# Project: Surveyer
# Description: Land and Engineering Surveying utilities
# Authors: Milutin Pejovic, Petar Bursac, Milan Kilibarda, Branislav Bajat, Aleksandar Sekulic
# Date:
# Functions:
read_surveynet <- function(file, dest_crs = NA, axes = c("Easting", "Northing")){
# TODO: Ako se definise neki model tezina za koji ne postoje podaci stavi warning. Npr. za model "sd_dh" mora da postoji i sd.apriori koji se pretvara u sd0.
# TODO: Set warning if there are different or not used points in two elements of survey.net list.
# TODO: Check if any point has no sufficient measurements to be adjusted.
# setting columns type
points_col_type <- c("numeric", "text", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "logical", "logical", "logical")
obs_col_type <- c("text", "text", rep("numeric", 19))
# reading data
points <- readxl::read_xlsx(path = file, sheet = "Points", col_types = points_col_type) %>% mutate_at(., .vars = c("Name"), as.character)
observations <- readxl::read_xlsx(path = file, sheet = "Observations", col_types = obs_col_type) %>% mutate_at(., .vars = c("from", "to"), as.character)
if(sum(rowSums(is.na(points[, c("x", "y")])) != 0) != 0){
warning("Network has no spatial coordinates")}else{
# Creating sf class from observations
observations$x_from <- points$x[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
observations$y_from <- points$y[match(observations$from, points$Name)]
observations$x_to <- points$x[match(observations$to, points$Name)]
observations$y_to <- points$y[match(observations$to, points$Name)]
points <- points %>% as.data.frame() %>% sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("x","y"), remove = FALSE)
if(which(axes == "Easting") == 2){points <- points %>% dplyr::rename(x = y, y = x)}
observations <- observations %>% dplyr::mutate(id = seq.int(nrow(.))) %>% split(., f = as.factor(.$id)) %>%
lapply(., function(row) {lmat <- matrix(unlist(row[c("x_from", "y_from", "x_to", "y_to")]), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
st_linestring(lmat)}) %>%
sf::st_sfc() %>%
sf::st_sf('ID' = seq.int(nrow(observations)), observations, 'geometry' = .)
#if(sum(rowSums(is.na(observations[, c("HzD", "HzM", "HzS")])) != 0) != 0){stop("There is uncomplete observations")}
observations <- observations %>% dplyr::mutate(Hz = HzD + HzM/60 + HzS/3600,
Vz = VzD + VzM/60 + VzS/3600,
tdh = SD*cos(Vz*pi/180),
distance = (!is.na(HD) | !is.na(SD)) & !is.na(sd_dist),
direction = !is.na(Hz) & !is.na(sd_Hz),
diff_level = (!is.na(dh) | !is.na(tdh)))
# In network design, observation is included if measurement standard is provided
if(observations %>% purrr::when(is(., "sf") ~ st_drop_geometry(.), ~.) %>% dplyr::select(HzD, HzM, HzS) %>% is.na() %>% all()){
observations$direction[!is.na(observations$sd_Hz)] <- TRUE
if(observations %>% purrr::when(is(., "sf") ~ st_drop_geometry(.), ~.) %>% dplyr::select(HD, SD) %>% is.na() %>% all()){
observations$distance[!is.na(observations$sd_dist)] <- TRUE
if(observations %>% purrr::when(is(., "sf") ~ st_drop_geometry(.), ~.) %>% dplyr::select(dh) %>% is.na() %>% all()){
observations$diff_level[(!is.na(observations$dh) | !is.na(observations$sd_dh) | !is.na(observations$d_dh) | !is.na(observations$n_dh))] <- TRUE
# Eliminacija merenih duzina i visinsih razlika izmedju fiksnih tacaka duzina izmedju
# checking for fixed points
# TODO what in case of no-fixed points
fixed_points <- points %>% dplyr::filter(FIX_2D | FIX_1D) %>% .$Name
if(length(fixed_points) > 1){
observations[observations$from %in% fixed_points & observations$to %in% fixed_points, "distance"] <- FALSE
observations[observations$from %in% fixed_points & observations$to %in% fixed_points, "diff_level"] <- FALSE
# Setting coordinate system
observations %<>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)
points %<>% sf::st_set_crs(dest_crs)
# Creating list
survey_net <- list(points, observations)
names(survey_net) <- c("points", "observations")
dec2dms <- function(ang){
deg <- floor(ang); minut <- floor((ang-deg)*60); sec <- ((ang-deg)*60-minut)*60
return(paste(deg, minut, round(sec, 0), sep = " "))
dist <- function(pt1_coords, pt2_coords){
dEasting <- as.numeric(pt2_coords[1] - pt1_coords[1])
dNorthing <- as.numeric(pt2_coords[2] - pt1_coords[2])
distance <- sqrt(dEasting^2 + dNorthing^2)
ni <- function(pt1_coords, pt2_coords, type = list("dec", "dms", "rad")){
## check if the type exists:
if(length(type) > 1){ type <- type[[1]]}
if(!any(type %in% list("dms", "dec", "rad"))){stop(paste(type, "method not available."))}
## body
dEasting <- as.numeric(pt2_coords[1] - pt1_coords[1])
dNorthing <- as.numeric(pt2_coords[2] - pt1_coords[2])
atg <- ifelse(dNorthing < 0, atan(dEasting/dNorthing)*180/pi + 180, atan(dEasting/dNorthing)*180/pi)
ang <- ifelse(atg < 0, atg + 360, atg)
deg <- floor(ang); minut <- floor((ang-deg)*60); sec <- ((ang-deg)*60-minut)*60
if(type == "dms"){
ang <- c(deg, minut, sec)
names(ang) <- c("deg","min","sec")
if(type == "rad"){
ang <- ang*pi/180
### coeficients for distances #####################################################
coef_d <- function (pt1, pt2, pts, units) {
units.table <- c("mm" = 1000, "cm" = 100, "m" = 1)
pt1 <- as.numeric(pt1)
pt2 <- as.numeric(pt2)
coords <- pts
vec_d <- c(rep(0, dim(pts)[1]*2))#c(rep(0, length(coords)))
y_coords <- coords[, 2]
x_coords <- coords[, 1]
y1 <- pt1[2]
x1 <- pt1[1]
y2 <- pt2[2]
x2 <- pt2[1]
dy1 <- (y_coords-y1)
dx1 <- (x_coords-x1)
dy2 <- (y_coords-y2)
dx2 <- (x_coords-x2)
i <- which(dy1 == dx1 & dy1 == 0 & dx1 == 0)
j <- which(dy2 == dx2 & dy2 == 0 & dx2 == 0)
dy <- (y2-y1)*units.table[units]
dx <- (x2-x1)*units.table[units]
d <- sqrt(dy^2+dx^2)
A <- (-dy/d)
B <- (-dx/d)
A1 <- -A
B1 <- -B
vec_d[2*i-1] <- B
vec_d[2*j-1] <- B1
vec_d[2*i] <- A
vec_d[2*j] <- A1
### coeficients for directions (pravac) #####################################################
coef_p <- function (pt1, pt2, pts, units) {
units.table <- c("mm" = 1000, "cm" = 100, "m" = 1)
pt1 <- as.numeric(pt1)
pt2 <- as.numeric(pt2)
coords <- pts
vec_p <- c(rep(0, dim(pts)[1]*2))#c(rep(0, length(coords)))
ro <- 180/pi*3600
y_coords <- coords[, 2]
x_coords <- coords[, 1]
y1 <- pt1[2]
x1 <- pt1[1]
y2 <- pt2[2]
x2 <- pt2[1]
dy1 <- (y_coords-y1)
dx1 <- (x_coords-x1)
dy2 <- (y_coords-y2)
dx2 <- (x_coords-x2)
i <- which(dy1 == dx1 & dy1 == 0 & dx1 == 0)
j <- which(dy2 == dx2 & dy2 == 0 & dx2 == 0)
dy <- (y2-y1)*units.table[units]
dx <- (x2-x1)*units.table[units]
d <- sqrt(dy^2 + dx^2)
A <- (ro*dx/d^2)
B <- (-ro*dy/d^2)
A1 <- -(ro*dx/d^2)
B1 <- -(-ro*dy/d^2)
vec_p[2*i-1] <- B
vec_p[2*j-1] <- B1
vec_p[2*i] <- A
vec_p[2*j] <- A1
# net.points <- survey.net[[1]]
fix_params2D <- function(net.points){
rep(as.logical(c(apply(cbind(net.points$FIX_2D), 1, as.numeric))), each = 2)
# survey.net <- brana
Amat <- function(survey.net, units){
A_dir <- survey.net[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(direction) %>% st_coordinates() %>% as.data.frame() %>% mutate_at(vars(L1), as.factor) %>%
split(., .$L1) %>%
lapply(., function(x) coef_p(pt1 = x[1, 1:2], pt2 = x[2, 1:2], pts = st_coordinates(survey.net[[1]][, 1:2]), units = units)) %>%
do.call(rbind, .)
A_dir <- NULL
A_dist <- survey.net[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(distance) %>% st_coordinates() %>% as.data.frame() %>% mutate_at(vars(L1), as.factor) %>%
split(., .$L1) %>%
lapply(., function(x) coef_d(pt1 = x[1, 1:2], pt2 = x[2, 1:2], pts = st_coordinates(survey.net[[1]][, 1:2]), units = units)) %>%
do.call(rbind, .)
A_dist <- NULL
station.names <- survey.net[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(direction) %>% dplyr::select(from) %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% unique() %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE)
Z_mat <- survey.net[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(direction) %>%
tidyr::spread(key = from, value = direction, fill = FALSE) %>%
dplyr::select(as.character(station.names)) %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
Z_mat <- NULL
fix <- fix_params2D(net.points = survey.net[[1]])
if(!is.null(A_dir) & !is.null(A_dist)){
rest_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(A_dist)[1], ncol = dim(Z_mat)[2])
rest_mat <- NULL
A <- cbind(rbind(A_dir, A_dist)[, !fix], rbind(Z_mat, rest_mat))
# Removing zero rows (measured distances between the fixed points)
# A <- A[apply(A !=0, 1, any), , drop=FALSE]
sufix <- c("dx", "dy")
colnames(A) <- c(paste(rep(survey.net[[1]]$Name, each = 2), rep(sufix, length(survey.net[[1]]$Name)), sep = "_")[!fix], paste(colnames(Z_mat), "z", sep = "_"))
# Weights matrix
# Wmat je ista, samo je promenjen naziv standarda. Stavljeni su "sd_Hz" i "sd_dist".
Wmat <- function(survey.net, sd.apriori = 1, res.units = "mm"){
res.unit.lookup <- c("mm" = 1, "cm" = 10, "m" = 1000)
#TODO: Omoguciti zadavanje i drugih kovariacionih formi izmedju merenja.
obs.data <- rbind(survey.net[[2]] %>% st_drop_geometry() %>%
dplyr::filter(direction) %>%
dplyr::select(from, to, standard = sd_Hz) %>%
dplyr::mutate(type = "direction"),
survey.net[[2]] %>% st_drop_geometry() %>%
dplyr::filter(distance) %>%
dplyr::select(from, to, standard = sd_dist) %>%
dplyr::mutate(type = "distance", standard = standard/res.unit.lookup[res.units])
# Funkcija koja izdvaja elemente Qx matrice u listu za elipsu svake tacke
Qxy <- function(Qx, fix){
k = 0
Qxxx <- as.list(rep(NA, length(fix)))
for(i in 1:length(Qxxx)){
k = 2*fix[i] + k
if (fix[i]){
Qxxx[[i]] <- cbind(c(Qx[k-1, k-1], Qx[k-1, k]), c(Qx[k, k-1], Qx[k, k]))
} else {
Qxxx[[i]] <- diag(rep(fix[i]*1, 2))
# # Funkcija koja izdvaja elemente Qx matrice u listu za elipsu svake tacke
# Qxy <- function(Qx, n, fixd = fix){
# k = 0
# fixd <- cbind(fixd, fixd[,1] + fixd[, 2])
# Qxxx <- as.list(rep(NA, dim(fixd)[1]))
# for(i in 1:length(Qxxx)){
# k = fixd[i, 1] + fixd[i, 2] + k
# if(fixd[i, 3] == 1){
# Qxxx[[i]] <- diag(fixd[i, c(1, 2)])*Qx[k, k]
# }
# else if (fixd[i, 3] == 2){
# Qxxx[[i]] <- cbind(c(Qx[k-1, k-1], Qx[k-1, k]), c(Qx[k, k-1], Qx[k, k]))
# } else {
# Qxxx[[i]] <- diag(fixd[i, c(1, 2)])
# }
# }
# return(Qxxx)
# }
# #
error.ellipse <- function(Qxy, prob = NA, sd.apriori = 1, teta.unit = list("deg", "rad")) {
Qee <- Qxy[1, 1]
Qnn <- Qxy[2, 2]
Qen <- Qxy[1, 2]
if(any(c(Qee, Qnn) == 0)){
A <- 0
B <- 0
teta <- 0
ellipse <- c(A, B, teta)
k <- sqrt((Qnn - Qee)^2 + 4*Qen^2)
lambda1 <- 0.5*(Qee + Qnn + k)
lambda2 <- 0.5*(Qee + Qnn - k)
A <- sd.apriori*sqrt(lambda1)
B <- sd.apriori*sqrt(lambda2)
A <- sd.apriori*sqrt(lambda1*qchisq(prob, df = 2))
B <- sd.apriori*sqrt(lambda2*qchisq(prob, df = 2))
teta <- ifelse((Qnn - Qee) == 0, 0, 0.5*atan(2*Qen/(Qnn - Qee)))
teta <- ifelse(teta >= 0, teta, teta + 2*pi)
teta <- ifelse(teta >= pi, teta - pi, teta)
if(teta.unit[[1]] == "deg"){
ellipse <- c(A, B, teta*180/pi)
ellipse <- c(A, B, teta)
rot = function(a) matrix(c(cos(a), sin(a), -sin(a), cos(a)), 2, 2)
sf.ellipse <- function(ellipse.param, scale = 10){
ellipse <- nngeo::st_ellipse(ellipse.param, ey = ellipse.param$A*scale, ex = ellipse.param$B*scale)
geom.ellipse = st_geometry(ellipse)
ellipse.cntrd = st_centroid(geom.ellipse)
ellipse.rot <- (geom.ellipse - ellipse.cntrd) * rot(ellipse.param$teta*pi/180) + ellipse.cntrd
ellipse.sf <- st_sf(Name = ellipse.param$Name, A = ellipse.param$A, B = ellipse.param$B, teta = ellipse.param$teta, Geometry = ellipse.rot)
sigma.xy <- function(Qxy.mat, sd.apriori){
sigma <- diag(diag(as.numeric(sd.apriori), 2, 2)%*%diag(sqrt(diag(Qxy.mat)), 2, 2))
# st.survey.net <- makis.snet[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(from == "OM20")
# st.survey.net <- brana.snet[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(from == "T1")
# st.survey.net <- avala[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(from == "S2")
# st.survey.net <- A.survey.net[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(from == "C")
# st.survey.net <- Gorica.survey.net[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(from == "1")
# st.survey.net <- ab[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(from == "P2")
# st.survey.net <- mreza_sim[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(from == "M10")
# st.survey.net <- zadatak1.snet[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(from == "T2")
# st.survey.net <- cut45[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(from == "C53")
fdir_st <- function(st.survey.net, units.dir = "sec"){
units.table <- c("sec" = 3600, "min" = 60, "deg" = 1)
st.survey.net <- st.survey.net %>% split(., f = as.factor(.$to)) %>%
lapply(., function(x) {x$ni = ni(pt1_coords = as.numeric(x[, c("x_from", "y_from")]), pt2_coords = as.numeric(x[, c("x_to", "y_to")]), type = "dec"); return(x)}) %>%
do.call(rbind,.) %>%
dplyr::mutate(z = Hz-ni) %>%
#st.survey.net$z <- ifelse(st.survey.net$z < 0 & st.survey.net$z < -0.01, st.survey.net$z + 360, st.survey.net$z)
st.survey.net$z <- ifelse(st.survey.net$z < 0, st.survey.net$z + 360, st.survey.net$z)
z0_mean <- mean(st.survey.net$z)
f <- st.survey.net$ni + z0_mean - st.survey.net$Hz
f <- ifelse(f < -1, f + 360 , f)
f <- ifelse(f > 359, f - 360, f)
f <- f*units.table[units.dir]
# ab <- survey.survey.sim
# survey.net = ab
# fdir_st <- function(st.survey.net, units.dir = "sec"){
# units.table <- c("sec" = 3600, "min" = 60, "deg" = 1)
# st.survey.net <- st.survey.net %>% split(., f = as.factor(.$to)) %>%
# lapply(., function(x) {x$ni = ni(pt1_coords = as.numeric(x[, c("x_from", "y_from")]), pt2_coords = as.numeric(x[, c("x_to", "y_to")]), type = "dec"); return(x)}) %>%
# do.call(rbind,.) %>%
# dplyr::mutate(z = Hz-ni) %>%
# dplyr::arrange(ID)
# st.survey.net$z <- ifelse(st.survey.net$z < 1, st.survey.net$z + 360, st.survey.net$z)
# z0_mean <- mean(st.survey.net$z)
# st.survey.net$Hz0 <- z0_mean + st.survey.net$ni
# st.survey.net$Hz0 <- ifelse(st.survey.net$Hz0 > 359, st.survey.net$Hz0 - 360, st.survey.net$Hz0)
# st.survey.net$Hz <- ifelse(st.survey.net$Hz < 1, st.survey.net$Hz + 360, st.survey.net$Hz)
# st.survey.net$Hz <- ifelse(st.survey.net$Hz >= 360, st.survey.net$Hz - 360, st.survey.net$Hz)
# st.survey.net$f <- (st.survey.net$Hz0 - st.survey.net$Hz)*units.table[units.dir]
# f <- (st.survey.net$Hz0 - st.survey.net$Hz)*units.table[units.dir]
# return(f)
# }
# survey.net[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(from == "M2") %>% fdir_st() %>% round(.,2)
# fmat(survey.net = survey.net) %>% round(., 2)
fmat <- function(survey.net, units.dir = "sec", units.dist = "mm"){
f_dir <- survey.net[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(direction == TRUE) %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% split(.,factor(.$from, levels = unique(.$from))) %>%
lapply(., function(x) fdir_st(x, units.dir = units.dir)) %>%
do.call("c",.) %>% as.numeric() %>% as.vector()
dist.units.table <- c("mm" = 1000, "cm" = 100, "m" = 1)
survey.net[[2]] <- survey.net[[2]] %>% dplyr::filter(distance) %>% st_drop_geometry() %>%
dplyr::mutate(dist0 = sqrt((x_from-x_to)^2+(y_from-y_to)^2))
f_dist <- (survey.net[[2]]$dist0 - survey.net[[2]]$HD)*dist.units.table[units.dist]
return(c(f_dir, f_dist))
model_adequacy_test <- function(sd.apriori, sd.estimated, df, prob){
if(sd.estimated > sd.apriori){
F.estimated <- sd.estimated^2/sd.apriori^2
F.quantile <- qf(p = prob, df1 = df, df2 = 10^1000)
F.estimated <- sd.apriori^2/sd.estimated^2
F.quantile <- qf(p = prob, df1 = 10^1000, df2 = df)
if(F.estimated < F.quantile){
note <- "Model is correct"; print(note)
note <- "Model is not correct. Please check Baarda test statistics for individual observations. Suggestion: Remove one observation with the highest statistics"; print(note)
return(list(F.estimated < F.quantile, "F_test" = F.estimated, "Crital value F-test" = F.quantile, note))
model_adequacy_test.shiny <- function(sd.apriori, sd.estimated, df, prob){
if(sd.estimated > sd.apriori){
F.estimated <- sd.estimated^2/sd.apriori^2
F.quantile <- qf(p = prob, df1 = df, df2 = 10^1000)
F.estimated <- sd.apriori^2/sd.estimated^2
F.quantile <- qf(p = prob, df1 = 10^1000, df2 = df)
mlist <- list(F.estimated = F.estimated, F.quantile = F.quantile,
model = if(F.estimated < F.quantile){
paste("sd.estimated =", round(sd.estimated, 2), "/ sd.apriori =", round(sd.apriori, 2), "/ Model is correct", sep = " ")} else{
paste("sd.estimated =", round(sd.estimated, 2), "/ sd.apriori =", round(sd.apriori, 2), "/ Model is not correct", sep = " ")
Amat1D <- function(survey.net){
used_points <- unique(c(survey.net$observations$from, survey.net$observations$to))
point_names <- unique(survey.net$points$Name)
point_names <- point_names[point_names %in% used_points]
if(!all(used_points %in% point_names)){stop("Some points are missed")}
Amat <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = length(point_names), nrow = dim(survey.net$observations)[1]))
names(Amat) <- point_names
for(i in 1:dim(Amat)[1]){
Amat[i, survey.net$observations$from[i]] <- -1
Amat[i, survey.net$observations$to[i]] <- 1
Amat <- Amat[, !survey.net$points$FIX_1D] #%>% select(-fixed_points)
Amat <- as.matrix(Amat)
Wmat1D <- function(survey.net, wdh_model = list("sd_dh", "d_dh", "n_dh", "E"), sd0 = 1, d0 = NA, n0 = 1, res.units = "mm"){
res.unit.lookup <- c("mm" = 1, "cm" = 10, "m" = 1000)
"%!in%" <- Negate("%in%")
if(wdh_model %!in% c("sd_dh", "d_dh", "n_dh", "E")){stop("Model of weigths is not properly specified, see help")}
wdh_model <- wdh_model[[1]]
if(is(survey.net[[2]], "sf")){survey.net[[2]] <- survey.net[[2]] %>% st_drop_geometry()}
survey.net[[2]] %<>%
dplyr::mutate(weigth = case_when(
wdh_model == "sd_dh" ~ (sd0/res.unit.lookup[res.units])^2/sd_dh^2,
wdh_model == "d_dh" ~ 1/d_dh,
wdh_model == "n_dh" ~ n0/n_dh,
wdh_model == "E" ~ 1
fmat1D <- function(survey.net, units = units){
unit.lookup <- c("mm" = 1000, "cm" = 100, "m" = 1)
survey.net[[2]]$h_from <- survey.net[[1]]$h[match(survey.net[[2]]$from, survey.net[[1]]$Name)]
survey.net[[2]]$h_to <- survey.net[[1]]$h[match(survey.net[[2]]$to, survey.net[[1]]$Name)]
f <- ((survey.net[[2]]$h_to-survey.net[[2]]$h_from)-survey.net[[2]]$dh)*unit.lookup[units]
# adjust = TRUE; survey.net = prva; dim_type = "1D"; sd.apriori = 0.7; wdh_model = "n_dh"; n0 = 1; maxiter = 1; prob = 0.95; coord_tolerance = 1e-3; result.units = "mm"; ellipse.scale = 1; output = "spatial"; teta.unit = "dec"; units.dir = "sec"; units.dist = "mm"; use.sd.estimated = TRUE; all = TRUE
adjust.snet <- function(adjust = TRUE, survey.net, dim_type = list("1D", "2D"), sd.apriori = 1, wdh_model = list("n_dh", "sd_dh", "d_dh", "E"), n0 = 1, maxiter = 50, prob = 0.95, output = list("spatial", "report"), coord_tolerance = 1e-3, result.units = list("mm", "cm", "m"), ellipse.scale = 1, teta.unit = list("deg", "rad"), units.dir = "sec", use.sd.estimated = TRUE, all = TRUE){
dim_type <- dim_type[[1]]
output <- output[[1]]
"%!in%" <- Negate("%in%")
if(!adjust){use.sd.estimated <- FALSE}
units <- result.units[[1]]
res.unit.lookup <- c("mm" = 1000, "cm" = 100, "m" = 1)
disp.unit.lookup <- c("mm" = 2, "cm" = 3, "m" = 4)
dir.unit.lookup <- c("sec" = 3600, "min" = 60, "deg" = 1)
if(is.na(sf::st_crs(survey.net$points) == TRUE)) {
net.crs <- 3857
net.crs <- st_crs(survey.net$points)
# TODO: This has to be solved within the read.surveynet function
used.points <- survey.net[[1]]$Name[survey.net[[1]]$Name %in% unique(c(survey.net[[2]]$from, survey.net[[2]]$to))]
if(!!any(used.points %!in% survey.net[[1]]$Name)) stop(paste("There is no coordinates for point", used.points[which(used.points %!in% survey.net[[1]]$Name)]), sep = " ")
survey.net[[1]] <- survey.net[[1]][which(survey.net[[1]]$Name %in% used.points), ]
# Model
if(dim_type == "2D"){
observations <- tidyr::pivot_longer(survey.net[[2]] %>% purrr::when(is(., "sf") ~ st_drop_geometry(.), ~.) %>% dplyr::select(from, to, direction, distance), cols = c(direction, distance), names_to = "type", values_to = "used") %>%
dplyr::mutate(across(.cols = "type", .fns = ~factor(., levels = c("direction", "distance")))) %>%
dplyr::arrange(type) %>%
dplyr::filter(used == TRUE) %>%
dplyr::mutate(from_to = stringr::str_c(.$from, .$to, sep = "_"))
# tidyr::gather zamenjeno sa tidyr::pivot_longer
#tidyr::gather(survey.net[[2]] %>% purrr::when(is(., "sf") ~ st_drop_geometry(.), ~.) %>% dplyr::select(from, to, direction, distance), key = type, value = used, -c(from, to)) %>% dplyr::filter(used == TRUE) %>% dplyr::mutate(from_to = str_c(.$from, .$to, sep = "_"))
fix.mat <- !rep(survey.net[[1]]$FIX_2D, each = 2)
stations <- observations %>% dplyr::filter(type == "direction") %>% .$from %>% unique()
if(length(fix.mat) != sum(fix.mat)){
df <- (dim(observations)[1] - (sum(fix.mat) + length(stations))) #abs(diff(dim(A.mat)))
df <- (dim(observations)[1] - (sum(fix.mat) + length(stations))) + 3
max.coord.corr <- 1
iter <- 0
coords.iter_0 <- as.vector(t(cbind(survey.net[[1]]$x, survey.net[[1]]$y)))[fix.mat]
while (max.coord.corr > coord_tolerance && iter < maxiter) {
iter <- iter + 1
coords.iter.inc <- as.vector(t(cbind(survey.net[[1]]$x, survey.net[[1]]$y)))[fix.mat]
A.mat <- Amat(survey.net, units = units)
W.mat <- Wmat(survey.net, sd.apriori = sd.apriori, res.units = units)
rownames(A.mat) <- observations$from_to
colnames(W.mat) <- observations$from_to
rownames(W.mat) <- observations$from_to
# MNK solution
N.mat <- crossprod(A.mat, W.mat) %*% A.mat
Qx.mat <- tryCatch(
x = Qx.mat = solve(N.mat)
error = function(e) {
x = Qx.mat = MASS::ginv(N.mat)
colnames(Qx.mat) <- colnames(N.mat)
rownames(Qx.mat) <- rownames(N.mat)
f.mat <- fmat(survey.net = survey.net, units.dir = units.dir, units.dist = units)
n.mat <- crossprod(A.mat, W.mat) %*% f.mat
x.mat <- -Qx.mat %*% n.mat
v.mat <- A.mat%*%x.mat + f.mat
Ql.mat <- A.mat %*% tcrossprod(Qx.mat, A.mat)
Qv.mat <- solve(W.mat) - Ql.mat
r <- Qv.mat%*%W.mat
coords.est <- coords.iter.inc + x.mat[1:sum(fix.mat)]/res.unit.lookup[units]
survey.net[[1]][!survey.net[[1]]$FIX_2D, c("x", "y")] <- matrix(coords.est, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
survey.net[[1]] <- survey.net[[1]] %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("x","y"), remove = FALSE)
survey.net[[2]]$x_from <- survey.net[[1]]$x[match(survey.net[[2]]$from, survey.net[[1]]$Name)]
survey.net[[2]]$y_from <- survey.net[[1]]$y[match(survey.net[[2]]$from, survey.net[[1]]$Name)]
survey.net[[2]]$x_to <- survey.net[[1]]$x[match(survey.net[[2]]$to, survey.net[[1]]$Name)]
survey.net[[2]]$y_to <- survey.net[[1]]$y[match(survey.net[[2]]$to, survey.net[[1]]$Name)]
survey.net[[2]] <- survey.net[[2]] %>% dplyr::mutate(id = seq.int(nrow(.))) %>% split(., f = as.factor(.$id)) %>%
lapply(., function(row) {lmat <- matrix(unlist(row[c("x_from", "y_from", "x_to", "y_to")]), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
st_linestring(lmat)}) %>%
sf::st_sfc() %>%
sf::st_sf(survey.net[[2]], 'geometry' = .)
max.coord.corr <- max(coords.est-coords.iter.inc)
x.mat <- (coords.est-coords.iter_0)*res.unit.lookup[units] #x.mat[1:sum(fix.mat)]
sd.estimated <- sqrt((crossprod(v.mat, W.mat) %*% v.mat)/(df))
model_adequacy <- model_adequacy_test(sd.apriori, sd.estimated, df, prob = prob)
observations <- survey.net[[2]] %>%
sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
dplyr::select(ID:dh, "Hz", "Vz", "tdh") %>%
purrr::discard(~all(is.na(.x))) %>%
dplyr::right_join(., observations[, c("from", "to", "type")], by = c("from", "to")) %>%
dplyr::arrange(type) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Observations = if_else(type == "distance", paste(HD), paste(HzD, HzM, HzS, sep = " "))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(res = v.mat, f = f.mat, Kl = c(sd.apriori^2)*diag(Ql.mat), Kv = c(sd.apriori^2)*diag(Qv.mat), rii = diag(r) ) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Adj_meas = if_else(type == "direction", Hz + res/dir.unit.lookup[units.dir], HD + res/res.unit.lookup[units])) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Adj_meas = if_else(type == "direction" & Adj_meas < 0, Adj_meas + 360, Adj_meas + 0),
Baarda.test = as.numeric(abs(v.mat)/c(sd.apriori)*(sqrt(diag(Qv.mat))))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(across(.cols = c("res", "f", "Kl", "Kv", "rii", "Baarda.test"), ~round(.x, disp.unit.lookup[units]))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Adj.observations = if_else(type == "distance", paste(HD), dec2dms(Adj_meas)))
if(model_adequacy[[1]] & use.sd.estimated){sigma_apriori <- sd.apriori; sd.apriori <- sd.estimated}
# Results
coords.inc <- data.frame(parameter = colnames(A.mat)[1:sum(fix.mat)], coords.inc = as.numeric(x.mat))
coords.inc <- coords.inc %>%
tidyr::separate(.,col = parameter, into = c("Name", "inc.name"), sep = "_d") %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(., names_from = c(inc.name), values_from = c(coords.inc)) %>%
dplyr::mutate_all(., ~replace(., is.na(.), 0)) %>%
dplyr::rename(dx = x, dy = y)
# TODO: Ovo treba razdvojiti u slucaju da je report ili sp!!!
point.adj.results <- dplyr::left_join(survey.net[[1]], coords.inc, by = "Name") %>%
dplyr::mutate(across(.cols = c("dx", "dy"), ~replace(., is.na(.), 0))) %>%
sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
dplyr::mutate(x0 = x - dx/res.unit.lookup[units], y0 = y - dy/res.unit.lookup[units]) %>%
dplyr::mutate(across(.cols = c("dx", "dy"), ~round(.x, disp.unit.lookup[units]))) %>%
sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("x","y"), remove = FALSE) %>%
dplyr::select(id, Name, x0, y0, dx, dy, x, y, h, FIX_2D, Point_object, geometry)
# TODO: Gubi se projekcija!!!!
# TODO: Srediti oko velikog i malog X i Y.
A.mat <- Amat(survey.net, units = units)
W.mat <- Wmat(survey.net, sd.apriori = sd.apriori)
rownames(A.mat) <- observations$from_to
colnames(W.mat) <- observations$from_to
rownames(W.mat) <- observations$from_to
# MNK solution
N.mat <- crossprod(A.mat, W.mat) %*% A.mat
Qx.mat <- tryCatch(
x = Qx.mat = solve(N.mat)
error = function(e) {
x = Qx.mat = MASS::ginv(N.mat)
colnames(Qx.mat) <- colnames(N.mat)
rownames(Qx.mat) <- rownames(N.mat)
Ql.mat <- A.mat %*% tcrossprod(Qx.mat, A.mat)
Qv.mat <- solve(W.mat) - Ql.mat
r <- Qv.mat%*%W.mat
observations <- observations %>% dplyr::mutate(Kl = c(sd.apriori^2)*diag(Ql.mat), Kv = c(sd.apriori^2)*diag(Qv.mat), rii = diag(r)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~round(.x, disp.unit.lookup[units])))
# Computing error ellipses
Qxy.list <- Qxy(Qx.mat, fix = !survey.net[[1]]$FIX_2D)
ellipses <- lapply(Qxy.list, function(x) error.ellipse(x, prob = prob, sd.apriori = sd.apriori, teta.unit = teta.unit[[1]]))
ellipses <- do.call(rbind, ellipses) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
dplyr::select(A = V1, B = V2, teta = V3) %>%
mutate(Name = used.points) %>%
dplyr::mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~round(.x, disp.unit.lookup[units])))
# Computing parameters sigmas
sigmas <- lapply(Qxy.list, function(x) sigma.xy(x, sd.apriori = sd.apriori)) %>%
do.call(rbind,.) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
dplyr::select(sx = V1, sy = V2) %>% #TODO: proveriti da li ovde treba voditi racuna o redosledu sx i sy.
dplyr::mutate(sp = sqrt(sx^2 + sy^2), Name = used.points) %>%
dplyr::mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~round(.x, disp.unit.lookup[units])))
if(output == "spatial"){
points <- merge(point.adj.results, ellipses, by = "Name") %>% merge(., sigmas) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)
points %<>% sf::st_set_crs(., net.crs)#st_crs(survey.net[[2]]))
points <- merge(sf::st_drop_geometry(point.adj.results), ellipses, by = "Name") %>% merge(., sigmas) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)
if(output == "spatial"){
points <- merge(survey.net[[1]], ellipses, by = "Name") %>% merge(., sigmas) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)
points %<>% sf::st_set_crs(., net.crs)#st_crs(survey.net[[2]]))
points <- merge(sf::st_drop_geometry(survey.net[[1]]), ellipses, by = "Name") %>% merge(., sigmas) %>% dplyr::arrange(id)
if(output == "spatial"){
# Preparing ellipses as separate sf outcome
# TODO Proveriti da li elipse uzimaju definitivne koordinate ili priblizne!
ellipse.net <- do.call(rbind, lapply(split(points, factor(survey.net[[1]]$Name, levels = points$Name)), function(x) sf.ellipse(x, scale = ellipse.scale)))
ellipse.net <- merge(ellipse.net, sigmas)
ellipse.net %<>% sf::st_set_crs(., net.crs)#st_crs(survey.net[[2]]))
points <- list(net.points = points, ellipse.net = ellipse.net)
# ====================================== 1D ====================================
wdh = wdh_model[[1]]
observations <- survey.net[[2]] %>%
purrr::when(is(., "sf") ~ st_drop_geometry(.), ~.) %>%
dplyr::filter(diff_level) %>%
dplyr::select(from, to, dh, all_of(wdh)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(from_to = stringr::str_c(.$from, .$to, sep = "_"))
fix.mat <- !(survey.net[[1]]$FIX_1D)
A.mat <- Amat1D(survey.net)
W.mat <- Wmat1D(survey.net = survey.net, wdh_model = wdh, n0 = 1, res.units = units)
rownames(A.mat) <- observations$from_to
colnames(W.mat) <- observations$from_to
rownames(W.mat) <- observations$from_to
if(length(fix.mat) != sum(fix.mat)){
df <- (dim(observations)[1] - sum(fix.mat)) #abs(diff(dim(A.mat)))
df <- (dim(observations)[1] - sum(fix.mat)) + 1
# MNK solution
N.mat <- crossprod(A.mat, W.mat) %*% A.mat
Qx.mat <- tryCatch(
x = Qx.mat = solve(N.mat)
error = function(e) {
x = Qx.mat = MASS::ginv(N.mat)
colnames(Qx.mat) <- colnames(N.mat)
rownames(Qx.mat) <- rownames(N.mat)
Ql.mat <- A.mat %*% tcrossprod(Qx.mat, A.mat)
Qv.mat <- solve(W.mat) - Ql.mat
r <- Qv.mat%*%W.mat
max.coord.corr <- 1
iter <- 0
coords.iter_0 <- as.vector(survey.net[[1]]$h)[fix.mat]
while (max.coord.corr > coord_tolerance && iter < maxiter) {
iter <- iter + 1
coords.iter.inc <- survey.net[[1]]$h[fix.mat]
f.mat <- fmat1D(survey.net = survey.net, units = units)
n.mat <- crossprod(A.mat, W.mat) %*% f.mat
x.mat <- -Qx.mat %*% n.mat
v.mat <- A.mat%*%x.mat + f.mat
survey.net[[1]]$h[fix.mat] <- survey.net[[1]]$h[fix.mat] + x.mat/res.unit.lookup[units]
max.coord.corr <- max(abs(survey.net[[1]]$h[fix.mat]-coords.iter.inc))
x.mat <- x.mat[1:sum(fix.mat)] #
h.inc <- (survey.net[[1]]$h[fix.mat]-coords.iter_0)*res.unit.lookup[units]
sd.estimated <- sqrt((crossprod(v.mat, W.mat) %*% v.mat)/(df))
sd.apriori <- sd.apriori/(1000/res.unit.lookup[units])
model_adequacy <- model_adequacy_test(sd.apriori, sd.estimated, df, prob = prob)
if(use.sd.estimated){sigma_apriori <- sd.apriori; sd.apriori <- sd.estimated}
# Results
h.inc <- data.frame(Name = as.character(colnames(A.mat)), dh = as.numeric(h.inc), sd_h = c(sd.apriori)*sqrt(diag(Qx.mat)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
points <- dplyr::left_join(survey.net[[1]], h.inc, by = "Name") %>%
dplyr::mutate(across(.cols = c("dh", "sd_h"), ~replace(., is.na(.), 0))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(h0 = h - dh/res.unit.lookup[units]) %>%
dplyr::mutate(across(.cols = c("dh"), ~round(.x, disp.unit.lookup[units]))) %>%
dplyr::select(id, Name, x, y, h0, dh, h, sd_h, FIX_1D, Point_object)
observations <- observations %>%
dplyr::mutate(residuals = as.numeric(v.mat),
adj.dh = dh + residuals/res.unit.lookup[units],
f = f.mat, Kl = c(sd.apriori^2)*diag(Ql.mat),
Kv = c(sd.apriori^2)*diag(Qv.mat), rii = diag(r),
Baarda.test = as.numeric(abs(v.mat)/c(sd.apriori)*(sqrt(diag(Qv.mat))))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(across(.cols = c("residuals", "f", "Kl", "Kv", "rii", "Baarda.test"), ~round(.x, disp.unit.lookup[units])))
h.inc <- data.frame(Name = as.character(colnames(A.mat)), sd_h = c(sd.apriori)*sqrt(diag(Qx.mat)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
points <- dplyr::left_join(survey.net[[1]], h.inc, by = "Name") %>%
dplyr::mutate(across(.cols = c("sd_h"), ~replace(., is.na(.), 0))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(across(.cols = c("sd_h"), ~round(.x, disp.unit.lookup[units]))) %>%
dplyr::select(id, Name, x, y, h, sd_h, FIX_1D, Point_object)
observations <- observations %>%
dplyr::mutate(Kl = c(sd.apriori^2)*diag(Ql.mat),
Kv = c(sd.apriori^2)*diag(Qv.mat),
rii = diag(r)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~round(.x, disp.unit.lookup[units])))
matrices = list(A = A.mat, W = W.mat, Qx = Qx.mat, Ql = Ql.mat, Qv = Qv.mat, f = f.mat)
matrices = list(A = A.mat, W = W.mat, Qx = Qx.mat, Ql = Ql.mat, Qv = Qv.mat)
if(output == "spatial"){
if(sum(rowSums(is.na(survey.net[[1]][, c("x", "y")])) != 0) == 0){
observations <- observations %>%
dplyr::mutate(x_from = survey.net[[1]]$x[match(observations$from, survey.net[[1]]$Name)],
y_from = survey.net[[1]]$y[match(observations$from, survey.net[[1]]$Name)],
x_to = survey.net[[1]]$x[match(observations$to, survey.net[[1]]$Name)],
y_to = survey.net[[1]]$y[match(observations$to, survey.net[[1]]$Name)])
observations <- observations %>%
dplyr::mutate(id = seq.int(nrow(.))) %>%
split(., f = as.factor(.$id)) %>%
lapply(., function(row) {lmat <- matrix(unlist(row[c("x_from", "y_from", "x_to", "y_to")]), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
st_linestring(lmat)}) %>%
sf::st_sfc() %>%
sf::st_sf('ID' = seq.int(nrow(observations)), observations, 'geometry' = .) %>%
dplyr::select(-c(x_from, y_from, x_to, y_to))
observations %<>% sf::st_set_crs(.,net.crs)#st_crs(survey.net[[2]]))
if(dim_type == "2D"){
Adjustment_summary = list(Type = if(sum(!fix.mat) == 0){"inner constrained"}else{"constrained"},
Dimensions = dim_type,
"Fixed points" = if(sum(survey.net[[1]]$FIX_2D) != 0){survey.net[[1]]$Name[survey.net[[1]]$FIX_2D]}else{"None"},
"Number of stations" = length(stations),
"Number of Directions" = sum(observations$type == "direction"),
"Number of Distances" = sum(observations$type == "distance"),
"Unknown coordinates" = sum(fix.mat),
"Unknown orientations" = observations %>% dplyr::filter(type == "direction") %>% .$from %>% unique(.) %>% length(),
"Degrees of freedom" = df,
"Number of iterations" = iter,
"Max.coordinate correction in last iteration:" = max.coord.corr,
"sigma apriori" = if(model_adequacy[[1]] & use.sd.estimated){sigma_apriori}else{sd.apriori},
"sigma aposteriori" = sd.estimated,
"Testing Probability" = prob,
"F-test" = model_adequacy[[2]],
"Crital value F-test" = model_adequacy[[3]],
"Test decision" = model_adequacy[[4]])
results <- list(Summary = Adjustment_summary, Points = points, Observations = observations %>% dplyr::select(ID, from, to, type, Observations, residuals = res, Adj.observations, Kl, Kv, rii, Baarda.test), Matrices = matrices)
Adjustment_summary = list(Type = if(sum(!fix.mat) == 0){"inner constrained"}else{"constrained"},
Dimensions = dim_type,
"Fixed points" = if(sum(survey.net[[1]]$FIX_2D) != 0){survey.net[[1]]$Name[survey.net[[1]]$FIX_2D]}else{"None"},
"Number of stations" = length(stations),
Directions = sum(observations$type == "direction"),
Distances = sum(observations$type == "distance"),
"Unknown coordinates" = sum(fix.mat),
"Unknown orientations" = observations %>% dplyr::filter(type == "direction") %>% .$from %>% unique(.) %>% length(),
"Degrees of freedom" = df,
"sigma apriori" = sd.apriori)
results <- list(Summary = Adjustment_summary, Points = points, Observations = observations, Matrices = matrices)
Adjustment_summary = list(Type = if(sum(!fix.mat) == 0){"inner constrained"}else{"constrained"},
Dimensions = dim_type,
"Fixed points" = if(sum(survey.net[[1]]$FIX_1D) != 0){survey.net[[1]]$Name[survey.net[[1]]$FIX_1D]}else{"None"},
"Weightening model" = wdh_model[[1]],
"Number of measured height differences" = dim(observations)[1],
"Unknown heights" = sum(fix.mat),
"Degrees of freedom" = df,
"Number of iterations" = iter,
"Max.coordinate correction in last iteration:" = max.coord.corr,
"sigma apriori" = if(model_adequacy[[1]] & use.sd.estimated){sigma_apriori}else{sd.apriori},
"sigma aposteriori" = sd.estimated,
"Testing Probability" = prob,
"F-test" = model_adequacy[[2]],
"Crital value F-test" = model_adequacy[[3]],
"Test decision" = model_adequacy[[4]])
results <- list(Summary = Adjustment_summary, Points = points, Observations = observations, Matrices = matrices)
Adjustment_summary = list(Type = if(sum(!fix.mat) == 0){"inner constrained"}else{"constrained"},
Dimensions = dim_type,
"Fixed points" = if(sum(survey.net[[1]]$FIX_1D) != 0){survey.net[[1]]$Name[survey.net[[1]]$FIX_1D]}else{"None"},
"Weightening model" = wdh_model,
"Number of measured height differences" = dim(observations)[1],
"Unknown heights" = sum(fix.mat),
"Degrees of freedom" = df)
#"Number of iterations" = iter,
#"Max.height correction in last iteration:" = max.coord.corr,
#"sigma apriori" = sigma_apriori,
#"sigma aposteriori" = sd.estimated,
#"Testing Probability" = prob,
#"F-test" = model_adequacy[[2]],
#"Crital value F-test" = model_adequacy[[3]],
#"Test decision" = model_adequacy[[4]])
results <- list(Summary = Adjustment_summary, Points = points, Observations = observations, Matrices = matrices)
results <- results[-4]
results <- results
# plot_surveynet
# Function for data geovisualisation trough package ggplot2 and mapview
# Parameters:
# 1. snet - object from function read_surveynet (can be NULL)
# 2. snet.adj - object from function adjust.snet (can be NULL)
# 3. webmap - plot 2d net using mapview package
# 4. net.1D - 2d net indicator
# 5. net.2D - 1d net indicator
# 6. ellipse.scale - criteria argument
# 7. result.units - criteria argument
# 8. sp_bound - criteria argument
# 9. rii_bound - criteria argument
# snet = dns.snet
# snet = brana.snet
# net.2D = TRUE
# snet.adj = brana.snet.adj
plot_surveynet <- function(snet = NULL, snet.adj = NULL, webmap = FALSE, net.1D = FALSE, net.2D = FALSE, ellipse.scale = 10, result.units = "mm", sp_bound = 2, rii_bound = 0.3, epsg = 3857){
points <- snet$points
observations <- snet$observations
if(net.2D == TRUE) {
points %<>% dplyr::mutate(Point_type = dplyr::case_when(Point_object == FALSE ~ "Geodetic network",
Point_object == TRUE ~ "Points at object"))
observations %<>% dplyr::mutate(Observation_type = dplyr::case_when(distance == TRUE & direction == FALSE ~ "Distance",
distance == FALSE & direction == TRUE ~ "Direction",
distance == TRUE & direction == TRUE ~ "Both",
distance == FALSE & direction == FALSE ~ "None"))
if(webmap == TRUE){
if(is.na(sf::st_crs(points)) == TRUE) {
points %<>% sf::st_set_crs(., epsg)
if(is.na(sf::st_crs(observations)) == TRUE) {
observations %<>% sf::st_set_crs(., epsg)
points <- st_transform(points, epsg)
observations <- st_transform(observations, epsg)
webmap.net <- mapview(points, zcol = "Point_type", col.regions = c("red","grey")) + mapview(observations, zcol = "Observation_type")
} else {
plot.net <- ggplot() +
geom_sf(data=observations, aes(color = Observation_type),size=0.5,stroke=0.5)+
geom_sf(data=points, aes(fill = Point_type), shape = 24, size=2, stroke=0.5) +
geom_sf_text(data=points, aes(label=Name,hjust = 1.5, vjust =1.5))+
xlab("\nEasting [m or °]") +
ylab("Northing [m or °]\n") +
labs(subtitle = "Points and Observational plan")+
guides(col = guide_legend())+
theme(legend.position = 'bottom')
if(net.1D == TRUE){
observations %<>% dplyr::mutate(from_to = paste(from, to, sep = "-"))
observations$id <- row_number(observations$from_to)
p.plot <- ggplotly(ggplot()+
geom_point(data = points,
aes(x = id,
y = h,
colour = h))+
geom_ribbon(data = points,
aes(x = id,
ymin = mean(h),
ymax = h),
geom_text(data = points,
aes(x = id,
y = h,
nudge_x = 0,
nudge_y = 0.55)+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(round(min(points$h)-sd(points$h),0), round(max(points$h)+sd(points$h),0)),
breaks = seq(round(min(points$h)-sd(points$h),0), round(max(points$h)+sd(points$h),0),
by = 1))+
xlab("ID") +
ylab("h [m]") +
labs(colour = "h [m]")+
# max(points$h)+sd(points$h)),
showlegend = T
o.plot <- ggplotly(
geom_point(data = observations,
aes(x = id,
y = dh,
colour = dh))+
geom_area(data = observations,
aes(x = id,
y = dh),fill="blue", alpha=.2)+
geom_text(data = observations,
aes(x = id,
y = dh,
label = from_to),
nudge_x = 0,
nudge_y = 0.03)+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(round(min(observations$dh)-sd(observations$dh), 0), round( max(observations$dh)+sd(observations$dh),0)),
breaks = seq(round(min(observations$dh)-sd(observations$dh), 0), round( max(observations$dh)+sd(observations$dh),0),
by = 0.5))+
xlab("ID") +
ylab("dh [m]") +
labs(colour = "dh [m]")+
# max(observations$dh)+sd(observations$dh)),
showlegend = T
plot.1d.net <- plotly::subplot(style(p.plot, showlegend = FALSE),
style(o.plot, showlegend = TRUE),
nrows = 2,
shareX = FALSE,
shareY = FALSE,
titleX = TRUE,
titleY = TRUE)
p.plot <- ggplotly(ggplot()+
geom_point(data = points,
aes(x = id,
y = h,
colour = h))+
geom_ribbon(data = points,
aes(x = id,
ymin = mean(h),
ymax = h),
geom_text(data = points,
aes(x = id,
y = h,
nudge_x = 0,
nudge_y = 0.55)+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(round(min(points$h)-sd(points$h),0), round(max(points$h)+sd(points$h),0)),
breaks = seq(round(min(points$h)-sd(points$h),0), round(max(points$h)+sd(points$h),0),
by = 1))+
xlab("ID") +
ylab("h [m]") +
labs(colour = "h [m]")+
showlegend = T
if(net.2D == TRUE) {
points <- snet.adj$Points$net.points
observations <- snet.adj$Observations
ellipses <- snet.adj$Points$ellipse.net
if(webmap == TRUE){
if(is.na(sf::st_crs(points)) == TRUE) {
points %<>% sf::st_set_crs(., epsg)
if(is.na(sf::st_crs(observations)) == TRUE) {
observations %<>% sf::st_set_crs(., epsg)
if(is.na(sf::st_crs(ellipses)) == TRUE) {
ellipses %<>% sf::st_set_crs(., epsg)
points %<>% sf::st_transform(., epsg)
observations %<>% sf::st_transform(., epsg)
ellipses %<>% sf::st_transform(., epsg)
points %<>% dplyr::mutate(Point_type = dplyr::case_when(Point_object == FALSE ~ "Geodetic network",
Point_object == TRUE ~ "Points at object"))
ellipses %<>% dplyr::mutate(fill = dplyr::case_when(
sp < sp_bound ~ paste("<",sp_bound),
sp > sp_bound ~ paste(">",sp_bound),
sp == sp_bound ~ paste("=",sp_bound)))
observations %<>% dplyr::mutate(fill = dplyr::case_when(
rii < rii_bound ~ paste("<",rii_bound),
rii > rii_bound ~ paste(">",rii_bound),
rii == rii_bound ~ paste("=",rii_bound)
pink2 = colorRampPalette(c('deeppink', 'orange'))
observation.dir <- observations %>%
dplyr::filter(type == "direction")
observation.dis <- observations %>%
dplyr::filter(type == "distance")
if(length(observation.dis$ID) == 0){
webmap.net.adj <- mapview(points, zcol = "Point_type", col.regions = c("red","grey"), layer.name = "Points_type") +
mapview(ellipses, zcol = "fill", col.regions = c("yellow", "red"), layer.name = paste("StDev Position [",result.units,"]", sep = ""))+ #+
#mapview(observations, zcol = "fill", color = c("red", "orange"), layer.name = "Reliability measure rii [/]")+
mapview(observation.dir, zcol = "fill", color = pink2, layer.name = "Reliability measure rii [/] - direction") # , at = seq(0,1,rii_bound)
}else if(length(observation.dir$ID) == 0){
webmap.net.adj <- mapview(points, zcol = "Point_type", col.regions = c("red","grey"), layer.name = "Points_type") +
mapview(ellipses, zcol = "fill", col.regions = c("yellow", "red"), layer.name = paste("StDev Position [",result.units,"]", sep = ""))+ #+
#mapview(observations, zcol = "fill", color = c("red", "orange"), layer.name = "Reliability measure rii [/]")+
mapview(observation.dis, zcol = "fill", color = pink2, layer.name = "Reliability measure rii [/] - distance") # , at = seq(0,1,rii_bound)
webmap.net.adj <- mapview(points, zcol = "Point_type", col.regions = c("red","grey"), layer.name = "Points_type") +
mapview(ellipses, zcol = "fill", col.regions = c("yellow", "red"), layer.name = paste("StDev Position [",result.units,"]", sep = ""))+ #+
#mapview(observations, zcol = "fill", color = c("red", "orange"), layer.name = "Reliability measure rii [/]")+
mapview(observation.dir, zcol = "fill", color = pink2, layer.name = "Reliability measure rii [/] - direction")+ # , at = seq(0,1,rii_bound)
mapview(observation.dis, zcol = "fill", color = pink2, layer.name = "Reliability measure rii [/] - distance") # , at = seq(0,1,rii_bound)
# webmap.net.adj <- mapview(points, zcol = "Point_type", col.regions = c("red","grey"), layer.name = "Points_type") +
# mapview(ellipses, zcol = "fill", col.regions = c("yellow", "red"), layer.name = paste("StDev Position [",result.units,"]", sep = ""))+ #+
# #mapview(observations, zcol = "fill", color = c("red", "orange"), layer.name = "Reliability measure rii [/]")+
# mapview(observation.dir, zcol = "fill", color = pink2, at = seq(0,1,rii_bound), layer.name = "Reliability measure rii [/] - direction")+
# mapview(observation.dis, zcol = "fill", color = pink2, at = seq(0,1,rii_bound), layer.name = "Reliability measure rii [/] - distance")
} else {
ellipses %<>% dplyr::rename(`StDev Position` = sp)
adj.net_plot <- ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = observations)+
geom_sf(data=ellipses, aes(fill = `StDev Position`))+
geom_sf_text(data=ellipses, aes(label=Name,hjust = 1.5, vjust = 1.5))+
xlab("\nEasting [m or °]") +
ylab("Northing [m or °]\n") +
labs(subtitle = "Adjusted observational plan - net quality",
caption = paste("Ellipse scale = ", ellipse.scale))+
guides(col = guide_legend())+
theme(legend.position = 'bottom')
if(net.1D == TRUE){
points <- snet.adj$Points
observations <- snet.adj$Observations
observations$id <- row_number(observations$from_to)
p.plot <- plotly::ggplotly(ggplot()+
geom_crossbar(data = points,
aes(x = id,
y = h,
ymin = h-sd(h)/2,
ymax = h+sd(h)/2,
fill = sd(h)), fatten = 0)+
geom_point(data = points,
aes(x = id,
y = h,
colour = h))+
geom_ribbon(data = points,
aes(x = id,
ymin = mean(h),
ymax = h),fill="blue", alpha=.2)+
geom_text(data=points, aes(x = id, y = h, label=Name), nudge_x = 0, nudge_y = 0.55)+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(round(min(points$h)-sd(points$h),0), round(max(points$h)+sd(points$h),0)),
breaks = seq(round(min(points$h)-sd(points$h),0), round(max(points$h)+sd(points$h),0),
by = 1))+
xlab("ID") +
ylab("h [m]") +
labs(colour = "h [m]", fill = "sd_h [m]")+
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank()),#+
# max(points$h)+sd(points$h)),
showlegend = TRUE
o.plot <- ggplotly(
geom_point(data = observations,
aes(x = id,
y = dh,
colour = dh))+
geom_area(data = observations,
aes(x = id,
y = dh),fill="blue", alpha=.2)+
high="red", guide = FALSE)+
geom_text(data=observations, aes(x = id, y = dh, label=from_to), nudge_x = 0, nudge_y = 0.03)+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(round(min(observations$dh)-sd(observations$dh), 0), round( max(observations$dh)+sd(observations$dh),0)),
breaks = seq(round(min(observations$dh)-sd(observations$dh), 0), round( max(observations$dh)+sd(observations$dh),0),
by = 0.05))+
xlab("ID") +
ylab("Residuals [mm]") +
labs(colour = "Residuals [mm]")+
# max(observations$f)+sd(observations$f)),
showlegend = TRUE
plot.1d.net <- plotly::subplot(style(p.plot, showlegend = FALSE),
style(o.plot, showlegend = TRUE),
nrows = 2,
shareX = FALSE,
shareY = FALSE,
titleX = TRUE,
titleY = TRUE)
plot.1d.net <- ggplotly(ggplot()+
geom_crossbar(data = points,
aes(x = id,
y = h,
ymin = h-sd(h)/2,
ymax = h+sd(h)/2,
fill = sd(h)), fatten = 0)+
geom_point(data = points,
aes(x = id,
y = h,
colour = h))+
geom_ribbon(data = points,
aes(x = id,
ymin = mean(h),
ymax = h), fill = "blue", alpha=.2)+
geom_text(data=points, aes(x = id, y = h, label=Name), nudge_x = 0, nudge_y = 0.55)+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(round(min(points$h)-sd(points$h),0), round(max(points$h)+sd(points$h),0)),
breaks = seq(round(min(points$h)-sd(points$h),0), round(max(points$h)+sd(points$h),0),
by = 1))+
xlab("ID") +
ylab("h [m]") +
labs(colour = "h [m]", fill = "sd_h [m]")+
# max(points$h)+sd(points$h)),
showlegend = TRUE
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.