
# benchmarking map_nodes_ott
load(data - raw / opentree_chronograms_oct2018.rda)
# preliminary assessment:
tot_time_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(opentree_chronograms$trees))
for (i in seq(opentree_chronograms$trees)) {
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  map_nodes_ott(tree = opentree_chronograms$trees[[i]])
  tot_time_list[[i]] <- Sys.time() - start_time
save(tot_time_list, file = "data-raw/benchmark/opentree_chronograms/bm_map_nodes_ott-tot_time_list.rda")
# plot preliminary assessment:
load(file = "data-raw/bm_map_nodes_ott-tot_time_list.rda")
ii <- sapply(seq(opentree_chronograms$trees), function(x) {
  any(grepl("not.mapped", opentree_chronograms$trees[[x]]$tip.label))
oo <- opentree_chronograms$trees[!ii]
tt <- tot_time_list[!ii]
table(unname(sapply(oo, ape::Ntip)))
dimnames(table(unname(sapply(oo, ape::Ntip))))
tip_number <- as.numeric(names(table(unname(sapply(oo, ape::Ntip)))))
frequency <- table(unname(sapply(oo, ape::Ntip)))
  x = tip_number,
  y = frequency, main = "Frequency of tip number in cached Opentree chronograms"
  x = log(tip_number),
  y = frequency, main = "Frequency of tip number in cached Opentree chronograms"
hist(table(unname(sapply(oo, ape::Ntip)))) # 18 chronograms have 72 tips
unique(names(oo[sapply(oo, ape::Ntip) == 72])) # belonging to only 2 studies
table(unname(sapply(oo, ape::Ntip)))
  x = unname(sapply(oo, ape::Ntip)), y = tt,
  main = "map_nodes_ott running time by tip number",
  xlab = "Tip number", ylab = "Run time"
  x = log(unname(sapply(oo, ape::Ntip))), y = tt,
  main = "map_nodes_ott running time by tip number",
  xlab = "log(Tip number)", ylab = "Run time"
tt[which(tt > 20)]
oo[which(tt > 20)]
oo[which(unname(sapply(oo, ape::Ntip)) > 4000)]
oo[unname(sapply(oo, ape::Ntip)) > 1000]
# Preliminary assessment summary:
# Three chronograms with ~4k tips took the most time (around 50s each to finish running map_nodes_ott)
# this is interesting bc chronograms with waymore tips (~80k) did not take as much.
# I decided to microbenchmark with one chrrnogram per tip number cohort.
# For most cohorts there's only one chronogram.
# The following cohorts have more than one chronogram. In these cases only the first one has chosen for microbenchmarking.
# Tip number cohorts with more than one chronogram:
onesies <- oo[!duplicated(unname(sapply(oo, ape::Ntip)))] # leave one chronogram for each tip number cohort
onesies <- onesies[order(sapply(onesies, ape::Ntip))]
length(onesies) # 138
mbm <- c()
for (i in seq(onesies)) {
  mm <- microbenchmark(map_nodes_ott(tree = onesies[[i]]), times = 100L)
  levels(mm$expr)[1] <- paste(ape::Ntip(onesies[[i]]), "tips")
  mbm <- rbind(mbm, mm)
save(mbm, file = "data-raw/bm_map_nodes_ott-mbm.rda")
x <- runif(100)
benchmark <- microbenchmark(

#' Plot a microbenchmark object with ggplot, with time in y axis
#' @param file
#' @examples
# plot_runtime(file = "data-raw/benchmark/opentree_chronograms/bm_map_nodes_ott-mbm.pdf", benchmark = mbm,
# xlabel = "Number of tips in chronogram", ylabel = "Time (milliseconds)",
# xticks_angle = 90, xticks_breaks = , xticks_labels = ,
# yticks_breaks = c(1e+03, 1e+04, 3e+04, 6e+04), yticks_labels = )
# levels(mbm$expr)
# class(mbm$time)
# attributes(mbm)
# is.numeric(NULL)
# microbenchmark:::autoplot.microbenchmark(mbm)
plot_runtime <- function(file = NULL, width = 6, height = 3, benchmark = NULL,
                         ymin = 0, ymax = 2000,
                         xlabel = "Independent var", ylabel = "Dependent var",
                         xticks_angle = NULL, xticks_labels = NULL, xticks_breaks = NULL,
                         yticks_angle = NULL, yticks_labels = NULL, yticks_breaks = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(file)) {
    pdf(file = file, width = width, height = height)
  plt <- ggplot2::ggplot(benchmark, ggplot2::aes_string(x = names(benchmark)[1], y = names(benchmark)[2]))
  # to change the span of time when plotting several things, not needed for now:
  if (!"expr" %in% names(benchmark)) {
    plt <- plt + ggplot2::coord_cartesian(ylim = c(ymin, ymax))
  plt <- plt + ggplot2::stat_ydensity()
  plt <- plt + ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(
    name = xlabel, if (!is.null(xticks_breaks)) {
      breaks <- xticks_breaks
    if (!is.null(xticks_labels)) {
      labels <- xticks_labels
  if (is.numeric(xticks_angle)) {
    plt <- plt + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = xticks_angle, size = 5), legend.position = "none")
  plt <- plt + ggplot2::scale_y_log10(name = ylabel)
  if (!is.null(file)) {
  } else {
phylotastic/datelife documentation built on June 9, 2024, 6:50 p.m.