply(lfik, 1, function(x) x - max(x)))
    fik = exp(lfik)

  b.pi <- repeat.rows(object$pi, nrow(X))
  if (!is.null(B))          # change
        b.pi[1:nrow(knowns),] = B
#        b.pi[nrow(X) - (nrow(knowns):1) +1,] = B
  if (!is.null(P))          # change 
        b.pi[1:nrow(knowns),] = P * b.pi[1:nrow(knowns),]
#        b.pi[nrow(X) - (nrow(knowns):1) +1,] = P * b.pi[nrow(X) - (nrow(knowns):0),]

  tij =  t(apply(fik * b.pi, 1, normalize))
  class = get.labels.from.beliefs(tij)
  # add labels
#  if (!is.null(names(object$pi))) {
#    class <- names(object$pi)[class]
#  }
  # return predictions as two separate slots
  tij.knowns = NULL
  tij.X = tij
  class.knowns = NULL
  class.X = class
  if (!is.null(P) | !is.null(B)) {
     tij.knowns = tij[1:nrow(knowns),,drop=F]
     tij.X = tij[-(1:nrow(knowns)),,drop=F]
     class.knowns = class[1:nrow(knowns)]
     class.X = class[-(1:nrow(knowns))]
  list(tij.X=tij.X, tij.knowns = tij.knowns, class.X=class.X, class.knowns=class.knowns)

supervised <- function(knowns, class=NULL, k=length(unique(class)), B=NULL, P=NULL, 
                       model.structure=getModelStructure(), ...) {
  if (is.null(dim(knowns)) || is.data.frame(knowns)) knowns = as.matrix(knowns)
  if (is.null(class)) {
    if (!is.null(B)) {
      class = apply(B, 1, which.max)
      if (is.null(k) | k < 2)
    } else if (!is.null(P)){
      class = apply(P, 1, which.max)
      if (is.null(k) | k < 2)
    } else 
      stop("Argument class need to be specified")
  # classes are only for knowns
  stopifnot(length(class) == nrow(knowns))
  # permute to fix problem with labels
  knowns <- knowns[order(class),,drop=FALSE]
  class <- class[order(class)]
  result = init.model.params.knowns(knowns, class, k, ncol(knowns)) 

  # new means 
  if  (model.structure$mean!="D") {
    result$mu = repeat.rows(colMeans(knowns), k)
  # are variances equal?
  if (model.structure$between=="E") {
      # averaging among clusters
     ncvar = matrix(0, result$d, result$d)
     for (i in 1:k) 
        ncvar = ncvar + result$cvar[i, , ] * result$pi[i]
     for (i in 1:k) 
        result$cvar[i, , ] = ncvar
  if (model.structure$within=="E" && ncol(knowns)>1) {
      # averaging among variables
     for (i in 1:k) {
        ndiag = sum(diag(result$cvar[i, , ]))
        sdiag = ndiag/(ncol(knowns))
        result$cvar[i, , ] = min(sdiag, (sum(result$cvar[i, , ])-ndiag)/(ncol(knowns)*(ncol(knowns)-1)))
        diag(result$cvar[i, , ]) = sdiag
  # are covariances equal to 0?
  if (model.structure$cov=="0") {
   # covariances are equal to 0
   for (i in 1:k) 
      result$cvar[i, , ] = diag(diag(result$cvar[i, , ]), nrow=ncol(knowns))
  result$m = nrow(knowns)
  result$n = nrow(knowns)
  result$k = k
  result$d = ncol(knowns)
  result$knowns = knowns
  result$class = class
  class(result) = c("supervisedModel", "mModel")
  if (!is.null(colnames(knowns))) {
      dimnames(result$cvar) = list(NULL, colnames(knowns), colnames(knowns))
  result$dof = getDFinternal(result)
  result$model.structure <- model.structure
  result$likelihood = loglikelihood.mModel(result, knowns)

  # create B for plotting       
  result$B = get.simple.beliefs(class, b.min=0)


semisupervised <- function(X, knowns, class=NULL, k=ifelse(!is.null(class),length(unique(class)),ifelse(!is.null(B),ncol(B),ncol(P))),
                           B=NULL,P=NULL, ...,  init.params = NULL, all.possible.permutations=FALSE, pca.dim.reduction = NA) {
  if (is.null(dim(knowns)) || is.data.frame(knowns)) knowns = as.matrix(knowns)
  if (is.null(dim(X)) || is.data.frame(X)) X = as.matrix(X)
  if (is.null(class)) {
    if (!is.null(B)) {
      class = apply(B, 1, which.max)
      if (is.null(k) | k < 2)
    } else if (!is.null(P)){
      class = apply(B, 1, which.max)
      if (is.null(k) | k < 2)
    } else 
      stop("Argument class need to be specified")
  if (ncol(X) != ncol(knowns))  
      stop("number of columns in X and knowns must agree")

  # Dim reduction needed, since for large dimenstion fitting fails
  if (is.na(pca.dim.reduction)) {
    # set number od dimensions to scale
    pca.dim.reduction <- max(k+1, 5)
  # reduce data with the PCA
  if (is.numeric(pca.dim.reduction)) {
    if (pca.dim.reduction < k) {
      warning("PCA reduction to dim smaller than collumns in B, fixing that")
      pca.dim.reduction = k
    # is has sense only if number of columns in X is larger than pca.dim.reduction
    if (pca.dim.reduction < ncol(X)) {
      rotationObject <- prcomp(rbind(X,knowns))
      X <- predict(rotationObject, X)[,1:pca.dim.reduction, drop=FALSE]
      knowns <- predict(rotationObject, knowns)[,1:pca.dim.reduction, drop=FALSE]
      # needs to update model params !!!
    } else {
      pca.dim.reduction = FALSE
  init.params = init.model.params(X, knowns, class = class, B = B, P=P, k = k)
  result = soft(X, knowns, get.simple.beliefs(class, k=k, b.min=0), k=k, init.params=init.params, ..., all.possible.permutations=all.possible.permutations) 
  result$X = X
  result$knowns = knowns
  result$class = class
  # store information about rotation matrix
  result$pca.dim.reduction <- -1
  if (is.numeric(pca.dim.reduction)) {
    result$rotationObject <- rotationObject
    result$pca.dim.reduction <- pca.dim.reduction
  class(result) = c("semisupervisedModel", "mModel")

belief <- function(X, knowns, B=NULL, k=ifelse(!is.null(B),ncol(B),ifelse(!is.null(P),ncol(P),length(unique(class)))), 
                   P=NULL, class=map(B), init.params=init.model.params(X, knowns, B=B, P=P, class=class, k=k), 
                   model.structure=getModelStructure(), stop.likelihood.change=10^-5, stop.max.nsteps=100, 
                   trace=FALSE, b.min=0.025,  all.possible.permutations=FALSE, pca.dim.reduction = NA) {
  if (is.null(dim(knowns)) || is.data.frame(knowns)) knowns = as.matrix(knowns)
  if (is.null(dim(X)) || is.data.frame(X)) X = as.matrix(X)
  if (is.null(B)) {
    if (!is.null(P)) {
      if (is.null(k) | k < 2)
    } else if (!is.null(class)){
      B = get.simple.beliefs(class, b.min=b.min)
      if (is.null(k) | k < 2)
    } else 
      stop("Argument B need to be specified")
  if (k > ncol(B))
    B = cbind(B, matrix(0,nrow(B),k - ncol(B)))
  if (ncol(X) != ncol(knowns))  
      stop("number of columns in X and knowns must agree")
  # Dim reduction needed, since for large dimenstion fitting fails
  if (is.na(pca.dim.reduction)) {
    # set number od dimensions to scale
    pca.dim.reduction <- max(ncol(B)+1, 5)
  # reduce data with the PCA
  if (is.numeric(pca.dim.reduction)) {
    if (pca.dim.reduction < ncol(B)) {
      warning("PCA reduction to dim smaller than collumns in B, fixing that")
      pca.dim.reduction = ncol(B)
    if (pca.dim.reduction < ncol(X)) {
      rotationObject <- prcomp(rbind(X,knowns))
      X <- predict(rotationObject, X)[,1:pca.dim.reduction, drop=FALSE]
      knowns <- predict(rotationObject, knowns)[,1:pca.dim.reduction, drop=FALSE]
      # needs to update model params !!!
      init.params = init.model.params(X, knowns, B=B, P=P, class=class, k=k)
    } else {
      pca.dim.reduction = FALSE
  init.params$B = B
  init.params$m = nrow(knowns)
  init.params$n = nrow(knowns) + nrow(X)
  init.params$k = k
  init.params$d = ncol(X)
  result = bgmm.internal(internal.funct=belief.internal, X=rbind(knowns, X), init.params=init.params, model.structure=model.structure, stop.likelihood.change=stop.likelihood.change, stop.max.nsteps=stop.max.nsteps, trace=trace, all.possible.permutations=all.possible.permutations)
  result$X = X
  result$knowns = knowns
  result$B = B
  result$model.structure = model.structure
  if (!is.null(colnames(X))) {
      dimnames(result$cvar) = list(NULL, colnames(X), colnames(X))
  if (!is.null(colnames(knowns))) {
      dimnames(result$cvar) = list(NULL, colnames(knowns), colnames(knowns))

  result$dof = getDFinternal(result)

  result$pca.dim.reduction <- -1
  if (is.numeric(pca.dim.reduction)) {
    result$rotationObject <- rotationObject
    result$pca.dim.reduction <- pca.dim.reduction
  class(result) = c("beliefModel", "mModel")

# do we need to consider all possible permutations?
bgmm.internal <- function(internal.funct=belief.internal, init.params, ..., all.possible.permutations=all.possible.permutations) {
  if (all.possible.permutations) {
    resmax = NULL
    likemax = -Inf
    lpermut = permn(seq_along(init.params$mu))
    for (perm in lpermut) {
       tmodel.params = init.params
       tmodel.params$mu = tmodel.params$mu[perm,,drop=F]
       tmodel.params$cvar = tmodel.params$cvar[perm,,,drop=F]
       tmodel.params$pi = tmodel.params$pi[perm,drop=F]
       tmpr = internal.funct(..., model.params=tmodel.params)
       if (tmpr$likelihood > likemax) {
            likemax = tmpr$likelihood
            resmax = tmpr
  return(internal.funct(..., model.params=init.params))

# bgmm.internal.call

belief.internal <- function(X, model.params, model.structure, stop.likelihood.change=10^-5, stop.max.nsteps=100, trace=F) {
  prev.likelihood = -Inf
  n.steps = 0
  stopP = FALSE
  repeat {
    n.steps = n.steps +1
    tmp = bgmm.e.step(X, model.params) 
    model.params = bgmm.m.step(X, model.params, model.structure, tmp$tij)
    if (stopP)
    if (trace) {
      cat("step:          ", n.steps, "\n likelihood:   ", tmp$log.likelihood, "\n change:       ", tmp$log.likelihood - prev.likelihood, "\n\n")
    if ((abs(tmp$log.likelihood - prev.likelihood)/ifelse(is.infinite(prev.likelihood), 1,  (1+abs(prev.likelihood))) < stop.likelihood.change) || 
        (n.steps >= stop.max.nsteps)) {
          model.params$likelihood = tmp$log.likelihood
          stopP = TRUE
    prev.likelihood = tmp$log.likelihood
  model.params$likelihood = prev.likelihood
  model.params$n.steps = n.steps
  model.params$tij = tmp$tij

# usefull functions

normalize <- function(x) x/sum(x)

repeat.rows <- function(x, k) matrix(x, k, length(x), byrow=T)

get.labels.from.beliefs <- function(B) {apply(B, 1, function(x) which.max(x)[1])}
map = get.labels.from.beliefs

determinant.numeric <- function (x, logarithm = TRUE, ...) {list(modulus = ifelse(logarithm,log(x),x), sign=sign(x))}

fij.mModel <- function(model, X) {
  # densities for all components
  lfik <- matrix(0, nrow(X), model$k)
  for (i in 1:model$k) {
      if (model$d > 1) {
         ss = svd(model$cvar[i,,])
         rtas <- ss$d
         matc = t(ss$u[rtas > 10^-8, ]) %*% diag(rtas[rtas > 10^-8]^(-1/2)) %*% ss$v[rtas > 10^-8,]
         tx = apply(X, 1, get("-"), model$mu[i,,drop=F])
         lfik[,i] <-  -colSums((matc %*% tx)^2)/2 - sum(log(2*pi*rtas[rtas > 10^-8]))/2
       } else {
        lfik[,i] <-   dnorm(X, model$mu[i,,drop=F], sqrt(model$cvar[i,,]), log=T)
  exp(lfik + repeat.rows(log(model$pi), nrow(X)))
#  fb.ik

loglikelihood.mModel <- function(model, X) {
  sum(log(rowSums(fij.mModel(model, X))))

# ICs

getGIC <- function(model, p=2, whichobs="unlabeled") {
  tmpDF = getDF(model)
  workingX = switch (whichobs, 
              unlabeled = model$X,
              labeled   = model$knowns,
              all       = rbind(model$X, model$knowns),
              stop("getGIC: unsupported value of the parameter whichobs"))
  n = max(nrow(workingX),1)

  fij   = fij.mModel(model, workingX)
  if ("numeric" %in% class(p)) return (-2*sum(log(rowSums(fij))) +  p * tmpDF)
  penalty = 0
  if ("character" %in% class(p)) 
      penalty = switch(p, 
          AIC     =  2 * tmpDF,
          AIC3    =  3 * tmpDF,
          AIC4    =  4 * tmpDF,
          AICc    = 2 * tmpDF + 2 * tmpDF * (tmpDF + 1) / (max(n - tmpDF - 1,1)),
          AICu    = 2 * tmpDF + 2 * tmpDF * (tmpDF + 1) / (max(n - tmpDF - 1,1)) + n * log(n/max(n - tmpDF - 1,1)),
          CAIC    = tmpDF * (1 + log(n)),
          BIC     = log(n) * tmpDF,
          MDL     = log(n) * tmpDF,
          CLC     = 2 * getEntropy(fij), 
          ICLBIC  = log(n) * tmpDF + 2 * getEntropy(fij),
          AWE     = 2 * tmpDF * (3/2 + log(n)),
          stop("getGIC: unkown penalty description"))
 -2*sum(log(rowSums(fij))) + penalty

# degress of fredom
getDFinternal <- function(model) {
  k = model$k
  d = model$d
  ifelse(model$model.structure$mean=="D", k*d, d) + # mean value
                    ifelse(model$model.structure$between=="D", k, 1) * # variance between clusters
                    (ifelse(model$model.structure$within=="D", d, 1)+ # diagonal
                     ifelse(model$model.structure$cov=="0", 0, 1)*ifelse(model$model.structure$between=="D", d*(d-1)/2, 1) ) # covariances

getDF <- function(model) {
  if (is.null(model$dof)) {

getEntropy <- function(matr) {
  matr <- matr*log(matr)
  matr[is.nan(matr)] = 0

chooseModels <- function(models, kList = NULL, struct = NULL) {
   if (!is.null(struct)) {  
    indStr = unlist(lapply(struct, function(x) {grep(x, models$names)}))
   } else {
    indStr = seq_along(models$names)
   if (!is.null(kList)) {  
    indList = unlist(lapply(paste("k=",kList," ",sep=""), function(x) {grep(x, models$names)}))
   } else {
    indList = seq_along(models$names)
    kList = models$kList
   indLS = intersect(indList, indStr)
   models2 = models
   models2$kList = kList
   models2$loglikelihoods = models$loglikelihoods[indLS]
   models2$names = models$names[indLS]
   models2$params = models$params[indLS]
   models2$models = models$models[indLS]

chooseOptimal <- function(models, penalty=2, ...) {
   values = sapply(models$models, getGIC, p=penalty, ...)

crossval <- function(model=NULL, X=NULL, knowns=NULL, class=NULL, k=length(unique(class)),B=NULL,P=NULL, model.structure=getModelStructure(), ..., folds = 2, fun=belief) {
   if (!is.null(model)) {
      knowns = model$knowns
      X = model$X
      # may happen for fully supervised learning
      if (is.null(X)) {
        X <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(knowns))
      class = model$class
      B = model$B
      P = model$P
      k = model$k
      model.structure = model$model.structure
   if (is.null(knowns)) {
      stop("Argument knowns has to be specified")
   if (!is.data.frame(knowns) && !is.matrix(knowns)) {
      stop("Argument knowns has to be of the class matrix or data frame")
   if (nrow(knowns) < folds) {
      stop("Number of folds cannot be greater than number of known cases")
   m = nrow(knowns)
   n = nrow(X)
   indKnowns = sample(rep(1:folds, length.out=m))
   indX      = sample(rep(1:folds, length.out=n))
   errors = numeric(folds)
   for (i in 1:folds) {
       indX1 = which(indX==i)
       indX2 = which(indX!=i)
       indK1 = which(indKnowns==i)
       indK2 = which(indKnowns!=i)
       modelTmp = fun(X = X[indX2,,drop=F], knowns = knowns[indK2,,drop=F], class=class[indK2], k=k, B=B[indK2,,drop=F], P=P[indK2,,drop=F], model.structure=model.structure, ...)
       predTmp  = predict(modelTmp, knowns[indK1,,drop=F])
       if (!is.null(class)) {
           errors[i] = mean(class[indK1,drop=F] != predTmp$class.X)
       } else {
         if (!is.null(B)) {
           errors[i] = mean(abs(B[indK1,,drop=F] - predTmp$tij.X))
         } else {
           errors[i] = mean(abs(P[indK1,,drop=F] - predTmp$tij.X))
   list(errors=errors, indKnowns=indKnowns, indX=indX)
pbiecek/bgmm documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 7:43 p.m.