
# library(TMB)

setwd(here::here("analysis", "VOCC"))

# getwd()
# setwd(here::here("/analysis/VOCC"))
# env <- new.env() #parent = baseenv()

species <- c(
  "Aleutian Skate",
  "Big Skate",
  "Longnose Skate",
  "Sandpaper Skate",
  "North Pacific Spiny Dogfish",
  "Brown Cat Shark",
  "Spotted Ratfish",
  "Pacific Tomcod",
  "Walleye Pollock",
  "Pacific Cod",
  "Pacific Hake",
  "Buffalo Sculpin",
  # "Pacifc Staghorn Sculpin",
  "Red Irish Lord",
  "Sturgeon Poacher",
  "Bigmouth Sculpin",
  "Kelp Greenling",
  "Threadfin Sculpin",
  "Bigfin Eelpout",
  "Black Eelpout",
  "Wattled Eelpout",
  "Blackbelly Eelpout",
  "Shiner Perch",
  "Snake Prickleback",
  # "Wolf Eel"
  "Pacific Sand Lance",
  "Pacific Herring",
  "Canary Rockfish",
  "Copper Rockfish", # small sample
  "Darkblotched Rockfish", # need predictions still
  "Dusky Rockfish",
  "Greenstriped Rockfish",
  "Harlequin Rockfish",
  "Pacific Ocean Perch",
  "Pygmy Rockfish",
  "Quillback Rockfish",
  "Redbanded Rockfish",
  "Redstripe Rockfish",
  "Rosethorn Rockfish",
  "Rougheye/Blackspotted Rockfish Complex",
  "Sharpchin Rockfish",
  "Shortbelly Rockfish", # small sample
  "Shortraker Rockfish",
  "Silvergray Rockfish",
  "Splitnose Rockfish",
  "Widow Rockfish", # schooling
  "Yellowmouth Rockfish",
  "Yellowtail Rockfish", # schooling
  "Yelloweye Rockfish",
  "Longspine Thornyhead",
  "Shortspine Thornyhead",
  "Pacific Halibut",
  "Arrowtooth Flounder",
  "Butter Sole",
  "C-O Sole",
  "Curlfin Sole",
  "Dover Sole",
  "English Sole",
  "Flathead Sole",
  "Pacific Sanddab",
  "Petrale Sole",
  "Rex Sole",
  "Southern Rock Sole",
  "Slender Sole",
  "Sand Sole",
  "Starry Flounder"

### test run choices ####
# species <- c("Spotted Ratfish")
# species <- "Quillback Rockfish"
# species <- "North Pacific Spiny Dogfish"
# species <- c("Bocaccio")
# species <- c("Shortraker Rockfish")
# species <- c( "Widow Rockfish")

# species <- "Lingcod"
# species <- "Yelloweye Rockfish"
# species <- "Redbanded Rockfish"
# spp <- gsub(" ", "-", gsub("\\/", "-", tolower(species)))

life_history <- purrr::map_dfr(species, function(x) {
  spp <- gsub(" ", "-", gsub("\\/", "-", tolower(x)))
  fish1 <- readRDS(paste0("raw/bio-data-", spp, ""))
  group <- unique(fish1$maturity_convention_desc)
  group <- group[!group == "MATURITIES NOT LOOKED AT"]
  group <- group[!group == "PORT SAMPLES"]
  group <- gsub("\\(.*", "", group)
  group <- gsub("PACIFIC", "", group)
  group <- gsub(" ", "", group)

  bath <- readRDS("data/bathymetry-data")
  depth <- bath$data %>% select(fishing_event_id, depth)
  fish <- left_join(fish1, depth) %>% group_by(year) %>% mutate(mat_count = sum(! %>% ungroup() 
  fish_yrs <- filter(fish, year > 2007) # filter to the relevant years
  min_mat_count <- min(fish_yrs$mat_count) # min fish in a any year
  total_mat_count <- sum(!$maturity_name)) # all fish with maturity data
  # browser()
    maturity <- readRDS(paste0(
      "data/", spp,
      "/maturity-ogive-", spp, "-1n3n4n16.rds"

  if (exists("maturity")) {
    if (maturity$year_re) {
      length_50_mat_m <- maturity$mat_perc$mean$m.mean.p0.5
      length_50_mat_f <- maturity$mat_perc$mean$f.mean.p0.5
    } else {
      length_50_mat_m <- maturity$mat_perc$m.p0.5
      length_50_mat_f <- maturity$mat_perc$f.p0.5

    mat_m <- filter(fish, sex == 1) %>% filter(length > length_50_mat_m)
    mat_f <- filter(fish, sex == 2) %>% filter(length > length_50_mat_f)

    imm_m <- filter(fish, sex == 1) %>% filter(length < length_50_mat_m)
    imm_f <- filter(fish, sex == 2) %>% filter(length < length_50_mat_f)

    large <- rbind(mat_m, mat_f)
    small <- rbind(imm_m, imm_f) # %>% mutate(growth_l = length/age, growth_m = weight/age)
    large_threshold <- NA
    small_threshold <- NA
    mat_age <- mean(large$age, na.rm = TRUE)
    imm_age <- mean(small$age, na.rm = TRUE)
    age_count <- sum(!$age))
    age_count_imm <- sum(!$age))
    # age_mat <- round(quantile(imm_f$age, 0.95, na.rm = TRUE))
    # age_mat_m <- round(quantile(imm_m$age, 0.95, na.rm = TRUE))
    age_mat <- NA
    age_mat_m <- NA
    if(age_count_imm > 50){
    # browser()
    m <- gfplot:::fit_mat_ogive(fish1, type = "age", sample_id_re = F)
    age_mat <- round(m$mat_perc$f.p0.5, 1)
    age_mat_m <- round(m$mat_perc$m.p0.5, 1)
    # imm_growth <- mean(small$growth_l, na.rm = TRUE)
    # imm_growth <- mean(small$growth_m, na.rm = TRUE)

  } else {
    length_50_mat_m <- NA
    length_50_mat_f <- NA
    large_threshold <- quantile(fish$length, 0.90, na.rm = TRUE)
    small_threshold <- quantile(fish$length, 0.10, na.rm = TRUE)
    large <- filter(fish, length > large_threshold)
    small <- filter(fish, length < small_threshold)
    mat_age <- NA
    imm_age <- NA
    age_mat <- NA
    age_mat_m <- NA
    age_count <- NA
    age_count_imm <- NA

  # #x <- species
  # plot(length~depth, data = fish, main = x)
  # fish_f <- filter(fish, sex == 2)
  # fish_m <- filter(fish, sex == 1)
  # hist(fish_m$length, breaks = 50, main = x)
  # hist(fish_f$length, breaks = 50, main = x)
  # hist(fish$weight, breaks = 50, main = x)
  # plot(weight~length, data=fish, main = x)
  # mid <- filter(fish, length > 40)#%>% filter(length<40)#small_threshold)
  # dep <- mean(mid$depth, na.rm =TRUE)
  # dep
  large_depth <- mean(large$depth, na.rm = TRUE)
  small_depth <- mean(small$depth, na.rm = TRUE)

  prop_pos <- NA
    survey_sets <- readRDS(paste0("raw/event-data-", spp, ""))
    positive_sets <- filter(survey_sets, density_kgpm2 != 0)
    prop_pos <- round(nrow(positive_sets) / nrow(survey_sets), digits = 3)
    sets_2019 <- filter(survey_sets, year == 2019)
    weight_2019 <- sum(sets_2019$catch_weight, na.rm = T) # total 2019 catch in kg

  biomass <- readRDS(paste0(
    "data/", spp, "/data-by-maturity-",
    spp, "-1n3n4n16.rds"

  if (nrow(biomass) < 3000) {
    rerun <- TRUE
  } else {
    rerun <- FALSE
  fish_count <- nrow(fish)
  event_count <- sum(!$fishing_event_id)))

  if (nrow(positive_sets) > 100) {
    if (any(names(biomass) == "imm_density")) {
      depth_mat_dens <- weighted.mean(biomass$depth, biomass$adult_density, na.rm = T)

      depth_mat_dens_95 <- reldist::wtd.quantile(biomass$depth, 0.95,
        na.rm = T, weight = biomass$adult_density * 1000000000
      depth_mat_dens_75 <- reldist::wtd.quantile(biomass$depth, 0.75,
        na.rm = T, weight = biomass$adult_density * 1000000000
      depth_mat_dens_50 <- reldist::wtd.quantile(biomass$depth, 0.5,
        na.rm = T, weight = biomass$adult_density * 1000000000
      depth_mat_dens_25 <- reldist::wtd.quantile(biomass$depth, 0.25,
        na.rm = T, weight = biomass$adult_density * 1000000000
      depth_mat_iqr <- round(depth_mat_dens_75 - depth_mat_dens_25)
      biomass2 <- filter(biomass, adult_density > 0)
      max_depth <- max(biomass2$depth)

      if (depth_mat_dens_25 == max_depth) {
        depth_mat_dens_95 <- NA
        depth_mat_dens_75 <- NA
        depth_mat_dens_50 <- NA
        depth_mat_dens_25 <- NA
        depth_mat_iqr <- NA

      depth_imm_dens <- weighted.mean(biomass$depth, biomass$imm_density, na.rm = T)

      if (x == "Bocaccio") {
        # a single massive catch of immatures overwhelmed iqr for bocaccio, so simply downweighting it to merely double the second largest catch
        biomass$imm_density[biomass$fishing_event_id == 4546483] <- biomass$imm_density[biomass$fishing_event_id == 4546377] * 1.2
        # # alternatively, we could use the actual fish samples
        # depth_imm_dens_25 <- quantile(large$depth, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
        # depth_imm_dens_75 <- quantile(small$depth, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)

      if (x == "Widow Rockfish") {
        # a single massive catch of immatures overwhelmed iqr, so simply downweighting it to merely double the second largest catch
        biomass$imm_density[biomass$fishing_event_id == 2177561] <- biomass$imm_density[biomass$fishing_event_id == 308673] * 1.2

      depth_imm_dens_95 <- reldist::wtd.quantile(biomass$depth, 0.975, na.rm = T, 
        weight = biomass$imm_density * 1000000000)
      depth_imm_dens_75 <- reldist::wtd.quantile(biomass$depth, 0.75, na.rm = T, 
        weight = biomass$imm_density * 1000000000)
      depth_imm_dens_50 <- reldist::wtd.quantile(biomass$depth, 0.5, na.rm = T, 
        weight = biomass$imm_density * 1000000000)
      depth_imm_dens_25 <- reldist::wtd.quantile(biomass$depth, 0.25, na.rm = T, 
        weight = biomass$imm_density * 1000000000)
      # depth_imm_dens_10 <- reldist::wtd.quantile (biomass$depth, 0.1, na.rm = T, weight=biomass$imm_density*1000000000)
      depth_imm_iqr <- round(depth_imm_dens_75 - depth_imm_dens_25)
      # depth_imm_range_90 <- round(depth_imm_dens_95 - depth_imm_dens_05)
      # browser()

      biomass3 <- filter(biomass, imm_density > 0)
      max_depth_imm <- max(biomass3$depth)

      if (depth_imm_dens_25 == max_depth_imm) {
        depth_imm_dens_95 <- NA
        depth_imm_dens_75 <- NA
        depth_imm_dens_50 <- NA
        depth_imm_dens_25 <- NA
        depth_imm_iqr <- NA
    } else {
      depth_mat_dens <- weighted.mean(biomass$depth, biomass$density, na.rm = T)
      depth_mat_dens_95 <- reldist::wtd.quantile(biomass$depth, 0.95, na.rm = T, 
        weight = biomass$density * 1000000000)
      depth_mat_dens_75 <- reldist::wtd.quantile(biomass$depth, 0.75, na.rm = T, 
        weight = biomass$density * 1000000000)
      depth_mat_dens_50 <- reldist::wtd.quantile(biomass$depth, 0.5, na.rm = T, 
        weight = biomass$density * 1000000000)
      depth_mat_dens_25 <- reldist::wtd.quantile(biomass$depth, 0.25, na.rm = T, 
        weight = biomass$density * 1000000000)
      depth_mat_iqr <- round(depth_mat_dens_75 - depth_mat_dens_25)

      biomass4 <- filter(biomass, density > 0)
      max_depth <- max(biomass4$depth)

      if (depth_mat_dens_25 == max_depth) {
        depth_mat_dens_95 <- NA
        depth_mat_dens_75 <- NA
        depth_mat_dens_50 <- NA
        depth_mat_dens_25 <- NA
        depth_mat_iqr <- NA
      depth_imm_dens <- small_depth
      depth_imm_dens_95 <- NA
      depth_imm_dens_75 <- NA
      depth_imm_dens_50 <- NA
      depth_imm_dens_25 <- NA
      depth_imm_iqr <- NA
  } else {
    # if caught on less than 100 trawls revert to means from largest and smallest fish
    depth_mat_dens <- large_depth # quantile(fish$length, 0.90, na.rm = TRUE)
    depth_imm_dens <- small_depth # quantile(fish$length, 0.10, na.rm = TRUE)
    depth_mat_dens_95 <- NA
    depth_mat_dens_75 <- NA
    depth_mat_dens_50 <- NA
    depth_mat_dens_25 <- NA
    depth_mat_iqr <- NA
    depth_imm_dens_95 <- NA
    depth_imm_dens_75 <- NA
    depth_imm_dens_50 <- NA
    depth_imm_dens_25 <- NA
    depth_imm_iqr <- NA
  # browser()

  ### calculate proportion of positive events without maturity ratio estimate
  prop_mean_ratio <- NA
  mean_ratio_mature <- NA
  if (any(names(biomass) == "imm_density")) {
    mean_ratios <- filter(biomass, present == 1) %>% filter(
    aprox_density <- sum(mean_ratios$density)
    prop_mean_ratio <- aprox_density / sum(biomass$density)
    # pos_sets <- filter(biomass, present == 1) %>% tally()
    # count_mean_ratios <- filter(biomass, present == 1) %>%
    #    filter( %>% tally()
    # count_prop_mean_ratio <- count_mean_ratios/pos_sets
    # true_ratios <- filter(biomass, present == 1) %>% filter(!
    mean_ratio_mature <- mean(biomass$mass_ratio_mature, na.rm = T)

    species = x, group = group[1],
    min_mat_count = min_mat_count,
    total_mat_count = total_mat_count,
    total_fish = fish_count,
    total_events = event_count,
    prop_pos_sets = prop_pos,
    depth = round(depth_mat_dens),
    depth_imm = round(depth_imm_dens),
    depth_diff = round(depth_imm_dens - depth_mat_dens),
    depth_mat_iqr = depth_mat_iqr,
    depth_imm_iqr = depth_imm_iqr,
    depth_fish = round(large_depth),
    depth_imm_fish = round(small_depth),
    depth_diff_fish = round(small_depth - large_depth),
    depth_mat_dens_95 = round(depth_mat_dens_95),
    depth_mat_dens_75 = round(depth_mat_dens_75),
    depth_mat_dens_50 = round(depth_mat_dens_50),
    depth_mat_dens_25 = round(depth_mat_dens_25),
    depth_imm_dens_95 = round(depth_imm_dens_95),
    depth_imm_dens_75 = round(depth_imm_dens_75),
    depth_imm_dens_50 = round(depth_imm_dens_50),
    depth_imm_dens_25 = round(depth_imm_dens_25),
    age_count = age_count,
    age_count_imm = age_count_imm,
    age_mean = round(mat_age),
    age_imm = round(imm_age),
    age_mat = round(age_mat),
    age_mat_m = round(age_mat_m),
    age_max = round(quantile(fish$age, 0.999999, na.rm = TRUE)),
    length_max = max(fish$length, na.rm = TRUE),
    length_99th = round(quantile(fish$length, 0.9999, na.rm = TRUE)),
    length_50_mat_m = round(length_50_mat_m),
    length_50_mat_f = round(length_50_mat_f),
    weight_max = max(fish$weight, na.rm = TRUE) / 1000,
    weight_99th = round(quantile(fish$weight, 0.9999, na.rm = TRUE)) / 1000,
    # max_age = max(fish$age, na.rm = TRUE),
    large_threshold = large_threshold[[1]],
    small_threshold = small_threshold[[1]],
    mean_ratio_mature = mean_ratio_mature,
    density_mean_split = prop_mean_ratio,
    total_kg_2019 = weight_2019,
    rerun = rerun

# View(life_history)

life_history$group[$group)] <- "OTHER"
life_history$group[life_history$species == "Spotted Ratfish"] <- "RATFISH"
life_history$group[life_history$species == "Brown Cat Shark"] <- "SHARK"
life_history$group[life_history$species == "North Pacific Spiny Dogfish"] <- "SHARK"
life_history$group[life_history$species == "Chilipepper"] <- "ROCKFISH"
life_history$group[life_history$species == "Sandpaper Skate"] <- "SKATE"
life_history$group[life_history$species == "Big Skate"] <- "SKATE"
life_history$group[life_history$species == "Longnose Skate"] <- "SKATE"
life_history$group[life_history$species == "C-O Sole"] <- "FLATFISH"
life_history$group[life_history$species == "Aleutian Skate"] <- "SKATE"
# life_history$group[life_history$species=="	"] <- " "

# saveRDS(life_history, file = "data/life-history-stats.rds")
# life_history <- readRDS("data/life-history-stats.rds")

life_history <- life_history %>% mutate(species_common_name = tolower(species))

# spplist <- gfdata::get_species()
spplist <- readRDS("data/allspp.rds")

taxonomic_info <- spplist %>%
  select(species_common_name, species_science_name, parent_taxonomic_unit) %>%
  unique() %>%
  filter(species_science_name != "ophiodontinae")

life_history <- inner_join(life_history, taxonomic_info)

life_history$parent_taxonomic_unit[life_history$parent_taxonomic_unit == "bathyraja"] <- "rajidae(skates)"

saveRDS(life_history, file = "data/life-history-stats5.rds")

# split adults and immatures into separate rows and add CR's behavioural classifications
stats <- readRDS(paste0("data/life-history-stats5.rds"))
behav <- readr::read_csv("data/VOCCSpeciesList.csv") %>% rename(species = Species, age = Age)
behav$species[behav$species == "Rougheye/Blackspotted"] <- "Rougheye/Blackspotted Rockfish Complex"
behav$BenthoPelagicPelagicDemersal[behav$BenthoPelagicPelagicDemersal == "BenthoPelagic"] <- "Benthopelagic"
behav$Diet[behav$Diet == "CrabShrimp"] <- "Crustaceans"

stats$rockfish <- if_else(stats$group == "ROCKFISH", "rockfish", "other fishes")
stats <- stats %>% separate(species_science_name, " ", into = c("genus", "specific"))
stats$group[stats$group == "SHARK"] <- "DOGFISH"
stats$group[stats$group == "HAKE"] <- "COD"
imm <- mutate(stats, age = "immature") %>%
  mutate(depth = depth_imm, age_mean = age_imm, depth25 = depth_imm_dens_25, depth75 = depth_imm_dens_75, depth_iqr = depth_imm_iqr) %>%
  select(-depth_imm, -age_imm)
mat <- mutate(stats, age = "mature") %>%
  select(-depth_imm, -age_imm) %>%
  mutate(depth25 = depth_mat_dens_25, depth75 = depth_mat_dens_75, depth_iqr = depth_mat_iqr)
stats <- rbind(mat, imm)
stats$family <- gsub("\\(.*", "", stats$parent_taxonomic_unit)

stats <- left_join(behav, stats)
# stats$family <- gsub("\\(.*", "", stats$parent_taxonomic_unit)
stats <- stats %>% mutate(family = case_when(
  family == "sebastolobus"~"sebastidae", # sea perches
  family == "sebastes"~"sebastidae",
  family == "citharichthys"~"paralichthyidae",
  TRUE ~ family

stats <- stats %>% mutate(higher_taxa = case_when(
  # Cartilaginous fishes (class)
  parent_taxonomic_unit == "rajidae(skates)"~"Chondrichthyes",
  parent_taxonomic_unit == "squalidae(dogfish sharks)"~"Chondrichthyes",
  parent_taxonomic_unit == "chimaeridae(ratfishes)"~"Chondrichthyes",
  # Flatfish (order)
  parent_taxonomic_unit == "citharichthys"~"Pleuronectiformes",
  parent_taxonomic_unit == "pleuronectidae(righteye flounders)"~"Pleuronectiformes",
  # Cods (order)
  parent_taxonomic_unit == "gadidae"~"Gadiformes",
  # Scorpaeniformes (order)
  parent_taxonomic_unit == "anoplopomatidae(sablefishes)"~"Scorpaeniformes", # sablefish
  parent_taxonomic_unit == "hexagrammidae(greenlings)"~"Scorpaeniformes", # lingcod
  parent_taxonomic_unit == "sebastolobus(thornyheads)"~"Scorpaeniformes", # sea perches
  parent_taxonomic_unit == "sebastes"~"Scorpaeniformes" # sea perches
  # families within Scorpaeniformes
  # parent_taxonomic_unit == "anoplopomatidae(sablefishes)"~"Anoplopomatidae", # sablefish
  # parent_taxonomic_unit == "hexagrammidae(greenlings)"~"Hexagrammidae", # lingcod
  # parent_taxonomic_unit == "sebastolobus(thornyheads)"~"Sebastidae", # sea perches
  # parent_taxonomic_unit == "sebastes"~"Sebastidae" # sea perches
lut <- tribble(
  ~species_common_name, ~mean_group,
  "arrowtooth flounder", "flatfish",
  "big skate", "chondrichthyes",
  "bocaccio", "shelf rockfish",
  "canary rockfish", "inshore rockfish",
  "curlfin sole", "flatfish",
  "darkblotched rockfish", "slope rockfish",
  "dover sole", "flatfish",
  "english sole", "flatfish",
  "flathead sole","flatfish",
  "greenstriped rockfish", "shelf rockfish",
  "lingcod", "lingcod",
  "longnose skate","chondrichthyes",
  "north pacific spiny dogfish", "chondrichthyes",
  "pacific cod", "cods",
  "pacific hake", "cods", # previously and still excluded
  "pacific halibut", "flatfish",
  "pacific ocean perch", "slope rockfish",
  "pacific sanddab", "flatfish",# previously excluded
  "petrale sole","flatfish",
  "quillback rockfish", "inshore rockfish",
  "redbanded rockfish", "slope rockfish",
  "redstripe rockfish", "shelf rockfish",
  "rex sole","flatfish",
  "rosethorn rockfish", "slope rockfish", # previously excluded
  "rougheye/blackspotted rockfish complex", "slope rockfish",
  "sablefish", "sablefish",
  # "sand sole", "flatfish",# not converged
  "sharpchin rockfish", "slope rockfish",
  "shortraker rockfish", "slope rockfish",
  "shortspine thornyhead", "slope rockfish",
  "silvergray rockfish", "shelf rockfish",
  "slender sole", "flatfish",# previously excluded
  "southern rock sole", "flatfish",
  "splitnose rockfish", "slope rockfish",
  "spotted ratfish", "chondrichthyes",
  "walleye pollock", "cods",
  "widow rockfish", "shelf rockfish",
  "yelloweye rockfish", "inshore rockfish",
  "yellowmouth rockfish", "slope rockfish",
  "yellowtail rockfish", "shelf rockfish"

lut <- arrange(lut, mean_group)
stats <- left_join(stats, lut)

# saveRDS(stats, file = "data/life-history-behav-new-growth2.rds") # my attempt at adding to CR data
saveRDS(stats, file = "data/life-history-behav-new-growth3.rds") #update CR classifications
pbs-assess/gfranges documentation built on Dec. 13, 2021, 4:50 p.m.