
predictor_dat <- data.frame(
  X = runif(300), Y = runif(300),
  b1 = rnorm(300), b2 = rnorm(300),
  year = rep(1:6, each = 50)
mesh <- make_mesh(predictor_dat, xy_cols = c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 0.1)

sim_dat <- sdmTMB_simulate(
  formula = ~ 1 + b1 + b2,
  data = predictor_dat,
  time = "year",
  mesh = mesh,
  family = gaussian(),
  range = 0.5,
  sigma_E = 0.2,
  sigma_O = 0.7,
  phi = 0.9,
  seed = 123,
  B = c(0.2, -0.4, 0.3)
fit <- sdmTMB(observed ~ 1 + b1 + b2, data = sim_dat, mesh = mesh, time = "year")

fixef <- function(x) {
  b <- tidy(fit)
  stats::setNames(b$estimate, b$term)

fe <- fixef(fit)
X <- fit$tmb_data$X_ij
VarF <- var(as.vector(fixef(fit) %*% t(X))) # variance from fixed-effects
b <- tidy(fit, "ran_par")
sigma_O <- b$estimate[b$term == "sigma_O"] # spatial standard deviation
sigma_E <- b$estimate[b$term == "sigma_E"] # spatiotemporal standard deviation
VarO <- sigma_O^2
VarE <- sigma_E^2
VarR <- var(as.vector(residuals(fit))) # residual variance
VarF/(VarF + VarO + VarE + VarR)
VarO/(VarF + VarO + VarE + VarR)
VarE/(VarF + VarO + VarE + VarR)


r2.sdmTMB <- function(x, which_fixef = NULL) {

  if (!is(fit, "sdmTMB")) {
    cli_abort("x must be a model of class sdmTMB.")
  if (!identical(x$family$family, "gaussian"))
    cli_abort("r2.sdmTMB() currently only works for Gaussian models.")
  if (!is.null(x$spatial_varying)) {
    cli_abort("r2.sdmTMB() currently does not work with spatially varying coefficient models.")

  fe <- fixef(fit)
  X <- fit$tmb_data$X_ij
  varF_all <- var(as.vector(fe %*% t(X))) # variance from fixed-effects
  if (!is.null(which_fixef)) {
    assert_that(max(which_fixef) <= length(fe))
    assert_that(min(which_fixef) >= 1)
    assert_that(all(which_fixef %in% seq_along(fe)))
    message("Including fixed effects: ", paste(names(fe)[which_fixef], collapse = ", "))
    fe <- fe[which_fixef]
    X <- X[,which_fixef,drop=FALSE]
  varF <- var(as.vector(fe %*% t(X))) # variance from fixed-effects

  b <- tidy(fit, "ran_par")

  if (x$tmb_data$include_spatial == 1L) {
    varO <- b$estimate[b$term == "sigma_O"]^2 # spatial variance
  } else {
    varO <- 0

  if (x$tmb_data$spatial_only == 0L) {
    varE <- b$estimate[b$term == "sigma_E"]^2 # spatiotemporal variance
  } else {
    varE <- 0

  if (x$tmb_data$random_walk == 1L) {
    if (!identical(x$time_varying, ~ 1))
      stop("r2.sdmTMB() currently only works with time-varying intercepts.", call. = FALSE)
    varV <- b$estimate[b$term == "sigma_V"]^2 # time-varying variance
  } else {
    varV <- 0

  varR <- suppressMessages(var(as.vector(residuals(fit)))) # residual variance

  denominator <- varF_all + varO + varE + varR + varV
  marg <- varF/denominator

  if (varO != 0) {
    cond_rf_sp <- (varO)/denominator
  } else {
    cond_rf_sp <- NULL
  if (varE != 0) {
    cond_rf_spt <- (varE)/denominator
  } else {
    cond_rf_sp <- NULL
  if (varV != 0) {
    cond_tv <- (varV)/denominator
  } else {
    cond_tv <- NULL
  if (varE != 0 || varO != 0 || varV != 0) {
    cond_all <- (varF + varO + varE + varV)/denominator
  } else {
    cond_all <- NULL

  out <- list(
    marginal = marg,
    partial_time_varying = cond_tv,
    partial_spatial = cond_rf_sp,
    partial_spatiotemporal = cond_rf_spt,
    condional = cond_all
  out[vapply(out, is.null, logical(1L))] <- NULL

pbs-assess/sdmTMB documentation built on May 17, 2024, 11:31 a.m.