#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
## Copyright (C) 2018 by Per Unneberg
## Author: Per Unneberg
## Description:
## Calculate genome statistics for a vcf file with PopGenome
spec <- matrix(
c("help" , "h", 0, "logical",
"scaffold" , "s", 1, "character",
"vcf" , "v", 1, "character",
"gff" , "a", 1, "character",
"metadata" , "m", 1, "character",
"windowsize" , "w", 2, "integer",
"wdir" , "d", 2, "character",
"outfile" , "o", 2, "character",
"cpus" , "c", 2, "integer"),
ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
opt <- getopt(spec)
## if help was asked for print a friendly message
## and exit with a non-zero error code
if ( !is.null(opt$help) ) {
cat(getopt(spec, usage = TRUE))
q(status = 1)
## Setup analysis
curdir <- getwd()
if (is.null(opt$windowsize)){
opt$windowsize <- 100000
if (is.null(opt$cpus)){
opt$cpus <- 1
if (!is.null(opt$wdir)){
wdir <- file.path(curdir, opt$wdir)
message("Setting working directory to ", wdir)
if (!dir.exists(wdir)) {
dir.create(wdir, recursive = TRUE)
## Load parallel package if cpus > 1
if (opt$cpus > 1) {
# Get length of scaffold
ln <- as.numeric(gsub(".*length=(\\d+).*", "\\1", system(paste0("bcftools view -h ", opt$vcf, " | grep \"ID=", opt$scaffold, ",\""), intern=TRUE)))
message("Inferred scaffold length: ", ln)
if (is.na(ln))
warning("cannot infer scaffold length")
# Get samples present in vcf
samples <- system(paste0("bcftools query -l ", opt$vcf), intern=TRUE)
## Read sample metadata file and group samples by population
message("Reading sample metadata file ", opt$metadata)
metadata.df <- read.csv(opt$metadata, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
metadata.df <- subset(metadata.df, SM %in% samples)
if (!("POOL" %in% colnames(metadata.df)))
metadata.df$POOL <- FALSE
metadata.list <- as.list(subset(metadata.df, POOL == "False")[, c("SM", "POP")] %>% mutate(i=unlist(lapply(as.list(table(POP)), seq))) %>% spread(POP, SM) %>% select(-i))
populations.list <- lapply(names(metadata.list), function(x){as.vector(na.omit(metadata.list[[x]]))})
names(populations.list) <- names(metadata.list)
load_data <- function(scaffold) {
message(paste("\nloading scaffold ", scaffold))
## Check whether scaffold exists
gff_file <- opt$gff
if (!scaffold %in% levels(gff.scaffolds$V1)) {{
message(paste("Scaffold ", scaffold, " not in gff scaffolds; setting to FALSE"))
gff_file <- FALSE
## Get length from vcf
message("Opening vcf file ", opt$vcf)
vcf <- tryCatch({
vcf <-readVCF(opt$vcf, 1000, frompos = 1, topos = ln,
tid = as.character(scaffold), gffpath = gff_file)
}, error = function(err) {
message(paste0("readVCF failed for scaffold ", scaffold, " returning NA"))
return (NA)
message("successfully read vcf: ", opt$vcf)
if (inherits(vcf, "GENOME")) {
message("Setting region names and populations")
vcf@region.names <- as.character(scaffold)
vcf <- set.populations(vcf, populations.list, diploid = TRUE)
## Read gff file
message("Reading annotation file ", opt$gff)
gff.scaffolds <- read.table(opt$gff, sep = "\t",
colClasses = c("factor", rep("NULL", 8)))
## Load data
if (opt$cpus > 1) {
message("loading data in parallel...")
GENOME.classes <- parallel::mclapply(as.list(opt$scaffold),
mc.cores = opt$cpus-1,
mc.silent = TRUE,
mc.preschedule = TRUE)
} else {
message("loading data...")
GENOME.classes <- lapply(as.list(opt$scaffold),
## Concatenate data if more than one
message("Setting GENOME.class from GENOME.classes, length ",
if (length(GENOME.classes) > 1) {
message("Concatenate data")
GENOME.class <- concatenate.classes(GENOME.classes)
} else {
message("Setting GENOME.class to first (and only) element in GENOME.classes")
GENOME.class <- GENOME.classes[[1]]
if (inherits(GENOME.class, "GENOME")) {
message("Setting populations on big class: ", toString(populations.list))
GENOME.class <- set.populations(GENOME.class, populations.list, diploid = TRUE)
message("\nCalculating stats for GENOME.class")
GENOME.class <- genomewide.stats(GENOME.class)
} else {
message("Class of GENOME.class: ", class(GENOME.class))
## Provide sliding window
message("Preparing windows")
if (ln >= opt$windowsize & !is.na(GENOME.class)) {
GENOME.class.slide <- tryCatch({
GENOME.class.slide <- sliding.window.transform(GENOME.class,
type = 2, whole.data = FALSE)
## Calculate statistics
message("\nCalculating stats for GENOME.class.slide")
GENOME.class.slide <- genomewide.stats(GENOME.class.slide)
}, error = function(err) {
message(paste0("Failed to create window size ", opt$windowsize, " for scaffold ", opt$scaffold, ", length ", ln))
} else {
message("Scaffold too short for window analysis")
GENOME.class.slide <- NA
## Finally save the output
message("Saving GENOME.class and GENOME.class.slide")
save(GENOME.class, GENOME.class.slide, file = opt$outfile)
## Cd back to original directory
message("cd back to ", curdir)
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