#' Merge GAMS code into single file
#' This function merges GAMS code which is distributed over severals files into
#' a single GAMS file. Optionally, it also embeds R scripts into the single GAMS
#' file
#' @param modelpath The path where the model is stored
#' @param mainfile The path to the main gams file (relative to the model path)
#' @param output Name of the single output GAMS file.
#' @param embedRScripts If TRUE, R scripts called by GAMS via Execute are also embedded. Default FALSE
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich, Anastasis Giannousakis
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @examples
#' # copy dummymodel create single gms file out of it
#' file.copy(system.file("dummymodel", package = "gms"), tempdir(), recursive = TRUE)
#' model <- paste0(tempdir(), "/dummymodel")
#' singlefile <- paste0(tempdir(), "/full.gms")
#' singleGAMSfile(modelpath = model, output = singlefile)
singleGAMSfile <- function(modelpath = ".", mainfile = "main.gms", output = "full.gms", embedRScripts = FALSE) {
.insertIncludeFile <- function(code, i, path) {
path <- gsub(";", "", path)
if (file.exists(path)) {
includeFileContent <- suppressWarnings(readLines(path))
if (i < length(code)) {
remainder <- code[(i + 1):length(code)]
} else {
remainder <- NULL
code <- c(code[1:(i - 1)], paste0("*", code[i], " DONE!"), includeFileContent, remainder)
} else {
stop("Include file ", path, " could not be found!")
.mergeGamsFiles <- function(mainfile) {
code <- readLines(mainfile, warn = FALSE)
code <- c("* #### CODE MERGED WITH FUNCTION gms::singleGAMSfile ####", "", code)
setglobals <- list()
i <- 1
repeat {
# find first include batinclude or setglobal command which was not handled yet
i <- grep("^([^\\*].*\\$|\\$)((bat)?include|setglobal)", tail(code, -i), ignore.case = TRUE)[1] + i
if (is.na(i)) break
# check what type of command it is
if (length(grep("^\\$setglobal", code[i], ignore.case = TRUE)) == 1) {
# store global variable in setglobals list
tmp <- strsplit(code[i], " +")[[1]]
if (length(grep("%", tmp[3])) == 1) {
setglobals[[tmp[2]]] <- batincludeArguments[as.integer(sub("%", "", tmp[3]))]
} else {
setglobals[[tmp[2]]] <- tmp[3]
} else if (length(grep("^\\$include", code[i], ignore.case = TRUE)) == 1) {
p <- gsub("\\\"", "", strsplit(code[i], " +")[[1]][2])
code <- .insertIncludeFile(code, i, p)
} else if (length(grep("^\\$if exist.*\\$include", code[i], ignore.case = TRUE)) == 1) {
p <- gsub("\\\"", "", strsplit(code[i], " +")[[1]][5])
if (file.exists(p)) {
code <- .insertIncludeFile(code, i, p)
} else {
code[i] <- paste0("*", code[i], " CONDITION WAS NEGATIVE!")
} else if (length(grep("^\\$batinclude", code[i], ignore.case = TRUE)) == 1) {
tmp <- strsplit(code[i], " +")[[1]]
p <- gsub("\\\"", "", tmp[2])
batincludeArguments <- tail(tmp, -2)
code <- .insertIncludeFile(code, i, p)
} else if (length(grep("^\\$if setglobal", code[i], ignore.case = TRUE)) == 1) {
tmp <- strsplit(code[i], " +")[[1]]
var <- tmp[3]
if (var %in% names(setglobals)) {
p <- gsub("\\\"", "", tmp[5])
code <- .insertIncludeFile(code, i, p)
} else {
code[i] <- paste0("*", code[i], " CONDITION WAS NEGATIVE!")
} else if (length(grep("^\\$(Ifi|if)", code[i], ignore.case = TRUE)) == 1) {
tmp <- strsplit(code[i], " +")[[1]]
var <- gsub("(\\\"|%)", "", tmp[2])
val <- gsub("(\\\"|%)", "", tmp[4])
if (is.null(setglobals[[var]])) {
warning("No value set for $setglobal \"", var, "\"! Value is set to \"MISSING\"!")
setglobals[[var]] <- "MISSING"
if (setglobals[[var]] == val) {
p <- gsub("\\\"", "", tmp[6])
code <- .insertIncludeFile(code, i, p)
} else {
code[i] <- paste0("*", code[i], " CONDITION WAS NEGATIVE!")
} else {
warning("Catched a command which could not be translated (", code[i], ")")
.embedRScripts <- function(code) {
i <- 1
repeat {
pattern <- "^(execute(.async)?(.checkErrorLevel)?)\\s+\"Rscript (.*)\";"
# find first execute command for an Rscript which was not handled yet
i <- grep(pattern, tail(code, -i), ignore.case = TRUE)[1] + i
if (is.na(i)) break
# extract R script file name and execute command
executeCommand <- sub(pattern, "\\1", code[i], ignore.case = TRUE)
rFileName <- sub(pattern, "\\4", code[i], ignore.case = TRUE)
# check if R script is included in core or a module
if ((substr(rFileName, 0, 4) == "core" | substr(rFileName, 0, 7) == "modules") & file.exists(rFileName)) {
# embed the R script using $onecho and $offecho
# we also replace the "Execute" call so that it finds the script at the position it is written by $onecho
newRFileName <- gsub("[\\/]", "_", rFileName)
rFileContent <- suppressWarnings(readLines(rFileName))
if (i < length(code)) {
remainder <- code[(i + 1):length(code)]
} else {
remainder <- NULL
code <- c(code[1:(i - 1)],
paste0("$onecho > ", newRFileName),
paste0(executeCommand, " \"Rscript ", newRFileName, "\";"),
i <- i + length(rFileContent) + 2
else {
# R script wasn't found at the expected location, can't be embedded
i <- i + 1
withr::with_dir(modelpath, {
# set LC_ALL to C to avoid locale warnings
Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "C")
code <- .mergeGamsFiles(mainfile)
if (embedRScripts) {
code <- .embedRScripts(code)
writeLines(code, output)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.